ADA 520 - Term of Reference - Prelim Module - Jenstajuana

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ADA 520

Thesis Application


Prepared and compiled by:

Ar. Jennifer F. Sta. Juana, uap

Copyright © 2023, Columban College, Inc.

All Rights Reserved
(No part of this module may be reproduced or copied without permission from the author.)

College of Architecture
2nd Semester AY 2022-2023


Ar. M. Fontanilla, Ar. Gonzales, Ar. Sta. Juana

Architectural Design 10 is the application of the total design process on
architectural design development which refers to spatial translation, form/concept
translation, functional concept, economic concept translation, and environmental
systems applications. At the end of the course, the architecture students are expected

A. Learn the importance of research in Architecture.

B. Discover new aspects of architectural planning, technology, and research.
C. Solve complex problems based on their selected research focus.
D. Justify and defend their architectural thesis.

Architectural Design 10 is the synthesis of all the architectural research and

creative design analysis in Architectural Design 9. It is the graphical solution of the
studies made, including the final deliberation of the thesis.


A. Consultation meetings with the advisor
B. Presentation of preliminary drawings for approval
C. Documentation to graphical presentations of the final solutions
D. Deliberation of the final solutions before a jury.


A. Minimum Drawing Requirements (use 30”x40” (A0) paper)
1. Concept Board
2. Site Development Plan Scale 1:200 M
3. Floor Plan of one Major Building Scale 1:100 M
4. 4 Elevations Scale 1:100 M
5. 2 Sections Scale 1:100 M
6. 2 Exterior Perspective (point of focus will be determined by the adviser)
a.) 2-point man eye’s view for major building
b.) Aerial perspective
7. Architectural Interior Perspective/s of a major space in the building to be
determined by the adviser
8. Architectural Bay Section Scale 1:50 M
- Details (minimum of six (6) architectural spot details), or sectional
9. Structural Concept (Isometric Drawing scale to be determined by the advisor,
- Structural details, minimum of six (6) structural spot details.
10. Environmental Systems Board (optional)

B. Drawing Presentations
1. Manner of Presentation
a. Multimedia Presentation (Oral) - It is required that a student use
multimedia presentation in the oral presentation of his thesis. He must
see to it that all equipment and software for use in his presentation are
set up and operational before he is to present his thesis.

b. Board Presentation
b.1 Manual – use 30”x40” (A0) white paper.
b.2 CAD Presentation - For students who chose to have their final
presentation in CAD should submit the complete schematic drawings
(study sketches) from design conceptualization to perspective (3D)
showing architectural character on or before the Prelim Exam Week.
Students who do not comply will automatically present their drawing
solutions in manual drafting/rendering. All drawings should be
presented on 30" x 40" (A0) white paper (mounted on a black illustration
board, covered with clear plastic).

2. Medium of Presentation
a. Drawings may be presented in any medium or mixed mode. Floor plans
may be presented in black and white to show all pertinent requirements
in the floor plan elements (doors, windows, walls, furniture layout,
structural elements, etc.) Should the student choose to present floor
plans in color, the presentation should not distract the viewer's eyes.

b. Scale model is required.

b.1 Proposal with 2-3 buildings - The advisor will determine which
building shall be presented through a miniature model.
b.2 Urban Design Proposal – The advisor will determine the minimum
coverage area to be presented in miniature model. He is no longer
required to present the Site Development Plan, provided all pertinent site
data are included in the scale model.

c. Consistency of presentation style, drawn or oral, is encouraged.


The student must submit the completed boards a week before the scheduled day
of deliberation before he can be issued the Certificate of Final Endorsement which
bears the signature of the College Dean.

The candidates, having been approved for final endorsement, shall draw lots
before the scheduled day of deliberation to determine the time and room/venue of his
presentation and defense.


A. Schedule and Appearance

1. On the scheduled day of deliberation, the candidate must be physically
present in the designated venue. He must report to the Thesis Advisor an
hour earlier than the first candidate's scheduled presentation.
2. If the candidate fails to appear without a valid reason or notification, he will
no longer be allowed to present and defend his thesis. He will automatically
be given a 5.0 (Fail) as the final grade for Design 10.

