Unit 2 Physics

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Two equal positive charges each of 2 µC interact with third

positive charge as shown in figure find the magnitude and

direction of force experienced by the charge 3 µC
Two charges of +q coulomb are held at a place
along a line . A third charge -q is placed
between them. At what position will the
system be in equilibrium.
The sum of two point charges is 7μC. They repel
each other with a force of 1N when kept 30cm
apart in free space. Calculate the value of each
What is the force between two small charged
spheres having charges of 2×10−7C
and 3×10−7C placed 30 cm apart in air?


1. Three Capacitors 10, 20, 25 μF are
Connected in Parallel with a 250V
Supply. Calculate the Equivalent
Two capacitors of capacitance C1 = 6 μ F and C2 =
3 μ F are connected in series across a cell of emf
18 V. Calculate:
The equivalent capacitance
Find the equivalent capacitance between points P
and Q capacitance of each capacitor is 4 μF.
Example 2.1
(a) Calculate the potential at a point P due to a charge of 4 × 10–7C
located 9 cm away.
(b) Hence obtain the work done in bringing a charge of 2 × 10–9 C
from infinity to the point P. Does the answer depend on the path
along which the charge is brought?
Example 2.2 Two charges 3 × 10–8 C and –2 × 10–8 C are located
15 cm apart. At what point on the line joining the two charges is the
electric potential zero? Take the potential at infinity to be zero.
Example 2.4 Four charges are arranged at the corners of a square
ABCD of side d, Find the work required to put together this
arrangement. (b) A charge q0 is brought to the centre E of the
square, the four charges being held fixed at its corners. How much
extra work is needed to do this?
6. What charge would be required to electrify a
sphere of radius 25 cm , so as to get a surface
charge density of 3/(π) cm–2
7. The radius of a gold nucleus (Z=79) is
about 7.0×10−15 m. Assume that the positive charge is
distributed uniformly throughout the nuclear
volume. Find the volume charge density
8. A conducting sphere of radius 10 cm has an
unknown charge. If the electric field 20 cm from
the centre of the sphere is 1.5×103 N/C  and points
radially inward, what is the net charge on the
9. Two charge of +Q and -Q are kept at points
(-x2,0) and (x1,0) respectively in the XY plane .
Find the magnitude and direction of the net electric
field at the origin(0,0)
10.Two point charges ’q ‘ and “4q” are at a
distance 6a from each other. Find the point on the
line joining the two charge, where the electric field
Which among the curves shown in Fig. cannot
possibly represent electrostatic field lines?
•The potential difference between two points is 20 V. How
much work will be done in carrying a charge of 400 µC
from one point to the other?
Potential at a point ‘P’ in space is given as
3x105 V. find the work done in bringing a
charge of 2x10-6 C from infinity to the point
‘P’ .
•If 100 J of work move must be done to move an electric charge
of magnitude 4 C from a place A , where potential is -10 Volt to
another place B where potential is V volt. Find the value of V.
•What is the electrostatic potential at the surface
of a silver nucleus of diameter 12.4 fermi?
Atomic number (Z) of silver is 47.
•Two point charges of 4 µC and -2 µC are separated by a distance
of 1 m in air. Find the location of a point on the line joining two
charges where the electric potential is Zero.
4.A charge Q is distributed over two concentric hollow
sphere of radii ‘r’ and ‘R’ such that the surface
Densities are equal . . Find the potential at the common
.A charge 10 Coulomb is distributed over two concentric hollow sphere
of radii ‘3cm’ and ‘5cm’ such that the surface Densities are equal . . Find
the potential at the common centre.
5. Two spherical metal shells with different radii r and R
are far apart connected by a thin conducting wire . A
charge Q is placed on one of them. The charge
redistributes so that same is on each sphere. How much
charge is on the sphere with radius.
Two spherical metal shells with different radii ‘3cm’ and ‘5cm’ are far apart
connected by a thin conducting wire . A charge 10 Coulomb is placed on one of
them. The charge redistributes so that same is on each sphere. How much charge is
on the sphere with radius?
An electric dipole consists of two charges of equal
magnitude and opposite sign separated by distance 2a, as
shown in the figure. the dipole is along the x-axis and is
centred at the origin.

calculate the electric potential at point P?

calculate v at a point far from the dipole?

Two charges 2μC and −2μC are placed at
points A and B 6 cm apart.(a) Depict an
equipotential surface of the system.
Characteristics of the equipotential surface:
(i) The surface of a charged conductor is always an
equipotential surface. Electric charges on this surface
remain stationary.
(ii) Electric lines of force penetrate this surface at the right
angle. This can be treated as equipotential volume.
(iii) No work is done in transferring a charge from a point to
another point on this surface. No work is required to move a
(iv) Surface or volume of a body can be of the equipotential
surface; again surface and volume in space can be of the
equipotential surface.
(v) Potential remains the same at all points.
The electric field is always normal at every point.
(vi) These are always perpendicular to field lines. It helps us
to distinguish the region of the strong field from that of a
weak field.
Relation Between Electric Field and Electric Potential
The electric potential in a region is represented a
v=2x+3y-z. Obtain expression for electric field
strength. The electric potential in a region is
represented as V=2x+3y-z .obtain expression for
electric field strength.
•A system has two charges qA=2.5×10-7C and qB=−2.5×10-7C located at
point A(0,0,−15)cm and B(0,0,15)cm respectively. What are the total charge and
electric dipole moment vector of the system?
Hint P=2aq
•Two charges ±5 μC are placed 5.0 mm apart. Determine the electric
field at
•A point X on the axis of dipole 10 cm away from its centre ‘O’ on
the side of the positive charge as shown in the figure a
•At point Y , 10 cm away from the centre ‘O’ on the line passing
through ‘O’ normal to the axis of the dipole as shown in the figure b
•An electric dipole consists of two charges of 0.1 μC separated
by a distance of 2.0 cm . The dipole is placed in an external field
of 10 5 N/C. What is the maximum torques does the field exert on
the dipole.
Hint torque=PE
•The electric dipole moment 2x10-8 Cm is aligned in a uniform electric
field of 2x 104 N/C. Calculate the work done in rotating dipole from 30
degree to 60 degree.
Hint W=PE(Cos θ1- Cos θ2)
•Two equal and opposite charges each of 2 C are placed at a distance of
0.04 m. Find the dipole moment.

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