WMS Sample Paper 2 Solution

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1. Define directory traversal attack.

Properly controlling access to web content is crucial for running a secure web server. Directory
traversal or Path Traversal is an HTTP attack that allows attackers to access restricted directories
and execute commands outside of the web server’s root directory.

Web servers provide two main levels of security mechanisms

 Access Control Lists (ACLs)

 Root directory

An Access Control List is used in the authorization process. It is a list which the web server’s
administrator uses to indicate which users or groups are able to access, modify or execute
particular files on the server, as well as other access rights.

1. DirBuster provides a GUI interface, which is obviously very easy to understand and
use. DirBuster is often employed by anyone with no hustle.
2. As compared to other Directory Brute-forcing tools, GoBuster is extremely fast.
GoBuster has been developed in the Go language & This language is known for

2. How buffer overflow is used to perform malicious activities?

Attackers exploit buffer overflow issues by overwriting the memory of an application. This
changes the execution path of the program, triggering a response that damages files or exposes
private information. For example, an attacker may introduce extra code, sending new instructions
to the application to gain access to IT systems.

If attackers know the memory layout of a program, they can intentionally feed input that the
buffer cannot store, and overwrite areas that hold executable code, replacing it with their own
code. For example, an attacker can overwrite a pointer (an object that points to another area in
memory) and point it to an exploit payload, to gain control over the program.

Types of Buffer Overflow Attacks

Stack-based buffer overflows are more common, and leverage stack memory that only exists
during the execution time of a function.

Heap-based attacks are harder to carry out and involve flooding the memory space allocated for
a program beyond memory used for current runtime operations.

In addition, modern operating systems have runtime protection. Three common protections are:

 Address space randomization (ASLR)—randomly moves around the address space

locations of data regions. Typically, buffer overflow attacks need to know the locality of
executable code, and randomizing address spaces makes this virtually impossible.
 Data execution prevention—flags certain areas of memory as non-executable or
executable, which stops an attack from running code in a non-executable region.
 Structured exception handler overwrite protection (SEHOP)—helps stop malicious
code from attacking Structured Exception Handling (SEH), a built-in system for
managing hardware and software exceptions.

3. Explain SIM/UICC Security.

The Universal Integrated Circuit Card (UICC) is a type of SIM card, a smart card used for
mobile terminals/phones utilizing GSM or UMTS networks. The UICC is used to ensure the
security and integrity of all kinds of personal data as well as hold information that identifies the
user to the wireless operator in order for the latter to know the plans and services associated with
the card.
The UICC is a type of smart card technology that has its own processor, software and data
storage; so, it is essentially a computer in and of itself. It is essentially an evolution of the
subscriber identification module (SIM) card, and, as such, it contains many of the latter's
features, such as storing contact details and maintaining a list of preferred networks.
Since the card slot is standardized, a subscriber can easily move their wireless account and phone
number from one handset to another. This will also transfer their phone book and text messages.
Similarly, usually a subscriber can change carriers by inserting a new carrier's UICC card into
their existing handset. However, it is not always possible because some carriers (e.g., in U.S.)
SIM-lock the phones that they sell, preventing rival carriers' cards from being used.
4. What is browser exploit?
In cybersecurity, an exploit is a piece of code that utilizes vulnerabilities in computer software or
hardware in order to perform malicious actions. These actions may include gaining control of a
device, infiltrating a network, or launching some form of cyber attack. A browser exploit is a
type of exploit that takes advantage of a web browser vulnerability in order to breach web
browser security.
A browser exploit is a form of malicious code that takes advantage of a flaw or vulnerability in
an operating system or piece of software with the intent to breach browser security to alter a
user's browser settings without their knowledge. Malicious code may exploit ActiveX, HTML,
images, Java, JavaScript, and other Web technologies and cause the browser to run arbitrary
Install firewall software and other security software
Keep all software up to date
Be careful when browsing the web, especially when downloading files
Don’t click on suspicious attachments or links in emails
Use a more secure browser, or remote browser isolation
5. What are canonicalization attacks?

