Model Test 12

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Directions (1-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while

answering some of the questions.
Steven Weinberg, a theoretical physicist who discovered that two of the
universe’s forces are really the same, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize,
and who helped lay the foundation for the development of the Standard Model, a
theory that classifies all known elementary particles in the universe, making it
one of the most important breakthroughs in physics in the 20th century, died on
Friday in a hospital in Austin, Texas. He was 88. His daughter, Dr. Elizabeth
Weinberg, confirmed the death but did not specify a cause. Dr. Weinberg’s stature

in physics would be hard to overstate. In 2011, Dr. Brian Greene, a theoretical
physicist at Columbia University, invited Dr. Weinberg to be the inaugural speaker
at a new lecture series, titled “On the Shoulders of Giants,” produced by the
World Science Festival at New York University. (A) While introducing his guest,
Dr. Greene related how, in the early 1980s, he was working at I.B.M. when he

was invited to give a lecture to the University of Texas at Austin, where Dr.
Weinberg was a professor. When he told his boss, John Cocke, a pioneer of
computer science, that Dr. Weinberg would be at the talk, Dr. Cocke warned him,
“You should know, there are Nobel laureates and then there are Nobel laureates.”
Dr. Weinberg was in the second category. Though he had the respect, almost

awe, of his colleagues for his scientific abilities and insights, he also possessed a
rare ______(B)________ among scientists to communicate and explain abstruse
scientific ideas to the public. He was a sought-after speaker, and he wrote several
popular books about science, notably “The First Three Minutes: A Modern View of
the Origin of the Universe” (1977). The work for which Dr. Weinberg was awarded
the Nobel had a transformative impact on physics, in particular on the development
of quantum mechanics, which tries to understand and explain what happens in
the subatomic world. There are four known forces in the universe: gravity;
electromagnetism; the strong force, which binds the nuclei of atoms together;
and the weak force, which causes radioactive decay. The first two forces have
been known for centuries, but the other two were discovered only in the first two
decades of the 20th century. Over the next decades, physicists struggled to find
a theory that would account for all the forces, or what Einstein called a theory of
everything. Though there were significant discoveries, particularly of new particles
with exotic names like quarks (the components of protons and neutrons in the
nucleus) and leptons (which include electrons but also more esoteric particles
called muons and taus), a elusive (C) theory or model remained unified.(D) In
1967, Dr. Weinberg began using something called gauge(E) theory to study the
interactions in weak forces, which had not been successfully explained up to that
point. Gauge theory had been developed in the 19th century by James Clerk
Maxwell, a British physicist, in his seminal work to explain electromagnetism. In
the 1950s, it was used by Robert Mills and Chen Ning Yang, a Chinese American

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

physicist, who later won the Nobel Prize, to understand strong-force interactions.
But Dr. Weinberg’s application of gauge theory to the weak force soon ran into a
problem. Electromagnetism is a force that acts at large distances, but the weak
force acts only at very short distances — smaller than the nucleus of an atom. In
electromagnetism, when two particles — say, electrons — collide, they exchange
a massless neutral particle called a photon, which is also known as a gauge
boson. If two particles collide because of the weak force, gauge theory requires —
because of the short distances of the interaction — that the gauge bosons that
are exchanged be massive and possibly electrically charged. Fortunately, several
years earlier, physicists had come up with a way to generate mass for gauge
bosons called the Higgs Mechanism. It was named for Peter Higgs, a British

physicist, and it predicted the existence of a previously unknown particle that is
responsible for giving other particles their mass. The particle was given the name
the Higgs boson, and its discovery, in 2012, brought Dr. Higgs and his colleague
François Englert the 2013 Nobel Prize. Using this new idea, Dr. Weinberg was
able to create a model in which weak interactions produced massive, at least by
atomic standards, gauge boson particles. He called them W and Z bosons. His
theory also predicted that in some collisions — for example, between two
electrically neutral particles like a neutron and a neutrino — a neutral current,
as opposed to a charged one, would be created, indicating that there had been an

exchange of a Z boson. Dr. Weinberg theorized that there was a link between the
photon and the W and Z bosons, suggesting that they were created by the same
force. The conclusion was that, at very high energy levels, the electromagnetic
and weak forces were one and the same. It was a step on the path to the unified
theory that physicists had been searching for. Dr. Weinberg published his findings

in 1967 in a groundbreaking paper, “A Model of Leptons,” in the journal Physical

Review Letters. The article is one of the most cited research papers in history. In
the mid-1960s, after the discovery of cosmic background radiation, the heat
signature left over from the Big Bang at the beginning of the universe, Dr. Weinberg
began studying cosmology, leading to his book “Gravitation and Cosmology” in
1972. He wrote many other books, including one on the history of science, “To

Explain the World: The Discovery of Modern Science” (2015), and three volumes
totaling 1,500 pages, on quantum field theory, which merges classical physics,
special relativity and quantum mechanics. The series is widely regarded as the
definitive text on the subject.
1. According to the passage, what was impacted by the work for which Dr. Weinberg
was awarded the Nobel?
1) The book titled “On the Shoulders of Giants,” produced by the World Science
Festival at New York University
2) a unified theory or model remained elusive.
3)  new particles with exotic name quarks which are the components of protons
and neutrons in the nucleus
4) new particles with exotic name leptons which include electrons but also more
esoteric particles called muons and taus,.
5) the development of quantum mechanics, which tries to understand and explain
what happens in the subatomic world.
2. In the passage given, a sentence (B) is given in bold. There may or may not be an
error in one part of the sentence. Choose the part which has an error in it as your
answer. If there is no error then choose option (5) as your answer.
1) While introducing his guest, Dr. Greene related how, 
2) in the early 1980s, he was working at I.B.M. 
3) when he was invited to give a lecture to the University of 
4) Texas at Austin, where Dr. Weinberg was a professor.
5) No error

