Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

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Atlas of Procedures in


Douglas A Levine MD
Assistant Attending Surgeon
Department of Surgery
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY

Richard R Barakat MD
Chief, Gynecology Service
Department of Surgery
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY

Nadeem R Abu-Rustum MD
Associate Attending Surgeon
Department of Surgery
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY
© 2008 Informa UK Ltd

First edition published in the United Kingdom in 2003

Second edition published in the United Kingdom in 2008 by Informa Healthcare, Telephone House, 69–77 Paul
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For all of our trainees, who have worked tirelessly to learn these procedures and will share them with future
List of contributors vii

Preface to the first edition viii

Preface to the second edition ix

Acknowledgments x

I Open Procedures
1 Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 1
Eric L Eisenhauer and Yukio Sonoda

2 Radical abdominal hysterectomy 33

Mario M Leitao Jr and Carol L Brown
3 Surgery for carcinoma of the vulva 45
Mary L Gemignani
4 Surgical cytoreduction 57
Eric L Eisenhauer, Mario M Leitao Jr, and Dennis S Chi

5 Pelvic exenteration 93
Douglas A Levine, Bernard H Bochner, and Dennis S Chi
6 Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection 117
Oliver Zivanovic, Nadeem R Abu-Rustum, and Joel Sheinfeld

7 Panniculectomy to facilitate pelvic surgery 123

Eric L Eisenhauer, Babak J Mehrara, and Nadeem R Abu-Rustum
8 Fertility-sparing radical abdominal trachelectomy for cervical cancer 129
Sharyn N Lewin and Nadeem R Abu-Rustum

9 Extended pelvic resection 137

John P Diaz, Patrick J Boland, Dennis S Chi, and Nadeem R Abu-Rustum

10 Myocutaneous flap reconstruction 145

Anuja K Antony, Douglas A Levine, and Babak J Mehrara

II Minimally Invasive Procedures

11 Laparoscopic staging procedures 153
Yukio Sonoda and Richard R Barakat

12 Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 181

Douglas A Levine and Richard R Barakat

13 Laparoscopically assisted vaginal radical hysterectomy 209

Michel Roy, Marie Plante, and Marie-Claude Renaud

14 Vaginal radical trachelectomy 221

Marie Plante, Marie-Claude Renaud, Yukio Sonoda, and Michel Roy

15 Second-look laparoscopy with intraperitoneal catheter placement 237

Christopher S Awtrey and Nadeem R Abu-Rustum

16 Extraperitoneal lymph node dissection 249

Yukio Sonoda, Denis Querleu, and Eric Leblanc
vi Contents

17 Chest tube placement and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 257

Siobhan M Kehoe and Raja M Flores

18 Hand-assisted laparoscopic splenectomy 267

John P Diaz and Dennis S Chi
19 Robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery for gynecologic malignancies 271
Mario M Leitao Jr and Ginger J Gardner

20 Sentinal lymph node identification for early-stage cervical and uterine cancer 289
Nadeem R Abu-Rustum and Mary L Gemignani

III Related Surgical Procedures

21 Paracentesis 295
Douglas A Levine

22 Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement 303

Mark Schattner and Moshe Shike
23 Central venous catheter placement 309
Michelle Montemarano and Douglas A Levine

24 Mediport placement 315

Anne Corey and George I Getrajdman

25 Brachytherapy 321
Sang E Sim and Kaled M Alektiar
26 Cystourethroscopy and ureteral catheterization 337
Siobhan M Kehoe and Nadeem R Abu-Rustum

Appendix: staging systems 341

Index 345
Nadeem R Abu-Rustum MD, Gynecology Service, Siobhan M Kehoe MD, Gynecology Service,
Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center, New York, USA Cancer Center, New York, USA
Kaled M Alektiar MD, Department of Radiation Robert J Korst MD, Department of Thoracic Surgery,
Oncology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, USA
New York, USA Eric Leblanc MD, Département de Cancérologie
Anuja K Antony MD, Plastic and Reconstructive Gynécologique, Centre Oscar Lambret, Lille, France
Service, Department of Surgery, Memorial Mario M Leitao Jr MD, Gynecology Service,
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Christopher S Awtrey MD, Division Gynecologic Cancer Center, New York, USA
Oncology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Douglas A Levine MD, Gynecology Service,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
USA Cancer Center, New York, USA
Richard R Barakat MD, Gynecology Service, Sharyn N Lewin MD, Gynecology Service,
Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center, New York, USA Cancer Center, New York, USA
Bernard H Bochner MD, Urology Service, Department Babak J Mehrara MD, Plastic and Reconstruction
of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Service, Department of Surgery, Memorial
New York, USA Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA

Patrick J Boland MD, Orthopedics Service, Michelle Montemarano PA, Gynecology Service,
Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center, New York, USA Cancer Center, New York, USA

Carol L Brown MD, Gynecology Service, Department Marie Plante MD, Department of Obstetrics and
of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Gynecology, Laval University, Québec, Canada
New York, USA Denis Querleu MD, Department of Surgery, Institut
Claudius Regaud, Toulouse, France
Dennis S Chi MD, Gynecology Service, Department of
Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Marie-Claude Renaud MD, Department of Obstetrics
New York, USA and Gynecology, Laval University, Québec, Canada
Anne Covey MD, Department of Radiology, Memorial Michel Roy MD, Gynecologic Oncology
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA CHUQ-Hôtel-Dieu, Québec, Canada

John Diaz MD, Gynecology Service, Department of Mark Schattner MD, Department of Medicine,
Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, G.I./Nutrition, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
New York, USA Center, New York, USA
Joel Sheinfeld MD, Urology Service, Department of
Eric L Eisenhauer MD, Gynecology Service,
Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,
Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
New York, USA
Cancer Center, New York, USA
Moishe Shike MD, Department of Medicine, G.I./
Raja M Flores MD, Thoracic Service, Department of Nutrition, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,
Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA
New York, USA
Sang E Sim MD, Radiation Oncology Service,
Ginger J Gardner MD, Gynecology Service, Department of Regional Operations, Memorial
Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Basking Ridge, NJ,
Cancer Center, New York, USA USA
Mary L Gemignani MD, Breast Service, Department Yukio Sonoda MD, Gynecology Service, Department
of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,
New York, USA New York, USA
George I Getrajdman MD, Department of Radiology, Oliver Zivanovic MD, Gynecology Service,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
USA Cancer Center, New York, USA
Preface to the first edition
This atlas has been designed for the purpose of to see how different a real surgical procedure is from
providing a detailed overview of the major procedures that depicted in sketches and diagrams; through the
performed by gynecologic oncologists, using full color use of actual color photographs, the representations
photographs, and is accompanied by a DVD of live within this Atlas should approximate what is actually
surgical footage with spoken commentary. Creating seen in the operating room.
the basis of this text exclusively from color images of
actual surgical procedures offers the reader a vantage Over one hour of actual surgical footage is included
point similar to that seen by the operating surgeon. on an accompanying DVD with spoken commentary.
Owing to the sophisticated computer technology The reader is able to review a procedure with full
that is currently on hand, all the photographs color photographs and then view selected procedures
were captured on digital film and digital videotape. on video. The combination of photographs, written
We have made great effort, except where absolutely text, surgical footage, and spoken commentary is one
necessary, to preclude the use of sketches or of the most realistic approaches to understanding a
black-and-white photographs throughout Atlas of complex surgical procedure without actually scrubbing
Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology. into the case. Indeed, in some respects the material
contained within may serve better to illustrate the
This book should be valuable for those beginning their procedures than actually being in the operating room
surgical training, as well as for senior practitioners. as an observer: here, the reader will see the major
For the medical student and house officer, it will portions of procedures without the surgical staff or
provide an introduction to basic gynecologic oncology the surgical drapes obstructing the view.
procedures such as surgical staging, vulvar surgery,
radical hysterectomy, and others. There are also We have attempted to present all major procedures in
sections on paracentesis, chest tube placement and our specialty. Some of the less frequently performed
central venous access. For the fellow in training, procedures are not illustrated owing to the lack of
procedures, such as laparoscopic lymph node material or space within the text. Subsequent editions
dissection, intraoperative radiation therapy, inguino- of this Atlas will replace some operations with new
femoral lymphadenectomy, and others, will be procedures and will expand as our specialty expands.
indispensable when acting as the first assistant. For Hopefully, we will have the opinions of our readers to
the senior surgeon, the text will introduce new allow each edition to be a better reference work than
technologies and advanced minimally invasive the preceding one. In addition to the commonly
procedures that are not part of the usual surgical performed major procedures, we have also illustrated
armamentarium. Procedures such as laparoscopic many advanced procedures currently performed only
radical hysterectomy, sentinel lymph node biopsy, at specialized centers throughout the world. These
radical vaginal trachelectomy, and others are not procedures are likely to be practiced on a more
typically taught during normal subspecialty training. widespread basis as physicians become sufficiently
All these procedures are illustrated in such detail that trained in minimally invasive surgery. We have tried
any surgeon can appreciate the adaptation of currently to highlight important technical points for each step
practiced surgical procedures to the minimally of the procedures in order to steer the reader away
invasive approach, which may be readily learned from from potential complications.
selected specialists in the field.
The text here is limited to procedural descriptions
The chapters in Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic and succinct introductory paragraphs explaining
Oncology are purposely presented in great detail, general indications without a comprehensive review
giving the reader a complete working knowledge of of the literature. A discourse on the management of
each procedure. While we would be amiss in believing gynecologic malignancies is certainly readily available
that one could actually perform a new procedure in many other well-written texts. This text is strictly
simply by reviewing this text, with proper instruction focused on procedures, as will become apparent to
the procedure should be readily grasped. Expertise in the reader. We have attempted to design a high-quality,
a particular procedure can be acquired more quickly comprehensive Atlas and hope that the reader
on account of having a detailed knowledge of the appreciates its distinctiveness and merit.
procedure prior to performing it or observing it for the
very first time. When one studies procedures in Douglas A Levine
gynecologic oncology without the benefit of detailed Richard R Barakat
operative color photographs, it can be quite surprising William J Hoskins
Preface to the second edition
In this second edition of Atlas of Procedures in surgery and radical pelvic surgery. We have added
Gynecologic Oncology we have expanded the subject short chapters illustrating unique procedures such as
area but tried to maintain the general design of hand-assisted laparoscopic splenectomy and a general
providing a detailed overview of the major procedures chapter on urologic procedures. In addition to the
performed by gynecologic oncologists using full color commonly performed major procedures, we have also
photographs. It has been said that ‘good judgment illustrated many advanced procedures currently per-
comes from bad judgment.’ We hope that by offering formed only at specialized centers throughout the
a photographic vantage point similar to that seen by world. These procedures are likely to become prac-
the operating surgeon we can minimize the amount of ticed on a more widespread basis as physicians
trial and error required to obtain expertise in the become sufficiently trained in minimally invasive
operating theater. In this second edition we have and fertility-sparing surgery.
updated or replaced over 30% of the material from
the first edition. In this second edition as well, we We value the opinions of our readers and have
welcome Nadeem R Abu-Rustum as a co-author, who received tremendously positive feedback on our first
has contributed greatly to the completion of the edition. As this second edition goes to press, we hope
current work. to maintain a dialogue with our readers through
written and electronic correspondence. We continue
This book remains valuable for those beginning their to welcome both complimentary and critical responses
surgical training, as well as for senior practitioners. to the second edition. We will be providing an
For the medical student and house officer, it is an electronic comment card on the Atlas’ dedicate
introduction to basic gynecologic oncology proce- website: Please visit this site to
dures, such as surgical staging, vulvar surgery, radical contact the authors or provide commentary.
hysterectomy, and others. There are also sections
on paracentesis, chest tube placement, and central This surgical guide offers a complete procedure-
venous access. For the fellow in training, procedures oriented manual in gynecologic oncology with full
such as laparoscopic lymph node dissection, intra- color photographs. We have taken every effort to
operative radiation therapy, inguinofemoral lymph- eliminate the use of line drawings and sketches that
adenectomy, and myocutaneous flap reconstruction only detract from a realistic presentation of actual
will be indispensable when acting as the first assistant. surgery. The text is limited to procedural descriptions
For the senior surgeon, the text will introduce new and introductory paragraphs explaining general
technologies and advanced minimally invasive proce- indications without a comprehensive review of the
dures that are not part of the usual surgical armamen- literature. A discourse on the management of gyneco-
tarium. In this edition we have added an extensive logic malignancies is certainly readily available in
chapter on robotics in gynecologic oncology. many other well-written texts. This text is strictly
focused on procedures, as will become apparent to
We have attempted to present all major procedures in the reader. We have attempted to design a high-quality,
our specialty. In this second edition we have added comprehensive atlas and hope that the reader
new procedures and expanded on some of the previ- appreciates its distinctiveness and merit.
ously published work. We have a dedicated chapter
on retroperitoneal lymph node dissection and a new Douglas A Levine
chapter on panniculectomy to facilitate pelvic surgery. Richard R Barakat
There is additional material on fertility-sparing Nadeem R Abu-Rustum
The authors are grateful to the staff of Informa Healthcare, including managing editor Kelly Cornish, editorial
assistant Georgina Adams and senior production editor Kathryn Dunn, for their assistance and patience through-
out the development of this book. We would also like to thank the editorial staff at Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center for their tremendous effort, including George Monemvasitis, who served as lead copyeditor, and
his colleagues Alexandra MacDonald and Jennifer Grady, for their dedication and organizational skills. We also
acknowledge the device and guidance of William J Hoskins MD who served as an author on the first edition
and helped to lay the groundwork for the entire project. Above all, we are grateful to the contributing authors,
many of whom were gracious contributors to the first edition of this atlas. They have provided not only their
surgical expertise but also their patients and operating time to allow us to photograph ongoing procedures,
without sacrificing the highest level of performance during the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and allied
1 Surgical staging of
gynecologic malignancies
Eric L Eisenhauer and Yukio Sonoda

Thorough surgical staging is essential for the treatment mucinous histology is suspected or noted on frozen
of patients with early-stage endometrial and ovarian section, an appendectomy should also be performed.
cancer, as accurate surgical staging is important Many mucinous tumors presumed to originate in the
to guide adjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiation ovary may in fact be metastases from the appendix or
therapy for patients with these cancers. In 1988, other gastrointestinal organs.
surgical staging replaced clinical staging for endome-
trial cancer due to the significant underreporting of In endometrial carcinoma, surgical staging is nearly
extrauterine disease found in clinical Stage I patients. identical to the ovarian cancer staging procedure and
Surgical staging allows more specific reporting for this reason they are presented together in this
of tumor spread and is a more accurate guide for chapter. It includes a midline vertical incision,
additional therapy. Similarly, comprehensive staging peritoneal washings, a thorough exploration of the
is necessary in patients with early-stage ovarian can- abdomen and pelvis, a total abdominal hysterectomy,
cer, in order to determine which patients will benefit bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and pelvic and
from further therapy following surgery. For patients paraaortic lymph node dissection. Certain practitio-
with advanced ovarian cancer, optimal surgical ners may elect to eliminate the nodal dissection for
cytoreduction is the standard of care and is discussed patients with tumors of favorable histologic grade and
in detail elsewhere within this text. Surgical ‘staging’ subtype that do not invade into the myometrium due
is not a term used for the surgical procedures in these to the relatively low incidence of metastases. In
patients due to the advanced nature of their disease, general, this should be avoided since the frozen-
although lymph node dissection may play a role in section evaluation of depth of invasion is less reliable
their management to ensure resection of all bulky than permanent section, and endometrial biopsy is
tumor. prone to sampling errors that may misrepresent
final histologic grade or subtype. The risk of lymph
The standard procedure for surgical staging in node metastases in minimally invasive, low-grade
early-stage ovarian carcinoma includes an adequate endometrial tumors is approximately 3%, and the
midline vertical incision, peritoneal washings, benefits of detecting metastases in these patients
thorough exploration of the abdominal and pelvic outweigh the risks of the procedure. If the endome-
cavities, biopsy of any suspicious lesions, random trial tumor is predominantly serous or carcino-
peritoneal biopsies from the pelvis, paracolic gutters sarcomatous, the aggressive nature of these tumors
and diaphragm, total abdominal hysterectomy, warrants additional staging procedures, including
bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, bilateral pelvic and random peritoneal biopsies and subtotal omentec-
paraaortic lymph node dissection, and infracolic tomy and lymph node dissection regardless of
omentectomy. When performing the aortic lymph depth of invasion. In patients with significant
node dissection, it is important to remember that the medical co-morbidities, the overall risks of the proce-
lymphatic drainage pattern of the ovary follows that dure must be weighed, and eliminating or abbreviat-
of the ovarian vein, which empties into the vena cava ing the lymph node dissection may be warranted.
on the right and the renal vein on the left. Thus, Ultimately, the risks of lymph node sampling for an
these high aortic nodes should be removed in order to individual patient must be balanced against the risks
accurately determine the extent of disease, and this of spread based upon depth of invasion and tumor
often requires a generous incision. If a tumor of aggressiveness.

2 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Abdominal exploration and specimen removal

Figure 1.1. Large pelvic mass. Figure 1.2. Abdominal entry.

Ovarian tumors may have a wide variety of presenting A midline vertical incision is made in the skin using the
signs and symptoms. Shown here is a common presentation scalpel. The subcutaneous fat and fascia are incised using
of a large pelvic mass often seen in ovarian cancer. Note either a scalpel or electrocautery. The linea alba between
the protuberant, distended abdomen due to a large adnexal the two rectus abdominus muscles is identified, and the
mass. underlying peritoneum is grasped with hemostats or forceps
and incised using Metzenbaum scissors or a scalpel.
Shown is a large adnexal mass found upon entry into the

Figure 1.3. Extending the incision.

While a limited incision may be appropriate to determine
the malignant potential of a suspicious adnexal mass,
the incision will usually need to be extended beyond the
umbilicus. This is necessary to gain adequate exposure to
the upper abdomen and to perform a full aortic node
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 3

a b

c d

Figure 1.4. Peritoneal washings.

Immediately after entry into the abdomen, peritoneal washes are taken using warm saline and sent for cytology. Usually,
washings are obtained from each diaphragm surface, each paracolic gutter, and from the pelvis. These may be combined
prior to submitting them for cytologic evaluation. Shown in these figures are right paracolic gutter washings (a and b) and
pelvic washings (c and d). The washings should be aspirated from the most dependent portion of the pelvis.
4 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 1.6. Placing the retractor.

Figure 1.5. Delivery of the mass. A self-retaining retractor is placed into the abdomen. In a
The mass is delivered through the incision in order to gain relatively thin patient, a Balfour retractor with extension
adequate mobility to perform the procedure. may be adequate to perform the procedure. In obese
patients, the Bookwalter retractor is preferred.

Figure 1.7. Obtaining exposure. Figure 1.8. Specimen removal.

A large Kelly clamp is placed at the cornu of the uterus to The small bowel is packed out of the operative field with
provide traction on the uterus. The uterus and mass are large, moist lap sponges. This provides adequate exposure
elevated. The lower blade of the Balfour retractor is to identify the pelvic structures prior to removing the
inserted to protect the bladder and provide additional specimen. The steps of the technique are described in
traction. detail below.
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 5

Figure 1.9. Detached mass.

Once the specimen is removed, it can be sent for
intraoperative frozen section to determine the malignant
potential. If a comprehensive staging procedure is required,
the incision is extended and the remainder of the procedure
is performed. Described below is the standard staging
procedure. It may be appropriate to modify the procedure
for young patients who desire to retain the potential for
future fertility. The risks of performing a conservative
procedure must be weighed carefully against the potential
for recurrent or residual disease in the remaining organs.
The patient, after being appropriately counseled, must be
an integral part of the decision-making process.

Hysterectomy and contralateral salpingo-oophorectomy

1 – Right round ligament

2 – Right infundibulopelvic ligament Figure 1.11. Ligating the round ligament.
A suture is securely placed around the distal portion of the
Figure 1.10. Contralateral pelvic sidewall.
round ligament. It is passed beneath and then through the
In the contralateral adnexa, the round ligament and
round ligament to ensure that the round ligament vessels
infundibulopelvic ligament are identified.
are completely occluded. A small branch of the uterine
artery, Samson’s artery, provides blood supply to the round
ligament. A large clip is placed on the specimen side.
6 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 1.12. Transecting the round ligament. Figure 1.13. Opening the pelvic peritoneum.
The round ligament is then transected using electrocautery The peritoneum is then dissected free from the underlying
or scissors. The round ligament suture is held for traction, areolar tissue with a right-angled clamp or similar. The
which is useful when opening the pelvic sidewall. peritoneum is incised using electrocautery to skeletonize
the infundibulopelvic ligament.

1 1


1 – Transected right round ligament 1 – Transected right round ligament

2 – Right infundibulopelvic ligament 2 – Right external iliac vessels
3 – Right ureter
Figure 1.14. Skeletonizing the infundibulopelvic ligament.
The peritoneum has been opened further. The parallel Figure 1.15. Identifying the ureter.
orientation of the peritoneal incision in relation to the The back of a forceps can be used to gently dissect from
infundibulopelvic ligament is clearly seen. lateral to medial toward the sacrum in order to locate the
ureter. It is important not to dissect laterally as the
iliac vessels may be inadvertently injured. At this level in
the pelvis, the ureter can be identified on the medial leaf of
the broad ligament medial to the external and internal iliac
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 7


1 – Window in pelvic peritoneum

2 – Right external iliac vessels Figure 1.17. Clamping the infundibulopelvic ligament.
3 – Right infundibulopelvic ligament Two right-angled clamps or similar are placed across the IP
4 – Right ureter to completely occlude the ovarian vessels. Care is taken to
ensure that no portion of the ovary is included in the
Figure 1.16. Isolating the infundibulopelvic ligament.
clamp, as this could lead to an ovarian remnant where
A window is created in the peritoneum beneath the
disease could recur or develop in the future.
infundibulopelvic ligament, which contains the ovarian
artery and vein, and above the ureter, which has previously
been identified.

Figure 1.18. Transecting the infundibulopelvic ligament. Figure 1.19. Ligating the infundibulopelvic ligament.
The infundibulopelvic ligament is transected using a The two ends of the infundibulopelvic ligament are now
Metzenbaum scissors, scalpel, or cautery. clearly separated. The distal side is ligated with a simple
free tie, as it will be removed with the specimen. The
proximal side of the infundibulopelvic ligament is first
ligated with a free tie of delayed absorbable material and
then a suture ligature on a CT-1 needle or smaller is placed
above this free tie. It is important not to place the second
suture below the first as this could result in the
development of a retroperitoneal hematoma that may
dissect along the ovarian vessels.
8 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 1.20a, b. Creating the bladder flap.

Anteriorly, the bladder flap is created by using a right-angled clamp or similar to define the correct plane in the
vesicouterine peritoneum just superior to the bladder reflection. The lower uterine segment is separated from the bladder,
and electrocautery is used to incise the vesicouterine peritoneum. Blunt dissection with fingers or sponge sticks should not
be used as this can lead to inadvertent cystotomy, especially in those patients who have had previous pelvic surgery.
The vesicouterine peritoneum is completely transected in order to allow for adequate caudad mobilization of the bladder.

Figure 1.21. Completed bladder flap.

The bladder is now fully mobilized and away from the
uterus and cervix to allow for ligation of the uterine
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 9

a b

1 – Left uterine artery

Figure 1.22a, b. Skeletonizing the uterine artery.

The uterine arteries are skeletonized by grasping the tissue laterally with a forceps in order to separate the tissue planes.
The tissues of the cardinal ligaments are transected using electrocautery. Once fully isolated, the uterine artery is identified.
If the uterine artery is not adequately skeletonized, excessive tissue may become incorporated when placing the clamp.

a b


1 – Vagina
2 – Cervix
3 – Internal cervical os
4 – Uterine body

Figure 1.23. Transecting the uterine arteries.

The uterine arteries are clamped bilaterally with curved Zeppelin clamps at the level of the internal cervical os or the
uterine isthmus. Both uterine arteries are clamped prior to transecting either in order to diminish the backbleeding that will
occur due to the collateral uterine circulation. The pedicle is transected using scissors and then suture ligated with a
delayed absorbable suture, such as polyglactin or polydioxanone. Anterior (a) and posterior (b) views are shown.
10 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 1.24. Clamping the cardinal ligament.

Once the uterine arteries have been ligated, the cardinal
ligament is clamped with a straight Zeppelin clamp,
transected, and suture ligated. Each successive clamp
should be placed inside the previous one to allow
transected tissues to fall away laterally. This will minimize
the risk of injury to the ureter or other adjacent structures.
When completely dissected in patients or cadavers, the
uterine artery passes only several millimeters medial to the
ureter at the level of the internal cervical os. Care should
be taken to always place clamps as close to the uterine
body as possible when performing a simple extrafascial

Figure 1.25. Transecting the cardinal ligament.

The cardinal ligaments are transected and suture ligated
bilaterally. Shown here is the cut end of the left cardinal
ligament, which will be suture ligated with the same
material used on the uterine arteries. This clamp can be
seen medial to and within the previous pedicle, which is
1 the ligated uterine artery. A scalpel may be used to transect
the tissues as Zeppelin clamps are designed to hold tissues
without slippage.

1 – Ligated left uterine artery

Figure 1.26. Preparation for removal.

Successive clamps are placed on the cardinal ligaments
and uterosacral ligaments until the cervicovaginal junction
is reached. The pelvic structures are then reassessed to
ensure that the bladder is sufficiently mobilized to allow
clamps to be placed below the cervix during the
1 transection of the vagina.

1 – Bladder
2 – Vagina
3 – Cervix
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 11

a b


1 – Cervix
2 – Vagina
3 – Bladder

Figure 1.27. Clamping the vagina.

Curved Zeppelin clamps or similar are placed on the vagina at the cervicovaginal junction bilaterally. The clamps do not
need to reach entirely across the vaginal apex, although, often will in patients with a normal-sized uterus and cervix.
Shown are anterior (a) and posterior (b) views of the vaginal clamps.


1 – Transected right vaginal angle

2 – Resected cervix
Figure 1.29. Securing the vaginal angles.
Figure 1.28. Transecting the vagina. The specimen has been removed and the clamps remain on
Heavy curved Jorgenson scissors are used to transect the the vaginal angles. Each angle is suture ligated with delayed
vagina and remove the specimen. absorbable suture material. Transfixion or Heaney sutures
are placed to secure the vaginal angles. These sutures are
held for traction throughout the remainder of the
hysterectomy. The remaining vaginal apex can be oversewn
with a continuous running locked suture or interrupted
figure-of-eight sutures.
12 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 1.30. Closed vaginal cuff. Figure 1.31. Specimen.

The vaginal cuff has now been closed and the pelvis is This particular specimen has had the adnexal structures
carefully examined to search for uncontrolled vascular removed previously. The specimen is either opened in the
pedicles or bleeding from the posterior aspect of the operating room or sent for intraoperative frozen section to
bladder. determine depth of invasion for an endometrial carcinoma.

a b

Figure 1.32a, b. Opening the uterus.

In the operating room, the specimen can be opened to assess depth of invasion for endometrial cancer. The uterus is
bivalved from cervix to fundus along the lateral aspects in order to maintain orientation.
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 13

a b

Figure 1.33a, b. Assessing the endometrium.

Once the uterus is bivalved, the endometrium should be bread-loafed to assess depth of invasion. This allows for multiple
sections that can be visually inspected to find the location of greatest tumor burden. Opening the specimen in the manner
described does not interfere with a subsequent complete pathologic evaluation.

Pelvic lymph node dissection

Figure 1.34. Pelvic peritoneum. Figure 1.35. Opening of the pelvic peritoneum.
Prior to the start of the pelvic lymph node dissection, the The pelvic peritoneum is opened over the external iliac
pelvic peritoneum covers the pelvic sidewall and iliac artery with electrocautery or Metzenbaum scissors. The
vessels. incision in the peritoneum is extended toward the paracolic
gutter to allow for adequate exposure to perform the lymph
node dissection.
14 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

1 – Right external iliac artery

2 – Right ureter
3 – Right common iliac artery

Figure 1.36. Identifying the ureter.

The ureter normally crosses over the iliac vessels at about the point where the common iliac artery bifurcates into the
internal and external iliac artery. Alternatively, it can be found on the medial leaf of the broad ligament. It should be
clearly identified and a vessel loop can be placed for clear identification throughout the procedure. (a) The ureter after it
has been dissected free from the pelvic peritoneum. (b) The ureter crossing over the iliac vessels at the bifurcation of the
common iliac artery.

1 – Psoas muscle
2 – Left external iliac artery Figure 1.38. Creation of pedicles.
3 – Left ureter
Pedicles are created with blunt or sharp dissection in order
Figure 1.37. External iliac lymph node dissection. to delineate the nodal tissue to be removed.
The pelvic node dissection is started by grasping the
lymphatic tissue overlying the external iliac artery. A
Singley forceps is used to provide traction on the nodal
tissue. The ureter is seen again in the foreground.
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 15

Figure 1.39. Clipping the pedicle. Figure 1.40. Excision of lymph node.
Small perforating vessels and lymphatic channels should be The pedicle has now been transected with Metzenbaum
occluded with hemostatic clips, as shown. scissors. This process of creating pedicles, clipping, and
excising is used throughout the nodal dissection.


1 – Psoas muscle
Figure 1.41. Further dissection. 2 – Left genitofemoral nerve
3 – Left external iliac artery
Small perforators and lymphatics are clipped and cut in
4 – Left external iliac vein
order to skeletonize the external iliac vessels and facilitate
the dissection. Figure 1.42. Protecting the genitofemoral nerve.
Throughout the dissection, care should be taken to avoid
injury to the genitofemoral nerve, which courses along the
medial aspect of the psoas muscle and just lateral to the
external iliac artery. Injury to this nerve can result in
paresthesias of the medial aspect of the upper thigh. The
size of the nerve is variable, as the genital and femoral
branches may run separately.
16 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology


1 – Left obturator lymph nodes

Figure 1.43. Entering the obturator space. 2 – Left external iliac artery retracted medially
The obturator space may be entered medially or laterally to Figure 1.44. Obturator space.
the external iliac vessels. For the lateral approach, the Adequate exposure is obtained by retracting the psoas
space between the external iliac artery and the psoas fascia laterally and the external iliac artery and vein medially
is developed bluntly with the scissors or similar instrument, with a vein retractor or similar, as depicted in this figure.
as shown in the figure. The superior aspect of the obturator fossa is seen with
abundant lymphatic tissue.


1 – Left obturator lymph nodes

2 – Left obturator nerve Figure 1.46. Dissecting the obturator nodes.
3 – Left external iliac artery retracted medially
The obturator lymph nodes are often easily detached from
Figure 1.45. Identifying the obturator nerve. the surrounding tissues. In areas where the nodes do not
Prior to performing the obturator lymph node dissection, come free easily, a vessel or lymphatic channel is most
the obturator nerve should be clearly identified. This should likely present and a hemostatic clip should be placed.
be done before removing any lymphatic tissue. The A combination of blunt dissection with clips as needed
obturator nodal tissue can be dissected bluntly with a usually renders this portion of the procedure relatively
scissors or clamp. The nerve is identified using a slightly bloodless.
opened Metzenbaum scissors to separate it from the
obturator fat-pad as shown here.
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 17

Figure 1.47. Medial view.

1 The external iliac vessels are now retracted laterally and
much of the lymphatic tissue above the obturator nerve has
been removed. If possible, one should continue to remove
2 additional lymphatic tissue beneath the obturator nerve. If
3 all nodal tissue cannot be removed from a lateral approach,
4 the medial approach will provide additional exposure.

1 – Psoas muscle
2 – Left external iliac vessels retracted laterally
3 – Genitofemoral nerve
4 – Left obturator lymph nodes
5 – Left obturator nerve

Figure 1.48. Obturator space.

After further dissection, the obturator space is mostly
cleared of lymph-node-bearing tissue. While this should
provide an adequate sampling of the lymph node basin, it
has not yet removed all lymphatic tissue. Certain
practitioners believe it is prudent to remove as many lymph
nodes as possible, even during a staging procedure, as
some recent data support survival advantages in patients
with more extensive lymph node dissections at the time of
surgical staging for both endometrial and ovarian cancer.
Occasionally, it may be necessary to ligate the obturator
vein and artery during the dissection in order to control or
prevent hemorrhage. This will not lead to any clinically
significant sequelae.

Figure 1.49. Medial extent.

The obturator lymph nodes have been almost completely
cleared at this point. The medial extent of the obturator
lymph node dissection should not proceed medial to the
1 superior vesical artery or the obliterated umbilical artery.

1 – Left external iliac vein

2 – Left obturator nerve
3 – Left superior vesical artery
18 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

3 4
4 5
5 6

1 – Right deep circumflex iliac vein 1 – Left deep circumflex iliac vein
2 – Right external iliac vein 2 – Psoas muscle
3 – Right anastomotic pelvic vein 3 – Left external iliac vein
4 – Right obturator internus muscle 4 – Genitofemoral nerve
5 – Right obturator nerve 5 – Left external iliac artery
6 – Right obturator vein 6 – Left obturator nerve
7 – Left obturator vein

Figure 1.50. Extent of dissection.

The lateral extent of dissection is the psoas muscle, with care taken to preserve the genitofemoral nerve. Distally, the
lateral dissection should also be conducted with care, as the superficial epigastric vessels can be encountered here.
Proximally, the pelvic nodes are removed up to the bifurcation of the common iliac artery at this point. The formal
common iliac artery nodes can either be removed with the pelvic node dissection or the paraaortic node dissection.
Internal iliac nodes are sampled, but usually run into the proximal extent of the obturator lymph node dissection.
The distal extent of the dissection for lymph node sampling or complete lymphadenectomy is the deep circumflex iliac
vein, a branch of the external iliac vein. In general, the obturator fossa will yield a greater number of lymph nodes than
the external iliac chain. Fully dissected right (a) and left (b) obturator fossas are shown. The anastomotic pelvic vein is
quite variable in course and can originate from the external iliac vein or the obturator vein. It usually travels toward the
pubic symphysis to join the contralateral pelvic vein and/or the inferior epigastric vein.

Figure 1.51. Vascular anomalies.

When operating in close proximity to major blood vessels,
it is important to be cognizant of potential vascular
anomalies. Shown here is an interesting patient who had a
duplicated inferior vena cava. The common iliac artery is
1 dissected to the level of the aortic bifurcation, but the left
2 external iliac vein drains into the left inferior vena cava.
3 Within the obturator fossa there is a plethora of vascular
4 anomalies that can be present. Most commonly, the
anastomotic pelvic vein can be inconsistent in course and
frequently not present at all. The deep circumflex iliac vein
can also be found passing beneath the external iliac artery.

1 – Left internal iliac artery

2 – Left inferior vena cava
3 – Left external iliac vein
4 – Left external iliac artery
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 19

Paraaortic lymph node dissection

1 – Peritoneum overlying the right common iliac artery

Figure 1.52. Right peritoneal incision. Figure 1.53. Opening the retroperitoneum.
On the right side, the paraaortic node dissection begins by A right-angled clamp or forceps can be used to separate the
incising the peritoneum overlying the right common iliac peritoneum from the underlying areolar tissue while
artery. Alternatively, the incision used for the pelvic lymph electrocautery or scissors is used to transect it.
node dissection can be extended over the common iliac
artery to the aortic bifurcation. Care should be taken to
identify the ureter as it crosses over the common iliac artery
in order to minimize injury during the peritoneal opening.

1 2
2 5

1 – Right ureter 1 – Inferior vena cava

2 – Right common iliac artery 2 – Aortic bifurcation
3 – Right common iliac vein
Figure 1.54. Common iliac node dissection. 4 – Right common iliac artery
The ureter is identified lateral to the vena cava and 5 – Left common iliac artery
common iliac artery. Next, the nodes overlying the 6 – Left common iliac vein
common iliac vessels are removed. Pedicles are ligated
with small clips if vessels or lymphatics are encountered. Figure 1.55. Additional dissection.
Once the common iliac vein is encountered, a nodal
sheath is removed longitudinally along the vessel up to the
vena cava. The lymph nodes overlying the distal portion of
the bifurcation can be removed at this point, as illustrated.
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 21

Figure 1.60. Reflection of descending colon. Figure 1.61. Medial approach.

The peritoneum is opened using electrocautery along the As mentioned, left paraaortic lymph nodes can be obtained
white line of Toldt in order to reflect the colon medially. by crossing over the aorta after completing the right-sided
This incision is carried up as high as possible, usually dissection. Lymphatic tissue can be freed from the aorta
limited by the abdominal incision. Otherwise it could be with sharp and blunt dissection. Shown here is lymphatic
continued to the tip of the spleen, although this is usually tissue being gently separated from the aorta with the use of
not necessary. Metzenbaum scissors. All pedicles in this region are
clipped prior to transection with the scissors. The scissors is
mostly used in an opening and closing fashion to free the
lymph nodes from the vessel.

1 – Aorta
2 – Left common iliac artery
Figure 1.62. Low, left paraaortic nodes.
3 – Inferior mesenteric artery
Low, left paraaortic nodes can readily be obtained in the
region between the inferior mesenteric artery and the left Figure 1.63. Low, left nodal basin.
aspect of the aorta. Shown here are lymph nodes being After removal of the lymph node package, the boundaries
removed from this area. of this particular dissection can be seen, including the
inferior mesenteric artery. The region can also be easily
reached from a lateral approach, as described above.
Often, the lateral approach will be used to dissect the
lower left paraaortic nodes and the medial approach will
be used to dissect the higher paraaortic nodes.
22 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 1.64. High, left paraaortic dissection.

Many practitioners will perform the low paraaortic
dissections first, using the standard approach for the right
side and the lateral approach for the left side, and then
1 perform both sides of the higher paraaortic nodes
sequentially. To fully sample the lymph node basins for
2 ovarian cancer, the dissection needs to extend to the renal
veins. As mentioned previously, the right ovarian vein
drains directly into the vena cava and the left ovarian vein
drains into the left renal vein. It is sometimes more logical
to begin the dissection at the level of the renal veins and
work downwards, depending on the approach used for the
lower paraaortic nodes, the size of the abdominal incision,
and the patient’s body habitus. Here, the left ovarian vein
is seen joining the left renal vein. If desired, it can be
ligated at its origin to minimize bleeding should injury
occur during the dissection. Care must be taken to
definitively identify the ovarian vein, as its insertion can be
confused with an accessory renal vein in certain patients.

1 – Left renal vein

2 – Left ovarian vein

Figure 1.65. High, paraaortic dissection.

The nodal tissue surrounding the vena cava and the aorta
has been nearly completely removed. The left renal vein
can clearly be seen crossing over the aorta. This is the
proximal extent of the dissection.
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 23

a b


3 2


1 – Ligated right ovarian vein 1 – Left renal vein

2 – Ligated left ovarian vein 2 – Left ovarian vein
3 – Inferior mesenteric artery 3 – Inferior mesenteric artery
4 – Low, left paraaortic nodal basin
5 – Right ureter
6 – Left common iliac vein

Figure 1.66. Completed paraaortic dissection.

The paraaortic nodal dissection has now been completed. (a) Both ureters are tagged with yellow vessel loops, and both
ovarian veins have been ligated at their origin. The inferior mesenteric artery and the bifurcation of the aorta are also
demonstrated. (b) Many of the same structures seen in (a) are shown. Additionally, the left common iliac vein can be found
passing just distal to the aortic bifurcation. When removing subaortic nodes, this anatomical relationship must be noted to
prevent laceration of the left common iliac vein. When this vein is injured, troublesome bleeding is the rule. The course of
the left ovarian vein is well delineated, as it has not been ligated. The ovarian veins always appear engorged during this
procedure, which can be attributed to the fact that they have been transected and ligated within the infundibulopelvic
ligament. This results in an increased level of hemostatic pressure within an already low-pressure venous system. The low,
left paraaortic basin is found between the inferior mesenteric artery and the aorta. The inferior mesenteric artery can be
ligated at its origin if injured or if additional exposure to the left side of the aorta is needed. Clinically significant sequelae
usually do not occur except in patients who either have had previous colonic surgery or who have vascular disease that
may compromise collateral flow to the descending and sigmoid colon.

Figure 1.67. Course of the right ureter.

This figure is included to demonstrate the course of the
right ureter. It can be seen traveling through the
retroperitoneum and then crossing over the right common
iliac artery. It is important to be cognizant of the ureters
1 throughout the paraaortic lymph node dissection.


1 – Inferior vena cava

2 – Right ureter
3 – Left common iliac vein
4 – Right common iliac vein
5 – Right common iliac artery
24 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Omentectomy and biopsies

Figure 1.68. Infracolic omentum.
The omentum is elevated and spread out to determine the
interface with the transverse colon and evaluate the normal
anatomical relationships. The entire infracolic omentum
will be removed.

a b

1 1


1 – Posterior leaf of omentum 1 – Posterior leaf of omentum

2 – Transverse colon 2 – Transverse colon

Figure 1.69. Infracolic omentectomy.

(a) An avascular area between the posterior leaf of the omentum and the colon is identified. (b) It is then entered sharply
with the tip of a clamp, as shown, or with scissors. For the surgical staging of early-stage ovarian cancer or high-risk
endometrial cancer, an infracolic omentectomy provides sufficient material to determine if microscopic seeding has
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 25

Figure 1.70. Dissecting the omentum.

Electrocautery is used to divide the posterior leaf of the
omentum from the transverse colon, as depicted in this
figure. To perform a complete infracolic omentectomy, the
omentum should be divided close to the transverse colon.
Nonetheless, sufficient distance should be maintained to
prevent lateral thermal spread from the electrocautery onto
the colon. By dissecting between the posterior leaf and
anterior leaf of the omentum, the lesser sac is entered. Care
should be taken to avoid carrying the anterior dissection
onto the mesentery of the transverse colon, as the middle
colic artery can be easily injured. The dissection should be
carried out from the hepatic flexure to the splenic flexure.

a b

Figure 1.71a–c. Clamping pedicles.
Once the omentum has been mobilized off the transverse
colon, the gastrocolic ligament is incised. Avascular areas
are incised with electrocautery or scissors. Vascular
pedicles are doubly clamped with right-angled clamps,
Kelly clamps, Halstead clamps, or similar. A series of
clamps are placed, with each set being transected at the
time of placement. Ligation with free ties is done
successively after several clamps have been placed in order
to conduct the procedure as efficiently as possible. Recent
advances in surgical instrumentation have provided a wide
array of alternative instruments with which to perform the
omentectomy. Currently, options include the use of the
endoscopic stapler, handheld harmonic scalpel, handheld
LigaSure (Valleylab, Boulder, CO), the argon-beam
coagulator, and the LDS stapler. Operator experience will
dictate which device is most suitable for a particular patient
or procedure.
26 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 1.72. LigaSure.
The LigaSure is a device that can coagulate and transect
tissue in a rapid manner. The device shown here is the
short handheld LigaSure Atlas (a). The jaws are closed by
squeezing the handle until it locks. A foot pedal is then
depressed to activate the bipolar electrocautery, which
effectively seals the tissue and/or vessels up to 7 mm in
diameter. The lever just above the handle is then
depressed to activate a blade within the device that will
transect the cauterized tissue. Squeezing the handle once
again then opens the jaws. The gastroepiploic artery,
which is the main blood supply to the omentum, can
easily be cauterized with the LigaSure (b). Thermal
spread is minimal and the resulting resection leaves a
hemostatic, uninjured segment of transverse colon (c).

Figure 1.73. Omentectomy specimen.

The entire omentum is displayed. It has been almost
completely separated from its surrounding attachments.
Once the dissection is finished, it will be sent for routine
pathologic evaluation. If clinically suspicious areas are
noted during the procedure, the specimen should be sent
for immediate intraoperative frozen section if the findings
would alter the remainder of the operation.
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 27

Figure 1.74. Transverse colon.

The entire infracolic omentum has been removed and the
transverse colon can be seen cleared from hepatic to
splenic flexure.

1 – Splenic flexure
2 – Supracolic omentum
3 – Hepatic flexure

a b

Figure 1.75a, b. Random biopsies.

If disease is not found outside of the pelvis at laparotomy, random biopsies are taken in search of microscopic disease. At
least eight sites within the abdomen and pelvis should be sampled. These include the diaphragm bilaterally, the paracolic
gutters bilaterally, the right pelvis, the left pelvis, the anterior cul-de-sac, and the posterior cul-de-sac. Any suspicious areas
should also be biopsied. The biopsy specimens should be 2–3 cm in diameter to provide an adequate specimen for
pathologic analysis. Shown is a biopsy from the right paracolic gutter.
28 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology


1 – Appendix
Figure 1.76. Appendix. 2 – Appendiceal mesentery
The appendix may be removed at the time of staging 3 – Cecum
laparotomy for a variety of reasons. An inflamed,
Figure 1.77. Traction.
erythematous, or suppurative appendix should be removed.
One or two Babcock clamps are placed on the appendix to
If it is thought to be involved with tumor it should be
provide traction and mobility throughout the procedure.
removed as well. Importantly, an appendectomy should be
These particular clamps are useful since they are atraumatic
performed whenever a mucinous ovarian neoplasm is
when used in the manner demonstrated.
diagnosed or suspected. All too frequently, mucinous
ovarian tumors, particularly borderline tumors, are thought
to be primarily from the ovary when in fact they are
metastases from primary appendiceal tumors or other
gastrointestinal tumors.

a b

Figure 1.78a, b. Appendiceal mesentery.

The mesentery of the appendix contains small branches of the appendiceal artery. It should be doubly clamped,
transected, and suture ligated. By initially transecting the mesentery of the appendix, mobility will be gained, which will
be useful during the later steps of the procedure.
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 29

a b

c d

Figure 1.79. Appendiceal artery.

The main blood supply to the appendix is the appendiceal artery. The appendiceal artery usually enters the mesentery of
the appendix near its base. As mentioned, small branches travel through the mesentery of the appendix. The appendiceal
artery is isolated with blunt dissection using the tip of a fine clamp (a). It is then clamped and transected (b, c). A hemostatic
clip may be placed on the distal side since it will be removed with the specimen. The proximal end is securely ligated with
a permanent or delayed absorbable suture (d).
30 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 1.80. Specimen.

Once the mesentery and artery have been dissected free
from the appendix itself and securely ligated, the specimen
is ready for removal. It is elevated perpendicular to the
cecum in order to determine the level at which it should be

a b

1 – Crushed appendiceal base

Figure 1.81. Crushing the base.

The base of the appendix is clamped with a Halsted clamp or similar (a). Care should be taken to excise the appendix in its
entirety while not compromising the cecum. If too much appendix is left attached to the cecum, not only will this portion
be unavailable for pathologic evaluation but also it could be the site of future inflammation. Once the base of the appendix
is crushed, the clamp is moved upwards several millimeters (b).
Surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies 31

a b

Figure 1.82. Ligating the appendix.

The appendix is ligated with a permanent or delayed absorbable suture tie. The tie is placed around the base of the
appendix at the site where it was previously crushed (a). Once the suture is cut, a small clamp is placed on the end of the
suture (b). This will be used to bury the appendiceal stump.

Figure 1.83. Transecting the appendix.

A small space is now present between the ligated base of
the appendix and the small clamp that remains on the
appendix. A scalpel is used to transect the appendix just
below the clamp. The clamp will prevent spillage from the
specimen and the tie secures the cecum.
32 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 1.84a, b. Burying the stump.

The appendiceal stump is then buried by placing either a purse-string or a Z-stitch with non-absorbable material. Any
technique that will bury the stump is sufficient. Some practitioners do not bury the appendiceal stump and some will
cauterize the cut end of the appendix. Neither technique has been shown to reduce postoperative complications in
well-designed studies.

a b

Figure 1.85a, b. Completed procedure.

The suture is tied down as the assistant inverts the appendiceal stump into the cecum (a). The cecum as it appears after
completing the appendectomy is shown (b).
2 Radical abdominal
Mario M Leitao Jr and Carol L Brown

Radical abdominal hysterectomy has been the In 1974, Piver et al described five classes, or types, of
standard of care for surgical management of early- hysterectomy (Table 2.1).10 The Class III hysterectomy,
stage cervical carcinoma since its development and or radical hysterectomy, is the most commonly
refinement in the late 1800s and early 1900s.1 It is a performed, although some authors feel that a Class II
procedure that was initially fraught with significant hysterectomy, or modified radical hysterectomy, is as
morbidity and mortality. However, developments in effective.11 The main difference between these two
the use of antibiotics, surgical techniques, anesthesia, types of hysterectomy is the amount of parametrial
and pre- and postoperative care have significantly tissue taken along with the hysterectomy specimen
reduced the morbidity and mortality associated with and the degree of ureteral dissection. The choice of
this procedure.1–3 abdominal incision is based on the patient habitus
and desire for cosmesis. Low transverse incisions
The most common indication for radical hysterectomy (Maylard, Cherney, or Pfannenstiel) may provide suffi-
is early-stage [International Federation of Gynecology cient exposure in certain cases.1,12 Abdominopelvic
and Obstetrics (FIGO) Stages IA2–IIA] invasive washings are not needed since they provide little
cervical carcinoma. Radical hysterectomy is also information in the setting of cervical carcinoma.13
indicated in patients with Stage IA1 invasive cervical Upon opening the abdomen, the paraaortic nodal
cancers that have lymph–vascular invasion. Further region is inspected and palpated. Gross paraaortic
indications include selected cases of early-stage nodal disease usually requires abandonment of the
(FIGO Stages I and II) invasive vaginal cancer limited procedure, although some benefit to complete resec-
to the upper third of the vagina, selected cases of tion of grossly involved nodes has been reported.14
endometrial cancer with gross cervical involvement Involved pelvic nodes are not an absolute contraindi-
(FIGO Stage II), and selected cases of persistent or cation to the procedure if they can be completely
recurrent cervical cancers, which after radiotherapy resected. The two most crucial initial steps of the
are limited to the cervix or proximal vaginal fornix.1,4,5 procedure are the development of the pelvic spaces
Radiotherapy has always been considered equivalent and mobilization of the bladder. Opening the pelvic
to surgery for the definitive treatment of early-stage spaces permits inspection and palpation of the para-
cervical carcinoma. However, the combination of metria. Mobilization of the bladder confirms that dis-
radical surgery and radiotherapy is associated with ease has not penetrated anteriorly through the cervix
significant morbidity.3 Surgery offers the possibility and that an adequate parametrial and vaginal resec-
of primary tumor removal, a shorter treatment time, tion should be possible. Unresectable parametrial
more limited tissue injury, a specimen for patho- disease or inability to sufficiently mobilize the
logic evaluation from which to tailor adjuvant treat- bladder is an indication to abandon the procedure.
ments, the potential to preserve ovarian function,
and, in certain cases, the potential to maintain repro- Radical hysterectomy involves removal of the uterus,
ductive function (see Chapter 12).1,2,5 Patients with cervix, and upper one-third to one-half of the vagina
Stages IIB–IVA are best treated with concurrent along with the parametrial tissue. The uterine artery
chemoradiation.6–8 Recent reports have also suggested is divided at its origin from the anterior division
that patients with Stage IB2 and IIA cervical carci- of the internal iliac artery, and the ureter is com-
noma benefit most from chemoradiation;9 however, pletely unroofed to its insertion into the bladder
this approach has never been directly compared allowing for resection of the entire parametrial tissue.
to radical hysterectomy followed by appropriate Resection of the uterosacral ligaments near their
adjuvant therapies. distal-most attachments is also performed. Removal
34 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Table 2.1 Five classes of hysterectomy.10

Type Name Vagina Bladder Ureter Uterine artery Parametria Uterosacral
I Extrafascial Minimal tissue Partially Not mobilized Ligated at Resected at Transected at
removed mobilized uterus uterus uterus
II Modified Upper 1–2 cm Partially Unroofed in Ligated medial Resected Transected at
radical removed mobilized parametrial tunnel to ureter medial to midpoint of
ureter ligament
III Radical Upper 1/3 to Completely Completely Ligated at Resected at Transected at
1/2 removed mobilized dissected until origin from pelvic sidewall distal
entry into bladder hypogastric attachment
IV Extended Same as Completely All periureteral Ligation at Same as Same as
radical Class III mobilized, but tissue removed origin and Class III Class III
not resected ligation of
vesical artery
V Partial Same as Portion of Distal ureter Same as Same as Same as
exenteration Class III bladder removed Class IV Class III Class III

of uninvolved ovaries is not a required part of the The extent of dissection associated with a Class III
procedure and should be performed based upon radical hysterectomy results in greater morbidity
independent considerations. If adjuvant radiation as compared to a Class II hysterectomy. The most
therapy is anticipated, the ovaries can be transposed common morbidities include bladder and rectal
above the iliac crests to help reduce the risk of dysfunction, vesicovaginal fistulae, ureteral obstruc-
radiation-induced menopause. This procedure is tion, hemorrhage, infection, and nerve injury.
typically accompanied by a bilateral pelvic lymph- Improvements in antibiotics and surgical technique
adenectomy, which may be performed before or have greatly reduced the incidence of these
after the hysterectomy. The pelvic lymph nodes should complications.
be closely examined to determine resectability.
Unresectable lymph nodes would lead to abandoning New surgical approaches are emerging that may
the radical hysterectomy. Although some practitio- become acceptable alternatives to the radical abdomi-
ners place pelvic drains at the conclusion of the pro- nal hysterectomy in select patients. Among these are
cedure, a recently published, prospective, randomized the radical vaginal hysterectomy (Schauta–Amreich)
trial from the EORTC-GCG comparing the use of and the laparoscopic radical hysterectomy, both
drains versus no drains after radical hysterectomy described in other sections of this text. Also, radical
demonstrated no difference in incidence of postoper- vaginal trachelectomy can offer the potential to pre-
ative lymphocyst formation or complications between serve fertility in very select groups of patients.16 The
the two study arms.15 For the few patients who require use of robotic technology may improve the surgeon's
prolonged bladder catheterization after radical hyster- ability to perform a radical hysterectomy using
ectomy, intermittent self-catheterization or placement minimally invasive techniques. Nonetheless, abdomi-
of a suprapubic catheter can be performed. The abdo- nal radical hysterectomy remains the current gold
men is closed in a fashion appropriate to the chosen standard to which all other techniques should be
type of incision. compared.
Radical abdominal hysterectomy 35

a b

1 1


1 – Bladder 1 – Left paravesical space

2 – Left paravesical space 2 – Left pararectal space
3 – Left pararectal space

Figure 2.1. Entering retroperitoneal spaces.

