z8 Dresses

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This pattern contains a basic template for a dress with capped sleeves and a choice

of nineteen textured skirt designs, ranging from easy to more challenging knits.
Also included are 2 options for a collar; one knitted and one in crochet.
Most designs have both charted and written instructions.

More knitting patterns are available at


© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 1

M a t e r i a l s: N o t i o n s:
• Yarns: you will need a selection of colours in • A pair of 2.75mm (US 2) Knitting needles
4py/fingering weight yarn. Most designs use • Tapestry needle
a single colour but some can be worked in • Cable needle (for some designs)
more than one if you prefer. • Crochet hook for button loop/collar

• A tiny button G a u g e:
Gauge for dress: 7 stitches x 10 rows to 1 inch
Finished s i z e: (based on stocking stitch. Note that gauge for
approx 10cm (4 inches) from neck to hem the different designs will vary slightly)

One of my favourite things about making knitted toys is coming up with new designs for their clothing and there are endless
possibilities for colour and texture. I already have a dresses pattern collection which incorporates different surface designs
worked in two or more colours and so in response to many requests for designs which don't involve colour-work I've put
together this selection of textured patterns.
The designs have full written instructions and most also are charted. Most are very simple as they just use combinations of
Knit and Purl stitches, although a few are more complex and involve cabling and/or eyelets. There are also a couple of
different options for the style of the dress, including capped sleeves or a slightly flared sleeve alternative and a knitted and
crocheted option for adding a full collar. There's also a free pattern for a smaller collar: All Little Cotton Rabbits Patterns
With this dress design the armholes are worked without cutting and re-joining the yarn so there are less ends to sew in. This
does involve a little tricky knitting however, but hopefully the finished neatness is worth the hassle. I hope you enjoy using
these patterns to create a wardrobe of different dresses for your knitted animals.

Yarn s u g g e s t i o n s:
I prefer to knit the dresses in 4ply cotton/cotton mix yarns. Cotton yarns are crisp and show off colour-work patterns
nicely. Also cotton yarns will not roll at the dress hem as a wool based yarn will, and they block well - you can even iron
cotton knits to smooth out any wrinkles.. I particularly like BCGarn Alba, MillaMia Naturally Soft Cotton, Phildar Phil Coton 3,
Drops Safran and DMC Natura Just Cotton, as all knit up nicely and have a good range of colours. Patons 4ply cotton and
Sirdar 4ply cotton also come in a wide range of colours but are thinner, and Cascade Ultra Pima Fine has a wonderful range
of colours but is a little thicker, so if using any of these you will need to check your gauge if the clothes are to fit. It also
may be worth looking on Ravelry to see what yarns others are using and recommending.
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A b b r e v i a t i o n s:

These increase methods are described in detail in the These decrease methods are described in detail in the
excellent knitting help website: excellent knitting help website:
http://www.knittinghelp.com/videos/increases http://www.knittinghelp.com/videos/decreases
SSK (SLIP, SLIP, KNIT) : Slip a stitch (as if to knit it) to
the right-hand needle, slip a second stitch in the same
M1A: MAKE 1 STITCH AWAY. I use the thumb method
way, slip both stitches together back to the left-hand
(see link above) to make a backwards loop in the
needle and knit together through the back loops.
working yarn and place this loop onto the right needle,
so the working yarn is pointing away from you. K2TOG : Knit
K 2 stitches together
P2TOG : Purl 2 stitches together
P2TOG TBL: Purl 2 stitches together through the
back loops

There are also special abbreviations noted at the top of the particular patterns that they are relevant to. Please note that
the recommended cast on is a CABLE CAST ON.
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© Copyright, All rights reserved. No part of these patterns may be reproduced in any form.
These patterns are supplied for your personal and non-commercial use only.

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 2

Dress bodice with cap s l e e v e s:
To begin a dress you first need to choose one of the designs from pages 8 to 26. Follow the cast on and row by row
instructions for the skirt of your chosen design, (all are knitted from the bottom hem up and end at the waist), then
continue the bodice by following the instructions below, (the bodice instructions are the same for all of the dress
designs featured). You'll then find 3 options for the neckline; one a simple straight cast-off edge; one for a knitted on
collar and one for a crochet collar.

A note about working in the r o u n d:

I knit all of my dresses flat on two needles because that's the way that I like to work, but there is no reason why the
skirt part cannot be worked in the round if you prefer - simply cast on 2 stitches less (these are allowance for the
selvedge) and ignore the instructions for the first and last stitch of each row. I like to leave a gap in the back seam of
the dress for the tail to poke through, so you would need to work this part back and forth to accommodate the hole
for the tail if you do choose to convert the pattern to be knitted in the round.
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Bodice pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
After working the last row of your chosen dress design, you will have 38 stitches on the needle. Now you can start
working on the bodice of the dress. (Please note that for the skirt some designs have 29 rows and some have more -
this is to compensate for the variances in pattern, all skirt lengths should be approx 7cms/2.75 inches.

