Accenture-Chief Data Officer

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The next champion, an evangelist,
a change agent
Who is the one person you could count on for If the persona of the Chief Data Officer (CDO) did not come up,
then it is time to reconsider how your business is organized,
immediate action in your organization, if the
or rather ask why is it not organized around data?
regulatory authorities decide to expand the
Increasingly, it is becoming clear that while CDOs execute data
scope of what constitutes a data breach and up
programs, they play a much larger role in the overall data-driven
the ante on the penalties? Who could you turn organization. They help build the critical enterprise foundational
to if your competitors start getting ahead of you capabilities—technology assets, analytics enablers, business
in predicting the changing customer demands and governance processes, and talent and partnerships—to
drive business. Although CDOs are best positioned to give their
and quickly tweaking their portfolio of products
organization a competitive edge, most businesses, however,
and service? Who is best positioned to ensure are not clear on how to translate the theoretical virtues of this
that the crucial investment decision you are role into reality. Why not?
about to make is based on trustworthy data?


Problem rooted
in legacy
Having scaled their business without an explicit
consideration to an enterprise-wide data strategy,
most established enterprises today have hundreds
of independent data silos, a plethora of legacy
systems, applications and data platforms waiting to
be decommissioned and migrated to newer models,
and pockets of duplicated capabilities across
businesses and functions.


For years, IT has served However, digital natives (leveraging internal and external data, insights,
structured and unstructured data) products, services, and campaigns.
as the “default home” challenged this model by transforming They can increase operational efficiency
of data—accessed when data into a business asset—here, data is and reduce cost, respond at the point of
required to meet a specific continuously providing insights and clues need to customer demands, anticipate and
into the business—where it is and could build new offerings on very short notice,
business requirement.
go. Data is no longer an enabler of the and personalize communications, offers
business, but data is steering the business. and promotions. These are precisely the
aspirations the “CDO in the New” can help
Thanks to new technologies, principally fulfill by freeing data from the bounds of its
artificial intelligence (AI) and machine legacy constructs including technologies,
learning (ML), these companies are processes and culture, and by building the
successfully creating boundaryless right set of capabilities.
ecosystems, reaching across the traditional
boundaries of the enterprise, and sharing


Vacillation in defining
the role of CDO
The deluge of data has swept the role of CDO into prominence,
but there continues to be a lot of confusion surrounding their
mandate, areas that they should own, place where they should
sit within an organization, who they should report to and which
business vision they should help fulfill.


With so much evidence today of bringing on new data, integrating new build a specific solution to address a specific
data and analytics partners, accelerating problem—for example, developing a customer
that data could be transformed
migration to cloud, improving customer acquisition model to improve a campaign’s
into one of the most valued interaction feedback. This could also result effectiveness. This, as opposed to building
business assets, why are in a divergence between where actual effort the data infrastructure and data flows,
companies not able to organize is spent vs. where it should be spent, which along with the advanced analytics engines
might include growth in revenue and market and talent with which to build any kind of
their business, process and share, improvement in analytical capabilities, customer-facing model, whether it be
people around data? driving up speed to market, and addressing for acquisition, retention, or servicing.
evolving regulatory priorities. This divergence This will require a strong commitment from
According to NewVenture Partners, 67.9% has been well highlighted in a recent Gartner the leadership to take a broader and more
of the companies that were surveyed had survey—although the creation of a data-driven holistic approach: first, understand the existing
appointed CDOs, but their role was not well culture was ranked as the number one critical and required data, analytics, talent and
defined, which prevented the CDOs from factor to the data and analytics team, there technology across the enterprise and business
delivering the desired results.1 It is obvious were conflicting activities that were getting functions; and second, develop the necessary
now that without an enterprise-wide priority. Similarly, although “poor data literacy” capabilities that can serve evolving use cases.
data strategy which is in keeping with the was rated the number one roadblock to
CEO’s business strategy, CDOs will be creating a data-driven culture and realizing In this short point of view, we argue that
given a number of responsibilities from its business benefits, the creation of a data the CDOs are best positioned to give their
many quarters of the organization and literacy program was the twelfth ranking companies a competitive edge, provided
will have as many KPIs for measuring their strategic activity in the survey.2 there is an enterprise-wide data capability
success—for example, improvement in data initiative that is an integral part of
quality, establishing clarity of data lineage, Why this disconnect? Part of the answer lies an enterprise-wide data strategy.
improving access to data, raising the speed in the fact that it has been much easier to


