Konica Minolta Aero DR

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AeroDR Implementation Guide

For In‐Room and Portables

KMMI‐137 Rev. A
AeroDR Implementation Guide

IMPLEMENTATION OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 4
Pre‐Site ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Applications............................................................................................................................................... 4
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILTIES ....................................................................................................................... 5
PRESITE ACTIVITIES OVERVIEW..................................................................................................................... 5
Equipment Location Considerations ......................................................................................................... 5
Construction .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Equipment Staging Area ....................................................................................................................... 6
X‐Ray Console/Generator Connection .................................................................................................. 7
Sample System Layout .......................................................................................................................... 7
Summary of Electrical and Networking Requirements ............................................................................. 8
In‐Room................................................................................................................................................. 8
Portable ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Stitching ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Electrical Power Requirements ................................................................................................................. 8
Electrical Safety ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Electrical Site Requirements ................................................................................................................. 9
Network Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 9
Wireless Survey ..................................................................................................................................... 9
In‐Room and Stitching Networking Configuration ................................................................................ 9
Portable Network Configuration ......................................................................................................... 11
Remote Maintenance Options ............................................................................................................ 12
Aero DR Stitching .................................................................................................................................... 12
Workflow Considerations ................................................................................................................... 12
Space Considerations .......................................................................................................................... 13
Construction Requirements ................................................................................................................ 13
Electrical Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 13
Network Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 13

2 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
AeroDR Implementation Guide

Existing Equipment Requirements ...................................................................................................... 13

Procedure Code Mapping Overview ....................................................................................................... 14
INSTALLATION OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................... 15
Shipment of System ................................................................................................................................ 15
Installation of System.............................................................................................................................. 15
APPLICATIONS OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................... 16
Configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Training ................................................................................................................................................... 16
Clinical Applications Training Guidelines ............................................................................................ 16
Training Schedule ................................................................................................................................ 16
Required Participants .......................................................................................................................... 16
Important Training Information .......................................................................................................... 16
Duration of Training ............................................................................................................................ 17
Additional Training Opportunities ...................................................................................................... 17
APPENDIX A ‐ Technical Specifications ....................................................................................................... 18
AeroDR Detectors ................................................................................................................................... 18
AeroDR Interface Unit (I/F) ..................................................................................................................... 19
AeroDR Generator Interface Unit (X/G) .................................................................................................. 20
AeroDR Docking Station (14x17 & 17x17) ............................................................................................. 21
AeroDR Docking Station (10x12) ............................................................................................................ 22
AeroDR Wireless Access Point ............................................................................................................... 23
Control Station Computer ....................................................................................................................... 24
Control Station Monitor .......................................................................................................................... 25
Portable Retrofit Unit.............................................................................................................................. 26
Portable CS‐7 CPU/Monitor .................................................................................................................... 27
AeroDR Stitching Unit ............................................................................................................................. 28
AeroDR Stitching X‐Ray Auto Barrier Unit .............................................................................................. 29
AeroDR Stitching Power Supply Unit ...................................................................................................... 30
APPENDIX B ‐ Procedure Code Mapping..................................................................................................... 31

3 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
AeroDR Implementation Guide

Your AeroDR Implementation has three key activities:

Pre‐Site Installation Applications

The purpose of the pre‐site is to insure site readiness on the date of install. The activity entails either an
on‐site visit or a scheduled conference call. This meeting is conducted by the Konica Minolta Medical
Imaging (KMMI) Field Service Engineer (FSE) and should include key people from your site as defined in
the roles and responsibilities section below. The purpose of the pre‐site activity is to review the
complete system(s) that will be installed, review the physical layout of your x‐ray rooms or areas of
portable service, and to discuss all necessary data, technical, and physical site requirements that must
be completed prior to the installation. Your organization will be contacted by KMMI or our
representative to schedule this activity.

