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Task 1 - Initial observation and Analysis 

Topic: Improving shooting with both dominant as well as non-dominant foot the main focus would be
close range and mid-range shooting. 

Why I chose the topic

Shooting is a crucial aspect of football and one of the most essential skills a player must master in order
to reach the highest level of the game. It is a dynamic and game-changing component that can lead a team
to victory. Goals are the currency of football, and they are achieved through the successful execution of

In the world of football, shooting is not limited to just one position, and it is an important skill that must
be honed and perfected by every player, regardless of their role on the team. A player who can master the
art of shooting will be an asset to their team, as they will be able to make the most of opportunities and
convert them into goals.

In addition, shooting is considered a basic skill, but it is also one of the most complex components in the
game. It requires a combination of strength, accuracy, technique, and decision making. A player who can
perfect their shooting skills will be well equipped to make a significant impact on the game, which is why
I chose to focus on this topic.

In conclusion, shooting is a critical component of football and a fundamental element that rounds out the
model of a complete football player. The mastery of this skill will bring immense value to the player, the
team, and ultimately, the game of football.

History of the game

Football has a long history. Football in its current form arose in England in the middle of the 19th
century. Alternative versions of the game, however, existed much earlier and are documented in football
history. The Football Association in England established the first set of rules for the game in 1863. It has
evolved significantly since then, not least with the introduction of technology such as VAR and goal line
cameras. However, there were other forms of the game in existence prior to that pivotal moment in 1863.
They were played on public school lawns, but there was no such thing as a standardized set of rules.
Football rules have become more equitable and inclusive over time, allowing all types of people to
participate in the sport.

Key Concept - Relationships 

Related Concept- Perspective 
Global Context - Globalization and sustainability

Football, as a sport, relates to the key concept of relationships through the teamwork and communication
needed on the field. The related concept of perspective is crucial in understanding each player's role and
how their actions impact the team. In the global context of globalization and sustainability, football
promotes cross-cultural relationships and physical activity, promoting a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Client interview questions

1. What is your favorite sport and why?

Ans) My favorite sport is football. Since a child I was exposed to the sport football through my
community and my uncle. I always used to watch them play in the ground right in front of our house.
Watching them play created a spark in me that motivated and influenced me to learn the sport in a
professional manner. But due to covid I was not able to pursue my goal and hence am trying to learn and
develop my football skills.

2. Previously have you ever played football in a professional manner? 

The only time I played football in a professional manner was in grade four for the team bull runners.
After that I had left the school and stopped playing football. 

3. What was the reason for leaving football? 

The main reason for leaving the sport of football was the changing of schools. In the school which I
joined there was not as much importance by coaches on football compared to basketball hence, I started
to play and develop the skills for over 2 -3 years.  

4. What position do you want to play and why?

I would like to play as a striker because that is the most comfortable place on the field as I have the
dribbling capacity to cross the opponent’s defenders. The main place that I lack in is finishing. The other
factor was that my idol Cristiano Ronaldo is also a striker, and this inspired me in playing the position.

5. Explain the current performance and identify the areas of development?

Currently I feel like I am an okay player but there are many scopes of improvement. One of the main
factors would be to gain strength as my leg power and shooting abilities must be worked on because I am
a striker my finishing must be precise.

6. Do you maintain a diet and if you do what is it?

No, I do not. But I personally feel that if I maintain a diet, it will impact my current performance as I feel
that I lack strength.

7. Do you think playing sports has had positive or negative impacts on you and what are they?

I feel that through the years sports in general has always been my area of shelter. It always helps me in
getting over my stress. Playing a sport clears my mind, may it be any sport. I always feel that sports have
had a positive impact on me and refreshed my mind. 
8. How does your sports idol motivate you?

My sports idol is Cristiano Ronaldo. I appreciated his dedication and love for the sport like many people.
I also looked up to him. Looking at him I started to become dedicated and passionate towards the sport,
the main skill which I admire for his shooting power and body physique. This has made me determined in
developing the skill of shooting to its perfection. 

9. What is your greatest accomplishment as a football player?

The greatest accomplishment of me as a football player is winning an inter school football league in grade
4. I was the top scorer for my team which was named bull runners.  