The procedure begins by opening the pelvic spaces. The round ligament is grasped, ligated, and divided close to the
pelvic sidewall. The peritoneum is incised exposing the retroperitoneal spaces. At this time, a salpingo-oophorectomy may
be performed if indicated. The paravesical and pararectal spaces are then developed.

Figure 2.2. Developing paravesical and pararectal spaces.

The paravesical and pararectal spaces are developed with
blunt dissection using a finger, scissors, or clamp. Here, the
surgeon’s gloved fingers are within the paravesical space
anteriorly and the pararectal space posteriorly. This permits
palpation of the parametrium, which lies between the
surgeon’s fingers, in order to assess for possible tumor
36 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b



1 – Left paravesical space 1 – Cut end of left round ligament

2 – Left obliterated umbilical artery 2 – Left superior vesical artery
3 – Left round ligament 3 – Left ureter inserting into base of bladder

Figure 2.3. Paravesical space.

Alternatively, the paravesical space can be developed prior to transection of the round ligament. Here, the left round
ligament is ligated close to the pelvic sidewall but not yet transected. The paravesical space is entered and developed
bluntly anterior to the round ligament. (a) The boundaries of the paravesical space are the bladder and obliterated umbilical
artery medially (blue vessel loop), the ventral aspect of the cardinal ligament posteriorly, the obturator fossa and muscle
inferiorly, and the external iliac vessels laterally. (b) Visualization of the base of the left paravesical space after extensive

a b



1 – Right cardinal ligament 1 – Left cardinal ligament

2 – Right pararectal space 2 – Left uterine artery
3 – Right external iliac vessels 3 – Left ureter
4 – Rectum

Figure 2.4. Pararectal space.

The pararectal space is bounded medially by the rectum and ureter, ventrally by the sacrum, laterally by the pelvic sidewall
and internal iliac vessels, and anteriorly by the cardinal ligament. (a) Right pararectal space after blunt dissection; (b) left
pararectal space with the uterine artery arising from the anterior division of the internal iliac artery and the ureter, which
has not yet been completely unroofed.
Radical abdominal hysterectomy 37

Figure 2.5. Pelvic lymphadenectomy.

The pelvic lymphadenectomy may be performed before or
after the radical hysterectomy (this part of the procedure is
described in more detail in Chapter 1). The pelvic
lymphadenectomy begins by incising the peritoneum
overlying the external iliac artery. It proceeds with
complete removal of all visible lymphatic tissue. This is
considered a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure.

a b

1 3

1 – Right common iliac artery bifurcation 1 – Right deep circumflex iliac vein
2 – Right genitofemoral nerve
3 – Right external iliac vein

c d


1 – Left common iliac 3 – Left inferior vena cava

artery 4 – Left external iliac artery
2 – Left internal iliac artery 5 – Left genitofemoral nerve

Figure 2.6. Extent of dissection.

The lymphadenectomy begins proximally at the common iliac artery and proceeds distally until the deep circumflex iliac vein
crosses over (or under in certain cases) the external iliac artery. (a) Bifurcation of the right common iliac artery into the external
and internal (hypogastric) arteries is demonstrated. (b) Distal extent of the dissection, where the right external iliac vein gives
off the deep circumflex iliac vein that crosses over the right external iliac artery. (c) The left deep circumflex iliac vein is seen
crossing over the left external iliac artery. All visible lymphatic tissue surrounding these vessels has been removed. Care is
taken to preserve the genitofemoral nerve, which runs in close proximity to the lateral aspect of the external iliac artery.
(d) The proximal extent of dissection: here, the dissection is carried up to the top of the left common iliac artery. Care should
be taken during any lymphadenectomy, as many patients may have vascular anomalies. This particular patient had the unusual
anomaly of a duplicated inferior vena cava. Thus, the left inferior vena cava is seen lateral to the aortic bifurcation.
38 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b


1 – Right obturator nerve 1 – Left genitofemoral nerve

2 – Right external iliac artery 2 – Left external iliac artery
3 – Left external iliac vein
4 – Left obturator nerve

c d

3 2

5 3

1 – Right deep circumflex iliac vein 1 – Left deep circumflex iliac vein
2 – Right genitofemoral nerve 2 – Left genitofemoral nerve
3 – Right external iliac artery 3 – Left obturator nerve
4 – Anastomotic pelvic vein
5 – Right obturator nerve
6 – Right obturator vein

Figure 2.7. Obturator lymphadenectomy.

The obturator space can be entered laterally or medially to the external iliac vessels. (a) The right obturator nerve is
identified laterally to the right external iliac artery, which is being retracted medially. Care should be taken to always locate
the obturator nerve prior to excising any obturator lymph nodes. Transection of the obturator nerve will lead to some
sensory loss of the upper medial aspect of the thigh and difficulty adducting the leg, which is often first noted while getting
into bed or into a car. (b) The obturator nerve is now seen laterally to the external iliac artery, and some obturator lymph
nodes have been removed: further dissection will remove additional lymphatic tissue. Typically, all lymphatic tissue is
removed superiorly to the obturator nerve, although many practitioners will clean out the entire obturator fossa, removing
all visible nodal tissue and exposing the obturator internus muscle. The right (c) and left (d) obturator fossae are shown after
removal of all lymph-node-bearing tissue. Both the obturator vein and the anastomotic pelvic vein can be seen in the right
obturator dissection.
Radical abdominal hysterectomy 39

Figure 2.8. Bladder dissection.

After developing the pelvic spaces and transecting the
round ligament, the vesicouterine peritoneum is incised in
order to mobilize the bladder off of the uterus, cervix, and
upper vagina. This dissection can be accomplished sharply
with either scissors or electrocautery. Blunt dissection with
sponges should be avoided as this may increase the risk of
vesicovaginal fistulae. The dissection is carried down so as
to incorporate the upper 1–2 cm of the vagina. Dissection
of this space also allows for assessment of possible tumor
extension anteriorly. Here, the vesicouterine peritoneum is
elevated and the bladder, with associated adipose tissue,
has been dissected from the uterus, cervix, and vagina.

a b

1 1

2 3

1 – Left superior vesical artery 1 – Right uterine artery

2 – Left uterine artery 2 – Right obturator nerve
3 – Left ureter 3 – Right external iliac vessels
4 – Right ureter

Figure 2.9. Uterine artery.

The uterine artery is dissected to its origin from the anterior division of the internal iliac artery. Although the uterine artery
arises independently from the anterior division of the internal iliac artery in the majority of cases, anomalous origins may
be seen. The uterine artery may arise from the internal iliac artery prior to its division or it may have common origins with
the inferior vesical, middle rectal, internal pudendal, or vaginal arteries. It is important to note that the ureter courses
inferior to the uterine artery in close proximity. (a) The left uterine artery, with a suture around it, is skeletonized to its
origin. The ureter is illustrated by a yellow vessel loop and can be clearly seen heading beneath the uterine artery. (b) The
right uterine artery (red vessel loop) has been further dissected to show its course toward the lateral aspect of the uterus.
The ureter (yellow vessel loop) is again seen traveling directly underneath the artery. The lymphadenectomy has been
completed and the obturator nerve (blue vessel loop) is seen in this image medially to the external iliac vessels and laterally
to the internal iliac artery.
40 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b


1 – Left superior vesical artery 1 – Left uterine artery

2 – Transected left uterine artery 2 – Left ureter
3 – Left ureter

Figure 2.10. Uterine artery divided.

(a) The left uterine artery is divided at its origin from the internal iliac artery with 3-0 silk sutures. In a simple hysterectomy,
the artery would be taken at its insertion into the uterus instead of at its origin. Division of the uterine artery at its origin
will allow the parametrium to be completely dissected. The uterine artery may be ligated by a variety of techniques
including sutures, clamps, hemoclips, stapling devices, or bipolar coagulators. The ureter (yellow vessel loop) is again seen
in its normal anatomic location beneath the uterine artery; the superior vesical artery has been identified with a blue vessel
loop. (b) The left uterine artery is illustrated by a red vessel loop, and a hemoclip can be seen being applied at the origin
from the internal iliac artery. Usually two to three hemoclips are placed proximally and one hemoclip is placed distally.
The ureter is again illustrated with a yellow vessel loop.


1 – Right ureter
2 – Right parametrium Figure 2.12. Dissection of the rectovaginal space.
The rectovaginal peritoneum is incised with electrocautery,
Figure 2.11. Unroofing the ureter. and the rectovaginal space is developed with sharp or blunt
The ureter is unroofed through the parametrial tunnel to its dissection. Care should be taken to avoid injury to the
insertion into the bladder. This is accomplished with blunt rectum. Once the peritoneum is incised, the vagina is
and sharp dissection using a right-angled clamp and suture separated from the rectum.
ligatures as needed. Unroofing the ureter allows complete
mobilization of the parametrium toward the specimen. The
parametrial tissue can be seen attached to the cervix. Care
should be taken during this dissection, and small vessels
should be ligated with suture ligatures or hemoclips, since
significant blood loss can occur during this part of the
procedure. Electrocautery should be avoided, since the
dissection is in such close proximity to the ureter.
Radical abdominal hysterectomy 41

a b


1 – Rectovaginal space 1 – Rectovaginal space

2 – Left uterosacral ligament 2 – Left uterosacral ligament
3 – Left ureter

Figure 2.13. Transection of the uterosacral ligaments.

(a) The surgeon's hands are in the developed rectovaginal space, and the rectum is retracted posteriorly toward the sacrum
and medially toward the opposite side of the pelvis. The ureter has been mobilized from the medial aspect of the broad
ligament and separated from the uterosacral ligament. The uterosacral ligament is seen between the surgeon's fingers with
an endoscopic stapler applied. The uterosacral ligament can be transected with stapling devices, clamps, suture ligatures,
or cautery. The uterosacral ligaments are transected close to their distal attachments in a Class III hysterectomy. In a Class II
hysterectomy, the uterosacral ligaments would be transected more proximally. (b) The rectovaginal space has been further
developed and the ureter has been cleaned off to show its relationship to the uterosacral ligament (grasped with the
endoscopic stapler).

1 – Left ureteral insertion into bladder

Figure 2.15. Dividing the vagina (stapler technique).
Figure 2.14. Dividing the vagina (clamp technique). The vagina may also be divided with a thoracoabdominal
After the uterosacral ligaments are transected and the (TA) stapling device, which divides the vagina and also
bladder is adequately mobilized off the anterior vagina, the staples the cut ends with synthetic absorbable staples.
vagina is transected. This is typically accomplished by The use of stapling devices for transecting the vagina and
placing a Wertheim clamp, as shown here, to incorporate the uterosacral ligaments can reduce blood loss and
the upper 1–2 cm of the vagina and ensure that the tumor operative time.
is contained with the specimen. Zeppelin clamps or similar
are used to secure the vaginal angles. Care should be taken
when applying the Wertheim or Zeppelin clamps to avoid
clamping, ligating, or transecting the ureter, which lies in
close proximity as it enters the bladder. The vagina is then
incised with a scalpel, scissors, or electrocautery.
42 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 2.16. Pelvis after specimen removal.

The specimen (uterus, cervix, parametria, and upper
vagina) has been removed. The ureters (yellow vessel
loops) can be seen along their course into the bladder,
which is lifted out of the pelvis and retracted anteriorly.
The vaginal cuff has been approximated with the
thoracoabdominal stapler. If a stapling device is not used,
the vaginal cuff is approximated with hemostatic sutures.
1 Hemostasis at all sites should be ensured prior to
completion of the procedure. Pelvic drains and closure of
the pelvic peritoneum is not required. The abdomen is
closed in standard fashion.

1 – Stapled vaginal cuff

2 – Rectum

a b


1 – Right uterine artery

2 – Right parametrium


Figure 2.17. Radical hysterectomy.

(a) The entire uterine artery is shown, as well as substantial parametrial tissue; the upper 1–2 cm of the vagina can also be
seen; the ovaries were not removed in this case. (b) A specimen is shown with ovaries and tubes attached; adequate
parametrial tissue is also seen in this specimen. (c) The vaginal cuff is splayed open to demonstrate adequate margins of
resection; the lesion can be seen at the anterior cervicovaginal junction. (d) A specimen with the vaginal cuff transected by
electrocautery: sufficient vaginal tissue is obtained and cautery artifact is evident. Were the lesion to be in the upper
vagina, the cautery could obscure delineation of surgical margins.
Radical abdominal hysterectomy 43

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5. Chi DS, Gemignani ML, Curtin JP, Hoskins WJ. Long-term is there a role for the Pfannenstiel incision? Gynecol Oncol
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advanced cervical cancer. N Engl J Med 1999;340: 14. Potish RA, Downey GO, Adcock LL et al. The role of
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IIB–IVA carcinoma of the cervix with negative paraaortic 16. Dargent D, Martin X, Sacchetoni A, Mathevet P.
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Southwest Oncology Group study. J Clin Oncol preserve the fertility of cervical carcinoma patients. Cancer
1999;17:1339–48. 2000;88:1877–82.
3 Surgery for carcinoma of
the vulva
Mary L Gemignani

Vulvar cancer is relatively rare among the female In this chapter, the anatomical and surgical tech-
genital tract cancers. In 2007, an estimated 3490 cases niques of radical vulvectomy, skinning vulvectomy,
of cancer of the vulva were diagnosed in the USA.1 inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy, and sentinel node
The surgical procedures performed for this cancer biopsy will be demonstrated.
have changed drastically over the past several decades.
Initially, the surgical treatment was an en-bloc removal
of the vulva to include bilateral inguinofemoral
lymphadenectomy. The morbidity associated with Radical vulvectomy
this radical approach included wound complications
and lymphedema in almost all patients.

Currently, less radical approaches and improvements

in perioperative techniques have resulted in fewer
complications, without a compromise in outcome.
The en-bloc removal of the vulva and inguinofemoral
nodes has been replaced by lymphadenectomy,
performed through separate incisions from those of
the radical vulvectomy. Depending on tumor location
and size, often this can be accomplished by a partial
radical vulvectomy and ipsilateral inguinofemoral
lymphadenectomy. A midline lesion is treated with
bilateral inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy.

The majority of the complications still associated

with treatment of this disease are a direct consequence
of the lymphadenectomy. Investigative work into the
use of sentinel node procedures holds promise in this
area. The sentinel node concept has been validated in
melanoma and breast cancer.2,3 The sentinel node is
predictive of the status of the regional lymphatic
basin.4 In breast cancer and melanoma, if the sentinel
node is examined and does not demonstrate meta-
static disease, a regional lymphadenectomy is not Figure 3.1. Radical vulvectomy incision.
routinely performed. The sentinel node procedure The radical vulvectomy incisions are placed according to
holds promise in the treatment of vulvar carcinoma the location and size of the primary tumor. The surgeon
by reducing the need for a complete lymphadenectomy should attempt to obtain a 2-cm margin of normal tissue
in all patients.5 This could be accomplished without around the tumor in all directions. However, a 1-cm
compromising adequate staging and allowing for margin is reasonable around the urethral meatus, clitoris,
lymphadenectomy in only those patients with positive and anus: in these areas, this is necessary to preserve the
nodes. structures and their function.

46 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 3.2a, b. Deep fascia of the urogenital diaphragm.

The labiocrural incisions are carried through the fatty tissue bilaterally; extension through the tissue is necessary to the
level of the deep fascia of the urogenital diaphragm bilaterally, and this is usually performed with electrocautery. Care
should be taken to identify the internal pudendal vessels at about the 4 o’clock and 8 o’clock positions during this part of
the dissection; these can be individually clamped, transected, and ligated. Inferiorly, the perineal body and posterior
vulvar tissue are dissected away from the anus.

Figure 3.3. Dissection off the pubic periosteum. Figure 3.4. Dissection base of the clitoris.
Superiorly, the specimen is dissected off the pubic The dissection of the superior portion of the vulva
periosteum and adductor fascia; the dissection is continued continues medially and laterally to expose the pubic
in this manner inferiorly. The lateral portions of this part of periosteum and adductor fascia (bilaterally). The base of
the procedure are also taken deeply until the adductor the clitoris is identified, clamped, transected, and ligated
fascia is encountered. at this point. The dissection is completed and joined
medially by making a transvestibular mucosal incision
above the urethra.
Surgery for carcinoma of the vulva 47

Figure 3.5. Removal of the specimen. Figure 3.6. Vulvectomy specimen.

Inferiorly, the portions of the vulvar tissue along the
perineum are dissected upward to the vagina; care should
be taken to avoid injury to the rectum. The vascular
vestibular tissue along the vagina is clamped and
transected; the specimen is now free both superiorly and
inferiorly, and removal of the vulva is complete. A Foley
catheter is placed in the urethral meatus, and the vaginal
opening is noted. The wound is irrigated and hemostasis is

Figure 3.7. Closure of the radical vulvectomy wound.

Closure of the wound needs to be performed without
tension to minimize wound breakdown. Any ischemic-
appearing skin should be excised prior to closure. The
edges of the wound and the perineum are closed with
vertical mattress sutures. The urethra should be secured on
a straight course without tension; a hood of skin above the
urethra should be avoided because this can obstruct the
urinary stream. The vaginal edges should be everted over
the perineum and anus. It is important to avoid suturing the
edges laterally over the perineum.
In some instances, such as when a large defect is present
or the patient has had prior radiation, a primary tension-free
closure is not possible. Incorporation of reconstructive
techniques, including utilization of a myocutaneous flap,
may be necessary to provide healthy tissue with adequate
blood supply.
48 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Skinning vulvectomy

Figure 3.8. Skinning vulvectomy. Figure 3.9. Skinning vulvectomy incision.

In select patients with extensive disease such as Paget’s The incision lines are marked on the vulva. The incision is
disease or vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN), a made to allow for adequate margins around the lesion(s).
vulvectomy incorporating all the skin/superficial tissue of
the vulva may be indicated. In elderly patients with marked
atrophy of the vulva, the demarcation of the labia minora
and majora is unclear.

Figure 3.10. Superficial dissection.

The skin incision is made with a knife and remains a
superficial dissection – it does not extend down to the deep
fascia or the muscles of the urogenital diaphragm.
Dissection can be accomplished with electrocautery or
sharp instrumentation. Although it is unnecessary to remove
the bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernous muscles, it may
be difficult not to do so in patients with an atrophic vulva.
The incision can be carried almost to the anal orifice. Care
should be taken around the anus to avoid damage to the
external anal sphincter.
Surgery for carcinoma of the vulva 49

Figure 3.12. The skinning vulvectomy specimen.

Figure 3.11. Removal of the specimen.

After removal of the specimen, it is evident that some of
the mucosa along the anus has been dissected off the
external anal sphincter anteriorly, and removed to allow for
adequate tumor-free margins. The wound is irrigated and
checked for hemostasis.

Figure 3.13. Wound closure.

The wound is closed primarily with delayed absorbable
sutures. Closure of the perineal defect above the anal
orifice requires everting the vaginal epithelium in this area.
Lateral closure of skin edges across the posterior fourchette
should be avoided. The wound is closed with interrupted
sutures. A Foley catheter is left in the urinary bladder.
In cases where a primary tension-free closure is not
possible, reconstructive options, such as utilization of a
skin graft, are appropriate.
50 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy

Figure 3.14. Skin incision. Figure 3.15. Identification of the boundaries of the
The patient is placed in the dorsolithotomy position, with dissection.
minimal flexion at the hip to allow the groin area to be as It is important to identify the boundaries of the dissection.
flat as possible. The skin incision is 8–10 cm long, is made The adductor longus muscle is palpated medially and the
parallel to the inguinal ligament, and is carried down to incision is carried down to, but not through, the fascia of
Camper’s fascia. This is not a true fascia and can be easily this muscle. Laterally, the sartorius muscle, shown in this
transected if not carefully identified. Skin hooks are used to figure, is identified. The upper dissection border consists of
elevate the skin and facilitate the creation of flaps, which the mons pubis and pubic tubercle medially and the
separates the fat pad containing lymph nodes from the skin external oblique aponeurosis overlying the inguinal canal
subcutaneous tissue. It is important not to make the skin superiorly.
flaps too thin, as doing so may lead to necrosis of the flaps.
Either a knife or electrocautery is used during this part of
the dissection.

Figure 3.16. Clearing the external oblique aponeurosis.

Beginning superiorly, the fat pad is elevated from the
external oblique aponeurosis. The fat pad is mobilized
down to the inferior margin of the inguinal ligament.
Medially, the external inguinal ring and the diverticular
process containing the round ligament are identified.
Branches of the superficial external pudendal and the
superficial circumflex iliac vessels traverse over the
inguinal ligament at the medial and lateral limits of the
upper flap, respectively. This part of the dissection is
carried superficial to the fascia lata; thus, the femoral
vessels and nerve are not encountered.
Surgery for carcinoma of the vulva 51

2 1

1 – Left femoral artery 1 – Left femoral vein

2 – Sartorius muscle 2 – Left femoral artery

Figure 3.17. Opening the cribriform fascia. Figure 3.18. The common femoral vein.
The dissection is carried deeper in the direction of the Small tributaries of the saphenous vein are ligated as they
femoral triangle. Feeling for the pulsation of the femoral are encountered during the medial part of the dissection.
artery is helpful, and the femoral artery is identified by Dissection and clearing of the nodal tissue continues over
opening the cribriform fascia. The cribriform fascia should the anterior surface of the common femoral vein with a
be opened along the anterior aspect of the femoral artery. combination of blunt and sharp dissection, using
The content of the fossa ovalis is noted. The dissection electrocautery and hemoclips as needed. Removal of the
performed over the top of the artery is continued over the fat pad from the femoral triangle begins laterally and
anterior surface of the vein, mobilizing the specimen to continues medially; the structures encountered laterally to
the medial aspect of the femoral vein. There is no need to medially are nerve, artery, vein, and lymphatics. The
dissect under the artery or between the femoral artery femoral nerve is best identified close to the inguinal
and vein. ligament because it begins to branch more distally.

3 3

1 – Specimen 1 – Great saphenous vein

2 – Left superficial external pudendal artery 2 – Left femoral vein
3 – Left femoral artery 3 – Left femoral artery
4 – Sartorius muscle 4 – Sartorius muscle

Figure 3.19. External pudendal artery. Figure 3.20. Saphenous vein identified at the
While clearing the femoral artery proximally, the most saphenofemoral junction.
proximal branches are the superficial external pudendal The great saphenous vein enters the common femoral vein
artery, the superficial epigastric artery, and the superficial cephalad at the point at which the external pudendal artery
circumflex iliac artery. The superficial external pudendal crosses the common femoral vein. The proximal 1–2 cm of
artery, shown here, is the most medial proximal branch of the saphenous vein is isolated and ligated with permanent
the femoral artery. This small branch should be identified, sutures at the level of the common femoral vein wall, and
isolated, and ligated. transected. It is important not to compromise the lumen of
the femoral vein while ligating the saphenous vein.
52 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

1 – Specimen
2 – Great saphenous vein
3 – Left femoral vein
4 – Left femoral artery

Figure 3.21. Saphenous vein.

The specimen side of the saphenous vein should also be
ligated to avoid backbleeding. Figure 3.22. Removal of the specimen.
The bridge of tissue over the femoral vessels between the
lateral and medial dissection is now ligated and divided.
The specimen is freed from any remaining attachments and


Figure 3.23. Specimen containing the inguinofemoral

lymph nodes. 4

1 – Adductor longus muscle 3 – Left femoral artery

2 – Left femoral vein 4 – Sartorius muscle

Figure 3.24. Femoral triangle.

The anatomy of the femoral triangle is shown after removal
of the specimen. At this point, the wound is checked for
hemostasis. The sartorius can be transposed by transecting
it with electrocautery at its tendinous attachment to the
anterior superior iliac spine. It is then used to cover the
vessels by suturing it to the inguinal ligament and pectineal
fascia with interrupted delayed absorbable sutures.
Surgery for carcinoma of the vulva 53

Sentinel node biopsy



Figure 3.25. Lymphoscintigram.

In patients undergoing sentinel node biopsy, both radioisotope and blue dye are used to help in accurate localization of the
sentinel node. In the Nuclear Medicine Department, an injection with filtered technetium-99m sulfur colloid is performed.
Injection of 0.1–0.5 mCi of the radiolabeled colloid is given at the leading edge of the vulvar lesion. A preoperative
lymphoscintigram is shown: the scan demonstrates the localization of the sentinel ‘hot’ nodes to the ipsilateral groin. There
can be one or more sentinel nodes. The radioisotope concentrates in the sentinel nodes and remains there for at least 2–6
hours after injection.

Figure 3.26. Gamma probe.

Shown here is the neo2000 intraoperative gamma probe
(Neoprobe Corporation, Dublin, OH). The probe identifies
the sentinel lymph nodes by localizing the radioisotope
signal that has concentrated in the nodes.

a b

Figure 3.27. Radioisotope counts.

(a) Radioisotope counts are obtained over the injection site (primary lesion) and (b) the site of the sentinel lymph node
(groin) as seen on the lymphoscintigram. These are recorded for later use.
54 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 3.28. Isosulfan blue dye.

After the patient is anesthetized, 4 ml of isosulfan blue dye
is circumferentially injected around the lesion. The injection
is given at the normal skin interface around the lesion,
and not directly into the lesion. The injection is mostly
intradermal; however, intraparenchymal injection is also
effective, particularly in larger lesions. The injection should
be given at least 10 minutes before the groin incision is
made. The sentinel lymph node biopsy is performed before
the excision of the primary vulvar lesion.

a b

Figure 3.29. Marking the skin for groin incision.

(a) A small incision will be made in the groin directly over the point of maximum radioactivity, so the area with the highest
radioisotope counts is initially marked. (b) The area is then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion, and the counts
are obtained again under sterile conditions.

Figure 3.30. Intraoperative lymphatic mapping.

The gamma probe is used to help identify the ‘hot’ nodes,
guiding the surgeon to the sentinel nodes. An incision is
made parallel to the inguinal ligament. In cases where an
inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy is planned, the incision
can be extended after the sentinel node procedure is
completed. The fatty tissue is carefully dissected through
this area for identification of blue channels.
Surgery for carcinoma of the vulva 55

Figure 3.31. Blue lymphatic channels. Figure 3.32. Sentinel node.

Blue lymphatics are noted leading to the sentinel node. The An Adair clamp is used to grasp the node – blue
use of both isosulfan blue dye and radioisotope helps lymphatics are seen. The lymphatic tissue around the node
steepen the learning curve and increases the success in is dissected with a hemostat and electrocautery.
identification of the sentinel node.

Figure 3.34. Sentinel node identification.

Figure 3.33. Ex vivo counts. Any node that exhibits radioactivity or blue dye is removed.
The node is removed and checked for radioactivity:
counts are recorded for each node that is removed.
Data sheets are available to record whether the nodes are
blue and/or ‘hot’.

Figure 3.35. Specimen showing a blue sentinel node.

56 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 3.36. Postexcision counts. Figure 3.37. Closure.

The lymphatic basin is checked for residual radioactivity The incision can be closed primarily with a rapidly
after removal of the sentinel node, and any discrete dissolving suture in a subcuticular fashion. If an
residual radioactivity is pursued. The counts should be inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy is to follow, the incision
minimal, with a more than 4- to 10-fold reduction over the can be extended, and the procedure completed as
maximum counts obtained at that site at the outset of the described previously.
procedure. If significant counts remain, it is important to
search the basin carefully for the possible presence of
another sentinel node.

1. Jemal A, Siegel R, Ward E et al. Cancer statistics, 2007. 4. Cody HS III, Borgen PI. State-of-the-art approaches to
CA Cancer J Clin 2007;57:43–66. sentinel node biopsy for breast cancer: study design,
2. Albertini JJ, Lyman GH, Cox C et al. Lymphatic mapping patient selection, technique, and quality control at
and sentinel lymph node biopsy in the patient with breast Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Surg Oncol
cancer. JAMA 1996;276:1812–22. 1999;8:85–91.
3. Thompson JF, McCarthy WH, Bosch CM et al. Sentinel 5. Levenback C, Coleman RL, Burke TW et al. Intraoperative
lymph node status as an indicator of the presence of lymphatic mapping and sentinel node identification with
metastatic melanoma in regional lymph nodes. blue dye in patients with vulvar cancer. Gynecol Oncol
Melanoma Res 1995;5:255–60. 2001;83:276–81.
4 Surgical cytoreduction
Eric L Eisenhauer, Mario M Leitao Jr, and Dennis S Chi

Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common malignancy that in which the maximum diameter of residual
in women and the second most common gynecologic tumor is ≤1 cm. The benefit of optimal cytoreduction
malignancy, but it is the leading cause of death of has also been reported for patients with Stage IV
all gynecologic malignancies in the USA.1 There were disease (i.e. parenchymal liver metastases, distant
an estimated 22 430 new cases of ovarian cancer in metastases, and/or malignant pleural effusions).13–16
2007 and an estimated 15 280 deaths in the USA.1 Currently, there are no accurate or validated methods
Early-stage ovarian cancer has a high cure rate with of preoperatively predicting optimal cytoreduction.
surgery and chemotherapy. Unfortunately, 75% of Active research endeavors include using a
patients will present with disease that is no longer combination of computed tomography (CT) scanning,
confined to the ovary (FIGO Stage II–IV), in which CA-125 levels, and physical examination to deter-
long-term survival is poor.2 Ovarian cancer can be mine if the success of surgical cytoreduction can be
thought of as a ‘chronic’ disease in the sense that predicted.
many patients develop multiple recurrences that
can often be induced into remission with further The rate of optimal cytoreduction varies between
surgery and/or chemotherapy. Also, complications institutions, and to some degree depends on specialty
such as bowel obstruction are often a result of training, philosophy, and surgical aggressiveness.17,18
advanced, persistent, or recurrent ovarian cancer. It is essential that the surgeon is able to make a
Surgery is an essential modality in the treatment of reasonable judgment as to the feasibility that any
ovarian cancer, and its role may be either therapeutic aggressive procedure will lead to optimal cytoreduc-
or palliative. tion. The surgical morbidities must always be
considered. Most often for the gynecologic oncologist,
Advanced ovarian cancer is initially treated with a the extent of upper abdominal disease and bowel/
combination of surgery and chemotherapy. Surgery is mesenteric involvement may limit the ability to
most often performed prior to the initiation of chemo- perform optimal cytoreduction. Aggressive attempts
therapy. The goal of surgery in this setting should be at tumor resection may require radical hysterectomy,
to achieve a complete gross resection (complete omentectomy, resection of either small or large
cytoreduction) of all visible disease. Griffiths3 first intestine, splenectomy, diaphragmatic peritonectomy,
demonstrated the value of surgical cytoreduction in hepatic resection, or other related procedures.
1975. Many retrospective studies and reviews since Splenectomy, diaphragmatic peritonectomy, and
have confirmed that the amount of residual tumor hepatectomy, as well as the elimination of peritoneal
strongly correlates with survival.4–10 The adequacy implants, can be safely performed in carefully selected
of surgical cytoreduction is based on the maximum patients with upper abdominal disease.11,17,19–21 These
diameter of the largest residual tumor after cytoreduc- procedures should be considered if they would result
tion and has been defined by specific cut-off levels. in an optimal cytoreduction, since patients with
Older studies reported that cytoreduction to <2 cm optimally resected upper abdominal disease have
provided a significant survival advantage.4 Recent similar outcomes to other patients who are optimally
studies, however, have demonstrated that cytoreduc- cytoreduced.22 Bowel resection is often necessary, is
tion to no visible disease offers the greatest survival safe to perform, and will offer a survival benefit if
benefit, and that cytoreductive surgery offers no the end result is optimal cytoreduction.9,23 Ovarian
survival benefit unless residual disease can be cancer rarely progresses below the pelvic peritoneal
reduced to ≤1 cm.4,5,11,12 Based on these and other reflection and therefore it is possible to safely
recent analyses, the Gynecologic Oncology Group perform low colorectal anastomoses in the majority of
(GOG) currently defines optimal cytoreduction as cases.23

58 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Patients who develop recurrent disease, or those with to be in the upper abdomen and radical pelvic surgery
disease noted at the time of surgical reassessment pro- is unlikely. More commonly, radical pelvic and
cedures, will also benefit from cytoreduction.6,19,24–27 colorectal surgery must be anticipated, and the patient
These secondary cytoreductive procedures offer the should be placed in the low lithotomy position. The
best survival benefits in patients with long disease- skin should be antiseptically prepared from the
free intervals, solitary lesions, initial optimal cyto- breasts to the mid-thigh and perineum. A Foley
reduction, and who have responded well to prior catheter is placed in the urinary bladder. All patients
chemotherapy.25–27 In carefully selected patients, undergoing abdominal or pelvic surgery for
complete cytoreduction may be possible and appears gynecologic cancer should have pneumatic compres-
to offer the best survival benefit if performed prior sion devices placed on the calves prior to the
to the initiation of salvage chemotherapy.27 The degree induction of anesthesia and should receive postopera-
to which tumor must be cytoreduced to offer a benefit tive deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis with sub-
varies among reports. The goal in this setting should cutaneous low-molecular-weight or unfractionated
be to resect to no visible disease, but cytoreduction to heparin.
<1 cm may also be beneficial. Surgical cytoreduction
has also been shown to benefit patients with advanced A large vertical midline incision is critical. The peri-
or recurrent ovarian and endometrial cancer.28–30 toneal cavity is then entered carefully and any ascites
Therefore, the techniques and theories behind the suctioned. Omental tumor is generally removed first
procedures described in this chapter apply to to aid in visualization. Then, resection of the pelvic
properly selected patients with ovarian or endometrial and abdominal disease is performed. Retroperitoneal
cancer. nodal disease is usually assessed and resected after
gross pelvic and abdominal disease has been removed.
The role of palliative surgery for patients with Entering the retroperitoneum and identifying the
persistent or recurrent ovarian cancer is not as well ureters and aortoiliac vessels early is essential in
defined. A common manifestation of persistent or accomplishing successful cytoreduction and mini-
recurrent ovarian cancer is intestinal obstruction. mizing complications. If isolated disease is the target
These patients often have few remaining chemother- of resection, this is carried out after thorough evalua-
apy options. Patients should be thoroughly counseled tion of the abdomen and pelvis to identify unexpected
that surgery in this setting will not be curative. sites of disease. A vigorous preoperative bowel regi-
Palliative surgery for intestinal obstruction has been men is not necessary and may increase postoperative
shown to provide patients with symptomatic relief, morbidity in some patients.
prolonged survival, and the ability to ingest liquids
and solids.6 Since surgical morbidity can be high, In this chapter, after a brief overview of advanced
patients should understand that the benefits of ovarian cancer, the procedures commonly performed
palliative surgery are not realized in all patients. The for surgical cytoreduction of advanced and recurrent
option of placing a percutaneous gastrostomy ovarian and endometrial cancers will be presented.
tube and receiving intravenous hydration should be Some procedures, such as the radical hysterectomy,
discussed. omentectomy, and lymphadenectomy, are described
elsewhere in this Atlas and will therefore only be
Successful surgical cytoreduction requires thorough briefly touched upon in this chapter. Other specific
knowledge of pelvic and abdominal anatomy. Normal procedures, such as the partial hepatectomy, will not
anatomical structures and relations are often distorted be presented here and may be found described in
in advanced ovarian cancer. The patient can be placed general surgical atlases and texts. Most procedures
in the supine position if preoperative imaging are equally applicable to widely disseminated
and physical examination indicate the bulk of disease advanced disease and to isolated recurrences.
Surgical cytoreduction 59

Advanced ovarian cancer

a b

Figure 4.1. Bowel distention.

Patients with advanced or recurrent ovarian cancer often develop signs and symptoms of intestinal obstruction. This may
be a result of tumor causing a point obstruction, diffuse mesenteric carcinomatosis, or adhesive disease. The patient may
present with diffuse small bowel (a) or large bowel (b) distention depending on the point of obstruction. An intestinal
resection and/or bypass may be required in order to relieve the obstruction.

a b

Figure 4.2a, b. Nodular omental tumor.

Extensive involvement of the omentum is common in advanced ovarian cancer. Here, diffuse nodular involvement of
the omentum is observed. This is often referred to as an omental ‘cake’. A gastrocolic omentectomy is necessary
in such patients to remove all omental disease. If the omental disease is not growing onto the transverse colon or
stomach, the removal is relatively straightforward. This type of omentectomy is described in the chapter on
staging laparotomy (Chapter 1).
60 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 4.3. Solid omental tumor.

Some ovarian cancers form more solid and sheet-like masses. These tumors are not easily resected off the transverse colon
and stomach. Careful dissection is mandated to avoid injury to the transverse colon, and segmental bowel resection may
occasionally be required. This solid omental ‘cake’ is seen in situ (a), after partial removal (b), and after complete resection
(c). Residual tumor remains in the gastrocolic ligament and will be subsequently excised. Additionally, tumor nodules can
be seen along the sigmoid colon in this patient, who ultimately required a low anterior resection to accomplish optimal
Surgical cytoreduction 61

a b

Figure 4.4. Intestinal carcinomatosis.

(a) Diffuse carcinomatosis of the small intestine may be seen in advanced ovarian cancer; (b) the large intestine may also be
involved in a similar fashion – this frequently leads to obstructive symptoms. Resection of involved portions of the small or
large intestine may be necessary to relieve the obstruction or to achieve an optimal cytoreduction. Judgment must be used
to prevent the removal of excessive small intestine, which may lead to short bowel syndrome. In certain settings, more
extensive bowel resection is appropriate. Factors to consider are the potential for prolonged disease-free survival,
chemotherapy options available for a given patient, and the extent of intraabdominal disease. These factors guide the
surgeon in determining the appropriate level of aggressiveness.

Figure 4.5. Adhesive disease.

Adhesive disease is often seen in the setting of advanced or Figure 4.6. Pelvic tumor.
recurrent ovarian cancer. Adhesive bands may be formed The primary ovarian mass seen here completely
from inflammatory processes stimulated by prior surgery or encompasses the posterior cul-de-sac. A radical
by the cancer itself; simply releasing these bands may hysterectomy and oophorectomy is needed to remove
relieve the obstruction. The small bowel should be pelvic disease that is adherent to the cul-de-sac and pelvic
carefully inspected to ensure its integrity and viability. sidewall. The procedure for standard radical hysterectomy
Necrotic or unhealthy-appearing intestine should be is described elsewhere in this text. A radical pelvic
resected. Occasionally, intestinal obstruction is due to resection usually requires techniques from radical
adhesive bands in the absence of suspected recurrent hysterectomy and low anterior resection combined into a
disease, and both the surgeon and patient are pleasantly modified posterior exenteration, which is discussed later in
surprised. It can be difficult to determine from preoperative this chapter.
imaging whether the blockage is from adhesions or
small-volume disease. Usually, carcinomatosis or
large-volume disease is readily detectable from
radiographic studies.
62 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 4.7. Diaphragmatic tumor.

Nodular or plaque-like implants may be encountered on
the diaphragmatic surfaces. The peristaltic action of the
intestines and the motion of the diaphragm accounts for
tumor deposits being found more often on the right
hemidiaphragm than on the left. Removal of diaphragmatic
nodules may be accomplished by using electrocautery,
argon-beam coagulation, or a Cavitron ultrasonic surgical
aspirator. Diaphragmatic peritonectomy or ‘stripping’ is
required for extensive involvement of the diaphragm and is
discussed in detail in this chapter.

Entering the abdomen

Figure 4.8. Advanced ovarian cancer.

Patients with advanced ovarian cancer often present with
significant abdominal distention secondary to massive
ascites. Shown is a patient with marked abdominal
distention. It is prudent to drain the ascites slowly to avoid
sudden hemodynamic changes. This patient has been
marked in both lower quadrants for possible colostomy or
ileostomy. The main reason for preoperatively marking a
patient for potential colostomy is to ensure that the Figure 4.9. Abdominal incision.
colostomy is not placed directly at the waistline or in a A large vertical midline incision is necessary. If large-
subcutaneous fold, which would lead to compression when volume disease is not expected, the initial abdominal
the patient flexes at the hip. incision can be less generous and extended later in the
procedure if needed. The amount of abdominal distention
and ascites in this patient was consistent with the patient’s
preoperative imaging studies; therefore, a fairly large
incision extending from the symphysis pubis to around and
superior to the umbilicus was made. Occasionally, it may
be necessary to excise the umbilicus if it is infiltrated with
Surgical cytoreduction 63

a b

Figure 4.10. Entering the peritoneum.

The peritoneal cavity is entered carefully to prevent spillage of ascites. In this figure, the abdominal incision has been taken
down to the level of the peritoneum. (a) A hyperemic peritoneum is grasped with clamps in the midline and incised using
Metzenbaum scissors. (b) The clamps are left in place to provide gentle traction on the peritoneum to prevent spillage
during aspiration of the ascites. This peritoneal incision is then extended just enough to allow entry of a pool suction tip.

a b

Figure 4.11. Drainage of ascites.

(a) The pool suction tip is passed through the newly created peritoneal incision while still grasping the peritoneum with
clamps. The peritoneum is then sharply incised, using either scissors or electrocautery, along the full length of the
abdominal incision after all the ascites has been drained. In cases with large-volume ascites, two suction apparatuses set up
prior to entering the peritoneum are useful in preventing spillage and in preventing delays when changing the suction
canisters. (b) Nearly 8 L of ascites were drained from this patient. The color of the ascitic fluid can vary from clear to
straw-colored or blood-tinged. Occasionally, the ascites will contain frank blood, which is usually due to recent bleeding
from tumor implants.
64 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Diaphragmatic stripping

Figure 4.13. Entering the retroperitoneum.

Figure 4.12. Diaphragmatic plaque.
The peritoneum overlying the anterior diaphragm is incised
The right diaphragm is most often involved, and may have
along the costal margin or more proximally if necessary.
either nodular or plaque-like metastatic tumor implants, as
Allis clamps are then used to grasp the free peritoneal
can be seen in this image. Initially, the liver is mobilized
edge, and the plane between the peritoneum and
solely by the caudal retraction with the surgeon’s hands.
diaphragm is developed sharply with electrocautery or
This is adequate for focal, limited, superficial anterior
scissors. This dissection can occasionally be accomplished
nodules, or for small plaques. The midline abdominal
with blunt dissection using a free hand, while traction on
incision usually needs to be extended to the xiphoid
the peritoneum is maintained with the other hand. This
process in order to reach the diaphragm. It may be
may not be possible if the tumor has extended into or
necessary to extensively mobilize the liver in order to
through the diaphragm.
completely strip all disease off the diaphragm. The
falciform ligament should be transected all the way to the
coronary ligament and held for traction. Dividing the right
triangular ligament can provide additional medial
mobilization and access to the posterior aspect of the
diaphragm. Fixed retraction and adequate lighting are
invaluable during this part of the procedure. A
well-positioned Bookwalter retractor is often sufficient;
however, the Goligher retractor, with or without a Balfour
retractor, or the Omni retractor, provides excellent

Figure 4.14. Diaphragm peritonectomy.

The involved peritoneum is excised once it is completely
dissected off the diaphragm: care should be taken to ensure
hemostasis. Allis clamps or right-angled clamps help to
maintain traction on the specimen during dissection. The
specimen can be removed en bloc if feasible; however,
segmental resection is appropriate to improve visualization.
A partially resected specimen may impair access to the
remainder of the diaphragmatic disease.
Surgical cytoreduction 65

a b



1 – Diaphragm 1 – Diaphragm
2 – Central tendon 2 – Residual peritoneum

Figure 4.15. Stripped diaphragm.

(a) After the involved diaphragmatic peritoneum is completely removed, the muscular and tendinous portions of the
diaphragm can be seen. The white portion is the central tendon of the diaphragm and is the most common area for
perforation into the chest. (b) A partial peritoneal resection is appropriate for more limited disease. The integrity of the
diaphragm can be checked visually for any obvious defects. Furthermore, saline placed in the area of dissection will help
check for air bubbles during inspiration. If a hole is detected, a #14 Red Robinson or Foley catheter can be placed through
the hole and a purse-string suture applied. The purse string is tied down as the catheter is removed. Alternatively, a chest
tube may be placed in the operating room to clear the pneumothorax and drain any subsequent effusion. Hemostasis on
the liver should be assured prior to completion of the procedure.
66 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b


2 5

1 – Liver retracted medially
2 – Inferior vena cava
3 – Diaphragm
4 – Right renal vein
5 – Right kidney

1 – Diaphragm
2 – Liver retracted medially
3 – Inferior vena cava

Figure 4.16. Hepatorenal recess.

(a) The liver has undergone extensive mobilization in order to reach the most posterior and lateral aspect of the diaphragm.
The inferior vena cava can be seen entering the posterior aspect of the liver. (b) The dissection has been carried through
Gerota’s fascia, and the right renal vein can be seen entering the hilum of the right kidney. This patient had tumor
extending from the diaphragmatic peritoneum onto Gerota’s fascia. At the conclusion of the procedure, the patient had no
gross residual disease.

Figure 4.17. Specimen removed.

The involved diaphragmatic peritoneum is sent for routine
pathologic analysis.
Surgical cytoreduction 67

Low anterior resection and modified posterior exenteration

2 3

1 – Uterus 1 – Sigmoid
2 – Sigmoid 2 – Peritoneal reflection
3 – Presacral space
Figure 4.18. Initiating the resection.
The uterus and rectosigmoid are targeted for removal. Figure 4.19. Developing the presacral space.
Removal of the uterus en bloc with the rectosigmoid is The presacral space is then developed with care to
referred to as a ‘modified posterior exenteration’. Removal mobilize the sigmoid colon. Sharp dissection is used to
of the rectosigmoid by itself is a ‘low anterior resection’. If ensure that the dissection takes place in the proper plane
the resection does not progress below the peritoneal and the risk of presacral bleeding is minimized. If the plane
reflection, then it is simply an ‘anterior resection’. In of dissection remains above Waldeyer’s fascia, presacral
ovarian cancer, the resection is almost always limited to bleeding can easily be avoided. Bleeding from the sacral
above the pelvic diaphragm, resulting in sufficient rectal veins can be difficult to manage, as the vessels may retract
length to perform a stapled low rectal anastomosis. The into the sacral foramina. Sterile tacks or bone cement may
development of the retroperitoneal space is the first part of be used to control such bleeding. Here, the rectosigmoid is
the procedure. After entering the retroperitoneum, the seen being retracted anteriorly, with the ureter identified
ureters are identified and the infundibulopelvic ligaments with a white vessel loop and the presacral space
are divided if the ovaries have not been previously developed.

Figure 4.20. Transecting the bowel.

Usually, the vascular supply to the rectosigmoid is ligated
and transected prior to dividing the colon. The inferior
mesenteric artery can be ligated; however, it is our
preference to selectively ligate the sigmoid branches and
the superior hemorrhoidal artery, while leaving the left
colic artery patent. If tumor is obscuring the sigmoid
mesentery, this may not be possible. The sigmoid colon is
freed of its peritoneal attachments and transected using a
disposable stapling device. The point of transection should
be proximal to the pelvic tumor and free of disease itself.
68 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b


2 2


1 – Uterus 1 – Left adnexa

2 – Sigmoid 2 – Rectum
3 – Presacral space 3 – Presacral space

Figure 4.21. Presacral space.

Mobilizing the rectum from the sacral hollow further develops the presacral space. Once the major vascular pedicles have
been ligated in the sigmoid mesentery, the presacral dissection is relatively bloodless if the correct plane has been found.
The lateral rectal pillars do not contain perforating blood vessels. Continuing the dissection with electrocautery is sufficient,
as only rarely will a vessel be encountered. (a) Elevating the sigmoid sharply will locate the areolar tissue to keep the
dissection in the proper plane. (b) The ureters can serve as a guide for dissection as they should continually be released

Figure 4.22. En bloc resection.

The uterus and colon are treated as a single unit. The
uterus is freed from its surrounding attachments as
described previously. When performing a modified
posterior exenteration the uterine arteries are usually
encountered as they traverse the ureters; they can be
clamped, ligated, and transected at this level. The
vesicouterine peritoneum is incised in the usual fashion
and the bladder is mobilized as far caudally as possible.
Surgical cytoreduction 69

a b


1 – Vaginal apex
2 – Cervix rotated cranially
3 – Cul-de-sac tumor
4 – Uterus

Figure 4.23. Modified posterior exenteration.

Once the bladder has been mobilized off the vagina and the rectum has been dissected below the tumor, the specimen can
be removed. The rectal tube should be cleared of its mesenteric fat to allow for easier placement of the stapler. The rectal
transection is the last part of the specimen removal and therefore a retrograde hysterectomy is performed. (a) The vagina is
entered and the cervix is brought into the pelvis. Straight clamps are placed on the vaginal mucosa, which can be closed
at this point or after the entire specimen is removed. (b) The rectum is then divided above the pelvic diaphragm with a
linear stapler.

a b


1 – Rectum 1 – Cul-de-sac tumor

2 – Cul-de-sac tumor 2 – Rectum
3 – Sigmoid 3 – Presacral space

Figure 4.24. Low anterior resection.

If the rectosigmoid resection is being performed for recurrent disease, the uterus and adnexa will have been removed
previously. Shown here are anterior (a) and posterior (b) views of recurrent cul-de-sac tumor that is invading the
rectosigmoid colon.
70 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 4.25. Prepared rectum.

The rectum is cleared of its mesenteric fat so that a stapler
will fit across it without difficulty.

1 – Rectum
2 – Recurrent tumor

a b

c d

Figure 4.26. Dividing the rectum.

(a) The linear stapler is placed across the rectum and closed. (b) A large Kocher clamp or similar is placed across the
proximal rectum to prevent spillage. The stapler is fired but not released. (c) The rectum is then incised using a scalpel
along the superior edge of the stapler. The specimen is removed and placed off the operative field. (d) The stapler can then
be released.
Surgical cytoreduction 71

Figure 4.27. Pelvis.

Here, the pelvis is seen as it appears after removal of the
specimen. The ureter is retracted medially and the normal
pelvic anatomy is exposed.



3 2
1 – Vaginal apex 6 – Right internal iliac artery
2 – Sacral hollow 7 – Right external iliac artery
3 – Left ureter 8 – Right common iliac artery
4 – Right external iliac vein 9 – Psoas muscle
5 – Ligated right uterine artery

a b

1 – Proximal sigmoid
2 – Uterine body
3 – Cervix
4 – Distal rectum

Figure 4.28. Modified posterior exenteration and low
anterior resection specimens.
(a) Shown is the en bloc modified posterior exenteration
specimen consisting of the uterus and rectosigmoid. (b) The
distal rectum opened with tumor invading from the
posterior cul-de-sac through the rectal mucosa. (c) In a low
anterior resection, the uterus has been previously removed
and the tumor can be seen within the diseased

1 – Recurrent tumor
2 – Distal rectum
72 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 4.29. Opening the bowel.

The previously stapled end of the sigmoid is opened by Figure 4.30. Rectal sizers.
excising the staple line with a knife or scissors. The opened A purse-string suture is placed around the open sigmoid
bowel should be healthy, appearing with viable mucosal with either a hand suture or an auto-purse-string device.
tissue. A non-absorbable 2-0 suture on a small needle should be
used. Rectal sizers are then used to determine the proper
stapler diameter. The largest sizer that will fit without
difficulty should be used.

a b

1 – Anvil
2 – Purse string

Figure 4.31. Placing the anvil.

(a) The anvil is placed into the open end of the sigmoid colon. (b) The previously placed purse-string suture is securely tied
to the shaft of the anvil to bring in the edges of the colon. If the suture is not tied tightly, the bowel edge may retract when
compressed by the stapler, leading to a defective anastomosis.
Surgical cytoreduction 73

Figure 4.33. Anastomosing the bowel.

The trocar is passed through the rectal staple line and
Figure 4.32. Transrectal stapler. engaged with the cartridge head. The stapler is then locked
The shaft of the circular end-to-end anastomosis (EEA) and fired, simultaneously stapling the anastomosis and
stapler is lubricated after the removable trocar has been removing the intraluminal tissue. Once the fired stapler is
inserted into the cartridge head and fully retracted. It is removed, the colorectal anastomosis is complete. The
then passed through the anus and advanced to the staple anastomosis can be examined with a rigid proctoscope and
line of the distal rectum. The trocar is then advanced until insufflated with air to check for leaks. If the pelvis is filled
it pierces through the rectal staple line. Once fully with saline, any air leak will result in bubbles through the
extended, the trocar is grasped and removed with a clamp saline.
through the abdomen. The trocar and clamp should be
placed off the operative field as they are contaminated
from passage through the rectum.

Figure 4.34. Colorectal anastomosis.

