Unit 4: Building Marketing and PR Plan

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Building Marketing and PR plan

▣ A marketing plan is a report that outlines your
marketing strategy for the coming year, quarter or
▣ Typically, a marketing plan includes: An overview
of your business's marketing and advertising goals.
A description of your business's current marketing
Step 1: Document Your Business Goals

▣ Before jumping into the tactics and execution, your

marketing team should ask the leadership team to
define their business goals for the next 1-3 years.
Your goals can be externally focused, internally
focused, or perhaps a mix of both. So before
documenting your business you need to identify the
following factors
Step 1: Document Your Business Goals
This section summarizes the main goals,
recommendations, and points as an overview for senior
managers who will read and approach the marketing plan. In
simple words, it gives overall picture about the organization
practice and upcoming marketing plan for their product.
In this section, marketing managers decides overall
market, identify the market segments that they will target and
provides information about current marketing situation.
Step 1: Document Your Business Goals

Describing the targeted segments in detail
provides content for the marketing strategies and
detailed action program for the new marketing plan.
It expresses the benefits that product features
will deliver to satisfy the needs of customers in each
targeted segments.
Step 1: Document Your Business Goals

The product review summarizes the main features
for all of the products that company offers,
organized by product line, type of customer, market
or order of product information.
To identify the key competitors, describe their
market positions and briefly discuss their strategies
Step 2: Develop A SWOT & Set Your
▣ A SWOT of your current marketing program -
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in
terms of your competitive position, target markets,
target audiences, current positioning/messaging, the
maturity of your offerings, channel partners, etc.
▣ Marketing resources and budget - a rule of thumb
for spending on marketing is 6-to-12% of gross
revenue with higher spending in the early phases as
you establish your marketing foundation.
Step 2: Develop A SWOT & Set Your
Step 3: Define Your Target Personas

▣ Buyer personas are fictional representations of your

ideal customers based on demographic data, online
behavior, and your educated speculation about
personal histories, motivations, and concerns.
Step 4: Develop Your Marketing Goals

▣ Armed with your business strategy, areas of greatest

opportunity, and defined persons, you are now ready
to create your marketing goals. Goal setting is
critical to aligning your marketing organization,
narrowing your focus, and setting your overall
marketing strategy
Step 4: Develop Your Marketing Goals

The overall marketing strategy picturizes the following

major areas in developing the marketing goal. The
company need to focus the following factors:
▣Marketing tools- Product, price, distribution and
promotion strategies.
▣Marketing research- how this research used to support
development, implementation and evaluation of
strategies and action programs(budgets and cost
Step 4: Develop Your Marketing Goals
The marketing department may be organized by
function. The overall marketing members involved
in this developing new plan to control the process of
identifying the development and reaching the new
variants to their targeted customers.

After identifying the marketing strategy, the

company need to identify their goals and with
correlate with SMART goals.
Step 4: Develop Your Marketing Goals

Write your goals in the SMART format that helps

ensures accountability. SMART stands for:
• Specific
• Measurable
• Attainable
• Realistic
• Time-Bound
Step 5: Create Your Campaigns &
Build Your Activity Plan
▣ Campaign—Lead generation and conversion
Description—Through content and partner
co-marketing, attract quality leads that convert to
KPI 1—Increase leads by 35 percent to 210 per month
KPI 2—Increase lead opportunity conversion from 6 to
8 percent
Step 5: Create Your Campaigns &
Build Your Activity Plan
▣ Campaign—Partner marketing
Description—Develop and implement a channel
co-marketing program
KPI 1—Publish at least one lead-generating piece of
co-branded content per quarter
KPI 2—Generate 100 net new leads through co-marketing
Strategy is an evolution, and something that takes a great
deal of time to develop. However, mapping out a clear,
strategic direction will ensure a cohesive marketing plan
that maps to your personas through campaigns and is
time bound and budget driven.
▣ Public relations (PR) is the practice of managing the
spread of information between an individual or an
organization (such as a business, government
agency, or a nonprofit organization) and the public.
1. Review the past year PR activity
2. Create PR goals
3. Define your target audience
4. Analyze the macro and micro environment affecting
your business
5. Identify key messages
6. Select PR Tools
7. Plan PR tactics
8. Measure results
1.Review the past year PR activity