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

3. According to the passage, what did Higgs Mechanism predict which resulted the
name Higgs boson? 
1) the existence of a previously unknown particle that is responsible for giving
other particles their mass. 
2) that at very high energy levels, the electromagnetic and weak forces were one
and the same.
3) quantum field theory, which merges classical physics, special relativity and
quantum mechanics
4) the discovery of cosmic background radiation 
5) the heat signature left over from the Big Bang at the beginning of the universe

4. Which of the following words should fill the blank given in 2) to make it contextually
correct and meaningful?
1) aptitudes 2) talents 3) knacking 4) ability 5) capacitors
5. Which theory did Dr. Weinberg use to study the interactions in weak forces,
which had not been successfully explained up to that point?
1) A unified theory of forces 2) Theory of everything 3) Quantum field theory
4) Theory of General Relativity 5) Gauge theory
6. In the passage three words highlighted in bold (C, D & E). Select the option that
gives the correct set of words as a replacement to the bold words. In case the

2) DCE

sentence is correct, select ‘No correction required’.
1) CED 3) DEC 4) EDC 5) No correction required
7. Which of the following sentences is/are true according to the passage?
I. There are two known forces in the universe: gravity, electromagnetism, the
strong force, and the weak force.

II. The article “A Model of Leptons,” in the journal Physical Review Letters is one
of the most cited research papers in history.
III. Dr. Weinberg theorized that there was a link between the photon and the T
and Z bosons, suggesting that they were created by the different force.
IV. The discovery of Higgs boson, in 2012, brought Dr. Weinberg and his colleague

François Englert the 2013 Nobel Prize.

1) II and IV only 2) III and II only 3) II, III and IV only
4) I, II and III only 5) I, II, III and IV
8. Choose the word which is Opposite to the word ‘abstruse’ printed in bold in the
1) cogently 2) well-structures 3) sounds 4) lucid 5) coherents
9. When were the strong and weak forces in the universe discovered?
1) The first decade of the 19th century
2) The first seven decades of the 17th century
3) The first three decades of the 18th century
4) The first five decades of the 21st century
5) The first two decades of the 20th century
10. Choose the word which is Similar to the word ‘seminal’ printed in bold in the
1) powerfully 2) highly ranks 3) significantly 4) dominates 5) influential
Directions (11-16): Read the following passage and carefully answer the fillers
with appropriate options given below.
Many forms of social insurance schemes control their costs by using the
____11___power of the community they are ____12___to serve to control costs in
the health care delivery system. They may attempt to ___13___so by, for example,
negotiating drug prices directly with pharmaceutical companies, negotiating

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

standard fees with the medical profession, or reducing ____14___health care costs.

Social schemes sometimes feature contributions related to earnings as part of a
scheme to deliver universal health care, which may or may not also ___15___the
use of ____16____and non-commercial insurers.
11. 1) haggle 2) bargaining 3) barter 4) negotiate 5) negotiation  
12. 1) futures 2) proposes 3) anticipating 4) intended 5) projects
13. 1) performed 2) acomplishes 3) do 4) achieving 5) doing
14. 1) unnecessary2) essential 3) vital 4) obligatory 5) integral
15. 1) engagingly 2) griped 3) rivet’s 4) entails 5) involve
16. 1) profity 2) viable 3) commercial 4) saleacles 5) markets

Directions (17-19): In the given question, four words are printed in bold and are
labelled A, B, C and D Of these, the positions of two words may be incorrect and
need to be exchanged to make the sentence correct. Find the two words which
need to be exchanged. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (5)
i.e. No correction required.
17. A small experiment (A) of the millions of marigold flowers (B) used during the
annual Onam season to make floral carpets (C)and decorate homes will come
from a floating raft farming fraction (D) undertaken by an enterprising young

1) A-D 2) B-C

E 3) C-D 4) A-B 5) No correction required

Detractors(A) call him ‘King Bibi of Israel’ Supporters(B)deride his right-wing
politics polarizing(C)leardership and bellicose(D) foreign policy.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No correction required
19. A dummy (A) part of the assets in question was held in the name of substantial

(B) entities, trusts, third persons or relatives of these accused (C) and these
entities were their proxies (D) for holding the properties.
1) A-D 2) B-D 3) C-D 4) A-B 5) No correction required
Directions (20-23): In each question below, four words printed in bold type are
given. These are numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4). One these words printed in bold
might either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence.

Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. The number of the
word is your answer. If the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate
in the context of the sentence then mark (5), i.e. ‘All Correct’, as your answer.
20. Electronic man attending (1) to the high singing voices from another star that
complement (2) him, soothe (3) him, accept (4) his duty.
1) attending 2) complement 3) soothe 4) accept 5) All correct
21. I’ve never given much thought (1) to how I would dye (2), but dying in the place
(3) of someone I love seems (4) like a good way to go.
1) thought 2) dye 3) place 4) seems 5) All correct
22. A capacity (1) for burying problems made royal commissions (2) and the like
instantly attractive to politicians (3) besieged by one naughty (4) issue or another.
1) capacity 2) commissions 3) politicians
4) naughty 5) All correct
23. Man’s mane (1) task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially
(2) is. The most important (3) product of his effort is his own personality. (4)
1) mane 2) potentially 3) important 4) personality 5) All correct
Directions (24-28): The sentence has a blank which indicates something has
been omitted. Which of the following words given against the sentence, fits the
blank in the given sentence both grammatically and meaningfully.
24. His ________ was interrupted by frequent coughing; every sentence came out
with a struggle.
1) utterance 2) ignorance 3) inarticulation 4) vagueness 5) question

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

25. But Samuel’s fame rests on the service which he ______ in adapting the life of
the Jews of the diaspora to the law of the land.
1) passed up 2) rendered 3) forewent 4) disregarded 5) neglected
26. She has a _________ blood anomaly that makes her immune to all but the oldest
of our kind.
1) affected 2) meditated 3) extrinsic 4) acquire 5) hereditary 
27. An accident or ________ in genetic development may also cause retardation.
1) torpidity 2) constancy 3) stagnation 4) mutation 5) similarity
28. It was muted black, made out of material smoother than silk that _______ over

her arm like a second skin.
1) unbending 2) raised 3) unbend 4) draped 5) upright
Directions (29-33): Rearrange the following five sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) and
(E) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the
questions given below.
(A) Power finance corporation, ministry of power, Government of India appreciated
the sustained efforts of energy department, Andhra Pradesh in procuring cost
effective power through exchanges which ultimately benefits the consumers and
to save public money.