3. If the candidate fails to appear, but with a valid reason (Physically ill or
family emergency) and notification, he must send through a representative
all his completed thesis work (boards and book). These materials will be
endorsed to the Dean for possible rescheduling of deliberation.

Failure to comply will be given a 5.0 (Fail) grade.

B. Guidelines
1. Attire - The candidate should be in proper business attire during the thesis
deliberation. It is strongly recommended that male candidates wear black
pants and a jacket, with light colored polo, dark tie, and black shoes; female
candidates are to wear a black medium-length skirt and blazer, matching
light-colored blouse, and with hair neatly pony-tailed. Stockings are

2. Document Requirements - The candidate should present the following to

the Jury:
b.1 Ring-bound copy of the Executive Summary, three (3) copies
The Executive Summary contains the following:
Thesis Title
Background of the Project
Project Goals and Objectives
Summary of Site Description
Design Concept, Philosophy, Objectives, Considerations
Design Solutions (Final Design reduced in scale, short bond paper)

b.2 Hardbound copy of the Thesis Book, two (2) copies, which contains all
the outputs and the following:
Approved (Signed) Letter of Proposal
Chapter(s) 1 to 8.

Note: The Thesis Book (which is the output of Architectural Design 9) should be
used as the basis for design development in Architectural Design 10. The
jury may refer to and review the Thesis Book during the deliberations to
check proper applications to the design solutions. Any conflicting
information between the Thesis Book and the Final Solutions of the project
as reflected on the Final Thesis Boards may cause the candidate to fail in
the defense of his Thesis.

3. Recording of Proceedings
The candidate may record the proceedings using audio/video equipment.

4. Time
Each candidate is given forty (40) minutes to present and defend his
20 minutes - oral and visual presentation
20 minutes - defense/question and answer
The jury is given ten (10) minutes to deliberate on the Final Jury Grade.

5. Policies
a. The deliberation is open to the public. Students, relatives, and guests
may be invited to attend and witness the proceedings.
b. The candidate must maintain his composure during the deliberation even
confronted with difficult questions or when challenged by the members
of the jury on details of the project. He should not have an antagonistic
attitude before, during, and after the deliberation.
c. The candidate must not be questioned on the financial viability of the
project. However, he may be asked questions on the socioeconomic
and environmental impact that the project may bear on its development,
to the immediate community/vicinity, or on the wider context (provincial,
regional, or even national level).
d. The jury may review the Thesis Book for completeness.
e. The jury may ask questions that it deems relevant to the Thesis Project.
The candidate is responsible for the correctness of his answers within
the scope of the project.
f. During the grade deliberation of the jury, the thesis candidate, along with
all the members of the audience, must leave the room to allow the jury to
determine the Final Jury Grade in private.

The Thesis Advisor is not required to be present in the room. Other

faculty members may be present during the deliberation but will not have
any official role in the proceedings.

6. Final Jury Grade

Categories: Percentage Weight:
Design Concept 20%
Site Development Plan 15%
Floor Plans 20%
Elevations and Sections 10%
Architectural/Structural & Details 5%
Exterior and Interior Perspectives 10%
Oral Presentation and defense 20%
TOTAL 100%

Each Juror shall award individual numerical grades in all categories. The
grading scale is from 60 to 100 with 75 as the passing mark. 'The average of the
three (3) Juror Grades will be the Final Jury Grade.

7. Final Grade
a. The candidate's Final Grade shall be the combination of forty percent
(40%) of the Final Jury Grade and sixty percent (60%) of the Thesis
Advisor's Final Grade.
b. A candidate who gets a Juror Grade of 65% and below from any juror
will automatically get a Final Grade of "three" or seventy-five%
c. A candidate who gets a Juror Grade of 65% and below from two jurors
will automatically get a Final Grade of "five" or FAILED.

8. Thesis Awards
The combined grades of the jury and advisor will be computed and
tabulated. The final grades of the thesis presenters will be ranked; Rank 1
will be the highest.
a. Best Thesis Award – thesis presenters ranked 1 to 10 will be awarded
the best thesis. They should not receive a mark of 84 and below from
any of his Jury.
b. Thesis of the Year – Rank 1 of the 10 Best Thesis awardees will be
awarded as the Thesis of the Year.
c. Architects’ Choice – the 10 Best Thesis will be displayed in the activity
area. Each juror will select/vote for the best thesis for them. The thesis
proposal that will get the highest number of votes will be awarded as
the Jury’s Choice.


