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Data culture

maturity roadmap:
Five steps to build a data culture
Table of Contents:

Data culture maturity

with Power BI
Defining a data culture ...................................................................................................................................................................... 03
Data culture for all ............................................................................................................................................................................. 04
Developing a data-driven organization ........................................................................................................................................ 05
Customer journeys to a data culture .............................................................................................................................................. 07
Jumpstart your data culture with Power BI ................................................................................................................................... 10

Microsoft Power Platform Data culture maturity roadmap 2

Defining a data culture
Shifting your organization’s culture sounds like a big undertaking. On top of that, specifically adopting a data culture for your
organization may sound even more daunting, considering the complexity that many organizations already face when dealing
with their data infrastructure. However, adopting a data culture for your organization is empowering, not intimidating.

Adopting a true data culture becomes less formidable when it’s broken
into its two core components: technology and people.

´ Technology ´ People
Data solutions are what extract the Technology alone can’t create a true data culture for your organization. What
meaning and insights from your data, raises the stakes are the team members empowered to innovate because of
superseding the time-intensive man- technology. Creating a data-focused cultural shift involves a concentrated
ual processes traditionally associated effort from your organization to help your team members—regardless of their
with data analysis and visualization. role or function—feel like they can access the data insights they need to keep
Your data technology is what allows them moving forward and achieving more.
you to make sense of all the noise
your large volume of data creates Microsoft Power BI is your unified, scalable platform for self-service analytics,
to unearth the true meaning of your allowing all your users to feel equipped and confident to tackle data analysis
data and deliver powerful insights. independently and collaborate easily.

Microsoft Power Platform Data culture maturity roadmap 3

Data culture for all
Regardless of your industry or overall organizational goals, every level of
your organization can find value from a fully developed data culture.

´ Every individual
Team members access numerous apps and devices to find the data they need to do their jobs effectively and make more
informed decisions. However, gaining access to the crucial data within these applications is often challenging. Employees
may be met with permission restrictions that block them from gaining access to the data they need.

A true data culture allows individuals secure access to data and insights with just a single click. No matter where they are
or what device they’re accessing their data from – whether it’s their desktop, tablet, or mobile device – employees should
experience seamless, secure access. With a data culture, your employees can feel empowered to strategically do more
with their data.

´ Every team
Collaboration is a cornerstone of team success. And yet, many teams are operating within their own data siloes, making
data inaccessible across teams and halting collaboration. This data disconnect between teams limits the scope of individual
teams and means that each team is less aware of the data that other teams have already collected. This can make an
organization’s customer journey feel disjointed.

Unifying data access and making data accessible across teams ensures that data is no longer sitting in isolation. By enabling
your teams to easily access and work across the same data sets, each team can go beyond traditional thinking and cross
over into innovation.

´ Every organization
Organizations have become increasingly hybrid, as team members access data from both on-premises and remote locations.
This means that an organization’s data is more spread out than ever.

Organizations need to know that their data is secure no matter where users and their devices are. Data culture is not
only about user empowerment and collaboration but also setting up the proper data solutions and infrastructure to
support data being accessed from anywhere.

Microsoft Power Platform Data culture maturity roadmap 4

Developing a
data-driven organization
The increase of hybrid and remote work Many organizations recognize the need for more
data-driven insights to keep pace with growing
has also forced many organizations to
consumer expectations. This need for key insights
rethink how they operate, keeping them has accelerated data culture adoption and created
competitive and up to date with the the progression that’s known as the data culture
latest thinking and processes. maturity model.

Microsoft Power Platform Data culture maturity roadmap 5

Data culture maturity model
All organizations must start somewhere on their journey to adopting a true data culture. Through a series of steps, an
organization can go from not using data analytics to a solid data culture.

There are five progressive steps to data culture maturity:

Level 1

At this level, individuals within the organization are just scratching the surface of data analytics and
visualization. They are starting to discover solutions like Power BI and exploring how data visualization
tools can help them better understand their data.

Level 2

This is when the data culture starts to move beyond the individual. Team members have experienced the
benefits of Power BI and want to share their reports and findings with other team members who have yet
to experience Power BI. This starts to expand the data experience to other facets of the organization.

Level 3

At this stage, entire teams are utilizing Power BI and have incorporated self-serve data reporting into their
standard operations as a team. They are becoming a stronger, more informed team because of improved
data insights.

Level 4

Now, data analysis and reporting have become such a standard practice that multiple teams are using these
tools, requiring data sharing and collaboration to become more organized. Structure and processes need to
be applied to how the data solution is utilized to make it a functional and efficient part of business operations.

Level 5

Data culture adopters

This is the end state of the data culture maturity model and goal for any organization. With individuals and
teams imploring data-driven decision-making using reporting and analysis, including standardized data
processes, the organization has successfully adopted a data-driven culture.