row 1: (wrong side) Purl row 5: P8, Purl into the front loops of each of the 10
row 2: Knit yarn wraps (fig. 5),
row 3: P8, cast off 3 stitches purl-wise, P26 P14, Purl into the front loops of the second
group of 10 yarn wraps, P8 (50 stitches)
With the wrong side of the work still facing, you should
now have 8 stitches, a gap of cast-off stitches (which is Note: if you have used M1A to cast on the 10
the bottom of the left-hand armhole) and 27 stitches sleeve stitches then purl row 5 as you would
(fig. 1) any normal row (fig. 10)

row 4: This is a complex row which involves both row 6: This row has two sections of short row shaping
casting off for the bottom of the right-hand arm hole, across the bottom of the sleeves (figs. 6 & 7):
then casting on the stitches for the top of both arm K18; turn so that wrong side is facing slip 1 and
holes. I've separated each step to hopefully make it as P9; turn so that right side is facing slip 1 and
simple as possible: K33; turn so that wrong side is facing slip 1 and
P9; turn so that right side is facing slip 1 and
• K8, then leaving the working yarn where it is slip K17 (50 stitches)
the next stitch purl-wise from the left needle to
row 7: P7, P2tog, P8, P2tog tbl, P12, P2tog, P8,
the right. Slip a second stitch in the same way.
P2tog tbl, P7 (46 stitches)
Pass the first slipped stitch over the second to
cast off a stitch, slip another stitch and pass row 8: K7, SSK, K6, K2tog, K12, SSK, K6, K2tog, K7
over in the same way and then slip one more (42 stitches)
stitch and pass over again (3 stitches cast off).
row 9: P7, P2tog, P4, P2tog tbl, P12, P2tog, P4,
This will create a right-hand armhole to mirror
P2tog tbl, P7 (38 stitches)
the left-hand one already worked on the
previous row (fig. 2); row 10: K7, SSK, K2, K2tog, K12, SSK, K2, K2tog, K7
(34 stitches)
• Slip the stitch just worked from the right needle
back to the left needle; row 11: P7, P2tog, P2tog tbl, P12, P2tog, P2tog tbl, P7
(30 stitches)
• Cast on 10 stitches (I do this by simply wrapping
the yarn tightly 10 times in a clockwise direction Now it's time to choose whether you would like to work a
around the needle **) (fig. 3); collar (if so continue with instructions on pages 5 - 6)
or whether you'd like a simple cast off neckline:
• SSK, K12, K2tog, cast on another 10 stitches in
the same way, K8 (fig. 4); row 12: If you would like a simple neck line, cast off in
Knit, but don't cut the work from the ball, as you will
** To create a more flared sleeve shape use the need this to work the button loop. Follow instructions for
M1A (Make 1 Away) method of increasing 10 finishing on page 6.
times to make the new stitches. (fig. 9)

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 3

fig. 1 fig. 2 fig. 3 fig. 4

fig. 5 fig. 6 fig. 7 fig. 8

fig. 9 fig. 10 fig. 11

fig. 8 above shows the sleeve worked with the wrapped stitches, and fig. 11 shows the M1A sleeves.
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Collar o p t i o n s:
Please see instructions for these two collar options on pages 5 & 6

Dress with a knitted collar Dress with a crochet collar

and sleeves using the wrapped yarn method on row 4 and flared sleeves using M1A ten times on row 4

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 4

Knitted c o l l a r:
The knitted collar is worked in two separate halves. If you would like the collar to be in a contrasting colour then
change yarn now, but don't cut the dress colour from the work as you will need this to work the button loop later.

Dress row 12: Cast off the top of the dress knit-wise Cut the work from the ball, leaving a tail for weaving
but don't cut the work from the ball. Instead in later. Re-join the yarn at the start of the remaining 15
enlarge the last stitch and pass the ball through stitches and work the second half of the collar:
it to secure the cast off edge (fig. 12)
row 13 (b): Pick up and Knit 3, (M1A, Pick up and Knit 2)
Now with the right side of the work facing you 6 times (21 stitches)
and the dress facing away from you pick up and
row 14 (b): P21
knit into the bottom loops of the stitches from
row 15 (b): Slip the first stitch instead of working it
the cast off edge (figs. 13 & 14) like so:
and cast off loosely in Purl (fig. 17)
row 13: (Pick up and Knit 2, M1A) 6 times, pick up and
If you have worked the collar in a contrast colour then
Knit 3 (21 stitches)
cut the work from this ball, leaving a tail for weaving in
Turn and leave the remaining 15 stitches un-
later. If you've worked the collar in the same colour as
worked as these will form the second side of
the dress then don't cut the work from the ball but
the collar (fig. 15)
instead enlarge the last stitch and pass the ball through
row 14: Slip 1, P20 it to secure the cast off and follow the finishing
row 15: Cast off loosely in Purl (fig. 16) instructions on page 6.

fig. 12 fig. 13 fig. 14

fig. 15 fig. 16 fig. 17

Continue by following the finishing instructions on page 6.

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Crochet c o l l a r:
The crochet collar is worked across the whole row in one go. If you'd like the collar to be in a contrasting colour then
change yarn now, but don't cut the dress colour from the work as you will need this to work the button loop later.
Dress row 12: Cast off the top of the dress knit-wise but don't cut the work from the ball. Instead enlarge the last
stitch and pass the ball through it to secure the cast off edge. With the right side of the work facing you and the dress
facing away from you work into the stitches from the cast off edge (fig. 18) like so:

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 5

Crochet collar (c o n t i n u e d from page 5):
Please note that UK crochet terms are used here, 1TR (Treble) = 1DC (Double Crochet) in US terms

• Using a 2.25mm (US 1) crochet hook work into the first stitch to make a loop and then chain 2 stitches to
start (this forms the first TR), TR into same stitch,
• (2 x TR into next stitch, 1 x TR into next stitch) 6 times,
• TR into the next stitch, chain 1, slip stitch into the same stitch,
• Slip stitch into the next stitch (this is the centre of the collar), (fig. 19)
• Slip stitch into the next stitch, chain 1, TR into the same stitch,
• (1 x TR into next stitch, 2 x TR into next stitch) 6 times,
• TR into the next stitch, chain 2 and slip stitch into the same stitch.