A colorectal anastomosis is commonly performed with a
circular end-to-end anastomosis (EEA) stapler. The EEA
stapler consists of a handle with safety release (not shown),
a cartridge head, and an anvil with a trocar. There are
centimeter markings on the shaft to help determine the
level of the anastomosis. The stapler simultaneously staples
and excises excess tissue from the inverted anastomosis.
The two excised specimens are referred to as ‘doughnuts’
and should be examined for completeness. If they are
3 complete, it is unlikely that there is any unopposed tissue
at the anastomosis site. The use of disposable stapling
instruments has made performing such anastomoses more
rapid and efficient. These benefits are particularly
appreciated when they are conducted as one of several
1 – Retractable stalk for disposable trocar
radical procedures in the surgical cytoreduction of an
2 – Complete doughnuts
individual patient.
3 – Anvil
74 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

End colostomy
Figure 4.35. Stoma.
An enterostomal therapist preoperatively marks the patient
to serve as a guide when creating the stoma. Generally, the
stoma is placed midway between the umbilicus and the
anterior superior iliac spine: it should come out through the
rectus muscles. It is helpful to mark the patient prior to
surgery, with the patient in a variety of positions. This will
allow the patient to participate in the location of the stoma
and allow her to meet the enterostomal therapist prior to
the procedure. If the patient does not have a prior midline
incision that goes around the umbilicus, it is prudent to
place the incision to the right of the umbilicus so that the
left-sided colostomy is ultimately further away from the
incision. If the patient has a previous high midline incision,
it is not a good idea to create a second scar on the opposite
side of the umbilicus.

a b

1 – Sigmoid
2 – Recurrent pelvic tumor

Figure 4.36a, b. Pelvic tumor.

In advanced ovarian cancer, an end colostomy is created when a low rectal anastomosis is not technically feasible.
Reasons to create an end colostomy at the time of primary surgery would include inadequate mobilization of the sigmoid
colon to allow for a tension-free anastomosis, inadequate bowel preparation, the need to limit operative time due to
significant medical co-morbidities or instability under anesthesia, or poor vascular supply to the anastomosis. In recurrent
ovarian cancer, an end colostomy is often created when a large unresectable pelvic tumor is the cause of a large-bowel
obstruction, as shown here. Thus, an end colostomy may be part of a modified posterior exenteration, a low anterior
resection, secondary cytoreduction, or surgery for large-bowel obstruction.
Surgical cytoreduction 75

a b

Figure 4.37. Transecting the colon.

A disease-free area for dividing the colon is chosen. A small defect is created in the mesentery close to the colon. Any excess
fat or epiploicae can be removed at this point or prior to maturing the colostomy. The colon is then transected with a
disposable stapler. This procedure can be easily accomplished with a scalpel to transect the bowel and a non-crushing clamp
to prevent spillage. With current technology, however, a disposable stapler results in a faster and safer procedure for the
patient and the surgeon. (a) An 80-mm gastrointestinal anastomosis (GIA) stapler is placed across the large intestine and then
closed with the colon completely within the cut line on the instrument. The stapler is fired in a firm continuous motion,
which simultaneously staples and divides the colon. (b) The divided ends are then inspected for defects and hemostasis.

a b

Figure 4.38a, b. Mobilization.

The mesentery is divided to reduce any tension on the portion of the colon that will be brought through the skin. Tension
on the colostomy can lead to subsequent stomal retraction. Mobilization is accomplished by successively clamping,
cutting, and ligating the colonic mesentery.
76 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 4.39. Making the stoma.

The skin is grasped with a Kocher or similar traumatic
clamp. A 2–2.5 cm circle of skin in the center of the
previously marked spot is excised using a knife. The
scalpel is held parallel to the abdominal wall in order to
create a symmetric ostomy. This site should overlie the
rectus muscle so that the bowel can be brought out
through the belly of the rectus. Often, the preoperative
marking is useful to determine the vertical positioning of
the stoma to avoid placing it at the waistline or in body
folds; however, the horizontal placement of the stoma
should be determined at the time of the procedure so that
it is through the rectus muscle and not too close to the
incision. By placing the bowel through the rectus muscle,
the risks of prolapse and herniation are minimized. The
resulting defect should be about the size of a US quarter,
which is 2.5 cm in diameter. In general, the stoma site
ends up being larger than expected. Should the site be too
small to fit the colon through, it can always be enlarged,
which is much easier than trying to taper a stoma site that
is too large from the outset. Furthermore, the colon is
usually edematous from handling any manipulation, so a
snug ostomy is preferred to prevent subsequent prolapse
when the edema resolves.

1 – Anterior rectus sheath

2 – Rectus abdominus
Figure 4.40. Removing the subcutaneous tissue.
The subcutaneous tissue and fat can be bluntly dissected, Figure 4.41. Incising the anterior rectus fascia.
especially in thin patients. Here, the subcutaneous tissue is A cruciate incision is made in the anterior rectus fascia.
excised down to the anterior rectus fascia using This incision should also be made conservatively, as it can
electrocautery as traction is maintained with the clamp. easily be stretched with instruments or manually as needed
Clearing the subcutaneous tissue is not absolutely to result in the proper side stoma. When completed, the
necessary, but will help to mature the colostomy and rectus muscle is seen through the defect in the fascia.
facilitate suture placement.
Surgical cytoreduction 77

Figure 4.42. Sizing the stoma.

The rectus muscle is separated bluntly, and the posterior
fascia (if present) and the peritoneum are incised sharply or
bluntly. It is important to align the skin and fascia from the
abdominal incision at the level of the stoma to prevent
angulation of the colon as it traverses the anterior
abdominal wall. The stoma site can be stretched bluntly
until it accommodates two normal-sized fingers. If this is
not possible to accomplish bluntly, additional fascia can be
incised or additional skin can be excised.

Figure 4.43. Exteriorizing the colon.

Using a Babcock clamp, the afferent limb of the divided
colon is brought through the newly created abdominal
passage. In general, the bowel should be pushed rather
than pulled through the abdominal wall. If the bowel does
not come through the stoma easily, the mesentery may be
too short or the ostomy may be too small. If the bowel
comes through the stoma too easily, tapering may be
required to prevent subsequent prolapse or herniation.
Excessively redundant fat or epiploicae can be excised, but
it is important not to clean the bowel too much as this may
lead to devascularization. If a small, unobstructed distal
rectum is present, it can be left closed as a Hartmann
pouch. Usually, a non-absorbable monofilament suture is
placed at the apex of the rectal stump and left very long.
This is helpful when searching for the rectal stump at the
time of rectal reanastomosis. If operating for a large-bowel
obstruction, the distal rectosigmoid may be obstructed. In
this case, a mucous fistula should be brought out through a
small circular incision in the lower quadrant. Only the
corner of the distal bowel needs to come through the
abdominal wall to create a mucous fistula.
78 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 4.44. Opening the colon.

Towels or laparotomy pads are placed around the
exteriorized colon. The entire staple line of the colon is
excised sharply with a scalpel or scissors. Electrocautery is
not used to open the colon due to the small risk of
combustion from methane gas that can accumulate within
the large intestine. A pool suction tip should be ready in
case bowel contents begin to spill. They can be suctioned
and/or collected with towels and pads. For this reason, the
colon is opened only after the abdominal incision has been
closed. The distal edge should be pink to ensure that the
vascular supply has not been compromised. If a small
portion is dusky, it can usually be excised; however, if a
major portion is very dark, the entire colostomy may need
to be revised.

Figure 4.45. Suturing the stoma.

The stoma can be secured using a 4–0 absorbable suture.
The first sutures are used to evert the colostomy. The suture
is passed through the full thickness of the distal colonic
mucosa, a seromuscular portion of colon is then
incorporated approximately 1–2 cm from the distal edge,
and finally the suture is brought through the skin. The
suture brought through the skin can be placed either
subcuticularly or at full thickness. If it is placed through the
full thickness of the skin, it should be very close to the
stomal site. When tied, the colonic mucosa should overlie
2 the skin edge. If the skin overlies the colonic mucosa, a
fibrotic ridge may form. Typically, four everting sutures are
placed in a circumferential manner at equal distances.
Usually, one or two simple sutures are placed in between
the everting sutures. These incorporate the full thickness of
the bowel and the skin only. The deeper seromuscular
portion that was included in the everting sutures is excluded
1 – Suture through full thickness of bowel at this point. If the full thickness of the bowel is not
2 – Suture through seromuscular layer only included, the peritoneum may sink into the stoma and lead
3 – Suture through full thickness of skin to an uneven mucosal–cutaneous bridge. The final product
has sutures that are approximately 1 cm apart.
Surgical cytoreduction 79

Figure 4.46. Completed stoma.

Placement of the sutures as described above leads to the
formation of a protruding stoma often referred to as a
‘rosebud’. The completed stoma is viable and patent.
Patency should be assessed by gently introducing a small
finger into the stoma. It should pass down to and through
the level of the fascia. If it is constricted, the vascular
supply may be compromised. The colonic mucosa should
be pink. The mucous fistula is opened and sutured to the
skin with simple sutures. No eversion of the mucous fistula
is necessary. Usually, the mucous fistula has minimal
output for several weeks and then will dry up and often
close spontaneously. After several weeks, nothing more
than a small adhesive bandage is required to cover the
mucous fistula.

Small-bowel resection and ileostomy

a b

1 – Small bowel
2 – Recurrent tumor

Figure 4.47a, b. Small-bowel tumor.

Tumor can be seen on the small bowel. In this patient, it was causing a chronic partial small-bowel obstruction, and
extensive abdominal disease was also present. Choices for therapeutic intervention include small-bowel resection with
reanastomosis or end ileostomy. If the distal bowel is not obstructed, reanastomosis is usually the treatment of choice.
Occasionally, with very advanced disease, an ileostomy needs to be created. If a distal small or large bowel is present, a
mucous fistula should be made.
80 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 4.48. Selecting a site for transection.

A portion of small bowel proximal to the disease is selected
for transection. The selected area should contain healthy
bowel with sufficient mobility to reach the anterior
abdominal wall without tension for the creation of an
ileostomy or to allow the approximation of both bowel
ends. These are more significant issues in obese patients.

a b

Figure 4.49. Creating an enteromesenterotomy.

(a) A defect is created in the mesentery just adjacent to the mesenteric border of the bowel. This can be accomplished
using scissors, electrocautery, or a fine-tipped clamp. (b) The defect is then bluntly developed to allow for the introduction
of a stapling device. To perform a bowel resection, a second site distal to the obstruction is created and the intervening
bowel is then removed after resecting the mesentery.

a b

Figure 4.50. Transecting the bowel.

(a) A multifire stapling device can then be placed around the bowel through the newly developed mesenterotomy.
Generally, a 60-mm device is sufficient to transect the small intestine. The standard staple height for small or large bowel is
3.8 mm. (b) The stapling device is then closed with the bowel lying within the cut line. The stapler is fired, which
simultaneously divides and staples the bowel.
Surgical cytoreduction 81

a b

c d

Figure 4.51. Dividing the mesentery.

(a) The stapled ends of the bowel are inspected for hemostasis and enterotomy. (b) Small windows are created in the
mesentery to place clamps without causing bleeding. (c) The mesentery is sequentially doubly clamped and transected, as
it has a rich vascular anastomosis. (d) The cut ends of the mesentery are suture ligated with absorbable synthetic suture.
The division of the mesentery is continued until sufficient mobility is achieved to allow the stapled ends to reach each
other or through the abdominal wall without tension. Successive clamping, cutting, and ligation are employed as needed.
82 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 4.52. Approximating the bowel. Figure 4.53. Opening the bowel.
After resecting the diseased portion of small bowel, the The antimesenteric corners of the previous staple line are
stapled ends are approximated. Ultimately, the excised from each limb of the bowel. If too much tissue is
enteroenterostomy will be created along the antimesenteric excised, bowel contents may spill and the created
edges of the small bowel. The bowel is appropriately enterotomy may be too large to close in the standard
aligned, and one to two stay sutures are placed to maintain fashion.
orientation. The small bowel is clamped with non-crushing
clamps to prevent spillage of the small-bowel contents
when the bowel is opened.

Figure 4.54. Decompressing the bowel.

Each limb is emptied with pool suction in order to prevent
spillage of small intestinal contents. If bowel obstruction is
present, the non-crushing clamp is slowly released to
decompress the proximal bowel with the pool suction.

Figure 4.55. Creating the anastomosis.

A disposable linear cutting stapler is used to approximate
and anastomose the two small-bowel ends. One side of the
stapler is inserted into each side of the bowel; it is then
closed and fired. The lumen of the bowel is inspected for
hemostasis while removing the stapler.
Surgical cytoreduction 83

a b

Figure 4.56. Closing the anastomosis.
Allis clamps are used to close the enterotomy. (a) After
ensuring hemostasis, the clamps are placed equidistant
across the lumen of the bowel. (b) A linear non-cutting
stapler is placed just beneath the clamps and fired. (c) The
residual tissue is then excised with scissors or a scalpel. A
portion of the previous staple line will be excised along
with this tissue, and a scalpel is often inadequate for the

Figure 4.57. Assessing the lumen.

The lumen of the new anastomosis can be palpated and is
usually much larger than the width of an index finger. Since
small-bowel contents are liquid, a particularly wide
anastomosis is not required. The mesenteric defect should
be closed with absorbable sutures; the stay sutures placed
previously may be left in place or removed.
84 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 4.58. Exteriorizing the bowel.

If an end ileostomy is created, the stoma is approximately 2 cm in diameter. For an end ileostomy, the stoma is generally
smaller than that of an end colostomy due to the smaller-caliber intestine that will pass through the site. (a) A Babcock
clamp is passed through the abdominal stoma site. The stapled line is then grasped with the Babcock clamp and brought
through the abdominal wall. (b) An ileostomy should have sufficient length so that it will evert nicely. If not enough bowel
is brought through the abdominal wall, the stoma will not evert adequately.

a b

Figure 4.59. Maturing the stoma.

The abdominal incision is closed prior to maturing the stoma. (a) The line of staples is excised with scissors, a scalpel, or
electrocautery. Small-bowel contents are thought to be sterile and, if necessary, may be opened prior to abdominal closure.
Electrocautery can provide good hemostasis. (b) The staple line needs to be excised in its entirety.
Surgical cytoreduction 85

a b

c d

Figure 4.60. Securing the stoma.

The stoma is secured with 4–0 absorbable sutures. (a) The suture is first passed full thickness through the cut edge of the
bowel; (b) it is then passed through the seromuscular layer approximately 1 cm from the opened edge of the bowel;
(c) finally, it is passed through the skin. The skin suture may be placed subcuticularly or through the entire thickness of the
skin. (d) The suture is then tied parallel to the skin. This creates a prominent ‘rosebud’ and offers the best likelihood that
the small-bowel mucosa will overlie the skin rather than vice versa.

Figure 4.61. Completed stoma.

The completed stoma is protuberant and has healthy pink
viable mucosa. The gauze seen in the foreground is used to
protect the closed abdominal incision from potential
contamination while maturing the ileostomy. Adhesive tape
and a formal dressing may be placed prior to maturing the
86 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 4.62. Checking stoma patency.

The patency of the stoma is checked by passing a small,
gloved finger through the ostomy. There should be little
resistance down to and through the fascia.

Recurrent nodal disease

Figure 4.63. Recurrent paraaortic disease.
One of the most common sites of recurrent nodal disease in
1 ovarian cancer patients is the high paraaortic region. It is
hypothesized that if paraaortic nodes are systematically
2 removed at the time of initial staging or debulking,
3 recurrence in this area may be less likely. This emphasizes
the importance of sampling or removing nodal tissue all the
way up to the renal vessels due to the known lymphatic
5 and venous drainage patterns.

1 – Inferior vena cava

2 – Left renal vein
3 – Left ovarian vein
4 – Left kidney
5 – Recurrent tumor
6 – Right kidney
Surgical cytoreduction 87

a b


1 – Left renal vein

2 – Recurrent tumor
3 – Inferior mesenteric artery
4 – Aorta

Figure 4.64. Left paraaortic recurrence.

(a) After exposing the retroperitoneal vessels, the left paraaortic nodal recurrence can be seen. Left-sided recurrences are
more common since the landing zone is higher on the left than the right due to venous and lymphatic drainage patterns.
(b) After further dissection, the node is ready for removal.


1 – Anterior limb of left renal vein

2 – Inferior vena cava
Figure 4.65. Lymph node specimen. 3 – Posterior limb of left renal vein
The enlarged lymph node has been completely removed, 4 – Aorta
and the tumor is well circumscribed; this node was 5 – Aortic bifurcation
approximately 5 × 3 cm at its maximum dimensions.
Figure 4.66. Renal vein anomalies.
Vascular anomalies can occur anywhere along major blood
vessels. Shown here is the passage of the left renal vein
anterior and posterior to the aorta. This bifurcated renal
vein can easily be detected on preoperative imaging and is
a normal variant. It should be noted prior to embarking on
a retroperitoneal lymph node dissection so that vascular
injury does not occur.
88 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 4.67. Anterior spinous ligament.

To remove interaortocaval lymph nodes, the vena cava and
1 aorta are separated. The resulting dissection will usually
mandate ligating and transecting the lumbar arteries and
veins. At the conclusion of this type of extensive dissection,
the anterior spinous ligament overlying the vertebrae can be
3 seen.

1 – Left renal vein

2 – Inferior vena cava
3 – Anterior spinous ligament

a b


1 – Stomach 1 – Stomach reflected cranially

2 – Gastrocolic ligament 2 – Laparotomy pad covering spleen
3 – Transverse colon
4 – Small intestine

Figure 4.68a, b. Splenic tumor.

The spleen can be approached laterally from the left paracolic gutter, which will permit transection of the lateral
ligamentous attachments. Once the spleen has been mobilized, the lesser sac is entered through the gastrocolic ligament
to identify the pancreas and splenic vessels.
Surgical cytoreduction 89

Figure 4.69. Splenic tumor.

The spleen has been freed of most of the surrounding
ligamentous attachments. Typically, the splenophrenic
ligament is transected first. The splenocolic and
1 splenorenal ligaments are then transected. These are usually
avascular and may be transected simply with
electrocautery. The gastrosplenic ligament is then
2 sequentially clamped, transected, and suture ligated. This
ligament contains the short gastric vessels that need to be
3 meticulously controlled. Shown here is a tumor in the
hilum of the spleen; a portion of the gastrosplenic ligament

1 – Spleen retracted laterally

2 – Transected gastrosplenic ligament
3 – Residual gastrosplenic ligament
4 – Tumor in splenic hilum
5 – Stomach retracted medially

a b


1 – Tumor
2 and 3 – Splenic artery branches

Figure 4.70. Splenic artery.

The splenic artery frequently branches as it gets close to the hilum of the spleen. Therefore, care should be taken to ligate it
before it branches, or to secure each branch of the artery. The artery is ligated separately and before the splenic vein. This
will reduce the pressure within the vein when it is ligated and will also allow additional blood sequestered within the
spleen to return to the circulation. (a) The splenic artery is carefully isolated; (b) a permanent silk suture is passed around
the vessel. Distally, the artery may be clipped or tied, as it will be removed with the specimen.
90 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

1 – Splenic vein 1 – Splenic vein

Figure 4.71. Splenic vein.

(a) The splenic vein is carefully isolated from the surrounding tissues. Often, the tail of the pancreas will be in close
proximity to the splenic vein, and a distal pancreatectomy can be performed if it is involved with tumor. (b) The splenic
vein is also ligated with a permanent suture. Again, distal control may be obtained with a tie or clip, as appropriate.

1 – Tail of pancreas

Figure 4.72. Distal pancreatectomy. Figure 4.73. Securing the pancreas.

In this case, the tail of the pancreas was intimately involved The staple line on the transected border of the pancreas is
with the hilum of the spleen since the recurrent tumor had then oversewn with a small delayed absorbable suture. This
altered the normal anatomic relationships. The tail of the will help to minimize the risk of postoperative pancreatic
pancreas is isolated, and a linear stapler is placed across leak, which can lead to postoperative collection or abscess
the distal pancreas. After it is fired, a scalpel is used to formation. A JP drain may be left in the splenic bed to drain
transect the pancreas on the outer edge of the stapler. any postoperative leakage of pancreatic contents.
Surgical cytoreduction 91

a b

Figure 4.74. Hemostasis.

Large bleeding vessels need to be secured with sutures, ties, or hemostatic clips. However, there can often be minimal
oozing or small-vessel bleeding in the splenic bed. Once the spleen is removed, it is much easier to visualize the exact
sites of bleeding. If not amenable to sutures or clips, they can be readily controlled by electrocautery, argon-beam
coagulation (a), or with a synthetic hemostatic agent such as Avitene (b). Avitene is a microfibrillar collagen hemostat
manufactured by Davol, Inc. (Cranston, RI).

a b

2 2

1 – Pancreatic duct
2 – Pancreatic parenchyma

1 – Spleen
2 – Resected distal pancreas
3 – Tumor in splenic hilum

Figure 4.75. Specimen.

(a) The recurrent tumor involving the splenic hilum is clearly visible. The forceps are grasping the tail of the pancreas,
which was removed with the specimen. (b) A closer view of the pancreas shows the transected pancreatic duct.
92 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

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9. Scarabelli C, Gallo A, Franceshi S et al. Primary 24. Hoskins WJ, Rubin SC, Dulaney E et al. Influence of
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5 Pelvic exenteration
Douglas A Levine, Bernard H Bochner, and Dennis S Chi

Pelvic exenteration is one of the most radical surgical by tumor, has not been subject to previous surgery,
procedures performed by gynecologic oncologists. has adequate mobility, and a rich vascular supply.
The most common indication is for a central pelvic The major drawback to using the distal ileum is that
recurrence of cervical cancer. Alexander Brunschwig it may have been included in the previous radiation
first described the procedure in 1948 as ‘the most field. A continent conduit is created by establishing
radical surgical attack so far described for pelvic an intestinal reservoir and an efferent limb, which is
cancer’.1 The initial report described the en bloc brought out through the abdominal wall. Depending
removal of the pelvic organs with the creation of a on the type of continent conduit created, the ureters
‘wet colostomy’ by implanting the ureters into the are either directly inserted into the intestinal reservoir
sigmoid colon, which was then brought out as an end or into an afferent limb that drains into this reservoir.
colostomy. Today, reconstruction after a total pelvic The most commonly performed continent conduits
exenteration consists of separate bowel and urinary are the Miami and the Indiana pouches. The ureters
conduits. A total pelvic exenteration consists of the are inserted into a detubularized segment of ascending
en bloc removal of the bladder, rectum, vagina, and colon that serves as a low-pressure, high-capacity
tumor. In an anterior exenteration, the rectum is not reservoir. The appendix is removed and the distal
removed. In a posterior exenteration, the bladder and ileum is brought out as a urostomy. The reported
ureters remain intact. In all cases the uterus and incidence of early and late complications is approxi-
adnexa are removed if they have not been previously mately 60%, with the most common complications
removed as part of primary therapy or for unrelated being ureteral obstruction, difficult catheterization, or
reasons. A pelvic exenteration may be further sub- pyelonephritis.2,3 A modified Penn pouch offers certain
classified into a supralevator or infralevator exentera- attractive advantages over the more standard pouches
tion, depending on whether or not the perineum is and will be described in this chapter.
excised as part of the operation. At the conclusion of
the procedure, the colon is either reanastomosed or The most common indication for pelvic exenteration
brought out as an end colostomy. There are many is a central recurrence of cervical cancer. The intent
techniques to create a neovagina, the most common of the procedure is usually curative, although a pallia-
being bilateral gracilis flaps or a rectus abdominus tive exenteration may be appropriate for selected
flap. The details of this reconstruction are described patients with unmanageable symptoms such as
elsewhere in this text and are also readily available intractable pain, uncontrollable bleeding, or gross
elsewhere in more detail for the interested reader. disfigurement. It can also be performed for selected
recurrences of other pelvic malignancies including
The urinary system may be reconstructed into a con- endometrial, vulvar, vaginal, and colorectal cancers.
tinent or non-continent conduit. The most common Current surgical practices, including the use of anti-
non-continent conduit is created from a segment of biotics, modern anesthesia techniques, exceptional
distal ileum into which the ureters are inserted and intensive care units, meticulous surgical technique,
then brought out through a lower quadrant ostomy. blood banking, and advances in interventional radio-
Other segments of the intestinal tract may also be logy, have all contributed to a reduction in periopera-
used as a conduit, the most common alternatives tive morbidity and mortality. Surgical mortality in
being a portion of the jejunum, transverse colon, or recent reports has ranged from 2% to 5% and post-
sigmoid colon. Generally, the distal ileum is the operative major morbidity ranges from 30% to 60%.4–6
easiest portion to use since it is usually not involved In certain centers, a multidisciplinary approach, with

94 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

an urologist, radiation oncologist, plastic surgeon, and positive margins on frozen section, intraoperative
colorectal surgeon, may be useful in achieving opti- radiation therapy offers an attractive technique
mal surgical outcomes. The 5-year survival for patients to help reduce the risk of recurrence.10 Typically,
undergoing pelvic exenteration for recurrent cervical 1500–2000 cGy are given to the tumor bed with a
cancer is between 30% and 50%.7,8 The largest review linear accelerator or a high-dose-rate afterloader.
of exenterative surgery for recurrent endometrial Some practitioners believe that a laterally extended
cancer reported a 5-year survival of 20%.9 In each endopelvic resection is a practical treatment for
of these series, the patients who underwent these recurrent disease that involves the pelvic sidewall.11
procedures were highly selected using various non-
standardized criteria. This chapter will highlight the major aspects of pelvic
exenteration. Although it is not possible to illustrate
Due to the radicality of the procedure, patients must all of the varied techniques available to the practicing
be appropriately counseled regarding the chance for surgeon, important differences will be highlighted.
cure and the physical alterations that can be expected We have elected to illustrate the ileal conduit and
after surgery, as well as the extended postoperative a modified Penn pouch as techniques in urinary
recovery time. For these reasons, exenterative surgery diversion, representing a common technique and a
is usually performed in patients who have had full relatively novel technique for the gynecologic oncolo-
pelvic irradiation either as part of initial treatment gist. Many of the technical aspects of pelvic exentera-
or for the management of recurrent disease. Unfor- tion overlap with the other radical surgical procedures
tunately, the previous pelvic irradiation renders the presented in Chapter 4. Similar techniques will be
surgery and recovery more difficult. For patients who referred to, but are not thoroughly illustrated to avoid
have either suspected positive margins or confirmed repetition.

a b

Figure 5.1. Tumors.

Most recurrent tumors are not visible prior to abdominal exploration due to their location, deep within the central pelvis.
(a) Shown here is a view of a centrally recurrent cervical cancer that can be seen in the endocervical canal. (b) Also shown
is a recurrent vulvar cancer that was causing intractable perineal pain. Prior to beginning a total pelvic exenteration the
rectum is sewn closed with a #0 permanent suture.
Pelvic exenteration 95

Figure 5.2. Pelvic mass.

Shown here is a mass filling the pelvis that was thought to
be isolated and completely resectable; therefore, a total
pelvic exenteration was performed.

Figure 5.3. Lateral approach.

For a patient with a sidewall recurrence, a lateral approach
may be considered. The patient shown here had a recurrent
tumor involving the obturator internus muscle. In order to
protect the sciatic nerve and to gain control of the gluteal
vessels, a posterior thigh incision was made to perform a
sciatic neuroplasty. After fully mobilizing the sciatic nerve,
1 the thigh was closed and the patient was placed in a dorsal
2 lithotomy position to perform the pelvic exenteration.

1 – Right sciatic nerve

2 – Right posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
96 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

4 5

1 – Right external iliac vessels 4 – Right pararectal space 1 – Left ureter 4 – Left paravesical space
2 – Right paravesical space 5 – Right ureter 2 – Left pararectal space 5 – Left external iliac vessels
3 – Right internal iliac artery 3 – Left internal iliac artery

Figure 5.4. Pelvic spaces.
After exploring the abdomen, both pelvic sidewalls are
opened and the pelvic spaces are developed, which aids in
the dissection and resection of the pelvic tumor. Incising
the peritoneum lateral to the medial umbilical ligament
develops the paravesical space. Loose areolar tissue will be
1 encountered, which can be gently dissected to arrive at the
2 base of the paravesical space. The pararectal space is
developed between the hypogastric artery and the ureter.
The dissection is carried inferiorly and dorsally along the
curve of the sacrum. (a) The right paravesical and
pararectal spaces; (b) The left paravesical and pararectal
spaces. (c) The right pelvic sidewall has been opened and
the deep circumflex iliac vein can be seen passing over the
1 – Deep circumflex iliac vein right external iliac artery. The paraaortic and/or common
2 – Right external iliac vein iliac lymph nodes have been sampled prior to proceeding
3 – Right external iliac artery with pelvic exenteration. The presence of metastases in
these areas is suggestive of systemic disease, making the
possibility of cure after exenteration unlikely.
Pelvic exenteration 97

a b


1 – Left ureter
2 – Left hypogastric vessels 3

c 4

1 – Right paravesical space

2 – Ligated right hypogastric artery
3 – Right pararectal space
4 – Right ureter

Figure 5.5. Internal iliac vessels.

The anterior division of the internal iliac vessels are
skeletonized and ligated to reduce blood flow to the pelvis
and minimize blood loss. The vessels may or may not be
transected after they are ligated. (a) The endoscopic stapler
is used to transect and ligate the left hypogastric artery and
2 vein. The use of stapling devices helps to decrease
operative time and reduce blood loss. (b) Alternatively, the
vessels may be simply ligated and not transected. The
hypogastric vessels may also be transected in the traditional
fashion. (c) A proximal tie has been placed prior to
introducing the right-angled clamps onto the vessel, which
will subsequently be transected and ligated again.
1 – Left hypogastric artery
2 – Left ureter
98 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 5.6. Transecting the ureters.

The ureters are transected close to the pelvic brim. They
are examined closely and cut back to try to resect any
portion that has been irradiated so that an unirradiated
segment can be used for the ureteral anastomosis. In this
picture, the ureters have been transected but will be
trimmed prior to creating the uretero–ileal anastomosis.

a b


1 – Sigmoid colon 3
2 – Superior rectal artery

1 – Sigmoid colon
2 – Right ureter
3 – Right external iliac vessels
4 – Superior rectal artery

Figure 5.7. Dividing the colon.

(a) The colonic mesentery is incised to identify the superior rectal artery. (b) The artery is isolated and transected with
right-angled clamps. Alternatively, the artery can be transected with the LigaSure vessel-sealing system (Covidien) or a
disposable stapler with vascular loads. (c) The colon is then transected at the pelvic brim so that most of the irradiated
bowel will be included with the final specimen. Usually, the left colic artery and some sigmoid branches can be preserved.
Pelvic exenteration 99

a b

Figure 5.8. Mesorectal excision.

The distal colon is placed on traction and the presacral space is dissected. Areolar tissue can be incised with electrocautery,
and the endoscopic stapler is used to transect the mesorectum. Care must be taken not to injure the sacral veins when placing
the stapler, as this can lead to troublesome bleeding. (a) The sigmoid is elevated and the remaining mesenteric attachments are
transected with the endoscopic stapler with vascular loads. (b) The rectosigmoid has been further mobilized and the hollow of
the sacrum is now apparent. (c) Successive fires of the stapler are required to completely transect the mesorectum and gain
access to the pelvic floor. The dissection from above should continue distal to the tip of the coccyx to facilitate the perineal
dissection. If a supralevator exenteration is planned, the dissection must be continued far enough to resect the tumor with an
adequate negative margin.
100 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

2 2

3 4

1 – Bladder 1 – Pubic bone

2 – Space of Retzius 2 – Space of Retzius
3 – Right external iliac vessels 3 – Bladder
4 – Uterus 4 – Right external iliac vessels

Figure 5.9. Space of Retzius.

(a) The lateral dissection is continued anteriorly until the bladder is reached. The bladder is then retracted posteriorly and
the space of Retzius is entered. The anterior and lateral dissections are joined. (b) The space of Retzius is dissected along
the undersurface of the pubic symphysis. Venous bleeding from the plexus of Santorini can be avoided if the dissection is
performed close to the pubic bone. If a perineal phase is not performed, the urethra should be securely clamped prior to
transection to avoid difficult bleeding. The transurethral urinary catheter should be removed prior to transecting the urethra.
Otherwise, the dissection continues to the perineum with the urethra being dissected off the pubic bone as the last step,
since bleeding can occur in this location and obscure the operative field.

a b

1 – Cut edge of colon

2 – Transected ureters
3 – Presacral space

Figure 5.10. Completed pelvic dissection.

The pelvic dissection continues to the pelvic floor and the levator plate. (a) Anterior view of the completed pelvic
dissection. (b) Posterior view of the completed pelvic dissection. The colon and ureters have been divided, and the perineal,
phase will begin from below.
Pelvic exenteration 101

a b

Figure 5.11. Perineal incision.

Once the pelvic dissection is complete, the surgeon or assistant moves between the patient’s legs with a separate set of
instruments to perform the perineal phase. (a) The perineum is incised circumferentially to delineate the portion that needs
to be resected. In this case, the urethra, vagina, and rectum will all be removed. (b) The incision is then carried into the
underlying subcutaneous tissues, working from posterior to anterior, to aid with visualization.

a b

1 – Anal purse string suture

2 – Assistant’s finger in the pelvis

Figure 5.12. Perineal resection.
Allis clamps are used to evert the perineum. The labia
majora can be temporarily sutured to the medial thigh to
improve exposure if they do not need to be resected. The
specimen is elevated, and the posterior incision is
continued until it meets the pelvic dissection. (a) A surgeon
performing the perineal phase can work with an assistant
whose hand is in the pelvis to serve as a guide for depth
and orientation during the perineal dissection. (b) The
specimen is then retracted laterally and the incision is
continued circumferentially. A Lace self-retaining retractor
is shown providing additional exposure. (c) Once the
specimen is free, it can be delivered through the perineum.
102 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 5.13. Perineal phase.

New surgical devices can be applied to the pelvic exenteration procedure. Shown here is the LigaSure device being used to
dissect the pelvic floor from the perineal approach. This device and others can help to reduce both operative time and
surgical blood loss. (a) Posterior attachments are divided using the LigaSure. (b) Anterior attachments near the often bloody
plexus of Santorini are divided with minimal blood loss.

Figure 5.14. Perineal defect.

After the removal of the specimen, a large perineal defect
remains. Options for closing the defect include primary
closure with interrupted delayed absorbable suture or one
of a variety of vascular pedicle flaps. The most commonly
used flaps are the gracilis and the rectus abdominus. The
gracilis flap may be unilateral or bilateral depending on
whether the intent is to fill the pelvis or to create a
neovagina. The rectus abdominus flap provides a large
amount of tissue to fill the pelvic defect, and may also be
used to create a neovagina. Since many of these patients
have had prior surgery, one drawback with a rectus flap is
that the main blood supply from the inferior epigastric
vessels may have been previously interrupted.
Pelvic exenteration 103

Figure 5.15. Pelvic defect.

After completing the exenterative procedure, all pelvic
organs have been removed. The sidewall vessels and nerves
remain, but the sacral hollow is empty and the perineal
defect can be seen transabdominally. Often many staple
lines can be seen, reflecting the heavy use of the
endoscopic stapler, as a means to perform the exenteration
in a more efficient manner.

a b

Figure 5.16. Perineum.

(a) The perineum is closed in multiple layers of interrupted
delayed absorbable suture. Larger-caliber suture is used in
the deeper layers, and a finer suture is used on the skin.
The final appearance of the perineum will depend on the
extent of perineal resection (contrast (b) and (c)). At the
conclusion of the procedure a sterile dressing is placed on
the perineum and held in place with a pelvic binder.
104 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

1 – Sigmoid
2 – Uterus
3 – Bladder
Figure 5.17. Specimen.
(a) The posterior view of the specimen shows the distal
sigmoid in relation to the uterus, which is elevated with a
1 clamp. (b) The superior view shows the bladder in relation
2 to the uterus, with the sigmoid seen posteriorly. (c) The
anterior view shows the relations within the perineum.

1 – Urethra
2 – Vagina
3 – Rectum
Pelvic exenteration 105

Non-continent urinary conduit (ileal conduit)

a b

Figure 5.18. Dividing the bowel.

(a) An 8–10-cm segment of ileum is chosen approximately 10 cm proximal to the cecum. The ileum is manipulated to
ensure that it will span from the ureters to the abdominal wall. If ureteral mobility is a problem, the conduit may be made
longer to provide adequate length for a tension-free uretero–ileal anastomosis. (b) The bowel is transected in two sites to
create a defunctionalized segment of ileum, with care taken not to disrupt the mesenteric blood supply to this area. The
proximal and distal ilea are reanastomosed in the usual fashion (described in Chapter 4). The butt-end of the ileal conduit
may remain closed with the stapler or excluded with permanent silk suture.

Figure 5.19. Ureters.

The ureters are transected at approximately the level of the
pelvic brim to resect the distal portion that may have been
previously irradiated. This will reduce the likelihood of
leakage and stricture from the uretero–ileal anastomosis.
They are mobilized only enough so that adequate length is
obtained for a tension-free anastomosis. Aggressive
mobilization or skeletonization of the periurethral tissues
increases the risk of devascularization and subsequent
stricture formation. It is prudent to intentionally leave some
tissue attached to the ureters as the blood supply runs
longitudinally. Single-J ureteral stents may be placed at the
discretion of the operator to bridge the uretero–ileal
anastomosis, though they are not required.
106 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 5.20. Opening the ileum.

(a) The distal end of the conduit is opened with electrocautery or scissors to completely excise the staple line. (b) The
lumen is then suctioned to remove residual small-bowel contents. If the non-continent conduit is created with a different
segment of intestine, such as the sigmoid or transverse colon, it too should be thoroughly cleaned prior to the anastomosis.

a b

Figure 5.21. Enterotomy.
If a stent is used, it must be guided through the conduit.
(a) A long fine-tipped clamp, such as a tonsil clamp, is
placed through the conduit to a point a few centimeters
from the staple line. (b) A small enterotomy is then made
over the tip of the clamp with the scissors, not
electrocautery. (c) The stent is placed into the jaws of the
clamp and removed through the conduit. It will later be
brought out through a lower quadrant ostomy. Often the
first few ureteral sutures are placed prior to passing the
stent to avoid visual obstruction from the stent while
Pelvic exenteration 107

a b


1 – Distal ureter 1 – Distal ureter

2 – Enterotomy in the small bowel 2 – Enterotomy in the small bowel
3 – Ileum 3 – Ileum

Figure 5.22. Beginning the anastomosis.

The uretero–ileal anastomosis begins from posterior to anterior. (a) The initial suture is placed at the most inferior part of the
planned anastomosis. If a stent is used, it is placed into the renal pelvis prior to beginning the anastomosis. Fluoroscopy is
not necessary to place the stent; however, a postoperative radiograph should be obtained to confirm placement in the renal
pelvis and to serve as a baseline for comparison against future films. In this case, the ureter was widely patent, and a stent
was not passed. If the ureter has not been subject to chronic dilation, it is spatulated with a Potts–Smith scissors. The first
few sutures are placed and tied. (b) The remaining sutures are laid into place and tied sequentially at the same time. The
placement of sutures begins posteriorly and moves anteriorly. Usually six to eight sutures of 4–0 polyglactin are required to
complete the anastomosis.

a b

1 – Completed ureteral anastomosis

2 – Completed ileal anastomosis

Figure 5.23. Completing the anastomosis.

(a) The remaining sutures are placed, and the ureter is seen in close approximation to the ileum. These sutures are then
carefully tied. The identical procedure is performed on the contralateral ureter. Again, if a stent is used, a clamp should be
placed through the conduit to serve as a guide. If a stent is not used, the ileum may be opened directly over the site of
anastomosis. (b) A completed right uretero–ileal anastomosis and the reanastomosed small bowel are seen. The distal
portion of the ileum is then brought to the abdominal wall. It is not our practice to suture the proximal end of the conduit
to the sacral promontory.
108 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 5.24. Creating the stoma. Figure 5.25. Filling the pelvis.
An ostomy is created in the right lower quadrant. It is Prior to closing the abdomen, it is prudent to fill the pelvis
recommended that an enterostomal therapist evaluates the with some sort of material. If a neovagina is created, this
patient preoperatively and marks the appropriate ostomy will provide bulk in the pelvis. Otherwise, an omental
sites. The site should be chosen in a location that will not pedicle flap may be placed to fill in this defect. A delayed
be cumbersome for the patient to change the appliance or absorbable mesh offers an attractive alternative to a tissue
interfere with the normal position of clothing. If the site has flap in the pelvis. It will keep the small bowel from
not been previously marked, it should be placed two-thirds prolapsing into the pelvis and decrease the likelihood of
from the anterior iliac spine toward the umbilicus. It is small-bowel obstruction and fistula formation. In
important that the ileum is brought through the rectus comparison to a permanent mesh, it has a lower likelihood
abdominus muscle to minimize the risk of stomal of resulting in a serious pelvic infection that would require
herniation. mesh removal. Closed suction drains are placed in the
pelvis and beneath the ureteral anastomoses.

Figure 5.26. Completed conduit.

The completed ileal conduit is shown after closure of the
abdomen and prior to placement of the stomal appliance.
The rosebud is created with delayed absorbable suture
(described in Chapter 4), and any catheters protruding
through the conduit are sutured in place to prevent
accidental dislodging or migration. An 18 French (18F)
fenestrated catheter is placed through the stoma, beyond
the fascia, to prevent obstruction of urine at the fascial level
during initial healing. In this case, the anatomical
circumstances dictated that only one ureter be stented. The
stents are usually left in place for 7–10 days, and radiologic
imaging is not required.
Pelvic exenteration 109

Continent urinary conduit (modified Penn pouch)


1 – Cecum
2 – Appendix
3 – Terminal ileum
Figure 5.28. Cannulating the appendix.
Figure 5.27. Anatomy. The mesentery of the appendix is carefully mobilized,
The appendix serves as the perfect source for the taking care not to disrupt the appendiceal artery as this will
catheterizable limb of the continent urinary conduit if it has lead to subsequent ischemia and necrosis. The tip of the
not been previously removed, demonstrates no significant appendix is resected, and the appendix is cannulated first
radiation damage, and has an adequate lumen. If the with a fine probe or an 8F pediatric feeding catheter.
appendix has been removed, alternative configurations Subsequently, the appendix is dilated to accommodate a
should be considered, including the Miami or Indiana 12–14F red rubber catheter.
pouch. In this section, a modification of the Penn pouch
will be described. For this technique, the ureters are
implanted into a segment of distal ileum approximately
10 cm from the ileocecal valve; the appendix serves as the
catheterizable limb and continence valve, and the
ascending colon functions as the reservoir. A longer
segment of terminal ileum can be used if additional length
is needed to replace excised or irradiated ureters. The
ureters are not tunneled, but implanting them proximal to
the ileocecal valve prevents reflux, which is more likely to
occur in a pouch that uses the ascending colon as both the
reservoir and the site of ureteral implantation. The appendix
is placed into a submucosal tunnel in situ to provide a short
efferent limb that is easy to catheterize. Traditional
ileocecal pouches that use the terminal ileum as the
efferent limb have demonstrated higher revision rates for
difficult catheterization or stomal incontinence.
110 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 5.29. Incising the taenia.
(a) The taenia leading toward the appendix is injected with
1% lidocaine with 1:100 000 epinephrine to create a wheal
from the appendix–cecal junction along the taenia for 4 cm.
(b) The seromuscular layer of the cecum is incised with a
#15 blade along the anterior taenia coli. (c) The length of the
incision should be 4–5 cm. Care should be taken not to enter
the cecal mucosa.
Pelvic exenteration 111

a b

Figure 5.30. Undermining the cecum.

(a) The seromuscular incision is undermined with the Metzenbaum scissors to create a trough for subsequent embedding of
the appendix. (b) When complete, the mucosa of the cecum is readily apparent.

a b

Figure 5.31. Creating windows of Deaver.

Several windows are created beneath the appendix, which will subsequently be used to tunnel and secure the appendix.
(a) Scissors are used to carefully identify avascular windows of Deaver beneath the appendix. Care should again be taken
not to disrupt the appendiceal artery or its branches. Staying very close to the appendix is useful in avoiding these vessels.
(b) Usually, three windows will provide adequate ability to tunnel and secure the appendix.
112 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

c d

Figure 5.32. Tunneling the appendix.
Sutures of 3–0 silk are used to secure the appendix into the
submucosal trough. The appendix is flipped into the trough
created along the taenial incision. Initially, one side of the
cecal seromuscular incision is grasped close to the base of
the appendix. The tunnel is formed from the appendix–
cecal junction and works towards the distal end of the
appendix and along the cecal incision. (a) The suture is
passed through the seromuscular layer from lateral to
medial and (b) grasped with a fine forceps through the first
window. (c) The suture itself, not the needle, is grasped to
allow for easier mobility when it is brought through the
window beneath the appendix. (d) The suture is then
reloaded and passed through the seromuscular layer on the
opposite side from medial to lateral. (e) It is then regrasped
through the window to be brought back beneath the
appendix in the opposite direction. The appendix is
secured into the trough as this suture reopposes the serosa
of the cecal flaps.
Pelvic exenteration 113

a b

Figure 5.33. Completing the embedment.

(a) The additional sutures are placed from one seromuscular layer through the window to the other side, which is then
sutured, passed back, and tied. The subsequent stitches are not quite as complex since the appendix has already been
inverted. (b) After completing the suturing through the windows, the remainder of the undermined cecal serosa is
reapproximated over the appendix with interrupted permanent silk sutures.

Figure 5.34. Creating the reservoir.

The reservoir is created from approximately 25 cm of
ascending colon with care taken not to disrupt the middle
colic vessels. The colon is divided with a disposable stapler
(described in Chapter 4). The hepatic flexure needs to be
mobilized to gain adequate length for the reservoir and
mobility to perform the ileocolic anastomosis. The first step
in creating the reservoir is to excise the entire staple line so
that the colon can be opened and cleaned. The purpose of
detubularizing the colon is to eliminate the normal
peristaltic activity of the colon, which provides a
low-pressure, high-capacity reservoir.

a b

Figure 5.35a, b. Opening the colon.

The colon is grasped lateral to the anterior taenia coli. It is opened longitudinally along the taenia with electrocautery.
A forceps or clamp can serve as a guide to assist in opening the colon, which is opened all the way to the cecum. When
performing a modified Penn pouch the incision stops prior to reaching the base of the cecum near the appendiceal trough.
114 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

c d

2 1


1 – Afferent ileal limb 1 – Afferent ileal limb

2 – Appendix 2 – Appendix
3 – Completed reservoir 3 – Completed reservoir

Figure 5.36. Suturing the reservoir.

The reservoir is created with two layers of continuous 3–0 polyglactin sutures. The red rubber catheter is adjusted to lie in
the base of the pouch. (a) The entire ascending colon has been opened and thoroughly rinsed with normal saline to remove
as much of the colonic contents as possible. A stay suture is placed to align the edges of the bowel. In this case, since the
cecum has not been completely divided, the bowel will be closed with two adjoining suture lines. (b) One side of the
reservoir had been closed, and the lumen can still be seen on the other side. (c) The embedded in situ appendix as it
protrudes from the reservoir. This is the posterior view of the appendiceal limb, whereas previously, the anterior view was
seen during its creation. (d) The completed pouch. The ureters are now inserted into the proximal end of the ileal afferent
limb in the manner described above for the ileal conduit. The ureters are placed end to side into the terminal ileum without
Pelvic exenteration 115

Figure 5.37. Fixation.

The appendiceal limb is usually anastomosed to the base of
the umbilicus, though it may also come out through the
right lower quadrant. The completed pouch is fixed to the
anterior abdominal wall just lateral and superior to the
umbilicus. When beginning the pelvic exenteration it is
prudent to extend the skin and fascial incisions to the left
side of the umbilicus so that a 2-cm edge of fascia is
available for closure. Care is taken so that the pouch and
appendix are not injured during the fascial closure. It is
wise to use interrupted sutures through this area so that the
pouch can be thoroughly interrogated prior to final
abdominal closure.

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exenteration for adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix. surgical resection and high-dose intraoperative radiation
Gynecol Oncol 1995;58:74–8. therapy (HDR-IORT) in patients with recurrent
5. Matthews CM, Morris M, Burke TW et al. Pelvic gynecologic cancers. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
exenteration in the elderly patient. Obstet Gynecol 2001;50:687–94.
1992;79:773–7. 11. Hockel M. Laterally extended endopelvic resection:
6. Morley GW, Hopkins MP, Lindenauer SM, Roberts JA. surgical treatment of infrailiac pelvic wall recurrences of
Pelvic exenteration, University of Michigan: 100 patients gynecologic malignancies. Am J Obstet Gynecol
at 5 years. Obstet Gynecol 1989;74:934–43. 1999;180:306–12.
6 Retroperitoneal lymph node
Oliver Zivanovic, Nadeem R Abu-Rustum, and Joel Sheinfeld

Anatomy and rectum. Caudad to the IMA, several pairs of lumbar

arteries arise from the posterolateral surface of the
aorta until, finally, the middle sacral artery arises from
The aorta enters the abdominal cavity from the thorax
the posterior side of the aorta just proximal to the
through the hiatus of the diaphragm. Upon entering
bifurcation. Above the IMA, the right and left ovarian
the abdomen, the aorta descends in a midline position
arteries arise from the anterior surface of the aorta
and bifurcates into the common ilial arteries at the
about 5–6 cm above the bifurcation and about 2–3 cm
level of the L4–L5 interspace (Figure 6.1). The
below the level of the renal arteries. The ovarian arter-
paraaortic lymph nodes are part of the lumbar lymph
ies course over the ureters on their way toward the
node group. There are three subgroups: preaortic,
pelvis. Anomalies of the ovarian arteries are relatively
retroaortic, and lateral aortic (right and left). The
frequent. These vessels may arise from the renal ves-
preaortic group drains the abdominal part of the gas-
sels, from a single trunk or from an aberrant location
trointestinal tract down to the mid-rectum, whereas
on the aorta. The right ovarian vein inserts into the
the retroaortic group has no special area of lymphatic
right side of the inferior vena cava (IVC) approximately
drainage. The lateral group receives the lymphatic
1 cm below the right renal vein. However, in 3–22%
drainage from the iliac lymph nodes, ovaries, and
of cases, this vein inserts into the right renal vein
other pelvic viscera, and therefore it is this group of
(Figure 6.2), while the left ovarian vein empties into
nodes that are commonly sampled in the surgical stag-
the left renal vein following a path close to the left
ing of gynecologic malignancies. There are typically
ureter (Figure 6.3). Similar to the arteries, several sets
15–20 lateral aortic nodes per side. They are located
of lumbar veins also enter the IVC. These veins are
adjacent to the aorta, anterior to the lumbar spine,
highly variable and often drain into the left renal vein.
extending bilaterally to the medial margins of the
The lumbar veins, typically 3–4, are connected with
psoas muscles, and up to the diaphragmatic crura. The
ascending lumbar veins that course parallel to the IVC
lateral nodes usually dissected in gynecologic oncol-
(Figure 6.4). The renal arteries insert into the aorta at
ogy span the region from the aortic bifurcation up to
the level of L2. The right renal artery usually runs
either the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) or the renal
dorsal to the IVC in its course to the right kidney
veins. The first major blood vessel encountered during
(Figure 6.5). The renal veins enter the IVC at the same
a caudad-to-cephalad paraaortic node dissection is the
level. The left renal vein crosses under the superior
IMA. The IMA originates from the anterior surface of
mesenteric artery and over the anterior surface of the
the abdominal aorta approximately 3–4 cm above the
aorta before draining into the IVC (Figure 6.6).
aortic bifurcation and supplies the descending colon

118 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

1 2

5 6

1 – Right renal vein

7 2 – Right ovarian vein
8 8 3 – Aorta
Figure 6.2. Insertion of the right ovarian vein into the
right renal vein.

1 – Precaval 6 – Ovarian
2 – Preaortic 7 – Presacral
3 – Intercaval 8 – Common iliac
4 – Paracaval 9 – External iliac
5 – Paraaortic

Figure 6.1. The anatomical description of the

(© Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 2002.)

1 – Lumbar veins (arrows on left)

2 – Lumbar arteries (arrows on right)

Figure 6.4. The anatomy of the lumbar veins.

1 – Left renal vein
2 – Left ovarian vein

Figure 6.3. Insertion of the right ovarian vein into the left
renal vein.
Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection 119

1 2

1 – Left renal vein

2 – Inferior mesenteric artery
3 – Left kidney
4 – Ureter

Figure 6.6. The left renal vein crossing over the aorta.

1 – Right renal artery

Figure 6.5. The anatomic location of the right renal artery

dorsal to the IVC.

Figure 6.7. The patient is positioned in the supine position

with the table extended slightly.
This position facilitates exposure of the retroperitoneum.

