Bear Knitzoo

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Brown Bear

The detailed
description of knitting
a toy + hat and vest.

The neck of a sweater, ears

and ties only crocheted


This knitting pattern is my own author’s work, it

is forbidden to copy, resell or give it to the third
parties both fully and partially.


1) Yarn. The main color of the bear is brown. This is Drops Nord + kid mohair of the same color (any
brand). Kid mohair is necessary to make the bear fluffier.
Beige color of a sweater - Silk Tweed.
Hat and vest - Alize baby merino royal fine.
A white list of the vest and hat – the ratine yarn Drops Alpaca Boucle. You can decorate the vest and hat
with any textured yarn or can not decorate it at all.
You can choose any yarn for your discretion. Consider the thickness of the yarn to get the toy of the same
size (on average 8-9 cm). Choose it in the range from 170 to 220 m in 50 g. If a thread is thin, you can mix
and crochet with two threads.
There are a million yarn variants. Experiment and consider the thickness.

2) Double pointed needles 4 pcs 1,5 mm.

3) Stuffing. Synthetic fluff or hollofayber.
4) White chenille wire for a frame of the legs. (if you have no wire, you can make the legs without
5) Eyes-beads or eyes with stalks 3 mm (I have the second one)
6) Transparent moment glue or a glue for a fabric. (if you sew the eyes, than you will not need a glue).
7) A device which help to insert a thread in a needle.
8) A sewing needle.
9) A piece of black thread.
10) Pins, 2 pcs.


11) The hook 1,5 mm for the neck of a sweater, ears, ties and to enlighten the process
of knitting the decreases.
12) Oil pastel for tinting of a toy.
13) A thin brush.
14) A piece of white thread to decorate the eyes.
15) Scissors.

The links for the video help are marked by the blue circles.
Video at the most important moments, without sound, but everything is clear.

The links work correctly on the permanent computers or notebooks. If you use
your phone, a link can not be opened.

Some videos are silent, and some videos are in Russian. You can pay attention to the
process, because everything is clear from the video, even if they are not in English.


Some separate moments are shown on the examples of the other toys, let it not
embarrass you, because the toys are similar in their main principles of knitting.
I.e. you should do similarly, there is no difference.

The number of stitches which you should have in each row is pointed in the brackets. (each
row is all 3 knitting needles)

Cast on 18 stitches on 2 knitting needles. Distribute for 6 stitches on each knitting

needle (photo №1)
1 raw. 2 K, yo, 3 K, yo, 1 K (we make yo as one increase).knit on each knitting needle
similarly. (24)
2 raw. K (knit yo for the back loop!) (24)
3 raw. 3 K, yo, 4 K, yo, 1 K. Repeat on each knitting needle (30)
4 raw. K (30)
5 raw. 4 K, yo, 5 K, yo, 1 K. Repeat on each knitting needle. (36)
6-20 raw - K (15 raws) (36)
21 raw. (4 K, dec)*2 (knit 2 stitches together for the front loops) – repeat on each knitting
needle. Here we will need a hook to lighten the process. (30)
22 raw. (3 K, dec)*2. Repeat on each knitting needle (24)
23 raw. (2 K, dec)*2. Repeat on each knitting needle (18)
24 raw. (1 K, dec)*2. Repeat on each knitting needle (12)
It is left 4 stitches on each knitting needle. I take them away on a needle and accurately
tighten. In the end I get a «flower».

At these photos we cast on the
stitches and knit the increases.

1 2

Yo as one How to
increase knit yo

3 4

At the photos you can see the step-by-step process

of knitting the head. We will need to tighten the
bottom and the top of the head similarly.

5 6 7

We also use the first Tighten the opening, Stuff the head rather tight. Pay
attention, the stuffing should be
biggest and long stitch, grasping the horizontal
distributed evenly. So as there will be
passing a needle stitches over one stitch
no prominent parts. After you’ve
with a needle.
through it. stuffed it, tighten the openingsimilarly
as we tightened the first one.

It is inessential, where the top and bottom of the head

will be. The detail is knitted symmetrically.


Cast on 18 stitches on 2 knitting needles. Distribute for 6 stitches on each knitting needle (photo №1)
1 raw. 2 K, yo, 3 K, yo, 1 K (we make yo as one increase).knit on each knitting needle similarly. (24)
2 raw. K (knit yo for the back loop!) (24)
3 raw. 3 K, yo, 4 K, yo, 1 K. Repeat on each knitting needle (30)
4 raw. K (30) Knit 2 stitches
5 raw. 4 K, yo, 5 K, yo, 1 K. Repeat on each knitting needle. (36) together
6-10 raws (5 raws) - K. (36) with hook


