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CLASS I (2020 - 2021)


We can see different types of plants growing around us. They make our world
green and beautiful.
1. TREES :
 Tall and big plants are known as trees.
 Some trees grow tall and straight e.g. Coconut tree and Ashok tree.
 Some are broad and have many branches e.g. Mango tree and Neem tree.


 Some plants are small, bushy but strong. Such plants are known as shrubs
e.g. Rose plant and Sunflower plant.
 Herbs are small plants that are weak e.g. Mint and Coriander.


 Weak plants that need a support to grow straight are known as climbers e.g.
Money plant and Grape plant.

 Creepers are weak plants that grow along the ground e.g. Pumpkin and


Different plants grow in different places. Water lily and lotus are plants that grow
in water.
I Answer the following:
Q1. What kind of plants do we find around us?
Ans. We find trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers and creepers around us.
Q2. What are trees?
Ans. Tall and big plants are known as trees example mango and neem tree.
Q3. How do climbers grow?
Ans. Climbers need a support of building, tree or stick to grow.
Q4. How do creepers grow?
Ans. Creepers grow along the ground.
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. Trees are big and strong plants.
2. The rose plant is an example of a shrub.
3. The watermelon plant is a creeper.
4. Climbers and creepers are weak plants
III. Match the following:
1. Sunflower ( 3 ) climber
2. Pumpkin ( 1 ) shrub
3. Bougainvillea ( 2 ) creeper
4. Coriander ( 5 ) tree
5. Coconut ( 4 ) herb
IV. Write true or false:
1. Trees need the support of other plants to grow straight. False
2. Shrubs are small plants. True
3. The mint plant grows along the ground. False
4. The pumpkin plant is a creeper. True
5. A money plant grows tall and strong. False
V. Name the following:
1. Strong and big plants that grow tall and straight - Trees
2. Two plants that are shrubs - Rose, Sunflower
3. Two plants that are herbs- Mint, Coriander
4. Weak plants that need support to grow straight- Climbers
5. Plants that grow along the ground- Creepers
VI. Tick (√) the correct answer:
1. The rose plant is a
(a) Herb ( ) (b) Shrub (√ )
2. This is a weak plant
(a) Neem ( ) (b) Watermelon(√ )
3. The grape plant is a
(a) Creeper ( ) (b) Climber (√ )
4. The watermelon plant
(a) Grow tall ( ) (b) Grows along the ground (√ )
V. Draw, colour and label A Coconut Tree
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Animal Homes
Q: Circle the correct answer for each picture:
cave sea coop stable

bat / hen squirrel / whale chicken / cat dog / horse

kennel den tree hill

mouse / dog lion /elephant fish / squirrel monkey / ant

pond tunnels web beehive

wolf / duck rabbit / spider ant / spider bee / lion


Important points :-

We see many animals around us.

Animals includes birds , insects , water animals etc…

Some animals live with us Some animal live in the forest.

Some animals live in water.

Some animals are very useful to us.

Some animals are small and asome are big .

Types of animals :

I . Small and big animals :

Small animals :

Examples are given below

Rat Rabbit Squirrel

Cat Dog
. Big animals :

Elephant Bear Giraff


II . Domestic and wild animals :-

Domestic animals:

Animals kept by human as work animal , food source or pet are called
domestic animals.
Wild animals :

Some animal live in the forest.

These called wild animals.

Wild animals are very dangerous.

III .Farm animals :

IV .Water animals :

Some animals live in water such animals are called water animals.

V . Birds:
VI. Insects :
Most of the insects have six legs. Spider has eight legs.

VII. Herbivores ,Carnivores and Omnivores :

Herbovores :

Animals which eat only plants are called herbivores .

Example : Rabbit , squirrel , deer , horse , donkey ,cow,goat etc…

Carnivores :

Animals which eat flesh are called carnivores.

Example : Lion , tiger , wolf , vulture etc…

Omnivores :

Animals which eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.

Example : Crow , hen , pig , dog , human etc….

Animals and their homes :

An imals and their young ones :


Cat Kitten
Dog Puppy
Lion Cub
Tiger Cub
Cow Calf
Pig Piglet
Horse Foal , colt
Deer fawn
Sheep lamb
Hen Chick
Duck Duckling
Animals and their sounds :


Dog Barks
Cat Mews
Cow Moos
Pig Grunts
Lion Roars
Birds Chirps
Bee Buzzes
Elephant Trumpets
Goat Bleats
Horse Neighs

Animals and their collective names:


Lion Pride
Bee Swarm
Ant Colony
Birds Flock
Cattle Herd
Fish School
Elephant Herd
Question Answers :-

1. Name our (India’s ) National animal - Tiger

2. Name our (India’s ) National bird - Peacock

3. Name the largest land animal - Elephant

4. Name the largest water animal - Whale

5. Who is the ship of desert ? - Camel

6. Who is the king of jungle ? - Lion

7. Which animal live in both land and water ? - Turtle

8 . Name the largest bird - Ostrich

9. Name the smallest bird - Humming bird

10 . Name the tallest animal. - Giraffe

Patterns in animals :-

Tiger Cheetah Giraff

Leopard Zebra

Extinct Animals :
Pet animals :

How to take care of pet animals ?

* We should take proper care of them.

* We should love them .

* We should give enough food , fresh water etc..

* We should not tease them.

I. Words to learn
1. energy 14. typhoid
2. spices 15. uncovered
3. pulses
4. balanced
5. diet
6. diseases
7. protective
8. vegetarian
9. digest
10. jaundice
11. grains
12. meals
13. brunch
II. Question/Answer

Q.1 What is a balanced diet ?