A canonicalization attack is a cyberattack method in which the attacker substitutes

various inputs for the canonical name of a path or file.
Canonicalization is the process of mapping inputs to their canonical equivalent. It
is often used for cryptographic algorithms and data that are intended to be
secured from tampering, usually by hashing. In computer security, a
Canonicalization attack aims to find or compute the mapping between two
different inputs which produce the same output when processed by a given
This attack then seeks ways to manipulate input strings so they both result in an
undesired output (such as “war” which can be manipulated into each other by
changing just one character). With some algorithms such as MD5, even minor
changes in input will result in enormous differences in hash values, making this
type of attack relatively easy. A Canonicalization attack is a type of specific-
pattern attack.
Key Points:
 This technique is used to steal a victim’s data from the server. 
 The attacker first creates a domain, usually at different TLDs, for
example: .com, .co.uk or .info etc. Then registers a website with
that domain name, and finally publishes links to the site from
various social media or different blogs around the internet so that
it will appear on search engines’ results pages for certain
keywords searched by users. 
 The attacker then waits for users who arrive at their fake site and
enter their username/password in order to complete an action
(e.g., perform a payment).
 In the case of a payment operation, users would be redirected to
the real website of cybercriminals, where they would complete
the operation and then immediately be redirected back to the fake
website through a cryptocurrency mining script.
 A user can visit any malicious site that is using this technique.
Such sites may appear in search engines and social media
results, but not on legitimate results pages. The only way to know
if it’s safe to enter information on such websites is to check for
certificate errors: If it gives one, then it’s fake.  
6. Explain Creaser cipher with an example.

The Caesar Cipher technique is one of the earliest and simplest methods
of encryption technique. It’s simply a type of substitution cipher, i.e., each
letter of a given text is replaced by a letter with a fixed number of positions
down the alphabet.
For example with a shift of 1, A would be replaced by B, B would become
C, and so on. The method is apparently named after Julius Caesar, who
apparently used it to communicate with his officials. 
Thus to cipher a given text we need an integer value, known as a shift
which indicates the number of positions each letter of the text has been
moved down. 
The encryption can be represented using modular arithmetic by first
transforming the letters into numbers, according to the scheme, A = 0, B =
1,…, Z = 25. Encryption of a letter by a shift n can be described
mathematically as. 

Shift: 23

Shift: 4
Algorithm for Caesar Cipher: 
1. A String of lower case letters, called Text.
2. An Integer between 0-25 denoting the required shift.
 Traverse the given text one character at a time .
 For each character, transform the given character as per the rule,
depending on whether we’re encrypting or decrypting the text.
 Return the new string generated.