A. For the Candidate and Jury
1. The candidate shall acknowledge the results of the deliberation by affixing
his signature on the designated space on the Thesis Summary Grading
Sheet - Final Grade. The Thesis Chairperson shall then issue the candidate
the original copy of his grading sheet at the end of the program.
2. The candidate shall collect all his Thesis Documents and Drawing Boards if
he passes the deliberation.
3. The candidate shall surrender all his Thesis Documents and Drawing
Boards to the Dean's Office if he fails the deliberation.
4. If there are minor modifications and revisions recommended and specified
by the jury, the Jury Chairperson shall furnish the candidate with a duplicate
of the thesis grading sheet - final grade. The jury's recommended revisions
and changes should be indicated in the grading sheet.

B. Appeals for Reconsideration and Request for Deliberation

A candidate may appeal for his Final Grade or may request for
deliberation only if there is a valid medical reason or family/personal emergency

for him to miss his scheduled deliberation. A doctor's or hospital's certification
will validate his reason if it is medical in nature
C. Questions and Inquiries
1. The candidate should maintain constant coordination and regular
consultation with his Thesis Advisor.
2. Candidates who did not qualify for the final endorsement shall receive a
FAILED mark, and can only enroll in Architectural Design 10 in the first
semester of the following school year.
3. Candidates who was endorsed but did not appear in the deliberation shall
be given a ''DROPPED" mark and shall be eligible for enrollment in
Architectural design 10 summer term.

Reference: UST ''Thesis Program: “Design 10”

Updated by:

Ar. Jennifer Formales-Sta. Juana

5 January 2023

Columban College
Architectural Design 9 – AY 2022-2023
Edited by: Arch. J. F. Sta. Juana

1. Preliminary or front matter

Title Page
Certificate of Approval
Dedication (if any)
Acknowledgement (if any)
Table of Contents
Table of Figures
Table of Tables

2. Main body or Text of the body of the thesis

Chapter 1. The Problem and Its Setting

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Research Locale
1.3 Conceptual Framework
1.4 Statement of the Problem
1.5 Assumption
1.6 Scope & Delimitation
1.7 Significance of the Study
1.8 Definition of Terms

Chapter 2. Research Methodology

2.1 Research Method
2.2 Respondent/s (optional)
2.3 Instrument/s (optional)
2.4 Validity and Reliability (optional)
2.5 Ethical Consideration
2.6 Data Gathering Procedure
2.7 Treatment of Data (optional)

Chapter 3. Review of Related Articles and Case Studies

3.1 Related Articles
3.2 Local Case Study
3.3 Foreign Case Studies

Chapter 4 Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
4.1 Project Profile
4.1.1 Objectives of the Project
4.1.2 Significance of the Project
4.1.3 Justification of the Project
4.2 Demographic Profile
4.3 Evolutionary and revolutionary trends, innovations, technology and
advancements, etc.
4.4 Site Profile and Analysis
4.4.1 Site Selection
4.4.2 Site Justification
4.4.3 Site Profile
4.4.4 Site Analysis

Chapter 5 User, Space Analysis and Programming

5.1 Background
5.2 The Basics
5.3 The User
5.3 Spaces
5.4 Space Programming
5.5 Bubble Diagram (Matrix)

Chapter 6 Conceptual Analysis

6.1 Design Philosophy
6.2 Design Concept
6.3 Design Objectives
6.4 Design Consideration
6.5 Architectural Style

Chapter 7 Building and Environmental Systems

7.1 Building Systems
7.2 Environmental Systems

Chapter 8 Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

8.1 Findings
8.2 Conclusions
8.3 Recommendations

About the Author

Columban College
College of Architecture
ADA 522 – 2nd Semester AY 2022-2023
Certificate of Thesis Book Evaluation

The Architecture Thesis Candidate is issued this document to certify that the Thesis Book
output of Architectural Design 9 is satisfactory and in compliance with the minimum
requirements set to serve as the basis of the Architectural Design 10 translation of the Thesis
Project. The checklist below is based on the Thesis Book format given during the Architectural
Design 9 (Pre-Thesis) subject prior to Architectural Design 10 (Thesis). The presence of the
signature over the printed name of the Thesis Advisor (designated to evaluate, assess, and
review the Thesis Book output of the Thesis) shall validate this certificate.

