A State of Art Survey For Intelligent EMS

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A State of Art Survey for Intelligent Energy Monitoring Systems

Article  in  Asian Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology · April 2021

DOI: 10.9734/AJRCOS/2021/v8i130192


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8 authors, including:

Zainab Salih Ageed Subhi R. M. Zeebaree

Nawroz University DPU


Mohammed A. M.Sadeeq Maiwan B. Abdulrazzaq

Duhok Polytechnic University University of Zakho


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Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science

8(1): 46-61, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.68130

ISSN: 2581-8260

A State of Art Survey for Intelligent Energy

Monitoring Systems
Zainab Salih Ageed1*, Subhi R. M. Zeebaree2, Mohammed A. M.Sadeeq2,
Maiwan B. Abdulrazzaq3, BaraaWasfiSalim1, Azar Abid Salih2,
Hajar Maseeh Yasin2 and Awder Mohammed Ahmed4
University, Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
2DuhokPolytechnic University, Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
3University of Zakho, Duhok, Duhok, Kurdistan Region,Iraq.
4Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. All authors read and approved the final

Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/AJRCOS/2021/v8i130192
(1) Dr. Sasikumar Gurumoorthy, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, India
(1) R.Vedhapriyavadhana, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), India.
(2) Sushma Jaiswal, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University) Koni, India.
Complete Peer review History: http://www.sdiarticle4.com/review-history/68130

Received 15 February 2021

Review Article Accepted 25 April 2021
Published 27 April 2021


In this study, the significance and necessities of surveillance systems have been investigated in
several areas - both in the use of neural networks, street lighting systems, factories, and
laboratories - for the monitoring systems, especially concerning the design of artificial intelligence
programs. The importance of these initiatives and how they can affect any sector and industry
reach an essential point from here. Here we reach an important point. An algorithm and an
extraordinary approach have been used in every field to develop an intelligent programmer.
Something has been mentioned here: the ability to access these intelligent programs in all areas of
life. We concentrate on a variety of fields of use and design of monitoring systems in this review


*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected];

Ageed et al.; AJRCOS, 8(1): 46-61, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.68130

Keywords: Energy systems; artificial intelligent; internet of things; neural networks; smart city;
monitoring systems.

1. INTRODUCTION technology has been expected to begin.

Students will need to be briefed on IoT concepts
The complexity of grid managers has been and the latest available technology at present,
shown by applying efficiency and reliability to which will require open access to new
control electricity generation flows, leading to developments in their future work [16]. A core
decentralized energy. The energy transition component of this IoT scheme is the middleware
promotes the growth of sources of energy [1]. based on the Lora WAN specifications [17]. The
Due to the need to cope with an oil shortage, technology of Lora serves as a link between
energy storage and global heating are now highly sensors outside the Internet and points of entry.
significant[2]. However, the management has In comparison to the used hardware, the
several problems that can arise from program is then picked [18]. The data vary from
nonlinearities like the actions of power converters system to system, so a "data repository" is
or the enforcement of limitation of the various valuable if released earlier for reliability before
device components or the difficulty in choosing further processing [19].
one that will provide energy to a set of charges,
among a set of energy-generating sources [3,4]. The energy market includes several companies,
Most of the existing electronic devices with including Epi-Sensor, Wi-Lem, Wattsup, SATEC,
processors or microcontrollers can be linked to Change Electric, Energy Metering Invention LTD,
the outside world. They are connected via the General Power, Mitsubishi, Siemens, and
Internet [5], on the other hand. They have good Schneider, that provide innovative monitoring
trustworthiness and easy-to-use when nothing is solutions [20]. Thus, several firms compile data
lost or forgotten [6]. such as Resource Kraft, Google, E-view, and
EFT Energy with emergency energy
The Internet of Things (IoT) has been integrating management (EEM) [21]. The total energy
into all facets of urban life, the building, factory, monitoring system can be attributed to a wired or
hospital, and the healthcare center [7]. The (IoT) wireless system by reviewing supplier-approved
network of physical devices, cars, home procedures that settle on applying developments
appliances, and other components has built-in in internet technology [22,23]. Several metrics
electronics, sensors, drives, and communication can be accomplished to measure and estimate
networks to allow objects to capture and share energy demand (e.g., electricity use, power
data [8]. Each object can be uniquely determined factor, maximum/minimum voltage), suggesting
by a device containing embedded computing rough conditions for energy scarcity [24].
ability but can communicate through the Internet
[9]. The IoT will allow objects to be sensed and The paper structure: have the Concept of
remotely controlled via current network Intelligent System in Section 2, Internet of Things
infrastructures, thus allowing the physical world Section 3, Literature Review in section 4,
to connect with computer-based networks [10]. Discussion and Comparison in section 5, Finally,
The IoT makes it possible to sensor or control the conclusion in section 6.
objects remotely through the current network
infrastructure, allowing a closer link between the 2. CONCEPT OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS
real world and computerized networks and an
increase in performance [11]. The new IoT The integration of several technologies is bound
concept provides an open path to create to be the AI system based on its integration.
applications that organize popular traditional Innovative human-machine systems information
computers[12]. IoT wants to use these management system will help us make scientific
autonomous resources to communicate and decisions in complex computer problems [25].
produce related information without human Implementing specialist systems technology in
mediation [13]. The IoT happens when ordinary, this area has achieved some impressive
recognizable objects have linked with microchips accomplishments in many fields [26]. Acquisition
[14]. of information and processing have been
classified as the most critical problem for expert
In the last 5-10 years, the availability of open- system creation [27]. The strict differentiation and
source hardware has improved IoT platforms and understanding of individual subjects render the
services [15]. The progress of this new intelligent system challenging to deal with. It is,