7. Explain encryption and decryption process of Monoalphabetic cipher with an example

Monoalphabetic and Polyalphabetic Cipher

Monoalphabetic cipher is a substitution cipher in which for a given key, the cipher alphabet for
each plain alphabet is fixed throughout the encryption process. For example, if ‘A’ is encrypted
as ‘D’, for any number of occurrence in that plaintext, ‘A’ will always get encrypted to ‘D’.
All of the substitution ciphers we have discussed earlier in this chapter are monoalphabetic; these
ciphers are highly susceptible to cryptanalysis.
Polyalphabetic Cipher is a substitution cipher in which the cipher alphabet for the plain alphabet
may be different at different places during the encryption process. The next two
examples, playfair and Vigenere Cipher are polyalphabetic ciphers.
The substitution cipher is the oldest forms of encryption algorithms according to creates each
character of a plaintext message and require a substitution process to restore it with a new
character in the ciphertext.
This substitution method is deterministic and reversible, enabling the intended message
recipients to reverse-substitute ciphertext characters to retrieve the plaintext.
The specific form of substitution cipher is the Monoalphabetic Substitution Cipher, is known as
“Simple Substitution Cipher”. Monoalphabetic Substitution Ciphers based on an individual key
mapping function K, which consistently replaces a specific character α with a character from the
mapping K (α).
A mono-alphabetic substitution cipher is a type of substitution ciphers in which the equivalent
letters of the plaintext are restored by the same letters of the ciphertext. Mono, which defines
one, it signifies that each letter of the plaintext has a single substitute of the ciphertext.
Caesar cipher is a type of Monoalphabetic cipher. It uses the similar substitution method to
receive the cipher text characters for each plain text character. In Caesar cipher, it can see that it
is simply for a hacker to crack the key as Caesar cipher supports only 25 keys in all. This pit is
covered by utilizing Monoalphabetic cipher.
In Monoalphabetic cipher, the substitute characters symbols supports a random permutation of
26 letters of the alphabet. 26! Permutations of the alphabet go up to 4*10^26. This creates it
complex for the hacker to need brute force attack to gain the key.
Mono-alphabetic cipher is a type of substitution where the relationship among a symbol in the
plaintext and a symbol in the cipher text is continually one-to-one and it remains fixed
throughout the encryption process.
These ciphers are considered largely susceptible to cryptanalysis. For instance, if ‘T’ is
encrypted by ‘J’ for any number of appearance in the plain text message, then ‘T’ will
continually be encrypted to ‘J’.
If the plaintext is “TREE”, thus the cipher text can be “ADOO” and this showcases that the
cipher is possibly mono-alphabetic as both the “O”s in the plaintext are encrypted with “E”s in
the cipher text.
Although the hacker will not be capable to need brute force attack, it is applicable for consider
the key by using the All- Fearsome Statistical Attack. If the hacker understand the
characteristics of plaintext of any substitution cipher, then regardless of the size of the key
space, it can simply break the cipher using statistical attack. Statistical attack includes measuring
the frequency distribution for characters, comparing those with same statistics for English.
8. Discuss polyalphabetic algorithm with example.
A poly-alphabetic cipher is any cipher based on substitution, using several substitution
alphabets. In polyalphabetic substitution ciphers, the plaintext letters are enciphered differently
based upon their installation in the text. Rather than being a one-to-one correspondence, there is
a one-to-many relationship between each letter and its substitutes.
For example, ‘a’ can be enciphered as ‘d’ in the starting of the text, but as ‘n’ at the middle. The
polyalphabetic ciphers have the benefit of hiding the letter frequency of the basic language.
Therefore attacker cannot use individual letter frequency static to divide the ciphertext.
The first Polyalphabetic cipher was the Alberti Cipher which was introduced by Leon Battista
Alberti in the year 1467. It used a random alphabet to encrypt the plaintext, but at different
points and it can change to a different mixed alphabet, denoting the change with an uppercase
letter in the cipher text.
It can utilize this cipher, Alberti used a cipher disc to display how plaintext letters are associated
to cipher text letters. In this cipher, each ciphertext character based on both the corresponding
plaintext character and the position of the plaintext character in the message.
As the name polyalphabetic recommend this is achieved by using multiple keys rather than only
one key. This implies that the key should be a stream of subkeys, in which each subkey depends
somehow on the position of the plaintext character that needs subkey for encipherment.
In other words, it is required to have s key stream k = (K 1, K2, K3 ...) in which Ki is used to
encipher the ith character in the plaintext to make the ith character in the ciphertext. The best
known and simplest of such algorithm is defined as Vigenere cipher.
Vigenere cipher is one of the simplest and popular algorithms in polyalphabetic cipher. In this
approach, the alphabetic text is encrypted using a sequence of multiple Caesar ciphers based on
the letters of a keyword.
The Caesar cipher restoring each letter in the plaintext with the letters standing constant position
to the right in the alphabet. This shift is implemented modulo 26. For instance, in a Caesar
cipher of shift 3, A can become D, B can become E and so on.
The Vigenère cipher includes several simple substitution ciphers in sequence with several shift
values. In this cipher, the keyword is repeated just before it connects with the duration of the
Encryption is implemented by going to the row in the table correlating to the key, and discover
the column heading the corresponding letter of the plaintext character; the letter at the
intersection of corresponding row and column of the Vigenere Square create the ciphertext
character. The rest of the plaintext is encrypted in the similar method.
9. What types of attacks are performed on Apache server? Explain each with their

How Security Disasters Develop

The scenarios you'll face are the following:

 Intruders gaining simple access

 Denial of service

 Defacement or total system seizure

Let's run through the factors that invite these situations.

Intruders Gaining Simple Access

Simple unauthorized access can happen in several ways:

 Insiders who once had authorized access (former employees or developers,

for example) return to haunt you.

 Your users make bad password choices on other networks that fall to hackers.
This leads to cross-network unauthorized access.