11-17 (7 raws) - K (36). Beginning from the 11 row change the color. We need the blue color for a sweater. You can cut the main
gray yarn and leave the end approx. 10 cm long. I do not tie a new thread, just lay it on my finger and knit as usually. Later we
will tighten and remove everything.
Attention! We began knitting the sweater with the other color. It means that after first knitted row of the contrast color it is
necessary to knit together the upper stitch on a knitting needle and the lower stitch under it, to avoid a sharp changing of the colors.
It is necessary to do it only in the second row. Further knit as usually.
18 raw - (4 K, dec)*2 (knit 2 stitches together for the front loops) – repeat on each knitting needle. Here we will need a hook to
lighten the process. (30)
19 raw - K. (30)
20 raw - K. (30)
21 raw - (3 K, dec)*2 – repeat on each knitting needle.(24)
22 raw - K (24) Knit this row with the main color of the body of your rabbit. We imitate the neck this way! And the next
rows till the end of the body.
23 raw - (2 K, dec)*2 – repeat on each knitting needle. (18)
24 raw - K (18)
25 raw - (1 K, dec)*2 – repeat on each knitting needle.(12)
26 raw - K (12)

out the color
After the body is ready, we need to turn it inside out and tie up all the ends, but do not tighten very transition
strong (photo 8). Leave only two ends. The lowest one after casting on (we will tighten the bottom with
the help of it), and the highest one. With the help of it we will sew the head to the body. Now take off
the stitches on a needle and tighten round a circle.

8 9
Now stuff the body. Do not tighten and
sew the opening. Just tighten it so as at
the top is left an opening 5-6 mm in
diameter (photo 9).

You have the separate head and the separate body. As you remember, we have not sewn opening on
the body in the area of the neck, approx. 5-6mm. Take the head, visually choose the "face part", put it
to the body and sew with the very same thread, which was left at the body after tightening the neck. In
fact we just need to baste the head round a circle. Grasp the stitches of the head (optionally) and then
grasp the stitches of the body. So make it once round a circle and in the end slightly tighten a thread.
The neck should be rather thin.

10 11 12

W E D E L I V E R H Ejetkat.spb

We will crochet the ears. They are crocheted

basically during 1 minute. If you know the
other method of crocheting the ears or these
look small, you can increase them on your
discretion, crocheting more rows

6 sc in MR
Tighten. We get a semicircle. Pass a
thread which is left in the beginning of
crocheting through the ear a couple of
times and cut. Or fasten it by any other
method convenient for you. And we will
sew the ear with the second left thread.

MR- magic ring
sc – single crochet

W E D E L I V E R H Ejetkat.spb
I sew the ears right away. Before the other details are ready. In general I decorate the muzzle before the complete
assembly. It is of course optionally, everyone makes in this order which is convenient for him/her.
Put the pins in the places of the eyes, so that it will be more convenient for you to choose the places for the ears.

15 16 17 18


Fix the ear with a pin and sew with the end,
which is left after crocheting, grasping the
stitches along all sides.

W E D E L I V E R H Ejetkat.spb

Knit the prominent part of the muzzle as a separate detail and sew it.
Cast on 8 stitches on 2 knitting needles.
Knit 7 rows by the stocking stitch to get a small rectangle.
Gather the stitches from a knitting needle on a needle and picking up the stitches (in one stitch) go over the whole
perimeter. Our aim is to pass a thread so that later we can tighten this rectangle.

Do not tighten strongly right away. First you can hide the end after casting on inside. If it is too long, you can cut it a little.
Slightly tightening the detail, apply it to the head and fix with a pin in the middle. Now it is rather laborious moment,
because the detail is fixed not very tight and we need to sew it accurately and evenly.
Grasping the stitches of the detail and the head gradually sew it, passing round the whole circle.

20 21 22 23

W E D E L I V E R H Ejetkat.spb


When you have a small not sewn piece of two-three stitches,

take a small piece of stuffing and accurately push it inside
with a stick (a sushi stick suits well).

If heretofore the detail was stiffed not tightly and looked not
very aesthetically beautiful, then after stuffing you see the
difference. You can even conceal some faults with the
stuffing, somewhere stuff tighter, somewhere less tighter. At
least you’ll see well how the muzzle receives a right oval
And it is necessary to stuff it rather tight. After you’ve
finished, tack on the left part to the head, as you did it before.

W E D E L I V E R H Ejetkat.spb
Muzzle After the detail is sewn, I make the small

26 27 Basically, you can not do this step, I’ll not

say that these tightenings very critically
play the role in the appearance of the
future toy, but I prefer to do them just
because I like, when the places of the
future eyes are slightly deepen and in
this particular case we get a clearer
border with the nose. With its upper part.

I make the tightening with a common

sewing thread. If it is not very strong, you
can fold it in half. I take a thread of a
color suitable for the bear, and at the
28 29
photo I show with a contrast thread as an

Pass a needle from the bottom, take it

out in the place of the eye, step several
millimeters, and take out a needle in the
same opening, where I began, then
accurately tighten and make a knot. I
hide the ends inside the head with the
help of a needle.

