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Proposal for RO Maintenance and QC


Sr. Issues Status Remarks

Water sample was sent to
Bacterial Colonial Growth In-Process AKUH for outsource testing 16th
1 of December is expected date
for results

2 Physical Contamination Pending

3 Leakages Pending

4 Flow Pending

5 High TDS Pending

6 Rusty Machines Pending

7 Pallets Pending

8 Pvc Plastic Curtains Pending

9 Openings/Holes Pending

10 Filter Change Record Pending

11 Maintenance Frequency Record/Chemicals Using Pending


12 MFG-EXP/ Lot Coding Pending

13 Focus Light Pending

14 Production Plan Pending

Proposal for RO Maintenance and QC

 Bacterial Growth: Outsource Microbial testing required once in a month for the
determination of microbial growth in water,
Outsource CIP (Cleaning-In-Process) required for the elimination of Microorganisms to sale
our water in market.

 Physical Contamination: Acrylic sheets are recommended for the covering of

conveyor where the filling and capping is been done, however that area is primary source of
physical contamination.

 Leakages: It is recommended to fix all the leakages which was observed at Primary RO
the valves were found leak and the floor found wet.

 Flow: It is recommended to install flow gauges on sand filter, carbon filter, and other
respected areas, further more due to low flow energy consumption is high and shelf life of
membrane is been reduces that is loss to us.

 Rusty Machines It is recommended to do sandblasting to avoid rusting in machines, an

epoxy coating provides resistance to alkali, acids, and water, which prevents future damage
to your finished and machines.

 Pallets: It is recommended to Place Finished product on pallets as per food safety and ISO

 PVC Air Curtains: It is recommended to install PVC air curtains on the entrance door to
eliminate/Avoid temperature fluctuation and pest control.

 Opening/holes: It is recommend to install 0 micron Size mesh on the embrasures and

on opening.

 Filter Change Record: Observed that there is no any filter change record and frequency
found engineering team is requested to ensure filter change record and frequency.

 Maintenance Record: Frequency of maintenance record not found engineering team

is the primary custodians are requested to ensure records.

 MFG-EXP/LOT: It is recommended to buy a new inkjet printer for the printing of

MFG-EXP/Lot no, which will be installed on the conveyor line.
Proposal for RO Maintenance and QC

 Focus Light: it is recommended to replace focus light which is used to inspect on last
stage however that lights intensity is too high it’s hard to focus frequently for inspection.

 Production Plan: Production plan should be shared prior on the RO group which was
asked by QC many times, Production plan is the key plan to manage Operations smoothly.

Outsource Vendor Recommendations

 The RO plant is operating on 3 GPM product flow and 27 GPM reject flow with a 10%
 The Feed TDS observed was 3710ppm whereas the product TDS was 1120ppm.  The RO
plant consist of 04 vessels and 08 membranes.
 The Product TDS found very high.
 Salt passage very high of around 30.10%.
 Extreme chocking in membranes resulting in very low product flow.
 No anti-scalant chemical dosing observed during the plant operation.
 The pressure gauges for cartridge filter in & out and multimedia filter in & out not installed.
 Minor leakages also observed near HP pump fitting and valves
 Improper usage of chemical observed during membrane flushing process.
 No Silt Density Index (SDI) point found on plant

 Replacement of RO membranes on immediate basis as old membranes are oxidized due to heavy
chocking high salt passage.
 Installation of pressure gauges on cartridge filter (in/out) and multimedia filter (in/out).
 Make SDI point after cartridge filter on line.
 Install its desired HP pump which was under maintenance.
 CIP (Cleaning In-process) recommended to increase the product flow but it will increase product TDS
as well.
 High performance Anti-scalant should be used that with protect membrane from silt and scaling.
Mem Care 1000.
 Flushing from Biocide recommended and should be performed regularly to increase membrane life.
Bio Care RO-20i.
 Required Feed water analysis from any reputable laboratory.

Note: There was 2 vendors was aligned for visit and two of them tell us
that the flow issue which is the major issue and the primary source of high
energy consumption which is loss to us.

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