Ans - A balanced diet is a diet that includes the right
amount of food from each food group .
Q.2 What is a meal ? Name the three main meals .
Ans -A meal is a food that we eat. The three main meals
are –
Q-3 Why do we need water ?
Ans -We need water to digest food and also to flush
out wastes from our body .
III. Give three examples of each:

1-Protective food -
2-Bodybuilding food -
3-Energy-giving food-
IV. Match the following:

a. cumin,pepper 1.energy-giving food –(e)

b. capsicum,tomato 2.spices –(a)

c. maize,oats 3.food from plants –(f)

d. eggs,fish 4.grains –(c)

e. rice,potato 5.protective food –(b)

f. nuts,herbs 6.food from animals –(d)

Q -1 Write the name of the three
main food groups.

Ans –
1- ____________________
2- ____________________
3- ____________________
Q-2 Write true(T) or false(F).

1-It is healthy to eat food from roadside shops.

2-We should not overeat .It can make us unwell.
3-Do not waste food and water.____________
4-It is good to eat stale food .______________
5-We should eat too much of fats and
Q-3 Circle the odd one out.

1-banana ,mango ,eggs ,cherry

2-rice ,potato ,oats ,sugar
3-brunch ,lunch ,dinner ,breakfast
4-grains ,pulses ,spices ,eggs
5-nuts ,fruits ,vegetables ,meat
6-pepper ,cardamom ,turmeric ,butter
Q-4 Draw,colour and label any two
examples of:

1- protective food items

2-energy-giving food items
3-bodybuilding food items

I. Tick (√) the correct answer:

1. This part of the plant grows underground.

a) Fruit b) Root (√) c) Leaves d) Stem

2. is a tree.

a) Sunflower b) Mint c) Pea plant d) Ashoka (√)

3. grow along the ground.

a) Trees b) Shrubs c) Creepers (√) d) Herbs

4. Most plants start their life as a

a) seed (√) b) leaf c) fruit d) stem

5. Plants give us .

a) fruit b) medicines c) wood d) all of these(√)

II. Answer the following:

1. Name the different types of plants:
Ans: The different types of plants are Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, Climbers, and Creepers.

2. Name any five things we get from plants:

Ans: Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar, Oil, wood are the five things that we get from the

3. What does the shoot have?

Ans: The shoot have stem, buds, flowers, fruits and leaves.

4. How do plants make their own food?

Ans: Leaves make food in the presence of air, water and sunlight.

III. Fill in the blanks:

1. A Climber needs support to climb up.

2. Grass is a herb.

3. Tall and strong plants are called trees.

4. The root is below the ground.

5. Thick and strong stem of a tree is called trunk.


IV. State True or False:

1. A grapevine has a strong and woody stem – False.

2. Plants make their own food- True.

3. Plants start their life as a seed – True.

4. Climbers grow along the ground – False.

5. Herbs have weak and soft greens stems- True.

V. Match the following:

1. Neem - Herb (2)

2. Grass - Shrub (3)

3. Hibiscus - Creeper (5)

4. Money plant - Climber (4)

5. Pumpkin - Tree (1)

VI. Label the parts of the plant.

Subject: EVS Class I Topic: Food

We need food to live

1) Food helps us to grow. Milk, meat, fish, eggs and pulses help us to grow.

2) Food gives us energy to work and play. Rice, chapatti, dal butter and bread are given us energy.

3) Foods keep us healthy. Fruits and vegetables keep us healthy.


Milk is a complete food. Butter, ghee, curd and paneer are made from milk.


We eat three meals a day.

Morning - Breakfast

Afternoon - Lunch

Night - Dinner

We must have our meals at the right time.

Plants and animals are the sources of our food

Plants give us food:

We get fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals, pulses etc. from pants.

Animals give us food:

We get milk, eggs, fish, meat and honey from animals.


We need water to digest the food we eat. We need to drink at least 7-8 glasses of water every

Food Habits:

Wash your hands before and after eating food.

Always keep food covered.

Chew food properly.

Never waste food.

EVS, Class –I, Lesson – 6 : Food We Eat

1. Fill in the blanks :

1. We get milk from cow.

2. We get fruits and vegetables from Plants.

3. We mostly have three meals in a day.

4. We should avoid junk food.

2. Choose the correct answer:

1. is the last meal of the day.

a) Breakfast [ ]
b) Dinner [√]

2. Food gives us .

a) Energy [√]
b) Growth [ ]

3. gives us eggs.

a) Duck [ √ ]

b) Cow [ ]

4. is a milk product.

a) Tomato [ ]

b) Curd [√]

3. Match the following:

1. Cow - Egg (3)

2. Bee - Milk (1)

3. Hen - Fruits (4)

4. Plants - Honey (2)

EVS, Class –I, Lesson – 6 : Food We Eat
4. “True” or “False”:

1. We eat lunch in the morning – False.

2. Food gives us energy to play and work – True.

3. We should eat food from roadside shops - False.

4. We must drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of milk daily – False.

5. Ice cream is made from milk. – True.

5. Write “ P” for food items that we get from plants and “A” for food
items that we get from animals.

1. Milk - “A” 6. Carrot - “ P”

2. Apple - “ P” 7. Orange - “ P”

3. Rice - “P” 8. Chicken - “ A”

4. Potato - “ P” 9. Dal - “ P”

5. Honey - “A” 10. Butter - “ A”

6. Question and Answer:

1. Why do we need food?

Ans: We need food to live and grow.

2. What are the different sources of food?

Ans: The different sources of food are plants and animals.

3. Name the three meals that we eat.

Ans: The three meals that we eat are breakfast, lunch and dinner.

4. How do people from mountains and deserts get milk?

Ans: (i) People living on mountain get milk from yak.

(ii) People living in desert get milk from camel.

5. Write any five milk products.

Ans: Curd , Butter , Ghee, Paneer and ice cream are milk products.

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