 Your underlying operating system has holes, and diligent hackers exploit it to
gain limited access.

 The tools you use in conjunction with Apache are flawed.

Denial-of-Service (DoS) / Distributed Denial-of-service (DDoS)

 Reduce Attack Surface Area

 Plan for Scale
 Know what is normal and abnormal traffic
 Deploy Firewalls for Sophisticated Application attacks

Web Defacement Attack

 Avoid common web vulnerabilities

 Secure your database
 Secure your source code

SSH Brute Force Attack. 

 Don't allow root to login

 Don't allow ssh passwords (use private key authentication)
 Don't listen on every interface

Cross-site scripting (XSS)

1. Blacklist filtering.
2. Whitelist filtering.
3. Contextual Encoding.
4. Input Validation.
5. Content Security Policy.

10. Explain features of Window and Linux along with layer architecture. How these platforms
are made secure? Explain in detail.

An operating system can be described as an interface among the computer hardware

and the user of any computer. It is a group of software that handles the resources of the
computer hardware and facilitates basic services for computer programs.

An operating system is an essential component of system software within a computer

system. The primary aim of an operating system is to provide a platform where a user
can run any program conveniently or efficiently.

On the other hand, Linux OS is one of the famous versions of the UNIX OS. It is
developed to provide a low-cost or free OS for several personal computer system users.
Remarkably, it is a complete OS Including an X Window System, Emacs editor, IP/TCP,
GUI (graphical user interface), etc.
11. Explain security attacks and measures of WI-FI attacks.
What are the risks to your wireless network?
Whether it’s a home or business network, the risks to an unsecured wireless network are the
same. Some of the risks include:

If you fail to secure your wireless network, anyone with a wireless-enabled computer in range of
your access point can use your connection. The typical indoor broadcast range of an access point
is 150–300 feet. Outdoors, this range may extend as far as 1,000 feet. So, if your neighborhood is
closely settled, or if you live in an apartment or condominium, failure to secure your wireless
network could open your internet connection to many unintended users. These users may be able
to conduct illegal activity, monitor and capture your web traffic, or steal personal files.

Wardriving is a specific kind of piggybacking. The broadcast range of a wireless access point
can make internet connections available outside your home, even as far away as your street.
Savvy computer users know this, and some have made a hobby out of driving through cities and
neighborhoods with a wireless-equipped computer—sometimes with a powerful antenna—
searching for unsecured wireless networks. This practice is known as “wardriving.”

Evil Twin Attacks

In an evil twin attack, an adversary gathers information about a public network access point, then
sets up their system to impersonate it. The adversary uses a broadcast signal stronger than the
one generated by the legitimate access point; then, unsuspecting users connect using the stronger
signal. Because the victim is connecting to the internet through the attacker’s system, it’s easy
for the attacker to use specialized tools to read any data the victim sends over the internet. This
data may include credit card numbers, username and password combinations, and other personal
information. Always confirm the name and password of a public Wi-Fi hotspot prior to use. This
will ensure you are connecting to a trusted access point.

Wireless Sniffing
Many public access points are not secured and the traffic they carry is not encrypted. This can
put your sensitive communications or transactions at risk. Because your connection is being
transmitted “in the clear,” malicious actors could use sniffing tools to obtain sensitive
information such as passwords or credit card numbers. Ensure that all the access points you
connect to use at least WPA2 encryption.
Unauthorized Computer Access
An unsecured public wireless network combined with unsecured file sharing could allow a
malicious user to access any directories and files you have unintentionally made available for
sharing. Ensure that when you connect your devices to public networks, you deny sharing files
and folders. Only allow sharing on recognized home networks and only while it is necessary to
share items. When not needed, ensure that file sharing is disabled. This will help prevent an
unknown attacker from accessing your device’s files.

Shoulder Surfing
In public areas malicious actors can simply glance over your shoulder as you type. By simply
watching you, they can steal sensitive or personal information. Screen protectors that prevent
shoulder-surfers from seeing your device screen can be purchased for little money. For smaller
devices, such as phones, be cognizant of your surroundings while viewing sensitive information
or entering passwords.