W E D E L I V E R H Ejetkat.spb
Further decorate the eyes. I use the
eyes with the stalks 3 mm in diameter.
30 31
Take a thick knitting needle and
enlarge the place of entering for the
eye, because it is rather difficult to
insert it in the head without enlarging
the hole.

Dip the eye in a moment glue and

insert it in the head up to the stop by
the quick confident movements. The
glue seizes instantly, so you need to
do everything quickly.
Before finally fixing the eyes,
make sure several times at the
example of the pins, that the
holes for them are symmetrical.
Sew the
Experiment with the space black nose
between the eyes, it changes the
appearance a lot!

W E D E L I V E R H Ejetkat.spb
Enliven the eyes
Now we will make them more expressive. To do it we will need a white
sewing thread and a needle. The process is shown at the photo. The main
point is to make embroidery near the eye. Place a needle with thread, as if a
white thread embraces the eye. I also fix a white edging with the glue. I take
a tiny drop with a tip of a needle and touch the place near the eye.

33 34 35 36

To embroider the brows we need to make one stitch of a desirable length and wind a thread round it.
Perhaps, at first it will take some skill, but the process itself is quite simple.
At the photo I shoe with a white thread as an example to make it clearer.

37 38 39

40 41 the brows 42

It is an optional step, but I think a little tinting of the eye area makes the look more expressive. I take
some pastel with a needle and tint just a little the area between the brow and eye. Such simple tinting
makes the look deeper.

43 44 45


And tint a little inside the ears. I take

some pastel with a brush and tint
inside with a couple of strokes.

To make the neck of a sweater more volumetric, crochet an additional detail.
We need to crochet a chain of the beige color (photo 47). The length of a chain is different for everybody,
because it depends on the size of your hook and on your gauge. I used the hook 1,5 mm. Try on this chain
on the neck in the course on crocheting and you’ll understand how many stitches you’ll need to crochet.
After the chain will be ready, it will be necessary to baste it and here there is one important moment. The
chain has 2 sides. One side is similar to a braid (right side), the second one is more prominent (wrong side).
It is necessary to sew the neck to a sweater by the wrong side up, so as it will be visible well.

47 48

Right side


Wrong side

Attach a ready neck to the edge of a sweater with the pins, in that case it will be simpler to
sew it. Accurately tie up the both ends, left after the chain, at the back, and hide the ends in
the body with a needle.Then take a thin beige sewing thread (or a moulinet thread) and
accurately by the small stitches sew the neck to a sweater. I made 5-6 stitches for the whole
chain round a circle. Hide a thread in the body similarly.
If you take a thicker thread and hook, you can make a more volumetric detail.

50 51 52 53


Begin knitting the arm with the same color that you used for a sweater. Then we will take the other color (the color
of the body) and knit the arm to the end. Knit the arms by a hollow rib. Knit the knit stitches as usually, and just take
off the purl stitches, at the same time with yarn in front.

Cast on 6 stitches on 2 knitting needles.

1-11 raws knit by a hollow rib. Change the color, we will knit the end of the arm. I do not tie a thread.
12-15 raws (4 more rows) knit by a hollow rib with the other color.
Cut the yarn, insert it in a needle, take off the stitches from a knitting needle and accurately put them on a needle
in a circle. Tighten and sew several times. Hide a thread inside. Tie up 2 left threads of the different colors with
each other and cut leaving approx. 2 cm. hide these threads inside the arm with a hook.
Cut a piece of chenille wire approx. equal in length with 2 arms (photo 55). Bend a small end of a wire at the top,
so as will not pierce the knitted cloth. Cut the pile on a wire, approx. on the half of a wire, but look at your arm.
The pile should be only at the part of a wire, which will be hidden inside the arm.
Take a thick knitting needle (I used 3 mm), put it into the arm (photo 56) and slightly loosen the arm. It is
necessary to easier insert a chenille wire in the arm. (photo 57).
Then insert a wire inside with accurately twisting movements. The framed arm is ready! (photo 58)

The legs are knitted similarly like the arms. But we do not need to change the color here. Cast on 6 stitches on 2
knitting needles. (leave a longer end, later we will attach the legs to the body with its help) Knit 14 rows by a hollow
rib, tighten in the end similarly.

ARMS, LEGS Hollow Second
rib raw
Photos of knitting paws has its own numbering.



Cast on 8 stitches on 2 knitting needles.
Knit 8 rows by stocking stitch, we should get a square.
Always take off the first edge stitches, and the last stitch in each knit row knit purlwise! So as
the edges at the right and left side will be equal.
After you’ve knitted all the rows, take off the stitches on a needle. (photo 56)
Pass a thread over one stitch along the whole perimeter of our square. Slightly tighten.
Fold the end of a thread, which we have after castin on and hide it inside. Tighten to the end.
Make the tail symmetrical with fingers, slightly correcting it.