(B) Srikant Nagulapalli, secretary, energy, in a meeting with officials said that
the utilities are using artificial intelligence and machine learning to control
electricity purchase costs.
(C) Rajeev Sharma, former chairman & managing director, PFC, has appreciated

energy dept and opined other states to follow such cost-effective actions.
(D) The AP Power Co-ordination Committee (APPCC) officials, in this connection
have highlighted in the meeting that the power sector saved around Rs 2,342
crore in FY2019-20 & FY2020-21. 
(E) He said that the power purchases from the open market account for 80 per

cent of the cost burden of the power sector and predicting the demand of power
accurately for the next day is critical to control costs.
29. Which of the following will be THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
30. Which of the following will be FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
31. Which of the following will be SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
32. Which of the following will be FIRST  sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
33. Which of the following will be FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
Directions (34-38): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any
grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence.
Mark the error part as your answer. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark ‘No
error’ 5) as your answer (Ignore errors of Punctuation, if any).  
34. Periodicals are \A\also frequently selling\B\ through newsagents\C\ and vending
machines. \D\ No error.\E\
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

35. New York State tried\A\ to forbade the acceptance \B\of the refugee nation,
\C\but the Iroquois ignored them. \D\ No error.\E\
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
36. A few drops of\A\ ether, with a little\B\ tincture of capsicum or spirit \C\ of sal
volatile, seldom failed to give relief. \D\ No error.\E\
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
37. They are in the \A\business of lend money\B\ and the more money they lend
\C\the more profit they make. \D\ No error.\E\
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
38. He was jailed for \A\nine years after plead \B\guilty to conspiracy to supply

class A \C\drugs and possession of cocaine and cannabis. \D\ No error.\E\
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
Directions(39-40) : In each question there is a statement followed by three starters
which are denoted by A, B, and C Each starter is a group of first few words of the
sentence which on proper completion, is supposed to convey the same meaning of
the original statement. Find out which one or more starters can form grammatically
correct sentences(s) to convey the SAME meaning of the original statement.
39. In a bid to turn around the loss making airline, India is planning to sell a majority

stake in Air India. Air India is India’s largest air carrier.
A) Air India is…….
B) The loss making airline…….
C) India is planning……..

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) A and B 5) None
40. A consortium of banks has launched a probe into suspected financial irregularities
at King Fisher air lines. State bank of India is leading this consortium.
A) A probe into suspected…..
B) Leading this consortium……

C) A consortium of banks…….
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) A and C 5) All
Directions (41-43): In the following questions, a word is given along with its
usage in sentences given in the options. Choose the option in which use of the
given word is contextually and grammatically correct.
41. Designate
I. I designated his arrival at the station
II. This area of the park has been specially designated for children
III. Traditionally, the president designates his or her successor.
1) Only I 2) Only III 3) Only II
4) both II and III 5) None of the above
42. Conquer
I. The English were conquered by the Normans in 1066.
II. It may be many years before this dreadful disease is conquered.
III. We conquered the test with good marks.
1) I and II 2) Only III 3) Only II 4) All of the above 5) None of the above
43. Possessive
I. He’s pretty possessive about his iPod – I wouldn’t dare ask to borrow it.
II. Her boyfriend was getting too possessive so she finished with him
III. I have possessive the property from my ancestors
1) Only I 2) only III 3) only II 4) both I and II 5) None of the above

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

Directions (44-45): In the following questions two columns are given containing
three sentences/phrases each. In first column, sentences/phrases are A, B and
C and in the second column the sentences/Phrases are D, E, and F. A sentence/
phrase from the first column may or may not connect with another sentence/
phrase from the second column to make a grammatically and contextually correct
sentence. Each question has five options which display the sequence(s) in which
the sentences/phrases can be joined to form a grammatically and contextually
correct sentence.
44. Column I 

A) Satellite images show that alpine plants have been 
B) The fast-growing phase of established alpine plants start
C) Annual biomass production did not change 
Column II
D) possess strong carbohydrate binding on one side of the structure.
E) present long before Homo sapiens reached the Tibetan plateau
F) emerging earlier each year over the past few decades.
1) A-E and C-D 2) A-F 3) C-F

4) A-F and B-F
Column I 

E 5) None of these
A) Cell separation could become much faster using thousands
B) Stem cell transplants can help repair damaged tissue, but picking
C) Stem cell transplants can treat damaged nervous systems

Column II
D) specific types of stem cells out from other cells is difficult.
E) such as that caused by spinal cord injury.
F) of tiny needles to hook many cells at the same time.
1) A-F, C-E and B-D 2) A-E and B-F 3) B-D

4) C-E 5) None of these

Directions (46-50): Choose the correct meanings of the idiom/phrase used in the
given sentence.
46. The way he hangs around, he must be angling for a job.
1) To concur, agree 2) Try to obtain something
3) Use peripheral vision 4) Attack a problem directly 5) None
47. His youngest daughter was the apple of his eye.
1) take an opportunity 2) to make fun of someone
3) most loved person 4) trouble to a person 5) None
48. The ratio of exports to GDP is very misleading. It compares apples and oranges.
1) Not sensible to be compared
2) To set a high standard for something
3) Do something amazing. Usually used in the negative.
4) Do something amazing; have a brilliant stretch in one’s career 5) None
49. The kids really have ants in the pants today, so I’m going to take them to the
1) To become irrational or crazy 2) Restlessness or impatience
3) Fly into a rage
4) Express wild excitement or anger 5) None