10. If you could change one thing about the way you play the sport, what would it be and why?

The one thing which I want to change about the way I play is my finishing and body physique as I feel
with these components built to the perfection a player could succeed at the highest levels in football as
you know if you score you win, and scoring is achieved through precise finishing. 
11. What is your tactical understanding of the game, and how do you apply it in different
situations on the field?

As a player, my tactical understanding of the game is informed by my experience, training, and a constant
effort to stay updated on the latest strategies. In different situations on the field, I try to quickly assess the
situation and make decisions based on the strengths of my team and weaknesses of the opposition.

12. How do you approach in-game decision making, particularly in terms of offensive and
defensive strategies?

I approach in-game decision making by constantly analysing the game, considering both offensive and
defensive strategies, and adapting to changing circumstances. I prioritize teamwork and communication
to make informed decisions that give my team the best chance of success.

13. Can you describe your mental and emotional approach to the game, including your ability to
handle high-pressure situations?

Mentally and emotionally, I approach the game with focus and determination. I understand that high-
pressure situations are an inevitable part of the game, and I work to stay calm, confident, and focused,
using my training and past experiences to guide me.

14. How do you stay physically fit and maintain injury prevention, both in season and during the

To stay physically fit, I engage in regular training, maintain a healthy diet, and prioritize injury
prevention through stretching, strength training, and proper warm-up techniques. I also make time for
rest and recovery, especially during the off-season, to ensure I'm in top form when the next season

15. Can you discuss your understanding of the role of teamwork and communication in the
success of a team, and how you strive to contribute to this in your own performance?

I believe that teamwork and communication are key aspects of success in soccer, and I strive to contribute
to this by being a supportive and communicative teammate. I understand that every player has a role to
play and work to contribute to the team's success through effective communication and collaboration on
and off the field.

16. Yes, I struggle with procrastination and sometimes give in to unhealthy eating habits.
One self-defeating habit I struggle to overcome is procrastination. I often find myself putting off exercise
and healthy habits until later, which leads to missed opportunities and unmet goals. Additionally, I have a
tendency to indulge in unhealthy foods, despite knowing their negative impact on my physical and mental

17. I tend to get discouraged and lose motivation after experiencing failure or setbacks in my pursuit
of physical and mental fitness.

When I face failure or setbacks in my pursuit of physical and mental fitness, I tend to get discouraged and
lose motivation. For example, if I miss a workout or slip up on my diet, I may feel like giving up on my
goals altogether. This negative response to challenges can be detrimental to my progress and overall well-

18. The feeling of accomplishment and improvement in my overall well-being keeps me motivated to
maintain a healthy lifestyle and continue working towards my goals.

Despite these challenges, I am motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle and continue working towards my
goals by the feeling of accomplishment and improvement in my overall well-being. Whether it's the
physical benefits of regular exercise, the mental clarity that comes with a healthy diet, or the overall
satisfaction of meeting my goals, I find inspiration and motivation in the positive changes I experience as
a result of my efforts.

Analysis of the interview

I found the interview questions to be important in the coaching process because they help establish a
strong foundation for the coaching relationship. During the interview, I can gain insight into the client's
needs, challenges, and goals. I can also build rapport and trust with the client and assess their readiness
for coaching. This information is crucial in tailoring my approach and creating a safe and supportive
environment for the client. By effectively utilizing the interview, I can set the stage for a successful
coaching relationship and support the client in achieving their goals.

In this case, I used the interview questions to get to know the player. The player was very transparent and
honest in their answers, which impressed me. They had good dribbling and stamina skills but needed to
improve their finishing. Despite this, I saw that the player was motivated to improve and dedicated to
learning. The player was also aware of the importance of the coach-player relationship and its impact on
their performance. I felt that the player had a lot of potential for improvement because of their hard-
working attitude.