Microsoft Power Platform Data culture maturity roadmap 6

Customer journeys
to a data culture
Let’s see how several organizations, including Microsoft,
have used Power BI to make a data-driven culture
their reality.

Microsoft Corporation
As the designer of these products and solutions, Microsoft wants to ensure that all its employees are taking full advantage
of its technology, including Power BI. To help Microsoft teams feel empowered by Power BI, the Enterprise 360 Data
Intelligence team created training that would help their Microsoft partner teams understand how to confidently utilize
Power BI for better data-driven decision-making.

Rather than potentially waiting several weeks for reporting and findings from the Microsoft team members found
Data Intelligence team, in which case data and business needs may have shifted themselves empowered on an individ-
during this time, the training provided Microsoft employees with the ability to ual level to derive insights from their
self-serve. The training offered guidance on how team members could proactively data with Power BI, increasing their
create their own reports and visualize their data needs. investment in the work they’re doing.

Using Microsoft Power BI’s easily adaptable features, business users can quickly self-serve
the datasets they need and build their own reports… They feel in complete control
because they own and invest in it.

Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft

Read how Microsoft empowered its employees with Power BI.

Read the Story

Microsoft Power Platform Data culture maturity roadmap 7

Cerner Corporation
A supplier of health information technology services, devices, and hardware, Cerner Corporation regularly deals with a
large volume of data. This information needs to be transformed from raw data into valuable insights so that their clients can
make informed decisions for the operations of their facilities and clinicians can make data-driven decisions that support
intelligent patient care.

Specifically, Cerner had about 40 terabytes of data they wanted to turn into actionable knowledge. Manually reviewing
data in Excel and then attempting to create data visualizations in Excel or Tableau did not provide them with the quick
and accurate insights they needed for their clients. They wanted to go beyond these manual processes and employ a
data visualization solution that could help them with their internal data efforts as an organization as well as optimize
the data reporting they offer their clients.

They first employed Power BI for their internal data needs. Cerner developed their Stratum Data Platform as a central source
for all their employees to unlock the potential of their data. They employed Power BI as the data extension of this platform
so that they could efficiently report on their internal financial and operational data. Cerner then applied what they developed
with their own internal data processes to their client solutions. The creation of the Ambulatory Assessment Dashboard for
their clients allowed Cerner to automate assessment reporting, reducing both the effort and time spent on reporting.

“With Power BI, we automate 90 – 95

percent of our reporting. I see better
and better presentations and faster
turnaround time as we push reporting
capabilities down to the business units.
Everyone can work more effectively
with on-demand information, slicing
and dicing their data to make better
decisions, faster.”

Chief Information Officer,

Cerner Corporation

Learn more about Cerner’s implementation of Power BI

as a new standard.

Watch Video

Microsoft Power Platform Data culture maturity roadmap 8

Avnet, Inc.
Avnet, a distributor of electronic components head-
quartered in Phoenix, Arizona, has created a worldwide
presence since its founding in 1921. With 125 locations
globally, Avnet has an expansive and growing number
of employees, with approximately 15,000 employees
spread out between these locations.

Before adopting Power BI, Avnet struggled with a limited

global view of reporting because all daily reporting was
done on a regional level. Different teams would use
numerous spreadsheets in different formats and store
these in various locations, making them less accessible
and limiting the amount of collaboration between
teams. Visualizing this data with their legacy tools was
also a roadblock, spending up to three months just
gathering the data and another three months creating
the dashboard to visualize the data.

Avnet modernized their data processes by migrating

from its previous legacy tools to Power BI. This provided
a platform to create a global view of their daily key
metrics, as well as replace disparate spreadsheets with
visual dashboards that could be created in just days or
hours, instead of months. Employees are now empowered
to self-serve and build their own reports, decreasing
the time previously spent by IT to support the team’s
reporting needs and increasing employee speed to
insight. Their use of the Power BI app in Microsoft Teams
also provides deeper collaboration between employees
and teams. All of this helps Avnet get closer to its goal
of becoming a true self-service BI culture.

Learn more about how Avnet used Power BI to create

a data-driven culture.

Watch Video

Microsoft Power Platform Data culture maturity roadmap 9

Jumpstart your data culture
with Power BI
Power BI empowers your employees, your teams, and
ultimately your entire organization to make data-driven
decisions effectively and efficiently. With Power BI’s
built-in AI capabilities, your organization can access
hundreds of intuitive data visualizations that allow
you to get to insights quickly. Advanced AI capabilities
allow Power BI users to both save time when building
reports and create more complex solutions.

Use Power BI to help your employees get to valuable

data insights faster and get one step closer to data
culture maturity.

Learn more about Power BI


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Microsoft Power Platform Data culture maturity roadmap 10

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