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

50. When people want to feel better, to gain a measure of comfort, they’ll choose any
port in a storm.
1) An indvidual or organization that one cannot criticize
2) Something that redeems a bad situation
3) to get help from wherever or whoever when a difficult situation is faced
4) To frighten someone severely
5) None
Direction(Q.No:51-53) : Study the following information carefully to answer the
given question :

Six people - P, Q, R, S, T and U are of different weights Q is heavier than
only two people S is lighter than Q but heavier than R. P is 65 kgs and is lighter
than only T. The one who is the third lightest is 51 Kgs
51. How many people are heavier than S ?
1) Three 2) None 3) One 4) Two 5) Four
Which of the following is true with respect to the given information ?
1) S is possibly 57 kgs 2) U is the lightest
3) None of the given statements is true
4) S is heavier than U 5) T is possibly 60 kgs

Which of the following can possibly be U’s weight ?
1) 65 kgs 2) 51 kgs 3) 58 kgs 4) 40 kgs 5) 72 kgs
54. Which of the expressions will be true if the given expression ‘H < O < L < B  P >
J’ is definitely true ?

1) O < P 2) B > H 3) P  H 4) J > L

5) None of the given statements is true
Direction(Q.No:55-59) : Study the given information and answer the question :
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of
words and numbers, if each of them following a particular rule. The following is
an illustration of input and rearrangement

(All the numbers are two digit numbers)

Input : set glue 41 63 85 heal true faint 19 21 ant 74 drop 57
Step I : true set glue 41 63 85 heal faint 21 ant 74 drop 57 19
Step II : set true glue 41 63 85 heal faint ant 74 drop 57 19 21
Step III : heal set true glue 63 85 faint ant 74 drop 57 19 21 41
Step IV : glue heal set true 63 85 faint ant 74 drop 19 21 41 57
StepV : faint glue heal set true 85 ant 74 drop 19 21 41 57 63
Step VI : drop faint glue heal set true 85 ant 19 21 41 57 63 74
Step VII : ant drop faint glue heal set true 19 21 41 57 63 74 85
Step VII is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arr As per the
rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate step
Input : glass truck 41 83 37 stand belt cross 11 25 end 55 hand 78
55. How many steps will be required to complete the given input ?
1) Five 2) Seven 3) Nine 4) Eight 5) six
56. Which element is fourth to the right of ‘37’ in Step II ?
1) 55 2) cross 3) 25 4) end 5) hand
57. Which step number is the following output ?
hand stand truck glass 41 83 belt cross end 55 78 11 25 37
1) I 2) II 3) IV 4) III 5) V
58. What is the position of “stand” from the left end in the step VI ?
1) Fifth 2) Sixth 3) Fourth 4) Eighth 5) Seventh

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59. Which of the following is the eighth element from the right end of step V ?
1) 11 2) end 3) cross 4) belt 5) 83
Direction(Q.No:60-66) : Study the information to answer the given question :
Eightpeople - F, G, H, I, J, K, L and M are sitting around a square table
facing the centre in such a way that four are sitting at the four corners of the
table and four are sitting at the four sides of the table. Each of them likes a
different colour - red, green, blue, brown, pink, yellow, purple and grey not
necessarily in the same order
I is sitting at one of the sides of the table. F is third to the right of I. The one
who likes red is an immediate neighbour of F. M likes grey. M is sitting third to

the right of the one who likes red. K is to the immediate left of M. L is third to the
right of K. J does not like red. G is an immediate neighbour of J. The one who
likes yellow is sitting second to the right of the one who likes grey.Only three
people sit between the one who likes yellow and the one who likes purple. The
ones who like brown and blue are immediate neighbours of each other. The one
who likes blue is an immediate neighbour of the one who likes yellow. Neither K
nor I likes green.
60. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given seating

arrangement and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to
that group ?
1) M-Pink 2) H-Yellow 3) K-Purple 4) j-Blue 5) F-Red
61. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of M ?
1) The one who likes purple and H

2) L and the one who likes pink

3) The one who likes blue and the one who likes green
4) K and the one who likes green 5) K and I
62. Which of the following statements is true regarding the given arrangement ?
1) H is third to the right of the one who likes brown

2) J and L are immediate neighbours

3) M is an immediate neighbour of the one who likes yellow
4) None of the given statements is true 5) F likes purple
63. Who amongst the following is second to the right of the one who likes green ?
1) J 2) The one who likes pink
3) L 4) I 5) The one who likes red
64. Which of the following colours does L like ?
1) Blue 2) Green 3) Brown 4) Yellow 5) Red
65. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given seating
arrangement and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to
that group ?
1) F 2) L 3) brown 4) Grey 5) pink
66. Who amongst the following likes pink ?
1) M 2) L 3) K 4) G 5) J
67. Read the paragraph carefully and answer the given question :
Twenty students, who were blacklisted on account of low attendance, were
asked to bring their parents to meet the Principal of the college. Three out of
them said that their parents were not in the city so they brought some other
people posing to be their relatives. The college authorities later found out that
the three students were lying and that their parents were in the city unaware of
their children being blacklisted.

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Which of the following can be an assumption according to the given information?