Theft of Mobile Devices

Not all attackers rely on gaining access to your data via wireless means. By physically stealing
your device, attackers could have unrestricted access to all of its data, as well as any connected
cloud accounts. Taking measures to protect your devices from loss or theft is important, but
should the worst happen, a little preparation may protect the data inside. Most mobile devices,
including laptop computers, now have the ability to fully encrypt their stored data—making
devices useless to attackers who cannot provide the proper password or personal identification
number (PIN). In addition to encrypting device content, it is also advisable to configure your
device’s applications to request login information before allowing access to any cloud-based
information. Last, individually encrypt or password-protect files that contain personal or
sensitive information. This will afford yet another layer of protection in the event an attacker is
able to gain access to your device.

What can you do to minimize the risks to your wireless network?

Change default passwords. Most network devices, including wireless access points, are pre-
configured with default administrator passwords to simplify setup. These default passwords are
easily available to obtain online, and so provide only marginal protection. Changing default
passwords makes it harder for attackers to access a device. Use and periodic changing of
complex passwords is your first line of defense in protecting your device. (See Choosing and
Protecting Passwords.)
Restrict access. Only allow authorized users to access your network. Each piece of hardware
connected to a network has a media access control (MAC) address. You can restrict access to
your network by filtering these MAC addresses. Consult your user documentation for specific
information about enabling these features. You can also utilize the “guest” account, which is a
widely used feature on many wireless routers. This feature allows you to grant wireless access to
guests on a separate wireless channel with a separate password, while maintaining the privacy of
your primary credentials.
Encrypt the data on your network. Encrypting your wireless data prevents anyone who might be
able to access your network from viewing it. There are several encryption protocols available to
provide this protection. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), WPA2, and WPA3 encrypt information
being transmitted between wireless routers and wireless devices. WPA3 is currently the strongest
encryption. WPA and WPA2 are still available; however, it is advisable to use equipment that
specifically supports WPA3, as using the other protocols could leave your network open to
Protect your Service Set Identifier (SSID). To prevent outsiders from easily accessing your
network, avoid publicizing your SSID. All Wi-Fi routers allow users to protect their device’s
SSID, which makes it more difficult for attackers to find a network. At the very least, change
your SSID to something unique. Leaving it as the manufacturer’s default could allow a potential
attacker to identify the type of router and possibly exploit any known vulnerabilities.
Install a firewall. Consider installing a firewall directly on your wireless devices (a host-based
firewall), as well as on your home network (a router- or modem-based firewall). Attackers who
can directly tap into your wireless network may be able to circumvent your network firewall—a
host-based firewall will add a layer of protection to the data on your computer (see
Understanding Firewalls for Home and Small Office Use).
Maintain antivirus software. Install antivirus software and keep your virus definitions up to date.
Many antivirus programs also have additional features that detect or protect against spyware and
adware (see Protecting Against Malicious Code and What is Cybersecurity?).
Use file sharing with caution. File sharing between devices should be disabled when not needed.
You should always choose to only allow file sharing over home or work networks, never on
public networks. You may want to consider creating a dedicated directory for file sharing and
restrict access to all other directories. In addition, you should password protect anything you
share. Never open an entire hard drive for file sharing (see Choosing and Protecting Passwords).
Keep your access point software patched and up to date. The manufacturer of your wireless
access point will periodically release updates to and patches for a device’s software and
firmware. Be sure to check the manufacturer’s website regularly for any updates or patches for
your device.
Check your internet provider’s or router manufacturer’s wireless security options. Your internet
service provider and router manufacturer may provide information or resources to assist in
securing your wireless network. Check the customer support area of their websites for specific
suggestions or instructions.
Connect using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Many companies and organizations have a
VPN. VPNs allow employees to connect securely to their network when away from the office.
VPNs encrypt connections at the sending and receiving ends and keep out traffic that is not
properly encrypted. If a VPN is available to you, make sure you log onto it any time you need to
use a public wireless access point.

12. How SQL injection is performed? Explain methods,types and solutions

SQL Injection (SQLi) is a type of an injection attack that makes it possible to execute

malicious SQL statements. These statements control a database server behind a
web application. Attackers can use SQL Injection vulnerabilities to bypass
application security measures. They can go around authentication and
authorization of a web page or web application and retrieve the content of the
entire SQL database. They can also use SQL Injection to add, modify, and delete
records in the database.