56 57 58


The ears are already sewn, it is left to sew the arms, legs and tail.

Sew the arms.

An optimal place for the arms is not the middle of the body! Slightly farther. Loosen
the knitted cloth with a thicker knitting needle, so as you can easier insert a wire.
Insert the arm with a wire, fix and sew it. For the left edge, right edge, front and back

59 60 61 62 63


Fix the leg with two pins. (photo № 64) When you
apply the leg to the body, make sure, that the leg
lies evenly relatively to the arms and muzzle. Sew
with the end of a thread, which was left after
knitting, alternatively grasping the left and right

Fix the tail with a pin and insert it in the body. The tail
should be placed symmetrically relatively to the legs
and ears.
Sew the tail to the body with the end of a thread,
grasping the small stitches at each side of the tail.

Cast on 35 stitches on 2 knitting needles.
1-7 raw by the stocking stitch (do not forget to take off the first edge stitch in each row and knit the each last stitch purlwise)
I cast on and knit the first row with a textured ratine thread. You can take any textured thread and thus imitate the

Estimate the space from the eyes to the ears. It is important, because if on your toy this space is much bigger or smaller
than I have, then the number of the first rows can differ. My hat reaches almost to the eyes, but it can be made higher, then
you need to knit not 7 rows, but less.

8 raw. 11 K (including edge st), bind off 3 stitches, 7 K, bind off 3 stitches, 11 K (the last is always purl) (29)
9 raw. Knit the purl row as usually. When we reach the bound off stitches, pick up 3 new stitches on a knitting needle for
each opening. (35)
10 raw. All knit stitches. (it is more convenient to knit the stitches which we picked up for the front loops)
10 - 19 (10 rows) - K (35)

66 67

Now we need to bind off all stitches of the hat. Use any method you know.


After you bind off the edge of the hat it is necessary to sew it. Fold it in half (by
the right side inside and sew the both ends with the end of those thread which is
left after casting on in the very beginning. Turn out.

68 69

How to knit ties

Now we need to make the ties. One end is already jutted out from the hat (we finish to bind off the stitches with this
thread, leave it longer). I take the hook 1,5 mm and just crochet the chains. The length is on your discretion. I make a
knot in the end of a lace. At the second end there is no knot. Fold a thread in half, one end is longer, the second one is
short. Take the hook and stretch this thread from this place where will be the second tie, to fasten it as it is shown at
the photo. A short end of a thread is necessaryto fasten it at the wrong side. Make a couple of stitches with a needle
and cut the end. So you should have one long piece of a thread, with the help of it we should make a lace similarly,
crocheting the chains.

Knit the
How to
knit ties

70 71 72 73


The vest is knitted very simply, as one detail with two knitting needles.
Cast on 41 stitches on 2 knitting needles.
1 raw. K. (41)
(do not forget to take off the first edge stitch in each row and knit the each last stitch purlwise)
2 raw. P. (41)
3 raw. 12 K, dec, 13 K, dec, 12 K (39)
4 raw. P. (39)
5 raw. 11 K, dec, 13 K, dec, 11 K (37)
6 raw. P. (37)
7 raw. 10 K, bind off 4 stitches, 9 K, bind off 4 stitches, 10 K. (29)
8 raw. 10 P. add 4 stitches on a knitting needle, 9 P, add 4 stitches on a knitting needle, 10 P (37)
9 raw. K. (37)
10 raw. Decreases. This row is purl and the decreases are knitted as usually, only not in a knit row, but in a purl row. Knit
the decreases to the end of the row. Knit each two stitches together till the end of the row. In this row remains the last
one stitch, knit it purlwise. (19)



Thus we pick up the missing stitches on a knitting needle.

75 76

The ready vest looks like this.

You can leave it in this form, or
you can crochet it round with a
textured yarn with the help of a
crocheting hook.

77 78 79

VEST You can use the same ratine yarn, you can
take a yarn similar to the fur, also you can
use a plush and velvet. Or you can take a
yarn of the other color and crochet along the
80 edge.

The vest is crocheted round. Insert the hook

in a stitch, grasp, make a loop and go further
round a circle, crocheting the common sc.

I calculated the number of stitches so that my

vest isn’t fastened. And I also understood that
crocheting round with a textured yarn will add
some volume at the edges. I.e. if you do not
crochet round the vest, then its front parts (on
the belly) are quite short. And in this case, I
would add a pair of stitches at each side. I.e. I
would cast on not 41, but 45 stitches, for
example. Also, if you want to sew a button to
fasten the vest, then you also need to cast on
more stitches. For the rest the principle is
exactly the same.


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