Ageed et al.; AJRCOS, 8(1): 46-61, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.68130

therefore, an inventive pattern like neural practical tools to build an active framework with
networks, a fugitive logic [28]. Smart Computing intellectual skills, contributing to creating
is the latest trend in IT infrastructure as it is a information as truth and law [36].
robust technology framework that also
incorporates many advanced technologies and 3. INTERNET OF THINGS
has automation, convergence, and security
characteristics [29]. It involves big data and the IoT refers to the networking of daily objects,
advent of models of services such as cloud which have also fitted with all-embracing
computing. The development direction of an knowledge. IoT increases the ubiquity of the
energy-efficient home is shown in Fig.1 [30]. Internet by integrating all objects for interaction
Process monitoring carries a significant through integrated systems, which allow for rapid
responsibility; it helps measure and assess the advancements in underlying technologies,
efficiency of measuring systems [31]. With the leading to a highly distributed network of devices
time that has increased, monitoring input that communicate with humans and other
variables to the gains can be sustained. Design devices [36,37]. IoT provides a wide variety of
monitoring methods are critical for reducing the innovative applications promising to enhance the
number of false alarms [32]. Process control quality of our lives. IoT's scholars and
means that the processes that work on a system practitioners worldwide have received much
are regulated and allows the user to figure out recognition in recent years [38]. IoT gradually
what processes operate on the system [33]. The becomes an integral part of our lives that can be
work environment of IT professionals is also felt all over us. In general, IoT is an invention that
gradually improved, and some problems have combines a wide range of intelligent systems,
cracked, so calculating the highest management frames, and mobile devices and sensors. The
works can be measured and revised, as well as energy-sensitive home direction is shown in Fig.
using different series of software calculations 2. [39].
[34,35]. The Java languages have provided

Fig. 1. The development direction of energy-efficient home [30]

Fig. 2. The business intelligence for a general architecture of IoT [39]

Ageed et al.; AJRCOS, 8(1): 46-61, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.68130

Iot has a multidisciplinary vision to benefit among the US, European, and Asia/Pacific
several domains such as environmental, regions of these IoT ventures. The Americas
industrial, public/private, medical, transportation, contributes further to health care and intelligent
etc. Different researchers have explained the IoT supply chain programs. It can be seen. In
differently concerning specific interests and comparison, the European continent's
aspects. The potential and power of IoT can be commitment to creative town schemes is more
seen in several application domains. Fig.3 significant [39].
illustrates a few of the application domains of
IoTs potentials. Fig. 5 illustrates the global market share of IoT
projects worldwide. Industry, smart city,
In the last few years, several major IoT ventures intelligent energy, and smart vehicle-based IoT
took over the industry. Fig. 4 illustrates some projects have a significant market share
crucial IoT ventures that attracted the majority of compared to others [39].
the industry. Fig. 4 shows the global distribution