An SQL Injection vulnerability may affect any website or web application that uses
an SQL database such as MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or others. Criminals may use it
to gain unauthorized access to your sensitive data: customer information, personal
data, trade secrets, intellectual property, and more. SQL Injection attacks are one of
the oldest, most prevalent, and most dangerous web application vulnerabilities. 

 Attackers can use SQL Injections to find the credentials of other users in the
database. They can then impersonate these users. The impersonated user
may be a database administrator with all database privileges.
 SQL lets you select and output data from the database. An SQL Injection
vulnerability could allow the attacker to gain complete access to all data in a
database server.
 SQL also lets you alter data in a database and add new data. For example, in
a financial application, an attacker could use SQL Injection to alter balances,
void transactions, or transfer money to their account.
 You can use SQL to delete records from a database, even drop tables. Even if
the administrator makes database backups, deletion of data could affect
application availability until the database is restored. Also, backups may not
cover the most recent data.
 In some database servers, you can access the operating system using the
database server. This may be intentional or accidental. In such case, an
attacker could use an SQL Injection as the initial vector and then attack the
internal network behind a firewall.

SQL injections typically fall under three categories: In-band SQLi (Classic), Inferential
SQLi (Blind) and Out-of-band SQLi. You can classify SQL injections types based on the
methods they use to access backend data and their damage potential.

Types of SQL Injections

SQL injections typically fall under three categories: In-band SQLi (Classic),
Inferential SQLi (Blind) and Out-of-band SQLi. You can classify SQL
injections types based on the methods they use to access backend data and
their damage potential.

In-band SQLi

The attacker uses the same channel of communication to launch their

attacks and to gather their results. In-band SQLi’s simplicity and efficiency
make it one of the most common types of SQLi attack. There are two sub-
variations of this method:

 Error-based SQLi—the attacker performs actions that cause the database to

produce error messages. The attacker can potentially use the data provided
by these error messages to gather information about the structure of the
 Union-based SQLi—this technique takes advantage of the UNION SQL
operator, which fuses multiple select statements generated by the database
to get a single HTTP response. This response may contain data that can be
leveraged by the attacker.

Inferential (Blind) SQLi

The attacker sends data payloads to the server and observes the response
and behavior of the server to learn more about its structure. This method is
called blind SQLi because the data is not transferred from the website
database to the attacker, thus the attacker cannot see information about the
attack in-band.

Blind SQL injections rely on the response and behavioral patterns of the
server so they are typically slower to execute but may be just as harmful.
Blind SQL injections can be classified as follows:
 Boolean—that attacker sends a SQL query to the database prompting the
application to return a result. The result will vary depending on whether the
query is true or false. Based on the result, the information within the HTTP
response will modify or stay unchanged. The attacker can then work out if
the message generated a true or false result.
 Time-based—attacker sends a SQL query to the database, which makes the
database wait (for a period in seconds) before it can react. The attacker can
see from the time the database takes to respond, whether a query is true or
false. Based on the result, an HTTP response will be generated instantly or
after a waiting period. The attacker can thus work out if the message they
used returned true or false, without relying on data from the database.

Out-of-band SQLi

The attacker can only carry out this form of attack when certain features are
enabled on the database server used by the web application. This form of
attack is primarily used as an alternative to the in-band and inferential SQLi

Out-of-band SQLi is performed when the attacker can’t use the same
channel to launch the attack and gather information, or when a server is too
slow or unstable for these actions to be performed. These techniques count
on the capacity of the server to create DNS or HTTP requests to transfer
data to an attacker.

Primary Defenses:

 Option 1: Use of Prepared Statements (with Parameterized Queries)

 Option 2: Use of Properly Constructed Stored Procedures
 Option 3: Allow-list Input Validation
 Option 4: Escaping All User Supplied Input

Additional Defenses:

 Also: Enforcing Least Privilege

 Also: Performing Allow-list Input Validation as a Secondary Defense
1) Continuous Scanning and Penetration Testing
2) Restrict Privileges
3) Use Query Parameters
4) Instant Protection

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