Brito, Sr. vs. Dianala

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Brito, Sr. vs.

638 SCRA 529 , December 15, 2010


1. Actions; Parties; Due Process; In the instant case, when the respondents’ Answer-in-
Intervention was dismissed without prejudice, such parties lost their standing in court and,
consequently, became strangers to the case in which they sought to intervene-
—and, being strangers to the case, they were not bound by the judgment rendered therein; It is
basic that no man shall be affected by any proceeding to which he is a stranger, and strangers to a
case are not bound by judgment rendered by the court.—It is true that the filing of motions
seeking affirmative relief, such as, to admit answer, for additional time to file answer, for
reconsideration of a default judgment, and to lift order of default with motion for
reconsideration, are considered voluntary submission to the jurisdiction of the court. In the
present case, when respondents filed their Answer-in-Intervention they submitted themselves to
the jurisdiction of the court and the court, in turn, acquired jurisdiction over their persons.
Respondents, thus, became parties to the action. Subsequently, however, respondents’ Answer-
in-Intervention was dismissed without prejudice. From then on, they ceased to be parties in the
case so much so that they did not have the opportunity to present evidence to support their
claims, much less participate in the compromise agreement entered into by and between herein
petitioner and his co-heirs on one hand and the defendant in Civil Case No. 12887 on the other.
Stated differently, when their Answer-in-Intervention was dismissed, herein respondents lost
their standing in court and, consequently, became strangers to Civil Case No. 12887. It is basic
that no man shall be affected by any proceeding to which he is a stranger, and strangers to a case
are not bound by judgment rendered by the court. Thus, being strangers to Civil Case No. 12887,
respondents are not bound by the judgment rendered therein.
2. Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Laches, which is one of equity, cannot be set up to resist
the enforcement of an imprescriptible legal right.-
—The prescriptive period applies only if there is an actual need to reconvey the property as when
the plaintiff is not in possession thereof. Otherwise, if the plaintiff is in possession of the
property, prescription does not commence to run against him. Thus, when an action for
reconveyance is nonetheless filed, it would be in the nature of a suit for quieting of title, an
action that is imprescriptible. The reason for this is that one who is in actual possession of a
piece of land claiming to be the owner thereof may wait until his possession is disturbed or his
title is attacked before taking steps to vindicate his right, the rationale for the rule being, that his
undisturbed possession provides him a continuing right to seek the aid of a court of equity to
ascertain and determine the nature of the adverse claim of a third party and its effect on his own
title, which right can be claimed only by the one who is in possession. In the present case, there
is no dispute that respondents are in possession of the subject property as evidenced by the fact
that petitioner and his co-heirs filed a separate action against respondents for recovery of
possession thereof. Thus, owing to respondents’ possession of the disputed property, it follows
that their complaint for reconveyance is, in fact, imprescriptible. As such, with more reason
should respondents not be held guilty of laches as the said doctrine, which is one in equity,
cannot be set up to resist the enforcement of an imprescriptible legal right.
3. Same; Same; Same; Same; Laches; Unless reasons of inequitable proportions are
adduced, a delay within the prescriptive period is sanctioned by law and is not considered
to be a delay that would bar relief; Laches is recourse in equity.-
—Respondents’ act of filing their action for reconveyance within the ten-year prescriptive period
does not constitute an unreasonable delay in asserting their right. The Court has ruled that, unless
reasons of inequitable proportions are adduced, a delay within the prescriptive period is
sanctioned by law and is not considered to be a delay that would bar relief. Laches is recourse in
equity. Equity, however, is applied only in the absence, never in contravention, of statutory law.
4. Same; Reconveyance; Trusts; Prescription; An action for reconveyance based on an
implied trust prescribes in ten years, the reckoning point of which is the date of registration of
the deed or the date of issuance of the certificate of title over the property.-
—Article 1456 of the Civil Code provides that a person acquiring property through fraud
becomes, by operation of law, a trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the real owner of the
property. An action for reconveyance based on an implied trust prescribes in ten years, the
reckoning point of which is the date of registration of the deed or the date of issuance of the
certificate of title over the property.

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