From backstage
to frontstage
The role of the CDO first came into
prominence in the financial and healthcare
industries, essentially to ensure greater
data protection and privacy and comply
with stricter regulations.3


Understandably, the early Since then, their role has been evolving, and Any data-driven transformation effort
today it is considered much more strategic will not yield the desired results if it is
CDOs came with varied
to the organization’s objectives.4 not accompanied by an organization-wide
backgrounds—operations, data literacy (how to derive meaningful
As their role evolves, so will the parameters
data management, risk and information from data) and talent
of their success. For instance, if today the
regulatory compliance, success of CDOs is measured in terms
transformation programs (developing
the right capabilities to leverage new data).
to mention a few—with of their contribution to delivering data This change management is, indeed, a big
responsibilities primarily capabilities, tomorrow it may be in terms of task, which could be led by the CDO.
how they form partnerships with businesses
for data quality, data
and external partners to deliver new products
management, and compliance. and services in support of the CEO agenda.
Moreover, as AI and ML start playing a greater
role throughout the data supply chain, the
success of CDOs will be measured in terms
of how they also drive operational efficiency
in the front, middle and back-office areas.


Whose table
should the
CDO sit at?
If the scope of responsibilities is so
comprehensive and the role is thought
to be highly strategic to business,
then who should the CDO report to?


The CEO, CIO, COO, or CFO? Today, the business environment and data As their role and scope of responsibilities
landscape are very different. Increasingly, become increasingly tied to the business
There was a time when CDOs
CEOs are looking to CDOs to help develop vision of the company, there is greater
primarily reported to CIOs— new data-based agile business strategies— emphasis on having the CDO role straddle
this was when the scope for example, quickly build differentiated both technology and business and be
of responsibilities was still offerings to respond to market forces and accountable to the senior-most business
gain a competitive edge. They are expected leaders of the organization. Defining the
within the realm of IT and the to serve as change agents. Just look around, reporting structure is just the start of
company was focused mostly and you will notice that wide ranging the journey to becoming data-driven.
on structured and internal data. expectations are being placed on CDOs— The effectiveness of CDOs will depend upon
from developing a data culture to securing how well the top leadership empowers them
compliance with data privacy requirements, to build the data-driven enterprise. It will also
powering cyber security with AI/ML analytics depend on the extent to which the CDOs are
and leading the charge on ethical and able to think and act at an enterprise level
responsible use of AI.5 and move comfortably between business
and technology agenda.


Building data capability
for today and tomorrow
Our assertion is that if a company’s focus is on building
the capabilities necessary for an enterprise-wide data-led
transformation, then it does not really matter if the person to lead
this initiative—the CDO—is from within or outside the organization
or comes from a technology or business background.


The key is that the CDO brings a few critical strengths that go
well beyond data skills. In this respect, the following are some
guidelines for what the CDO must do to build the data capabilities:

1. Move to the New 2. Build the New The mandate of CDOs goes beyond building
the new data platforms. What should an
Migrate the enterprise from the old data The data paradigms that have stood organization do about the intelligence and
ecosystem of data warehouses and marts enterprises in good stead over the past smarts that are embedded in the hundreds if
towards the new world of data lakes and three to four decades have profoundly not thousands of analytical models that were
cloud, enabling more real-time data changed with the advent of open source built with the old data and analytical platforms
flows, and supporting the ever-changing hardware, software and analytics, infinite and techniques, which have now given way to
demands of the digital marketplace. scalability of cloud, and emergence of data AI/ML and big data? This is where the CDOs
lakes to accommodate unstructured and must be responsible for “analytics migration”
CDOs need to nurture and grow partnerships traditional data. as well, that is, carrying the old models and
with data and analytics providers as well as
talent into the new ecosystem. The people
products and services companies. Along This new model allows system-builds that
who built the old models possess the deepest
the way, they will be required to maintain are significantly faster. But, at the same
insights into what makes the company and
some parts of the legacy platforms that offer time, it imposes significant expectations
its products and services tick. They need to
robust capabilities for financial, risk, HR and on the business to know how to use the
be transitioned into the new world of AI/ML—
regulatory functions—this balancing act of new capabilities with advanced data
a task for which the CDOs are best positioned.
accelerating to the new, while continuing access and analytical technologies.
to judiciously strengthen the core, will be
a critical strength of the future CDOs.