Fig. 3. Some of the potential application domains of IoT

Fig. 4. Global distribution of IoT projects among America (USA, South America, and Canada),
Europe, and APAC (Asia and Pacific region)

Ageed et al.; AJRCOS, 8(1): 46-61, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.68130

Fig. 5 Global share of IoT projects across the world

Fig. 6. An example smart IoT system [42]

Smart cities, smart grids, intelligent transmission, Finally, both device builders and service
smart building, and smart homes are traditional providers deliver the services based on the
innovative IoT systems [34]. The data support, content gathered. Attackers may also connect or
which achieves complete and detailed coverage hack into the device maliciously to filter
for all participants, is a common feature of these distributed and stored information [42].
systems. These data will now include
conventional sensory data, background data, Due to the presence of internet technology,
proactively uploaded content, and user which confirms shifts in market patterns, human
interactions [40]. The number of users and activities, communication, transport, factories,
service providers in the Smart IoT framework is etc., several industries that are deemed
rising. A device of many contents is being played disruptive and threaten different sectors have
actively or passively by users [41]. An intelligent been included in the IoT study [43,44]. It
IoT system is capable of providing both substitutes for human functions or changes
individually specific consumer services and corporate values that significantly describe
personalized services. This role is very different different business models [45]. The amount is
from the classical IoT systems and transforms an progressively dispersed and corresponds to the
IoT system into a giant ecosystem from a simple growth of expertise characterized by asymmetric
work cycle. Fig.6 illustrates an illustration of an progress [46].
advanced IoT method. The machine builder uses
sensors, cameras, and so on and inspires mobile 4. LITERATURE REVIEW
devices to capture linkable content. Then the
material is transferred to servers for storage and In 2 18 Kharel, J. et al. [47] proposed and
further processing via the hierarchical structure. developed an elementary testbed presented. The

Ageed et al.; AJRCOS, 8(1): 46-61, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.68130

machine works under fog computing, which is a operation has been mathematically derived using
wireless IoT technology. The test findings show "Mean (µ) and Standard Deviation (σ)."
that the systems proposed can promise to
transform the clinical health system into In 2019 Tukymbekov, D. et al. [50] considered
innovative patient-centered health systems and autonomous smart street lighting systems with
provide seamless health care. The design prediction algorithms that are energy efficient.
suggested creating an energy-efficient network The technologies suggested can be easily
that could also be applied when customers and incorporated into everyday use to reduce the
patients need the Internet. Therefore, the focus expense of electronic equipment and systems.
of this research has been to assess the reliability The systems comprise lamp groups which
of the virtual testbed of an intelligent framework include three lamps connected to the device by
for a health surveillance system accessible to popular electronic. There is a standard battery
all. and control unit for threes. Each of the three
lamp-tube has fitted with lighting, movement,
In 2019 Samara et al. [48] embedded a new low- current, and voltages modules and sensors. The
cost intelligent PV monitoring system. The electricity is converted into electricity and
monitoring system can make use of a small and charges the battery common. The control units
powerful artificial neural network. The monitoring and the battery of the clustered light bulbs have
system will predict the regular activity of a PV located on the central bulbs. Via the power
panel based on a collection of environmental cables, the Common Battery charges two
conditions using this artificial network. In real- adjacent lamps. The sensor data has passed
time, the control process for each PV panel through simple wires into the control unit. All the
output will be implemented. Besides, the control necessary data are forwarded to network
system gathers data on the current state of the coordinators after this data is received via XBee
area. Using intelligent comparison models based 3 transceiver modules by the control units. Unlike
on artificial neural networks, the monitoring the previous versions, XBee 3 offers many
system uses the input data to predict the average advantages, such as self-healing, remote
performance of a PV panel. The monitoring modules set-up, and program code writing in
system will decide on the maintenance for each Micro-Python (when a single network feature
PV panel after comparing the expected and breaks down). The network coordinator data has
actual outputs. The monitoring system has been received from all clustered lampposts and
intended to automate the maintenance request then sent to the database via the Internet. Data is
phase by submitting an internet notification to a processed and prepared for network web
predetermined administrator or maintenance monitoring, where data from all network nodes
business. The monitoring mechanism did not can be monitored.
include the isolation or removal of the panel.
In the same year, Liang H. et al. [51] proposed
In 2019 Manogaran, G. et al. [49] proposed a early-alert data mining-based sand plug
wearable bright patch that transmits datasets to fracturing plugs. First, an early warning model is
the edges platform using local area networks, developed for double logarithm curve fracturing
including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth with IoT sensors. A sand plugs, and algorithms for time analysis
Bayesian deep learning network algorithm has have been used to predict oils and cause
been used in edge computing devices to infer pressure in the two logarithmic curve sand plugs
and classify various physical data accurately of fracture risk advisory models, thus improving
obtained from humans to monitor their physical early warning accuracy. The GRNN algorithms
activities. The initial process of this network is to have been developed to optimize the effects of
analyze and derive features or trends from health the time's domain analysis predictions. To
datasets. The normalized dataset has been increase the accuracy of the following slope
processed in order to reduce data consistency calculations, improved affinity propagation (AP)
and reliability. An input layer, a multilayer or clustering algorithms were used to group the
hidden layer, and an output layer make up the monitoring data so that the coincidence rates of
device. These layers are linked to the Bayesian sand plug and fracturing risks are improved.
network, and each layer is connected to the Finally, on-site, we apply and review risk
same and cross layers, resulting in a regression prevention models and verify the validity and
model. With a small subset, this parallels the consistency of the models. The model is
movement of the human brain. The normalization integrated into remote management systems in

