Csc122a CSC122L Information Management 1

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By 2025, the College envisions to be a premier local
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 1 institution of higher learning in Region 3 committed to the
Pre-requisite: CSC111A/CSC111L/CSC112A/CSC112L holistic development of the human person and society.
Credit Units: 3 units (2 units Lecture – 2 hours/week, 1 unit Laboratory – 3 hours/week)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION
To produce well-trained, skilled, dynamic, and competitive
COURSE DESCRIPTION individuals imbued with values and attitudes responsive to
The prepared course of study is primarily designed to equip the the changing needs of the local, national and global
learners with an adequate knowledge necessary to the understanding and communities.
appreciation of Information Management. . It is designed to exposed learners GOALS
to database management concepts, principles and paradigm to future
Gordon College shall:
database administrators. It covers set of rules regarding the designing of
tables, queries, and use of SQL statements • provide opportunities that will enable individuals to
acquire a high level of professional, technical and
vocational courses of studies
These topics should serve as a tool for students to develop and practice • develop innovative programs, projects and models of
good programming habits essential to learn other programming languages. practice by undertaking research and studies
• promote community development through relevant
extension programs
• provide opportunities for entrepreneurship and
employability of graduates.

Excellence Character Service
CSC122A/CSC122L The College of Computer Studies shall produce Information
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 1 Technology and Computer Science professionals equipped with
Pre-requisite: CSC111A/CSC111L/CSC112A/CSC112L knowledge, skills, strong moral values, well-developed personality,
Credit Units: 3 units (2 units Lecture – 2 hours/week, 1 unit Laboratory – 3 hours/week) and exceptional abilities, thus becoming the preferred and
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prestigious source of services and manpower.

The College of Computer Studies shall be the Center of Excellence
By the end of the course, students should be able to: in Information Technology and Computer Science for providing
professional and technological training, scientific and innovative,
LO1. Apply fundamental database management approach in implementing and relevant community service.
projects given suitable specifications
LO2. Create databases
 Provide competent/quality instruction relevant to time and
LO3. Evaluate how relational database solutions pass standard test cases technology by developing, updating, and evaluating offered
including the boundary cases. programs and curriculum continuously.
 Open, maintain and extend on new roads of research and
discovery in the field of expertise, in emerging disciplines and in
related interdisciplinary areas.
 Provide the faculty members and students with updated
educational resources, training and study grants they need to
keep pace, sustain, and update with developments in their field.
 Prepare our students in aspects that provide them a strong
foundation for sustaining personal and professional
development, enable them to build-up strong leadership and
become responsible individuals and contributors towards the
good of the community.
 Pursue beneficial industry linkages, maintain good relation,
extend help and manpower to the country.


[KNW] Specialized Understand data and By the end of the Course Orientation: Week 1 Recitation and class
computing knowledge information. course, students Introduction to Database Management participation
in each applicable should be able to:  Data vs. Information Discussion
field, and the ability Students can analyse and  Database Defined Problem Solving
to apply such manage information LO1. Apply  Database systems Lecture and Analysis,
knowledge to provide management. fundamental database  Database System Components Demonstration Understanding Test
solutions to actual management approach  Data Definition
problems. Students can identify in implementing  Data Manipulation
contemporary issues projects given suitable
 Data Security and Integrity
[KNW] A knowledge related to computing and specifications.
 Data Recovery and Concurrency
of contemporary their program BSEMC.
Database Management System Week 2 Problem Solving
issues. LO2. Create
Solve computing-related databases.  Components Analysis,
[PRB] An ability to problems and apply the  Functions Lecture and Understanding Test
recognize, formulate, importance of it to their LO3. Evaluate how  Advantages Demonstration
and solve computing program. relational database  Disadvantages
Case Study
problems. solutions pass
/Discussion Method
Use software standard test cases
[MTL] An ability to applications necessary to including the Information Models and Data Models Week 3 Recitation and class
use the appropriate BSEMC. boundary cases.  Network Database participation
techniques, skills and  Relational Model Lecture and
modern computing Use English language in  Hierarchical Database Demonstration Quiz (Week 1-3)
tools necessary for the communicating,
practice of being a presentation, interaction Collaborative Problem Solving
professional game and recitation. Learning Analysis,
developer or Understanding Test
animator. Practice computing
professionally, netiquette E-R Model Week 4 Assignment – creating
[COM] An ability to and values formation.  Cardinality diagrammatic
effectively  Degree Lecture and representation of a
communicate orally Apply ethical values and  Primary Keys Demonstration database.
social responsibilities in  Foreign Keys Problem Solving
 Relationships Brainstorming Analysis,
and in writing using using software,  Constraints And Problem-solving Understanding Test
the English language. computers and internet
in developing their skills The MS Access Week 5 - 6 Problem Solving
[PRF] An ability to in entertainment and  Tables Analysis,
understand and assess multimedia computing.  Queries Lecture and Understanding Test
local and global  Relationships Demonstration
impacts of computing  Forms Building a database
on society relevant to  Reports Collaborative
professional Learning
computing practice
and subscription to Brainstorming
accepted industry And Problem-solving
Introduction to SQL Weeks 7 - 8 Class participation
[ETH] An  Data Manipulation Language
understanding of the  Data Definition Language Lecture and Quiz (Week 4-6)
effects and impact of  Data Control Language Demonstration
entertainment and  Transaction Control Problem Solving
multimedia Collaborative Analysis,
computing projects on Learning Understanding Test
nature and society,
and of their social and