Activities include system shipment to your site location and installation of the equipment in your

Activities include system configuration and applications training. The training will be scheduled based
on the KMMI system(s) purchased and all training will take place at your site after completion of your

4 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
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Site Radiology Manager  Assist in Pre‐site Activities

 Insure Site Readiness for Installation
 Complete Procedure Code Mapping tool prior to Installation
 Assign Super users for Applications Training
 Adjust patient schedule during installation and applications
 Facilitate Interface with lead personnel for Image Quality approval
Site IT Contact  Assist in Pre‐site Activities
 Make decision on networking connectivity
 Provide IP Addresses required prior to install
 Provide network connectivity during install
 Be available during install to assist in network connectivity issues
Site Facilities Manager  Assist in Pre‐site Activities
 Install any needed electrical or network outlets prior to install
 Perform any construction and changes to physical layout prior to
 Be available during install for any wiring and drilling
Site PACS Administrator  Assist in Pre‐site Activities
 Provide information for DICOM Modalities
 Be available during install to insure connectivity to PACS/RIS
Konica Minolta Field  Perform Pre‐site Activities
Service Engineer (FSE)  Perform Physical Equipment Installation

Konica Minolta  Assist Customer in creation of Procedure Codes Mapping File

Applications Specialist  Perform Training Activities

Konica Minolta Project  Contact Site regarding schedule for all installation activities
Coordinator  Key point of contact for the customer


Equipment Location Considerations

Identifying where you will place your AeroDR system components is important for the optimization of
workflow efficiencies. During the pre‐site visit, the Konica Minolta Medical Imaging (KMMI) Field Service
Engineer (FSE) or dealer representative will review equipment location and workflow. Please ensure the
installation site satisfies the conditions listed below:

 Install the device in a location where it is not exposed to water or floor wax.
 Install the device in a location where there is no likelihood of being adversely affected by
atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, drafts, dust or air containing salt, sulfur, etc.
 Install the device on a flat surface where it is free from physical shock (also avoid physical shocks

5 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
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during transportation).
 Install the device in a location where chemical agents are not stored.
 Install the device in a location where no gas is generated.
 Install the device in a location where there are no electrical noise sources.
 Install all cables in such a way no one will trip. This may require concealing cables in conduit or
wiring chase. This depends on your facility's guidelines / requirements.
 Install the devices in a location where the air inlet and outlet are not blocked.
 Do not install the Aero DR Interface Unit (I/F) and the Aero DR Generator Interface Unit (X/G) on
top of each other.

It is suggested that the AeroDR Interface unit (I/F), Generator Interface (X/G), and CS‐7 system be
located as close to the console as possible. Only the Generator Interface (X/G) box has a direct
connection to the X‐ray console. A specifically constructed cable for your model of X‐ray console is
required. This cable’s maximum length is 9 foot (3m). See the image below for an example.

Depending on the location of the AeroDR system components, numerous wires (network, grounding
cables, and power) require routing and controlling. It is the responsibility of the facility to ensure all
wiring is positioned within their guidelines, safety requirements, local electrical code, or other
requirements not known by KMMI. Any pre‐install construction and any other construction type work
required during installation is the responsibility of the site. Any construction or modification to the X‐
Ray room or control area required to support the installation will need to be completed prior to the
first day of the AeroDR system installation.

Equipment Staging Area

For a more efficient installation, we request the site identify an available area or room to use as a
staging area for installation. The space will need to be large enough to unpack all of the boxes. It should
also contain multiple power outlets to completely configure the system outside of the x‐ray room. This
will minimize the downtime impact during installation. For portables, an unused or little‐used x‐ray area
is ideal since this will allow for panel calibrations.

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AeroDR Implementation Guide

X‐Ray Console/Generator Connection

Since the AeroDR system will need to be connected to the X‐ray console, it may be necessary to have a
KMMI FSE complete a survey of the console (if not already a console interfaced by Konica Minolta in the
past). This survey will consist of taking some electrical measurements. Temporary removal of the
console’s hand switch or exposure button is necessary. This survey takes approximately 1 hour to
complete per console.

Sample System Layout

The image below provides an example of where the individual AeroDR components can be located in
the imaging suite between the control room (outside of the grey area) and exposure room. The access
point in the exposure room should be mounted high on the wall in the x‐ray room with direct line of site
to all areas where the panel will be located during exposure. An example of the wiring connections for
the components can also be seen below:

7 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
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Summary of Electrical and Networking Requirements

The following charts summarize the IP Address, Network Cable and Electrical Outlet Requirements for
the AeroDR In‐Room, Portable, and Stitching systems. These requirements are for each system that will
be installed.