Ageed et al.; AJRCOS, 8(1): 46-61, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.68130

which urban office staff perform smart, remote networks with Modbus TCP Industrial Protocol
risk monitoring online. based PLC and SCADA systems. The RES is
usually part of the energy system of the house. It
In 2 19 Kim, S. M. et al. [52] proposed a is strongly recommended to include the RES in
framework to enhance the protection and the house energy system to synchronize with
efficiency of Smarts City so that an integrated energy consumers and other energy systems like
Smarts City can be constructed and managed. heating and cooling, ventilation, and water usage
The intelligent AI system algorithms are used to plants. The solution suggested offers simplicity to
analyze and track various energy data and the surveillance mechanism and applies the
device information obtained employing energy monitoring to different vendor devices.
IoT devices. The features of each zone, house,
home, and plant in Smart City must be In 2020 W. Wu et al. [57] Proposed a 5G network
understood and AI algorithms designed intelligent terminal network control system. 5G
accordingly to create the proposed systems. communications technologies can address
automated positioning and district network failure
In the same year, Lv, Z. et al. [53] developed a separation and enterprise extension of high-
system made up of the primary network and quality video streaming with features such as
reception terminal monitoring system. As roads greater bandwidth, faster transmission rates, and
and taxis as nodes, the leading control network lower latency.
links street lights. Each node is assigned an
address as a single identity in the networks after In 2020 L. Chi et al. [58] The option of setting up
dynamically organizing the networks. The device the EI at a community level was investigated by
developed then carries out simulation integrating an intelligent management system at
experiments to demonstrate that it can fulfill the implementation levels with a traditional energy
requirements and forward the collected grid. To improve regional energy management
information in messages to the specified and optimum dispatch as a new energy utilization
terminals. The sensors coordinated through model, the author realizes a deep link between
ZigBee's wireless networks could encourage the the energy sector and information and
building of the smart town infrastructure. The communication technology (ICT).
network will provide people with a more
competent and comfortable society. In 2020 M. Koseoglou et al. [59] A centralized
microgrid controller and battery inverter, i-plugs,
In 2019 Bylykbashi, K. et al. [54] focused on and i-meter data set the viability of the suggested
developing non-complex, non-intrusive DMS that laboratory set-up is validated by an electrical
decides the driver's situation in real-time, taking energy management algorithm using a particle
various parameters. The criteria included swarm optimization (PSO) technique. Some
environmental variables and critical indicators of experimental studies show that the suggested
the driver that help to define his actual research environment in the laboratory is feasible
circumstances. It proposes two systems and and accurate.
implements them. There were three input
parameters, one and four others. Three or more In 2020 M. P. Kokare et al. [60] presented a
parameters that are not associated with each power meter that uses advanced sensing
other lead to a complex (NP-hard) non- techniques and IoT to track energy flow in smart
deterministic polynomial time. grids. These devices can monitor consumers'
energy usage in real-time. The current sensor
In 2020 Y. Yan et al. [55], The technical detects the current flow through the devices, and
implementation method of intelligent connection the controller performs the appropriate
in a substation has been analyzed. The value of calculations on the data before uploading it to the
various intelligent relation functions has been Internet. This aids in the reduction of energy
reduced, and the Department's intelligent consumption and keeps track of the units used.
connection functions are explained using The aim is to make electrical appliances smart
simulation instances. This paper will direct and comfortable for consumers and reduce
engineers to design intelligent power stations power usage in web applications.
with research materials.
In 2020 M. D. Djordjević et al. [61] In this article,
In 2020 M. Georgiev et al. [56] A workaround has we have addressed implementing an
been proposed for the interoperability of autonomous control and control system for the