Figure 6.8. A large midline vertical incision is carried

through the skin and subcutaneous tissue from the
symphysis to the xiphoid process.
The falciform ligament is ligated, divided, and excised. This
facilitates exposure and closure of the abdomen. Two
self-retaining Balfour-type lateral abdominal wall retractors
are placed – one in the pelvis and one in the abdomen to
facilitate exposure. A self-retaining
Goligher-type retractor is also placed on the head of the
bed and will be used later to keep the intestine and its
mesentery retracted out of the operative field.
120 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 6.9. Exposure to the retroperitoneum is achieved 1 – Lumbar vein

by incising the posterior parietal peritoneum overlying
the right common iliac artery to the duodenum, and Figure 6.10. The lymph node dissection then proceeds
the duodenum is mobilized superiorly to expose the in a caudad-to-cephalad direction.
left renal vein. The goal of the operation is to isolate and mobilize the
Using blunt dissection, the ureter is mobilized laterally. The great vessels (ligate the lumbar vessels) and then remove
avascular plane lateral to the root of the mesentery is then the nodal tissue between and around the vena cava and
mobilized using sharp and blunt dissection until the inferior abdominal aorta. The lateral extent of the dissection is the
aspect of the third portion of the duodenum is reached at fat plane on the lateral border of the IVC. The fatty tissue
the ligament of Treitz. The right colon and small bowel are overlying the right common iliac artery is identified and
mobilized by incising the lateral white line of Toldt on the elevated. The tissue over the right common iliac artery is
right side of the patient and then moved out of the field and then incised and mobilized. The incision is extended
off the right renal fascia. The fibroadipose tissue between cephalad along the anterior surface of the aorta until the
the undersurface of the duodenum and pancreas as well as origin of the IMA is reached. Sharp dissection is used to
the anterior surface of the left renal vein are then clipped mobilize the sheath laterally. The majority of the right
and divided in order to provide adequate exposure to the paraaortic lymph nodes overlie the IVC and are in the
retroperitoneum. Hemoclips can be used to obtain interaortocaval region. There is a fairly constant small
hemostasis. Two wide Deaver-type blades are then perforating vein within the lymphatics that inserts just
attached to the self-retaining Goligher retractor, acting as above the bifurcation of the IVC. If care is not taken to
gentle retractors to the small- and large-bowel contents, identify and ligate this so-called ‘fellow’s vein’, it can easily
which are elevated outside the abdomen, placed on the be torn, with resultant heavy bleeding. Using the ‘split and
chest wall, and covered with moist laparotomy sponges. roll’ technique, all tissue within the bilateral template is
Care must be taken to prevent undue traction to the divided. The vena cava is gently rolled medially and
pancreas and undersurface of the duodenum as well as laterally. The lumbar veins (usually 3–4) are then doubly
injury to the superior mesenteric artery. The right and left ligated and transected. Ligation of the lumbar veins allows
ureters are then identified and encircled with vessel loops for safe dissection behind the IVC and complete removal of
and gently retracted laterally. The right ovarian vein is then the pericaval and retrocaval nodes.
ligated at its insertion into the IVC. The right ovarian artery
is ligated at its origin from the right anterior surface of the
Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection 121

1 – Left renal vein

1 – Anterior surface of the aorta 2 – Left ovarian vein
Figure 6.11. The split along the anterior surface of the Figure 6.12. On the left side of the aorta, the ovarian
aorta is then performed, the lumbar arteries are doubly artery is found and ligated.
ligated (usually 3), and then transected. With the specimen on traction, the lymphatic tissue is then
Ligation of the lumbar arteries allows safe dissection behind divided. Any lumbar vessels arising from the left edge of
the aorta and complete removal of the periaortic and the aorta are then ligated. This is performed from the level
retroaortic nodes up to the level of the renal hilum and the of the left renal vein to the level of the left common iliac
crus of the diaphragm. The posterior limit of the dissection artery. At this point, the specimen is put on traction and the
is the anterior spinous ligament. The dissection is carried insertion of the left ovarian vein into the left renal vein is
cephalad anterior to the spinous ligament to remove all identified and ligated.
lymphatic tissue to the level of the renal vein.

1 – Left renal vein

Figure 6.13. The renal artery is protected and the nodal

package is resected from the undersurface of the left renal
vein and renal artery. Figure 6.14. Attention is then drawn to any
Multiple clips are placed at the superior border of the interaortocaval lymph nodes, and these are resected
resection. The remaining lymphatic channels are divided completely between the edges of the IVC and the aorta.
and ligated as needed. The dissection is carried to the left renal vein. The
lymphatic bundles are divided at the undersurface of the
left renal vein. This completes the dissection of the superior
part of the interaortocaval lymph node.
122 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 6.15. On the right side of the IVC any remaining

lymph nodes are removed in a similar manner to the level
of the right common iliac artery.

1 – Right ureter
2 – Inferior vena cava

a b



1 – Right kidney 1 – Left renal vein

2 – Inferior vena cava 2 – Lumbar region of the vertebral column showing the
3 – Anterior longitudinal ligament anterior longitudinal ligament
4 – Aorta

Figure 6.16a–c. This completes the retroperitoneal lymph
node dissection exposing the left renal vein, the left renal
artery, the aorta, and the IVC.
7 Panniculectomy to facilitate
pelvic surgery
Eric L Eisenhauer, Babak J Mehrara, and Nadeem R Abu-Rustum

Surgical procedures in morbidly obese patients therefore, that the staging operation in obese patients
are technically challenging. The combination of a is not abbreviated. With the increasing incidence
prodigious anterior abdominal wall to gain access, of obesity in the US population, the necessity of
compromised exposure during the case, and an designing and standardizing surgical approaches
incision in which healing is hindered by increased that allow adequate staging with low morbidity is
dead space and poor blood supply can be daunting paramount.
even for seasoned surgeons. Increases in blood loss,
operative time, wound infection rates, and operative Panniculectomy to facilitate pelvic access is commonly
injuries are well-documented in obese patients performed in morbidly obese patients, and has been
and are probably related to compromised operative previously described in multiple reports.4,9–15 For
exposure.1–4 Contributing to these factors is the high gynecologic procedures confined to the pelvis and
incidence of co-morbid medical conditions in these lower abdomen, excising this portion of the abdomi-
patients that can further hinder recovery when nal wall provides excellent operative access while
complications occur. Preoperative planning, intraop- allowing a more uniform abdominal closure. Reported
erative technique, and close postoperative manage- benefits of panniculectomy in series comparing it to
ment can reduce the number of complications. standard laparotomy include decreased incisional
However, wound complications still represent a complications and increased lymph node count.16,17
significant cause of postoperative morbidity in
these patients. In this chapter we present our technique for perform-
ing panniculectomy. Details of the procedures for
Obese women are frequently seen by gynecologic which the panniculectomy is performed (hysterec-
oncologists for surgical care due to the direct relation- tomy, staging, etc.) are found elsewhere in this text.
ship between increasing body mass index (BMI) and Although we have performed panniculectomy most
endometrial cancer risk.5–7 Consistent with findings often in our patients with endometrial cancer, the
in normal-weight women, almost one-fourth of steps described are equally applicable to any surgical
morbidly obese women with endometrial cancer may procedures requiring access to the pelvis and lower
have evidence of extrauterine disease.8 It is essential, abdomen.

124 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 7.1. Identify and mark the pannus. Figure 7.2. Abdominal incision.
Although the incision site is marked in the operating room, A scalpel is then used to make the skin incision, which is
it is essential to examine the patient while standing so that carried down to the anterior abdominal wall fascia. The
the dependent pannus can be accurately marked. entire resection is performed with the scalpel, and we
Generally, an infraumbilical panniculectomy provides avoid using cautery in this part of the operation to decrease
adequate access for pelvic and low paraaortic surgery, the amount of tissue and fat necrosis.
although in cases requiring a supraumbilical
panniculectomy, the skin around the umbilicus can be
incised and the umbilicus repositioned. The subcutaneous
tissue along the marked border is infiltrated with
epinephrine hydrochloride, 1 mg in 500 ml saline, for
added hemostasis. Approximately 1 L of this solution is
injected circumferentially along the marked incision using
a 60 cc syringe with a long 18-gauge needle.

Figure 7.3. Securing vascular perforators. Figure 7.4. Separating the specimen from the fascia.
Many perforating vascular branches will be identified as The incision has been beveled inward so that the specimen
the panniculectomy specimen is developed. These are at the fascia is narrower than the wider skin incision. The
carefully clamped, ligated, and divided, as cut vessels that base of the specimen often contains vascular perforators
retract into the surrounding adipose tissue can be difficult which can be successively clamped and divided to remove
to control. the pannus specimen. The surrounding fascia is not
completely cleared in order to not further devascularize it.
Panniculectomy to facilitate pelvic surgery 125

Figure 7.6. Preparing and dividing the midline fascia.

Figure 7.5. Resected pannus specimen. The superior and inferior adipose tissue in the midline is
Once the specimen is removed, it is weighed and sent to mobilized to identify the site where the vertical midline
Pathology. incision will be made. The superior edge of the incision is
tacked to the anterior abdominal wall skin with surgical
staples or penetrating towel clamps, and the inferior part of
the incision tacked to the abdominal wall drapes in a
similar fashion. Moist towels are used to cover the exposed
subcutaneous tissue, so as not to dry it out during the
remainder of the procedure. The midline fascia is then
divided vertically in a standard fashion.

Figure 7.8. Pelvic exposure.

The uterus is at the level of the surgical field, and the
exposure to the pelvic organs has been improved by
Figure 7.7. Bookwalter retractor placement.
reducing the bulk of the subcutaneous tissue. This will
Once the peritoneal cavity is entered and washings
facilitate the hysterectomy as well as the lymphadenectomy,
obtained, a self-retaining Bookwalter-type retractor is
and the procedure is performed in the usual manner.
placed, and the peritoneal contents packed into the upper
126 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 7.9. Fascial closure and subcutaneous irrigation. Figure 7.10. Drain placement and subcutaneous tissue
Once the resection and staging have been completed, the closure.
bowel is returned to its normal position, adhesion barriers Drainage of the subcutaneous dead space is accomplished
are placed, and the vertical incision is closed with a No. 1 by placing two closed-suction Jackson-Pratt (JP) drains
looped polydiaxanone suture. After fascial closure, along the fascia, one on each side of the incision. We
irrigation of the subcutaneous tissue is performed with 2 L prefer to bring the drains out in the midline below the
of dilute bacitracin solution with the Simpulse Solo incision to ensure that the medial part of the incision is
irrigation system (Davol, Cranston, RI). adequately drained. The remaining dead space is closed
with two to three layers of interrupted 2–0 polyglactin

Figure 7.11. Subcuticular skin closure. Figure 7.12. Closed incision and dressing application.
The subcuticular layer is closed with either a running 4–0 Steri-strips are placed over the incision and a sterile
poliglecaprone suture or the INSORB subcuticular stapler dressing applied. JP drains are secured with stay sutures.
(Incisive Surgical, Inc., Plymouth, MN), as shown here.
Panniculectomy to facilitate pelvic surgery 127

Figure 7.13. Healed incision.

A patient’s incision on postoperative day 14. The skin has
almost completely healed and one JP drain has been
removed. Drains generally remain in place until drainage is
less than 10–15 cc/day. The patient is continued on an oral
first-generation cephalosporin or second-generation
fluoroquinolone until the drains are removed.

1. Meyerowitz BR, Gruber RP, Laub DR. Massive abdominal undergoing gynecological surgery. Gynecol Oncol
panniculectomy. JAMA 1973;225(4):408–9. 1998;70(1):80–6.
2. Grazer FM, Goldwyn RM. Abdominoplasty assessed by 11. Micha JP, Rettenmaier MA, Francis L, Willenberg R,
survey, with emphasis on complications. Plast Reconstr Brown JV. ‘Medically necessary’ panniculectomy
Surg 1977;59(4):513–17. to facilitate gynecologic cancer surgery in
3. Pitkin RM. Abdominal hysterectomy in obese women. morbidly obese patients. Gynecol Oncol 1998;
Surg Gynecol Obstet 1976;142(4):532–6. 69(3):237–42.
4. Voss SC, Sharp HC, Scott JR. Abdominoplasty combined 12. Pearl ML, Valea FA, Chalas E. Panniculectomy and
with gynecologic surgical procedures. Obstet Gynecol supraumbilical vertical midline incisions in morbidly
1986;67(2):181–5. obese gynecologic oncology patients. J Am Coll Surg
5. Tretli S, Magnus K. Height and weight in relation to 1998;186(6):649–53.
uterine corpus cancer morbidity and mortality. A 13. Powell JL, Kasparek DK, Connor GP. Panniculectomy to
follow-up study of 570,000 women in Norway. Int J Cancer facilitate gynecologic surgery in morbidly obese women.
1990;46(2):165–72. Obstet Gynecol 1999;94(4):528–31.
6. Parazzini F, La Vecchia C, Bocciolone L, Franceschi S. 14. Hopkins MP, Shriner AM, Parker MG, Scott L.
The epidemiology of endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol Panniculectomy at the time of gynecologic surgery in
1991;41(1):1–16. morbidly obese patients. Am J Obstet Gynecol
7. Tornberg SA, Carstensen JM. Relationship between 2000;182(6):1502–5.
Quetelet’s index and cancer of breast and female genital 15. Tillmanns TD, Kamelle SA, Abudayyeh I et al.
tract in 47,000 women followed for 25 years. Br J Cancer Panniculectomy with simultaneous gynecologic oncology
1994;69:358–61. surgery. Gynecol Oncol 2001;83(3):518–22.
8. Everett E, Tamimi H, Greer B et al. The effect of body mass 16. Wright JD, Powell MA, Herzog TJ et al. Panniculectomy:
index on clinical/pathologic features, surgical morbidity, improving lymph node yield in morbidly obese
and outcome in patients with endometrial cancer. patients with endometrial neoplasms. Gynecol Oncol
Gynecol Oncol 2003;90(1):150–7. 2004;94(2):436–41.
9. Cosin JA, Powell JL, Donovan JT, Stueber K. The safety 17. Eisenhauer EL, Wypych KA, Mehrara BJ et al. Comparing
and efficacy of extensive abdominal panniculectomy at the surgical outcomes in obese women undergoing
time of pelvic surgery. Gynecol Oncol 1994;55(1):36–40. laparotomy, laparoscopy, or laparotomy with
10. Blomfield PI, Le T, Allen DG, Planner RS. panniculectomy for the staging of uterine malignancy.
Panniculectomy: a useful technique for the obese patient Ann Surg Oncol 2007;14(8):2384–91.
8 Fertility-sparing radical
abdominal trachelectomy
for cervical cancer
Sharyn N Lewin and Nadeem R Abu-Rustum

The traditional surgical management for women The eligibility criteria for a radical vaginal trachelec-
with early-stage cervical carcinoma has been radical tomy, as described by Professor Dargent, are high-
abdominal hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenec- lighted in Chapter 14 and include women ≤40 years
tomy. While high cure rates and favorable quality of age who desire fertility preservation, lesion size
of life endpoints may be achieved, loss of future ≤2 cm, Stages IA–IBI, negative lymph nodes, and
reproductive capacity occurs in nearly all cases. The no involvement of the upper endocervical canal.6
rare exception is seen when modern assisted- Although these criteria also apply to the radical
reproductive techniques are used. With such tech- abdominal approach, it is noteworthy that many cen-
niques, the patient’s oocytes may be used to generate ters perform radical abdominal hysterectomies for
embryos carried by a surrogate mother. Recent data Stage IBI tumors ≤4 cm or even Stage IB2 lesions <6 cm
suggest approximately 40% of Stage I cervical cancers in size.6 The radical abdominal trachelectomy, there-
are diagnosed before 40 years of age.1 Many of these fore, may be a viable option for selected patients with
women may be eligible for a fertility-sparing larger Stage IB lesions: namely, 2–4 cm. Ungar et al
approach.2 reported the largest series of radical abdominal
trachelectomies to date. Of the 30 patients described,
The concept of conserving the uterine fundus 5 (17%) had Stage IB2 tumors.7 Thus, the radical
through a radical abdominal trachelectomy was abdominal trachelectomy may be employed in the
first described by Aburel.3 This innovative approach treatment of larger tumors or in patients not amenable
mirrors trends found in the surgical management to vaginal surgery due to anatomic factors or from
of other solid tumor types aimed at favorable scarring due to prior procedures.6
oncologic outcomes with preservation of organ
function.4 This technique only recently gained notori- With relatively short-term follow-up, the pooled
ety, many years after the description of the radical published recurrence and death rates (4.2% and 2.8%,
vaginal trachelectomy by Professor Daniel Dargent respectively) following radical vaginal trachelectomy
in 1987.5 Since that time, several authors have appear comparable to the traditional radical abdomi-
described their surgical technique as well as the nal hysterectomy.10 Moreover, a 70% pregnancy rate
resultant oncologic outcomes.6–9 Furthermore, these has been described in women trying to conceive.10
reports describe normal menstrual function and With a radical abdominal trachelectomy, the param-
successful pregnancies, illustrating that preserved etrial resection is identical to the traditional Type III
uterine function is possible after bilateral uterine radical hysterectomy. Oncologic outcomes should
artery ligation as long as the utero-ovarian blood also be comparable; however, longer follow-up with a
supply is maintained.6,7 larger patient population is needed.

130 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Technique of fertility-sparing radical abdominal trachelectomy

a b

Figure 8.1a, b. Intent of radical abdominal trachelectomy.

The intent of the radical abdominal trachelectomy is to resect the cervix, upper 1–2 cm of the vagina, parametrium, and
paracolpos in a similar manner to a Type III radical abdominal hysterectomy but sparing the uterine fundus or corpus. First,
a laparotomy and a bilateral complete pelvic lymphadenectomy are performed, usually via a transverse lower abdominal
incision in a similar manner to patients undergoing a radical abdominal hysterectomy (see Chapter 2). The limits of nodal
dissection are the deep circumflex iliac vein caudally and the proximal common iliac artery cephalad. Any suspicious
lymph nodes are sent for frozen-section analysis. A fertility-sparing approach should probably be abandoned if positive
lymph nodes are identified. Sentinel lymph node identification is also a reasonable option and may allow for pathologic
ultra-staging of these sentinel nodes. The removal of paraaortic nodes is also considered for lesions Stage IB1 or greater.
(Reproduced with permission from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 2006.)
Fertility-sparing radical abdominal trachelectomy for cervical cancer 131

a b

Figure 8.2. Developing the paravesical and pararectal spaces.

(a) The procedure is started by developing the paravesical and pararectal spaces and dissecting the bladder caudal to the
mid vagina. The round ligaments are divided, and large Kelly clamps are placed on the medial round ligaments to
manipulate the uterus. Care is taken not to destroy the cornu or the utero-ovarian pedicles. The infundibulopelvic ligaments
with ovarian blood supply are kept intact. Care is also taken not to injure the fallopian tubes or disrupt the utero-ovarian
ligament. (b) The uterus is manipulated with clamps at the round ligaments; alternatively, a Collin–Buxton-type clamp can
be utilized.

Figure 8.3. Anterior colpotomy using a vaginal cylinder.

The uterine vessels are then ligated and divided at their
origin from the hypogastric vessels. The parametria and
paracolpos with uterine vessels are mobilized medially with
the specimen, and a complete ureterolysis is performed
similar to a Type III radical abdominal hysterectomy. The
posterior cul-de-sac peritoneum is incised and the
uterosacral ligament divided; similarly, the parametria and
paracolpos are divided. Using a vaginal cylinder (Apple
Medical Corporation, Marlborough, MA), the desired length
of vaginectomy is performed, and the specimen is
completely separated from the vagina and placed in the
mid pelvis, keeping its attachment to the utero-ovarian
132 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 8.4. Anterior colpotomy using a Wertheim clamp. Figure 8.5. Measuring the lower uterine segment.
Alternatively, a Wertheim clamp can be placed at the The lower uterine segment is then estimated and clamps
desired length of the vagina and the specimen separated. are placed at the level of the internal os.

a b

c d

Figure 8.6. Completing the radical trachelectomy.

Using a knife, the radical trachelectomy is completed by separating the fundus from the isthmus or upper endocervix at
approximately 5 mm below the level of the internal os, if possible (a). The uterine fundus with preserved attachments to the
utero-ovarian ligaments, placed in the superior part of the pelvis (b) and the specimen, consisting of radical trachelectomy
and parametria with suture marking the vaginal cuff at 12 o’clock, is sent for frozen-section evaluation of its endocervical
margin (c, d).
Fertility-sparing radical abdominal trachelectomy for cervical cancer 133

Figure 8.7. Verifying margins prior to reconstruction.

The uterine fundus is inspected, and curettage of the
endometrial cavity is performed as well as a shave disc
margin on the remaining cervical tissue, which is sent for
frozen-section analysis. This is performed to ensure that the
reconstructed uterus to vagina is disease free. A frozen-
section analysis is also obtained on the distal vaginal
margin, if clinically indicated.

a b

Figure 8.8a, b. Placing a cerclage.

If all frozen sections tested are benign and at least a 5 mm clear margin is obtained on the endocervical edge, a permanent
cerclage with #0 Ethibond on a free Ferguson needle (knot tied posteriorly) may be placed prior to the reconstruction.
(Figure 8.8a reproduced with permission from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 2006.)
134 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 8.9. Reconstructing the uterine corpus to
upper vagina.
(a) The detached uterine corpus and residual upper vagina
prior to reconstruction. (b) The uterus is then reconstructed
to the upper vagina with six to eight #2–0 absorbable
sutures in a circumferential manner. (Reproduced with
permission from Sloan Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center, 2006.) (c) The reconstructed uterine corpus to the
upper vagina prior to securing the sutures.

Figure 8.10. Reconstructed fundus.

The reconstructed fundus with remaining blood supply
from the intact utero-ovarian ligaments. Note that the
uterine serosa has no evidence of fundal ischemia. No
drains are placed. Standard antibiotic prophylaxis and
routine postoperative care are prescribed.
Fertility-sparing radical abdominal trachelectomy for cervical cancer 135

An alternative approach would be to separate the fun- cervix, and perform the radical trachelectomy. The
dus from the cervix prior to the colpotomy, pack the role of cystourethroscopy with bilateral temporary
fundus with the intact utero-ovarian blood supply ureteral catheterization in fertility-sparing radical
in the upper pelvis, place retraction clamps on the surgery for cervical cancer is optional.11

1. Plante M, Renaud MC, Francois H, Roy M. Vaginal radical technique and review of the literature. Gynecol Oncol
trachelectomy: an oncologically safe fertility-preserving 2006;103(3):807–13.
surgery. An updated series of 72 cases and review of the 7. Ungar L, Palfalvi L, Hogg R et al. Abdominal radical
literature. Gynecol Oncol 2004;94:614–23. trachelectomy: a fertility-preserving option for women
2. Sonoda Y, Abu-Rustum NR, Gemignani ML et al. with early cervical cancer. BJOG 2005;112:366–9.
A fertility-sparing alternative to radical hysterectomy: 8. Smith JR, Boyle DCM, Corless DJ et al. Abdominal radical
how many patients may be eligible? Gynecol Oncol trachelectomy: a new surgical technique for the
2004;95(3):534–8. conservative management of cervical carcinoma. BJOG
3. Aburel E. Colpohisterectomia largita subfundica. 1997;104:1196–200.
In: Sirbu P (ed.). Chirurgica gynecologica. Bucharest, 9. Abu-Rustum NR, Su W, Levine DA et al. Pediatric radical
Romania: Editura Medicala, 1981:714–21. abdominal trachelectomy for cervical clear cell carcinoma:
4. Covens A, Shaw P, Murphy J et al. Is radical trachelectomy a novel surgical approach. Gynecol Oncol 2005;97:
a safe alternative to radical hysterectomy for patients with 296–300.
stage IA-B carcinoma of the cervix? Cancer 10. Dursun P, Leblanc E, Nogueira MC. Radical vaginal
1999;86(11):2273–9. trachelectomy (Dargent’s operation): a critical
5. Dargent D, Martin X, Sacchetoni A, Mathevet P. review of the literature. Eur J Surg Oncol 2007;33(8):
Laparoscopic vaginal radical trachelectomy: a treatment to 933–41.
preserve the fertility of cervical carcinoma patients. Cancer 11. Abu-Rustum NR, Sonoda Y, Black D et al. Cystoscopic
2000;88:1877–82. temporary ureteral catheterization during radical vaginal
6. Abu-Rustum NR, Sonoda Y, Black D et al. Fertility-sparing and abdominal trachelectomy. Gynecol Oncol
radical abdominal trachelectomy for cervical carcinoma: 2006;103(2):729–31.
9 Extended pelvic resection
John P Diaz, Patrick J Boland, Dennis S Chi, and Nadeem R Abu-Rustum

Tumor persistence or local recurrence in a previously sidewall muscle, and major nerves in those women
irradiated pelvis usually indicates a dismal prognosis. undergoing surgery for recurrent gynecologic malig-
Until now, salvage was only possible in a few nancies. We hope these advances will translate into
selected patients with centrally located disease who increased utilization of surgical resection of pelvic
had undergone a successful pelvic exenteration. recurrences in these highly selected cases.
Patients with a pelvic sidewall recurrence, represent-
ing a more common situation of local failure, are
traditionally considered ineligible for curative surgi-
cal therapy. Pelvic sidewall involvement, suggested SURGICAL TECHNIQUES
by the clinical triad of hydronephrosis, leg edema,
and sciatic nerve pain, has been considered a
contraindication to pelvic exenteration.1 The scope of Laterally extended endopelvic
pelvic exenteration is changing. Advances in imaging resection (LEER)
enable us to select more appropriate surgical
candidates, and the definition of a radical surgical
Proper exposure is achieved with a vertical midline
resection has expanded, allowing us to offer pelvic
laparotomy circumventing the umbilicus. All perito-
exenteration to patients previously deemed inopera-
neal adhesions are lysed, and the abdominal and
ble. Resection of nerve, muscle, and bone has been
pelvic intraperitoneal compartment is systematically
incorporated in an attempt to obtain clear resection
explored by inspection and palpation. Biopsy speci-
margins. Patient selection is of paramount impor-
mens are taken from all suspected intraperitoneal
tance. For selected patients with gynecologic tumors
sites. The bowel contents are removed from the field
fixed at the pelvic sidewall, a laterally extended
by placement and use of a self-retaining retractor.
endopelvic resection (LEER) may be considered if the
Following exposure of the entire tumor area, the
following four criteria are met:
retroperitoneal pelvic and midabdominal compart-
1. R0 resection of the tumor is achievable. ments are opened. On both sides the paracolic gutters
2. Local tumor control can lead to cure or at least and pelvic parietal peritoneum along the psoas
prolongation of life. muscles are incised and the round ligaments are
3. The patient’s general performance status is separated. The anterior visceral peritoneum of the
compatible with the extensive operation and its bladder is incised, and the space of Retzius is opened.
consequences. Both paravesical and pararectal spaces and the
4. No equally effective alternative treatment is presacral space are developed. Similarly, the space
available. between the external iliac vessels and the medial
aspect of the psoas muscle is opened. Based on
With extended endopelvic resections involving the the location of the recurrent tumor, these spaces
resection of pelvic sidewall muscles and major may be only partially opened. Gross intralesional
vessels in the lesser pelvis, Hockel included 24 of his dissection must be avoided. Bilateral uterolysis is
patients with recurrent cervical cancer and found a performed. Selective periaortic and pelvic lymph
5-year disease-free and overall survival of 41% and node dissection may be performed as required, taking
44%, respectively.2 This approach enables those into consideration prior operations and intraoperative
women with pelvic sidewall disease a chance of cure, findings.
with an acceptable associated morbidity.
If needed, the infundibulopelvic ligaments are divided
The objective of this chapter is to illustrate the and the ureters are cut as low as possible in the
techniques utilized in resections of pelvic bone, pelvis. Biopsy specimens of the distal ureters are

138 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

examined by frozen sections in selected cases. The wall and urethra are transected along strong curved
mesosigmoid is skeletonized and the blood vessels clamps. The anal canal is mobilized from the poste-
are ligated at the rectosigmoid transition. The bowel rior vaginal wall, which is divided after clamping as
continuity is interrupted at the site by the use of the well. The anorectal transition is separated with a sta-
GIA instrument. pling instrument. Now the complete specimen of the
laterally extended resection, consisting of the urethra,
At the tumor-free pelvic wall, the visceral branches of bladder, vagina, uterus, adnexa, and rectum at the left
the internal iliac vessels, the pelvic autonomic nerve side, en bloc with the complete endopelvic urogenital
plexus, the cardinal and pubocervical ligaments, and mesentery and the coccygeus, iliococcygeus, pubo-
the paracolpium are completely divided between coccygeus, and obturator internus muscles, can be
clamps. removed and examined with multiple frozen sections
for tumor margins.
The internal iliac artery at the side of the pelvic side-
wall lesion is ligated and divided at the site of branch- Depending on the location of the recurrent tumor at
ing off from the common iliac artery. Thereafter, all the pelvic sidewall, the extent of visceral and parietal
parietal branches of the iliac vessel system are transected resection can be reduced in comparison with the
between ligatures or clips: the ascending lumbar vein, maximum version described herein. Infrailiac sacro-
superior gluteal artery and vein, inferior gluteal artery coccygeal recurrence may allow the bladder and
and vein, and internal pudendal artery and vein. The the obturator internus muscle to be spared. With
internal iliac vein can now be divided at the bifurcation infrailiac ischiopubic relapse, the rectum and the
as well. The left lumbosacral plexus and the piriformis coccygeus muscle may remain in situ.
muscle are exposed by this maneu ver.
If the pelvic sidewall recurrence has been resected
Ventral incision of the obturator internus muscle with clean margins by laterally extended endopelvic
is carried out with the Bovie tip at the site of the resection, as demonstrated with multiple frozen
obturator nerve, which is either elevated or divided sections, the ablative part of the operation is finished.
if it is incorporated from the acetabulum and the To improve wound healing in the irradiated pelvis,
obturator membrane by use of a periosteal dissector. the surgeon elevates an omentum majus flap nour-
Below the level of the ischial spine, the obturator ished by the ipsilateral gastroepiploic gutter, and
muscle, which is leaving the endopelvis through the fixes it to the pelvic surface. The inclusion of the anus
smaller sciatic foramen, is divided again and the and anal canal into the laterally extended pelvic
muscle stump is ligated. The separated endopelvic evisceration necessitates the reconstruction of the
part of the obturator muscle, in continuity with pelvic floor to avoid a perineal hernia. This can be
the attached iliococcygeus and pubococcygeus mus- done by means of a transversus and rectus musculo-
cles, is retracted medially to expose the ischiorectal peritoneal flap, which may also be used for vaginal
fossa. reconstruction. For supravesical urinary diversion,
either a conduit or a continent pouch is constructed
A superior incision below the sacral plexus, between from non-irradiated colon segments (ascending, trans-
the ischial spine and the fourth sacral body and verse, or descending colon) with the Mainz technique.
the elevation of the coccygeus muscle from the Bowel continuity is accomplished with a stapled
sacrospinous ligament, is performed with a periosteal deep colorectal anastomosis; otherwise, an end
dissector. colostomy is made for fecal diversion. If microscopic
tumor extends to the lateral resection margins, the
Medially to the ischiorectal fossa, the lateral vaginal combined operative and radiation treatment is
wall is identified and incised. The anterior vaginal applied.
Extended pelvic resection 139

Extended pelvic resection of Superior pubic rami resection

iliacus muscle and femoral nerve
Resection of tumor involving the pubic bone

Following mobilization of tumor from the pelvis,

using either an en-bloc resection or an exenterative
procedure, involvement of the tumor with pelvic bone
is examined. Once it is determined that the tumor
mass is densely adherent to bone and deep connective
tissue, the decision is made to proceed with bony
resection. The bones most likely to be involved
include, but are not limited to, bones constituting the
pelvic girdle. An example of this type of resection
may involve the pubic rami.

Figure 9.1. Cut iliacus muscle to expose bone.

After proper exposure with a vertical skin incision, access
to the peritoneal cavity is obtained and the bowel contents
are removed from the field by placement and use of a
self-retaining retractor. Following exposure of the entire
tumor area in the pelvis, the dissection is first carried out
by cutting the iliacus muscle down to the bone.

Figure 9.2. Identification of the femoral nerve superiorly

(white marker). Figure 9.3. Soft tissue dissection of the superior
The iliacus muscle is cut down to the bone, and adhesion pubic rami.
to the muscle or the bone is carefully dissected and cut. If The superior pubic ramus is identified, and all soft tissue is
tumor involves the muscle or bone extensively, dissection cleared from the bone by using a Bovie tip.
is carried out proximally, where the femoral nerve may be
encountered. In some cases, the femoral nerve may be
involved by tumor, and neurolysis of the femoral nerve
may be needed. When the femoral never is involved, the
iliacus muscle is cut proximally, and the nerve is isolated
superiorly, identified, and resected inferiorly. The supplying
vessels are subsequently tied and ligated.
140 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

c d

Figure 9.4. Use of the osteotome.

The obturator vessels are ligated as required. Then, using the osteotome, the pubic bone is divided at the anteromedial
margin of the obturator foramen. The osteotome is passed into the pubic arch and the entire bone is divided from the
pelvis, which is still connected to the tumor. (a, b) Intraoperative images of the osteotome used for dissection of portions of
pubic ramus. (c) The osteotome is close to the pubic bone in dissecting the tumor bed. (d) The osteotome is used on pubic
Extended pelvic resection 141

Dividing the superior pubic rami Abdominal sacral resection

In cases where the tumor densely adheres to the pos-
Posterior pelvic recurrence that involves the sacrum
terior body of the pubic bone and inferior portions of
and/or sacral nerves presents challenging clinical
the pubic ramus, dissection over the fascia overlying
problems. The conditions are difficult to treat, and
the bone can be accomplished again by using the Bovie
chemotherapy provides only minimal benefits at
tip. The goal of this type of dissection is to divide the
present. Radiation therapy may give pain relief but its
retropubic area of the pubic bone. The dissection is
effectiveness is limited and temporary. Conventional
carried out laterally, where the obturator internus is
abdominal–perineal resection or local excision is
identified and divided. Posteromedially, the anterior
only palliative. Abdominal sacral resection (ASR)
pubic ramus can be identified and, with the use of an
was described by Brunschwig and Barber3 in 1969,
osteotome, the inferior half of the pubic ramus can be
and although published data on this operation are
divided. Both soft tissue and bony dissection are car-
still limited and there have been few long-term fol-
ried out laterally into the obturator foramen. The infe-
low-up studies, this operation provides pain control,
rior pubic ramus is then traced posteriorly and divided
prolongation of survival, and possibly cure.4,5
with bone-cutting forceps proximal to the ischial
tuberosity. The remaining soft tissue connections are
Utilizing a midline vertical incision, and packing
divided until the tumor is free from the area.
the bowel as described above, the dissection begins at
the aortic bifurcation, and the common and external
iliac vessels. The internal iliac vessels are divided at
their root or beyond the superior gluteal artery.
Adipose tissue, lymphatics, and the nodes surround-
a ing these vessels, including obturator nodes, are
removed completely, and the muscular pelvic
sidewalls and the sacral nerve roots are exposed.
The upper limit of the tumor is identified, and the
anterior surface of the sacrum is dissected down
to the planned level of sacral transection. When
the tumor adheres to or invades urogenital organs, the
remaining rectum, pelvic nerves or muscles, and
involved organs are all resected en bloc to avoid
incomplete resection and cancer cell spillage. To
facilitate resection and hemostasis and to shorten
operating time, a combined abdominal and perineal
approach is used.

Figure 9.5. Divided specimen.

(a) The external iliac vessels and divided pubic rami.
(b) The specimen with attached pubic bone.
142 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 9.6. Incision and dissection of the gluteus

Figure 9.7. Ligation of the inferior gluteal vessels.
maximus muscle.
The subcutaneous tissues are cut and the gluteus muscle is
After dissection of the lateral, cephalad, anterior, and
divided along the line of its fibers. This procedure exposes
caudal aspects of the tumor with surrounding organs to be
the underlying piriformis, and the sciatic nerve is
resected is accomplished, the patient is placed in a
immediately identified. The inferior gluteal vessels are
semiprone position with flexed and abducted thighs.
identified, divided, and ligated. The gluteal muscles,
A longitudinal incision is made, starting above the sciatic
sacrotuberous ligament, sacrospinous ligaments, and
notch, about two-thirds of the distance between the greater
pyriformis muscles are divided as far from the tumor as
trochanter and the midline of the sacrum. The incision is
extended down and laterally towards the ischial tuberosity.

Figure 9.8. En-bloc resection of the tumor.

Figure 9.9. Completed abdominosacral resection.
After the level of the abdominal dissection and the extent
The gluteal muscles and skin are closed primarily. Again,
of the tumor are confirmed by hand in the pelvic cavity, a
the patient is returned to a supine position with flexed and
laminectomy proximal to the planned level of sacral
abducted thighs. A colostomy and an ileal conduit are
transection is performed to preserve the non-involved
sacral nerve roots and ligated dura. The sacrum is
transected by an osteotome, and en-bloc resection of the
tumor with the sacrum and the surrounding organs is
Extended pelvic resection 143

1. Barber HR. Relative prognostic significance of preoperative 4. Akasu T, Yamaguchi T, Fujimoto Y et al. Abdominal
and operative findings in pelvic exenteration. Surg Clin sacral resection for posterior pelvic recurrence of rectal
North Am 1969;49:431–47. carcinoma: analyses of prognostic factors and recurrence
2. Hockel M. Laterally extended endopelvic resection. Novel patterns. Ann Surg Oncol 2007;14:74–83.
surgical treatment of locally recurrent cervical carcinoma 5. Yamada K, Ishizawa T, Niwa K et al. Pelvic exenteration
involving the pelvic side wall. Gynecol Oncol and sacral resection for locally advanced primary
2003;91:369–77. and recurrent rectal cancer. Dis Colon Rectum
3. Brunschwig A, Barber HR. Pelvic exenteration combined 2002;45:1078–84.
with resection of segments of bony pelvis. Surgery
10 Myocutaneous flap
Anuja K Antony, Douglas A Levine, and Babak J Mehrara

The management of patients with gynecologic cancer using myocutaneous flaps decrease wound healing
is complex and requires careful planning. Vaginal complications following pelvic exenteration com-
and pelvic floor reconstruction is most commonly pared with those patients who did not have any
performed as a coordinated approach involving gyne- reconstruction.1–3
cologic surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists,
and reconstructive surgeons. In recent years, these Soper et al in 2007 compared gracilis flaps vs VRAM
procedures have become more commonplace as the flaps after total pelvic exenteration and found similar
techniques have become more reliable to allow for rates of vaginal stenosis and no significant difference
improved closure and healing after radical, disabling in donor site complications. The gracilis patients
gynecologic cancer surgery. Familiarity with these experienced 31% of any degree of flap loss (skin or
procedures may help guide operative resection and muscle loss of 50% requiring operative debridement
understanding of the methods utilized to carry out occurred in only 14% of patients) compared with 5%
reconstruction. of VRAM patients. They reported similar rates of
vaginal coitus in both patient groups.4
The most common types of reconstruction employ
flaps composed of regional muscle and soft tissue Cordeiro et al in 2002 proposed a classification
into the area of the defect. Larger defects may require scheme for partial or total vaginal defects.5 In general,
free tissue transfer with microsurgical techniques; VRAM flaps were used for partial large-volume defects
however, with the wide array of regional options avail- involving the posterior wall of the vagina (most com-
able, these procedures are rarely necessary. The most monly rectal cancers invading the vagina and treated
common flaps in the plastic surgeon’s armamentarium with abdominal perineal resection). In addition, the
include the rectus flap with the overlying vertically VRAM flap is useful for coverage of partial vaginal
oriented skin and soft tissue (VRAM or vertical rectus defects involving circumferential resections of the
abdominis flap) and the gracilis myocutaneous flap. cervix and upper vagina. In contrast, bilateral gracilis
flaps are most useful for complete circumferential
Vaginal or pelvic reconstruction is indicated for vaginal resections (e.g. pelvic exenteration). Both flaps
achieving stable skin closure, obliterating dead are most useful in patients with small to moderate
space, transferring vascularized healthy tissues to amounts of subcutaneous fat, as excessive flap bulk
the wound bed to accelerate healing, isolating small and wound healing complications at the donor site
bowel from the perineum, and restoring sexual func- can occur in morbidly obese patients. Decisions with
tion/genital anatomy. Such reconstructions can also regards to flap choice typically are based on viability
provide psychological benefit by restoring body of available tissues and its associated blood supply,
image and sexual function for the patient. Many previous operations or co-morbidities, defect size and
studies have demonstrated that pelvic reconstruction location, and personal experience.

146 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Gracilis myocutaneous flap

a b

Figure 10.1. Marking the donor site.

The adductor longus tendon is identified and used as a reference. The gracilis muscle lies immediately posterior to the
adductor longus. The vascular pedicle, the medial circumflex femoral artery, lies approximately 10 cm from the pubis
between the fascia of adductor longus and brevis tendons. (a) The vaginal defect is also shown. The overlying skin paddle
can be designed 6–8 cm in width and 25 cm in length. The skin located approximately 10 cm proximal to the medial
patella is usually reliable. Typically, for a total vaginal reconstruction, skin paddles measuring at least 7.5 cm in width are
required to obtain a reasonable vaginal volume. Wider skin paddles may be necessary if excess subcutaneous fat is present
at the donor site. (b) The donor site should be designed to close primarily.

The distal incision is made first and the gracilis muscle is the muscle. The dissection proceeds proximally rapidly
identified posterior to the sartorius muscle. The distal until the pedicle is identified underneath the adductor
portion of the muscle is tendinous and traction on the longus muscle. Oftentimes, an accessory pedicle is iden-
muscle will highlight its course, thereby enabling the sur- tified distally in the leg and care should be taken not to
geon to confirm placement of the proposed skin paddle injure this pedicle until the proximal, dominant pedicle is
centered directly over the gracilis muscle. The muscle definitively identified. The proximal muscle dissection is
tendon is encircled with a Penrose drain and the assistant performed and adductor longus muscle is retracted.
applies gentle pressure while the surgeon makes the Perforating vessels from the gracilis pedicle to the adduc-
anterior incision through the skin, subcutaneous tissues, tor longus muscle are dissected and ligated and the pedi-
and fascia overlying the adductor magnus and sartorius cle dissection is continued proximally to the vessel origin.
muscles. The dissection is initiated from distal to proximal Once the anterior dissection is performed and the muscle
while staying deep to the gracilis muscle to prevent dam- is completely encircled, the posterior skin incision is
age to the perforating vessels to the skin that wrap around made and the flap is circumferentially elevated.
Myocutaneous flap reconstruction 147

Figure 10.2. Tunneling the flaps. Figure 10.3. Creating the neovagina.
A subcutaneous tunnel is made in the medial thigh The edges of the two flaps are then sutured together to form
between the upper portion of the skin incision used to a tube and the neovagina is placed in the pelvis. Generally,
harvest the gracilis muscle and the vagina. The tunnel no tacking sutures are required, as fibrosis occurs rapidly
should measure at least 4 finger breadths in width and and prevents herniation of the newly formed vagina.
should allow comfortable transfer of the flap. In most cases
the gracilis muscle is disinserted proximally to allow
rotation of the flap into the vaginal defect. This should be
performed with extreme care, as it results in an 180°
rotation of the pedicle vessels. For this reason, the vessels
should be completely dissected in most cases to prevent
venous or arterial kinking during flap transposition. The flap
is passed through the tunnel and the portion of the skin
paddle that is necessary for vaginal reconstruction is
marked. The excess skin (i.e., skin that is in the
subcutaneous tunnel) is de-epithelialized and thinned
carefully. The contralateral gracilis flap is harvested in an
identical fashion and tunneled into the vaginal defect.

Figure 10.4. Completed neovagina.

The skin edges are sutured to the labia and the donor sites
are closed in a layered manner over drains. The patient is
kept at bedrest for 24–48 hours and sitting is forbidden for
4–6 weeks until complete healing has occurred.
148 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Vertical rectus abdominis flap

a b

Figure 10.5a, b. Recipient site.

The rectus abdominis flap can be used to close a variety of
pelvic defects. Shown here are images from two different
radical pelvic resections, each with a sizable pelvic defect
that requires a myocutaneous flap for reconstruction.

Figure 10.6. Marking the donor site.

The skin paddle for the rectus abdominis flap can be
oriented vertically or transversely. However, for the pelvic
reconstructions, generally the vertically oriented rectus
abdominis flap or VRAM is employed. The skin paddle is
designed over the rectus muscle with the medial incision
designed at or just over the midline. The skin paddle in
general measures 7.5–10 cm in width and 18–25 cm in
length. Care should be taken to avoid marking narrow
flaps, as this can result in obliteration of the lateral row
perforators during flap harvest.
Myocutaneous flap reconstruction 149

a b

Figure 10.7. Preparing the flap.

The skin incisions are made and dissection is initiated from
lateral to medial, with the electrocautery on a low setting
(a). Dissection is performed carefully upon identification of
the lateral rectus sheath, and the lateral row perforating
vessels are identified and preserved. Once the lateral row
perforators are identified, the medial dissection is
performed and the medial row perforators are identified. As
much fascia as possible is preserved. The anterior rectus
sheath is incised with a blade and the sheath is elevated to
expose the entire width of the muscle. The muscle is then
transected from its insertion onto the rib cage and the
dissection is continued proximally by ligating the
intercostal perforators that arise laterally (b). The pedicle
vessels are carefully identified inferiorly and protected. The
vascular pedicle, the inferior epigastric artery, arises from
the external iliac artery approximately 1 cm above the
inguinal ligament. The pedicle passes anterior to the
arcuate line, entering the rectus sheath. The pedicle in
most cases divides into a lateral and medial vessel, giving
off lateral row and medial row perforators that supply the
overlying skin and subcutaneous tissues. The rectus muscle
is elevated and isolated on its inferior pedicle, taking care
to preserve the posterior rectus sheath and peritoneal layer
below the arcuate line. The dissection is continued to the
origin of the rectus muscle on the pubic symphysis (c).
150 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 10.8. Tunneling the flap.

For passage of the flap into the abdomen, the peritoneum is incised proximally, taking care to avoid injury to the bladder,
and the flap is passed through the abdomen into the pelvic defect. The rectus muscle is rarely disinserted, as this maneuver
increases the odds of tension on the flap pedicle with subsequent vascular compromise (a). The flap can easily be rotated
upon itself 180° to provide coverage for posterior vaginal defects. Alternatively, the flap can be transposed in its normal
orientation and used to obliterate the anus and vagina if vaginal reconstruction is not desired or otherwise contraindicated.
Excess portions of the flap (i.e. intraabdominal portions of the skin) are de-epithelialized (b).

Figure 10.9. Fascial closure.

The anterior abdominal fascia is then closed meticulously to prevent
postoperative bulges/hernia formation. Shown here is the fascia with a
defect that is yet to be closed. The skin is undermined and closed over
drains with multilayered sutures.
Myocutaneous flap reconstruction 151

a b

Figure 10.10. Vaginal closure.

The tissue transfer is complete and the recipient site is
closed in multiple layers. The flap can be used to close the
anus and fill the vagina primarily (a). Alternatively, the anus
and perineum can be closed independently and the flap
can be used to reconstruct the posterior vaginal wall.
Shown here are views of the reconstructed vagina
anatomically (b) and with the labia separated to see the
posterior neovaginal wall (c).

1. Jurado M, Bazan A, Elejabeitia J et al. Primary vaginal and 4. Soper JT, Secord AA, Havrilesky LJ et al. Comparison of
pelvic floor reconstruction at the time of pelvic gracilis and rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap
exenteration: a study of morbidity. Gynecol Oncol neovaginal reconstruction performed during radical pelvic
2000;77:293–7. surgery: flap-specific morbidity. Int J Gynecol Cancer
2. Carlson JW, Soisson AP, Fowler JM et al. Rectus 2007;17:298–303.
abdominis myocutaneous flap for primary vaginal 5. Cordeiro PG, Pusic AL, Disa JJ. A classification system and
reconstruction. Gynecol Oncol 1993;51:323–9. reconstructive algorithm for acquired vaginal defects.
3. de Haas WG, Miller MJ, Temple WJ et al. Perineal wound Plast Reconstr Surg 2002;110:1058–65.
closure with the rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap
after tumor ablation. Ann Surg Oncol 1995;2:400–6.
11 Laparoscopic staging
Yukio Sonoda and Richard R Barakat

Surgical staging remains the gold standard by validate the place of laparoscopy in the management
which spread of malignant gynecologic tumor is of gynecologic malignancies. If these two approaches
measured. Surgical staging relies on the evaluation of prove to be equal, the skills required to perform
the pelvic and paraaortic lymph nodes. Due to the laparoscopic staging should become part of the gyne-
close proximity of these nodes to the underlying cologic oncologist’s armamentarium. This chapter
vascular structures, surgical removal can be techni- illustrates the different components of the laparo-
cally challenging. The ability to perform such an scopic staging procedure.
evaluation using minimally invasive surgery has
opened the door for the acceptance of laparoscopy in The procedures described in this chapter are
the gynecologic oncology community. those used for the comprehensive staging of ovarian
and endometrial cancers. Patients with cervical
Professor Daniel Dargent can be credited for much of cancer are currently staged clinically, and the laparo-
the laparoscopic movement in gynecologic oncology. scopic management for this disease is described in
His first use of laparoscopy to evaluate the pelvic Chapter 12 (Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy). The
nodes1 soon prompted others like Querleu et al2 to techniques described in this chapter are intended
incorporate this new staging technique into the for use in patients who have organ-confined disease.
management of cervical cancer. Although laparoscopy may be appropriate in
selected circumstances where disease has spread
Reports of the use of laparoscopic staging for the out of the pelvis, the procedures described within
management of endometrial cancer and ovarian are not meant for that purpose. There are differences
cancer soon followed.3,4 The use of minimally inva- in the staging procedures performed for primary
sive surgery for the management of gynecologic malig- ovarian and endometrial cancer, but the overwhelm-
nancies seems ideal for surgical staging. Avoiding the ing similarities warrant them to be presented together.
morbidity associated with traditional laparotomy in The general outline of this chapter applies to the
the early-stage patient is the primary goal of the comprehensive laparoscopic staging of ovarian
laparoscopic staging procedure. Yet, this must be per- cancer. This laparoscopic staging procedure includes
formed without a loss of accuracy. The comparable a thorough survey of the abdomen and pelvis, bilat-
precision of the two approaches to staging has been eral pelvic and paraaortic lymph node dissections,
demonstrated in terms of lymph node counts in both an infracolic omentectomy, pelvic and peritoneal
humans and porcine models.5,6 Additional benefits to washings, random biopsies, a hysterectomy, and
the laparoscopic approach include decreased length bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. For endometrial
of stay, overall costs, and postoperative adhesions.5–7 cancer, a similar procedure is conducted except
Recently, the results from the largest randomized trial that the paraaortic lymph node dissection is termi-
comparing traditional open surgery to laparoscopy for nated at the level of the inferior mesenteric artery
early-stage endometrial cancer has demonstrated instead of continuing to the level of insertion of the
improved quality of life in the initial 6-month post- ovarian veins, and an omentectomy is only performed
operative period.8 in selected cases. An omentectomy is indicated for
patients with serous or clear-cell histologic subtypes
The potential value of operative laparoscopy in the of endometrial cancer. Some practitioners perform
surgical staging of gynecologic malignancies has an omentectomy for any high-grade endometrioid
become apparent. Feasibility has been demonstrated endometrial cancer, as these tumors are part of the
and prospective randomized trials are now starting to spectrum of high-risk lesions that include serous and
154 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

clear-cell histologies. The lymphadenectomy depicted peer-reviewed literature suggest a therapeutic advan-
in this chapter is the standard way that the authors tage to performing a complete lymphadenectomy in
perform a lymph node dissection for all early-stage patients with early-stage disease. Additionally, it is
ovarian and endometrial cancers. Some practitioners often less complicated to remove all lymphatic tissue,
may elect to perform a more limited lymph node rather than only selected packages, since these nodal
sampling; however, there are no specific criteria to packets are frequently adherent and laden with small
determine the adequacy of a lymph sampling vs blood vessels. Thus, a formal lymphadenectomy is
formal dissection. A number of reports in the demonstrated in this chapter.

Entering the abdomen, survey and washings

1 – Right inferior epigastric artery

Figure 11.1. Abdominal entry. 2 – Right medial umbilical ligament
The laparoscopic staging procedure begins with the 3 – Distal portion of right round ligament
introduction of the laparoscope. Techniques for placement
Figure 11.2. Inferior epigastric vessels.
of the initial trocar (open vs direct insertion vs
After the introduction of the laparoscope, accessory trocars
pneumoperitoneum) vary depending on surgeon
must be placed. The placement of the lateral accessory
preference, but, in general, the laparoscope is placed
trocars is crucial, since improper placement can make the
through an umbilical port. Some practitioners believe that
procedure difficult. Given that the staging procedure
the open laparoscopic technique can minimize the risk of
requires access to both the abdomen and the pelvis,
injury to underlying tissues, particularly in the patient who
accessory trocars are usually placed lateral to the inferior
has undergone prior abdominal or pelvic surgery.
epigastric vessels and rectus muscles. These vessels should
be visualized before introduction of the lateral trocars.
Visualization of the inferior epigastric vessels can be aided
by simple external pressure applied in the inguinal region.
This distends the vessels and aids in their identification.
Laparoscopic staging procedures 155


5-12 5-12


Figure 11.3. Placement of accessory trocars.

The size of the accessory trocar depends on the diameter of
instruments that the surgeon prefers to use. Several
fundamental principles should be adhered to when placing
Figure 11.4. Trocars in situ.
any sized trocar. The insertion should be under direct
The standard ‘diamond’ trocar configuration is shown here.
visualization and the direction of insertion should be
The specific trocar size varies, depending on surgeon
perpendicular to the abdominal wall to avoid ‘tunneling’.
preference. Many of the disposable trocars are now
designed with more user-friendly features such as
stabilization mechanisms, and they also allow the use of
multiple-sized instruments. ‘Bladeless‘ trocar systems are
now available to minimize the fascial defect. (© Memorial
Sloane-Kettering Cancer Center 2002.)