Midterm Examination (Week 9)

Introduction to SQL Week 10 Class participation
 INSERT Lecture and Problem Solving
 UPDATE Demonstration Analysis,
 DELETE Understanding Test
And Problem-solving

SQL Statements Week 11 - 12 Assignment

 Introduction to SQL Problem-solving and
 CREATE DATABASE Statement Lecture and Analysis
 CREATE TABLE Statement Demonstration
 SELECT Statement Understanding Test
 UPDATE Statement Collaborative
 DELETE Statement Learning Building database
using SQL.
And Problem-solving

Database Management System using SQL Weeks 13-14 Class participation

 Connection String
 Select statement Lecture and Quiz (Week 10-12)
 Update statement Demonstration
 Delete Statement Problem Solving
 Insert Statement Collaborative Analysis,
Learning Understanding Test

Brainstorming Building database

And Problem-solving using SQL.

Rules of Normalization Week 15 Class participation

 First Normal Form Seatwork
 Second Normal Form Lecture and
 Third Normal Form Demonstration Problem Solving
 Fourth Normal Form Analysis,
 Boyce-Codd Normal Form Collaborative Understanding Test

Introduction to JSON Week 16 Class participation

 JSON Syntax
o Rules Lecture and Problem Solving
o Values Demonstration Analysis,
o Objects Understanding Test
o Arrays Collaborative
 How to use JSON Learning
o Object from String
o Using Eval()
o My Array
o My Functions
o XMLHttp Request
 JSON Function Files
o My array
o My functions

Project Presentation: Weeks 17

Software Requirements Specification Presentation,
(Learners will be able to present initial Collaborative Demonstrations
overview of the final Project.) Learning

And Problem-solving

Peer review

Final Examination (Week 18)



1-2 Introduction to Database Management Students will be familiar with data and Hands-on Activities
Discussion should include but Diagram interpretation
not limited to the following: Students will be able to understand information
 Data vs. Information management. Case analysis
 Database Defined
 Database systems Students will be oriented to managing the
 Database System Components database and knowing database management
 Data Definition system.
 Data Manipulation
 Data Security and Integrity
 Data Recovery and Concurrency

Database Management System

 Components
 Functions
 Advantages
 Disadvantages

3-4 Information Models and Data Models Students will be able to efficiently and Hands-on Activities
effectively use interpret and analyse certain
Discussion should include but not limited to the database data models. Diagram creations and interpretation.
 Network Database Students will be able to design an Entity
 Relational Model relationship diagrams.
 Hierarchical Database
Students will be able to create an ERD that
E-R Model corresponds to a certain database relationships.
 Cardinality
 Degree
 Primary Keys
 Foreign Keys
 Relationships
 Constraints

5–6 The MS Access Students will be familiar with the environment Hands-on Activities
 Tables of Microsoft Access and maximize the use of it.
 Queries Database creation
 Relationships Students will be able to use MS Access to create
 Forms and design a certain databases. Table creation
 Reports Query creation
Form creation
Report creation
Students will be oriented to use MS Access to
make a research proposal related to their
7–8 Introduction to SQL Students will be familiar with the environment Hands-on Activities
 Data Manipulation Language of SQL.
 Data Definition Language Case analysis
 Data Control Language Students will be able to use MS Access such as
 Transaction Control query in creating and understanding basic SQL

9 Midterm Project Students will submit their project title proposal Final Project Proposal formulation
for the final project.

Students will prepare their initial presentation Final Project Proposal Presentation
and be ready for their pitching.

10 Introduction to SQL Students will be familiar with the environment Hands-on Activities
 SELECT of notepad for creating SQL Statement.
 INSERT SQL creation
 UPDATE Students will be able to use any SQL Server for
 DELETE the SQL syntax writing and programming.

11 - 12 SQL Statements Students will be able to effectively and Hands-on Activities

 Introduction to SQL efficiently use corresponding SQL server using
 CREATE DATABASE Statement pure SQL syntax using a notepad application.
 CREATE TABLE Statement SQL creation
 SELECT Statement Students will be able to effectively and
 UPDATE Statement efficiently use corresponding SQL server using SQL interpretation and analysis
 DELETE Statement pure SQL syntax a terminal in an SQL server

13 - 14 Database Management System using SQL Students will be able to learn the syntax and Hands-on Activities
 Connection String semantics of SQL programming.
 Select statement
 Update statement SQL creation
 Delete Statement
 Insert Statement Students will be able to learn the concept of SQL interpretation and analysis
SQL and designing a certain database related to
their final project requirements.
15 - 17 Rules of Normalization Students will be able to interpret and analyse Hands-on Activities
 First Normal Form their databases.
 Second Normal Form SQL creation
 Third Normal Form Students will be able to create their own
 Fourth Normal Form database design with corresponding SQL interpretation and analysis
 Boyce-Codd Normal Form normalization.