Ageed et al.; AJRCOS, 8(1): 46-61, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.68130

electrical power line poles. The Industrial Internet warning system for the possibility of sand
of Things technology is a new approach in smart plugging based upon a 2-fold logarithmic curve.
control systems realistically and importantly. The First, the GRNN-algorithm and the combined
field of study is the tracking and surveillance of time field analysis were used to estimate the oil
pathways and microclimates using the pressure and case pressure parameters in the
technologies for the Industrial Internet of Things sand plug slope alarm double-cut logarithmic
and intelligent sensor nodes. curve. The path is then changed to locate and
evaluate the sand plug, alerting sand plugs early.
5. DISCUSSION AND COMPARISON Finally, the improved AP clustering algorithm was
used to isolate the curve strain, followed by a
In this review, many works were compared. Each curved fit, and simultaneously calculate the pull
work focused on using a monitoring system in of the configured curve to maximize the accuracy
the exact field below a discussion of each work of measurements of the curve trap. The
[47]; mobile health control systems are provided enhanced sand plug risk warning model appears
in areas where the Internet is not accessible. The to be more precise and faster and has a strong
new schemes would also support individuals prospect of industrial use. In the remote system
living in areas where health facilities are lacking. implementation, the proposed early warning
It helps patients who need a daily check for their model allows city officials to control on a remote
bodies vital and helps patients who want to basis. [51]They offer smart, heterogeneous PV
monitor their physical lives quickly. The proposed panel systems with the perfect precision of
system would also favor countries that have a forecasts. They also addressed hardware design
lower doctor-to-patient ratio. Moreover, the and monitoring systems implementation for low-
proposed scheme also benefits the countries cost microcontrollers. The monitoring system's
with a lower doctor-to-patient ratio. Besides, the ability was great to define any individual panel
proposed architectures will reduce the cloud requiring maintenance. The lower the extra cost
burden and help build a health monitoring system per PV panel is for several PV panels connected
that is energy efficient. While [48] tested the to the monitoring systems. For maintenance, the
network efficiency by taking 42 cases and monitoring system will flag a PV table if there is a
beginning training it, entering the networks, and percentage difference of more than 1 percent
predicting capacity. The neural networks between the expected output power for the
optimized son atmega256 microcontrollers to panels obtained from artificial neural model
implement the system, and then neural system systems and the actual output capacity of the
simulation evaluated against time. The same panels obtained by the sensors. [52] proposed
results came from streamlined implementations, systems allow Smarts City Infrastructures to be
which are almost as accurate as 98 percent in optimized by secure and effective management
simulations. The optimized implementations of all forms of energy data in Smarts City.
allow an average time of 1ms to be achieved Moreover, the cans of all SMEs, such as
using a 16MHz frequency microcontroller. The transport, environmental, logistical, medical,
error was calculated with the IoT sensor as the public, and energy, can be used if the proposed
discrepancy between observed and unnoticed system is being built and utilized. With secure
health data collection. The error calculates the and efficient data management in every area, we
health dataset(values), observing with total expect safety and efficiency to be resolved, the
estimates (P-values) or processed datasets. biggest challenge of Smart City construction
These layers have been incorporated into the now. [53] developed an intelligent urban
Bayesian networks in this study. The matrix is environmental monitoring system based on
interpreted numerically in the matrix, and each ZigBee's wireless networks to complete real-time
layer has connected to the same cross-layer. sets of knowledge about urban environments.
The normalization operations are derived The systems consist of the basic network
mathematically by "Mean (μ) and standard monitoring and the remote reception terminals.
deviation (β)" to minimize error rates. Hidden The fundamental networks of monitoring bind
layers were processed using the gain ratio via streetlights as roads and taxis as nodes. Each
filtered output (GR). [49] proposed street lighting node is then assigned an address as the only
systems models are capable of keeping the day identity in the networks after dynamic network
gloomy or precipitated. The data gathered can be organization. The systems developed then carry
used to calculate device energy consumption out simulation experiments to demonstrate that
employing neural networks under different they can fulfill requirements and submit the
weather conditions. [50] suggested an early collected information in the message format to