If you have worked the collar in a contrast colour then cut the work from this ball, leaving a tail for weaving
in later. If you have worked the collar in the same colour as the dress then don't cut the work from the ball but
instead enlarge the last stitch and pass the ball through it to secure the cast off edge. Continue by following the
finishing instructions below.

fig. 18 fig. 19 fig. 20

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Finishing the d r e s s:
With the cast off tail from the top of the dress use a fine crochet hook to make a chain of 6 stitches (or long enough
to accommodate the size of button that you have) (fig. 21). Join it back to the start point with a slip stitch to make
a small loop (fig. 22) and cut the work from the ball leaving a tail and weave this in, working downwards to the waist.
Sew a tiny button on the opposite side as a fastening for the dress, (fig. 23). Before I sew up the back seam I like to
block the dress to make it neat. I usually do this by carefully steam blocking but if you prefer wet blocking that is fine
too. After blocking thread the tapestry needle with the cast-on tail and join the seam up the middle of the back using
mattress stitch (if your animal has a tail leave a gap in the seam for it to poke through). Finish the seam at the waist
(the decrease row) and tie the ends together before weaving them in along the inside seam and trimming excess.
Weave in all ends from the collar on the back of the work. Any additional yarn ends from the dress can be sewn in
along the inside seam before trimming excess. Pop the dress on your animal and you are done.

fig. 21 fig. 22 fig. 23

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 6

The pattern d e s i g n s:
stitch type pattern name level of difficulty page

Knit & Purl Stitch Designs:

Little Dots easy page 8

Little Dashes easy page 9

Polperro Laughing Boy easy page 10

Dots & Daisies easy page 11

Diamond Brocade moderate page 12

Little Chevron Pattern moderate page 13

Cabling/Crossed Stitch Designs:

Criss Cross moderate page 14

Honeycomb Cables moderate page 15

Little Cables easy page 16

Little Birds moderate page 17

Bubble Hem moderate page 18

Lace/Eyelet Designs:

Paired Eyelets easy page 19

Smocked Eyelets easy page 20

Little Shells moderate page 21

Double Eyelet Rib moderate page 22
Deep Lace Border moderate page 23
Ridged Eyelet Border easy page 24
Lace Flowers Border moderate page 25

Slipped Stitch Design:

Ribbons easy page 26

If you'd like to see what others have made from these patterns you can view projects on Ravelry:

I also publish occasional free supplements with extra dress designs and
additional accessories. You can download free copies of these from Ravelry:

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 7

Little D o t s:
This pattern is a very easy one to work, with a pattern of small raised dots created by offset Purl stitches
worked on the right side of the work against a background of Knit stitches. The dress below is knitted in BC
Garn Alba in 35 'vintage pink'.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 70 stitches, leaving a tail
of 8 inches for seaming with later.
rows 7-26: Repeat rows 3-6 five more times
row 1: (right side) Knit
row 27: K1, (P1, K3) 17 times, P1
row 2: Knit
row 28: Purl
row 3: K1, (P1, K3) 17 times, P1
row 29: K3, (K2tog) 32 times, K3 (38 stitches)
row 4: Purl
row 5: (K3, P1) 17 times, K2 Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
row 6: Purl from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (r o w s 3-28):
70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Knit on t he right side of work, Purl on the wrong side Purl a stitch on the right side of work

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 8

Little D a s h e s:
This pattern is a very easy one to work, with a pattern of small raised dashes created by a pair of Purl stitches
worked on the right side of the work against a background of Knit stitches. The dress below is knitted in KPC
Gossyp in 'African Violet' with the crochet collar.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 74 stitches, leaving a tail
of 8 inches for seaming with later.
rows 7-26: Repeat rows 3-6 five more times
row 1: (right side) Knit
row 27: Knit
row 2: Knit
row 28: Purl
row 3: Knit
row 29: K1, (K2tog) 36 times, K1 (38 stitches)
row 4: Purl
row 5: Knit Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
row 6: (K2, P1) 24 times, K2 from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (r o w s 3-28):
74 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Knit on the right side of work, Purl on the wrong side Knit on the wrong side of work

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 9

Polperro Laughing B o y:
This is a very easy design used in traditional gansey sweaters. It's a simple motif of regularly spaced Purl stitch
dashes against a background of Knit stitches. Knitted in MillaMia Naturally Soft Cotton 322 'bluebell'

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 74 stitches, leaving a tail
of 8 inches for seaming with later.
row 8: P3, (K2, P4) 11 times, K2, P3
row 1: (right side) Knit
row 9: Knit
row 2: Knit
row 10: Purl
row 3: Knit
rows 11-28: Repeat rows 5- 10 three more times
row 4: Purl
row 29: K1, (K2tog) 36 times, K1 (38 stitches)
row 5: Knit
row 6: P3, (K2, P4) 11 times, K2, P3 Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
row 7: Knit from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (r o w s 3-28):
74 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Knit on the right side of work, Purl on the wrong side Knit on the wrong side of work

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 10

Dots & Daisies:
This pattern is an easy one to work, with a pattern created by a working reverse stocking stitches (Purled on the
right side and Knitted on the reverse) against a background of regular stocking stitch (Knitted on the right side
and Purled on the reverse). This pattern also works with a contrast colour instead of Purl stitches. The dress
below is knitted in MillaMia Naturally Soft Cotton 302 'baby elephant' and has a simple cast off neck.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 72 stitches, leaving a tail
of 8 inches for seaming with later.
row 10 (K1, P1, K1, P3, K1, P3) 7 times, K1, P1
row 1: (right side) Knit
row 11: As row 9
row 2: Knit
row 12: Purl
row 3: Knit
row 13: Knit
row 4: P6, (K1, P9) 6 times, K1, P5
rows 14-23: repeat rows 4-13
row 5: P1, (K3, P1, K1, P1, K3, P1) 7 times, K1
rows 24-28: repeat rows 4-8
row 6: As row 4
row 29: K2, (K2tog) 34 times, K2 (38 stitches)
row 7: Knit
row 8: Purl Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
row 9: (P1, K9) 7 times, P1, K1 from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (r o w s 3-28):
72 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Knit on the right side of work, Purl on wrong side Purl on the right side of work, Knit on wrong side

