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Date: 2023-01-12
Why did the whale kill the pig?

Because of the cruel and inhumane way we hunt whales, causing them
great suffering? Well don't even get me started on how pigs are
slaughtered in the livestock industry and how they are raised in horrific,
inhumane and unsanitary conditions and suffer just as much trauma and
suffering. This will make the modern method of grenade spear hunting
look friendlier.
It is said that the whale grave originated as a symbol of regret and
sympathy for the young whales and whale fetuses that were incidental
victims of the capture and killing of mother whales by Japanese whalers.
Nagato's Whale Grave is said to commemorate the end of more than 70
whales. Although the days of commercial whaling are long gone in most
of the world, the tombs are still visited and offered incense today.
Really, all pigs want some crap. Yes, they ate a few children, but humans
ate many more. They're surprisingly smart and surprisingly resourceful,
and they don't quite live up to how humans describe them. Pigs may eat
shit, but that doesn't mean they should be treated that way.

A dog ate a live pig that had been killed by a whale

To be clear, I'm not trying to condone eating dogs, whales, or pigs. I don't
eat both. I used to eat pork but I gave up because it's hard to know where
the meat comes from and I can't stand putting animals in such pain. But
that's my choice. I still eat beef sometimes and try to get sustainable meat
from family farms. I also eat fish but he was also killed in an extremely
cruel way and I really shouldn't because I have a double standard here too.
Pisces are also smart in their own world. If you have questions about this,
I suggest you watch Blue Planet and learn how cleaning stations work,
how fish use tools, how political hierarchies work, and how fish know
exactly when to migrate! Humans might call it instinct, but of course,
even instinct requires intelligence. Otherwise we'd all be a lot better off
than we are because the human instinct is to survive, if you don't have to
be smart about it...  
Most grisly of all – and due to the conventional wisdom that high levels of
adrenaline produce meat tenderizers and increase purported health
benefits – killed dogs may be deliberately subjected to extreme fear and
pain and killed by clubbing, hanging, or electrocution. In the souks, dogs
are routinely electrocuted and their necks broken -- all in full view of
passers-by and other dogs.
According to research by FOUR PAWS, an estimated 5 million dogs and
1 million cats are slaughtered in Vietnam every year. A pound of dog
meat costs between $3 and $5. Cat meat costs about $5 a pound — as
much as $10 for black cats. Vietnamese men are the main consumers of
dog and cat meat. Often among these is the belief that the physical body
has healing properties. Demand is particularly high in the north of the

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