Ageed et al.; AJRCOS, 8(1): 46-61, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.68130

Table 1. Comparison among previous approaches used innovative control methods

Author Problem Technique Procedure Properties and tools Result

Kharel, J. Lack of clinical the modern The Wi-Fi, GSM/GPRS, Windows PCs have been the device can provide
et al. surveillance system architecture of 3G, and 4G network used, and heart rate data remote health monitoring
[47], 2018 intelligent patient- access servers are received are monitored in a services where the
centric health developed. real-time way Internet is unavailable.
systems Wireless Systems can support
in network individuals residing in
architecture areas where health
depends on With facilities are lacking.
LoRa as
connectivity, and
an FC allows
remote control of
user information
Samara, S., It is remaining the artificial neural Predicting the actual monitoring systems The result after
&Natsheh, E photovoltaic panel system network output using PV panel ATmega256 microcontroller, implementation is
[48], 2019 in its best condition for reference models based Onboard ESP8266. identical to the result
harnessing reliable energy on sensed inputs, obtained through
efficiently. simulation with an
accuracy of at least 98
Manogaran, Deficiency in significant Wearables with Gaussian factors have Bayesian neural networks For further scaling of the
G. et al. nutrients leads to the (IoT) sensors been added from the input (EC-BNN) and agile learning equipment, the progress
[49], 2019 deterioration of organs, have been layers to the output layers for real-time data analysis of edge computing on
which creates various designed as to increase prediction using IoT sensors the Bayesian neural
health problems, brilliant log accuracy and reduce networks (EC-BNN) and
particularly for infants, patches. energy consumption. the Intelligent Internet of
children, and adults. Things is expected.
Tukymbekov, The algorithms of the considers three The system's most critical End machines, routers, and There have been built
D. et al. systems chase various different situations function is its dynamic control units consist of self-learning intelligent
[50], 2019 modes of operations as sensitivity to environmental controllers, transceivers predictive algorithms.
they adjust to the weather conditions. modules, and sensors; Algorithms for the
conditions. controllers are distribution of energy

Ageed et al.; AJRCOS, 8(1): 46-61, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.68130