(An assumption is something that is supposed or taken for granted)
1) Last year also the college followed the same procedure and met the parents of
the blacklisted students
2) Attending college everyday is not compulsory
3) No serious action was taken against the blacklisted students apart from these
4) Colleges keep record of students’ attendance
5) All the colleges follow the same procedure in case of blacklisted students
68. Read the paragraph carefully and answer the given question :

A group of Indian innovators is working hard on bringing into the market, a
wide range of patient-care products which are effective and affordable. The Jaipur
foot and the lenses used during cataract surgeries are the outcomes of such
innovation. India has the right kind of expertise for such researches but finance
has always been an issue.
Which of the following can be the best course of action with regard to the problem
presented in the given information ?
1) The senior researchers involved in such researches must also contribute to

other projects along with these
2) Indian venture capitalists and the Government must make some arrangements
for funding such researches
3) Thedoctors and surgeons who use these products on their patients should go
on a strike until any action is taken regarding the funds

4) The innovators should make high end products instead of affordable ones
5) The innovators must stop their research and start contributing to other ongoing
projects which are adequately sponsored
Direction(Q.No:69-75) : Study the information to answer the given question :
Eight people - J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q live on different floors of an eight

storey building, (the lower most floor of the building is numbered 1 and the top
most floor of the building is numbered 8). Each of them speaks a different language-
Punjabi, Malayalam, English, Bengali, Kannada and Gujarati. Hindi and Marathi
not necessarily in the same order
P stays on an even numbered floor and speaks Punjabi The one who speaks
Bengali stays immediately below P. P does not stay on floor no. 8. Only four people
stay between P and M. Only three people stay above K’s floor. Only one person
lives between Q’s floor and L’s floor. Q stays on a floor above L’s floor and M’s floor.
L speaks English. O stays immediately above J’s floor. There are only two floors
between the ones on which the one who speaks Punjabi stays and the one who
speaks Kannada stays. The one who speaks Gujarat stays on the floor that is
immediately above the one on which the one who speaks Hindi stays. The one
who speaks Malayalam stays on the floor which is immediately below the floor on
which the one who speaks English stays.
69. Who stays on floor number 7 ?
1) N 2) P 3) J 4) K 5) O
70. Who lives on the floor which is immediately above M’s floor ?
1) The one who speaks English 2) The one who speaks Gujarat
3) N 4) The one who speaks Bengali 5) Q
71. How many people stay between the floors on which J and N live ?
1) One 2) Two 3) More than three 4) Three 5) None

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

72. Which of the following languages does M speak ?

1) Kannada 2) Bengali 3) Malayalam 4) Marathi 5) Gujarat!
73. Who amongst the following speaks Marathi ?
1) N 2) Q 3) O 4) M 5) L
74. Which of the following person-floor-language combination is correct as per the
given arrangement ?
1) L - 2 - Malayalam 2) K - 5 - Bengali 3) O - 2 - Gujarati
4) P - 3 - Punjabi 5) O - 4 - Kannada
75. On which number floor does N live ?
1) 7 2) 2 3) 8 4) 1 5) 3

76. Read the paragraph carefully and answer the given question
Parents of a few students have complained that their children had difficulty
in comprehending the audio-visuals used to explain a few lessons. The teacher
did not explain the lesson in class as she thought that the audio-visual was
enough. ha
Which of the following can be an argument for the teacher to defend herself ?
1) The teacher should have explained the lesson after displaying the audio-visual
2) Using audio-visual aid for explaining the lesson should be banned

3) Students should not depend only on the lessons explained in school they must
attend extra coaching classes
4) The audio-visual lessons are very good aids to explain concepts provided students
are attentive in class.
5) The students should not complain to their parents on such matters

77. Which of the symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the
same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a
manner that ‘Z < X’ definitely holds true ?
1) >, >, >, < 2) >, =,  , = 3) =, <, >,  4) <, =,  , < 5) =,  ,  , =

78. Which of the symbols should replace the question mark in the given expression in
order to make the expressions ‘O < K’ definitely true and ‘N = S’ definitely false ?
1)  2) = 3) Either = or  4) Either < or = 5) <
79. Read the information carefully and answer the given question :
If A + B means A is the father of B
If A $ B means A is the wife of B
If A x B means A is the sister of B
If A % B means A is the mother of B
If A  B means A is the brother of B
What will come in place of the question mark to establish that K is the grandchild
of B in the expression :
1) Either x or  2) $ 3) + 4) % 5) Either + or x
80. Read the paragraph carefully and answer the given question :
Twenty students, who were blacklisted on account of low attendance, were
asked to bring their parents to meet the Principal of the college. Three out of
them said that their parents were not in the city so they brought some other
people posing to be their relatives. The college authorities later found out that
the three students were lying and that their parents were in the city unaware of
their children being blacklisted.

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

Which of the following may be the reason behind those three students lying about
their parents as per the given information ?
1) The people who posed to be the relatives were paid by the students to do so
2) The students were scared of their parents reaction towards them being
blacklisted in college
3) The students who brought their parents were warned not to repeat such
behaviour and were allowed to attend college
4) The college has strict rules with regard to attendance
5) The college authorities rusticated the three students for one month
Direction(Q.No:81-85) : This question consists of a question and two statements

numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data given in
the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements
and choose the most appropriate option.
81. Is L the grandson of V ?
I. Z is the son of V. T is the wife of Z. L is the son of T.
II. V is the mother of Z. Z is married to T. T is the mother of L
1) The data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the
2) The data neither in statement I nor in statement II are sufficient to answer
the question

3) The data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question
4) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the

data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question

5) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question while the
data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
82. Six plays - J, K, L, M, N and O are scheduled during six days of the same week
starting on Monday and ending on Saturday. On which day of the week is M

scheduled ?
I. K is scheduled immediately after J. Only two plays are scheduled between K
and L. L is scheduled after K.
II. N is scheduled immediately before L. Only two plays are scheduled after O. O
is scheduled immediately before N.
1) The data neither in statement I nor in Statement II are sufficient to answer
the question
2) The data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the
3) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
4) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the
data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question
5) The data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question
83. How is ‘CLEAN’ coded in the given code language ?
I. In the code language, each vowel is changed to the next letter and each
consonant is changed to the previous letter of the English alphabetical order. The
positions of the new formed letters do not change.
II. In the same code language. FAINT is coded as ‘EBJMS’ and ‘BASIC is coded as