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 11

Diamond B r o c a d e:
This pattern is a moderately easy one to work, with a diamond lattice pattern created by working reverse
stocking stitches (Purled on the right side and Knitted on the reverse) against a background of regular stocking
stitch (Knitted on the right side and Purled on the reverse). The dress below is knitted in MillaMia Naturally Soft
Cotton 301 'mid grey' and has the crochet collar in 'cream'.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 74 stitches, leaving a tail
of 8 inches for seaming with later.
row 9: as row 5
row 1: (right side) Knit
row 10: as row 4
row 2: Knit
rows 11-26: repeat rows 3–10 twice more
row 3: K1, (P1, K7) 9 times, P1
row 27: K1, (P1, K7) 9 times, P1
row 4: P1, K1, (P5, K1, P1, K1) 9 times
row 28: P1, K1, (P5, K1, P1, K1) 9 times
row 5: (K3, P1) 18 times, K2
row 29: K1, (K2tog) 36 times, K1 (38 stitches)
row 6: P3, (K1, P1, K1, P5) 8 times, K1, P1, K1, P4
row 7: K5, (P1, K7) 8 times, P1, K4 Continue working the bodice by using the
row 8: as row 6 instructions from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (r o w s 3-28):
74 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
Key: Knit on the right side of work, Purl on wrong side Purl on the right side of work, Knit on wrong side

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 12

Little Chevron P a t t e r n:
This pattern is a moderately easy one to work, with a ribbed chevron pattern created by working reverse
stocking stitches (Purled on the right side and Knitted on the reverse) against a background of regular stocking
stitch (Knitted on the right side and Purled on the reverse). The dress below is knitted in BC Garn Alba 02 'lilac'
and has the knitted collar and sleeves made with the M1A method.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 72 stitches, leaving a tail
of 8 inches for seaming with later.
rows 7-26: Repeat rows 3-6 five more times
row 1: (right side) Knit
row 27: (P1, K1, P1, K2, P1, K2, P1, K1) 7 times, P2
row 2: Knit
row 28: K2, (P2, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P2, K1) 7 times
row 3: (P1, K1, P1, K2, P1, K2, P1, K1) 7 times, P2
row 29: K2, (K2tog) 34 times, K2 (38 stitches)
row 4: K2, (P2, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P2, K1) 7 times
row 5: (P1, K3, P3, K3) 7 times, P2 Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
row 6: (K3, P3, K1, P3) 7 times, K2 from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (r o w s 3-28):
72 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Purl on t he right side of work, Knit on t he wrong side Knit on t he right side of work, Purl on the wrong side

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 13

Criss C r o s s:
This pattern is a moderate one to work, with a raised diamond pattern created by twisting stitches so that they travel
over a background of stocking stitch. The dress below is knitted in KPC Gossyp in 'ballerina' with a simple neckline.

Special A b b r e v i a t i o n s:


RIGHT. Slip the next stitch onto a cable needle and C2L: CROSS 2 LEFT : Slip the next stitch onto a cable needle and
hold at the back of the work, knit the next stitch from the left-hand hold at the front of the work, knit the next stitch from the left-hand
needle and then knit the stitch from the cable needle. needle and then knit the stitch from the cable needle.
Also known as 1/1 RC (1/1 RIGHT CROSS) Also known as 1/1 LC (1/1 LEFT CROSS)
If you prefer not to use a cable needle you can substitute C2F: If you prefer not to use a cable needles you can substitute C2B:
Cross 2 front – knit into the front of the 2 nd stitch on the left-hand Cross 2 back - knit into the back of the 2 nd stitch on the left-hand
needle, then knit into the first stitch and then slip both stitches needle, then knit into the first stitch and then slip both stitches
from the needle together – thus crossing the second stitch over from the needle together – thus crossing the first stitch over the
the front of the first. front of the second.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 74 stitches, leaving a tail of 8
inches for seaming with later.
row 11: K8, (C2R, K6) 7 times, C2R, K8
row 1: (right side) Knit row 13: K1, (C2L, K4, C2R) 9 times, K1
row 2: Knit row 15: (K2, C2L, K2, C2R) 9 times, K2
row 3: K4, (C2R, K6) 8 times, C2R, K4 row 17: K3, (C2L C2R, K4) 8 times, C2L, C2R, K3
row 4 & every subsequent even-numbered row: Purl rows 19-28: Repeat rows 3-12
row 5: K3, (C2R, C2L, K4) 8 times, C2R, C2L, K3 row 29: K1, (K2tog) 36 times, K1 (38 stitches)
row 7: K2, (C2R, K2, C2L, K2) 9 times Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
row 9: K1, (C2R, K4, C2L) 9 times, K1 from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (f o r rows 3-28):

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 27
" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" ! 25
" ! " ! " ! " ! " ! " ! " ! " ! " ! 23
"! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! 21
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 19
!" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" 17
! " ! " ! " ! " ! " ! " ! " ! " ! " 15
! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! " 13
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11
" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" ! 9
" ! " ! " ! " ! " ! " ! " ! " ! " ! 7
"! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! 5
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 3
74 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Knit on the right side of work, Purl on wrong side ! C2R: Cross 2 right " C2L: Cross 2 left

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 14

Honeycomb C a b l e s:
This pattern is a moderately easy one to work, with a textured pattern formed from garter stitch and crossing stitches.
Please note that this dress really benefits from firm blocking to open out the design. The dress below is knitted in
MillaMia Naturally Soft Cotton 322 'bluebell' and has the knitted collar in 'cream'.