Before we create a PR strategy for your business, it’s imperative that we

evaluate the past year in terms of PR activity, both for your business and
for your competitors. We do this by asking the following questions:
1. Did you get any media attention? Did it impact your business in any
way? Did your competitor?
2. Was it a positive or negative coverage?
3. What journalist or blogger wrote favorable articles about you? What
about your competitor? In what publication or blog?
4. What journalist or blogger wrote unfavorable articles about you? And
your competitor? In what publication or blog?
5. How influential is the journalist or blogger?
6. When you search for your company on search engines what are the
results? What happens when you narrow down to only results from the
past year? (To do this from the search page, select tools and change ‘any
time’ to ‘past year’)
2. Create PR goals

Now that you’ve analyzed your past performance, and your competitors PR
efforts, you should already have a list of ideas and PR action plans you’d
like to implement.
▣ Whether or not those action plans and ideas are to be implemented
depends on the long term and short term impact it could have.
▣ This is where SMART goals come in to play. Your PR goals should be
1. Specific
2. Measurable
3. Attainable
4. Relevant
5. Time-bound
▣ Most importantly, your PR goal should tie into your overall all business
goal. Achieving your PR goal should contribute to archiving your
business goal.
3.Define your target audience
▣ As a marketer, you’ve probably heard or read about the
importance of defining your target audience.
▣ The success of a business depends greatly on the market.
Successful businesses know who their target audience are, so
they’re able to tailor their message to them.
▣ You can find out who your target audience is by asking yourself
these questions
1. Who would be interested in hearing about my business?
2. Who could have the greatest impact on my business outcome?
3. Where would they learn about positive and negative news about
my business? On social media? Television?
4. Who would take action and purchase my products and services?
5. Is my message family-friendly? Should it be?
4. Analyze the macro and micro
environment affecting your business
▣ A Macro environment is major external and
uncontrollable factors that influence an
organization’s decision making, and affect its
performance and strategies.
▣ These factors include the economic factors;
demographics; legal, political, and social conditions;
technological changes; and natural forces.
4. Analyze the macro and micro
environment affecting your business
▣ Micro environment refers to the environment which is in
direct contact with the business organization and can affect
the routine activities of business straight away. It is
associated with a small area in which the business functions.
▣ Factors that influence your business micro environment are:
▣ Customers
▣ Competitors
▣ Suppliers and distribution channels
▣ Employees (workers and their unions)
▣ Stakeholders
▣ Media
5. Identify key messages

▣ Now that you know the factors affecting your industry and
your business, who your target audience is, and what your
goals are, you should have a better idea of what to do.
▣ Your message is one of the most important aspects in
crafting a great PR strategy. To come up with your key
messages, start by asking this questions:
1. What do I want the public to know about my business?
2. What is my company’s vision or mission?
3. What is my elevator pitch?
4. Why should the public care about me rather than my
6. Select PR Tools

▣ Now that we know what our message is, it’s time to think
about how we’d get our message out there. This is where PR
tools come in to play.
▣ There are lots of amazing PR tools out there, but if you’re
new to PR or if you’re working with a limited fund, then it’s
best to start cheap.
There are several amazing free PR tools in the market for you to
start with such as:
▣ Muck Rack
▣ Source Bottle
▣ Help A Reporter Out (HARO)
▣ A News Tip
7. Plan PR tactics

▣ Now that you’ve sketched out your key messages

and the tools you’ll use to get your messages out.
It’s time to decide on the tactics you’ll use.
▣ The PESO model comes in to play here.
8. Measure results

▣ It’s time to consider how you’ll measure success or

failure. This of course should relate to the goal you set
earlier. Remember the M in SMART?

▣ Remember that different media would have different

KPI’s, for example.
▣ For social media we could decide to measure:
1. Reach
2. Engagement
3. Referrals
4. Growth (Likes, followers etc.)
8. Measure results
▣ For events we could measure:
1. Number of sponsors
2. Attendee’s feedback
▣ For your website we could choose to measure:
1. Traffic (new & repeat visitors)
2. Page views
3. Referrals
▣ There are other KPI’s you could measure such as:
1. Brand mentions
2. Feedback from influencers
Sample PR PLAN
▣ https://www.slideshare.net/SaviPR/strategic-public-r
▣ https://victoriaprstdnt.wordpress.com/sample-pr-ca

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