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

1) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
2) The data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question
3) The data neither in statement I nor in statement II are sufficient to answer
the question
4) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the
data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question
5) The data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the

84. What is the total number of students present in the class ?
I. There are twenty benches in the class of which three are unoccupied. Neither
more nor less than two students are sitting on each bench that is occupied.
II. The number of girls present in the class is more than twelve but less than
fifteen. The number of boys present in the class is four more than the number of
girls present in the class
1) The data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question
2) The data neither in statement I nor in statement II are sufficient to answer
the question

3) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
4) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the
data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question

5) The data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the
85. Among five friends - P. Q. R. S and T, who are sitting around a circular table
facing the centre, who is sitting to the immediate right of P ?
I. Q is sitting second to the left of T Both R and S are immediate neighbours of Q

II. T is sitting second to the left of R S and Q are immediate neighbours of each
1) The data neither in statement I nor in Statement II are sufficient to answer
the question
2) The data in statement I afone are sufficient to answer the question while the
data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
3) The data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the
4) The data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question
5) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question
Direction(Q.No:86-90) : Study the information to answer the given question :
In a certain code
‘my house is near’ is written as ‘se bi ro ka’
‘was near that house’ is written as ‘te se ja ro’
‘not near my table’ is written as ‘du ha ro ka’
‘was not asked to’ is written as ‘ha ja ce la’
86. Which of the following may represent “was for house’ ?
1) ce se ja 2) se ja ro 3) la se ha 4) se gi ja 5) ha ya se
87. Which of the following may represent ‘to that place’ ?
1) te ha ce 2) ce la te 3) te zo la 4) se xe ce 5) la te ka

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

88. What is the code for ‘near ?

1) se 2) bi 3) ka 4) ro 5) ja
89. What does the code ‘ka’ stand for ?
1) my 2) house 3) table 4) near 5) is
90. What does the code ‘du’ stand for ?
1) table 2) not 3) my 4) is 5) near
91. In which of the expressions will the expression S < T be definitely false ?
1) T = K = C  A : Y < K > S 2) S  K = Y < G = M  T
3) S = C : T > K > M > A > C 4) T > Y > K > C > A > M > S
5) S > K > Y  G > A; T < M < A

92. Which of the expressions will be true if the given expression ‘H < O < L < B  P >
J’ is definitely true 7
1) None of the given statements is true 2) O < P
3) J > L 4) P  H 5) B > H
Direction(Q.No:93-97) : In this question two / three statements are followed by
two conclusions numbered I and II You have to take the two / three given statements
to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and
then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given
statements disregarding commonly known facts

Statements : No dog is a cat.
All cats are animals.
Some dogs are pets.
Conclusion : I. Atleast some animals are cats

II. Atleast some animals are pets

1) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
2) Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows 3) Only conclusion I follows
4) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow 5) Only conclusion II follows
94. Statements : No fan is a glass.
All persons are glasses.

Some glasses are states.

Conclusion : I. No person is a fan
II. Some states are fans
1) Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
2) Only conclusion I follows 3) Only conclusion II follows
4) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow
5) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
95. Statements : Some shares are parts.
No part is a box.
Conclusion : I. All parts are boxes
II. No box is a share
1) Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows 2) Only conclusion I follows
3) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
4) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow 5) Only conclusion II follows
96. Statements : No fan is a glass.
All persons are glasses.
Some glasses are states.
Conclusion : I. Atleast some states are persons
II. Atleast some states are glasses
1) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow
2) Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows 3) Only conclusion I follows
4) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows 5) Only conclusion II follows

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

97. Statements : No dog is a cat.

All cats are animals.
Some dogs are pets.
Conclusion : I. All pets being dogs is a possibility
II. It is possible that no dog is an animal
1) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow 2) Only conclusion I follows
3) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
4) Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows 5) Only conclusion II follows
Direction(Q.No:98-100) : Study the given information and answer the question :
In a safety drive, conducted by the railways, last week around 100 passengers

were caught crossing the railway tracks at different local stations in the city.
Such irresponsible behaviour on the part of the passengers is one of the main
reasons for the increasing number of railway accidents.
(A) It takes a really long time for the passengers to come out of the railway
stations via foot-over bridges and subways as they are usually very crowded so
they take a shortcut and cross tracks
(B) The railway authorities must build fences and walls along the railway tracks
in order to discourage such crossing.
(C) Most of the passengers who cross the railway tracks are usually the ones who

are hurrying to their offices and do not have the time to climb the foot-over
bridges situated far away
(D) Such offenders should be fined and the guards should be more vigilant.
(E) A majority of these offenders were men
(F) Around 30% of railway related deaths can be attributed to the crossing of

railway tracks
98. Which of the following statements out of (A), (B), (C) and (E) can be a justification
of the passengers crossing the railway tracks ?
1) Both (B) and (C) 2) Both (A) and (C) 3) Only (B)
4) Both (A) and (E) 5) Only (C)

99. Which of the following statements out of (B), (C), (D) and (E) can be logical course/
s of action for the railway authorities ?
1) Both (D) and (E) 2) Both (C) and (E) 3) Only (D)
4) Both (B) and (D) 5) Only (C)
100. Which of the following statements out of (A), (C), (E) and (F) may be the reason
behind the railways conducting the safety drive ?
1) Only (C) 2) Both (A) and (E) 3) Both (A) and (C)
4) Only (A) 5) Only (F)
101. Payal, Trupti and Pallavi start running around a circular stadium together and
complete one round in 6 seconds, 15 seconds and 12 seconds respectively. In how
much time will they meet again at the starting point ?
1) 2 minutes 2) 1 minute 15 seconds 3) 2 minutes 25 seconds
4) 1 minute 5) 45 seconds
102. The compound interest accrued on an amount at the end of two years @ 13
p.c.p.a., is Rs. 2298.27. What is the amount ?
1) Rs. 8,300 2) Rs 9,000 3) Rs. 8,000 4) Rs. 7,500 5) Rs. 7,000
103. What would be the probability of drawing three Kings from a pack of 52 cards ?
1 1 1 1 1
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
5525 8545 52 4 2