Special A b b r e v i a t i o n s:

C2F: CROSS 2 FRONT: Knit into the front of the 2 nd stitch on the C2B: CROSS 2 BACK: Knit into the back of the 2nd stitch on the
left-hand needle, then knit into the first stitch and then slip both left-hand needle, then knit into the first stitch and then slip both
stitches from the needle together – thus crossing the second stitch stitches from the needle together – thus crossing the first stitch
over the front of the first. over the front of the second.
Also known as 1/1 RC (1/1 RIGHT CROSS) Also known as 1/1 LC (1/1 LEFT CROSS)

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 70 stitches, leaving a tail of 8
inches for seaming with later.
row 11: Knit
row 1: (right side) Knit
row 12: P2, (K2, P2) 17 times
row 2: Knit
row 13: K1, (C2B, C2F) 17 times, K1
row 3: Knit
row 14: K2, (P2, K2) 17 times
row 4: K2, (P2, K2) 17 times
rows 15-26: Repeat rows 3-14
row 5: Knit
row 27: Knit
row 6: K2, (P2, K2) 17 times
row 28: K2, (P2, K2) 17 times
row 7: K1, (C2F, C2B) 17 times, K1
row 29: K3, (K2tog) 32 times, K3 (38 stitches)
row 8: P2, (K2, P2) 17 times
row 9: Knit Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
row 10: P2, (K2, P2) 17 times from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (f o r rows 3-28):

! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! " 25
"! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! 19
! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! " 13
"! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! 7
70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Knit on right side of work, Purl on wrong side Purl on right side of work, Knit on wrong side ! C2F: Cross 2 front " C2B: Cross 2 back

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 15

Little C a b l e s:
This pattern is a moderately easy one to work, with a textured pattern created by cabling stitches interspersed
with reverse stocking stitch dashes against a background of stocking stitch. The dress below is knitted in BC
Garn Alba in 32 'Rose' and has the simple cast off neckline.

Special A b b r e v i a t i o n s:

C2F: CROSS 2 FRONT: Knit into the front of the 2 nd stitch on the C2B: CROSS 2 BACK: Knit into the back of the 2nd stitch on the
left-hand needle, then knit into the first stitch and then slip both left-hand needle, then knit into the first stitch and then slip both
stitches from the needle together – thus crossing the second stitch stitches from the needle together – thus crossing the first stitch
over the front of the first. over the front of the second.
Also known as 1/1 RC (1/1 RIGHT CROSS) Also known as 1/1 LC (1/1 LEFT CROSS)

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 74 stitches, leaving a tail
of 8 inches for seaming with later.
rows 9-26: Repeat rows 3-8 three more times
row 1: (right side) Knit
row 27: Knit
row 2: Knit
row 28: Purl
rows 3-6: Beginning with a Knit row and ending with
row 29: K1, (K2tog) 36 times, K1 (38 stitches)
a Purl row, work 4 rows in stocking stitch
Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
row 7: P2, (C2F, C2B, P2) 12 times
from page 3.
row 8: K2, (P4, K2) 12 times

Pattern c h a r t (f o r rows 3-28):

"! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! 25
"! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! 19
"! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! 13
"! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! "! 7
74 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Knit on the right side of work, Purl on wrong side Purl on the right side of work, Knit on wrong side ! C2F: Cross 2 front " C2B: Cross 2 back

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 16

Little B i r d s:
This pattern is a moderately easy one to work, with a pattern resembling little birds in flight created by mirrored cable
stitches. The dress below is knitted in MillaMia Naturally Soft Cotton 323 'baby blue' and has the crochet collar.

Special A b b r e v i a t i o n s:


RIGHT. Slip the next 2 stitches onto a cable C3L: CABLE 3 LEFT : Slip the next stitch onto a cable needle
needle and hold at the back of the work, knit the next stitch and hold at the front of the work, knit the next 2 stitches from
from the left-hand needle and then knit the stitches from the the left-hand needle and then knit the stitch from the cable
cable needle. Also known as 1/2 RC (1/2 RIGHT CROSS) needle. Also known as 1/2 LC (1/2 LEFT CROSS)

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 72 stitches, leaving a tail of 8
inches for seaming with later. Note: Slip all stitches Purl-wise.
row 1: (right side) Knit row 12: P7, (slip 2 stitches, P12) 4 times,
row 2: Knit slip 2 stitches, P7
rows 3-5: Beginning and ending with Knit rows, work 3
row 13: K5, (C3R, C3L, K8) 4 times, C3R, C3L, K5
rows in stocking stitch
rows 14-17: Beginning with a Purl row and ending with a
row 6: P1, slip 1 stitch, (P12, slip 2 stitches) 4 times,
Knit row work 4 rows of stocking stitch
P12, slip 1 stitch, P1
rows 18-28: Repeat rows 6-16
row 7: K1, C3L, (K8, C3R, C3L) 4 times, K8, C3R, K1
row 29: K2, (K2tog) 34 times, K2 (38 stitches)
rows 8-11: Beginning with a Purl row and ending with a
Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
Knit row, work 4 rows of stocking stitch
from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (f o r rows 3-28):

26 0 0 0 0 0
/ / / / / 25
24 '' '' '' '' ''
20 0 0 0 0 0
/ / / / / 19
18 ' '' '' '' '' '
14 0 0 0 0 0
/ / / / / 13
12 '' '' '' '' ''
8 0 0 0 0 0
/ / / / / 7
6 ' '' '' '' '' '
72 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
0 /
Key: Knit on the right side of work, Purl on wrong side ' Slip 1 purlwise C3L: Cable 3 left C3R: Cable 3 right

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 17

Bubble H e m:
This pattern is a moderately easy one to work, with the bubble pattern created by offset stacked mirrored cables over
a background of stocking stitch. Here I've used MillaMia Naturally soft cotton in 'Duck Egg Teal', shade 351.