Equipment IP Address Network Cable Outlet
Control Station (CS‐7) PC & Monitor 1 1 2
Interface (I/F) Unit 1 1
Generator Interface Unit (X/G) 1
Flat Panel Detector (FPD) 2
Docking Station 1 1
Wireless Access Point 1 1

Equipment IP Address Network Cable Outlet
Control Station (CS‐7) PC & Monitor 2 (one wired, 1 2
one wireless)
Interface (I/F) Unit
Generator Interface Unit (X/G) 1
Flat Panel Detector (FPD) 2
Docking Station 1 1
Wireless Access Point 1

Equipment IP Address Network Cable Outlet
Stitching Stand 1 1
Power Unit 1
Barrier Unit

Electrical Power Requirements

Electrical Safety
Extension cords or power strips should not be utilized. You must plug the power cables of the AeroDR
components directly into grounded wall outlets.

8 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
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Electrical Site Requirements

Electrical Outlets required for the AeroDR components are outlined above in the section “Summary of
Electrical and Networking Requirements.” The site will need to insure the proper number of electrical
outlets in the area of AeroDR installation prior to the installation. The location of the current electrical
outlets and the need to install new outlets will be covered during the pre‐site visit. Depending on the
location of the AeroDR system components, numerous wires (network, grounding cables, and power)
require routing and controlling.

It is the responsibility of the facility to ensure all wiring is positioned within their guidelines, safety
requirements, local electrical code, or other requirements not known by KMMI.

Network Requirements

Wireless Survey
If the wireless communication feature of AeroDR is to be used, KMMI will also need to complete a
wireless frequency investigation. The analysis needs to be completed in the X‐ray exposure areas. The
survey will determine the optimal position of the wireless access point and which wireless channel will
be used. The wireless survey takes approximately 20 minutes per X‐ray room.

In‐Room and Stitching Networking Configuration

There are three options on how to configure the AeroDR network for in‐room systems which is largely
determined by how your facility will allow the AeroDR system to connect to your network and the
security policy at your site. During the pre‐site visit, a trained FSE will work with you to determine the
optimal solution for the site.

Option #1 – Network all Component through IF Box (shown in most AeroDR drawings)
All components’ network cables go back to the I/F unit. Only one network cable goes to the facility
network from the I/F unit.

 Benefits: Communication between Aero devices quicker; allows for roaming

 Disadvantages: Requires 5 IP addresses; Does not work if site will not allow multiple MAC
addresses on one port

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Option #2 – Network all Components direct to Facility

Each component sits on the facility network. Typically, this installation would occur if there is a network
security requirement that each unit with IP address is visible on the network.

 Benefits: Allow roaming

 Disadvantages: Communication between Aero devices slower; Requires 5 IP addresses

Option #3 – 2nd Network Card

A 2nd network card is added to the Control Station (CS‐7). All components go back to the I/F Unit. CS7
goes to the facility network. The 2nd Network card is all your site will see on the network and
communicates directly to PACS/RIS.

 Benefits: Quicker Communication; Only requires 1 IP Address; Communication between Aero

DR components is on self‐contained networking scheme

10 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
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 Disadvantages: Does not allow roaming; some optional software (Study sharing, Statistical
Analysis) is not fully functional; may not allow remote access (depends on facility if 2nd network
card can access internet)

Portable Network Configuration

There are two options to configure the AeroDR network for portable system based on whether your site
wants the portable fully wireless or wired to your network. If your site chooses to go fully wireless and
does not open up the radiology wireless network in patient rooms or other areas within the site, there
may be locations or rooms in which the portable unit may not be able to access the network. If the
wireless network does not reach PACS/RIS systems, the system user will need to drive portable back to a
wireless access location or use wired connection into the network to send the images back to PACS/RIS.
There is also the option to have both a wired/wireless connection.