Author Problem Technique Procedure Properties and tools Result

ATmega328PU, infrared between lampposts have
movements sensor, and been established using
INA219 current and voltages weather forecasts for the
sensor. next four days.
Liang, H. Missed judgment caused Data mining is The time series time- Using GRNN algorithms, the Models for sands plugs
et al. by relying on artificial used to propose domain analysis algorithm time series analysis danger alert tend to be
[51], 2019 monitoring an early warning and the GRNN algorithm algorithms for fore oil pressure more reliable and
system for are combined to create a are improved, and the quicker.
fracturing sand doubles logarithmic curved expected results' coincidence
plugs. slope fracturing sand risk rate is set.
alert model.
Kim, S. M. Resolving urban issues. Propose an The intelligent part of this In real-time, on smartphones The proposed system
et al. artificial system is a data analysis and tablet PCs, set the scope would increase Smart
[52], 2019 intelligence-based system with AI algorithms, of user authority to access the City's safety and
framework for which analyzes the analyzed data. performance, allowing it
tracking energy collected data to look for to construct and run an
data. anomalies. optimized Smart City.
Lv, Z. et al. resolving issues with the Centered on the Operation System Cell phones and Web The systems will look for
[53], 2019 urban environment ZigBee wireless Abstraction Layer (OSAL), receivers are used as remote data such as
network, build an The systems adopt the control terminals in these temperature, humidity,
innovative urban polling mechanisms to systems. TCP protocols are and shaking levels
environment completes the used by cell phones to receive around the nodes.
monitoring management for each data, and WEB receivers use
system. task. TCP protocols.
Bylykbashi, A scheme for safe driving proposes an FDMS1 and FDMS2 are Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks The impact of the
K., has been proposed. intelligent Fuzzy- two fuzzy-based systems (VANETs), DASs, and DMSs considered parameters
[54], 2019 based Driver that were compared. are intelligent systems inside on determining the
Monitoring FDMS1 considers (VET), the vehicle. driver's situations was
System (FDMS) (NL), and other factors demonstrated through
when making a decision simulations and
(HR). experiments.
Y. Yan The substation has The intelligent the basic framework of an The technological realization Provide an engineering
[55], 2020 evolved into an intelligent linkage of each intelligent energy station's mode of intelligent linkage in a guide for the smart
energy station. subsystem auxiliary equipment control substation combs the energy station's design.

Ageed et al.; AJRCOS, 8(1): 46-61, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.68130

Author Problem Technique Procedure Properties and tools Result

embodies the system with holographic importance of various
ubiquitous IoT of vision, independent intelligent linkage functions
power equipment. inspection, remote and illustrates the department
monitoring, active early intelligent linkage functions
warning, and intelligent using simulation cases.
decision-making functions
M. To integrate RES in the VICTRON Energy Households' use of propose a solution for a clear requirement of
Georgiev[56], house energy system to Solar renewable energy sources ensuring device good monitoring in all
2020 have synchronized work (RES) interoperability through the directions of energy
with the energy consumers use of PLC and SCADA systems - output, build-
and the other energy systems based on the Modbus up, and consumption of
systems like heating and TCP industrial protocol energy
cooling, ventilation, and
water consumption
W. Wu and The master station uses socket technology For the 5G network, an Socket infrastructure is used solve problems including
Y. Zhu polling to communicate intelligent terminal for communicating with the automated positioning
[57],2020 with the substation. monitoring system of the data acquisition servers from and isolation of delivery
delivery network is being the wireless networking network faults, as well
created. 5G networking module. A balanced data as high definition video
technology has more transfer using the IEC 60870- transmission market
significant latency, higher 5-101 protocol is used to expansion
transmission rate, and resolve the problem that only
lower delay. the substation's data can be
requested by polling.
L. Chi et al. integration of the energy EI The energy industry and Extensive research on the EI Deep integration of the
[58], 2020 sector with the information information and historical, philosophical and energy industry with
and communication communications technical paradigm is carried ICTs is achieved to
technologies (ICT) technology are deeply out. optimize regional energy
intertwined, as EI management and
recognizes (ICT) optimum shipping
M. a laboratory research particle swarm Intelligent metering (i- A low-complexity RESPE is The reliability of a
Koseoglou setting for success optimization meter), smart connectors suggested based on the virtually zero-energy
et al. assessment (PSO) technique (i-plugs) and smart application of two induction construction (nZEB)

Ageed et al.; AJRCOS, 8(1): 46-61, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.68130

Author Problem Technique Procedure Properties and tools Result

[59], 2020 contacts (i-links) and machines. An i-meter monitors microgrid is measured
uncontrollable loads. every microgrid power node, using power-hard in-the-
while an i-plug monitors every clops (Phil) simulations.
M. P. Kokare present energy meters Cost-effectively, Monitor energy Reduces energy usage and Depending on the
and S. Pawar with two-way contact track electricity consumption at the keeps track of the units used. situation, adjust the
[60], 2020 among the domestic level. The aim is to make electrical direction of energy flow.
various nodes. Reducing energy appliances more competent This meter aids in the
consumptions and and more comfortable for efficient monitoring of
monitors the units consumers, as well as to electricity among the
consumed. reduce power usage in the various nodes.
internet application
M. D. Powerline pole supervision Global System of Oversight and tracking of This device consists of a New methodology in the
Djordjević Mobile slope and microclimate collection of integrated realistic and essential
et al. Telecommunicatio angles using Things sensors (environmental: application of the
[61], 2020 ns (GSM) module Technology Industrial BME280, BH1750, and Industrial Internet of
with General Internet and intelligent ADXL345 three-axis Things technologies in
Packet Radio sensor nodes accelerometer) and a the Smart Control
Service (GPRS) is peripheral interface Systems System
a communication microcontroller (PIC)