3. Going beyond today’s New
Even as the new environments and For example, they need to ask themselves:
capabilities are being built, the data, which disciplines should be woven into
analytics and technology ecosystem the information flow to ensure that the
is moving forward at a furious pace. enterprise can easily understand the
foundational assumptions of AI models?
Hence, the CDOs must adopt even newer How can CDOs ensure that their companies
ways of doing business and building are making ethical uses of AI? Unstructured
data systems. They need to embrace data was one of the primary reasons the
agile development models where data world embraced the infinitely scalable,
practitioners are deeply embedded in the hyper-performing cloud architectures
business, execute minimum viable products and big data paradigms—CDOs will need
(MVP) in a fail-fast-and-forward model, and to become well-versed in how to tap into
push new engagement models across data, the full potential of this data because the
technology and business functions. Also, insights and business value to be derived
just when the first wave of the new data from it will over time outweigh the benefits
has been built, many lessons from other and insights from the use of traditional
pioneers who pushed the envelope even internal data.
further are causing companies to revisit
the core assumptions behind the New.


CDO—your “go to”
leader for leaping
into the future…
To push their company even further and
position it for the next ten years, CDOs will
need the persona, leadership traits and
ambition to lay the groundwork today so
that their organization can fit seamlessly
into the era of the digital ecosystems and
the world of the Internet of Things (IoT).


If today’s world represents an explosion of data and the power
of AI, the next few years will show the present era to be the early
baby steps of a massive transformation just beginning.

Your organization must position itself well data about your customers and products
during this transformative period, even if in volumes never imagined before, will you
that vision extends beyond the tenure of the stand by and say that you only need a data
current leaders. Who should ultimately be repository of your own data? Or, will you want
accountable for setting up the company to to be a player with the people, technology,
thrive in an era of ever-changing ecosystem of processes and leadership to naturally fit
business and technology partners, constantly into that ebb and flow of a data-driven
sharing data and insights in an open-sourced, AI-powered business ecosystem? If you
crowd-sourced, infinitely-scalable, real-time want to breathe life into this vision, then
data ecosystem? When a hockey puck, you must enable your CDO now to build
a baseball, a car seat, a contact lens, foundational capabilities as an integral
a hearing aid, a truck engine, a (digital) credit part of your enterprise-wide strategy.
card and wearables are constantly emanating



1. 4. Joyce Wells, “Enter the Chief Data Officer: Q&A with Ramesh Nair,” September
2019-Findings-Updated-010219-1.pdf. Accessed October 10, 2019. 17, 2018,
Officer-QandA-With-Ramesh-Nair-127411.aspx. Accessed October 11, 2019.
survey-finds-chief-data-officers-are-prioriti. Accessed October 11, 2019. 5. For an interesting read on the evolving role of CDOs, see Sara Brown, “Make room
in the executive suite: Here comes CDO 2.0,” August 15, 2019, https://mitsloan.
3. For example, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s regulation 239
(also known as BCBS 239) and the U.S. Federal Reserve’s annual Accessed October 9, 2019. See also Minda Zetlin, “What is a chief data officer?
Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR). A leader who creates business value from data,” May 28, 2019, https://www.cio.
com/article/3234884/what-is-a-chief-data-officer.html. Accessed October 9, 2019.


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Ramesh Nair create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With 492,000 people serving clients in more
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