16 Introduction to JSON Students will be able to learn the basic syntax Hands-on Activities
 JSON Syntax and semantics of JSON programming.
o Rules JSON creation
o Values Students will be able to learn the concept of
o Objects JSON and JSON Syntax that corresponds to JSON interpretation and analysis
o Arrays SQL programming.
 How to use JSON
o Object from String
o Using Eval()
o My Array
o My Functions
o XMLHttp Request
 JSON Function Files
o My array
o My functions

17 Project Presentation: Student will pitch their final project Research Final Presentation
Software Requirements Specification requirements such as a simple database
(Learners will be able to present initial overview of management system.
the final Project.)

18 Final Project Students will design a simple database GC Offices databases or software Application
management application specifically for any
department/college/office in Gordon College as
their training ground in database development.
REQUIRED READING BOOKS (Available in the Library)

 Information Management 1 (Module) created by Ms. Mayer Z. Sanchez

 M. North, “Data Mining for the Masses”, Creative Commons Attribution, ISBN: 0615684378, 2012
 Database System for Management J.F. Courtney, et al. – Global Text Project, 2010


 M. North, “Data Mining for the Masses”, Creative Commons Attribution, ISBN: 0615684378, 2012
 DBMS Tutorial, retrieved from, retrieved on August 5, 2019
 SQL Tutorial, retrieved from, retrieved on August 5, 2019

 Each Midterm and Final Term shall be distributed with a weight of 50.0%.
 The Final Grade shall be obtained by adding the 50% of the Midterm Grade and 50% of the tentative grade in the final term or computed
Lecture Laboratory
Class Participation 20% Hand-on Activities/
Assignments/ Seat works 20% Machine Problems 30%
Quizzes/ Projects 30% Quizzes/ Projects 40%
Major Exam 30% Major Exam 30%

Total 100% Total 100%

Midterm Grade 40% Lecture + 60% Laboratory
Tentative Final Grade 40% Lecture + 60% Laboratory
Final Grade 50% Midterm Grade + 50% Tentative Final Grade
a. Common
1. Attendance checking will be after 15 minutes of the time period, beyond this student will be considered late, 2 accumulated late
will be equivalent to 1 absence.
2. Submission of assignments, projects and any take home activities must meet the deadline as specified. Failure to do so will
deduct 1 point per day for late submission and will not be accepted after a week.
b. Specific
1. The student may copy or download lectures and presentations from the GC-LAMP.
2. Non-submission of final project and completion of final exam on the specified date will incur an incomplete grade.

Rubric for any given activity:
Completed the activities and understood the topic based Outstanding Very Good Good Fair No Work
on the given answer 50 points 40 points 30 points 20 points Output
Rubric for design project activity:
Design Project
Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic Beginner
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts 0 pts
Instruction & Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic Beginner
The design project is The design project is The design project is The design project shows The design project
planned carefully; planned carefully; planned adequately; little evidence of shows no understanding
understanding of all understanding of most understanding of some understanding the of the concepts and
concepts and instructions concepts and instructions concepts and instructions concepts and instructions.
is clearly demonstrated. is demonstrated. demonstrated. instructions.
Craftsmanship/ Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic Beginner
The design project shows The design project The design project shows The design project shows The design project
outstanding shows good average craftsmanship minimal craftsmanship shows no craftsmanship
craftsmanship with clear craftmanship, with some and average attention to and little attention to and no attention to
attention to control, attention to control, control, adaptation, control, adaptation, control, adaptation,
adaptation, selection and adaptation, selection and selection and selection and selection and
experimentation of experimentation of experimentation of experimentation of experimentation of
medium/media. medium/media. medium/media. medium/media. medium/media.
Creativity/ Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic Beginner
The design project The design project The design project The design project The design project lacks
demonstrates original demonstrates some demonstrates an average demonstrates little evidence of personal
personal expression and personal expression and amount of personal personal expression and expression.
outstanding problem logical problem solving expression. problem solving skills.
solving skills. skills.
Behavior/ Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic Beginner
The student put forth The student put forth the The student put forth the The student put forth The student put forth no
extraordinary effort to effort required to effort required to finish little effort required to effort or the project was
complete the project well complete the project the project; used some finish the project; class not completed; class
as possible; used class well; used class time class time adequately. time was not used well. time was not used well.
time extremely well. well.

Prepared by : Ms. Mayer Z. Sanchez

Course Instructor

Reviewed by : Prof. Ronnie D. Luy

Assistant Dean

Recommending approval : Dr. Erlinda C. Abarintos

College Dean

Approved by : Dr. Darwin P. Paguio

VP for Academic Affairs

Acknowledgement and Conforme

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