Figure 11.5. Laparoscopic inspection of the pelvis.

The staging procedure begins with a thorough exploration
of the pelvic structures. The pelvic organs and peritoneal
surfaces should be carefully examined. Laparoscopy is
helpful for examining these surfaces since the surgeon’s
view is magnified.
156 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 11.6. Survey of the abdomen.

Once the pelvic inspection is completed, the upper abdomen should be inspected for metastatic disease. This should be
done systematically, usually starting from the cecum in the right lower quadrant and working up the paracolic gutter
toward the hepatic flexure where the gallbladder can be inspected. Next, the transverse colon and omentum should be
examined, followed by the descending colon, left paracolic gutter, and the sigmoid colon. The small bowel should also be
inspected in its entirety. (a) The intestinal surfaces are examined closely. Both the right and left diaphragms and the liver
surface should be scrutinized for evidence of disease. The laparoscopic view facilitates this portion of the exploration of the
upper abdomen. (b) A magnified view of the left lobe of the liver and the left diaphragm. Angled and flexible laparoscopes
may also be useful when surveying the abdomen.

a b

Figure 11.7. Peritoneal washings.

Prior to commencing any portion of the dissection, peritoneal cytology should be obtained. If peritoneal fluid is present,
this can be aspirated. If there is no obvious peritoneal fluid, washings should be obtained by irrigating the abdomen and
pelvis (a) and then aspirating the fluid (b). The fluid is aspirated from the most dependent portion of the pelvis in order to
completely remove the irrigation and obtain a representative sample. Collection traps connected to the suction tubing can
be used to accumulate the specimen while aspirating.
Laparoscopic staging procedures 157

Paraaortic lymphadenectomy.


1 – Aortic bifurcation
2 – Left common iliac artery Figure 11.9. Insertion of a gauze sponge.
3 – Right common iliac artery Prior to beginning the lymph node dissection, a radiopaque
Figure 11.8. Preparation of the paraaortic lymph node gauze sponge can be inserted into the abdominal cavity.
dissection. Unfolding the gauze completely will permit it to be placed
We typically perform the paraaortic dissection before the through a 10-mm trocar. It can be used to blot the
pelvic dissection since this is the more challenging portion operative field or to tamponade any bleeding in a similar
of the staging procedure. In preparation for the paraaortic fashion to that in which a laparotomy pad is used for open
lymph node dissection, the small bowel should be packed cases. It is important to keep track of these sponges, so that
into the left upper quadrant to expose the aortic one does not inadvertently remain in the patient
bifurcation. Meticulous packing of the bowel will facilitate postoperatively.
the dissection.

a b

Figure 11.10. Opening the peritoneum.

The transperitoneal paraaortic lymph node dissection is begun by identifying the right common iliac artery.
(a) The peritoneum over the artery is tented up with a grasper and the peritoneum is incised with the argon-beam
coagulator or similar instrument. (b) Once the peritoneum has been incised, the incision is extended cephalad from
the right common iliac artery to the bifurcation of the aorta. The pneumoperitoneum may help with the dissection: as gas
enters the retroperitoneal space, it helps elevate the posterior peritoneum off the underlying vessels.
158 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 11.11. Identification of the right ureter.

Prior to beginning the right paraaortic dissection, the right ureter must be identified and retracted laterally. This entails
elevating the posterior peritoneum while exploring with blunt dissection the retroperitoneal space lateral to the right
common iliac artery. Once the ureter is identified (a) it can be elevated off the psoas muscle and moved out of the
operative field (b).

a b

Figure 11.12. Removing the right paraaortic lymph nodes.

The nodal tissue overlying the vena cava is grasped and elevated. Using gentle blunt dissection this tissue is separated
from the underlying vessel. The vena cava should be clearly identified before any attempt is made to remove the
lymphatic tissue. Once the vena cava has been identified, the process of removing the overlying lymphatic tissue can
begin. This region has many perforating vessels from the vena cava to the lymphatic tissue. These small vessels should be
coagulated prior to removing the nodal package. The lymphatic tissue is elevated with a laparoscopic grasper (a), and
pedicles are created with the argon-beam coagulator or other blunt-tipped instrument (b). The base of these nodal packets
is then transected with cautery. The gauze placed previously into the peritoneum is used to pack the duodenum away from
the area of dissection.
Laparoscopic staging procedures 159

a b

Figure 11.13. Identifying the ‘fellow’s vein’.

The precaval lymphatic package contains the ‘fellow’s vein’. Avulsing this vessel can lead to profuse bleeding that may be
difficult to control laparoscopically. (a) As the nodal package is dissected from the vena cava, the surgeon must note the
presence of this vein. (b) Once this vein is identified, it should be clipped or coagulated and cut.

1 – Right ovarian vein

Figure 11.14. Removing the lateral caval nodes. 2 – Inferior vena cava
Lymph nodes lateral to the vena cava are removed in 3 – Aorta
similar fashion. They are grasped and dissected off the
Figure 11.15. Identification of the right ovarian vein.
vena cava using blunt dissection and coagulation with the
The precaval and lateral caval lymph nodes are removed to
ABC. Careful attention should be given to the location of
the level of the right ovarian vein. This is important given
the ureter and underlying lumbar veins.
the drainage pattern of the right ovary. The lymphatic tissue
typically runs in the same direction as venous drainage.
The insertion of the ovarian veins is the prime landing zone
for nodal metastases. If the dissection is not carried up to
this level, important sites of metastatic disease may be
160 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 11.16. Removing interaortocaval lymph nodes. Figure 11.17. Beginning the left paraaortic dissection.
The interaortocaval lymph nodes are removed in similar The left-sided dissection can be more challenging. This is
fashion. They are grasped and elevated off the aorta. The in part due to the presence of the inferior mesenteric artery.
aorta is visualized, and the nodes are removed using a Prior to beginning, it is helpful to assure that the posterior
combination of blunt dissection and coagulation. The parietal peritoneum is well incised to allow for added
surgeon must be aware of the lumbar vessels and right mobility when retracting the sigmoid laterally. The left
renal artery which lie deep to the lymphatic tissue and ureter should initially be identified in similar fashion by
may be difficult to visualize. elevating all structures off the left psoas muscle. After
identifying the ureter, it can be retracted laterally away
from the nodal tissue.

a b

Figure 11.18. Removing the left paraaortic lymph nodes.

After retracting the ureter laterally, dissection of the left paraaortic nodes can be undertaken. (a) The nodal packages are
elevated with laparoscopic grasping forceps as described previously. (b) The argon-beam coagulator or other coagulating
device can be used to create pedicles that can then be detached from the aorta.
Laparoscopic staging procedures 161

1 1

1 – Inferior mesenteric artery 1 – Right common iliac artery

2 – Aorta 2 – Left common iliac vein
3 – Lymph nodes surrounding the IMA 3 – Right common iliac vein

Figure 11.19. Superior aspect of the dissection. Figure 11.20. Removing the subaortic lymph nodes.
The lymph nodes should be removed to the level of the The subaortic lymph nodes can be removed using a similar
inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) for cases of endometrial technique. This nodal package overlies the left common
cancer. The IMA is usually surrounded by lymphatic tissue iliac vein. There may be some vascular connections to the
and should be cleared to unmistakably identify the IMA nodal package and, thus, this area must be approached
in order to avoid injuring this vessel, and to ensure that with caution. The lymph nodes should be fully freed from
the dissection is carried high enough. In cases of the vein to prevent tearing during nodal removal. The
ovarian cancer, the upper limit of the dissection is the dissection should be performed carefully so that the
left renal vein. underlying vascular structure is not punctured or lacerated.
Not being aware of this anatomic relationship can result in
serious injury to the left common iliac vein, resulting in
potential life-threatening hemorrhage.

a b

Figure 11.21. Removing the specimens.

(a) The harvested lymph nodes may be removed directly through the trocar using a strong, reliable grasper. (b) Larger
lymph node packets, or those suspicious for metastatic disease, may be removed in an endoscopic bag. The bag can be
removed through a large-diameter trocar (10 or 12 mm) or, if a hysterectomy is to be performed as part of the staging
procedure, placed into the pouch of Douglas and removed at the time of vaginal colpotomy.
162 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 11.22. Completed inframesenteric dissection.

This image illustrates the completed paraaortic dissection to
the level of the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA). Note that
left paraaortic lymph nodes will be found between the IMA
1 and the aorta, as well as lateral to the IMA.


1 – Inferior vena cava

2 – Aorta
3 – Right common iliac artery
4 – Left common iliac artery

a b

Figure 11.23. Freeing the sigmoid adhesions.

It is helpful to leave any sigmoid adhesions intact for the paraaortic lymph node dissection, since this will help keep the
sigmoid out of the operative field. However, to perform the pelvic dissection, the sigmoid colon often needs to be
mobilized to completely expose the left pelvic sidewall. The argon-beam coagulator can be used to lyse any filmy
attachments (a). Countertraction should be applied using atraumatic forceps on the sigmoid. When lysing adhesions closer
to the intestinal wall, it is often safer to employ sharp dissection with scissors (b).
Laparoscopic staging procedures 163

Pelvic lymphadenectomy
Figure 11.24. Beginning the pelvic lymph node dissection.
The dissection for the laparoscopic staging procedure
1 begins with the pelvic lymph node dissection. We perform
these staging procedures with the argon-beam coagulator;
however, other forms of energy (bipolar, monopolar, and
2 ultrasonic) can be used. The pelvic lymph node dissection
begins by identifying the round ligament. This is grasped
3 with a forceps to tent the posterior leaf of the broad
ligament. A uterine manipulator may also be used to retract
4 the uterus and create tension on the broad ligament.

1 – Right round ligament

2 – Right fallopian tube
3 – Right external iliac artery
4 – Right ovary
5 – Right infundibulopelvic ligament

a b


1 – Right round ligament

c 2 – Broken line indicating first incision parallel to round
3 – Broken line indicating second incision parallel to
infundibulopelvic ligament
4 – Right infundibulopelvic ligament

Figure 11.25. Opening the posterior leaf of the broad

(a) Making an incision parallel to the round ligament opens
2 the posterior leaf of the broad ligament. This incision is
started laterally and continued medially towards the uterus.
(b) A second incision is made parallel to the
infundibulopelvic ligament. This two-incision technique
provides ample access to the retroperitoneum. (c) When
complete, all intervening peritoneum has been dissected
1 – Left round ligament from between the round ligament and the infundibulopelvic
2 – Left fallopian tube ligament.
164 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 11.26. Identifying the external iliac artery.

Prior to removing the lymphatic tissue, the external iliac
artery should be clearly identified. This can be done with
gentle blunt dissection using atraumatic forceps or the tip
of the argon-beam coagulator. Identifying normal anatomic
structures should be performed first to minimize any
vascular complications during pelvic or paraaortic lymph
node dissections.

a b

Figure 11.27. Dissecting the external iliac lymph nodes.

The lymphatic tissue can be dissected off the underlying vessels by grasping the tissue and placing it under tension. The
argon-beam coagulator is used as a dissector to bluntly free the lymphatic tissue and apply coagulation when hemostasis is
required. The lymphatic tissue may be retracted laterally (a) or medially (b) to provide the best orientation for lymph node
removal. This will be dependent upon the location of the lymphatic tissue, as well as the orientation of the instruments.
Laparoscopic staging procedures 165

a b

2 2

1 – Right deep circumflex iliac vein 1 – Left external iliac artery

2 – Right external iliac vein 2 – Left deep circumflex iliac vein
3 – Right external iliac artery 3 – Left external iliac vein

Figure 11.28. Distal limit of the external iliac dissection.

The distal extent of the external iliac dissection is the deep circumflex iliac vein. Normally, the deep circumflex iliac vein
passes over the external iliac artery (a), but in certain cases the vein may pass beneath the artery (b). Removal of the nodal
tissue surrounding the external iliac vessels should proceed with caution in this region as injury to this vessel may be
difficult to control.

Figure 11.29. Identifying the external iliac vein.

After the nodal tissue from the external iliac artery has been
removed, the external iliac vein should be identified. Once
again, this can be done with careful blunt dissection using
atraumatic forceps or the tip of the argon-beam coagulator.
This image illustrates the identification of the left external
iliac vein.
166 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 11.30. Removing nodal tissue from the external iliac vein.
After identifying the external iliac vein, the surrounding nodal tissue can be grasped and dissected free using the argon-
beam coagulator (a). Since the wall of the vein is pliable, it can easily be damaged if one is not careful during the
dissection. Additionally, carbon dioxide gas that has been used to insufflate the peritoneum often compresses the vein.
Care should be taken when using any form of energy around the delicate vascular structures (b).

Figure 11.31. Exposing the obturator space – lateral

After the external iliac vessels have been cleaned of the
surrounding lymphatic tissue, they can be retracted
medially to expose the obturator space. This must be done
carefully, so as not to disrupt any accessory vessels that
may lie in the obturator space. If the external vessels have
been thoroughly cleaned from the bifurcation of the
common iliac vessels down to the deep circumflex iliac
vein, they will have sufficient mobility to provide adequate
access to the obturator space.
Laparoscopic staging procedures 167

a b


1 – Right external iliac artery

2 – Right obturator lymph nodes
3 – Right obturator nerve
4 – Right superior vesical artery

Figure 11.32. Identifying the obturator nerve.

After exposing the obturator space, the obturator nerve must be identified before attempting to remove any lymphatic
tissue. The lymphatic tissue can first be freed from the obturator internus muscle. Afterwards, gentle blunt dissection of the
lymphatic tissue will reveal the obturator nerve. Once this vital structure has been identified, the lymphatic tissue can be
grasped and elevated away from the obturator nerve (a). The argon-beam coagulator can now be used to safely free the
nodal package from its attachments (b).


1 – Right external iliac artery

2 – Right external iliac vein Figure 11.34. Medial approach to the obturator nodes.
3 – Remaining obturator lymph nodes
Depending on the pelvic anatomy, a medial approach to
4 – Right obturator vein
removing the obturator nodes may be technically easier.
5 – Right obturator internus muscle
6 – Right obturator artery This is done by compressing the iliac vessels against the
7 – Right obturator nerve psoas muscle and gently dissecting under the external iliac
vein to identify the obturator nerve. If the nerve is difficult
Figure 11.33. Final dissection of the obturator space. to identify by one approach (medial or lateral), the
This is the lateral view after the lymphatic tissue has been alternative approach may prove more fruitful.
removed from the obturator space. The obturator nerve and
obturator internus muscle are visualized. The obturator
artery and vein lie below the obturator nerve, so caution
must be used when dissecting in this region.
168 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

1 – Accessory obturator vein

Figure 11.35. Removing the obturator nodes by a medial approach.
(a) The lymph nodes above the obturator nerve and below the external iliac vein can be grasped and dissected using a
combination of blunt dissection and coagulation. (b) This should be done carefully since the presence of an accessory
obturator vein, also known as the anastomotic pelvic vein, may not be initially apparent.

a b

1 2
2 3

3 4

1 – Left accessory obturator vein 1 – Left round ligament

2 – Left external iliac vein 2 – Left external iliac vein
3 – Left obturator internus muscle 3 – Left external iliac artery
4 – Left obturator nerve 4 – Left obturator nerve
5 – Left psoas muscle
Figure 11.36. Completed pelvic lymphadenectomy.
Once the pelvic lymphadenectomy is complete, no further
lymph node tissue is visible. (a) The medial view of the
obturator space dissection shows that all the nodal tissue
1 has been removed and the normal anatomic structures
remain. (b) From the lateral approach, many of the same
2 structures are visible; however, the most lateral aspect of
the deep pelvic sidewall is not seen. (c) A view showing
the external iliac dissection, as well as the obturator space
dissection, demonstrates that after completely removing all
3 lymphatic tissue, the external iliac artery and vein are
completely separated from one another.

1 – Left obturator nerve 3 – Left external iliac vein

2 – Left obturator internus 4 – Left external iliac artery
Laparoscopic staging procedures 169

Laparoscopic omentectomy
a b

Figure 11.37. Freeing the transverse colon.
(a) The omentum is elevated and spread out to visualize the
posterior leaf and the transverse colon. (b) The posterior
leaf is incised to enter the lesser sac and separate the
omentum from the transverse colon. (c) The avascular
portion of the omental attachment to the transverse colon is
removed with the argon-beam coagulator (ABC) or similar
instrument. Other areas may be transected with the cautery,
but more energy will be required to adequately coagulate
the small blood vessels that course through the omentum.
The ABC should be activated a few millimeters away from
the colon, as some degree of thermal spread does occur.
170 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 11.38. Transecting the gastrocolic ligament.
Once the omentum has been freed from the transverse
colon, the gastrocolic ligament can be transected. This has
a rich anastomosis of blood vessels and should be
thoroughly cauterized. A number of different techniques
may be employed to divide the gastrocolic ligament.
(a) Ultrasonic energy can be used to sequentially coagulate
and cut across the gastrocolic ligament. (b) The ultrasound
waves cause the tissue to be desiccated, which not only
results in coagulation and cautery but also in the release of
water as a byproduct. (c) Alternatively, a vascular stapler or
vessel-sealing device that uses bipolar energy may be used
to transect the gastrocolic ligament, or to separate the
omentum from the transverse colon.
Laparoscopic staging procedures 171

Figure 11.39. Specimen removal. Figure 11.40. Peritoneal biopsies.

Once freed, the omentum can be placed into an Random peritoneal biopsies are obtained using biopsy
endoscopic bag for removal. A very large omentum may forceps. Both diaphragms, the paracolic gutters, the pelvic
need to be divided into parts to be removed, or a larger bag sidewalls, the posterior cul-de-sac, and the bladder
may need to be used. If a vaginal hysterectomy is to be peritoneum are routinely sampled. If any suspicious
performed as part of the staging procedure, the bag can be nodules are found, these should be sampled or resected as
placed into the posterior cul-de-sac and removed at the well.
time of vaginal colpotomy. Otherwise, one of the
abdominal trocar sites should be extended slightly to
remove the bag through the abdomen. The omentum is
never removed by itself, to prevent potential tumor
contamination that may occur if it is brought through the
abdominal wall without a bag.

Laparoscopic portion of the hysterectomy

Figure 11.41. Identification of the ureter.
Prior to beginning the hysterectomy and bilateral
salpingo-oophorectomy, it is important to visualize the
course of the ureter. This can often be done
transperitoneally by observing the ureter at the pelvic brim,
2 where it crosses over the common iliac artery near its
bifurcation, and tracing it down into the pelvis.

1 – Right ovary
2 – Right infundibulopelvic ligament
3 – Right ureter
172 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b


1 – Right round ligament

2 – Right fallopian tube
3 – Window in medial leaf of broad ligament
4 – Right ovary
5 – Right IP ligament

c d

1 – Right round ligament

2 – Right fallopian tube
3 – Right ovary
4 – Window in medial leaf of broad ligament
5 – Right IP ligament

Figure 11.42. Isolating the infundibulopelvic ligament.

Since the broad ligament has been previously opened from the pelvic lymph node dissection, the infundibulopelvic (IP)
ligament can be easily isolated. Once the location of the ureter has been noted, a window is made in the medial leaf of the
peritoneum with a grasper, a scissors, or the argon-beam coagulator (a,b). Creating countertraction with two instruments
can easily extend this opening to adequately isolate the IP ligament (c,d).
Laparoscopic staging procedures 173

Figure 11.43. Rechecking the position of the ureter.

After creating the window in the medial leaf of the broad
ligament, the ureter is separated from the infundibulopelvic
2 (IP) ligament. This should prevent it from being accidentally
3 grasped when transecting the IP ligament. The image
illustrates the IP ligament after it has been isolated from the
4 ureter.

1 – Right ovary
2 – Right fallopian tube
3 – Right infundibulopelvic ligament
4 – Window in medial leaf of broad ligament
5 – Right ureter

a b

Figure 11.44. Transecting the infundibulopelvic ligament.

Once the infundibulopelvic (IP) ligament has been isolated from the ureter and surrounding structures, it can be safely
transected. This can be accomplished with a stapling device (a), bipolar electrocautery (Kleppinger forceps, LigaSure, etc.),
or endoscopic sutures. The tips of both jaws of the stapler should be visualized to assure the ureter is not inadvertently
included in the jaws. The entire ligament should be within the cut lines on the stapler to prevent bleeding when the tissue
is released (b). It is also imperative that no ovarian tissue is captured in the stapling device, as this can leave an ovarian
174 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 11.45a, b. Transecting the round ligament.

The development of a bladder flap begins with transecting the round ligament. The round ligament is placed on tension,
and the argon-beam coagulator or similar device is used to divide the ligament. If the ligament is transected without
sufficient cautery, bleeding may occur from Samson’s artery, which runs just beneath the round ligament proper.

Figure 11.46. Creating the bladder flap.

The division of the round ligament provides access to the
lateral border of the vesicouterine peritoneum. Using sharp
dissection, the vesicouterine peritoneum can be incised to
begin mobilizing the bladder.
Laparoscopic staging procedures 175

a b

Figure 11.47. Mobilization of the bladder.

(a) The free edge of the bladder flap is elevated and the bladder is dissected from the underlying cervix using sharp
dissection. Once the peritoneum has been transected, additional mobilization can be achieved by pushing the perivesical
tissue caudad. (b) When the bladder has been fully mobilized off of the cervix the anterior intraperitoneal portion of the
vagina will appear white and fibrous. This concludes the laparoscopic portion of the hysterectomy.

Vaginal portion of the hysterectomy

Figure 11.49. Injecting the cervix.

The cervix is circumferentially injected at the cervico–
vaginal junction with saline or a dilute solution of
vasopressin (1 unit/ml). The vasopressin helps minimize
bleeding when the vaginal cuff is incised, and both
solutions help to separate the planes of dissection.

Figure 11.48. Beginning the vaginal hysterectomy.

The vaginal portion of the procedure begins by inserting
retractors into the vagina to expose the cervix. Typically, a
weighted speculum is placed posteriorly and a Sims’
retractor or right-angled retractor is placed anteriorly. The
cervix is grasped with two single-toothed tenacula or
similar instruments.
176 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 11.50. Circumscribing the vagina.
(a) An initial incision is made anteriorly in the vaginal
mucosa just below the level of the bladder. (b) The incision
is extended laterally in both directions. This can either be
performed with the electrocautery (as illustrated) or a
scalpel. (c) The incision is continued posteriorly until the
anterior and posterior incision meet. Once the initial
incision is made, it is carried through the endopelvic fascia
until a white and fibrous layer is reached. If the incision is
not made deep enough, difficulty will be encountered
while trying to enter the anterior or posterior cul-de-sac. To
facilitate the dissection and achieve a natural separation of
the tissue planes, strong traction is placed on the tenacula
and the vaginal retractors to create countertraction.
Laparoscopic staging procedures 177

a b c

Figure 11.51. Posterior colpotomy.

(a) The cervix is pulled upward and the posterior vaginal mucosa is retracted inferiorly with forceps or the vaginal retractors.
This allows the posterior peritoneum to be visualized and grasped. (b) The posterior cul-de-sac is entered by incising the
posterior peritoneum with the Mayo scissors. One broad cut with the scissors should be made to facilitate entry on the first
attempt. If small cuts are made with the scissors, entry may not be achieved and the tissue planes will be disrupted, making
further dissection more difficult. (c) Once the pouch of Douglas has been entered, the incision is enlarged bluntly with the
Mayo scissors. The posterior peritoneum is tagged with a suture and the weighted speculum is replaced with a Steiner retractor
(long-weighted speculum). This helps to keep the rectum out of the operative field during this portion of the procedure.

Figure 11.52. Dissecting the vesicouterine space.

The peritoneum overlying the anterior cul-de-sac is grasped
with a toothed forceps. The peritoneum is incised in a
manner similar to that described for the posterior
colpotomy. Once the peritoneum is entered, a narrow
curved Deaver retractor is inserted beneath the bladder.
The peritoneum should be entered in the midline to avoid
injury to the bladder pillars. Concern for a cystotomy
should be raised if urine begins to leak or the catheter or
balloon is seen.
178 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 11.53. Transecting the uterosacral ligaments.

Once the posterior cul-de-sac has been entered, the uterosacral ligaments can be transected. (a) Traction is applied to the
cervix to help expose the ligaments as a heavy clamp, such as a Heaney or Zeppelin, is placed. (b) The ligament is then
transected with a Mayo scissors and suture ligated with a delayed absorbable suture (c). The identical procedure is
performed on the contralateral side.
Laparoscopic staging procedures 179

Figure 11.54. Cardinal ligaments.

Alternating side to side, the remainder of the cardinal
ligaments and lower portion of the broad ligaments are
clamped, cut, and suture ligated. The uterine arteries are
ligated during this step. The potential for bleeding is
decreased if the uterine arteries have been previously
ligated at their origin during the laparoscopic portion of the
procedure. Once the lateral attachments have been
released, the cervix and lower uterine segment appear free
from the surrounding tissue.

Figure 11.55. Delivering the uterus.

Once the uterine arteries have been secured and the lateral
attachments released, the uterine fundus can be delivered
through the posterior cul-de-sac. The adnexa are then
retrieved with the surgeon’s finger, if they are scheduled for
removal. Usually, a small portion of the broad ligament
will remain and it should be clamped, cut, and ligated. The
specimen is then sent for routine pathology.

a b

Figure 11.56. Closing the vaginal cuff.

(a) The vaginal cuff is grasped at the angles, anteriorly and posteriorly. Delayed absorbable sutures are placed and held at
the vaginal angles. Classically, a Heaney-type suture is placed in this position. The remainder of the vaginal cuff is closed,
based upon surgeon preference. (b) The vaginal cuff is closed from anterior to posterior using a continuous running locked
180 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 11.57. Closed vaginal cuff.

Once the vaginal cuff has been closed, the
pneumoperitoneum is re-established and the peritoneal
cavity is checked for adequate hemostasis. Copious
irrigation and suction is used to inspect all vascular
pedicles and lymph node basins. The fascia is closed for all
trocar sites ≥10 mm, and the skin is closed in the usual

1. Dargent D, Salvat J. L’Envahissement ganglionnaire 6. Lanvin D, Elhage A, Henry B et al. Accuracy and safety of
pelvien. Paris: McGraw-Hill, 1989. laparoscopic lymphadenectomy: an experimental
2. Querleu D, Leblanc E, Castelain B. Laparoscopic pelvic prospective randomized study. Gynecol Oncol
lymphadenectomy in the staging of early carcinoma of the 1997;67(1):83–7.
cervix. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1991;164(2):579–81. 7. Gemignani ML, Curtin JP, Zelmanovich J et al.
3. Childers JM, Surwit EA. Combined laparoscopic and Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy for
vaginal surgery for the management of two cases of endometrial cancer: clinical outcomes and hospital
stage I endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol charges. Gynecol Oncol 1999;73(1):5–11.
1992;45(1):46–51. 8. Kornblith A, Walker J, Huang H, Cella D. Quality of life
4. Querleu D, LeBlanc E. Laparoscopic infrarenal paraaortic (QOL) of patients in a randomized clinical trial of
lymph node dissection for restaging of carcinoma of the laparoscopy (scope) vs. open laparotomy (open) for the
ovary or fallopian tube. Cancer 1994;73(5):1467–71. surgical resection and staging of uterine cancer: a
5. Scribner DR Jr, Mannel RS, Walker JL, Johnson GA. Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) study. Presented at
Cost analysis of laparoscopy versus laparotomy for the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists 37th Annual
early endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, March 22–26, 2006.
1999;75(3):460–3. Abstract #46.
12 Laparoscopic radical
Douglas A Levine and Richard R Barakat

Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy is an alternative in 1992.8 Since that time many reports have appeared
method to radical hysterectomy via laparotomy for in the peer-reviewed literature regarding the outcomes
the treatment of early invasive cervical cancer and, to of patients undergoing laparoscopic radical hysterec-
a lesser extent, endometrial cancer. Patients with tomy for early invasive cervical cancer. One of the
Stage IA2 and IB1 cervical cancers should be treated largest series to date was published by Spirtos et al in
by radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenec- 2002.9 They reported on 78 patients with Stage IA2 or
tomy with or without adjuvant radiation therapy IB cervical cancers who had negative paraaortic nodes,
based upon pathologic findings.1,2 Patients with Stage clinically normal pelvic nodes, and no evidence of
IA1 tumors and lymph–vascular space invasion (LVSI) extracervical disease. The operative time, estimated
should also undergo radical hysterectomy. The blood loss, and intraoperative complications compare
management of patients with Stage IB2 lesions is very favorably to reports on radical hysterectomy via
more controversial. Standard management had been laparotomy. A more recent report from China confirms
either radical hysterectomy or radiation therapy, with that this procedure can be performed safely.10 Whereas
the understanding that the two treatments were the identical surgical procedure can be performed
equally effective. With the discovery that chemoradi- laparoscopically, there are no randomized data to
ation is superior treatment for patients with cervical prove the equivalence of laparoscopic and open
cancer than radiation alone, there is a bias toward radical hysterectomy. Future studies will need to
chemoradiation for Stage IB2 lesions instead of radi- determine if this procedure results in the similarly
cal surgery.3 Nonetheless, chemoradiation has never high cure rates seen when early-stage cervical cancer
been directly compared to radical surgery for Stage is treated by conventional radical surgery. The recur-
IB2 tumors and definitive recommendations will have rence rates reported to date suggest that the two proce-
to await the results of randomized trials. Several dures have similar efficacy.
recent studies have reported that radical hysterec-
tomy for the treatment of Stage II endometrial cancer In this chapter, the technique of laparoscopic radical
is associated with improved long-term survival.4,5 hysterectomy will be described in detail. One of the
Radical hysterectomy should be considered for benefits for gynecologic oncologists wishing to learn
endometrial cancer patients with preoperatively these techniques is that the same procedure already
known cervical involvement. performed via laparotomy is tailored to laparoscopic
instrumentation. The laparoscopic procedure requires
The benefits of laparoscopic radical hysterectomy a mastery of the standard radical hysterectomy
instead of traditional radical hysterectomy reflect the followed by an adaptation to laparoscopic techniques
general benefits of laparoscopy. In particular, laparo- in order to accomplish the required surgical objec-
scopic procedures for gynecologic malignancies result tives. There are variations in technique, and illustrated
in decreased hospitalization, reduced blood loss, here is the use of the argon-beam coagulator for dissec-
faster recovery, diminished overall hospital charges, tion and hemostasis, along with the endoscopic stapler
and less postoperative pain.6,7 The additional magni- and hemostatic clips. The argon-beam coagulator is set
fication of the laparoscope can be useful when on 70 W of energy with a gas flow of 2–4 L/min. The
performing complex parts of the procedure, such as endoscopic stapler is always used with vascular loads,
ligating the uterine artery at its origin and dissecting and hemoclips can be placed with a 5- or 10-mm clip
the ureter from the parametrial tunnel. Nezhat et al applier. Other cautery instrumentation such as the
first described the laparoscopic radical hysterectomy LigaSure or ultrasonic energy devices can also be used.

182 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

As mentioned above, this procedure is intended for would be for any woman undergoing a hysterectomy
patients with early invasive cervical cancer (Stage IA1 for benign indications. However, recent reports sug-
with LVSI, Stage IA2, and Stage IB1). The treatment of gest a higher incidence of ovarian metastases in
Stage IB2 lesions is controversial and a full discus- women with adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix. In
sion, outside of what has already been mentioned, is these cases, the benefits of oophorectomy must be
beyond the scope of this text. Large lesions may be carefully weighed against the risks.13,14 If the ovaries
difficult to extract while following the strict principles are left in situ, they may be transposed out of the pel-
of cancer surgery. Gross lesions <2 cm in greatest vis in an attempt to reduce the exposure to postopera-
dimension should be readily amenable to tive radiation. However, only 40–50% of patients who
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy, but larger lesions undergo ovarian transposition and receive postopera-
should be carefully evaluated for resectability via the tive radiation therapy retain ovarian function.15,16
laparoscopic approach. An abdominal procedure may Approximately 20% of patients with transposed ova-
be more successful for patients with large lesions or ries will require additional surgery to manage symp-
lesions involving the upper vagina. The laparoscopic tomatic adnexal masses.17,18 Furthermore, in those
procedure may be contraindicated in patients with patients who underwent ovarian transposition and
severe pulmonary disease or other co-morbid condi- did not receive postoperative radiation therapy, the
tions in which steep Trendelenburg position, increased average age of menopause occurred 5 years earlier.
intraabdominal pressure, or extended operative time Therefore, the decision to perform ovarian transposi-
would not be well tolerated. Other relative contraindi- tion should be carefully considered as it does not pro-
cations to laparoscopy include multiple prior abdom- tect ovarian function after radiation in the majority of
inal procedures, previous pelvic irradiation, abdominal patients, can increase the risk for subsequent adnexal
wall defects, or bleeding diatheses. There are no weight surgery, and can reduce overall endocrine function.
restrictions for performing a laparoscopic radical Finally, it was once thought that pelvic drains should
hysterectomy, but many practitioners will not offer be placed at the time of radical hysterectomy. Multiple
this approach to patients with a Quetelet index >35. studies have established that pelvic drains do not
alter the incidence of postoperative lymphocyst
The management of the ovaries at the time of radical formation.19,20 In fact, febrile morbidity may actually
hysterectomy has been the subject of many reports. be increased in patients who have had pelvic drains
The incidence of ovarian metastases is low enough placed. Standard practice does not include the place-
that oophorectomy is not a standard part of the ment of pelvic drains to reduce lymphocyst formation
procedure.11,12 The ovaries should be managed as they or febrile morbidity.
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 183


Figure 12.1. Cystoscopy. Figure 12.2. Guidewire.

The patient is placed in a dorsal lithotomy position and Ureteral catheters are usually placed preoperatively and
draped for cystoscopy. The preparation for the laparoscopic removed at the end of the procedure. If the ureter is
radical hysterectomy and cystoscopy can be done at the damaged or excessively manipulated during the procedure,
same time with separate drapes for each procedure, or two the catheters can be changed over a wire, and stents may
preparations can be performed. Placing ureteral stents be left in for several days. Alternatively, double-J ureteral
before the laparoscopic radical hysterectomy facilitates the stents may be placed from the outset. Stents should be
ureteral dissection and may minimize injury to the ureters. placed under fluoroscopy to ensure proper positioning, and
This can usually be accomplished in 10–15 minutes and a plain radiograph should be obtained at the conclusion of
therefore adds little to the overall time under anesthesia. the procedure to ensure that operative manipulations have
After introducing the cystoscope through the urethra, the not resulted in stent migration. To place a ureteral stent, a
ureteral orifice is identified. Shown here is the left ureteral guidewire is initially inserted through the ureteral orifice.
orifice. If the ureteral orifice is difficult to locate,
intravenous indigo carmine can be given to detect efflux
through the ureteral orifice.

Figure 12.3. Ureteral stent.

The stent is placed over the guidewire and gently passed
through the ureteral orifice. It is important to insert the stent
slowly so that ureteral bleeding is not created, which will
interfere with additional cystoscopy and increase
postoperative hematuria. If available, fluoroscopy is used to
confirm that the stent has reached the renal pelvis, prior to
withdrawing the guidewire. A 20-cm stent is used for
women ≤62 inches in height and a 30-cm stent is used for
women ≥72 inches in height. For women taller than
62 inches but shorter than 72 inches, the following formula
can be used as a guide to determine the proper length for
the stent: height (inches) minus 42. If an odd number is
returned, round up to the closest even number, as stents
only come in even lengths.
184 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 12.4. Advancing the stent.

A stent pusher (not shown) is used to advance the stent over the guidewire once it has entered the cystoscope. Usually, a
0.035-inch guidewire and a 6F stent are used in adult females. The stents have markings every 5 cm to serve as a guide
during placement. (a) The 20-cm marking is approaching the ureteral orifice. Each 5-cm marking has an additional band.
Therefore, the four bands seen in the figure confirm that the stent has been advanced 20 cm. The measurements do not
include the pigtail portions of the catheter. (b) If the proper-length stent has been chosen, a single circumferential band will
reside at the ureteral orifice when the stent has been fully inserted into the ureter and can be used later as a reference to
determine if the stent has migrated. The procedure is repeated on the contralateral side.

Opening the spaces

a b

Figure 12.5. Entering the retroperitoneum.

Access is gained to the abdomen and pelvis in the usual manner for laparoscopy. A combination of 10- and 12-mm trocars
is used, based upon operator preference. After completing a brief survey of the abdomen, the retroperitoneum is opened.
(a) The argon-beam coagulator (ABC) is used for this step and throughout the procedure. The pelvic peritoneum is incised
between the infundibulopelvic ligament and the external iliac vessels. This incision is extended from the round ligament to
the pelvic brim. On the left side, the sigmoid is often adherent to the pelvic sidewall. (b) These adhesions need to be
incised in order to gain access to the left pelvic retroperitoneum. The first step of the procedure is to define the paravesical
and the pararectal spaces.
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 185

a b


1 – Right medial umbilical ligament 1 – Left paravesical space

2 – Right paravesical space 2 – Left external iliac vessels
3 – Right external iliac vessels 3 – Left medial umbilical ligament`

Figure 12.6. Paravesical space.

Incising the peritoneum parallel and lateral to the medial umbilical ligament opens the paravesical space. The medial
boundary is the medial umbilical ligament, and the lateral boundary is the external iliac vessels. This avascular space can
be bluntly dissected to mobilize the bladder from its lateral attachments. The right (a) and left (b) paravesical spaces have
been partially opened and the relevant landmarks are demonstrated.

a b

1 1

1 – Left external iliac artery 1 – Pubic rami

2 – Left paravesical space 2 – Left medial umbilical ligament
3 – Left external iliac artery
4 – Left external iliac vein
5 – Left obturator nerve

Figure 12.7. Paravesical space.

(a) Further dissection delineates the external iliac vessels and the areolar tissue that can be swept medially with the argon-
beam coagulator. (b) After arriving at the base of the paravesical space, the pubic rami and distal aspect of the obturator
nerve are seen. Completely opening the paravesical space facilitates the creation of the bladder flap and the lymph node
186 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 12.8. Pararectal space.

The pararectal space is opened by dissecting from the
medial aspect of the infundibulopelvic ligament toward the
obturator fossa. The areolar tissue is bluntly dissected with
the argon-beam coagulator. The medial aspect of the
pararectal space is the ureter, and the lateral boundary is
the internal iliac vessels. Care should be taken not to injure
the internal iliac vein, as this can be difficult to control
laparoscopically. Once the paravesical and pararectal
spaces are open, the parametria is isolated between these
1 two areas of dissection.

1 – Right pararectal space

2 – Right ureter

a b

Figure 12.9. Vesicouterine peritoneum.

After opening the pelvic spaces, the next step in the procedure is to incise the vesicouterine peritoneum to ensure that the
bladder has sufficient mobility. (a) The bladder peritoneum is grasped with an atraumatic forceps and elevated to delineate
the junction of the bladder and the uterus. The peritoneum is incised just superior to this area. The vesicouterine incision
will span the distance between the cut edges of the peritoneum. (b) After incising the peritoneum, the relatively avascular
areolar tissue is dissected bluntly with the argon-beam coagulator or similar instrument. Cautery is applied as needed for
hemostasis. When the bladder has been completely mobilized, the pelvic surface of the vagina will appear white and
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 187

Pelvic lymphadenectomy
a b

1 – Right external iliac artery

2 – Right psoas muscle

Figure 12.10. Identifying the external iliac vessels.

The external iliac lymph nodes are removed first in order to gain additional exposure and access to the pelvic sidewall.
(a) After opening the retroperitoneum, the external iliac vessels still remain covered with a cohesive layer of areolar tissue.
(b) Often adipose tissues that may not contain lymph nodes need to be removed in order to adequately visualize the
vessels. These tissues should all be sent for routine pathologic evaluation, as the difference between lymph-node-bearing
tissue and adipose can be difficult to discern with the naked eye.

a b

1 – Right external iliac artery

2 – Right psoas muscle
3 – Right genitofemoral nerve

Figure 12.11. Removing lymph nodes.

The lymphatic tissue is adherent to the vessels as lymph node channels run parallel to arteries and veins. Larger vessels will
contain a greater amount of lymphatic tissue. (a) The lymph nodes are grasped with a toothed forceps and retracted away
from the external iliac artery. (b) The argon-beam coagulator is then used to transect the pedicle from its attachment to the
artery with both cautery and blunt dissection. Care is taken not to injure the genitofemoral nerve, which runs over the
psoas muscle, parallel and lateral to the external iliac artery.
188 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 12.12. External iliac lymph nodes.
Additional nodes are removed along the external iliac artery
and vein as described. (a) Nodal tissue being removed from
the right external iliac artery. (b) Lymphatic tissue being
removed from the left external iliac artery. In contrast with
adipose tissue, the nodal tissue is more ‘sticky’ and does not
come away from the vessels as easily. Blunt dissection alone
will lead to bleeding from small perforating vessels and
result in unnecessary leakage of lymphatic fluid. This can
result in postoperative lymphocyst formation. (c) Thus,
coagulation or hemostatic clips should be used as part of
the lymph node dissection to minimize bleeding and
lymphatic leakage. Generally, coagulation is used for small
perforators and clips are reserved for larger pedicles.

a b

1 1

1 – Left external iliac artery 1 – Right external iliac artery

2 – Left common iliac artery 2 – Right psoas muscle
3 – Right common iliac artery

Figure 12.13a, b. Common iliac lymph nodes.

The proximal extent of the lymph node dissection is the common iliac lymph nodes that overlie the common iliac artery.
In certain high-risk lesions (large primary tumor, unfavorable histology, etc.), paraaortic nodes are sampled as well.
Care should be taken to avoid injury to the ureter, which crosses over the common iliac artery in proximity to the common
iliac lymph nodes. Some practitioners send the common iliac lymph nodes for intraoperative pathologic evaluation prior
to performing the radical hysterectomy. This may be warranted if it would result in either abandoning the procedure or
altering the extent of the lymph node dissection. It is operator dependent and beyond the scope of this text.
Nonetheless, the common iliac nodes should be sent separately from the rest of the pelvic lymph nodes.
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 189

a b

1 1


1 – Right deep circumflex iliac vein 1 – Left inferior epigastric artery

2 – Right external iliac artery 2 – Left deep circumflex iliac vein
3 – Right external iliac vein 3 – Left external iliac vein
4 – Left external iliac artery

Figure 12.14. Deep circumflex iliac vein.

The distal extent of the pelvic lymphadenectomy is the point where the deep circumflex iliac vein crosses over (or under, in
certain cases) the external iliac artery. This vein should be carefully dissected to ensure that an adequate lymphadenectomy
has been performed. (a) The right deep circumflex iliac vein is seen crossing over the right external iliac artery. (b) In
addition to the left deep circumflex iliac vein, the origin of the left inferior epigastric artery is also clearly demonstrated.

a b


1 – Left psoas muscle

2 – Left external iliac artery
3 – Left external iliac vein

Figure 12.15. Completed external iliac lymphadenectomy.

It is important to dissect between the artery and vein in order to completely remove all lymphatic tissue. (a) The lymph
node tissue between the artery and vein has been completely removed. (b) Nodal tissue will also be found lateral to the
external iliac artery and should be completely removed as well. At the conclusion of the external iliac lymphadenectomy,
both the artery and the vein should be freely mobile from the common iliac bifurcation to the deep circumflex iliac vein.
190 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

2 1

1 – Left external iliac artery 1 – Right obturator nerve

2 – Left obturator space 2 – Right ureter
3 – Left pelvic sidewall

Figure 12.16. Entering the obturator space.

The obturator space can be entered either laterally or medially to the external iliac vessels. (a) The left external iliac vessels
are retracted medially, and the lymphatic tissue is seen in the left obturator space inferior to the psoas muscle. Perforating
vessels and lymphatics, which travel between the external iliac vein and the psoas muscle, should be clipped or cauterized.
(b) The right ureter is retracted medially, and right obturator lymph nodes are seen overlying the right obturator nerve,
which has not yet been dissected.

a b

Figure 12.17. Obturator lymph nodes.
Obturator lymphatic tissue is grasped with a forceps and
elevated. Blunt dissection is used initially until the
obturator nerve is clearly identified. The nodes are not
cauterized or transected until the nerve is readily apparent.
(a, b) The nodal tissue is dissected bluntly since the nerve
has not yet been seen. (c) The nerve has been visualized
and cautery can be carefully used to transect the base of
the nodal packet. Typically, the obturator fossa will yield a
greater number of lymph nodes than the external iliac
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 191

a b

3 2

1 – Right obturator internus muscle 1 – Left ureter

2 – Right obturator nerve 2 – Left obturator nerve
3 – Right ureter 3 – Left external iliac vein
4 – Right external iliac vein

Figure 12.18. Obturator nerve.

The obturator nerve is plainly visible after the nodal tissue has been removed. It is customary to remove nodal tissue above
and below the obturator nerve when performing a lymphadenectomy for cervical cancer, though some practitioners may
only remove nodal tissue above the nerve. At the conclusion of the obturator lymphadenectomy, the area between the
ureter and the obturator internus muscle should be devoid of nodal tissue. The right (a) and left (b) obturator fossas are
shown; the small amount of remaining tissue is being removed with the toothed forceps (a).

Figure 12.19. Pelvic vein.

The anastomotic pelvic vein, also referred to as the
accessory obturator vein, has a variable course and may
1 drain into the obturator vein or the underside of the
external iliac vein. While not uniformly present, it should
be kept in mind during the obturator lymphadenectomy as
injury to this vein may result in troublesome bleeding.
Here, the pelvic vein is seen crossing over the obturator
internus fascia and draining into the external iliac vein.

1 – Right external iliac vein

2 – Right anastomotic pelvic vein
3 – Right obturator nerve
192 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 12.20. Retrieving the nodes.

Large packets of lymph nodes can be difficult to remove through the 10-mm trocars. It is good practice to use a large sturdy
grasping device to remove the nodes from the patient. (a) A spoon grasping forceps, which has a wide opening and a
concave center to hold and compress the nodal tissue. (b) When grasped firmly, large nodal packets are unlikely to be lost
in the trocar during retrieval.

Figure 12.21. Argon-beam coagulator.

The argon-beam coagulator (ABC) is used extensively
during this procedure. It has the ability to coagulate and cut
simultaneously. Additionally, the tip permits blunt
dissection without the need to change instruments. It is
highly accurate and, when used properly, has minimal
lateral thermal spread. Care should be taken not to use the
ABC in close proximity to metal instruments. As shown in
the figure, the beam can arch onto the tips of a metal
instrument, leading to unintended thermal injury. Typical
laparoscopic settings are 70 W of energy and gas flow of
2–4 L/min.

Uterine artery and adnexa

Figure 12.22. Infundibulopelvic ligament.
A window is created beneath the infundibulopelvic (IP)
ligament, between it and the ureter. This can be
accomplished bluntly, with coagulation, or with
endoscopic scissors. The window is then extended in both
directions (not shown). In a postmenopausal patient or a
patient who does not wish to retain her ovaries, the IP
ligament is transected proximally at the pelvic brim, taking
care to avoid the ureter and iliac vessels. It is important to
completely excise the entire ovary to prevent an ovarian
remnant syndrome. In a patient who wishes to retain her
ovaries, the utero-ovarian ligament is transected close to
the uterine body so that the IP ligament and ovary remain
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 193

a b



1 – Right round ligament

2 – Uterus
3 – Right utero-ovarian ligament
4 – Right ovary
5 – Right fallopian tube
6 – Right infundibulopelvic ligament

Figure 12.23. Utero-ovarian ligament.

In this patient, the ovaries were not scheduled for removal; therefore, the endoscopic stapler with vascular loads is placed
across the utero-ovarian ligament. (a) Care is taken to ensure that all tissue is within the cut line so that the entire ligament
will be transected when the stapler is fired. (b) If this is not possible, two fires may be used to accomplish complete
transection of the ligament.

a b


1 – Left round ligament

2 – Left external iliac artery
3 – Left utero-ovarian ligament

Figure 12.24a, b. Round ligament.

The round ligament is transected after completion of the pelvic lymphadenectomy. It may be transected earlier in the
procedure, if need be, but the round ligament can provide useful traction during the lymph node dissection. Unlike a
simple hysterectomy, during a radical hysterectomy the round ligament is intentionally transected as close to the pelvic
sidewall as possible. This can be accomplished with the argon-beam coagulator, as shown in these images, or with
monopolar cautery, bipolar cautery, hemostatic clips, the harmonic scalpel, or an endoscopic stapler.
194 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

1 1

2 2

1 – Left uterine artery 1 – Right superior vesical artery

2 – Left ureter 2 – Right uterine artery
3 – Left hypogastric artery 3 – Right ureter

Figure 12.25a, b. Uterine artery.

The uterine artery is carefully dissected at its origin from the hypogastric artery. In a radical hysterectomy the uterine artery
is taken at its origin, whereas in a modified radical hysterectomy the uterine artery is transected at the point where it
crosses the ureter. The right and left uterine arteries are shown, originating from the hypogastric artery and crossing over
the ureter. The uterine artery may be transected after completing the pelvic lymphadenectomy, or during the pelvic
lymphadenectomy, depending on exposure and operator preference.

a b

Figure 12.26. Transecting the uterine artery.

The uterine artery may be transected using the endoscopic stapler, the harmonic scalpel, or hemostatic clips. (a) The
endoscopic stapler is placed across the uterine artery and vein, which have been dissected free from their surrounding
attachments. (b) Staples are seen on the proximal and distal aspects of the transected artery and vein.
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 195

Figure 12.27. Gauze.

A 4 inch × 4 inch X-ray-detectable gauze is inserted
through a 10-mm trocar. A 4 inch × 8 inch gauze can also
be used. This is very effective in cleaning the operative
field, and helps to obtain hemostasis. The gauze may be
applied to small blood vessels in a manner similar to an
open technique. Pressure is held with one of the
laparoscopic instruments. Maintaining meticulous
hemostasis is a crucial component of advanced laparoscopy
for optimal visualization. Irrigation during the procedure
should be avoided, as it is difficult to completely suction all
infused fluid, and this will also compromise visualization.

Uterosacral ligament
a b


1 – Right uterosacral ligament

2 – Left uterosacral ligament
3 – Pouch of Douglas

Figure 12.28. Defining the uterosacral ligaments.

(a) The uterus is anteverted while the rectum is retracted out of the pelvis. This defines the uterosacral ligaments and the
pouch of Douglas. (b) The peritoneal reflection beneath the transected infundibulopelvic ligament is incised to the level of
the uterosacral ligament. The uterosacral ligament is a fibrous band that extends from the lateral rectal pillars to the
posterior inferior aspect of the uterus. It is less well defined than other pelvic structures, and normal anatomic relationships
can help guide the dissection. Small vessels course through the uterosacral ligament, requiring some form of hemostasis to
be used when transecting the ligaments.
196 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 12.29. Opening the rectovaginal septum.

The rectovaginal septum is entered prior to transecting the uterosacral ligaments. (a) To gain access to this area, the
peritoneum above the rectum is first tented outward. It is then incised from each cut edge of peritoneum. (b) Blunt or sharp
dissection may also be used to further separate the upper and lower aspects of the peritoneal edges.

a b


1 – Right uterosacral ligament 1 – Right uterosacral ligament

2 – Right ureter 2 – Right ureter

Figure 12.30. Mobilizing the ureter.

The ureter is reflected laterally to free it from the uterosacral ligament. (a) Careful manipulation with a closed grasping
forceps can accomplish lateral mobilization. (b) The uterosacral ligament may be partially or completely transected with
cautery, taking care to ensure that the ureter is out of the operative field. Although the argon-beam coagulator is shown
here, monopolar and bipolar cautery are also effective methods to transect fibrous tissue.
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 197

a b


1 – Left uterosacral ligament

2 – Left ureter

Figure 12.31. Transecting the uterosacral ligament.

(a) The ureter is retracted laterally before transecting the uterosacral ligament. Once the ureter has been sufficiently
mobilized, the uterosacral ligament can be transected with cautery (as shown in the previous figure), the harmonic scalpel,
LigaSure, or the endoscopic stapler. (b) It is important to ensure that the ureter is completely freed prior to placing any
device across the uterosacral ligament.

Parametrial dissection

1 – Left uterine artery and lateral parametrial tissues on

Figure 12.33. Instrumentation.
2 – Left ureter entering the parametrial tunnel
3 – Left ureter A laparoscopic right-angled clamp (laparoscopic Mixter) is
used to dissect the ureter out of the parametrial tunnel,
Figure 12.32. Parametrial tunnel. while retracting the lateral parametrial tissue medially over
At this point in the procedure, the ureter is already partially the ureter and toward the uterus. The fine tips of the
freed from its surrounding attachments. It has been carefully laparoscopic right-angled clamp are useful during the
identified at several points during the procedure thus far – meticulous dissection that is required during this portion of
prior to transecting the infundibulopelvic ligament, during the procedure.
the isolation of the uterosacral ligaments, during the pelvic
lymphadenectomy, and while ligating the uterine artery.
The next step is to release the ureter from the parametrial
tunnel and, by so doing, bring the lateral parametrial tissue
over the ureter and toward the uterus. This is the most
technically complex portion of the procedure. The ligated
uterine artery is elevated with a grasping forceps and the
ureter is seen heading directly into the parametrium.
198 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

1 – Left uterine artery and lateral parametrium

2 – Laparoscopic right-angled clamp in the ureteral tunnel
3 – Left ureter

c d

Figure 12.34. Ureteral dissection.