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

104. In how many different ways can the letters of the word ‘LIMITING’ be arranged ?
1) 20160 2) 13440 3) 6720 4) 3360 5) 40320
105. The diameter of a circle is 11.2 cms. What is the circumference of the circle ?
1) 26.8 cms 2) 35.2 cms 3) 40.4 cms 4) 28.2 cms 5) 42.4 cms
106. A 290 meters long train crosses a pole in 50 seconds. What is the speed of the
train ?
1) 5.8 m/s 2) 5.4 m/s. 3) 6.8 m/s.
4) 7.1 m/s. 5) Cannot be determined
107. Parul earned a profit of 40 percent on selling an article for Rs. 12880. What was
the cost price of the article ?

1) Rs 8,875 2) Rs. 9,080 3) Rs. 9,200 4) Rs.7,900 5) Rs 8,500
108. On teacher’s day sweets were to be equally distributed amongst 450 children.
But on that particular day 150 children remained absent: hence each child got 2
sweets extra. How many sweets was each child originally supposed to get ?
1) 6 2) 4 ha 3) Cannot be determined 4) 2 5) 8
109. Kirit is thrice as old as Mitun and Apurva is two-third Kirit’s age If Apurva is 42
years old. what is Mitun’s age ?
1) 34 years 2) 54 years 3) 63 years 4) 21 years 5) 16 years
110. What would be the perimeter of a square with area equal to 361 sqms. ?
1) 82 cms
4) 76 cms

E 2) 58 cms 3) 64 cms
5) Cannot be determined
Direction(111-115) : Study the table carefully to answer the given question :
Total number of patients admitted in five different hospitals on six different


Monday 25 6 19 28 18
Tueday 28 22 5 16 8
Wednesday 17 19 11 14 7
Thursday 30 18 26 12 18
Friday 15 25 32 19 23
Saturday 8 10 4 24 20
111. What is the respective ratio of total number of patients admitted in hospital D on
Friday and Saturday together to the total number of patients admitted in hospital
B on the same days together ?
1) 43 : 25 2) 35 : 27 3) 28 : 17 4) 35 : 13 5) 43 : 35
112. In which hospital does the number of patients admitted decrease consistently
from Monday to Saturday ?
1) D 2) C 3) None 4) A 5) B
113. The number of patients admitted in hospital C on Wednesday forms what percent
of the number of patients admitted in all the hospitals together on that day ?
(rounded off to two digits after decimal)
1) 18.12 2) 16.18 3) 15.26 4) 17.24 5) 19.02
114. What is the approximate percent decrease in the number of patients admitted in
hospital E on Tuesday as compared to the previous day ?
1) 56 2) 45 3) 67 4) 71 5) 40

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

115. What is the total number of patients admitted on Monday from all the hospitals
together ?
1) 96 2) 94 3) 102 4) 86 5) 78
Directions (116-120): Read the data carefully and answer the questions given
In a school students are participated in one or three cultural activities such as
Dancing, Singing, and Painting. Ratio of boys and girls in a school is 3:2. Out of
1 3
the total boys th are participated in only Singing of which th are participated
6 4

in both singing and painting. 22 % of boys are participated in only Dancing. 4.5%
of total students equal to the boys are participated in all activities. Ratio of boys
in both Dancing and singing to the both Dancing and Painting is 8:5 and 70 boys
are participated in only Painting. 15 girls are participated in all activities which
are equal to 2.5% of the total no. of students. Total girls in only singing and both
singing and Painting are same. Girls participated in both singing and Dancing are
5more than the girls in all activities. No. of girls in only painting is similar to the

no. of boys in both Singing and Painting. Ratio of no. of Boys to the girls in both
Dancing and painting is 6:5. No. of girls in only painting is 20 less than the no. of
girls in only dancing.
116. What is the difference between the total no. of boys participated in only one
activity to the total no. of girls of the same category?

1) 45 2) 35 3) 65 4) 85 5) 55
117. Total no. of students participated in at least two activities?
1) 225 2) 265 3) 185 4) 275 5) 245
118. Boys participated in Dancing is how much percentage more than the girls
participation in the same activity?

1) 32% 2) 48% 3) 37% 4) 43% 5) 36%

119. Girls participated in all activities is how percentage of the boys participation in all
1 2 5 5 2
1) 52 % 2) 55 % 3) 55 % 4) 58 % 5) 62 %
3 3 9 9 3
120. What is the ratio of girls in Painting to the boys in same activity?
1) 43:25 2) 25:43 3) 30:47 4) 43:30 5) 30:43
Direction(121-125) : What approximate value should come in place of the question
mark (?) in the given question ? ( Note : You are not expected to calculate the
exact value)
121. 390.0003  119.999 = ?
1) 8 2) 11 3) 3 4) 13 5) 6
122. 140.009 + 249.999 + 299.989 = ?
1) 400 2) 770 3) 350 4) 520 5) 690
123. 11112  112  11 = ?
1) 17 2) 5 3) 2 4) 9 5) 14
124. (12.001)3 = ?
1) 1790 2) 1600 3) 1650 4) 1570 5) 1730
125. 45.003 x 44.998 + 5.001 = ?
1) 1900 2) 1750 3) 2030 4) 2630 5) 2500

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

Direction(126-130) : Study the table carefully to answer the given question :

Number of people living in Five different colonies and the ratio of men and
women in them

Colony Total Ratio

Men Women
L 500 13 12
M 450 4 5

N 340 11 9
O 520 3 5
P 425 11 14
126. Number of women staying in colony O is what percent of the total number of
people staying in that colony ?
1) 58.5 2) 71.5 3) 55.5 4) 73.5 5) 62.5
127. How many women stay in colony M ?
1) 198 2) 250 3) 195 4) 190 5) 280

128. What is the average number of people staying in all the colonies together ?
1) 464 2) 447 3) 474 4) 444 5) 457
129. What is the respective ratio of number of women staying in colony P to the women
staying in colony L ?