Name of Student:_____________________________________________________________
Thesis Title: _____________________________________________________________
Thesis Advisor:_____________________________________________________________

General Instruction to the Thesis Book Reviewer: Thesis Advisor will encircle the general quality
corresponding to each data set required in the Thesis Book.

Chapter I The Problem and its Setting complete incomplete
Chapter II Research Methodology complete incomplete
Chapter III Review of Related Articles and Case Studies complete incomplete
Chapter IV Presentation, analysis, and Interpretation of Data complete incomplete
Chapter V User Space analysis and Space Programming complete incomplete
Chapter VI Conceptual Analysis complete incomplete
Chapter VII Building and Environmental System complete incomplete
Chapter VIII Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendation complete incomplete
Addenda/Appendices/About the Author

General Evaluation: _____________Date_____________ complete incomplete

General Recommendation (if any):

_______________ .

Thesis Advisor/Date

Columban College
College of Architecture
ADA 522 – 2nd Semester AY 2022-2023
Certificate of Thesis Book Evaluation for Preliminary Endorsement
The Architecture Thesis Candidate is issued this document to certify that the Thesis Book
output of Architectural Design 9 is satisfactory and in compliance with the minimum
requirements set to serve as the basis of the Architectural Design 10 translation of the Thesis
Project thus is preliminarily endorsed to proceed with the completion of thesis boards for final
presentation. The presence of the signature over the printed name of the Thesis Advisor
(designated to evaluate, assess, and review the Thesis Book output of the Thesis) shall validate
this certificate.
Name of Student:
Thesis Title:
Thesis Advisor:

__________________ Approved by: Arch. Corazon Z. Gonzales

Thesis Advisor/Date Dean-College of Architecture

Columban College
College of Architecture
ADA 522 – 2nd Semester AY 2022-2023
Certificate of Thesis Boards Evaluation

The Architecture Thesis Candidate is issued this document to certify that the Thesis Boards of
Architectural Design 10 are satisfactory and in compliance with the minimum requirements set
to serve as the basis of the Architectural Design 10 translation of the Thesis Project. The
checklist below is based on the requirement given during the Architectural Design 9 (Pre-
Thesis) subject prior to Architectural Design 10 (Thesis). The presence of the signature over
the printed name of the Thesis Advisor (designated to evaluate, assess, and review the Thesis
Boards output of the Thesis) shall validate this certificate.

Name of Student:_____________________________________________________________
Thesis Title: _____________________________________________________________
Thesis Advisor:_____________________________________________________________

General Instruction to the Thesis Book Reviewer: Thesis Advisor will encircle the general quality
corresponding to each data set required in the Thesis Book.

Items No. of Complete Incomplete

Concept Boards Complete Incomplete
Site Development Plans (1:200 MTS) Complete Incomplete
Floor Plans (1:100 MTS) Complete Incomplete
4 Elevations (1:100 MTS) Complete Incomplete
2 Sections(1:100 MTS) Complete Incomplete
2 Exterior Perspective, (2 point man’s eye view and, aerial view Complete Incomplete
Architectural Interior Perspective/s of a major space in the building Complete Incomplete
Architectural Bay Section (minimum scale 1:50m) and details minimum of
six (6) architectural spot details, or sectional perspective Complete Incomplete
Structural Concept (Isometric Drawing scale to be determined as
approved by the advisor), structural details, minimum of six(6) structural Complete Incomplete
spot details
Environmental system (optional) Complete Incomplete
General Evaluation Complete Incomplete

General Recommendation (if any):

____________________ .

Thesis Advisor/Date

Columban College
College of Architecture
ADA 522 – 2nd Semester AY 2022-2023
Certificate of Thesis Boards Evaluation for Second Endorsement
The Architecture Thesis Candidate is issued this document to certify that the Thesis Boards of
Architectural Design 10 is satisfactory and in compliance with the minimum requirements set to
serve as the basis of the Architectural Design 10 translation of the Thesis Project thus is
endorsed to finalize the complete requirements for oral presentation. The presence of the
signature over the printed name of the Thesis Advisor (designated to evaluate, assess, and
review the Thesis Boards output of the Thesis) shall validate this certificate.