Option #1 – Connected to the facility wired network

 Benefits: Allows for roaming; Allows for PACS/RIS communication if the facility wireless
network is not functioning; Docking station remains on wired network at all times; Easier for
remote access
 Disadvantages: Need five IP addresses

Option #2 – Not connected to the facility wired network

 Benefits: Only need one wireless IP address
 Disadvantages: Does not allow roaming; Unable to connect to PACS/RIS via wired network if
needed; Network cable for docking station needs to be plugged directly into portable for
upgrades or service (remote or in‐person)

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Remote Maintenance Options

There are two remote maintenance options available for remote access, software updates, and repairs.
The recommended remote maintenance system is our web‐based R2 Enhanced Remote Maintenance
system. However if the site does not allow for internet access to the AeroDR System, a VPN can be
utilized. Details on both options are outlined below:

R2 ‐ Enhanced Remote Maintenance

The Enhanced Remote Maintenance system utilizes a transparent piece of software that runs in the
background on the AeroDR system. For ease of implementation and quality of remote diagnostic
service, the preferred method is the Enhanced Remote Maintenance. This requires broadband Internet
access to the KMMI system using the https security protocols (the same methods used in on‐line
banking). As long as https is authorized, then our software can communicate with us.

Virtual Private Network

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a private data network that makes use of the public
telecommunications infrastructure, while maintaining privacy through the use of a tunneling protocol
and security procedures. VPN permits secure, encrypted connections between remote users such as a
service provider and the Hospital network. VPN’s provide the highest level of security using advanced
encryption and authentication protocols that protect data from unauthorized access. KMMI maintains
all VPN login user names and passwords in a central database. Access to this information is monitored.
All connections to our client sites are logged. If your site encounters a network problem with your
KMMI Radiography equipment, the VPN will allow KMMI’s centralized Technical Support Team to access
your systems remotely in order to quickly verify the issue. If it can be resolved by technical support via
VPN, this will decrease your down time and greatly lessen the impact on your department and patient
care. If the problem cannot be resolved remotely and requires on‐site service, VPN will provide the Field
Service Engineer who responds to the call with an accurate description of the problem, as well as other
important information, such as any parts that may be needed.

Aero DR Stitching

Workflow Considerations
The layout of the stitching components is critical for an efficient workflow during the stitching process.
The barrier unit, stitching unit and X‐ray will need to be easily accessible by the X‐ray room Technician.
The Stitching unit should be installed in an open area and have wheelchair accessibility. The docking
station for the AeroDR panel should also be placed close by the unit for easy workflow.

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Space Considerations
There is minimum distance required in the room between the x‐ray tube and front of the Wall Stand
depending on the masking size for the stitching unit to work properly. The below minimum
measurements are from between the tube and front of the wall unit. The stitching unit wall stand is 16
inches away from the wall.

Masking Distance from Tube ‐Stand Distance Tube ‐Wall

2.4 95 Inches / 2.4 M 111 Inches
2.0 79 Inches / 2.0 M 95 Inches
1.5 60 Inches / 1.5 M 76 inches

A visual of the space requirement is also provided below:

Construction Requirements
Drilling is required on floor and/or wall to secure the stitching stand in place. Floor drilling is required
to insert guides for the barrier unit. Additional construction may be required for the network and
electrical requirements and for a shelf or table for placement of the power unit.

Electrical Requirements
One electrical outlet is required for the stitching unit.

Network Requirements
One additional IP address will be required for the stitching unit. A network jack is also required by the
stitching stand.

Existing Equipment Requirements

The cross hairs on the collimation lens must be a single cross hair. The Barrier Slit sensors read the light
from the collimation and if 2‐lines are detected, the Stitching unit could encounter errors. If the
collimation lens has a double cross or any other marking beside a single cross hair, this should be
changed out in advance of the installation of the stitching unit. Checking the collimation shield should
be a visual check.

13 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
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Please review below pictures below for a clear display of differences.

Cannot use Stitching Cannot use for Stitching Correct Collimator Shield,
Can use for Stitching.

If your site has the 2‐Cross hairs on the X‐Ray collimator lens, please have your original equipment
manufacturer or dealer involved with Sales or Service change the shield prior to install.

Procedure Code Mapping Overview

Procedure Code Mapping is a workflow enhancement tool based on the unique DICOM tags sent from
your Modality Worklist provider. The KMMI Applications Specialist will work with the site a few weeks
prior to the installation to define the mapping requirements and provide a mapping tool to be used by
the site for this purpose.