The interview questions helped me gain valuable insights into the client's needs, challenges, and goals,
build rapport and trust with the client, and assess their readiness for coaching. This information was
important in helping me tailor my approach and create a safe and supportive environment for the client.
The questions allowed me to get to know the client better and set the stage for a successful coaching

Unfamiliar situations
To improve handling unfamiliar situations in football, in-game simulations and scrimmages can help. In
these practices, players can work on quick thinking and decision making. Scrimmages against new
opponents also provide experience. These practices can build confidence and prepare players for
unexpected events in real matches.

Health and fitness profile of the client

In the case of our client, who is a beginner football player with a height of 5'9 and a weight of 52 kg, we
need to be mindful of certain health and wellness factors that may impact their training.

First and foremost, it is crucial to address fitness level as a beginner. We must start with basic exercises
and gradually increase the intensity to build their endurance and strength. This will help them develop the
foundation necessary to perform at their best on the field.

Additionally, the client's low body weight may impact their physical ability to perform certain movements
in football, such as jumping, tackling, and blocking. To address this, we will incorporate weight-bearing
exercises into their training regimen, along with weightlifting and interval training, to improve their
strength and endurance.

In addition to these health and wellness factors, we must also focus on providing our client with a
balanced diet and adequate rest and recovery. Proper hydration is also essential to ensure that they can
perform at their best during each training session.

Fitness Benchmark

As a critical aspect of evaluating my client's performance, I will conduct a benchmark analysis to identify
areas of improvement, with a focus on enhancing his lower body strength. This is crucial in football as
lower body strength is essential for passing, shooting, and tackling.

Fitness Exercice Poor score Average Good score Client Client level
Component score score
Agility T-Drill 10.5 to 11.5 s > 11.5 s 9.5 to 10.5 s
Flexibility Sit and reach test 0 to +2.0 0 to +5 +6 to +16
Strength Standing broad jump >220 cm 221-230 cm 231-240cm
Speed 30 meter dash < 4.6 s 4.4 - 4.3 s > 4.0 s

The benchmark test score of my clients lied either in average or good which is quiet okay for a beginner
football player but rather more the. Main components which need improvement would be strength and
agility as they were the components which were average.

To optimize my client's lower body strength and speed for football, I will create a customized training
plan that combines strength training exercises, speed and agility drills, and skill-specific drills. This will
include exercises such as squats, plyometric exercises like box jumps, shuttle runs, ladder drills, and ball
handling and footwork drills.

It's essential to prioritize proper nutrition and recovery to ensure my client's body is adequately fuelled
and ready to perform optimally during training and games. My training plan will include an emphasis on
these critical components to help my client achieve optimal results.
Benchmark (Skill Test) – Football Distance from the goal Result

Client right foot 15 Yards ( Close range finishing ) 6/10
25 Yards ( Mid-range finishing ) 4/10
Client left foot 15 Yards ( Close range finishing ) 5/10
25 Yards ( Mid-range finishing ) 3/10

The client's skill in football finishing can be analysed in detail as follows:

1) Right Foot:

 Close Range (15 yards): 6/10 This indicates that the client is fairly good at finishing from
close range with their right foot. They have a success rate of 60% in these situations
which is relatively decent. However, there is still room for improvement, as the target
score for this type of finishing is usually higher. Improving the accuracy, speed and
power of their right foot shots can lead to better results in close-range situations.

 Mid-Range (25 yards): 4/10 The score of 4/10 for mid-range finishing with the right foot
is lower than the score for close-range finishing. This suggests that the client may
struggle with longer-range shots and may need to work on their technique and power to
improve their success rate in these situations. Practicing shooting from different angles,
distances and positions, as well as fine-tuning the technique can help to improve the

2) Left Foot:

 Close Range (15 yards): 5/10 The client scored 5/10 for close-range finishing with their
left foot. This means that they have a success rate of 50% in these situations, which is
relatively low compared to their right foot. Improving their left foot finishing skills is an
area of focus for future training and improvement. Improving the accuracy, speed and
power of their shots can help to improve the success rate.

 Mid-Range (25 yards): 3/10 The score of 3/10 for mid-range finishing with the left foot is
even lower than the score for close-range finishing. This suggests that the client may
struggle with longer-range shots with their left foot, and may need to work on their
technique, accuracy and power to improve their success rate. Practicing shooting from
different angles, distances and positions, as well as fine-tuning the technique can help to
improve the performance.