Special A b b r e v i a t i o n s:


RIGHT. Slip the next 2 stitches onto a cable C3L: CABLE 3 LEFT : Slip the next stitch onto a cable needle
needle and hold at the back of the work, knit the next stitch and hold at the front of the work, knit the next 2 stitches from
from the left-hand needle and then knit the stitches from the the left-hand needle and then knit the stitch from the cable
cable needle. Also known as 1/2 RC (1/2 RIGHT CROSS) needle. Also known as 1/2 LC (1/2 LEFT CROSS)

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 74 stitches, leaving a tail of 8 inches
for seaming with later. *Tip: as the pattern section involves cabling stitches (which pulls the work tighter for those specific
rows) - I find it helps to work rows 7–19 in 3mm (US 2.5) needles. This prevents the skirt from having an 'hourglass' shape on
the pattern section.
rows 14-18: Beginning and ending with Purl rows,
row 1: (right side) Knit work 5 rows in stocking stitch
row 2: Knit
row 19: K1, (C3R, C3L) 12 times, K1
rows 3-6: Beginning with a Knit row and ending with a
Purl row, work 4 rows in stocking stitch rows 20-28: Beginning and ending with Purl rows,
work 9 rows in stocking stitch
row 7: *K1, (C3R, C3L) 12 times, K1
row 8-12: Beginning and ending with Purl rows, work row 29: K1, (K2tog) 36 times, K1 (38 stitches)
5 rows in stocking stitch
Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
row 13: K1, (C3L, C3R) 12 times, K1 from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (f o r rows 3-28):

20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
/ / / / / / / / / / / / 19
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
/ / / / / / / / / / / / 13
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
/ / / / / / / / / / / / 7
74 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
0 /
Key: Knit on the right side of work, Purl on wrong side C3L: Cable 3 left C3R: Cable 3 right

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 18

Paired E y e l e t s:
This pattern is an easy one to work, with little sets of mirrored eyelets on a background of stocking stitch. The dress
below is knitted in MillaMia Naturally Soft Cotton 343 'rustic rose' and has the knitted collar.

Special A b b r e v i a t i o n s:

TOGETHER: Knit 2 stitches together

FORWARD: Bring the yarn to the front of the work
between the needles before working the next stitch – once you
SSK: SLIP, SLIP, KNIT: Slip a stitch (as if to knit it) to the right-
knit the next stitch this will create a loop over the top of the
hand needle, slip a second stitch in the same way, slip both
needle which when worked into on the next row will create an
stitches together back to the left-hand needle and knit
together through the back loops.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 73 stitches, leaving a tail of 8
inches for seaming with later.
row 11: K2, YF, SSK, K5, (K2tog, YF, K1, YF, SSK, K5)
row 1: (right side) Knit 6 times, K2tog, YF, K2
row 2: Knit
row 3: Knit rows 12-16: Beginning and ending with a Purl row work
row 4: Purl 5 rows of stocking stitch
row 5: K4, (K2tog, YF, K1, YF, SSK, K5) 6 times, K2tog, rows 17-28: Repeat rows 5-16
YF, K1, YF, SSK, K4 row 29: K2, (K2tog) 35 times, K1 (38 stitches)
rows 6-10: Beginning and ending with a Purl row work Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
5 rows of stocking stitch from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (r o w s 3-28):
oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo 23
Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU 17
oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo 11
Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU 5
73 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
Key: Knit on t he right side of work, Purl on wrong side V SSK: Slip, Slip Knit YF: Yarn Forward U K2tog: Knit 2 together

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 19

Smocked E y e l e t s:
This pattern is an easy one to work, with a smock effect created by passing a stitch over the two which follow it
and a simple eyelet in between each smocked stitch. The fiddliest bit is slipping the needle tip into the stitch in
order to pass it over the others and this is much easier to do with a pointy needle tip, so if you have a choice
pick the pointiest pair to work this pattern with. The dress below is knitted in MillaMia Naturally Soft Cotton 312
'pebble grey' and has the crochet collar.

YF: YARN FORWARD: Bring the yarn to the front of the work
between the needles before working the next stitch – once
special a b b r e v i a t i o n s: you knit the next stitch this will create a loop over the top of
the needle which when worked into on the next row will create
an eyelet.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 73 stitches, leaving a tail
of 8 inches for seaming with later.

row 1: (right side) Knit row 11: Knit

row 2: Knit
row 13: K3, (YF, K3, pass the 1st of the 3 stitches just
row 3: Knit
worked over the other 2 and off the needle)
row 4 & every subsequent even-numbered row, Purl
23 times, K1
row 5: K2, (YF, K3, pass the 1st of the 3 stitches just
rows 15-26: Repeat rows 3-14
worked over the other 2 and off the needle)
row 27: Knit
23 times, K2
row 28: Purl
row 7: Knit row 29: K2, (K2tog) 35 times, K1 (38 stitches)
row 9: K1, (YF, K3, pass the 1st of the 3 stitches just
Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
worked over the other 2 and off the needle)
from page 3.
23 times, K3

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 20

Little S h e l l s:
This pattern is a moderately easy one to work, with a textured shell-like pattern created by bunched purl
stitches on the right side of the work flanked on both sides by a row of eyelets. The dress below is knitted in BC
Garn Alba 16 'cream' and has the crochet collar.