The AeroDR system can accept your Modality Worklist Order information in any of the following DICOM
tags consisting of both Group Number and Element Numbers listed below:

1) Schedule Protocol Code Sequence (0040,0008)

2) Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0100)
3) Code Value (0009,0102)
4) Requested Procedure ID (0040,1001)
5) Requested Procedure Description (0032,1060)
6) Requested Procedure Code Sequence (0032,1064)

Additionally, site‐specific Departmental Standard Views or Protocols must be provided. Using the
Procedure Code Mapping Tool Assistant, your site will list these views in the order that the AeroDR
system should populate the study to maximize its workflow advantage. For example, for Chest 2 Views,
if your department normally exposes the PA and then the LAT view, please list them in the Mapping Tool
with the PA in the first position followed by the LAT view.

CAUTION: Please note the Procedure Code Mapping file created for your unique site is computer code
and therefore must match exactly the DICOM tag received from your DICOM Modality Worklist
Provider. It is case sensitive, for example if your DICOM Modality Worklist Provider sends the order as
“CHEST 2 Views” but you have provided the order as “Chest two views” this will appear as “No Exam, No

14 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
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Exam” on AeroDR worklist. Care should be taken to provide the most current file. (For additional details
and file image, please refer to Appendix B)


Shipment of System
Your system will arrive by freight truck the week prior to the installation. Please make sure that you
have a loading dock or other capability to receive the equipment and someone at the site that will
accept the shipment and move the equipment to the storage or staging area. A KMMI Implementation
Coordinator will contact your site to confirm these details in advance.

If your site requested a pre‐call, the carrier will call the site contact provided to advise the timing of the
upcoming delivery. The carrier will unload the shipment onto the loading dock and may also move the
cartons to the designated area. If the equipment is not in the staging area or by the x‐ray room, a cart
should be available for the KMMI FSE to use to move the equipment during installation.

Installation of System
During the first few hours or first day of the install (depending on the number of systems), the KMMI FSE
will unpack the boxes and begin to assemble and configure the system(s) in the staging area. On
average, it will take approximately 4 ‐ 8 hours for this activity for each in‐room and portable system.

After the staging is complete, the FSE will need access to the x‐ray room for the in‐room system for
approximately 4 hours per system to physically install the AeroDR components and connect to the
existing x‐ray generator. For stitching, one (1) day will be required for in‐room setup. During
installation, down‐time in the x‐ray room is required. If wiring and drilling is required during the
physical installation, facilities maintenance will need to be available to perform those activities.

After the physical install, the IT resource at the site will need to work with the FSE to secure the
connection to the site network and the PACS/RIS. The PACS/RIS administrator will also need to be
involved to insure connectivity to the systems.

Room downtime can be reduced by insuring the necessary resources (IT, PACS/RIS & Facilities) as
indicated above during the installation.

After the system is installed, the FSE will work to calibrate the panel in order to insure proper image
quality. If applications are not scheduled immediately after the installation, you will still be able to use
your system in prior configuration.

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The application specialist will require time initially to confirm the configuration of your unique
installation. Site specific Procedure Code Mapping files, custom exam tags etc. will be loaded prior to
the first full day of application training.

KMMI provides a comprehensive training program for the system(s) you have purchased. Lectures and
hands‐on training will take place at your facility utilizing your AeroDR system(s).

Clinical Applications Training Guidelines

Applications training will be scheduled to start after your system is installed, fully functional, and ready
for clinical use. We also require that all RIS, PACS and printers be installed and fully functional prior to
scheduling applications training.

Consistent with industry standards, our applications training is based on a Train the Trainer concept.
KMMI will train key individuals identified by your facility as your system “Super Users”. Your “Super
Users” will receive training in the operation and customization of your AeroDR system(s). At the
completion of training, they will be proficient in these tasks and will be your on‐site resource for
questions and customization requests.

The utilization of on‐site “Super Users” allows you to continue training your current staff as well as new
departmental technical staff in the future. We believe it is vital to keep the training classes small in order
to ensure quality training.

Training Schedule
Your applications training will be designed to make maximum effective use of your department staff
time. Training is conducted at your site during normal business hours (8:30—5:00 PM) using your
AeroDR system.

Required Participants
Super User: Your “Super Users”, two (2) per site, will need training on each piece of the system and for
all functions of the system with customizable features. When selecting your “Super Users”, keep in mind
that they must attend each of the individual training sessions. All “Super Users” should be excused from
their normal daily tasks during scheduled training sessions in order to take full advantage of the training

Radiologist: A Radiologist or other key personnel with the authority to approve final image quality
should be available throughout the entire applications training period.