The tip of the laparoscopic right-angled clamp will slide easily on top of the left (a) or right (b) ureter. (c) Opening the tips
of the instrument when it is overlying the ureter permits dissection of the parametrial tissues. A variety of instruments can
be used to transect the parametrial tissue. Maintaining medial traction is important during this part of the procedure in
order to resect as much parametrium as possible. (d) The argon-beam coagulator (ABC) can be activated to transect the
parametrial tissue. Other commonly used instruments include the harmonic scalpel, hemostatic clips, or the endoscopic
scissors without cautery. The advantage of the ABC and the harmonic scalpel is that thermal spread is minimal, which
decreases the likelihood of ureteral injury during this challenging part of the procedure.
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 199

Figure 12.35. Ureteral insertion.

After completely extirpating the ureter from the parametrial
tunnel it will insert directly into the urinary bladder. The
ureteral dissection can result in devascularization;
subsequent complications, such as ureteral stricture or
fistula formation; thermal damage; inadvertent ligation;
compression; or other unrecognized injury. While the
ureter must be freed from the parametrial tunnel as part of
the radical hysterectomy, it is not necessary to completely
skeletonize the ureter since the vascular supply runs
longitudinally along its length. Leaving a bit of areolar
tissue on the ureter is advantageous.

Specimen removal
Figure 12.36. Preparing the vagina.
Once the bladder has been fully mobilized and the ureters
are directly entering the bladder, the vagina is ready to be
incised. A rectal probe or similar device (i.e. sponge stick,
ColpoProbe) is placed into the vagina to provide traction
and distend the vaginal tube. The anterior wall of the
vagina is displaced ventrally with the vaginal/rectal probe
in preparation for the vaginal incision.

a b

Figure 12.37. Opening the vagina.

(a) The anterior vagina is incised with the argon-beam coagulator. This part of the procedure produces considerable smoke
and therefore the trocars should be fully vented. (b) After traversing the full thickness of the vagina, the vaginal/rectal probe
appears through the incision.
20 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

1 – Inferior vena cava

2 – Ligated ‘fellow’s vein’
Figure 1.56. Right paracaval dissection. 3 – Right common iliac artery
The dissection is then continued from the bifurcation of the
vena cava superiorly. Nodal removal continues in a Figure 1.57. Vascular pitfalls.
systematic fashion either from lateral to medial or vice When dissecting the distal vena cava, a constant small
versa, but not directly over the vena cava. Unlike other perforating vein is often encountered anteriorly and is
vascular structures, small perforating vessels can branch affectionately referred to as the ‘fellow’s vein’. Careful
directly off the anterior surface of the vena cava. dissection will allow this vein to be clipped prior to causing
Hemostatic clips are placed on the lateral and medial bothersome hemorrhage. More proximally, one must be on
border of the nodal tissues, and gentle dissection is used to the lookout for an accessory renal artery, which may cross
approximate the two edges of the dissection. the vena cava anteriorly. The intervening aortocaval tissue
is removed as well, sparing the lumbar vessels.

1 – Right ureter
2 – Inferior vena cava Figure 1.59. Left peritoneal incision.
3 – Right common iliac artery
The left paraaortic lymph nodes can be approached
Figure 1.58. Low paraaortic nodal dissection. laterally or medially. More commonly in laparoscopy, the
The lower right paraaortic nodes have been removed to the left side is approached by extending the peritoneal incision
level of the inferior mesenteric artery, seen later. This level for the right-sided dissection across the midline, superiorly
of dissection provides an adequate sampling for patients and inferiorly. At laparotomy, a lateral approach is often
with endometrial cancer. For ovarian cancer, the lymphatic more simple due to the origin of the inferior mesenteric
drainage follows the course of the ovarian veins, and nodal artery from the left anterior aspect of the aorta. The lateral
sampling needs to be continued to the renal vessels. The approach can be performed as a continuation of the
ureter is retracted laterally from the vena cava and aorta. left-sided pelvic node dissection or de novo lateral to the
sigmoid colon.
200 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 12.38. Traction.

After extending the incision, a strong clamp should be
placed on the anterior vaginal wall to provide traction
while the remainder of the vagina is opened. In this figure,
a laparoscopic tenaculum has been placed on the anterior
vaginal wall and the vaginal/rectal probe is still in the
vagina. Traction is important to maintain tissue tension
while the lower vagina is separated from the specimen.

a b

Figure 12.39a, b. Circumscribing the vagina.

The vaginal incision is continued in both directions, as shown in these images. The lateral aspects of the vagina are incised
before continuing to the posterior side, which is the most difficult area to safely transect. Part of the intricacy stems from the
fact that more carbon dioxide escapes as the vagina is opened further. To prevent the escape of carbon dioxide, the rectal/
vaginal probe is removed and the second assistant places a moist laparotomy pad into the vagina. This is usually effective
in maintaining pneumoperitoneum. Additionally, two carbon dioxide insufflators are used throughout the procedure to
preserve stable intraabdominal pressures.
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 201

a b

Figure 12.40. Vaginal cuff.

(a) Once the vagina has been completely circumscribed, the specimen is free and the lumen of the vagina can be seen
through the pelvis. (b) At this point, if not sooner, the pneumoperitoneum will be lost and the vagina is closed off with a
laparotomy pad or large sponge to prevent the egress of carbon dioxide. A laparoscopic grasper is used for traction on the
vaginal cuff to maintain patency while the specimen is removed transvaginally.

a b

1 – Single-tooth tenaculum coming through vaginal cuff

2 – Cervical os

Figure 12.41. Specimen removal.
The specimen is grasped by the cervix or lower uterine
segment with a laparoscopic forceps. (a) The cervical os is
seen rotated toward the laparoscope. (b) The second
assistant, who stands between the patient’s legs, places a
single-tooth tenaculum through the vagina. (c) The
specimen is then grasped at or near the cervix and drawn
through the vagina. Once removed, the specimen is sent
for routine pathologic analysis. Frozen section is not
necessary unless there is concern for a close vaginal
margin, and an additional portion of the upper vagina
could be resected if need be.
202 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 12.42. Closing the vaginal cuff.

An endoscopic suture device (EndoStitch, US Surgical
Corp., Norwalk, CT) is used to close the vaginal cuff. This
device features a suture attached to the midportion of a
needle that is sharp at both ends. The vaginal cuff is
grasped with a forceps and the EndoStitch, in the closed
position, is inserted through the suprapubic trocar. A
slipknot is tied on the end of the suture and is inserted into
the pelvis along with the instrument. It is our practice to
close the vaginal cuff from anterior to posterior, although
other practitioners may close the cuff from side to side.

a b

c d

Figure 12.43. Suturing the apex.

The EndoStitch is opened (a) and the needle is placed through the top of the vagina (b) from outside to inside. (c) The
needle is transferred to the opposite jaw of the EndoStitch and brought out the other side of the vagina. (d) The needle is
then placed directly back through the vaginal cuff from inside to outside at a position a few millimeters away from where it
was brought through.
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 203

a b

Figure 12.44. Tying the first knot.
Passing the suture through the slipknot that was made
extracorporeally creates the first knot. The slipknot is
grasped with a forceps (a) and the needle is placed through
the loop in the suture (b). After being brought through the
loop, it is cinched down by pulling on the free end of the
suture (c).
204 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

c d

Figure 12.45. Continuing the closure.

Traction is held with the previously placed sutures. Passing the suture from side to side with the EndoStitch closes the
midportion of the vaginal cuff. The needle is passed from the peritoneal side of the vagina (a) into the luminal side of the
vagina (b). It is then transferred back to the opposite jaw to be ready for placement through the other side of the vagina (c).
It is placed into the contralateral vaginal wall and brought out the other side by toggling the needle between the two jaws (d).

a b

Figure 12.46. Progressive closure.

Using the technique described in the previous figures, the vaginal cuff is progressively closed from anterior to posterior.
Contrast (a) and (b) to appreciate the sequential closure of the vaginal cuff.
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 205

a b

2 1

1 – Suture that has been passed through the vaginal cuff 1 – Suture that has been rotated over the empty jaw of
2 – Suture being held to create a loop the EndoStitch

Figure 12.47. Tying the last knot.

(a) The knot at the posterior aspect of the vaginal cuff is created by initially having the first assistant grasp the suture before
pulling it completely through the vagina to create a loop. (b) The EndoStitch is then rotated so that the suture crosses over
the empty jaw of the instrument.

a b

1 – Suture loop being placed between the jaws of the

2 – Suture wrapped around empty jaw of instrument,
beneath which suture loop is placed

Figure 12.48. Passing the suture.
(a, b) The loop is then brought in between the jaws of the
instrument and the needle is passed beneath the suture
loop. (c) The needle is then withdrawn on the other side
and brought out through an internal loop, which creates a
flat knot.

1 – Suture loop that is now within newly created knot

2 – Suture that is over the empty jaw is also wrapped
over the suture loop to create the new knot
206 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 12.49. Finishing the closure.

(a) After completing the knot, the ends of the suture are pulled in opposite directions to cinch it down. (b) Once three to
four intracorporeal knots have been placed, the suture is cut with the endoscopic scissors and the EndoStitch is removed.

1 – Vaginal cuff
2 – Left ureter
Figure 12.50. Irrigation. 3 – Right ureter
At the completion of the procedure, the pelvis is copiously 4 – Right ovary
irrigated and suctioned to assess hemostasis. All vascular
pedicles are closely examined and hemostasis may be Figure 12.51. Completed procedure.
achieved with a combination of coagulation, hemostatic Both ureters can be seen directly entering the urinary
clips, and sutures as necessary. bladder, and the vaginal cuff has been closed
laparoscopically. If the ovaries have not been removed,
they are restored to their normal anatomic location and
may be sutured to the pelvic peritoneum at the discretion
of the operator. Some practitioners will transpose the
ovaries out of the pelvis in a premenopausal patient, but
this decision should be individualized as discussed
Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 207

a b

Figure 12.52. Specimen.

This is the laparoscopic radical hysterectomy specimen. The procedure was performed on an older patient and therefore
the ovaries were removed along with the main specimen. Contrasting (a) and (b) illustrates the ordinary appearance of the
parametrium, which without stretch is very unimpressive. Substantial effort is made in a radical hysterectomy to resect as
much of the parametrium as possible. When placed on tension, the resected parametrial tissues become readily apparent.

1. Sedlis A, Bundy BN, Rotman MZ et al. A randomized trial 8. Nezhat CR, Burrell MO, Nezhat FR et al. Laparoscopic
of pelvic radiation therapy versus no further therapy in radical hysterectomy with paraaortic and pelvic node
selected patients with stage IB carcinoma of the cervix dissection. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1992;166:864–5.
after radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy: a 9. Spirtos NM, Eisenkop SM, Schlaerth JB, Ballon SC.
Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. Gynecol Oncol Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy (type III) with
1999;73:177–83. aortic and pelvic lymphadenectomy in patients with
2. Peters WA 3rd, Liu PY, Barrett RJ 2nd et al. Concurrent stage I cervical cancer: surgical morbidity and
chemotherapy and pelvic radiation therapy compared with intermediate follow-up. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;
pelvic radiation therapy alone as adjuvant therapy after 187:340–8.
radical surgery in high-risk early-stage cancer of the 10. Xu H, Chen Y, Li Y et al. Complications of laparoscopic
cervix. J Clin Oncol 2000;18:1606–13. radical hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy for invasive
3. Keys HM, Bundy BN, Stehman FB et al. Cisplatin, cervical cancer: experience based on 317 procedures. Surg
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radiation and adjuvant hysterectomy for bulky stage IB 11. Sutton GP, Bundy BN, Delgado G et al. Ovarian metastases
cervical carcinoma. N Engl J Med 1999;340:1154–61. in stage IB carcinoma of the cervix: a Gynecologic
4. Mariani A, Webb MJ, Keeney GL et al. Role of wide/radical Oncology Group study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1992;
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endometrial cancer with cervical involvement. Gynecol 12. Natsume N, Aoki Y, Kase H et al. Ovarian metastasis in
Oncol 2001;83:72–80. stage IB and II cervical adenocarcinoma. Gynecol Oncol
5. Sartori E, Gadducci A, Landoni F et al. Clinical behavior 1999;74:255–8.
of 203 stage II endometrial cancer cases: the impact of 13. Landoni F, Zanagnolo V, Lovato-Diaz L et al; Cooperative
primary surgical approach and of adjuvant radiation Task Force. Ovarian metastases in early-stage cervical
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7. Malur S, Possover M, Michels W, Schneider A. Oncol 2006; 101:234–7.
Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal versus abdominal surgery in 15. Feeney DD, Moore DH, Look KY et al. The fate of the
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randomized trial. Gynecol Oncol 2001;80:239–44. transposition. Gynecol Oncol 1995;56:3–7.
208 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

16. Buekers TE, Anderson B, Sorosky JI, Buller RE. Ovarian 19. Jensen JK, Lucci JA 3rd, DiSaia PJ et al. To drain or
function after surgical treatment for cervical cancer. not to drain: a retrospective study of closed-suction
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18. Anderson B, LaPolla J, Turner D et al. Ovarian transposition radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy:
in cervical cancer. Gynecol Oncol 1993;49:206–14. dogma or need? Obstet Gynecol 1995;86:960–3.
13 Laparoscopically assisted
vaginal radical hysterectomy
Michel Roy, Marie Plante, and Marie-Claude Renaud

The vaginal radical hysterectomy was first described an abdominal incision, shorter hospital stay, and
by Schauta1 at the beginning of the 20th century. It lower morbidity.5 Studies have shown that the
had the advantage of a significantly lower mortality specimen removed after an LAVRH is satisfactory.
rate than the abdominal radical hysterectomy Furthermore, if positive lymph nodes are identified
championed by Wertheim; however, a few years later, at laparoscopy, one has the option of offering
Wertheim2 reported a better survival rate with his patients combined chemotherapy and radiation ther-
abdominal approach. Thus, the vaginal route fell into apy without having submitted them to a major laparo-
disfavor. In the 1940s, pelvic lymphadenectomy tomy. Lastly, and perhaps more importantly, since
became part of the standard of care in the surgical there is a definite learning curve before one becomes
treatment of cervical cancer. Obviously, the vaginal comfortable with vaginal radical surgery,6 the skills
approach alone could not accommodate that new gained in LAVRH help the surgeon to offer selected
standard. This changed when Mitra3 proposed the use young patients the more conservative fertility-
of bilateral flank incisions to perform a retroperito- preserving vaginal radical trachelectomy,7,8 which is a
neal lymph node dissection, followed by the vaginal modification of the Schauta–Amreich procedure (see
radical hysterectomy. However, the technique was Chapter 14). In this chapter, we will review the
more complicated than the abdominal approach alone technique for LAVRH.
and was not esthetically appealing; therefore, it did not
gain popularity in North America. With the subsequent Vaginal radical surgery requires the surgeon to master
development of laparoscopic techniques to perform a laparoscopic surgery in order to conduct a complete
complete pelvic and paraaortic lymph node dissection,4 laparoscopic lymph node dissection. At the comple-
and the experience of vaginal surgery specialists, tion of the lymphadenectomy, the paravesical and
particularly Professor Daniel Dargent in France, the pararectal spaces are defined laparoscopically. This
Schauta operation suddenly enjoys a renewed interest dissection is helpful to facilitate the transection of the
in the gynecologic oncology community and has uterine artery, after clipping or cauterization, at its
regained acceptance as an attractive and efficient origin from the internal iliac artery. The distal para-
alternative to the standard abdominal approach. metrial tissue, potentially bearing lymph nodes, is also
removed to reduce the extent of the parametrectomy
Advantages of the laparoscopically assisted vaginal required vaginally.
radical hysterectomy (LAVRH) include the absence of

210 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Laparoscopic preparation




1 – Obliterated left umbilical artery Figure 13.2. Laparoscopic ligation of the uterine artery.
2 – Left paravesical space The uterine artery is transected at its origin from the
3 – Left external iliac vessels internal iliac artery. This can be performed with bipolar
4 – Left superior vesical artery
electrocautery (as shown in the figure), hemoclips, staplers,
5 – Left obturator nerve
or suture ligatures.
6 – Left uterine artery
7 – Left internal iliac artery
8 – Left pararectal space

Figure 13.1. Laparoscopic preparation of the spaces.

After a complete pelvic lymphadenectomy, the pararectal
and the paravesical spaces are opened laparoscopically.
Shown here are the pelvic spaces in relation to the normal
anatomic pelvic structures. The paravesical space is
opened between the obliterated umbilical artery and the
pelvic sidewall. Blunt dissection can then be used to gain
access more medially. The pararectal space is opened
between the ureter and the hypogastric artery.

2 1


4 5
1 – Left obturator nerve 3 – Left obturator artery 1 – Left obturator nerve 4 – Left ureter
2 – Parametrium 4 – Left internal iliac artery, 2 – Left obturator artery 5 – Left internal iliac artery
retracted medially 3 – Left uterine artery 6 – Left external iliac artery

Figure 13.3. Laparoscopic parametrectomy. Figure 13.4. Left pelvic sidewall.

The connective tissue of the parametrium, potentially Once the parametrium is removed, only vessels and nerves
containing lymph nodes, is gently dissected and removed are left between the pelvic sidewall and the proximal
using mostly blunt dissection with electrocautery as parametrium.
Laparoscopically assisted vaginal radical hysterectomy 211

Vaginal portion – anatomical relationships

Figure 13.5. Abdominal radical hysterectomy: anatomic

When a radical hysterectomy is performed abdominally,
the uterus is pulled upwards, bringing with it the
parametrium and the uterine vessels, while the bladder
2 base is mobilized downwards. Therefore, the uterine
vessels lie above the concavity of the ureters as the ureters
course into the parametrial tunnel to enter the bladder
base. Thus, after mobilization, the ureters are brought
lateral and below the parametrium before it is divided.
(From Plante and Roy9 with permission.)


1 – Bladder
2 – Uterus
3 – Parametrium
4 – Ureter
5 – Uterine artery

Figure 13.6. Vaginal radical hysterectomy: anatomic

Conversely, when the radical hysterectomy is done
vaginally, the relationship between the structures is
completely opposite to that when performed abdominally.
The uterus is pulled downwards and the bladder base,
along with the ureters, is mobilized upwards. As such, the
uterine vessels end up below the concavity, or the ‘knee’,
of the ureter. After mobilization, the ureters course above
the parametrium when it is clamped. The radical vaginal
surgical approach requires the surgeon to clearly
understand the relationship between the ureter, the uterine
artery, and the cardinal ligament (parametrium), as well as
the relationship between the bladder base and the lower
uterine segment. (From Plante and Roy9 with permission.)
212 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 13.7. Positioning of the patient.

In order to facilitate the vaginal approach, the patient’s legs are slightly extended, but the thighs are hyperflexed onto the
abdomen. To avoid having to redrape after the laparoscopic lymphadenectomy and parametrectomy, hydraulic leg holders
are very useful. (a) The legs are down for laparoscopy and (b) are moved up in order to attain a vertical line between the
feet and the buttocks for the vaginal surgery.

Figure 13.8. Defining the vaginal cuff.

The size and location of the cervical tumor are considered
when determining the amount of vaginal tissue to be
removed. Usually, 1–2 cm of vaginal cuff is scheduled for
removal. The vaginal mucosa around the cervix is grasped
circumferentially with six or seven Kocher clamps.
Laparoscopically assisted vaginal radical hysterectomy 213

Figure 13.10. Incision of the vaginal mucosa – marking

the midline.
Figure 13.9. Injection of the vaginal mucosa. A small vertical incision to mark the midline and another
A 10–20 ml solution of 1% lidocaine mixed with incision is made with the scalpel just above the Kocher
epinephrine 1:100 000 is injected between each Kocher clamps. It is carried through the vaginal mucosa anteriorly
clamp. This separates the mucosa from the underlying and posteriorly, but only superficially laterally. The mark in
tissue and causes vasoconstriction, which will reduce the midline helps to maintain orientation throughout the
bleeding. procedure.

Figure 13.11. Incision of the vaginal mucosa – lateral Figure 13.12. Closing the vaginal cuff.
incision. Chrobak clamps (Lépine, France), applied side by side, are
The incision is made only superficially through the lateral used to close the vaginal cuff in front of the cervix. This
vaginal mucosa, so as not to enter the underlying tissues. A maintains important anatomic relationships and assists with
sidewall retractor toed in laterally is useful to retract the the en-bloc removal of the specimen.
vaginal mucosa as it is incised.
214 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 13.13. Uterine traction.

When all clamps are applied, the vaginal cuff is closed
over the cervix. This provides an organized fulcrum that is
strong enough to give a good traction on the uterus
throughout the procedure.

Pelvic spaces

1 – Vesicouterine space

Figure 13.15. Dissection of the vesicouterine space – base

Figure 13.14. Dissection of the vesicouterine space – area of the bladder.
of incision. The index finger is also used to push the tissue until the
The specimen is pulled downward and the anterior vaginal anterior peritoneum is felt, or visualized. It is important to
mucosa is held upwards. This allows stretching of the stay in the midline to avoid bleeding and injury to the
connective tissue, which is incised with scissors held ureter and the base of the bladder. Once the vesicouterine
perpendicular to the cervix. space is dissected, the bladder is retracted anteriorly,
defining the bladder pillars on each side to the cervix.
Laparoscopically assisted vaginal radical hysterectomy 215

3 1 – Vesicouterine space
Triangle – Area of entry

Figure 13.17. Right paravesical space.

Using clamps, the anterior vaginal mucosa is grasped
at 9 o’clock and 11 o’clock, and stretched. This forms a
triangle where the space should be entered.
1 – Metal catheter
2 – Base of bladder pushed by metal catheter
3 – Vesicouterine space

Figure 13.16. Dissection of the vesicouterine space –

identifying the bladder base.
When dissection of the bladder is difficult, a metal catheter
can be introduced through the urethra to localize the base
of the bladder. This can help to identify the anatomic
relationships that may be distorted due to prior surgery or
other factors.

Figure 13.19. Palpation of the right ureter.

Figure 13.18. Opening of the right paravesical space. A Breisky retractor is introduced into the right paravesical
With the scissors directed upwards and outwards, the space. The location of the ureter is verified by palpating the
connective tissue of the triangle is blindly separated, tissue between the surgeon’s right index finger, introduced
making possible the junction with the same space already in the vesicouterine space, and the retractor in the
dissected laparoscopically. A rotating movement toward the paravesical space. The typical feeling and sound of the
midline, under the pubic bone, then enlarges the space. ureter indicates if the ureter is high or low in the septum
between these spaces.
216 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Dissection of the right ureter

2 2

1 – Right paravesical space 1 – Vesicouterine space

2 – Vesicouterine space 2 – Right ureter
3 – Bladder pillars
Figure 13.20. Dissection of the bladder pillars.
The bladder pillars are identified between the vesicouterine Figure 13.21. Visualization of the ureter.
space and the right paravesical space. To visually identify After cutting the anterior bladder pilars, the ureter is
the ureter, the bladder pillars are transected midway visualized medially and superiorly to the paravesical space.
between the base of the bladder and the cervix. Before
cutting, the surgeon should always palpate the tissue to
confirm that the ureter is still above the site of incision.

1 – Right ureter
2 – Posterior bladder pillars Figure 13.23. Posterior bladder pillars.
Figure 13.22. Mobilization of the ureter. The remaining posterior and anterior attachments are
Mobilization upwards of the ureter is accomplished by transected, enabling the surgeon to elevate the ureter
grabbing the base of the bladder and the distal portion of outside the parametrium. Medial and superior dissection of
the ureter with a Babcock clamp. Placing this connective the ureter should be avoided because of the risk of injury to
tissue on tension exposes the posterior bladder pillars. the bladder base.
Without releasing these attachments, further mobility of the
ureter is limited.
Laparoscopically assisted vaginal radical hysterectomy 217

1 1


1 – Right ureter
1 – Right ureter 2 – Right uterine artery
2 – Right uterine artery
Figure 13.25. Manipulation of the uterine artery.
Figure 13.24. Identification of the uterine artery. Gentle traction can be placed on the uterine artery with a
After the posterior fibers are fully transected, the uterine small clamp or other instrument in order to gain additional
artery can be visualized beneath the knee of the ureter. mobility. This will help to ultimately transect the uterine
artery as close to its origin as possible. Often, remaining
fibers between the ureter and the parametria can be
identified and transected.

Figure 13.26. Retrieval of the uterine artery.

The entire uterine artery is removed from its origin at the
hypogastric artery. The ligation of the uterine artery has
been previously performed laparoscopically. The proximal
portion of the vessel is identified by the clip or cautery
burn that had been placed laparoscopically. An identical
procedure is performed on the contralateral side.

1 – Clip on right uterine artery

218 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology


Figure 13.27. Opening of the pouch of Douglas. Figure 13.28. Excision of the paracolpos.
After both ureters have been dissected and pushed up, the The connective tissue between the vaginal mucosa and
peritoneum is entered by opening the posterior cul-de-sac lower part of the cervix, the paracolpos, is clamped,
with scissors while the uterus is pulled upwards. transected, and suture ligated.

Figure 13.29. Excision of the right uterosacral ligament.

The pararectal space, which was prepared laparoscopically,
is widened by inserting scissors between the uterosacral
ligament and the pelvic sidewall. This minimizes the risk to
the ureter when transecting the ligament. The contralateral
paracolpos and uterosacral ligament are then transected
and suture ligated.

1 – Right pararectal space

2 – Right uterosacral ligament
Laparoscopically assisted vaginal radical hysterectomy 219

Figure 13.30. Resection of the right parametrium.

With the Breisky retractor placed in the paravesical space
and a second one placed posteriorly, the ureter can be
easily visualized. A curved clamp (Heaney or similar) is
1 placed on the parametrial tissue and adjusted according to
the amount of parametria scheduled for removal. A second
clamp (Jean-Louis Faure or similar) is placed in contact
with the ureter and lateral to the first clamp. Care must be
2 taken not to injure the ureter when suturing the
parametrium. It is important to always be able to visualize
the ureter. The parametrium on the other side is grasped,
transected, and ligated in a similar fashion.

1 – Right ureter
2 – Second clamp
3 – First clamp

1 – Anterior peritoneum

Figure 13.31. Entering the anterior cul-de-sac.

Once the parametria are excised, the fundus of the uterus is Figure 13.32. Removal of the uterus.
flipped backwards to delineate the anterior cul-de-sac. This After opening the anterior cul-de-sac, the procedure is
is opened with the operator’s finger serving as a guide to completed by removing the adnexa, as appropriate. If the
identify the point of incision. The anterior cul-de-sac is adnexa are to be preserved, the utero-ovarian ligaments are
then incised laterally in both directions. clamped, transected, and suture ligated from below. If the
adnexa were to be removed, the infundibulopelvic
ligaments would have been ligated, cauterized, or stapled
220 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

1 – Right uterine artery

2 – Right parametrium

Figure 13.34. Schauta specimen.

Figure 13.33. Closure of the vagina. The specimen obtained is oncologically satisfactory with a
The vaginal vault is closed with interrupted delayed 3–4 cm parametrium on each side, both uterine arteries
absorbable (i.e polyglactin) sutures in a transverse fashion. attached to the specimen, and a 1–2 cm vaginal cuff. At the
The peritoneum is not routinely closed and drains are not conclusion of the procedure, a re-evaluation of the pelvis is
used. conducted laparoscopically to ensure hemostasis at the
surgical sites.


1. Schauta F. Die erwierte vaginale totalexstirpation des 6. Sardi J, Vidaurreta J, Bermudez A, Di Paola G.
uterus beim kollumkarzinome. Vienna-Leipzig: Laparoscopically assisted Schauta operation: learning
J. Safar, 1908. experience at the Gynecologic Oncology Unit, Buenos
2. Werteim E. Die erweirte abdominale Operation bei Aires University Hospital. Gynecol Oncol 1999;75:361–5.
Carcinoma Colli Uteri. Berlin: Urban and 7. Roy M, Plante M, Renaud MC, Tetu B. Vaginal radical
Schwarzenberg, 1911. hysterectomy versus abdominal radical hysterectomy in
3. Mitra S. Extraperitoneal lymphadenectomy and radical the treatment of early-stage cervical cancer. Gynecol Oncol
vaginal hysterectomy for cancer of the cervix (Mitra 1996;62:336–9.
technique). Am J Obstet Gynecol 1959;78:191–6. 8. Roy M, Plante M. Pregnancies after radical vaginal
4. Possover M, Krause N, Plaul K et al. Laparoscopic trachelectomy for early-stage cervical cancer. Am J Obstet
paraaortic and pelvic lymphadenectomy: experience with Gynecol 1998;179:1491–6.
150 patients and review of the literature. Gynecol Oncol 9. Plante M, Roy M. Radical vaginal trachelectomy.
1998;71:19–28. In: Smith JR, Del Priore G, Curtin J, Monaghan JM (eds).
5. Dargent D, Kouakou F, Adeleine P. L’opération de Schauta An atlas of gynecologic oncology, investigation and
90 ans après. Lyon Chir 1991;87:323–9. surgery. London: Martin Dunitz, 2001.
14 Vaginal radical
Marie Plante, Marie-Claude Renaud, Yukio Sonoda, and Michel Roy

Introduction and paravesical spaces, and mobilization of the

ureter; (3) the posterior phase, including opening of
the cul-de-sac and pararectal space; (4) the lateral
There is a growing interest in minimally invasive
phase, including excision of the parametrium and
surgical procedures and a growing emphasis on
the descending branch of the uterine artery; (5) the
fertility preservation in oncology.1 In the last decade,
excision of the trachelectomy specimen; and (6) the
the vaginal radical trachelectomy (VRT) procedure
reconstruction phase, which includes closure of
has emerged as a major breakthrough in the manage-
the cul-de-sac, placement of the cerclage, and suturing
ment of young women with early-stage cervical
of the vaginal mucosa.
cancer. The concept of the VRT procedure is to actu-
ally preserve the body of the uterus, which in turn
allows preservation of childbearing potential. The
surgery was described by Professor Daniel Dargent Indications
from Lyon, France in 1987,2 and the procedure has
recently been renamed the ‘Dargent operation’ to The indications for this procedure have essentially
honor his exceptional contribution. remained unchanged. The eligibility criteria most
commonly used are as follows:
Since then, well over 500 cases have been published
in the literature. The recurrence rate remains low 1. Desire to preserve fertility.
(<5%), and the obstetrical outcome is also encourag- 2. No clinical evidence of impaired fertility (relative
ing. More than 220 babies have been born following contraindication).
this procedure so far. The second-trimester losses and 3. Lesion size <2.0 cm.
premature births remain a concern, but, overall, two- 4. FIGO Stage IA1 with the presence of lymph–
thirds of the pregnant women can expect to reach vascular space invasion (LVSI) or FIGO Stage
the third trimester of pregnancy; and of those, the IA2–IB1.
majority will deliver beyond 32 weeks of gestation. 5. Squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma
histologic subtypes.
In this chapter the surgical technique for the radical 6. No involvement of the upper endocervical
trachelectomy will be reviewed step-by-step. First, canal as determined by colposcopy and magnetic
the procedure requires the surgeon to conduct a resonance imaging (MRI).
complete laparoscopic lymph node dissection, which 7. No metastasis to regional lymph nodes.
is fully illustrated in Chapter 12 on laparoscopic
radical hysterectomy. Next, the paravesical space is The use of MRI is critical in the preoperative patient
defined laparoscopically, and as much lateral param- selection as it allows a precise estimation of the
etrium as possible is removed laparoscopically to endocervical extension of the neoplasia in relation to
reduce the extent of the dissection to be done vagi- the internal os.3 As mentioned above, the procedure
nally (see Chapter 13 on laparoscopically assisted is usually reserved for patients with small-volume
vaginal radical hysterectomy). With regards to the disease (i.e. <2 cm), although recent data on the use of
vaginal part of the surgery, the procedure can be neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by the fertility-
divided into six phases: (1) the preparatory phase, preserving radical trachelectomy procedure appear
which includes vaginal cuff preparation; (2) the ante- to offer interesting results in patients with larger
rior phase, which includes opening the vesicovaginal lesions.4

222 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Oncologic outcome At the present time, histologic subtype does not

appear to be associated with a higher risk of recur-
rence despite the concern that adenocarcinomas may
There are now five large series, totaling 544 cases,
be multifocal and recur in the residual endocervical
on the radical trachelectomy procedure. From these
canal. The VRT is also associated with less operative
series from experienced groups of investigators, the
and short-term morbidity compared with the conven-
recurrence rate is <5% and the death rate is 2.8%
tional radical hysterectomy.10
(Table 14.1),5–9 which are reassuring and comparable
to the recurrence rate following standard treatment
with a radical hysterectomy (for similarly sized lesions).
The data suggest that size of the lesion and presence Obstetrical outcome
of LVSI appear to be risk factors for recurrence.6,7 For
instance, in the series of Marchiole et al, 6 of the 7
From these five large series, a total of 231 pregnancies
patients who recurred had lesion size >2 cm (p <0.05).6
have been reported (Table 14.2). As can be seen, the
rate of first-trimester loss (19%) is comparable to that
of the general population. The rate of second-
trimester loss, higher than in the general population
(8 vs 4%), is possibly related to some degree of cervi-
Table 14.1 Recurrence rate following radical
cal incompetence despite the placement of a prophy-
lactic cerclage. Chronic low-grade chorioamnionitis
Authors/group (ref.) Recurrences (%) Death (%)
probably also contributes to premature rupture of the
membranes and premature deliveries in the third tri-
Shepherd et al/London 5 3/112 (2.7) 2/112 (1.8)
mester. Close monitoring of the cervical length and
Marchiole et al/Lyon6 7/118 (5.9) 5/118 (4.2) signs of premature labor are thus of utmost impor-
Plante et al/Quebec 7 3/110 (2.7) 2/110 (1.8) tance. Nevertheless, two-thirds of the pregnancies
Hertel et al/Germany8 4/100 (4.0) 2/100 (2.0) following VRT will reach the third trimester. Of those,
Covens et al/Toronto9 7/93 (7.5) 4/93 (4.3) the majority (85%) will carry on beyond 32 weeks
of gestation, at which point significant neonatal
Total 24/544 (4.4) 15/544 (2.8)
morbidity is unusual.

Table 14.2 Obstetrical outcome following radical trachelectomy.

Author Pregnancy T-1 miscarriage TAB T-2 miscarriage T-3 deliveries Delivery Delivery
<32 weeks >32 weeks
Plante11 73 15 (20%) 4 (5%) 3 (4%) 51 (70%) 3 (6%) 48 (94%)
Marchiolea 56 11 (19%) 3 (5%) 8 (14%) 34 (61%) 5 (15%) 29 (85%)
Covens9 45 8 (17%) 0 3 (7%) 34 (76%) 6 (18%) 28 (82%)
Shepherd5 43 11 (25%) 2 (5%) 4 (9%) 26 (60%) 6 (23%) 20 (77%)
Hertela 14 1 (7%) 2 (14%) 0 11 (78%) 3 (27%) 8 (73%)
Total 231 46 (19%) 11 (5%) 18 (8%) 156 (67%) 23 (15%) 133 (85%)

aPersonal communication.

T-1, first trimester; T-2, second trimester; T-3, third trimester; TAB, therapeutic abortion.
Vaginal radical trachelectomy 223

Preparatory phase – vaginal cuff preparation

1 – Anterior vaginal mucosa 1 – Subcutaneous injection

2 – Posterior vaginal mucosa
Figure 14.2. Injection of the vaginal mucosa.
Figure 14.1. Defining the vaginal mucosa. A 10–20 ml solution of 1% Xylocaine (lidocaine) mixed
A rim of vaginal mucosa is delineated circumferentially with epinephrine 1:100 000 is injected between each
and clockwise using eight straight Kocher clamps placed at Kocher clamp to reduce bleeding and separate the mucosa
regular intervals, about 1 cm distal to the cervix. The from the underlying tissue. Blanching of the overlying
bluish coloration is secondary to the subcutaneous anterior vaginal mucosa can be seen.
injection of Lymphazurin (isosulfan blue) for localization of
the sentinel node (see Chapter 13). Note that the patient
has had a diagnostic conization, so there is no visible
residual lesion and the cervix has therefore been shortened.

Figure 14.3. Marking of 12 o’clock. Figure 14.4. Incision of the vaginal mucosa.
A small vertical incision is made with the scalpel A circumferential incision is made with the scalpel just
at 12 o’clock as a landmark for future reference. This helps above the Kocher clamps. The mucosa and submucosal
to maintain proper orientation throughout the procedure. layers are incised, but care is taken not to go too deep to
avoid tearing the mucosa.
224 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

1 – Anterior vaginal mucosa

2 – Cervix
3 – Posterior vaginal mucosa
Figure 14.6. Completion of the preparatory phase.
Figure 14.5. Covering of the cervix. The vaginal cuff preparation is now completed using four to
The anterior and posterior edges of the vaginal mucosa are six Chrobak clamps to completely cover the cervix. This
grasped with Chrobak clamps in order to cover the cervix. allows good traction on the specimen while avoiding
potential tumor spillage.

Anterior phase – opening of the spaces, identification, and

mobilization of the ureter

1 – Vesicovaginal space

Figure 14.8. Entering the vesicovaginal space.

If entered correctly, the space should be avascular and
1 – Anterior vaginal mucosa
allows one to easily palpate the anterior surface of the
2 – Cervix
endocervix and uterine isthmus and see the whitish
Figure 14.7. Defining the vesicovaginal space. coloration of the uterine isthmus. The space is stretched
While maintaining slight downward traction on the upwards with a narrow Deaver retractor.
specimen, the vesicovaginal space is defined with the
Metzenbaum scissors held perpendicular to the cervix in
the midline. A single-tooth forceps is used to hold and
retract the anterior vaginal mucosa. Avoid erring laterally
because of bleeding from the bladder pillars. Care is taken
not to enter the anterior peritoneum as would be done in a
simple vaginal hysterectomy.
Vaginal radical trachelectomy 225

(a) 2


1 – Straight Kocher at 1 o’clock

2 – 12 o’clock mark 1 – Bladder pillars
3 – Vesicovaginal space 2 – Vesicovaginal space
4 – Straight Kocher at 3 o’clock 3 – Metzenbaum scissors entering the left paravesical
Triangle – (a) bladder pillars, (b) vaginal mucosa, space
(c) Chrobak clamps
Figure 14.10. Entering the left paravesical space.
Figure 14.9. Defining the left paravesical space. The left paravesical space is entered blindly by opening
The Chrobak clamps are pulled slightly towards the and closing the Metzenbaum scissors, with the tips pointing
patient’s right side. Straight Kocher clamps are placed onto upwards and outwards. When entering the space, aim
the vaginal mucosa at 1 and 3 o’clock and stretched out laterally with the scissors to avoid bleeding from the lateral
(this is where the 12 o’clock mark made earlier is useful). aspect of the bladder.
This maneuver defines a triangle between the bladder
pillars, the vaginal mucosa, and the Chrobak clamps. An
areolar opening is seen just medial and slightly anterior to
the 3 o’clock clamp, indicating where to enter in order to
define the paravesical space.

1 – Bladder pillars
2 – Left paravesical space
Figure 14.12. Palpation of the left ureter.
Figure 14.11. Opening the left paravesical space.
Pulling the Chrobak clamps to the right side of the patient,
If entered correctly, the space should be avascular and the
the surgeon’s left index finger is placed in the vesicovaginal
scissors should slide inside easily. Once entered, the space
space while a Breisky retractor (or the back of a forceps) is
is widened by rotating the scissors under the pubic bone in
placed in the left paravesical space. By pulling downward
a semicircular rotating motion to the patient’s contralateral
and pressing the finger and instrument together, the
side (not shown).
surgeon should feel the characteristic snap of the ureter
rolling under the finger. This maneuver orients the surgeon
to the location of the ureter in relation to the bladder
226 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology


1 – Left paravesical space

2 – Bladder pillars Figure 14.14. Transection of the bladder pillars.
3 – Vesicovaginal space Once the ureter has been located by palpation, the bladder
pillars are transected midway between the bladder base
Figure 14.13. Identification of the spaces.
and the anterior aspect of the specimen. One can use a
A Breisky retractor is placed into the left paravesical space
bipolar scissors to minimize bleeding or a standard
and a narrow Deaver retractor is placed in the
Metzenbaum scissors.
vesicovaginal space. The bladder pillars lie between the
two retractors. The knee of the ureter is normally located
on the lateral aspect of the bladder pillars and will be
identified later in the procedure.

1 1

1 – Posterior bladder pillars 1 – Posterior bladder pillars

2 – Anterior bladder pillars 2 – Left ureter
3 – Anterior bladder pillars
Figure 14.15. Separating the bladder pillars.
It is recommended to stretch open the bladder pillars with Figure 14.16. Identification of the left ureter.
the scissors before cutting in order to separate the anterior The pillars are stretched open again and, usually, the knee
and posterior pillars. The most distal fibers of the pillars can of the ureter should appear anteriorly. The anterior and
then be excised. posterior pillars can then be further excised safely. If the
ureter is not unequivocally seen, it should be palpated
again to relocate its position before cutting the bladder
Vaginal radical trachelectomy 227

Figure 14.17. Completion of the anterior phase.

Once the bladder pillars have been excised, a Babcock
clamp is used to elevate the left ureter in order to facilitate
transection of the most lateral and posterior fibers. The
Babcock clamp is very useful in this step of the procedure.
1 Medial dissection of the ureter should be avoided because
of the risk of injury to the bladder base.

1 – Left ureter
2 – Babcock clamp

Posterior phase – opening of the cul-de-sac and pararectal space and

excision of the paracolpos and uterosacral ligaments


1 – Cervix
2 – Left paracolpos

Figure 14.18. Opening the posterior cul-de-sac. Figure 14.19. Excision of the left paracolpos.
The Chrobak clamps are sharply angulated anteriorly and With the Chrobak clamps rotated to the right, the left
the posterior cul-de-sac is opened using Metzenbaum paracolpos is clamped using a curved Heaney
scissors. clamp, excised and suture ligated with 2–0 Vicryl
(polyglactin 910).
228 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology


1 – Cervix
2 – Left uterosacral ligament
1 – Cervix
2 – Left pararectal space Figure 14.21. Excision of the left uterosacral ligament.
The proximal part of the left uterosacral ligament is
Figure 14.20. Opening the left pararectal space. clamped with a curved Heaney clamp, excised, and suture
Metzenbaum scissors are used to open the left pararectal ligated with 2–0 Vicryl (polyglactin 910). The identical
space, which is located lateral to the peritoneum and procedure is then performed on the patient’s right side.
medial to the uterosacral ligament, not yet seen.

Lateral phase – excision of the parametrium and cervicovaginal artery

Figure 14.22. Excision of the left parametrium.
Before clamping the left parametrium, the spaces should be
redefined by replacing the Breisky retractor into the
paravesical space and the narrow Deaver into the
vesicovaginal space. While the Chrobak clamps are pulled
and rotated to the patient’s right side, a curved Heaney
2 clamp is placed proximally and then a second clamp is
placed higher and more lateral to obtain wider
parametrium. Note the ureter coursing above the
parametrium, which can be further dissected if needed,
4 and the bulge of the uterine artery next to the Heaney
clamp. The parametrial tissue is excised and suture ligated
with 2–0 Vicryl (polyglactin 910).

1 – Left paravesical space

2 – Left ureter
3 – Left uterine artery
4 – Left parametrium
Vaginal radical trachelectomy 229


1 – Uterine body 1 – Left uterine artery

2 – Uterine isthmus 2 – Left cervicovaginal artery
3 – Uterine isthmus
Figure 14.23. Identification of the left cervicovaginal
artery. Figure 14.24. Excision of the left cervicovaginal artery.
After precise localization of the isthmus and the cross of the The left cervicovaginal artery is now excised and suture
uterine artery, the descending branch of the left uterine ligated with 2–0 Vicryl (polyglactin 910). Note the bulge of
artery (the cervicovaginal artery) is clamped with a the cross of the uterine artery above the right-angled clamp.
right-angled clamp placed at 90° to the isthmus. Again, the identical procedure is performed on the patient’s
right side.

Excision of the specimen

Figure 14.25. Identification of the uterine isthmus.
The uterine isthmus and endocervix are precisely located
by palpating the uterus anteriorly and posteriorly. In this
case, the narrowing of the uterine isthmus is easily visible.
Note again the cross of the uterine artery on the patient’s
right side.


1 – Uterine isthmus
2 – Right uterine artery
3 – Endocervix
4 – Right and left parametrium
230 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

2 2

1 – Uterine isthmus 1 – Cervix

2 – Cervix 2 – Cervical os

Figure 14.26. Transection of the cervix. Figure 14.27. Excision of the trachelectomy specimen.
The cervix is amputated with a scalpel held perpendicular As the specimen is excised, the cervical os appears. Care is
to the specimen about 1 cm distal to the isthmus. taken not to angulate the scalpel in order to avoid
removing too much cervix posteriorly.

Figure 14.28. Trachelectomy specimen.

Ideally, the specimen should be at least 1–2 cm wide, with
1 cm of vaginal mucosa and 1–2 cm of parametrium. In
this case, the specimen is shorter because of the prior
conization. The endocervical cut surface appears normal.
Since there is no evidence of residual tumor, a frozen
3 section is not performed in this case. The specimen is kept
4 intact for final analysis and will be processed as a cervical
cone specimen.

1 – Endocervix
2 – Left parametrium
3 – Right parametrium
4 – Vaginal mucosa
Vaginal radical trachelectomy 231

Reconstruction phase – closure of the cul-de-sac, placement of the

cerclage, and suturing of the vaginal mucosa
Figure 14.29. Closure of the posterior cul-de-sac.
The posterior peritoneum is first closed with a purse-string
suture of 2–0 chromic. A straight Kocher clamp is used to
lift the cervix anteriorly.

1 – Cervix
2 – Posterior cul-de-sac
3 – Posterior peritoneum

a b

1 – Cervix
2 – Posterior isthmus

Figure 14.30. Placement of the cervical cerclage.

(a) A permanent cerclage is placed at the level of the isthmus using a non-resorbable 0 Prolene (polypropylene) suture,
starting posteriorly at 6 o’clock to tie the knot posteriorly. A straight Kocher clamp is again used to lift the cervix upwards.
The cerclage is continued circumferentially in a counter-clockwise manner. (b) The cerclage is continued anteriorly.
Ideally, sutures should be placed at the level of the uterine isthmus and not too deeply within the cervical stroma.
232 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

1 – Uterine probe
2 – Cervical os
3 – Cerclage suture

Figure 14.31. Completing the cerclage.

When tying the cerclage knot posteriorly, a uterine probe is Figure 14.32. Length of residual endocervix.
left in the cervical os to avoid overtightening the knot, as The length of residual endocervix is measured by
this may cause cervical stenosis. The probe is also used to introducing a uterine probe inside the endocervical canal.
measure the length of the residual endocervix. Ideally, there should be about 1 cm of residual endocervix

2 2

1 – Vaginal mucosa 1 – Vaginal mucosa

2 – Cervix 2 – Lateral vaginal suture

Figure 14.33. Anterior vaginal closure. Figure 14.34. Lateral vaginal closure.
Starting anteriorly, the edges of the vaginal mucosa are Laterally, due to the excess vaginal mucosa, it is preferable
sutured to the residual exocervical stroma with interrupted to place a separate figure-of-eight suture through the
figures-of-eight sutures using 2–0 Vicryl (polyglactin 910). vaginal mucosa only. Then, a separate suture is placed to
Sutures should not be placed too close to the new cervical reapproximate the vaginal mucosa to the new exocervix.
os in order to avoid burying the cervix, which may make
follow-up examinations more difficult.
Vaginal radical trachelectomy 233


1 – Vaginal mucosa
2 – Cervix
3 – Lateral vaginal suture Figure 14.36. Posterior vaginal closure.
The vaginal closure is completed posteriorly in a similar
Figure 14.35. Contralateral vaginal closure. fashion. If needed, additional sutures can be placed in
An identical procedure is performed on the opposite side. between the previous ones. Sometimes, excess vaginal
Beginning laterally, the vaginal mucosal sutures are placed. mucosa may need to be removed with cautery to facilitate
The anterior vaginal mucosa is then sutured to the new the closure (not shown here).

Figure 14.37. Completed vaginal closure.

The cervix is obviously shorter than before the operation,
but retains normal anatomic relationships. The new
exocervix should remain accessible for monitoring with
colposcopic examinations and cytology. At the completion
of the vaginal trachelectomy, a laparoscopic re-evaluation
of the abdomen and pelvis is performed to verify
hemostasis and confirm the integrity of the pelvic
234 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Patient with a macroscopic lesion

Figure 14.38. Trachelectomy procedure. Figure 14.39. Trachelectomy specimen – anterior view.
The procedure is conducted in a similar fashion for the The anterior/exocervical aspect of the specimen
patient with a macroscopic lesion. Here, it is equally demonstrates the cervix with an exophytic lesion and a rim
important to completely cover the cervix during the of vaginal mucosa.
preparatory phase in order to minimize the risk of tumor
dissemination. The cervix of a patient with a macroscopic
exocervical squamous lesion confirmed by a cervical
biopsy is shown.

1.3 cm


1 – Endocervix 1 – Exocervical squamous epithelium

2 – Right parametrium 2 – Cervical cancer
3 – Vaginal mucosa 3 – Endocervical glands
4 – Endocervical margin
Figure 14.40. Trachelectomy specimen – posterior view.
The posterior/endocervical aspect of the specimen Figure 14.41. Frozen section.
demonstrates the endocervical resection margin and the When residual tumor is seen or suspected, the
proximal parametrium. trachelectomy specimen is sent for immediate
intraoperative frozen section to assess the distance from the
tumor to the endocervical resection margin. At least
8–10 mm of tumor-free tissue should be present between
the tumor and the endocervical resection margin. If less
than an adequate endocervical margin is present, additional
endocervix should be removed or the trachelectomy should
be aborted and a vaginal radical hysterectomy performed
Vaginal radical trachelectomy 235

Based on the available oncologic and obstetrical out-
comes, the vaginal radical trachelectomy procedure is
considered a valuable fertility-preserving alternative
for young women with early-stage cervical cancer.

Figure 14.42. Healed trachelectomy.

After complete healing of the trachelectomy, the cervix is
now flush with the vaginal apex. The cervical os is
visualized. Occasionally, the vaginal mucosa can cover the
os and make it difficult to obtain an adequate cytology and
endocervical curettage sample. In such cases, cervical
dilation may be required. Examining the patient during a
menses may aid in the localization of a very small
cervical os.