Special A b b r e v i a t i o n s:

NEEDLE. A specific 'Yarn Over'

OVER: Take the yarn to the back of the work over the top
worked between a Knit Stitch and a Purl stitch. Bring the yarn of the right needle, so making a loop that is worked into on the
to the front under the right needle, then take it over the top of next row.
the needle and around to the front under the needle again, so
creating a loop around the right needle. This loop will be P3TOG: PURL 3 TOGETHER: Purl 3 stitches together
worked into on the next row.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 72 stitches, leaving a tail
of 8 inches for seaming with later.
rows 7-26: Repeat rows 3-6 five more times
row 1: (right side) Knit
row 27: Knit
row 2: Knit
row 28: Purl
row 3: Knit
row 29: K2, (K2tog) 34 times, K2 (38 stitches)
row 4: Purl
row 5: K2, (YFRN, P1, P3tog, P1, YO, K2) ten times Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
row 6: Purl from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (r o w s 3-28):
o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º 25
o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º 21
o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º 17
o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º 13
o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º 9
o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º o u º 5
72 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Knit on the right side of work, Purl on the wrong side Purl a stitch on the right side of work º YFRN u P3 together o Yarn Over

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 21

Double Eyelet R i b:
This pattern is a moderately easy one to work, with a pretty lacy ribbing pattern. The dress below is knitted in
MillaMia Naturally Soft Cotton 342 'english rose' and has the crochet collar.

Special A b b r e v i a t i o n s:

TOGETHER: Knit 2 stitches together

FORWARD: Bring the yarn to the front of the work
between the needles before working the next stitch – once you
SSK: SLIP, SLIP, KNIT: Slip a stitch (as if to knit it) to the right-
knit the next stitch this will create a loop over the top of the
hand needle, slip a second stitch in the same way, slip both
needle which when worked into on the next row will create an
stitches together back to the left-hand needle and knit
together through the back loops.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 69 stitches, leaving a tail
of 8 inches for seaming with later.
rows 7-26: Repeat rows 3-6 five more times
row 1: (right side) Knit
row 27: P4, (K1, P5) 10 times, K1, P4
row 2: Knit
row 28: K4, (P1, K5) 10 times, P1, K4
row 3: K4, (P1, K5) 10 times, P1, K4
row 29: K4, (K2tog) 31 times, K3 (38 stitches)
row 4: P4, (K1, P5) 10 times, K1, P4
row 5: K2, (YF, SSK, P1, K2tog, YF, K1) 11 times, K1 Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
row 6: P4, (K1, P5) 10 times, K1, P4 from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (r o w s 3-28):
oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo 25
oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo 21
oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo 17
oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo 13
oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo 9
oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo 5
69 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Knit on the right side of work, Purl on wrong side Purl on the right side of work, Knit on wrong side o Yarn Over V SSK U K2tog

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 22

Deep Lace B o r d e r:
This pattern is a moderately easy one to work, with a simple 4 row repeat lace pattern created at the hem. If you like
you can work the entire skirt in the lace pattern, though as it is a very open pattern you might like to line the back of
the skirt with a light fabric. The dress below is knitted in BC Garn Alba 32 'marine' with the simple neckline.

Special A b b r e v i a t i o n s:

TOGETHER: Knit 2 stitches together

K2TOG: KNIT 2 TOGETHER: SSK: SLIP, SLIP, KNIT: Slip a stitch (as if to knit it) to the right-
hand needle, slip a second stitch in the same way, slip both
FORWARD: Bring the yarn to the front of the work
stitches together back to the left-hand needle and knit
between the needles before working the next stitch – once you
together through the back loops.
knit the next stitch this will create a loop over the top of the
needle which when worked into on the next row will create an SL1, K2TOG, PSSO: Slip 1, Knit 2 stitches together, then pass
eyelet. the slipped stitch over, so decreasing by 2 stitches.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 73 stitches, leaving a tail of 8
inches for seaming with later.
row 6: Purl
row 1: (right side) Knit
rows 7-14: Repeat rows 3-6 twice more
row 2: Knit
row 3: K2, *(YF, SSK) twice, K1, (K2tog, YF) twice, K1*, rows 15-28: Beginning with a Knit row and ending
repeat from * to * six more times, K1 with a Purl, work 14 rows of stocking stitch
row 4: Purl row 29: K2, (K2tog) 35 times, K1 (38 stitches)
row 5: K3, *YF, SSK, YF, SL1, K2tog, PSSO, YF, K2tog, Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
YF, K3*, repeat from * to * six more times from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (r o w s 3-28):
oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo 13
oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo 11
oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo 9
oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo 7
oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo oUotoVo 5
oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo oUoU VoVo 3
73 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Knit on the right side of work, Purl on wrong side o Yarn Over V SSK U K2tog t Slip1, K2tog, PSSO

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 23

Ridged Eyelet B o r d e r:
This pattern is an easy one to work, with a simple lace pattern edged with garter ridges at the hem. If you like you can
repeat rows 5 -10 three more times between rows 11-28 to give a more lacy skirt. The dress below is knitted in
MillaMia Naturally Soft Cotton 302 'baby elephant' and has the knitted collar.