1) 122 : 135 2) 117 : 121 3) 119 : 120 4) 109 : 117 5) 162 : 173
130. What is the total number of men staying in colonies N and P together ?
1) 356 2) 374 3) 388 4) 364 5) 398
Direction(131-135) : In this question two equations numbered I and II are given.
You have to solve both the equations and indicate the correct equality.
131. I. x2 + 48 = 14x

II. y2 + 10 = 7y
1) x  y 2) x  y 3) x > y
4) x = y or the relationship cannot be established 5) x < y
132. I. 2x + 5y = 17.5
II. 3x + 4y = 17.5
1) x  y 2) x  y
3) x = y or the relationship cannot be established
4) x > y 5) x < y
133. I. x2 + 7x + 12 = 0
II. y2 +6y + 8 = 0
1) x < y 2) x  y 3) x  y
4) x = y or the relationship cannot be established 5) x > y
134. I. x2 + 11x + 30 = 0
II. y2 + 5y + 6 = 0
1) x < y 2) x > y 3) x  y 4) x  y
5) x = y or the relationship cannot be established
135. I. x2 = 529
II. y = 529
1) x > y 2) x = y or the relationship cannot be established
3) x  y 4) x < y 5) x  y

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

Direction(136-140) : Study the pie chart carefully to answer the given question :
Percentagewise breakup of students opting for five different sports
Total Number of Students = 1,200

Hockey 36%

ha Football
136. The number of students opting for Football forms approximately what percent of
the number of students opting for Badminton ?
1) 185 2) 54 3) 198

E 4) 48 5) 160
137. If twenty five percent of the students opting for Badminton were females, how
many males have opted for Badminton ?
1) 107 2) 117 3) 113 4) 109 5) 103
138. What is the number of students opting for Football ?

1) 284 2) 280 3) 282 4) 288 5) 286

139. What is the respective ratio between the number of students opting for Basketball
and the number of students opting for Hockey ?
1) 5 : 2 2) 4 : 3 3) 3 : 2 4) 3 : 1 5) 5 : 4
140. Total number of students opting for Hockey and Badminton together forms what

percent of the students opting for Cricket ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
1) 56.23 2) 69.44 3) 65.35 4) 58.44 5) 52.35
Direction(141-145) : Study the graph carefully to answer the given question:
Number of units Manufactured and Sold by five different companies

Manufactured Sold

Number of Units




141. What is the respective ratio of number of units sold by company S to those sold by
company Q?
1) 7 : 9 2) 11 : 13 3) 8 : 5 4) 5 : 2 5) 13 : 7

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–12

142. Which company sold the highest percentage of units as compared to those
manufactured by it ?
1) P 2) S 3) R 4) Q 5) T
143. What is the average number of units manufactured by all the companies
together ?
1) 2750 2) 2950 3) 2600 4) 2500 5) 2800
144. Number of units sold by company T was approximately what percent of those

manufactured by it ?
1) 73 2) 84 3) 62 4) 68 5) 77
145. Number of units sold by company R forms what percent of the total number of
units sold by all the companies together ? (rounded off to the nearest integer)
1) 10 2) 17 3) 7 4) 22 5) 13
Direction(146-150) : What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the
given number series ?
146. 3 24 125 504 ?

E 3032
1) 1010 2) 2525 3) 1515 4) 2020 5) 2151
147. 5 30 124 375 752 ?

1) 753 2) 1505 3) 967 4) 834 5) 1225

148. 2000 400 ? 40 20 4
1) 200 2) 100 3) 140 4) 60 5) 80

149. 8 11 17 ? 65 165.5
1) 38 2) 34 3) 30.5 4) 46 5) 42.5
150. 4 ? 2064 2407 2532 2559
1) 1335 2) 1186 3) 1004 4) 1732 5) 1201
1.5 2.3 3.1 4.4 5.5 6.2 7.1 8.4 9.5 10.5 11.2 12.4 13.3
14.1 15.5 16.3 17.1 18.1 19.4 20.2 21.2 22.4 23.1 24.1 25.2 26.5
27.4 28.4 29.2 30.5 31.3 32.1 33.4 34.2 35.2 36.4 37.2 38.2 39.3
40.4 41.4 42.1 43.4 44.2 45.1 46.2 47.3 48.1 49.2 50.3 51.5 52.3
53.3 54.2 55.2 56.1 57.4 58.1 59.4 60.2 61.4 62.5 63.4 64.4 65.5
66.3 67.3 68.2 69.3 70.1 71.4 72.3 73.2 74.2 75.5 76.4 77.2 78.5
79.1 80.2 81.5 82.2 83.2 84.3 85.3 86.4 87.3 88.4 89.1 90.1 91.5
92.5 93.3 94.2 95.3 96.5 97.1 98.2 99.4 100.5 101.4 102.1 103.1 104.3
105.2 106.1 107.3 108.2 109.4 110.4 111.5 112.3 113.2 114.1 115.1 116.3 117.5
118.2 119.3 120.5 121.3 122.5 123.4 124.5 125.3 126.5 127.2 128.2 129.3 130.2
131.3 132.3 133.3 134.1 135.3 136.1 137.2 138.4 139.5 140.2 141.1 142.5 143.2
144.5 145.5 146.3 147.1 148.1 149.3 150.1


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