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gynecologic cancers. Curr Opin Oncol 2000;12:497–507. 2007;106:132–41.
2. Dargent D, Brun JL, Roy M, Mathevet P, Remy I. La 7. Plante M, Renaud MC, Harel F, Roy M. Vaginal radical
trachélectomie élargie (T.E.). Une alternative à trachelectomy: an oncologically safe fertility-preserving
l’hystérectomie radicale dans le traitement des cancers surgery. An updated series of 72 cases and review of the
infiltrants développés sur la face externe du col utérin. literature. Gynecol Oncol 2004;94:614–23.
J Obstet Gynecol 1994;2:285–92. 8. Hertel H, Köhler C, Grund D et al; German Association of
3. Sahdev A, Sohaib SA, Wenaden AE, Shepherd JH, Gynecologic Oncologists (AGO). Radical vaginal
Reznek RH. The performance of magnetic resonance trachelectomy (RVT) combined with laparoscopic pelvic
imaging in early cervical carcinoma: a long-term lymphadenectomy: prospective multicenter study of 100
experience. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2007;17:629–36. patients with early cervical cancer. Gynecol Oncol
4. Plante M, Lau S, Brydon L et al. Neoadjuvant 2006;103:506–11.
chemotherapy followed by vaginal radical trachelectomy 9. Covens A. Preserving fertility in early cervical cancer with
in bulky stage IB1 cervical cancer: case report. radical trachelectomy. Contemp Ob Gyn 2004;2:460–6.
Gynecol Oncol 2006;101:367–70. 10. Alexander-Sefre F, Chee N, Spencer C, Menon U,
5. Shepherd JH, Spencer C, Herod J, Ind TE. Radical vaginal Shepherd JH. Surgical morbidity associated with radical
trachelectomy as a fertility-sparing procedure in women trachelectomy and radical hysterectomy. Gynecol Oncol
with early-stage cervical cancer-cumulative pregnancy rate 2006;101:450–4.
in a series of 123 women. BJOG 2006;113:719–24. 11. Plante M, Renaud MC, Hoskins IA, Roy M. Vaginal radical
6. Marchiole P, Benchaib M, Buenerd A et al. Oncological trachelectomy: a valuable fertility-preserving option in the
safety of laparoscopic-assisted vaginal radical management of early-stage cervical cancer. A series of 50
trachelectomy (LARVT or Dargent’s operation): a pregnancies and review of the literature. Gynecol Oncol
comparative study with laparoscopic-assisted vaginal 2005;98:3–10.
15 Second-look laparoscopy
with intraperitoneal
catheter placement
Christopher S Awtrey and Nadeem R Abu-Rustum

A common approach to the patient with advanced disease. Hoskins et al reported that complete resection
epithelial ovarian cancer involves initial staging of visible disease at the time of second-look laparo-
and attempted optimal cytoreduction followed by tomy was associated with an improved survival.3
platinum-based chemotherapy. For most patients Laparoscopy appears to be an acceptable alternative
with advanced-stage epithelial ovarian cancer this to laparotomy and is associated with less morbidity,
approach leads to a period of clinical remission or, shorter operating time, shorter hospital stay, and
for a minority, complete cure of disease. Physicians lower hospital charges.4 With current technology, lap-
monitor patients for disease recurrence by clinical aroscopy should not be associated with a decreased
examination, imaging studies, and tumor markers. sensitivity of the procedure.4,5
Even in combination, these are not always highly
sensitive for disease persistence or recurrence. The The second-look procedure can be divided into three
ability to detect tumor deposits <1 cm with currently separate components. As with the initial surgical
utilized techniques, such as computed tomography evaluation, the first step is abdominal entry, restora-
(CT), sonography, and magnetic resonance imaging tion of normal anatomy, and evaluation of the perito-
(MRI), are limited.1 Furthermore, tumor markers that neal cavity. Unlike primary evaluation, adhesions
are initially elevated and normalize after primary often markedly hinder this process. Indeed, in some
therapy do not always guarantee a biopsy-proven cases the adhesions can be so dense that incidental
remission. In patients with no clinical evidence of enterotomy may occur upon attempted abdominal
tumor after primary surgery and adjuvant chemother- entry. Adhesions can be due to either postoperative
apy, persistent disease is noted in 60% of surgically changes or to microscopic tumor deposits. Biopsies
evaluated patients.2 A secondary surgical evaluation should be taken from the adhesions and sent for
is the most accurate method for assessing the status of pathologic evaluation. Upon abdominal entry, wash-
disease. ings are also taken to be assessed for microscopic
cytologic evidence of disease.
A second-look laparotomy is defined as a compre-
hensive diagnostic surgical evaluation performed in Evaluation of the abdominal cavity involves visual-
patients with a history of epithelial ovarian cancer izing and palpating the bowel and its mesentery, the
who are deemed clinically free of disease by physical liver edge and diaphragmatic surfaces, as well as the
examination, imaging studies, and tumor markers. pelvic peritoneal surfaces. If there is no evidence of
The procedure consists of a thorough evaluation of disease, the second portion of the procedure is to
the peritoneal cavity and obtaining biopsies of any obtain multiple random biopsies from these perito-
suspicious nodules or adhesions. In the absence of neal surfaces. The paracolic gutters, diaphragmatic
gross disease, biopsies and washings of normal- surfaces, entire abdominopelvic peritoneum, and
appearing surfaces are taken in a systematic manner to remaining omentum are all biopsied. The third
be evaluated for microscopic involvement. The proce- portion of the procedure is to evaluate the nodal
dure also permits resection of any gross disease and basins. Again, this is done by palpation and biopsy
the placement of an intraperitoneal catheter to infuse from the pelvic and paraaortic regions. In general,
chemotherapy as consolidation treatment in patients patients who had advanced disease and did not
who have no evidence or microscopic evidence of undergo lymph node sampling at the time of initial
238 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

cytoreductive surgery are candidates for lymph node recurrent disease, several consolidation strategies have
sampling at the time of second-look laparoscopy. been designed to improve survival. Intraperitoneal
(IP) chemotherapy offers many theoretical advantages
The substitution of video laparoscopy for laparotomy over intravenously administered agents, including
clearly benefits the patient with respect to postopera- the ability to deliver extremely high concentrations of
tive recovery; however, it does present the surgical drug to the IP compartment. Barakat et al recently
team with a unique set of challenges. Due to the high described the long-term follow-up of patients
frequency of intestinal adhesions to the previous treated at Memorial Hospital with IP chemotherapy.6
midline abdominal incision, blind introduction of a Patients treated with IP therapy after a negative
Veress needle in the periumbilical area is dangerous. second-look evaluation had a median survival of
The preferred method of abdominal entry is an open 8.7 years, and in those with microscopic disease
laparoscopic technique, away from the prior incision the median survival was 4.8 years. Although never
site. This reduces, but does not eliminate, the risk of studied in a prospective randomized manner, the use
bowel injury upon entry. A shortcoming with the of IP chemotherapy as a consolidation technique
application of minimally invasive techniques to this appears promising. Placement of the IP catheter at
procedure is the limited tactile sensation available to the time of second-look laparoscopy is simple and
palpate the peritoneal and diaphragmatic surfaces safe. The criteria for placing an IP port at the time of
and nodal basins. To a certain extent, this can be second look include a lack of significant adhesions,
overcome by close visual inspection with the laparo- so as not to interfere with IP drug distribution, and
scope and use of a straight, blunt probe. For the patient disease of no greater than 5 mm in any dimension.
needing nodal sampling, this is performed in the same The use of laparoscopy in second-look procedures is
manner as in an open procedure. Laparoscopic lymph likely to expand as gynecologic oncologists become
node sampling is described elsewhere in this text. more familiar and comfortable with these techniques.
Moreover, minimally invasive technology continues
Since approximately half of the patients found to be to advance, and operative gynecologic oncology will
disease free at second-look evaluation go on to develop benefit from these developments.
Second-look laparoscopy with intraperitoneal catheter placement 239

Survey and biopsies

a b

Figure 15.1. Open laparoscopy.
The procedure begins by placing a Hassan cannula via the
open technique. Abdominal access is typically obtained
through a periumbilical incision; however, an alternative
location is chosen if it is distant from the previous
abdominal scar. (a, b) After the incision in the skin is made,
dissection is carried down to the level of the fascia with
narrow curved retractors. Once the fascia is identified, it is
grasped and incised. The peritoneum is then entered under
direct vision. (c) After the intraabdominal location is
confirmed with the laparoscope, two stay sutures are
placed through the fascia and secured to the cannula.

Figure 15.2. Placement of additional trocars.

Once pneumoperitoneum has been obtained, additional
trocars are inserted through the lower quadrants. Under
direct visualization, the lower quadrant trocars are
introduced with care to avoid the inferior epigastric vessels.
They are placed 1–2 cm medial and superior to the anterior
superior iliac crests. Extensive adhesions, when present,
should be taken down prior to inserting the lower quadrant
trocars. If this is not possible (i.e. bilateral or extremely
dense adhesions), the trocars are placed in alternative sites
where direct entry can be observed with the laparoscope.
240 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 15.3. Washings.
With the patient in steep Trendelenburg position, the bowel
is mobilized out of the pelvis. Copious irrigation is used in
a systematic fashion, starting from the pelvis and working
clockwise along the peritoneal surfaces. Important areas to
include are (a) the pelvis, (b) bilateral paracolic gutters, and
(c) bilateral diaphragmatic surfaces. Washings may be
sampled separately from each of these surfaces or
combined together, as long as all sites have been included.
The washings are collected into a trap attached to the
suction tubing.

Figure 15.4. Peritoneal nodules.

Although patients undergoing a second-look laparoscopy
have no clinical evidence of disease, tumor is often
discovered intraoperatively. Isolated small tumor nodules,
carcinomatosis, or substantial masses may be found.
Shown here is peritoneal carcinomatosis discovered at the
time of a second-look laparoscopy. Frozen-section biopsies
should be obtained from any suspicious areas. If a positive
biopsy is returned, the diagnostic portion of the procedure
is complete. A careful survey should continue to determine
the extent of disease and the need for resection.
Second-look laparoscopy with intraperitoneal catheter placement 241

Figure 15.5. Bowel nodules. Figure 15.6. Large tumor mass.

Tumor nodules can be diffuse or localized. In this patient, Occasionally, a large tumor mass will be found at the time
tumor nodules were found in a segmental manner along of a second-look laparoscopy. Care should be taken to
the small bowel serosa. This underscores the need for evaluate the mass and the rest of the peritoneal cavity.
systematic evaluation of the entire small bowel to search Isolated sites of disease should be considered for
for unanticipated disease. resectability. Patients who have complete gross resection of
tumor at the time of the second look have a better overall
prognosis. Laparotomy or hand-assisted laparoscopy are
considerations for tumor resection at the time of the
second-look procedure.

Figure 15.7. Adhesions. Figure 15.8. Dense adhesions.

Adhesions are frequently noted at the time of Dense intestinal adhesions can present a challenging
re-exploration. The adhesions should be lysed and biopsied, problem. The adhesions should be transected close to the
as tumor deposits are often discovered microscopically at anterior abdominal wall in order to minimize the risk of
the site of adhesions. Filmy adhesion can easily be released enterotomy. However, if too much anterior abdominal wall
by cutting through the clear, avascular portion with the is incised, the dissection may track into the
endoscopic scissors. Use of monopolar cautery should be retroperitoneum. Care should be taken to identify the
limited as thermal injuries may occur. Patients suffering occasional patient who has herniated tissue through the
unrecognized bowel injuries may present several days later previous laparotomy scar.
with signs of intestinal perforation.
242 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 15.9. Hemostasis.
Dense adhesions may contain moderate-sized blood
vessels. If bleeding is encountered, several techniques can
be used to obtain hemostasis, including coagulation,
sutures, or clips. (a) Bleeding is seen coming from the site of
a dense omental adhesion. (b) The bleeding vessel is
grasped with a forceps and the clip applier is introduced
through a 5-mm trocar. (c) The clip is then applied to
control the bleeding. Suction and irrigation are used as
needed to clear the surfaces of blood and to look for
additional sites of bleeding.

a b

Figure 15.10. Targeted biopsies.

Biopsies are taken from all suspicious areas, adhesions, and normal surfaces. (a) In this case, a biopsy forceps is used to
take a biopsy through the thin, avascular portion of an adhesion. Once the biopsy is taken, the adhesion should be
inspected for hemostasis. Small perforating vessels may bleed once tension is released. (b) Excisional biopsies of suspected
tumor nodules may be taken with the scissors after placing the specimen on traction to define a clear, avascular plane.
Second-look laparoscopy with intraperitoneal catheter placement 243

Figure 15.11. Random biopsies.

Random biopsies are taken from the pelvic peritoneum, left
and right paracolic gutters, the diaphragmatic surfaces, and
anterior peritoneal surfaces. This is in addition to any
suspicious sites and areas of adhesions, which should be
sampled as well. If a positive biopsy is found on frozen
section, additional random biopsies are unnecessary.

a b

Figure 15.12. Diaphragm biopsy.

The biopsy forceps is used for most of the random biopsies. (a) The peritoneum is pulled inferiorly to obtain the biopsy. The
biopsy is obtained by using a short jerking motion to remove the tissue while the jaws of the instrument remain closed. This
instrument has a sharp cutting edge that facilitates specimen retrieval. If bleeding is encountered, electrocautery is used to
achieve hemostasis. (b) While a generous biopsy specimen is desired, overzealous sampling could lead to inadvertent
perforation of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is seen here before and after biopsy.

Intraperitoneal catheter placement

Figure 15.13. Introducing the catheter.
Once the examination, washings, and biopsies have all
been completed, the intraperitoneal (IP) catheter is placed.
All operative sites should be re-examined for hemostasis.
The IP catheter is inserted through the 5-mm left lower
quadrant trocar. IP catheters are placed in patients who
are found to have no gross residual disease or only
small-volume disease, making them candidates to receive IP
244 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

c d

Figure 15.14. Manipulating the catheter.

(a) Once introduced through the trocar, further manipulation of the catheter is accomplished under direct visualization
with the assistance of an atraumatic grasper. (b, c) The intraperitoneal (IP) catheter is guided into the pelvis using the
grasper. (d) The catheter should curve through the base of the pelvis and the tip should reside on the contralateral side, still
within the true pelvis. It extends from the left lower quadrant port site down into the pelvis and ends in the right lower
quadrant to allow for dispersion of the infused agents across all of these areas. The trocar through which the catheter was
inserted is now removed.

Figure 15.15. Port site location.

The port is placed in the midclavicular line over the second
lowest ipsilateral rib. A small horizontal incision is made to
accommodate the diameter of the port, which is
approximately 4 cm. The incision is carried down to, but
not through, the level of the fascia. If the port is not placed
over the ribs, it may invert, rendering the reservoir
Second-look laparoscopy with intraperitoneal catheter placement 245

a b

Figure 15.16. Developing the pocket.

(a) The inferior edge of the incision is elevated and undermined with electrocautery. (b) Blunt dissection is also used to
mobilize the subcutaneous tissues and create a pocket for the intraperitoneal (IP) port. The reservoir is inserted to assess the
size of the pocket. The reservoir should have limited mobility when placed into the pocket so that it rests firmly on the
chest wall, providing the necessary support to facilitate access. Once the pocket is the correct size, hemostasis should be
achieved, as it can be difficult to obtain once the port is in situ.

a b

Figure 15.17. Subcutaneous tunneling.
(a) A long fine-tipped clamp is advanced from the pocket
inferiorly through the subcutaneous tissues to the lower
quadrant port site. The tip of the clamp should be oriented
superiorly to assist in grasping the catheter. If a suitable
clamp is not available, a laparoscopic grasper may be used
as an alternative. (b) Once the lower quadrant port site is
reached with the tip of the clamp, the end of the catheter is
securely grasped. (c) The catheter is then pulled through
the subcutaneous tunnel.
246 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 15.18. Connecting the reservoir. Figure 15.19. Inserting the port.
The catheter tubing is connected to the port and the The port is then advanced into the pocket to ensure that it
catheter lock is applied; the clear end of the lock is placed will fit correctly. Adjustments can be made at this point if
against the hub. Once attached, heparinized saline is the pocket is not the correct size.
infused through the catheter. The attachment between the
tubing and the port must be secure to prevent inadvertent
infusion of chemotherapeutic agents into the subcutaneous

a b

Figure 15.20. Placing the sutures.

3–0 Polypropylene sutures are used to anchor the port in place. Three sutures are placed to prevent rotation of the
reservoir. (a) All the sutures are inserted through the fascia before placing any of them through the port. (b) Care is taken to
ensure that the catheter is not damaged during placement of the sutures. An inadvertent needle stick through the catheter
can cause leakage of chemotherapeutic agents.
Second-look laparoscopy with intraperitoneal catheter placement 247

a b

Figure 15.21. Suturing the port.

(a) After all the sutures have been placed through the fascia, they are then placed through the port; the sutures are inserted
through openings provided at the port edges. Once all sutures have been placed, the port is tied down, starting first with
the most distal suture. (b) When all the sutures have been tied, the port should be correctly oriented within the pocket,
with the infusion site close to the skin surface.

Figure 15.23. Closing the incision.

The skin incision is closed in two layers. Interrupted
delayed absorbable sutures are used to approximate the
Figure 15.22. Port in situ. subcutaneous tissue and to take tension off the skin sutures.
In this particularly thin patient, the course of the catheter The skin is closed in a running subcuticular fashion with
can be seen as it passes from the reservoir to the left 4–0 poliglecaprone sutures.
lower quadrant port site. The outlined costal margin
demonstrates the proper placement of the port in relation to
the lower ribs.
248 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 15.24. Flushing the catheter.

The peritoneum is re-examined laparoscopically for hemostasis and to assess placement of the catheter. (a) The catheter is
repositioned as needed and then flushed transcutaneously with heparinized saline to ensure patency. (b) The course of the
catheter through the subcutaneous tunnel is examined, and any slack is removed laparoscopically by gently tugging on the
catheter. The remaining trocars are removed under direct visualization, and the port sites are closed in the standard

1. Ozols RF, Rubin SC, Thomas G, Robboy S. Epithelial laparotomy on survival of patients with epithelial ovarian
ovarian cancer. In: Hoskins WJ, Perez CA, cancer. Gynecol Oncol 1989;34:365–71.
Young RC (eds). Principles and practice of gynecologic 4. Abu-Rustum NR, Barakat RR, Siegel PL et al. Second-look
oncology, 3rd edn. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, operation for epithelial ovarian cancer: laparoscopy or
2000: 1025. laparotomy? Obstet Gynecol 1996;88:549–53.
2. Rubin SC, Hoskins WJ, Hakes TB et al. Serum CA 125 5. Hussain A, Chi DS, Prasad M et al. The role of laparoscopy
levels and surgical findings in patients undergoing in second-look evaluations for ovarian cancer. Gynecol
secondary operations for epithelial ovarian cancer. Oncol 2001;80:44–7.
Am J Obstet Gynecol 1989;160:667–71. 6. Barakat RR, Sabbatini P, Bhaskaran D et al. Intraperitoneal
3. Hoskins WJ, Rubin SC, Dulaney E et al. Influence of chemotherapy for ovarian carcinoma: results of long-term
cytoreductive surgery at the time of second look follow-up. J Clin Oncol 2002;20:694–8.
16 Extraperitoneal lymph
node dissection
Yukio Sonoda, Denis Querleu, and Eric Leblanc

The laparoscopic extraperitoneal approach for be comfortable managing possible vascular injuries
dissecting the paraaortic nodes combines the benefits either by laparoscopy or by laparotomy.
of laparoscopy with those of an extraperitoneal
dissection. It has been most commonly used for the Prior to undertaking the procedure, the surgeon
surgical staging of patients with locally advanced should obtain a radiological study – i.e. a computed
cervical cancer, but can be applied to other circum- tomography (CT) scan – to evaluate the retroperitoneal
stances when the paraaortic nodes require thorough structures and rule out any vascular abnormalities.
evaluation. For patients who are going to be treated Careful identification of the major landmarks is cru-
with radiation, traditional transperitoneal paraaortic cial for the success of this dissection. The remainder
lymph node sampling via laparotomy has been of this chapter illustrates the technical steps for this
associated with increased radiation-induced gastro- procedure.
intestinal toxicity secondary to resulting bowel adhe-
sions. An extraperitoneal approach has been shown
to decrease toxicity, owing to the decreased incidence
of bowel adhesions. Transperitoneal laparoscopy has
also been employed, with good success, to sample
the paraaortic nodes. Benefits of the laparoscopic
extraperitoneal approach compared to a laparoscopic
transperitoneal approach include operative feasibility
in spite of previous abdominal surgery, decreased risk
of direct bowel injury, and decreased bowel adhesion
formation. Benefits over an extraperitoneal laparo-
tomy include decreased wound complications and
possibly decreased hospital stay and treatment

When this procedure is used in the management of

patients with advanced cervical cancer who are
about to undergo radiation therapy, it may lead to an Figure 16.1. Diagnostic laparoscopy and trocar placement.
alteration of the radiation fields in a significant Diagnostic laparoscopy is performed prior to the
portion of patients. Thus, we and others routinely extraperitoneal dissection to inspect the peritoneal cavity
perform this procedure on all patients with FIGO and rule out carcinomatosis. This is carried out using an
Stages IB2–IVA with no clinical or radiological umbilical port and a right lower quadrant port. During this
evidence of distant spread. step, the pelvis can be inspected for bulky
lymphadenopathy. Trocar placement for the extraperitoneal
Laparoscopic anatomy of the retroperitoneum via a dissection is illustrated in this photograph. A 15-mm
left-sided extraperitoneal view may initially be incision for the finger dissection is made 3–4 cm medial to
difficult to interpret; however, knowledge of such a the left iliac spine. Two accessory trocars are used: a
view is crucial for this procedure, as the dissection 10-mm trocar is placed in the left mid-axillary line and a
takes place around major vascular structures. 5-mm trocar is placed in the anterior axillary line
Additionally, surgeons working in this region should approximately 5 cm below the rib cage.

250 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b


1 – Peritoneum
2 – Aorta
3 – Left ureter
4 – Extraperitoneal space
5 – Psoas

Figure 16.2a, b. Finger dissection.

The opening of the extraperitoneal space begins with a finger dissection. Using the incision medial to the iliac spine, the
surgeon introduces an index finger through the abdominal fascia and muscles, being careful not to perforate the
peritoneum. The dissection begins by first identifying the psoas muscle followed by the left common iliac artery. After
identifying these two landmarks, the peritoneum is freed in the cephalic direction off the abdominal wall muscles. The
finger dissection can be done under laparoscopic guidance using the umbilical port or blindly after carefully dissecting
through the various layers of the abdominal wall to identify the preperitoneal space.

a b

Figure 16.3. Additional trocar.

(a) After the separation of the peritoneal sac from the abdominal wall, accessory trocars can be placed under finger
guidance. The surgeon must be sure to have separated the peritoneum off the abdominal wall at the points where the
accessory ports are to be placed. (b) The operator should ensure that the trocar does not accidentally pierce the peritoneal
reflection, which would make insufflation of the retroperitoneal space difficult. This photograph illustrates how the
accessory trocar is introduced into the extraperitoneal space at a point where the peritoneal sac has been separated from
the abdominal wall.
Extraperitoneal lymph node dissection 251

Figure 16.4. Final port placement.

Once the additional two trocars have been placed, the
surgeon’s index finger is removed; a balloon trocar is
placed into the extraperitoneal space under laparoscopic
guidance. To ensure pneumostasis, the laparoscope is
placed through the balloon trocar. This photograph
illustrates the three ports that are required for this

a b

Figure 16.5. Psoas muscle.

(a) The psoas muscle is the first landmark that is identified. The peritoneal sac has been partially released off the psoas
muscle with the finger dissection; however, occasionally this must be completed under visual guidance using the
laparoscopic instruments. (b) Using both blunt and sharp dissection, the psoas can be released from the overlying tissue.
The psoas is released up to the fascia of the kidney, which may need to be elevated off the psoas to provide adequate room
to operate. Additionally, this creation of space allows for the pooling of both blood and irrigation fluid away from the
operative field.
252 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

1 – Right common iliac artery

2 – Aorta
3 – Left common iliac artery
Figure 16.6. Identifying the left common iliac artery.
Once the peritoneal sac has been freed off the psoas, Figure 16.7. Aortic bifurcation.
attention is now turned to identifying the left common iliac Once the left common iliac artery is identified, it can be
artery, which is done by careful blunt dissection. The left traced to the aortic bifurcation and the right common iliac
ureter and ovarian vessels are attached to the peritoneal artery. This is done using both blunt and sharp dissection
sac and elevated off the psoas and common iliac artery. to open the areolar tissue and elevate the peritoneal sac.
This photograph illustrates the appearance of the left
common iliac artery as it is first identified.

1 1
4 3

1 – Left renal vein

2 – Inferior mesenteric artery 1 – Left ovarian vein
3 – Left renal artery 2 – Left renal vein
4 – Aorta 3 – Inferior vena cava
4 – Aorta
Figure 16.8. Inferior mesenteric artery and left 5 – Azygos vein
renal vein.
The inferior mesenteric artery is the next structure Figure 16.9. Left renal vein.
identified, by tracing the aorta cranially. Postganglionic An alternative approach is to identify the left ovarian vein
sympathetic fibers usually converge in this region and may and trace it to the left renal vein. Dissection of the left
provide the surgeon with clues as to its whereabouts. The renal vein and removal of the lymph nodes in this region
left renal vein can then be found by continuing up the must be done with caution so as not to injure the azygos
aorta cranially to the crossing of the left renal vein. vein. One of the reasons we prefer a left-sided approach is
the complexity of the left infrarenal dissection.
Extraperitoneal lymph node dissection 253

a b

Figure 16.10. Removal of the lateral aortic nodes.

(a) The lateral aortic nodes and the left common iliac nodes can be easily detached from the large vessels using sharp and
blunt dissection. Cephalad to the inferior mesenteric artery is the origin of the left ovarian artery. This artery is not easily
seen and can be avulsed, which may result in excessive bleeding. (b) Posteriorly, the lateral aortic nodes should be
removed above the sympathetic chain. Below this level lie the lumbar vessels, which can cause significant bleeding if
injured. The postganglionic fibers can be cut at their origin.

1 – Right ureter
2 – Right common iliac artery 8
3 – Aorta 9
4 – Left common iliac artery
1 – Right external iliac artery
Figure 16.11. Right common iliac artery. 2 – Right common iliac artery
Prior to removing the lymph nodes from the right common 3 – Right internal iliac artery
iliac artery, the right ureter should be visualized. As it is 4 – Left common iliac vein
still attached to the peritoneum, it can be swept laterally 5 – Left common iliac artery
and away from the dissection. 6 – Left internal iliac artery
7 – Left external iliac artery
8 – Left genitofemoral nerve
9 – Left psoas muscle

Figure 16.12. Subaortic and right common iliac artery.

The left common iliac vein and both of the common iliac
arteries are illustrated in this photograph. The lymph nodes
can be removed from the common iliac arteries to the level
of the iliac bifurcation. The subaortic lymph nodes have
been removed, but the surgeon must be aware of the
middle sacral vein.
254 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

1 Fellow’s vein

Figure 16.13. Precaval lymph nodes.

Precaval and lateral caval lymph nodes can be removed from a left-sided approach. The nodes must be grasped firmly and
dissected from the vena cava. Small perforating vessels from the vena cava to the nodal package should be identified (a),
coagulated, and cut (b). Avulsing these vessels may cause severe hemorrhage.

Figure 16.14. Right ovarian vessels.

The high preaortic and interaortocaval nodes are removed
with careful attention to the right ovarian artery, which
may be difficult to identify. These should be coagulated
and cut prior to removing the nodal package. The
duodenum should be freed from the left renal vein to
access this area.


1 – Right ovarian artery

2 – Left renal vein
3 – Right ovarian vein
4 – Inferior vena cava
5 – Aorta
Extraperitoneal lymph node dissection 255

a b


4 4

1 – Left ovarian vein 1 – Right ureter

2 – Left renal vein 2 – Aorta
3 – Inferior vena cava 3 – Right common iliac artery
4 – Aorta 4 – Left common iliac artery

Figure 16.15. Extent of dissection.

(a) The superior limit of the dissection is the left renal vein as it inserts into the vena cava. The interaortocaval and high
precaval nodes have been removed. This area is rich in lymphatics and these channels should be thoroughly coagulated.
(b) This photograph demonstrates the finished dissection below the inferior mesenteric artery. The common iliac, subaortic,
precaval, and paraaortic nodes have been removed.


1 – Right external iliac artery

2 – Right internal iliac artery
3 – Right common iliac artery Figure 16.17. Marsupialization.
4 – Left common iliac vein Symptomatic lymphoceles constituted the majority of
5 – Left common iliac artery postoperative complications in our early experience. Thus,
we began routinely to marsupialize the peritoneum in the
Figure 16.16. Marking lower limits. left paracolic gutter using the initial transperitoneal
The inferior limits of the dissection are marked with clips at approach initiated for the diagnostic step.
the level of the bifurcation of the common iliac artery. This
allows the radiation oncologist to accurately design the
radiation fields.
17 Chest tube placement
and video-assisted
thoracoscopic surgery
Siobhan M Kehoe and Raja M Flores

Tube thoracostomy refers to the placement of a tube effusions develop as a result of tumor metastasis to
into either hemithoracic cavity for drainage purposes. the parietal or visceral pleura, which then hinders
Drainage can be of blood (hemothorax), pus (empy- the normal reabsorption of the fluid. Patients who
ema), air (pneumothorax), or fluid (pleural effusion). present with pulmonary complaints, including dysp-
In gynecologic oncology, some patients with advanced nea on exertion and pleuritic chest pain, should have
ovarian cancer will present with pleural effusions, a chest radiograph performed to include the postero-
some of which may contain cancer cells and are anterior as well as upright and lateral decubitus
termed malignant effusions. Malignant pleural views.

Figure 17.1. Chest radiograph – posteroanterior view.

Posteroanterior chest radiograph of a 47-year-old woman
with a history of carcinoma of the ovary who presented
with the gradual onset of dyspnea on exertion. A left
pleural effusion is present, demonstrated by partial opacity
of the left hemithorax with a meniscus.

258 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 17.2. Upright lateral view.

Upright lateral chest radiograph clearly demonstrating the
partial opacity with a meniscus, implying that pleural fluid Figure 17.3. Lateral decubitus view.
is present. Lateral decubitus radiograph demonstrating that the pleural
fluid is freely mobile and layers out. This view should be
performed prior to chest tube placement to differentiate
between free pleural fluid and other abnormalities,
including atelectatic lung or an intrathoracic mass lesion,
both of which are contraindications to tube thoracostomy.
If freely mobile fluid is not appreciated on the lateral
decubitus radiograph, or the involved hemithorax is
completely opacified, computer tomography of the chest
with intravenous contrast should be performed to
definitively characterize the intrathoracic pathology.

Figure 17.4. Patient position and landmarks.

Tube thoracostomy can be performed pre- and
postoperatively at the bedside using a combination of local
anesthesia and intravenous sedation. Proper set-up is
important before placement of the chest tube. The patient is
placed in the lateral decubitus position with the affected
side up. A marking pen is used to outline the landmarks:
the anterior axillary line can be marked with a dashed line;
and the inframammary crease and the fifth intercostal space
can be marked with a solid line. A common site for tube
placement is at the intersection of the anterior axillary line
and the fifth intercostal space. It is important to realize that
in patients with significant abdominal ascites, the
diaphragm and rib cage may be slightly elevated.
Chest tube placement and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 259

a b

Figure 17.5. Local anesthesia and incision.

Once the incision site is marked, and the patient is prepared and draped in a sterile fashion, 1% lidocaine (without
epinephrine) is injected, aimed at anesthetizing three specific sites: (1) the skin; (2) the periosteum of the rib, inferior to the
desired intercostal space; and (3) the parietal pleura. In an adult, typically 30 ml of 1% lidocaine is necessary to effectively
anesthetize all of these areas. The parietal pleura is anesthetized by inserting the needle (while aspirating) into the chest.
When fluid return is obtained, lidocaine is injected while slowly withdrawing the needle (a). Local anesthetic will then
dissect directly into the extrapleural plane, thereby anesthetizing the pleura. If one is unable to aspirate fluid from the
chest, a new site for tube placement should be chosen or the presence of pleural fluid should be questioned. Typically, a
#11- or #15-blade scalpel is used to incise the skin (b).

Figure 17.6. Entering the chest.

A blunt-tipped clamp can be used to spread the
subcutaneous tissue and muscle down to the periosteum of
the rib below the intercostal space to be used for the tube
placement. A Bovie tip can also be used to cut through this
tissue. Once down to the inferior rib, the intercostal muscle
immediately above this rib is gently spread open and the
pleural cavity is entered. The intercostal bundle with the
vessels is located on the inferior portion of the rib;
therefore, entrance into the chest should be made above
the rib to avoid bleeding or excessive pain. Note that the
tube should not be inserted posteriorly since this will cause
discomfort and impaired drainage.
260 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 17.7. Curved clamp used to insert a chest tube.

Once entrance into the pleural cavity occurs, air enters into
this space and causes slight collapse of the lung. The chest
tube can then be inserted with the aid of a curved clamp.
Again, it is important to insert the clamp and tube above
the rib in order to avoid the neurovascular bundle. For the
sake of simplicity, the extrathoracic musculature is not
depicted. (Reproduced with permission from Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 2001.)
Figure 17.8. Insertion of chest tube – clamp technique.
One technique used for insertion of the tube into the chest
involves directing the tube into the chest using the blunt-
tipped, curved clamp. The tube is grasped with the clamp
at one of the side holes, as shown. Once the tube is in the
thoracic cavity, it is gently placed in the desired position
(posteriorly for fluid, anteriorly for pneumothorax). All side
holes should be well within the chest – tubes are typically
numbered in centimeters from the last side hole.

Figure 17.9. Insertion of chest tube – trocar technique.

Another technique that may be used to insert the tube
involves using a tube with a trocar that passes through the
tube. The sharp tip is backed out approximately 1–2 cm
from the end of the tube, and is used as a stent to help
guide the tube into the chest. The potential advantage of
this technique is that the tube can be guided more
effectively once inside the thoracic cavity. To prevent lung
laceration, care must be taken to ensure that the trocar tip
does not protrude from the end of the tube.
Chest tube placement and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 261

a b

c d

Figure 17.10. Securing the tube.

Once the tube has been inserted and advanced to the desired position, a non-absorbable suture is used to secure the tube
in place. (a) The suture is placed through the skin adjacent to the tube as an anchoring stitch and tied loosely.
(b) The suture is then wrapped around the tube and tied relatively tightly to secure the tube in place. (c) The tube is
covered with an occlusive dressing. (d) The tube is then attached to an available thoracic underwater drainage unit (ex
Pleur-evac). The tube is often initially placed on continuous suction to aid in the drainage of the fluid.
262 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 17.11. Successful drainage.

A post-procedure posteroanterior chest radiograph is
performed to check the chest tube placement and to assess
for a pneumothorax. This post-procedure chest radiograph
shows the chest tube in place with successful drainage of
the fluid. After successful drainage has taken place, a
sclerosing material, such as talc or doxycycline, can be
instilled into the chest cavity for pleurodesis to prevent
reaccumulation of the fluid. If the chest tube was initially
placed for a pneumothorax, the tube can be removed when
the air leak has resolved.

Chest tube management

Chest tubes are connected to a drainage system. Wall planning.2 If resection of the lung disease is not
suction is used in the immediate postoperative period. achievable, the planned abdominal procedure can be
Wall suction is created by placing the chest tubes to an rescheduled and neoadjuvant chemotherapy given
external drainage system and attaching this drainage prior to the major abdominal debulking procedure.
system to the wall suction. After monitoring of the
output, the chest tubes are then taken off suction and Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, also termed
placed on water seal. Water seal is defined by remov- thoracoscopy or pleuroscopy, is a minimally invasive
ing the pressure suction and placing the chest tubes to approach used to diagnose lung or chest disease. It
the underwater seal that is within the external drain- can be used to examine the chest cavity as well as to
age system.1 Chest radiographs are performed daily. If perform procedures such as pleural biopsies or resec-
patients become symptomatic with shortness of breath tion of pleural tumors. The benefit of using VATS
or hypoxia or if there is an increase in a pneumo- rather than the traditional surgical approach, thoraco-
thorax, the chest tube is placed back on suction. tomy, is the smaller incision, less postoperative pain,
and faster recovery.
Women diagnosed with Stage IV disease by a pleural
effusion with positive cytology may have a thoracen- The question arises as to which patients with Stage IV
tesis or tube thoracostomy (chest tube placement) to ovarian cancer by pleural effusions should undergo a
remove this fluid. The inspection of the pleural cavity VATS procedure. In a study by Juretzka et al, 65% of
to assess for gross large-volume disease is not usually patients with moderate to large pleural effusions had
performed. The findings of gross intrathoracic disease macroscopic intrathoracic disease.3 VATS can be used
may alter treatment response and thereby change not only to diagnose disease but also to attempt to
initial management. If larger-volume macroscopic cytoreduce the intrathoracic disease. For those
disease is present in the thoracic cavity, an attempt to patients who would go on to have complete intra-
remove this disease can be performed. Chi et al abdominal cytoreduction, removing the intrathoracic
reported that video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery disease can be beneficial. At the same time, VATS can
(VATS) can be performed safely in patients with also be used to help determine which patients should
moderate to large pleural effusions to assess the receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to any
extent of thoracic cavity disease and assist in treatment surgical intervention.
Chest tube placement and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 263

Figure 17.12. Double-lumen endotracheal tube.

For a VATS procedure, a double-lumen endotracheal tube
is placed by the anesthesia team. This allows for one lung
to remain ventilated while the other lung is deflated so that
the pleural cavity can be thoroughly inspected.

a b

Figure 17.13a, b. Patient positioning.

(a) Appropriate positioning of the patient is important. The patient is positioned in the lateral decubitus position. The lower
edge of the ribs can be palpated. The patient’s ipsilateral arm is brought across and in front of the chest. (b) In order to
open the area through which the thoracoscope will be placed, the shoulders and hips are lowered by altering the position
of the bed. The camera within the thoracoscope will transmit the picture to a video screen, giving the surgeon a complete

Figure 17.14. Placement of the incision.

The incision will be made near the fifth intercostal space.
The same landmarks outlined for the chest tube placement
are used to determine where the incision for the VATS
should be made. The lower edge of the ribs is palpated and
the fifth intercostal space determined. A 2-cm incision is
made in the chest wall using a #11- or #15-blade scalpel.
The incision is carried down to the periosteum of the rib
with blunt dissection or cautery with the Bovie to separate
the muscle. The chest cavity should be entered above the
rib to avoid the intercostal vessels and neurovascular
bundle that run below each rib.
264 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 17.15. Introducing the thoracoscope. Figure 17.16. One port site technique.
Once the chest cavity is entered, the thoracoscope can be Additional ports can be used to insert instruments into the
introduced. The scope, with the video, allows the lung and chest in order to proceed with the biopsy or resection.
pleura to be explored by the surgeon. However, removing the trocar in the initial incision allows
for a second instrument to be inserted adjacent to the
thoracoscope, eliminating the need for a second incision.

Figure 17.17. Inspection of the entire lung and Figure 17.18. Biopsy of pleural lesions.
pleural cavity. All suspicious lesions can be biopsied. A pleurodesis can
With the lung deflated, the parietal and pleural layers can be performed through the scope by inserting talcum
be inspected for disease. powder or doxycycline into the chest. These materials
cause an inflammatory reaction and cause the lung to
adhere to the pleural wall. The goal of the pleurodesis is to
prevent future reaccumulation of fluid into this space. At
the end of the procedure, a chest tube is placed, as
described above for continued drainage.
Chest tube placement and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 265

1. Cerfolio RJ, Bryant AS, Singh S, Bass CS, Bartolucci AA. ovarian cancer and moderate to large pleural effusions.
The management of chest tubes in patients with a Gynecol Oncol 2004;94:307–11.
pneumothorax and an air leak after pulmonary resection. 3. Juretzka MM, Abu-Rustum NR, Sonoda Y et al. The
Chest 2005;128:816–20. impact of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) in
2. Chi DS, Abu-Rustum NR, Sonoda Y et al. The benefit of patients with suspected advanced ovarian
video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery before planned malignancies and pleural effusions. Gynecol Oncol
abdominal exploration in patients with suspected advanced 2007;104(3):670–4.
18 Hand-assisted laparoscopic
John P Diaz and Dennis S Chi

Introduction The vaccinations should be administered at least

14 days prior to surgery. If this is not possible, the
immunizations may be given on the fourteenth post-
The majority of patients with advanced ovarian
operative day.5 In patients undergoing postoperative
cancer will recur. In selected cases, surgery for iso-
chemotherapy who did not receive their preoperative
lated recurrences, especially those involving the
immunizations, vaccinations should be delayed
spleen, has been reported to be associated with
3 months.
prolonged survival.1 Minimally invasive surgery
has gained increasing recognition for its value as a
diagnostic tool at the time of second-look surgery
and in the primary staging of ovarian cancer.2,3 The Anatomy
application of hand-assisted laparoscopic surgical
principles has enabled us to expand the limits of
The spleen is found lying against the diaphragm and
minimally invasive surgery. Despite these advances,
ribs 9–11 in the left hypochondriac region. It is devel-
the use of minimally invasive surgery in the recur-
oped in the dorsal mesogastrium and supported by the
rent setting has not been frequently described. We
lienogastric and lienorenal ligaments. The spleen is
previously reported our experience with six patients
supplied by the splenic artery, the largest branch of the
who underwent laparoscopy or hand-assisted laparos-
celiac trunk. It runs a tortuous course along the supe-
copy for presumed ovarian cancer involving the
rior border of the pancreas and enters the lineorenal
spleen.4 Our series demonstrated that this approach
ligament. The splenic artery gives rise to a number of
is safe and feasible in the management of select
pancreatic branches, including the dorsal pancreatic
artery. It also supplies a few short gastric arteries,
which pass through the lineogastric ligament to reach
the fundus of the stomach. The left gastroepiploic
artery, a division of the splenic artery, passes through
the lienogastric ligament to reach the greater omentum
Immunizations and runs along the greater curvature of the stomach to
distribute to the stomach and greater omentum.
The spleen is the dominant site for the production
of immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies required for The spleen is drained by the splenic vein, which is
opsonizing encapsulated pathogens. Thus, whenever formed by the union of tributaries from the spleen
elective splenectomy is considered, patients should and receives the short gastrics, left gastroepiploic, and
undergo preoperative immunization against pancreatic veins. The splenic vein joins the superior
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, mesenteric vein posterior to the neck of the pancreas,
and Haemophilus influenzae type b. thereby forming the portal vein.

268 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 18.1. Exposure and retraction. Figure 18.2. Initial evaluation.

The patient is positioned in the dorsolithotomy position and The anatomy of the upper abdomen is fully assessed using
prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion. both laparoscopic visualization and palpation with the
Laparoscopy may be performed prior to the insertion of the surgeon’s intraabdominal hand. The splenic flexure of the
hand port or afterwards. A midline incision in centimeters colon and the spleen itself are assessed for adhesions
that corresponds to the glove size of the surgeon (i.e. 7 cm posteriorly, and accessibility to the splenic hilum is
incision for size 7 gloves) is made above the umbilicus, and determined.
the hand port is inserted. Depending on the hand access
device used, the laparoscope may be placed through the
hand port and under direct visualization. Two or three
additional ports may be placed on the patient’s left side at
the level of the umbilicus. One port will be used for the
laparoscope, the other ports for the operative instruments.


Figure 18.3. Mobilization of the splenic flexure. Figure 18.4. Exposure of the lesser sac.
Traditional laparoscopic instruments are used to mobilize A nasogastric tube inserted into the stomach can be used as
the splenic flexure of the colon from the spleen. Division a handle to lift the stomach up while using the hand
of these attachments allows the spleen to now be retracted inserted through the hand port to assist in dividing the
medially, exposing the lienorenal ligament. The ligament is greater omentum to expose the lesser sac.
then divided with the aid of the Ligasure. The ligament is
divided only as far as it can be clearly seen, leaving the rest
until after division of the vessels in the splenic hilum.
Hand-assisted laparoscopic splenectomy 269

Figure 18.5. Division of the omental branches and short

gastric vessels. Figure 18.6. Ligation of the splenic artery and vein.
The omental branches of the gastroepiploic artery are The hand in the abdomen mobilizes the spleen medially,
divided and then the short gastric vessels are identified and so that the posterior and lateral attachments of the spleen
divided. We favor using the Ligasure for this portion of the can be divided. With the spleen mobilized medially, the
procedure; however, other devices that coagulate and cut hilum of the spleen is exposed and the tail of the pancreas
are also acceptable, such as staplers, ultrasonic energy is identified. The splenic artery is dissected free and then
devices, or other electrosurgical instruments. divided using an endoscopic vascular stapler. The splenic
vein is divided in a similar manner.

Figure 18.8. Closure.

The splenic bed is then irrigated, the ports are removed,
Figure 18.7. Delivery of the spleen and hemostasis.
and the port sites are irrigated with saline and closed. All
Any remaining attachments to the spleen are divided at this
trocar sites >5 mm are closed at the peritoneal, fascial, and
time and the spleen is removed via the hand port. Any
skin levels. The 5-mm trocar incisions are closed at the skin
residual bleeding is controlled using an endoscopic
level only. Drains are not routinely placed.
argon-beam coagulator or other cautery device.
Pneumoperitoneum may be released for several minutes to
ensure adequate hemostasis.
270 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

1. Gemignani ML, Chi DS, Gurin CC, Curtin JP, Barakat RR. ovarian and fallopian tube cancers. Am J Obstet Gynecol
Splenectomy in recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer. 2005;192:1614–19.
Gynecol Oncol 1999; 72:407–10. 4. Chi DS, Abu-Rustum NR, Sonoda Y et al. Laparoscopic
2. Abu-Rustum NR, Barakat RR, Siegel PL et al. and hand-assisted laparoscopic splenectomy for recurrent
Second-look operation for epithelial ovarian cancer: and persistent ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol
laparoscopy or laparotomy? Obstet Gynecol 1996; 2006;101:224–7.
88:549–53. 5. Howdieshell TR, Heffernan D, Dipiro JT. Surgical infection
3. Chi DS, Abu-Rustum NR, Sonoda Y et al. The safety and society guidelines for vaccination after traumatic injury.
efficacy of laparoscopic surgical staging of apparent stage I Surg Infect (Larchmt) 2006;7:275–303.
19 Robotically assisted
laparoscopic surgery for
gynecologic malignancies
Mario M Leitao Jr and Ginger J Gardner

Surgery is the cornerstone of treatment for most car-building industry. The use of robotic technology
patients diagnosed with gynecologic malignancies. in surgery, however, is relatively new. Rather than
Surgery has traditionally involved large laparotomy resembling the human form or being programmed in
incisions that are associated with significant pain and advance, robotic technology in medicine is a tool
prolonged recovery periods. The advent of minimally entirely under the real-time, continuous control of the
invasive procedures has allowed gynecologic oncolo- primary operating surgeon. The design of the robot
gists to perform the same procedures through 3–5 allows the surgeon to complete a broad range of surgi-
small incisions, all less than 1 inch (2.5 cm), using cal procedures with a minimally invasive approach,
laparoscopic techniques. This has resulted in much while avoiding many of the challenges of a traditional
less postoperative pain, improved cosmetic results, laparoscopic technique.
and faster recovery for patients. Advanced laparo-
scopic procedures have not been uniformly adopted The only commercially available robotic system in
by all gynecologic oncologists, and only a limited the world is the daVinci Surgical System manufac-
number routinely perform advanced procedures.1 tured by Intuitive Surgical in Sunnyvale, California,
This is probably owing to the need to acquire new with the most recent updated platform, the da Vinci S
surgical skill sets, the non-complementary move- Surgical System. It consists of a patient cart, which is
ments of the laparoscopic instruments compared to often referred to as the ‘robot.’ This cart has one arm
the surgeon’s movements, and the limited range of dedicated for the camera and three additional arms to
motion of the currently available instruments. which various surgical instruments are attached. The
Furthermore, traditional laparoscopy only provides surgeon controls the patient cart (‘robot’) from the
the surgeon with two-dimensional images, limited console. The console is positioned away from the
ergonomics for lengthy procedures, and on many patient, and the surgeon is unscrubbed during this
occasions requires both an abdominal and vaginal time. The surgeon places his hands in the console
approach. Complex procedures can therefore be dif- controls and the instruments on the ‘robot’ move in
ficult to complete in a minimally invasive fashion. the exact manner that the surgeon’s hands move. The
The advent of robotic technology has addressed and complete system also consists of a video tower, so
overcome many of these limitations. that the entire procedure can be visualized by the
other members of the surgical team in the operating
The American Heritage Dictionary defines ‘robot’ as room.
‘a mechanical device that sometimes resembles a
human and is capable of performing a variety of often The robotic system provides the surgeon with a
complex human tasks on command or by being pro- three-dimensional view of the operative field in the
grammed in advance’.2 The word ‘robot’ comes from surgical console. During procedures, the movements
the Czech word ‘robota,’ a derivative of ‘rab’ (slave), of the robotic instruments complement the movement
which is defined as servitude or forced labor.2 Robots of the surgeon’s hands and are therefore similar to
are often associated with popular science fiction the steps and motions used during open surgery.
novels and thus sound futuristic and exciting. In Furthermore, the robotic instruments have a wrist-
reality, robotic technology has been used in a variety like movement that allows for a broader range of
of industries for many years, most notably in the motion and easier suturing compared with traditional
272 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

laparoscopy. All of these technical advancements is often placed on the side opposite to the fourth
have made it much easier for surgeons to adapt mini- robotic arm.
mally invasive approaches from their open approaches
in a much more ergonomic surgical setting. The The first report of robotically assisted surgery in
robotic techniques enable both novice and expert humans for a gynecologic indication was of a tubal
laparoscopic surgeons to complete simple and reanastomosis in 1999.4 The first series of robotically
complex skills much faster.3 assisted hysterectomies was published in 2002.5
Additional gynecologic reports have described suc-
Trocar placement for robotically assisted procedures cessful completion of robotically assisted ovarian
differs from traditional laparoscopy and is described transposition, myomectomies, vesicovaginal fistula
below. All procedures can be completed using 4–5 repair, and sacrocolpopexy.6–10 These studies do not
trocars. The need for a vaginal approach is also elimi- directly compare their outcomes to laparoscopic
nated, except to remove the specimen after colpotomy approaches, but provide acceptable results. The first
is completed abdominally. Proper positioning of the robotically assisted gynecologic oncology procedures
patient is important. Steep Trendelenburg position is were reported in 2005, with the first radical hysterec-
necessary, so the patient must be secured to the oper- tomy reported in 2006.11,12
ating table using various methods. We routinely place
the patient into steep Trendelenburg position prior to The largest series in gynecologic oncology have only
scrubbing to ensure that there is no upward slippage been presented in abstract form at the Society of
of the patient and to test the patient’s ability to with- Gynecologic Oncology’s 38th Annual Meeting on
stand this position. The robotic system is a fixed sys- Women’s Cancer in 2007.13,14 This single institution’s
tem that does not have a feedback mechanism to alert experience demonstrates similar operative times for
the surgeon that the patient has moved against the robotically assisted radical hysterectomies compared
patient cart. Such movement may result in damage to with laparotomies, with significantly less blood loss
the abdominal wall. and length of hospital stay.13 In addition, shorter mean
operative times were seen for robotically assisted
Uterine manipulators of the surgeon’s preference are endometrial staging procedures compared with tradi-
placed, except in cases of gross cervical malignancies. tional laparoscopic staging procedures.14 Higher mean
We prefer the use of the ZUMI with the KOH lymph node counts were also seen in patients who
Colpotomizer system and Colpo-Pneumo Occluder, or had undergone a robotically assisted procedure com-
the VCare Uterine Manipulator. These manipulators pared with a traditional laparoscopic approach.14 Both
allow for excellent delineation of the vaginal fornices series demonstrated lower complication rates for
and facilitate the colpotomy and maintenance of the robotically assisted procedures compared with both
pneumoperitoneum during a total laparoscopic hys- laparotomy and laparoscopy.
terectomy whether using traditional or robotic tech-
nique. For patients with gross cervical malignancies, The field of robotics in gynecology is new and will
a blunt vaginal probe may be used. require additional investigation. The advent of robotics
must not lead to the performance of unindicated pro-
To begin the procedure, abdominal entry is performed cedures simply because they can now be performed
in the surgeon’s preferred manner for laparoscopy. with smaller incisions by more surgeons. However,
An extra long 12-mm trocar should be used for the robotics holds great promise. Robotics has many of the
camera site. Abdominal inspection is performed using technical advantages of traditional laparoscopy and is
the robotic camera free from the robot. Alternatively, the natural evolution of minimally invasive surgery.
a laparoscope can be used. The additional trocars are Some of the key aspects of robotically assisted proce-
then placed under direct visualization – three 8-mm dures are shown below. The described techniques
robotic trocars and one assistant 10–12 mm trocar in may be different or modified based on individual sur-
the left or right upper quadrant. This assistant trocar geon experience and robotic platform version.
Robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery for gynecologic malignancies 273

1 – Patient cart (’Robot’)

2 – Video tower
3 – Surgeon console

Figure 19.1. da Vinci S Surgical System.

The robotic surgical system is composed of the surgeon console, patient cart, and a video tower. The patient cart is
attached to the trocars that were placed laparoscopically. The surgeon controls the cart remotely from the console.
(Courtesy of Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA.)

Figure 19.2. Robotic endoscope.

The endoscope is unique to the robotic system. It consists
of two digital video sources that provide video data into
two separate cameras. The system then processes these two
images into a three-dimensional image that the surgeon
sees through the console. The assistants see a
two-dimensional image on the operating room monitors
from video captured from one of the endoscope cameras.
The light source is hotter than a traditional laparoscope.
Antifog solutions should be avoided, as they may damage
the scope. These scopes are available in both 0° and 30°
types (Courtesy of Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA.)
274 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 19.3. Robotic instrument.

The unique design of the robotic instruments allows for a
greater degree of freedom and allows the instrument tips to
articulate much like a human wrist. The instruments will
mimic the movement of the surgeon’s hands and fingers
while he manipulates the console controls. Robotic
instruments are currently available in both 8-mm and 5-mm
sizes. The instruments most useful for gynecologic
procedures include the Mega needle driver and SutureCut
needle driver. These needle drivers are better suited for
handling larger needles, which are commonly used to close
the vaginal cuff. The SutureCut also allows the surgeon to
cut suture with the same driver. There are various forceps
and graspers for tissue handling, and many can be supplied
with bipolar cautery. A monopolar scissor is also attached.
Some surgeons find the available PK Dissecting Forceps
and Harmonic curved shears useful. Many more
instruments are available and further development is
expected. (Courtesy of Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA)

a b

1 – KOH Cup 1 – Vaginal fornices delineated with KOH ring

Figure 19.4. Uterine manipulation.