Here are a few attainable and specific goals for a football student who would like to improve their close
range and mid-range finishing over a 6-week period:

1) Close-Range Finishing current performance – 25%

 After 2 weeks, the student should be able to finish successfully at least 50% of the close-range
shots during practice.
 By the end of the third week, the student should be able to finish successfully at least 65% of
close-range shots during practice.
2) Mid-Range Finishing current performance – 10%

 After 4,5 weeks, the student should be able to finish successfully at least 35% of mid-range shots
during practice.
 By the end of sixth week, the student should be able to finish successfully at least 65% of mid-
range shots during practice and 90% close range shots.

These goals are specific and attainable and can be adjusted as needed based on the student's progress.
Setting these goals will help the coach track and evaluate the student's progress over time.


5-10 minutes of light cardio (jogging, jumping jacks, etc.)

Dynamic Stretching:

Leg Swings: 10-15 reps (per leg)

High Knees: 10-15 reps (per leg)
Butt Kicks: 10-15 reps (per leg)
Skipping: 10-15 reps

Activation Exercises:

Bodyweight Squats: 10-15 reps

Glute Bridges: 10-15 reps
Fire Hydrants: 10-15 reps (per leg)
Clamshells: 10-15 reps (per leg)


Static Stretching: Hold each stretch for 30-60 seconds

Hamstring Stretch: 1 stretch per leg

 Quad Stretch: 1 stretch per leg

 Hip Flexor Stretch: 1 stretch per leg
 Calf Stretch: 1 stretch per leg
 Adductor Stretch: 1 stretch per leg
 Glute Stretch: 1 stretch per leg

Week 1

Days Exercise Number of sets Number of reptations in

Monday • Bodyweight Squats - 3 sets - 8 to 12 reps
• Glute Bridges - 3 sets - 8 to 12 reps
• Lunges - 3 sets - 8 to 12 reps per leg
• Box Jumps - 3 sets - 8 to 12 reps
• Agility Ladder Drills - 3 sets - 8 to 12 reps
Tuesday • Single Leg Squats - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps (per leg)
• Single Leg Deadlifts - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps (per leg)
• Bulgarian Split Squats - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps (per leg)
• Lateral Box Jumps - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps
• Agility Hurdle Drills - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps

Wednesday: Rest Day

Thursday • Pistol Squats - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps (per leg)

• Reverse Lunges - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps (per leg)
• Skater Squats - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps (per leg)
• Step-Ups - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps (per leg)
• Agility Dot Drills - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps
Friday • Squat Jumps - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps
• Glute Bridge March - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps (per leg)
• Single Leg Box Jumps - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps (per leg)
• Agility Sprint Drills - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps
Saturday: Rest Day
Sunday • Squats - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps
• Deadlifts (dumbbells) - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps
• Glute Bridges - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps
• Calf Raises - 3 sets - 12 to 15 reps
• Agility Jump Rope Drills - 3 sets - 10 to 12 reps

10-12 reps
3 sets of 10-12 reps
3 sets of 10-12 reps
3 sets of 12-15 reps
3 sets of 10-12 reps

Week 3:

• Bodyweight Squats: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
• Glute Bridges: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
• Lunges: 3 sets of 12-15 reps (per leg)
• Box Jumps: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
• Agility Ladder Drills: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

• Single Leg Squats: 3 sets of 12-15 reps (per leg)
• Single Leg Deadlifts: 3 sets of 12-15 reps (per leg)
• Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 sets of 12-15 reps (per leg)
• Lateral Box Jumps: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
• Agility Hurdle Drills: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Wednesday: Rest Day

• Pistol Squats: 3 sets of 12-15 reps (per leg)
• Reverse Lunges: 3 sets of 12-15 reps (per leg)
• Skater Squats: 3 sets of 12-15 reps (per leg)
• Step-Ups: 3 sets of 12-15 reps (per leg)
• Agility Dot Drills: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

• Squat Jumps: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
• Glute Bridge March: 3 sets of 12-15

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