Important Training Information

 On the first full day of training we recommend a reduced load of patients in order to ensure a

16 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
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smooth training program.

 The number of training days will vary depending on the product class purchased. Please contact
your Territory Manager for more information on the amount of training days your site will be
 Training is scheduled on site during normal business hours, typically Tuesday through Thursday
between the hours of 8:30AM to 5:00PM. A lunch break, one morning and one afternoon break
are included. Your training times may differ based on the required travel time for your Trainer to
reach your site. Your training days will be confirmed prior to installation by your Applications
 Travel to and from your site takes place during the business week (no weekend travel). Training
will not be scheduled on Monday as it will be used for system configuration. Exceptions must be
approved in advance by the Professional Service Manager.
 Training is not scheduled on weekends or holidays.
 Training is not scheduled during your “third shift”. Special arrangements may be possible for
training during your “second shift”. Please contact your Professional Services Manager to
discuss second shift training arrangements prior to the arrival of your Applications Trainer on
 Exceptions must be mutually agreed upon in writing prior to installation and may result in
additional charges.

Duration of Training
The number of hours of training will depend upon your system configuration.

Additional Training Opportunities

Refresher Training Courses are available for purchase. Please contact your Territory Manager for
scheduling information and to arrange for these additional training courses.

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APPENDIX A ‐ Technical Specifications

AeroDR Detectors

18 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
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AeroDR Interface Unit (I/F)

Item Description
Amount of connectable Wired connection: Up to 2
AeroDR Detectors Wireless connection: Up to 4
(AeroDR Access Point is necessary when operating wireless)

Power Requirements AC 100/110/115/120/200/220/230/240 V +/‐ 10%, single phase

50 / 60 Hz

Power Consumption With the AeroDR Detector Connected: approx. 80 VA (100‐240 V)

Without the AeroDR Detector Connected: approx. 33 VA (100‐240 V)

External Dimensions 460 (W) x 180 (D) x 285 (H) mm

18.2 (W) x 7.0 (D) x 11.2 (H) inches

Weight 11.5 kg
25.3 lbs

 One Electrical Outlet & one network drop {RJ 45} per AeroDR Interface unit.

 Two 14 gauge grounding wires are connected to this unit. One grounding wire is
connected to the X/G unit. The other grounding wire is connected to the wireless access

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AeroDR Generator Interface Unit (X/G)

Item Description
Power The power for this unit is supplied from the AeroDR Interface Unit (I/F) via
power over Ethernet. No electrical outlet is needed.

External Dimensions 460 (W) x 180 (D) x 285 (H) mm

18.2 (W) x 7.0 (D) x 11.2 (H) inches

Weight 7.3 kg
16.0 lbs

 This unit will need one IP address.

 No RJ‐45 outlet is needed.

 The connection back to the I/F unit is done via direct network wiring between the units.

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AeroDR Docking Station (14x17 & 17x17)

Item Description
Power Requirements AC 100/110/115/120/200/220/230/240 V +/‐ 10%, single phase
50 / 60 Hz

Power Consumption Charging: approx. 161 VA (100‐240 V)

Standby: approx. 25 VA (100‐240 V)

External Dimensions 560 (W) x 250 (D) x 153 (H) mm

22.0 (W) x 9.8 (D) x 6.0 (H) inches

Weight 7.2 kg
15.8 lbs

 One electrical outlet is required per docking station.

 A network cable will need to run to the site network or IF unit.

 No IP address is needed.

21 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
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AeroDR Docking Station (10x12)

 One electrical outlet is required per docking station.

 A network cable will need to run to the site network or IF unit.

 No IP address is needed.

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AeroDR Wireless Access Point

Item Description
Supported Standards IEEE 802.11a (Wireless LAN)
IEEE 802.3u 10/100 Base‐T(X) (LAN)
IEEE 802‐3af (Power Over Ethernet)

Power supply Supplied from the Aero DR Interface unit via Ethernet cable.
48 VDC PoE [IEEE 802.3af complaint]

Power Consumption With the Aero DR Detector Connected: approx. 80 VA (100‐240 V)

Without the Aero DR Detector Connected: approx. 33 VA (100‐240 V)

External Dimensions 53.6 (W) x 135 (D) x 105 (H) mm

(without mounting hardware) 2.1 (W) x 5.3 (D) x 4.1 (H) inches

Weight 850 g
1.87 lbs

WLAN encryption WPA‐PSK (AES)

 One IP address is required.