Name of Student:_____________________________________________________________
Thesis Title: _____________________________________________________________
Thesis Advisor:_____________________________________________________________

_______________________ Approved by: Arch. Corazon Z. Gonzales

Thesis Advisor/Date Dean-College of Architecture

Columban College
College of Architecture
ADA 522 – 2nd Semester AY 2022-2023
Certificate of Thesis Requirements for Final Evaluation

The Architecture Thesis Candidate is issued this document to certify that the Thesis
Requirements of Architectural Design 10 are satisfactory and in compliance with the minimum
requirements set to serve as the basis of the Architectural Design 10 translation of the Thesis
Project. The checklist below is based on the requirement given during the Architectural Design
9 (Pre-Thesis) subject prior to Architectural Design 10 (Thesis). The presence of the signature
over the printed name of the Thesis Advisor (designated to evaluate, assess, and review the
Thesis Boards output of the Thesis and other requirements) shall validate this certificate.

Name of Student:_____________________________________________________________
Thesis Title: _____________________________________________________________
Thesis Advisor:_____________________________________________________________

General Instruction to the Thesis Book Reviewer: Thesis Advisor will encircle the general quality
corresponding to each data set required in the Thesis Book.

Items No. of Complete Incomplete

Executive Summary – ring bound, 3 copies Complete Incomplete
Thesis Book – hardbound, 2 copies Complete Incomplete
Concept Boards Complete Incomplete
Site Development Plans (1:200 MTS) Complete Incomplete
Floor Plans (1:100 MTS) Complete Incomplete
4 Elevations (1:100 MTS) Complete Incomplete
2 Sections (1:100 MTS) Complete Incomplete
2 Exterior Perspective, (2 point man’s eye view and, aerial view Complete Incomplete
Architectural Interior Perspective/s of a major space in the building Complete Incomplete
Architectural Bay Section (minimum scale 1:50m) and details minimum of
six (6) architectural spot details, or sectional perspective Complete Incomplete
Structural Concept (Isometric Drawing scale to be determined as approved
by the advisor), structural details, minimum of six(6) structural spot details Complete Incomplete
Environmental system (optional) Complete Incomplete
Multi-Media Presentation (for oral defense) Complete Incomplete
Official Receipt of Thesis Fee Complete Incomplete
General Evaluation Complete Incomplete

General Recommendation (if any):

____________________ .

Thesis Advisor/Date

Columban College
College of Architecture
ADA 522 – 2nd Semester AY 2022-2023
Certificate of Thesis Requirements for Final Endorsement

The Architecture Thesis Candidate is issued this document to certify that the Thesis
Requirements of Architectural Design 10 are satisfactory and in compliance with the minimum
requirements set to serve as the basis of the Architectural Design 10 translation of the Thesis
Project and thus is endorsed to finalize the complete requirements for oral presentation. The
presence of the signature over the printed name of the Thesis Advisor (designated to evaluate,
assess, and review the Thesis Book output of the Thesis and other requirements) shall validate
this certificate.

Name of Student:_____________________________________________________________
Thesis Title: _____________________________________________________________
Thesis Advisor:_____________________________________________________________

______________________ Approved by: Arch. Corazon Z. Gonzales

Thesis Advisor/Date Dean-College of Architecture


Name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Thesis Title:


Signature: ________________
Date: ____________________


Signature: ________________
Date: ____________________


Prepared by Ar. Jennifer Formales-Sta. Juana – Jan. 5, 2023
(75 – 83 %) (84 – 91 %) (92 – 100 %)
ACCEPTABILITY The work did not The design The design The design
AND reflect any design concept was concept was concept was very
SUCCESSFUL concept/character, expressed, related to the clearly related to
TRANSLATION OF the work had no although its Design the Design
THE DESIGN conceptual basis. relationship to Philosophy, Philosophy, well
CONCEPT (20%) the Design explained and explained, and
Philosophy and translated in successfully
its translation the work, with translated into the
had obvious very minor work.
inconsistencies. inconsistencies.
SOUNDNESS OF Work did not show There was an The site was The planning
THE SITE any logical attempt to put well-planed, solution
DEVELOPMENT planning the site in order site constraints demonstrated an
PLAN: TRAFFIC approach or but several were solved, exemplary
CIRCULATION, strategy. incoherent maximized the example of good
SEGREGATION, solutions were site potential site planning in all
ZONING OF committed. but have some aspects.
AREAS, minor flaws.
SOUNDNESS & The work showed The work The work was The work was very
CREATIVITY OF poor and showed an well-designed, impressive, almost
THE FLOOR unacceptable attempt to coherent, and faultless, exhibited
PLANS: layout of floor design; spaces followed the fresh ideas in
CIRCULATION, plans. were logically standards and designing, and
SEGREGATION, acceptable but codes but was consistently
ZONING OF had a violation observed to followed the codes
AREAS (20%) of design have some very and standards.
standards, minor design
building codes, faults.
and other
INNOVATIVE AND The work showed The work The work was The work was very
EFFECTIVE poor and showed an well-designed, impressive, almost
INTERPRETATION inconsistent attempt to and coherent, faultless in
OF ELEVATIONS interpretation of design the but was technical drafting
AND SECTIONS elevations and vertical aspect; observed to techniques and
BASED ON THE sections. logically have some very presentations,
DESIGN acceptable but minor flaws in exhibited fresh
CONCEPT (10 %) had technical ideas in designing,
inconsistencies drafting and consistently
with the floor techniques and followed codes
plans. presentations. and standards.

COMPETENT The work showed The work The work was The work was very
TRANSLATION OF poor and showed an well-designed, impressive,
EXTERIOR AND inconsistent attempt to and coherent consistent with the
INTERIOR interpretations of interpret the but was floor plans,
PERSPECTIVE exterior and design in 3- observed to elevations,
(10 %) interior dimensional have some very sections, and
perspectives. form but had minor faults. architectural
inconsistencies character, almost
with the floor faultless, and
plans, exhibited fresh
elevations, ideas in designing
sections, and and rendering 3-
architectural dimensional
character as images.
earlier in the
design process.
ARCHITECTURAL Has poor or Adequately Appropriately Applied the
AND inaccurate explains selects principles of
STRUCTURAL descriptions of inspiration; available environmental
DETAILS (5 %) architectural and details standard systems’ design.
structural systems innovative and details to Complete
and details; little environmentally produce project structural
thought put into friendly or details; diagrams and
the design of the socially friendly appropriately architectural
environmental features; selects the details; provides
system; little adequately existing product an understanding
sense of purpose demonstrates and component of structure;
in the context of effective details understands
the project integration available innovative
boundaries and through through structural solution
objectives; detailed manufacturers if necessitated by
contains drawings to to produce unusual design.
excessive or describe project details
unrelated features; applicable to
illustrations; diagrams are the proposal.
contains filler/is related to the
off-topic. topic.

ORAL Does not Adequately Competently The oral

PRESENTATION adequately defends defends presentation
Oral presentation defend research; research; research by demonstrates the
and defense of does not answer answers providing very depth of
Thesis. (20 %) key questions; questions, but helpful answers knowledge in the
frequently shows often with little to questions; thesis proposal;
a need for deeper insight; responses were masterfully
reflection on vital frequently almost defends research
points; reads the shows a need complete, may by providing
material from for deeper occasionally organized, clear,
presentation to reflection on manifest need and insightful
make the report minor points; for further answers to
and is not relies too much reflection on questions; uses
comfortable with on PowerPoint minor points; PowerPoint and
the topic. and board use PowerPoint board presentation
presentation and board resources as a
and has presentation guide, gives
difficulty resources as a detailed
speaking freely guide, verbal explanations,
to the communication verbal
audience, and skill is communication
is somewhat satisfactory and skill is
comfortable keeps eye commendable,
with the topic. contact with the and keeps
audience/jury. appropriate eye
contact with the

Cut this line and submit the accomplished form to your Thesis Advisor
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _

Acknowledgment Slip

I acknowledge that I have read and understood the above Thesis Term of Reference for
the 2nd Semester Academic Year 2022-2023 in its entirety and agree to abide by them.

Student’s Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ___________

Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________

Parent’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________

Parent’s Signature Name: _______________________________________________


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