Special A b b r e v i a t i o n s:

TOGETHER: Knit 2 stitches together

FORWARD: Bring the yarn to the front of the work
between the needles before working the next stitch – once you
SSK: SLIP, SLIP, KNIT: Slip a stitch (as if to knit it) to the right-
knit the next stitch this will create a loop over the top of the
hand needle, slip a second stitch in the same way, slip both
needle which when worked into on the next row will create an
stitches together back to the left-hand needle and knit
together through the back loops.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 72 stitches, leaving a tail of 8
inches for seaming with later.

row 1: (right side) Knit row 9: K2, (K2tog, YF) 34 times, K2

row 2: Knit row 10: Knit
row 3: K2, (YF, K2tog) 34 times, K2 rows 11-28: Beginning with a Knit row and ending
row 4: Knit with a Purl, work 18 rows of stocking stitch
row 5: Knit
row 29: K2, (K2tog) 34 times, K2 (38 stitches)
row 6: Purl
row 7: Knit Continue working the bodice by using the instructions
row 8: Knit from page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (r o w s 3-28):
UoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUo 9
UoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUoUo 3
72 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Knit on the right side of work, Purl on the wrong side Knit on wrong side of work o Yarn Over U K2tog

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 24

Lace Flowers B o r d e r:
This pattern is a moderate one to work, with a pretty lace flower pattern. If you like you can work just work the lace
pattern up to row 11 giving a single row of flowers along the hem and then continue in stocking stitch only. The dress
below is knitted in BC Garn Alba 33 'peach' and has the crochet collar and flared sleeves made with the M1A method.

Special A b b r e v i a t i o n s:

TOGETHER: Knit 2 stitches together

FORWARD: Bring the yarn to the front of the work
between the needles before working the next stitch – once you
SSK: SLIP, SLIP, KNIT: Slip a stitch (as if to knit it) to the right-
knit the next stitch this will create a loop over the top of the
hand needle, slip a second stitch in the same way, slip both
needle which when worked into on the next row will create an
stitches together back to the left-hand needle and knit
together through the back loops.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and 4ply yarn to cable cast on 73 stitches, leaving a tail of 8
inches for seaming with later.
row 13: Knit
row 1: (right side) Knit
row 15: K2, (YF, SSK, K5, K2tog, YF, K1) 7 times, K1
row 2: Knit
row 17: K3, (YF, SSK, K3, K2tog, YF, K3) 7 times
row 3: Knit
row 19: As row 15
row 4 & every subsequent even-numbered row, Purl
row 21: As row 15
row 5: K4, (K2tog, YF, K1, YF, SSK, K5) six times, K2tog,
rows 22-28: Beginning and ending with Purl rows work
YF, K1, YF, SSK, K4
7 rows of stocking stitch
row 7: (K3, K2tog, YF, K3, YF, SSK) seven times, K3
row 29: K2, (K2tog) 35 times, K1 (38 stitches)
row 9: As row 5
Continue working the bodice by using the instructions from
row 11: As row 5
page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (r o w s 3-28):
oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo 21
oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo 19
oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo 17
oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo 15
Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU 11
Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU 9
Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU 7
Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU Vo oU 5
73 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Knit on the right side of work, Purl on wrong side U K2tog V SSK o Yarn Over

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Ribbons P a t t e r n:
This pattern is a really easy one to work, with ribbons of colour worked across the skirt. It's actually worked in stripes of
either 2 or 4 rows with slipped stitches creating the pattern. You can work all of the ribbons in a single colour that contrasts
with the background colour or you can get really creative with this one, using a different colour for each ribbon. You could
use shades of the same colour starting with a dark shade for the bottom ribbon and ending with the lightest for the top
ribbon or you can choose colour themes; maybe browns and oranges for an autumnal look or reds and greens for
Christmas. Note: This dress has more rows than the rest because the slipped stitches really shorten the skirt.

Special a b b r e v i a t i o n s: M a t e r i a l s:
SL1P: Slip 1 purl-wise from the left needle to the right without 2 or 3 colours of 4 ply yarn, Yarn A, Yarn B, Yarn C
working the stitch and keeping the working yarn on the wrong The dress below is knitted in BC Garn Alba and has the crochet
side of the work collar.

Written pattern i n s t r u c t i o n s:
Starting at the bottom of the skirt use 2.75mm needles and Yarn A to cable cast on 73 stitches, leaving a tail of 8
inches for seaming with later.
row 1: (right side) Knit row 11: Change to Yarn C, K2 (SL1P, K3) 17 times, SL1P, K2
row 2: Knit row 12: P2, (SL1P, P3) 17 times, SL1P, P2
row 3: Knit row 13: Change to Yarn A, Knit
row 4: Purl row 14: Purl
row 5: Change to Yarn B, K4 (SL1P, K3) 16 times, SL1P, K4 rows 15-24: repeat rows 5 –14
row 6: P4, (SL1P, P3) 16 times, SL1P, P4 rows 25-30: repeat rows 5 –10
rows 7-8: Repeat rows 5 & 6 row 31: K2, (K2tog) 35 times, K1 (38 stitches)
row 9: Change to Yarn A, Knit Continue working the bodice by using the instructions from
row 10: Purl page 3.

Pattern c h a r t (r o w s 3-30):
28 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 27
26 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 25
22 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 21
18 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 17
16 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 15
12 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 11
8 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 7
6 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 5
73 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Key: Yarn A Yarn B Yarn C & Slip 1 purlwise on right side of work ' Slip 1 purlwise on wrong side of work

© Copyright 2018, All rights reserved J u l i e W i l l i a m s, L i t t l e C o t t o n R a b b i t s page 26

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