 No power is required. The unit is powered via power over Ethernet.

 This unit has one network cable and one 14 gauge grounding wire connected.

23 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
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 This unit is to be wall mounted in the X‐ray room in a location determined by KMMI.

Control Station Computer

Item Description

Power Requirements 100—240 50 / 60 Hz

Power Consumption 4A

External Dimensions 338 (W) x 378.5 (D) x 100 (H) mm

13.3 (W) x 14.9 (D) x 3.9 (H) inches

Weight 7.6 kg
16.7 lbs

 One electrical outlet is required.

 One IP address is required.

 Network jack is required for up linking to the facilities network.

24 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
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Control Station Monitor

Item Description

Dimensions With Stand Without Stand

414 (W) x 442.5—524.5 (H) x 208.5 414 (W) x 340 (H) x 64(D) mm
(D) mm 16.3 (W) x 13.4—19.9 (H) x 2.5 (D)
16.3 (W) x 17.4—20.6 (H) x 8.2 (D) inches

Height Adjustment Range 82 mm / 3.2 inches

Weight With Stand Without Stand

9.0 kg / 19.8 lbs 6.0 kg / 13.2 lbs

Power Requirements 100—120 V / 220—240 V 50/60 Hz

Power Consumption 40 W

 One electrical outlet is required.

25 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
AeroDR Implementation Guide

Portable Retrofit Unit

Item Description

External Dimensions 15.2” x 15.2” x 2.96” (W x H x D)

Weight 6.3 kg
13.9 lbs
Operating time 11 hours from first use
Image Display Speed < 3 second

Cycle Time < 17 Seconds

Supported Standards IEEE 802.11a (Wireless LAN)
IEEE 802.3u 10/100 Base‐T(X) (LAN)
WLAN encryption WPA2‐PSK (AES)

26 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
AeroDR Implementation Guide

Portable CS‐7 CPU/Monitor

27 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
AeroDR Implementation Guide

AeroDR Stitching Unit

 One IP address is required.

 Network jack is required for up linking to the facilities network.

28 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
AeroDR Implementation Guide

AeroDR Stitching X‐Ray Auto Barrier Unit

29 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
AeroDR Implementation Guide

AeroDR Stitching Power Supply Unit

 One electrical outlet is required.

30 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
AeroDR Implementation Guide

APPENDIX B ‐ Procedure Code Mapping

Procedure Code Mapping is an advanced software function on the CS‐7 which enhances workflow.

Procedure Code Mapping is generated from a DICOM Modality Worklist. Therefore, once incorporated,
Procedure Code Mapping and Modality Worklist will work hand in hand. The Modality Worklist provides
the ability for the AeroDR to receive patient demographics i.e. name, birthday, sex, identification
number and the requested procedure description. Once the Procedure Code Mapping software is
integrated, then customers can also receive pre‐selected views for a requested patient study.

The diagrams below present the different ways your Aero DR system can acquire patient information to
support Procedure Code Mapping. Determine which path most closely resembles your own flow of
information from your Modality Worklist Provider.

In Path A, you do not have a RIS, a PACS broker or a Modality Worklist. All information is manually
entered into the CS‐7 by the Technologist. In this scenario, Procedure Code Mapping is not possible.

In Path B, you have a RIS which communicates the Modality Worklist directly to the CS‐7. In this
scenario, implementing Procedure Code Mapping is possible.

In Path C, you have a RIS and a PACS broker (all in one) which provides the DICOM Modality Worklist to
the CS‐7. In this scenario, implementing Procedure Code Mapping is possible.

31 KMMI‐137 Rev. A
AeroDR Implementation Guide

In Path D, you have a RIS that sends information to a Broker that is independent of PACS. The Broker
feeds information to the PACS system. Here the Modality Worklist is being generated and sent by PACS
to the CS‐7. In this scenario, as well, implementing Procedure Code Mapping is possible.

An example of the Procedure Mapping Code File is shown below for reference.

32 KMMI‐137 Rev. A

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