Ageed et al.; AJRCOS, 8(1): 46-61, 2021; Article no.AJRCOS.68130

the specified terminal. [54] demonstrated the necessary data calculations and puts those data
effects of both the FDMS1 and FDMS2 of the on the Internet. The use of an intelligent meter
considered parameters on drivers' situation changed the way energy is exchanged in the
determination. It also describes how the grid. The direction of the energy flow according
importance of the output is transferred to action to requirements can now be changed. This meter
to help drivers safely. By displaying the two enables the efficient monitoring of electricity
FDMS1 and FDMS2 schemes, the driver's between the various nodes.
knowledge of the situation will be decided. For
FDMS1, we considered the temperatures and 6. CONCLUSION
noise levels of vehicle environments as input
parameters for the driver's core. These Intelligence is a small matter of time, fast
parameters were used as input parameters for discovery, and exact results—the essence of
FDMS2, along with the driver's respiratory using the intelligence in monitoring method.
speeds. The impact of the considered Concerning our review of the literature as
parameters on the determinations of the driver's mentioned above, we found that using AI can
situations was demonstrated through simulations take the principal rule in many sectors such as
and experiments. [55] the ubiquitous IoT of the agricultural sector, manufacturing sector and
power equipment, which is one of the key the health care sector, the building of intelligent
technologies promoting intelligent operation and cities, the army, and many more, Impacts from
maintenance of substations, is embodied in the entertainment, trade and health care on most
secondary system of a smart energy station by facets of the everyday world of life. The use of
the intelligent linkage of each subsystem. This artificial intelligence (AI) will bring significant
paper examines the technological realization changes in all areas are pretty optimistic. AI
mode of intelligent linkage in substation, combs technologies are widely believed to promote and
the importance of various intelligent linkage improve human work and not replace doctors
functions, and demonstrates the department and other medical workers. AI is ready to serve a
intelligent linkage functions using simulation range of activities from administrative workflow to
cases based on the basic structure of the clinical reporting and patient outreach and
auxiliary equipment monitoring system in the specialist assistance such as image processing,
smart energy station. [56] synchronized automation of medical devices, patient
collaboration with energy users and other energy surveillance, etc. So, from this point on, we have
systems such as heating, cooling, ventilation, focused on how this can affect the edge of each
and water use. That is why there is such a strong one.
demand for good energy system monitoring in all
directions - output, accumulation, and DISCLAIMER
consumption. The problem with constructing an
effective monitoring system is that most vendors
The products used for this research are
have their systems for monitoring their
commonly and predominantly use products in our
equipment, and interoperability between vendors'
area of research and country. There is absolutely
equipment is typically difficult [57]. Socket
no conflict of interest between the authors and
technology is used to communicate between the
producers of the products because we do not
wireless communication module and the data
intend to use these products as an avenue for
acquisition server. Balanced transmission is used
any litigation but for the advancement of
to achieve IEC 60870-5-101-based data
knowledge. Also, the research was not funded by
transmission, which resolves that the master
the producing company rather it was funded by
station can only request the data from the
personal efforts of the authors.
substation by polling [58]. reviews and conducts
in-depth research on EI's context, philosophy,
and technological model and discusses how EI COMPETING INTERESTS
can be implemented in real-world industrial parks
[59]. The remote system connected to other Authors have declared that no competing
devices using different networking protocols like interests exist.
Modbus CAN Bus and other devices. A unified
master control system controls the microgrid REFERENCES
process and collects data on the battery inverter,
i-plugs, and i-meters.[60] Measure the current 1. Sechilariu M. Intelligent energy
system flow, then the controller performs the management of electrical power systems.

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