Uterine manipulation is essential to successfully complete a robotic hysterectomy. A transcervical/intrauterine manipulator
should be avoided in patients with gross cervical malignancies, as this may lead to excessive bleeding and tumor fracture.
Uterine manipulation can be accomplished with direct grasping of the uterus robotically for patients with gross cervical
malignancies. A vaginal probe can then be used to delineate the vagina and assist with the colpotomy in these situations.
Transcervical/intrauterine manipulation may be used for patients without gross cervical malignancies. We prefer the uterine
manipulation system seen in this figure. The KOH Colpotomizer System (CooperSurgical, Trumbull, CT) is useful and
practical. (a) It provides clear delineation of the vaginal fornices. (b) The KOH Cups are sterilizable and reusable and
available in either stainless steel or as a polymeric resin. There are three available sizes – 3.0 cm, 3.5 cm, and 4.0 cm. The
cups are fitted onto a uterine manipulator and then introduced into the uterus with the cervix sitting within the cup. A
Colpo-Pneumo Occluder is placed onto the manipulator before placing the cup. This occluder will maintain the
pneumoperitoneum after the colpotomy is made.
Robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery for gynecologic malignancies 275

Camera 8c 8 cm
8–10 cm 8–10 cm
15° 15°

8–10 cm
1 2
20–25 cm 3

Trocar positions are 1 – 4 1 – Symphysis pubis

2 – Trocar # 3
Figure 19.5. Patient positioning and trocar setup. 3 – Trocar # 2
The proper positioning of the patient is essential. The steep 4 – Trocar # 1
5 – Camera trocar
Trendelenburg position in dorsal lithotomy is critical in
6 – Trocar # 4
getting the bowel out of the surgical field. The patient must
be positioned and secured properly to prevent upward Figure 19.6. Trocars placed and ready for docking.
slippage on the table. The robotic system, which is a fixed The trocars have all been placed. This patient was
system, does not have a feedback mechanism to sense undergoing surgical staging, as well as hysterectomy, for
patient movement. If the patient slips upward after the endometrial adenocarcinoma. The camera trocar is set at
robotic system is docked, damage to the anterior approximately 25 cm cephalad to the symphysis pubis. The
abdominal wall and loss of pneumoperitoneum is possible. camera site is marked after the patient is draped. The other
The woman’s arms are tucked slightly beneath her body, trocar sites are only measured and marked after the
and she is secured to the table using soft shoulder pads and patient’s abdomen has inflated with carbon dioxide.
tape across the chest. The hands and the knees are also Trocars 1 and 2, in this case, are the robotic-specific
protected with padding. The steep Trendelenburg trocars. Trocar 3 is a 5-mm assistant port and Trocar 4 is a
positioning is tested to ensure the patient cannot move and 5–12-mm assistant port. The carbon dioxide inflow tubing
can tolerate the position. Positive pressure ventilation is is moved to this port to help avoid fogging of the
almost always required. The patient is prepped and draped endoscope. Trocar 4 is critical for passing sutures,
in a normal fashion. A catheter is placed into the bladder laparotomy pads, and for removing specimens, if necessary.
and the uterus then sounded and dilated normally. The The patient cart (‘robot’) is then brought into position
uterine manipulation system is then placed, if desired. The between the patient’s legs and docked onto the trocars.
peritoneal cavity is then entered according to the surgeon’s
preferred technique for laparoscopic entry. The camera
trocar is placed approximately 20–25 cm cephalad to the
symphysis pubis and just to the right of the midline. The
exact distance will depend on the planned procedure. If
paraaortic lymphadenectomy is not planned, 20–22 cm is
sufficient; otherwise, the trocars must be placed higher, at
23–25 cm. An extra long 12-mm trocar is recommended.
Trocar sites 1 and 2 are the robotic-specific trocars. Trocar
3 is also a robotic trocar if using the fourth arm of the
system. This site can also be used as an assistant port
instead of robotic port, if desired. Trocar 4, if needed, is an
assistant port, and any commonly used 12-mm
laparoscopic port is placed. Trocars 1 and 2 are placed
8–10 cm lateral to the camera port and approximately 15°
caudad. Trocar 3 can be placed either on the left or right
side, depending on where the assistant stands. It should be
placed opposite to the assistant. All of the ports are placed
prior to docking the robot and under direct endoscopic
visualization. Care must be taken to ensure the skin and
fascial defects are snug enough to maintain
276 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Patient feet

1 – Right external iliac artery

Patient head
1 – Aortic bifurcation Figure 19.8. Right paraaortic lymphadenectomy.
Figure 19.7. Initial view of the aorta. The right paraaortic lymphadenectomy is initiated by
The approach to a paraaortic dissection is different from the incising the peritoneum just lateral to the midpoint of the
approach described commonly for laparoscopic paraaortic external iliac artery. The paraaortic lymphadenectomy is
lymphadenectomy. Typically, the camera is placed through performed using a monopolar curved scissors in the left
a suprapubic port, and the view is from the feet cephalad arm and a bipolar Maryland grasper in the right arm. The
for a traditional laparoscopic approach. Here, the third arm can hold an additional grasper to help with
paraaortic region is approached slightly above and to the reflection and retraction of the peritoneum. This dissection
right of the aorta. is also facilitated by using a 30° scope. The dissection is
extremely precise and minimal bleeding is encountered.
A sponge can be used to maintain a clear surgical field.
Irrigation should not be used, as this will blur the surgical
field. Robotic-assisted procedures are reliant on the
surgeon’s ability to see clearly and recognize all anatomic
structures visually.

1 – Paraortic lymph node

2 – Duodenum
1 – Ureter
Figure 19.10. Right paraaortic lymphadenectomy
Figure 19.9. Right ureter during lymphadenectomy. (continued).
The ureter is clearly seen here. The ability to see smaller The peritoneal incision is extended cephalad to the
vessels is tremendously enhanced. These small vessels can duodenum and then inferior and parallel to the duodenum.
be easily cauterized. The periureteral vessels within the This will allow for the mobilization of the duodenum and
adventitia of the ureter can be easily preserved. adequate exposure to the nodal tissue. The duodenum can
be seen transperitoneally here; a lymph node is also seen.
Robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery for gynecologic malignancies 277

a b

1 – Psoas tendon 1 – Aortic bifurcation

2 – IVC 2 – IVC

Figure 19.11. Complete right paraaortic lymphadenectomy.

The right paraaortic dissection can be easily taken to the lateral edge and around the inferior vena cava (IVC). (a) The psoas
is clearly seen. The lymphatic tissue has been cleared to the right of the aorta. (b) The aortic bifurcation is seen from above.
The nodal tissue can be extracted from the peritoneal cavity using various methods. We prefer the use of a large spoon
forceps. Laparoscopic specimen retrieval bags may also be used but will require the use of multiple disposable items.

a b

1 – Aortic bifurcation 1 – Ureter

2 – IMA
3 – Aorta

Figure 19.12. Left paraaortic lymphadenectomy.
The peritoneum overlying the aorta is grasped (a) to start
the dissection of the left paraaortic nodal space. The left
paraaortic space is dissected under the inferior mesenteric
artery (IMA). The left ureter is seen in the ‘roof’ of this
space (b). The dissection continues to the left psoas major
2 muscle (c). This dissection can safely be performed in a
blunt fashion or with monopolar cautery. The Maryland
forceps has bipolar energy and can be used to coagulate
small vessels as needed.

1 – Bipolar Maryland forceps

2 – Psoas tendon and muscle
3 – Aortic bifurcation
278 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

1 – Aortic bifurcation

Figure 19.13. Left paraaortic lymphadenectomy (continued).

(a) The left paraaortic lymph nodes can be easily grasped with the robotic instruments. (b) An assistant or the fourth arm of
the robot can help with the retraction of the nodal bundle, if necessary. This dissection is completed by combining blunt
dissection with monopolar and bipolar cautery as needed.

Figure 19.14. Uterus and KOH ring.

The hysterectomy is often performed after the completion
of a paraaortic lymphadenectomy, if one is performed. This
is convenient, since the remainder of the procedure will be
in the pelvis, and the endoscope is now switched to a 0°
scope. The paraaortic dissection also tends to be the most
challenging part of the procedure. We prefer to perform the
paraaortic lymphadenectomy first for these reasons, but this
is not mandatory. The uterus is seen here. The posterior
vaginal fornix is nicely delineated by the KOH ring (arrows)
that was placed at the start of the procedure.
Robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery for gynecologic malignancies 279

a b



1 – Round ligament
2 – Broad ligament
3 – Fallopian tube
4 – External iliac artery
5 – IP ligament

Figure 19.15. Start of the hysterectomy.
The hysterectomy is initiated by entering and developing
the retroperitoneal space. (a) The pertinent anatomic
structures are identified. (b) The retroperitoneum is entered
by starting the peritoneal incision in an avascular area of
the anterior leaf of the broad ligament. (c) This incision is
then carried cephalad and parallel to the infundibulopelvic
(IP) ligament.

Figure 19.16. Transection of the round ligament.

The round ligament can be transected with the monopolar
hot shears. The obliterated umbilical artery and paravesical
space can be seen here.


1 – Paravesical space
2 – Obliterated umbilical artery
280 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

3 3

1 – Medial umbilical ligament 1 – Uterine artery

2 – Paravesical space 2 – Pararectal space
3 – Obliterated umbilical artery 3 – Ureter
4 – Internal iliac artery
Figure 19.17. Development of the paravesical space.
5 – IP ligament
The paravesical space is an avascular space that can easily
be dissected bluntly. This space is defined by the Figure 19.18. Development of the pararectal space.
obliterated umbilical artery medially, the pubis symphysis The pararectal space is also an avascular space that must
anteriorly, the cardinal ligament posteriorly, and the be developed as part of the procedure for a radical
external iliac vessels and sidewall laterally. This space must hysterectomy or if pelvic nodal dissection is planned. This
be dissected in order to facilitate the pelvic nodal space is defined by the cardinal ligament anteriorly, the
dissection as well as clearly develop the parametrium if ureter and posterior broad ligament medially, and the
a radical hysterectomy is planned. internal iliac artery laterally. The pararectal space has been
developed bluntly in this image. The ureter and its relation
to the uterine artery can be clearly seen. The uterine artery
can be easily transected at its origin from the internal iliac
artery if a radical hysterectomy is planned.

a b


1 – Uterine artery
2 – Ureter
3 – IP ligament

Figure 19.19a, b. Isolation of the infundibulopelvic ligament.

The infundibulopelvic (IP) ligament is isolated from the ureter by incising the posterior leaf of the broad ligament using the
monopolar hot shears.
Robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery for gynecologic malignancies 281

a b

Figure 19.20. Transection of the infundibulopelvic
(a) The infundibulopelvic (IP) ligament is cauterized with
the bipolar Maryland forceps. Alternatively, any other
robotic bipolar instrument, PK Dissecting Forceps or
Harmonic curved shears, can be used. (b, c) The IP
cauterized IP ligament is then transected with the
monopolar hot shears.

a b

1 – KOH ring 1 – Uterine artery

2 – Uterosacral ligament

Figure 19.21. Extension of the posterior broad ligament.

The posterior broad ligament incision (a) is extended to the uterosacral ligament, where it inserts into the uterus (b). This
helps to further skeletonize the uterine vessels and facilitate cauterization of these vessels. This is also necessary to isolate
the uterosacral ligaments and further identify the intended incision line for the colpotomy. The incision can be taken further
back on the uterosacrals if a radical hysterectomy is planned.
282 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

c d

1 – Tip of Foley catheter balloon

Figure 19.22a–d. Development of the bladder flap.

The bladder flap is easily developed using the monopolar hot shears and blunt dissection. The anterior vaginal fornix is
delineated well by the KOH ring (arrows).
Robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery for gynecologic malignancies 283

a b

1 – Bladder
2 – KOH ring
3 – Uterine vessels

Figure 19.23. Transection of uterine vessels for simple
(a) The uterine vessels are well skeletonized and can be
clearly identified as they enter the uterus at the level of the
internal os of the cervix. The value of developing the bladder
flap well and incising the posterior broad ligament is now
evident in this image. (b) The uterine vessels are coagulated
using the bipolar Maryland forceps or equivalent instrument.
(c) The vessels are then transected using the monopolar hot
shears. This may need to be done in multiple steps,
depending on the caliber of this pedicle. The uterine vessel
pedicle is further developed away from the uterus by
progressively cauterizing medially to the prior points of
cauterization and taken to the level of the KOH ring.

Figure 19.24. Transecting uterine artery for radical

The uterine artery is coagulated at its origin for a radical
hysterectomy. It is then transected with the monopolar hot

1 – Transected ends of uterine artery

284 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a 1 b

2 1


1 – Parametrium 1 – Ureteral tunnel

2 – Ureteral tunnel 2 – Ureter
3 – Ureter

Figure 19.25a, b. Development of the parametrium and ureteral mobilization.

A radical hysterectomy is performed robotically as it would be via laparotomy (this is described in greater detail in an
earlier chapter). These images depict the development of the parametrium and the unroofing of the ureter. This can be
completed much easier using robotic assistance compared to traditional laparoscopy due to the articulation of the wristed
robotic instruments. The robotic instruments allow for better control of small vessels, and blood loss is significantly reduced
during this portion of a radical hysterectomy.

Figure 19.26. Initiation of the colpotomy.

1 The previously placed pneumo-occluder is inflated using
60 ml of saline prior to starting the colpotomy. The
colpotomy is started after complete ligation and transection
of the uterine vessels bilaterally. The incision is started at
the superior edge of the KOH ring for a simple
hysterectomy. The colpotomy should be started 2–3 cm
lower for a radical hysterectomy. The colpotomy is
2 performed using the monopolar hot shears.

1 – Foley catheter balloon

2 – Vagina
3 – Colpotomy incision
Robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery for gynecologic malignancies 285

a b

1 – Bladder
2 – KOH ring

Figure 19.27. Continuation of colpotomy.
The colpotomy incision is continued to the right (a,b) and
left (c) circumferentially using the KOH ring as a guide.

Figure 19.28. Delivery of the specimen.

The specimen is then delivered through the vagina after the
colpotomy is completed by placing traction on the
previously placed ZUMI. The fallopian tubes are seen
within the vagina in this image. The vaginal cuff is also
clearly demonstrated (arrows). The specimen may be left in
the vagina in order to maintain the pneumoperitoneum
until the vaginal cuff is closed. Alternatively, the pneumo-
occluder may be removed from the ZUMI and replaced in
the vagina.

1 – Fallopian tubes 1
286 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 19.29. Start of vaginal cuff closure.

Suturing is much easier using the robotic system compared to traditional laparoscopy because it is very similar to open
suturing and instrument tying techniques. A Mega needle driver is placed on the left arm and a SutureCut needle driver on
the right arm. The vaginal cuff is re-approximated in a running locked fashion. We prefer to use a 0 Vicryl (polyglactin 910)
suture on a CT-1 needle cut to 13 inches in length. This provides sufficient length to close the cuff using one suture. The
needle is passed through the 12-mm assistant trocar. We have found it easier to start the closure at the right vaginal angle
and run from right to left. The needle is passed anteriorly (a) and then posteriorly (b). The wristed robotic instruments
greatly facilitate the passage of a needle through tissue.

a b

c d

Figure 19.30. Suture tying and continuation of the vaginal cuff closure.
The tail is kept short after the suture is placed at the right vaginal angle. This will ensure that there is enough suture to
complete the closure. The suture is wrapped twice around the right arm using the left arm (a). The tail is then grasped with
the right arm (b), pulled through, and secured (c). There is no feedback on the robotic system, and the suture can be easily
broken if pulled too tight. The closure is then continued in a running manner and locking each time (d).
Robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery for gynecologic malignancies 287

Figure 19.31. Completed vaginal cuff closure.

The vaginal cuff has been closed (arrows). The needle is
removed by the assistant through the 12-mm trocar. Care
must be taken not to lose the needle within the peritoneal


1 – Right external iliac artery 1 – External iliac artery

2 – Psoas tendon
3 – Genitofemoral nerve

Figure 19.32a, b. Pelvic lymphadenectomy.

A pelvic lymphadenectomy, if indicated, may be performed at any time. We prefer to do this after completion of the
hysterectomy and vaginal cuff closure as the spaces are all well developed. The external iliac lymph nodes are seen being
grasped by the Maryland forceps and the important anatomic structures are well demonstrated. The wristed robotic
instruments make this dissection much easier. The pelvic nodal dissection is performed in the exact manner as described
288 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b


1 3

1 – Obliterated umbilical artery 1 – External iliac vein

2 – Obturator nerve 2 – Obturator nerves
3 – External iliac artery 3 – Spoon forceps

Figure 19.33. Pelvic lymphadenectomy (continued).

The obturator nodal package is located inferior to the external iliac vein and superior to the obturator nerve. This nodal
tissue can also be easily dissected and removed with the wristed robotic instruments (a). The nodal tissue around the
internal iliac is also removed. The pelvic lymphadenectomy is complete once the obturator and internal iliac nodes are
removed as well as the external iliac nodes from the circumflex iliac vein distally to the mid-common iliac artery
proximally. A spoon forceps is a useful instrument in retrieving the nodal packages (b).

1. Frumovitz M, Ramirez PT, Greer M et al. Laparoscopic 8. Melamud O, Eichel L, Turbow B, Shanberg A.
training and practice in gynecologic oncology among Laparoscopic vesicovaginal fistula repair with robotic
Society of Gynecologic Oncologists members and reconstruction. Urology 2005;65:163–6.
fellows-in-training. Gynecol Oncol 2004;94:746–53. 9. Elliott DS, Krambeck AE, Chow GK. Long-term results of
2. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English robotic assisted laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for the
Language, 4th edn. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, treatment of high grade vaginal vault prolapse. J Urol
2004. 2006;176:655–9.
(accessed: August 1, 2007). 10. Sundaram BM, Kalidasan G, Hemal AK. Robotic repair of
3. Sarle R, Tewari A, Shrivastava A et al. Surgical robotics vesicovaginal fistula: case series of five patients. Urology
and laparoscopic training drills. J Endourol 2004;18: 2006;67:970–3.
63–7. 11. Reynolds RK, Burke WM, Advincula AP. Preliminary
4. Falcone T, Goldberg J, Garcia-Ruiz A et al. Full robotic experience with robotic-assisted laparoscopic staging of
assistance for laparoscopic tubal anastomosis: a case gynecologic malignancies. JSLS 2005;9:149–58.
report. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 1999;9:107–13. 12. Sert BM, Abeler VM. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical
5. Diaz-Arrastia C, Jurnalov C, Gomez G, Townsend C Jr. hysterectomy (Piver type III) with pelvic node dissection –
Laparoscopic hysterectomy using computer-enhanced case report. Eur J Gynaec Oncol 2006;27:531–3.
surgical robot. Surg Endosc 2002;16:1271–3. 13. Shafer A, Boggess JF, Gehrig P et al. Type III radical
6. Molpus KL, Wedergren JS, Carlson MA. Robotically hysterectomy for obese women with cervical
assisted endoscopic ovarian transposition. JSLS 2003;7: carcinoma: robotic versus open. Gynecol Oncol
59–62. 207;104:S14 (abstract).
7. Advincula AP, Song A, Burke W, Reynolds RK. 14. Boggess JF, Fowler WC Jr, Gehrig P et al. Robotic
Preliminary experience with robot-assisted laparoscopic assistance improves minimally invasive surgery for
myomectomy. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 2004;11: endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol 2007;104:S52
511–18. (abstract).
20 Sentinel lymph node
identification for early-stage
cervical and uterine cancer
Nadeem R Abu-Rustum and Mary L Gemignani


This procedure requires a cervical injection of 0.1–
0.5 mCi radiolabeled filtered Tc 99m microsulfur
colloid in 0.1–0.5 ml volume after a speculum exami-
nation is performed. The injection is given directly
into the cervix using a Potocky needle (Cooper
Surgical, Inc., Trumbull, CT) or spinal needle in the
four quadrants closest to the area of normal cervix–
tumor interface; alternatively, injections at the 3 and
9 o’clock positions can be made. In patients who have
undergone a prior cone biopsy, the injection is given
into the bed of the cone. The injection is given into 1 – Injection site
the stroma of the cervix. The radiolabeled injection
Figure 20.1. Lymphoscintigraphy.
and disposal of syringes and other materials should
A preoperative lymphoscintigram is obtained after the
be done by the Nuclear Medicine Department.
injection. Two series of pictures are obtained – immediate
‘dynamic images’ and subsequent ‘static images’ to localize
the nodes. The localizing scan usually accompanies the
patient to the operating room. The patient will spend
approximately 1 hour in the Nuclear Medicine Department.
Injection of the radioisotope may be performed the day
prior to surgery or the morning of surgery. In this figure,
bilateral external iliac sentinel nodes were identified in a
patient undergoing a radical trachelectomy.

290 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 20.2. Isosulfan blue 1% and methylene blue 1%.

The injection of isosulfan blue (Lymphazurin) (a) or methylene blue (b) is given in the operating room at the time of the
examination while the patient is under anesthesia. Isosulfan blue is a sterile aqueous solution packaged in 5 ml vials.
No preparation is needed, and it can be stored at room temperature.

Figure 20.3. Injection of blue dye.

A spinal needle or Potocky needle is used to inject a total
of 4 ml of blue dye directly into the cervical stroma. The
injection of blue dye is given into the cervix next to the
lesion. A tenaculum can be used to assist in the stromal

The 4 ml of blue dye can be divided into four separate Adverse effects of isosulfan blue include allergic reac-
injections, one into each quadrant of the cervix (1 ml tions (<1% of patients) such as localized swelling and
each). Alternatively, the injections can be given at the pruritus of the hands, feet, abdomen, and neck. Severe
3 and 9 o’clock positions, which correspond more to reactions, including edema of the face and glottis,
the parametria and avoid blue dye staining of the respiratory distress, and shock, have been occasion-
bladder flap secondary to the 12 o’clock injection. ally reported with other similar compounds. In rare
After the injection, the patient is prepped and draped instances, isosulfan blue can cause a transient drop in
in the usual sterile fashion. The procedure continues oxygen saturation, as measured by pulse oximetry.
as planned, either through laparoscopy or laparotomy. Isosulfan blue will turn the urine blue-green for up
The sentinel node identification and removal is per- to 24 hours following injection. Contraindications
formed first. If no blue nodes are noted, a second include known hypersensitivity to phenylethane
injection of 2 ml of blue dye can be injected directly compounds.
into the cervix.
Sentinel lymph node identification for early-stage cervical and uterine cancer 291

Intraoperative identification of the sentinel node

a b

Figure 20.4. Sentinel lymph node probes.

The pelvic and paraaortic sentinel node(s) that are identified will be labeled as ‘hot’ and/or ‘blue’. The location of the node
should be recorded. Laparoscopic or open surgery gamma probes are used to detect hot nodes. Shown are the C-Trak
laparoscopic sentinel lymph node probe (a) and a handheld open-procedure sentinel lymph node gamma probe (b).

a b

c d

Figure 20.5. Removing the blue or hot nodes. (Continued on next page)
292 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology


Both a cervical and a fundal injection can be utilized;
in addition, an endometrial injection technique via hys-
teroscopy may be performed. The cervical injection is
described above, and although it may not seem logical
to only inject the cervix when dealing with uterine can-
cer, a deep injection in the uterine cervix can provide
excellent dye penetration to the region of the uterine
vessels in many cases.

Figure 20.5. Continued

A post-excision bed count of each lymphatic basin should be
recorded after removal of the sentinel node(s) in each basin.
The retroperitoneum is fully exposed and the blue nodes are
identified. All hot nodes will be removed and labeled
according to anatomic location. (a) A blue right sentinel
hypogastric lymph node; blue channels can be seen leading
to the lymph node. (b) A blue right obturator lymph node
being removed. (c) Blue lymphatic channels and a blue right
external iliac sentinel lymph node in a patient undergoing a
radical trachelectomy (this figure corresponds with the
lymphoscintigraphy in Figure 20.1). (d) Blue lymphatic
channels with two blue left external iliac lymph nodes in a
patient undergoing a radical trachelectomy (this figure
corresponds with the lymphoscintigraphy in Figure 20.1).
(e) Blue lymphatic channels with two blue left external iliac
lymph nodes in a patient undergoing a radical abdominal
trachelectomy. (Methylene blue injection into the cervix.)

Figure 20.6. Detecting parametrial sentinel lymph nodes.

Detecting parametrial sentinel lymph nodes by
lymphoscintigraphy or blue dye is challenging. The gamma
probe will detect cervical injection site activity (which is Figure 20.7. Cervical injection in endometrial cancer
usually very hot) and will make it impossible to distinguish patient.
parametrial uptake of Tc 99m from injection site uptake; in Deep cervical stromal injection of blue dye with excellent
addition, blue dye commonly dissipates in the paracervical distribution of dye to parametria and lymphatics
tissue and makes the isolation of blue parametrial lymph surrounding the uterine artery noted on hysterectomy in a
nodes very difficult. This figure represents an example of blue patient with endometrial cancer.
channels in the right parametria surrounding the right uterine
artery; the uterus is located to the left side of the figure.
Sentinel lymph node identification for early-stage cervical and uterine cancer 293

Figure 20.8. Cervical and fundal injection. Figure 20.9. Laparoscopic fundal injection.
A combination of a cervical and fundal injection can be The fundal injection of Lymphazurin (isosulfan blue) can
utilized. This figure shows a fundal injection of 2 ml of also be performed via laparoscopy, using a long needle.
Lymphazurin (isosulfan blue) given to a patient with Here, the blue dye can be seen immediately dissipating in
endometrial cancer; the patient also has a large fundal the subserosal lymphatics.
21 Paracentesis
Douglas A Levine

Both gynecologic oncologists and medical oncologists vessels (most seriously the inferior epigastric vessels),
frequently perform paracentesis in the management or the introduction of infection. If a large volume of
of patients with ovarian cancer. This simple bedside ascites is removed, hemodynamic parameters should
or office procedure can be employed for diagnostic or be closely monitored. Usually, large-volume paracen-
therapeutic purposes (Table 21.1). It is usually associ- tesis is well tolerated in patients without significant
ated with minimal discomfort and a low rate of pre-existing cardiac or pulmonary disease. Intravenous
complications. Among the many indications for a fluids should be given throughout the procedure and
paracentesis, the most common are to confirm the colloids can be added for symptomatic management
diagnosis of cancer prior to definitive treatment or to as needed. Rarely does hemodynamic instability
relieve symptoms related to increased intraabdominal result, even when >10 L of ascites are removed.2
pressure. While seeding of the paracentesis tract has
been reported in the literature,1 and is a potential con-
cern, no impact on survival has been shown. This
may be due to the high response rate seen with
currently available combination chemotherapy.
Nonetheless, unnecessary paracentesis should be
avoided. In general, if a patient has clinical and radio- Table 21.1 Indications for paracentesis in
graphic signs of advanced ovarian cancer, a para- gynecologic malignancies.
centesis for the sole purpose of confirming a cancer
Diagnostic Therapeutic
diagnosis is not required prior to surgery. A more
appropriate indication for paracentesis would be to Advantages Confirm cancer Relief of
confirm a cancer diagnosis prior to initiating neoadju- diagnosis symptomatic ascites
vant chemotherapy in a patient medically unfit to tol- Differentiate from Improve cardio-
erate surgery. In this setting, definitive surgery would benign ascites pulmonary function
be delayed until several courses of cytotoxic chemo-
Determine general Reduce intra-
therapy had been given.
histologic subtype abdominal pressure

On the whole, the most common reason to perform a Provide Alleviate

therapeutic paracentesis is to remove symptomatic symptomatic relief gastrointestinal
ascites. This will relieve dyspnea, increase total lung prior to surgery symptoms
capacity and preload, and diminish nausea, vomiting, Disadvantages May cause tumor Ascites will recur
and abdominal pain. Occasionally, large-volume dissemination to without further
ascites may interfere with respiratory function to such abdominal wall therapy
an extent that preoperative paracentesis is required to
allow for the safe induction of general anesthesia. Primary site of Large-volume
Complications associated with the procedure are disease usually not drainage could lead
relatively uncommon and mainly consist of injury to identifiable to hemodynamic
the bowel or bladder, inadvertent puncture of blood instability

296 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology



1 – Needle to puncture collection container

Figure 21.1. Commercial kits.
2 – Drainage tubing
There are many commercial paracentesis kits available on
3 – Aspiration syringe
the market. Most include a tray with all the disposable
4 – Paracentesis needle
items needed to perform the procedure, including a local
5 – Three-way stopcock
anesthetic, small and large needles, syringes, sterile tubing,
6 – Paracentesis catheter sheath
and a paracentesis catheter. Usually, sterile gloves,
Betadine (povidone-iodine) or another antiseptic solution, Figure 21.2. Assembly.
and collection bottles must be obtained from hospital When properly assembled, the paracentesis catheter
supplies. Nowadays, most kits are also prepared latex-free, attached to sterile tubing provides a sealed system for
due to the rising number of patients who report latex ascites removal. The tip of the 14-gauge, 5-cm long
allergies. The kit shown here is manufactured by Allegiance paracentesis needle is fixed to an 18-cm catheter that has
Healthcare (McGaw Park, IL). It is also possible to perform a hub to attach a three-way stopcock, also supplied. An
the procedure by using readily available hospital supplies, aspiration syringe can be placed onto the stopcock to
such as a long intravenous angiocatheter, sterile regulate flow during the procedure and to obtain samples
intravenous or other tubing, and an appropriate collection for laboratory analyses. The distal end of the stopcock is
device. While this may offer cost savings, the convenience, connected to a drainage tube with a needle that can be
completeness, and efficiency of prepackaged kits should be used to puncture sterile collection bottles.
a consideration for a busy gynecologic oncology service.
Separate paracentesis needles are also available.

Figure 21.3. Collection bottles.

Ascites can be collected in a number of various collection
bags that act by gravity drainage. In this manner the
drainage catheter is attached to the collection bag for a
period of time (often overnight) and securely affixed to the
patient. Shown here are empty glass collection containers
with a high-pressure vacuum capable of removing 1 L of
fluid in approximately 5 minutes. In this manner, even
large-volume ascites can be removed in a relatively short
period of time, obviating the need to leave an indwelling
catheter in place. The lid of the sterile bottle has a
tear-away metal covering through which a large-bore
needle can easily be passed. This particular bottle is
manufactured by B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Irvine, CA).
Bottles come in a variety of volumes.
Paracentesis 297

Figure 21.4. Site selection. Figure 21.5. Preparation.

In choosing the optimal site to perform the paracentesis, After determining the best site for the procedure, the
the operator should attempt to minimize the risk of abdomen is prepped and draped in the usual sterile
encountering blood vessels, intestines, or tumor. Choosing fashion. Draping material is often included in commercially
a site in the lateral quarter of the abdomen should available kits, though sterile towels can be readily found in
minimize the risk of puncturing the inferior epigastric most hospitals. While the risk of infection associated with
vessels. Many patients with large tumor burdens will have the procedure is quite low when performed properly,
venous networks in the dermis that can be readily seen and careful attention to aseptic technique is important.
avoided. Typically, when large-volume ascites is present,
the bowels will not interfere with site selection in either of
the lower quadrants. Tumor location can be assessed by
palpating the abdomen or by reviewing a recent computed
tomography (CT) scan. Most patients who are candidates
for this procedure will usually have undergone a recent
imaging study as part of their clinical care that can be used
for reference. If site selection based upon physical
examination appears difficult and no recent imaging studies
are available, a limited abdominal ultrasound can be
performed to determine the best location for the procedure.
An ultrasound can determine the area of clear passage into
the fluid pocket, as well as pocket depth. While many
patients have markedly distended abdomens due to ascites,
ultrasound can be particularly useful in the morbidly obese
patient in whom it may be difficult to distinguish tumor and
adipose tissue from fluid. In general, ultrasound marking is
not necessary except in the most difficult cases or when an
unguided attempt has failed. The patient shown here has
been marked by ultrasound, and a depth of 5 cm to the
fluid pocket is clearly noted.
298 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 21.6. Local anesthetic. Figure 21.7. Finder needle.

One percent local lidocaine without epinephrine is used to The first needle is then exchanged for a longer 5.1-cm
anesthetize the skin. This is usually part of the 22-gauge needle to anesthetize the subcutaneous tissue
commercially available prepackaged kits. A wheal is down to and through the peritoneum. This is accomplished
created with a short 1.6-cm 25-gauge needle at the site of by advancing the needle slowly in a direction
intended puncture. Several minutes are allowed for the perpendicular to the abdominal wall while aspirating and
lidocaine to take effect. The tip of the needle is used to injecting 0.5–1 ml of lidocaine every 5–10 mm. If the
ensure that the skin is adequately numb. Usually, only needle placement is correct, as soon as the peritoneal
1–2 ml of local anesthetic is needed to provide sufficient cavity is entered, ascitic fluid will return into the syringe.
loss of sensation. This will serve as a mental picture when placing the larger
paracentesis needle. Additionally, if blood vessels are
encountered, it will be noted by the discoloration of the
remaining lidocaine. Pressure can then be applied and a
decision made whether or not to attempt the procedure at
a different location. The two most sensitive parts of the
procedure for the patient are numbing the skin and
puncturing the peritoneum. It is a good idea to give a little
extra local anesthetic around the time when the peritoneum
is likely to be traversed.

Figure 21.8. Paracentesis needle.

The paracentesis needle is inserted perpendicular to the
abdominal wall. The depth of insertion should be slightly
more than was required to obtain ascites with the finder
needle. It should be placed with slight force, as it is a larger
needle (14-gauge) and will meet some resistance when
passing through the subcutaneous tissues.
Paracentesis 299

Figure 21.9. Fluid return.

1 – Paracentesis needle
Once the needle is placed at the proper depth, ascites will
2 – Paracentesis catheter sheath
reflux into the plastic chamber attached to the hub of the
3 – Hub of paracentesis catheter (see also Fig. 21.2).
needle. This plastic sheath envelops a catheter that will
subsequently be exchanged for the needle. The needle is Figure 21.10. Catheter exchange.
only 5.1-cm long and, for morbidly obese patients, pressure The catheter is introduced by advancing the plastic sheath
will need to be applied in order to allow the tip to reach while at the same time holding the needle firmly in place.
into the peritoneum. The paracentesis catheter has The distal hub of the paracentesis catheter, just proximal to
previously been attached to a three-way stopcock and the stopcock, is moved toward the paracentesis needle (see
sterile tubing. At this point, the needle at the end of the also Fig. 21.2), which will advance the catheter into the
drainage tube (see Fig. 21.2) is inserted into the collection peritoneum. During this period, ascites is draining into the
bottle (see Fig. 21.3). A small amount of ascites and the collection bottles.
paracentesis catheter can both be seen through the plastic
catheter sheath.

Figure 21.11. Needle removal.

Once the catheter has been advanced, the needle can be
withdrawn until it is no longer in the patient. In this figure,
the catheter can be seen coming through the tip of the
paracentesis needle. It is very important to never withdraw
the catheter through the needle, as this can shear the
1 catheter and result in potential loss within the abdomen. If
flow should stop while advancing the catheter, slight
readjustment will usually result in continued drainage. The
catheter, which is on continuous suction from the
high-pressure vacuum within the collection bottle, can get
lodged against tissues within the abdomen.

1 – Catheter passing through tip of needle

300 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology


1 – Hub of paracentesis needle Figure 21.13. Ascites.

2 – Catheter hub in opposition with needle hub This patient had 10.5 L of ascites removed. She was given
3 – Valve rotated to stop flow to collection bottles 1 L of intravenous crystalloid and 500 ml of colloid in
4 – Catheter sheath now empty order to temporarily compensate for potential fluid shifts.
Typically, colloid is not required unless an unusually large
Figure 21.12. Aspiration port. amount of ascites has been removed or if the patient has
In this figure the stopcock valve has been turned toward the cardiovascular disease that may render her particularly
collection bottles in order to stop the flow and open the sensitive to fluid shifts. In such a case, the ascites should
channel in the direction of a 60-ml syringe. Ascites is also be removed over a longer period of time. The patient
aspirated into the syringe, which can then be sent to the is also requested to remain at bedrest for up to 2 hours if a
laboratory for cytologic, biochemical, or microbiologic large volume of ascites is removed. These collection bottles
analysis, as indicated. The valve can then be returned to must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations
the upright position in order to restore flow to the for biohazardous material. Universal precautions, in
collection bottle. The aspiration syringe can also be used to addition to sterile technique, should be observed
regulate flow during catheter repositioning if drainage throughout this and other surgical procedures.
should cease earlier than expected. Also shown in this
figure, the catheter has been completely advanced so that
the hub of the catheter (white plastic) is in complete
opposition with the hub of the paracentesis needle. The
plastic sheath protrudes, but no longer contains the catheter
within (contrast with Figs 21.2 and 21.9).

a b

Figure 21.14. Abdominal change.

(a) The patient’s abdomen is markedly distended with ascites prior to the procedure. (b) After removing a large volume of
ascites, the abdomen is significantly less protuberant and the patient experienced immediate relief of her symptoms. This
patient’s ascites reaccumulated approximately 3 weeks later, and she underwent a subsequent paracentesis.
Paracentesis 301

1. Kruitwagen RF, Swinkels BM, Keyser KG et al. Incidence 2. Gotlieb WH, Feldman B, Feldman-Moran O et al.
and effect on survival of abdominal wall metastases at trocar Intraperitoneal pressures and clinical parameters of total
or puncture sites following laparoscopy or paracentesis in paracentesis for palliation of symptomatic ascites in ovarian
women with ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol 1996;60:233–7. cancer. Gynecol Oncol 1998;71:381–5.
22 Percutaneous endoscopic
gastrostomy tube placement
Mark Schattner and Moshe Shike

In patients with advanced gynecologic malignancies, PEG placement is a safe procedure, with a mortality
bowel obstruction is a cause of significant morbidity rate of 1% and a major complication rate of 3%.3 Major
and mortality. Often, there is complete intestinal complications include peritonitis due to inadvertent
obstruction involving multiple segments of bowel, tube removal prior to maturation of the fistulous tract
making surgical correction difficult or impossible. or hemorrhage. Traversing a tumor, the colon, or even
Palliation of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain the liver by PEG tubes being placed for drainage has
in inoperable patients requires gastric decompression. not resulted in clinically significant difficulties.4,5
A modification of the percutaneous endoscopic
gastrostomy (PEG) tube can safely provide effective
drainage of gastrointestinal contents.

The PEG tube was first described as a means to gain

access to the gastrointestinal tract for enteral nutrition
support. Modification of this technique by using
larger (28 French [F]) tubes, with a longer intragastric
segment and additional drainage ports, allows
effective drainage of gastric contents and palliation of
obstructive symptoms. Placement of the tube requires
15–30 minutes and can be done under monitored
sedation. This chapter describes the ‘pull’ technique
for PEG placement. In this method, a trocar is placed
through the skin and into the stomach. A thread is
then passed into the stomach and grasped by the
endoscopist. This thread is then pulled out of
the patient’s mouth where it is connected to the PEG
tube. The PEG tube can then be pulled into position
in the stomach.

A review1 reported success rates of gastrostomy tube Figure 22.1. Preparing the abdomen.
placement of 83–100% in patients with inoperable Ascites is not a contraindication to percutaneous
bowel obstruction. Post-procedure survival in this endoscopic gastrostomy placement; however, it may make
series ranged from 2 to 600 days. After PEG place- transillumination from the stomach more difficult and
ment, 88% of patients are able to drink and eat soft therefore as much ascites as possible should be removed.
foods, which are then drained through the PEG.2 The abdomen is then cleaned in the usual sterile fashion,
Care of the PEG is easy and requires only flushing of after which the Betadine (povidone-iodine) solution is
the tube, care of the ostomy site, and emptying of the removed with an alcohol wash to facilitate
drainage bag. transillumination.

304 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

1 – Nonabsorbable suture fused to attach crossbar

2 – Side holes cut in intragastric portion of tube Figure 22.3. Modifying the tube.
Figure 22.2. Performing the endoscopy. To allow for better drainage and less clogging, the standard
Endoscopy is performed using a standard upper endoscope. 28F percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube is modified
Monitored sedation is typically administered; however, the to create a longer intragastric portion and additional
procedure can also be done with topical anesthesia to the drainage ports. The factory-supplied internal bumper is
hypopharynx and local anesthesia to the abdominal wall if removed and replaced with a 4-cm crossbar that is
the patient is unable to tolerate monitored sedation. When positioned to allow 10 cm of the tube to remain within
the endoscope is in the stomach, the stomach should be the stomach. The crossbar is attached to the tube using
fully insufflated with air to help move the liver, spleen, and non-absorbable suture, and three to four side holes are
colon away from the tube site. then cut into the intragastric portion of the tube.
1 – Non-absorbable suture used to attach crossbar
2 – Side holes cut in intragastric portion of tube

a b

Figure 22.4. Localizing the site for tube placement.

The site for tube placement is determined by finding a discrete point on the skin (a) that has been transilluminated by the
endoscope while the scope is in the distal body of the stomach (b). This area must correlate with an area of endoscopically
visible indentation when pressure is applied to the site with a finger.
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement 305

Figure 22.5. Making the incision.

One percent Xylocaine (lidocaine) is injected at the skin
site identified by transillumination and compression above;
then a 1-cm incision is made.

a b

Figure 22.6. Passing the trocar.

(a) A 16-gauge trocar is passed through the incision and into the stomach. This must be done with a quick motion in order
to pierce all the tissue layers without pushing the stomach out of the way. (b) It is important for the endoscopist to ensure
that the stomach is fully insufflated as the trocar is passed, and that the endoscope is positioned in such a way that the
entry of the trocar into the stomach can be directly visualized.
306 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 22.7. Passing the thread.

A thread is passed through the trocar from the skin (a) into the stomach (b).

Figure 22.8. Grasping the thread. Figure 22.9. Retrieving the thread.
The endoscopist grasps the thread in the stomach with While maintaining a firm grip on the thread, the endoscope
standard endoscopic biopsy forceps. is withdrawn out of the patient. As the thread exits the
patient’s mouth, an assistant grabs it.
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement 307

Figure 22.10. Attaching the PEG tube.

The wire loop at the tapered end of the PEG tube is
connected to the loop of thread that was pulled out of the
patient’s mouth.

a b

c d

Figure 22.11. Pulling the PEG tube into place.

Using steady, gentle pressure, the free end of the thread is pulled (a): this pulls the PEG tube into the patient’s mouth (b),
down the esophagus (c), and into place in the stomach (d).
308 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 22.12. Confirming placement. Figure 22.13. Applying the external bumper.
A repeat endoscopy is performed to confirm the position of An external bumper is passed over the tapered end of the
the tube and the internal bumper. PEG tube and into position against the skin wall. The
bumper should be left 0.5–1.0 cm above the skin to avoid
placing excessive pressure on the mucosa under the
internal bumper. If the external bumper is pulled tightly
against the skin, it will cause the internal bumper to erode
through the gastric wall and cause a ‘buried-bumper
syndrome’. The tapered end of the PEG tube should now
be cut off and that end attached to a drainage bag. The
patient can now drink and eat soft foods, which will be
drained out of the tube.

1. Campagnutta E, Cannizzaro R. Percutaneous endoscopic gastroenterology, 3rd edn. New York: Lippincott,
gastrostomy (PEG) in palliative treatment of non-operable Williams & Wilkins, 1999:2825–33.
intestinal obstruction due to gynecologic cancer: a review. 4. Stellato TA, Gauderer MW. Percutaneous endoscopic
Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 2000;21:397–402. gastrostomy for gastrointestinal decompression. Ann Surg
2. Herman LL, Hoskins WJ, Shike M. Percutaneous 1987;205:119–22.
endoscopic gastrostomy for decompression of the stomach 5. Picus D, Marx MV, Weyman PJ. Chronic intestinal
and small bowel. Gastrointest Endosc 1992;38:314–18. obstruction: value of percutaneous gastrostomy
3. Ponsky J, Dunkin B. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. tube placement. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1988;150:
In: Yamada T, Alpers DH, Laine L et al (eds). Textbook of 295–7.
23 Central venous catheter
Michelle Montemarano and Douglas A Levine

Central venous catheter placement plays an important approaches less desirable. Relative contraindications
role in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of to central venous catheter placement include marked
the patient with a gynecologic malignancy. Central coagulopathy, patient refusal, and bacteremia. Of note,
venous catheter monitoring is frequently employed in coagulopathic states, femoral vein cannulization can
in the perioperative setting. Indications for central result in fewer bleeding complications.
venous catheter placement include pressure monitor-
ing, infusion of large-volume or hypertonic solutions, The figures in this chapter illustrate the technique of
inaccessible peripheral veins, or hemodialysis. Central central venous catheterization via the left internal
venous catheters are placed in the superior vena cava, jugular (IJ) vein. The IJ approach is common because
inferior vena cava, or one of their major branches. of its well-defined landmarks. The three common
The subclavian, internal jugular, and external jugular approaches for cannulation of the IJ vein are poste-
veins are frequently employed when access to the rior, central, and anterior. Here, the left IJ vein via the
central venous circulation is required, or when central approach (between the two heads of the
peripheral sites are unavailable. sternocleidomastoid muscle belly) is depicted, but
the figures are applicable to all central venous access
The risks associated with central venous access include approaches. The IJ runs medial to the sternocleido-
pneumothorax, puncture of arteries or lymphatics, air mastoid (SCM) muscle in its upper part, posterior to
embolus, infection, or thrombus formation. The sub- it in the triangle between the two inferior heads of the
clavian and internal jugular veins lie close to the SCM in its middle part, and behind the anterior por-
carotid and subclavian arteries, the apical lung, nerves, tion of the clavicular head of the muscle in its lower
and other key structures. These structures must be rec- part, terminating above the medial clavicle where it
ognized as one is accessing the central venous system. enters the subclavian vein.
The most commonly recognized risk, pneumothorax,
is apparent when air, instead of blood, is aspirated The Seldinger technique is frequently used in the
during location of the vessel. For this reason, all placement of central venous catheters. This technique
patients undergo a post-procedure chest radiograph to involves puncturing the vein with a small-bore needle
rule out pneumothorax and evaluate line placement. through which a guidewire is introduced into the
While advantages and disadvantages of the various vein. The needle is then withdrawn and a catheter is
approaches to central venous access exist, the clinician introduced over the guidewire, which is subsequently
should choose the technique based on clinical consid- removed. Most commercially available central venous
erations and familiarity with the approach (see access trays provide all of the equipment necessary to
Table 23.1). Some patients may have had prior head place a central venous catheter, including needles,
and neck surgery, or venous thrombi, making certain guidewires, and dilators (Figure 23.1).

310 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Table 23.1 Advantages and disadvantages to various central access approaches.

Approach Advantage Disadvantage
Right internal jugular vein Well-defined landmarks Patient discomfort due to fixation of line in
Dome of right lung and pleura lower on mobile portion of neck
the right than on the left
Relatively straight line to SVC
Left internal jugular vein Well-defined landmarks Patient discomfort
Greater potential to injure the left
brachiocephalic vein, SVC, or thoracic duct
Right subclavian vein Patient comfort due to line location Higher risk of pleural puncture
outside of mobile areas of body Sharp vessel curvature at junction of right
subclavian vein and brachiocephalic vein,
making improper line placement more likely
Left subclavian vein Patient comfort Higher risk of pleural puncture
Lowest risk of infection
Lack of sharp vessel curvature; greater
likelihood of correct catheter-tip location

SVC, Superior vena cava.

1 – Sternal head of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

2 – Clavicular head of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

Figure 23.2. Positioning the patient.

Figure 23.1. Commercially available central venous
The patient is supine in the Trendelenburg position, at an
catheter kit.
angle of at least 15° to reduce the risk of air embolism. The
head is rotated to the contralateral side to allow optimal
exposure for venipuncture, but not beyond 45°. The sternal
head and clavicular head of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
muscle are demonstrated. Sterile gown, gloves, and mask
should be worn.
Central venous catheter placement 311

Figure 23.4. Palpation of the suprasternal notch.

Figure 23.3. Prepping the neck. The triangle formed by the two heads of the
The area around the puncture site is prepped and draped in sternocleidomastoid muscle and the clavicle can be found
the usual sterile manner. If the patient is awake, the skin by palpating the suprasternal notch and moving laterally
should be infiltrated with approximately 5 ml of 1% over the sternal head of the muscle. In the conscious
lidocaine, using a 25-gauge needle. patient, it may help to have the patient lift her head up off
the bed to visualize the triangle. This can be more difficult
in the obese patient.

Figure 23.6. Venipuncture.

Figure 23.5. Carotid artery. The needle is directed caudally at an angle of 45° to the
The carotid pulse can be palpated within the frontal plane using negative pressure at all times. The
sternocleidomastoid triangle as shown; the internal jugular needle is placed laterally and parallel to the carotid artery;
vein will be found lateral to the artery. it is directed toward the ipsilateral nipple. The vessel is
normally entered at a depth of about 2 cm.
312 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 23.7. Locating the vessel.

Once the lumen of the vessel is penetrated, blood will
return; the needle should be advanced a few millimeters to Figure 23.8. Catheter insertion.
obtain free flow of blood. If bright red blood is noted with Once the vein is located, a 10-ml syringe with an 18-gauge
rapid and pulsatile filling of the syringe, the carotid artery catheter or introducer needle is inserted parallel to the
has most likely been entered. The needle should be location of the finder needle under negative pressure.
removed immediately and pressure applied for at least
10 minutes to ensure hemostasis.

Figure 23.9. Entry of vein.

Once the catheter punctures the vein, return of blood is
noted in the syringe. At this point, the syringe and needle Figure 23.10. Guidewire insertion.
are removed from the catheter. The catheter must not be A J-tipped flexible guidewire is advanced through the
pulled backwards over the needle due to potential shearing plastic catheter with the aid of an introducer to straighten
of the catheter tip and resultant catheter embolus. The the tip. The guidewire should pass freely into the vein; if it
catheter is occluded with a finger to prevent air embolism. does not, the syringe, without the needle, should be
reattached to the catheter and blood aspirated to confirm
the patency and position of the catheter within the vessel. It
is inserted slowly using the introducer to provide stability to
the wire as it enters the catheter. The plastic shell provides
control of the distal end of the wire. A firm grip on the
guidewire must be maintained at all times.
Central venous catheter placement 313

Figure 23.12. Skin incision.

Figure 23.11. Length of guidewire.
A superficial incision is made in the skin overlying the
The guidewire is usually inserted for most of its length,
guidewire with a #11 scalpel blade, to permit access of the
allowing enough outside of the patient to prevent slippage.
catheter through the skin and into the vessel. If the incision
If the patient is connected to cardiac monitoring,
is too big, bleeding will occur and the catheter will not be
ventricular ectopy will occur when the right atrium is
entered. The catheter is removed from the vessel when the
guidewire has been inserted to the appropriate length.

Figure 23.14. Passage of central catheter.

The central venous catheter is passed over the guidewire
and advanced into the vein. Large-bore catheters can be
Figure 23.13. Vessel dilator.
passed over the dilator and the wire to provide additional
A vessel dilator is passed over the wire, through the skin,
stabilization during catheter placement. The guidewire
and into the vessel; this allows the skin and subcutaneous
must be passed through the catheter prior to advancing the
tissues to be dilated for easy passage of the catheter. In
catheter into the patient. In this manner, the wire will not
addition, the vessel, which can contract around the
be lost in either the patient or the catheter.
guidewire, will be dilated to allow unrestricted entry of the
catheter. Care is taken not to pull out the guidewire while
passing the dilator.
314 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 23.15. Withdrawing the guidewire.

Once the catheter is in place, the guidewire is withdrawn
through the largest port; in a standard triple-lumen central
venous catheter this is usually the brown port. Blood is
aspirated from each port and then each is flushed with
approximately 5 ml of normal saline.

Figure 23.16. Skin sutures.

The catheter is sutured to the skin with a permanent suture
and connected to intravenous tubing (suture material is
provided in most standard kits). If the patient is awake, 1%
lidocaine is infiltrated into the skin prior to placing the
sutures. The puncture site is then covered with a dry sterile

Figure 23.17. Post-procedure radiograph.

A chest radiograph is obtained to verify placement of the
catheter tip and to rule out pneumothorax. Ideally, the
catheter tip should lie in the superior vena cava or the right
atrium at about the level of the fifth thoracic vertebra.
Shown here is a central venous catheter with its tip
terminating in the distal superior vena cava.

1 – Tip in distal superior vena cava

24 Mediport placement
Anne Covey and George I Getrajdman

Long-term venous access is important in the treatment compatible, and connect to valved or open-ended sili-
and management of patients with gynecologic malig- cone or polyurethane catheters (Figure 24.1). Routine
nancies. There are several central venous access devices maintenance requires only that the port be flushed
to choose from, which are characterized by catheter with heparinized saline (normal saline for valved
size, type (implantable versus external), number of catheters) every 4–6 weeks, and after each use.
lumens, and longevity (‘permanent’ versus temporary).
Like many medical devices, implantable ports con-
In determining the type of catheter to place in a given tinue to evolve. Power-injectable ports, when accessed
patient, several factors should be considered, includ- with power-injectable Huber needles, can be used for
ing the intended use of the catheter, frequency of computed tomography (CT) arteriography, including
access, physician preferences, and patient lifestyle. pulmonary arteriography. Ports with an antibiotic or
heparin coating of the catheter, which promise to
Implantable ports are ideal for long-term, intermittent further decrease infection rates, will be available in
central venous access. Compared to external tunneled the near future.
central venous catheters, implantable ports require
less maintenance and have a lower rate of infection. The role of the interventional radiologist in the place-
Because implantable ports are completely contained ment of central venous access has increased drama-
under the skin when not accessed, there is no limita- tically in the past decade. By using ultrasound,
tion on range of motion or patient lifestyle. This is an fluoroscopy, intravenous contrast, and specialized
important feature for patients who swim, lift weights, catheters with guidewires, interventional radiologists
or have small children at home (who may pull on are able to negotiate venous occlusions, deal with vas-
external catheters.) cular anomalies, and provide alternative puncture sites
not previously accessible. The lower complication rate
Implantable ports are most often titanium or plastic, and almost 100% success rate may fuel the movement
both of which are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of venous access into the angiography suite.

a b

Figure 24.1a, b. Implantable port.

316 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 24.2. Preparation. Figure 24.3. Venous puncture.

Our preferred approach is via the right internal jugular Using ultrasound for real-time guidance, the internal
vein, because this eliminates the risk of pneumothorax and jugular vein is punctured from a low posterior approach.
subclavian stenosis or thrombosis. The right neck and chest Puncturing just above the clavicle (low) and posterior to the
are prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. A nurse posterior belly of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
administers conscious sedation that consists of meperidine (posterior) allows for a transverse needle course parallel to
or fentanyl and midazolam. The patient is placed in the the clavicle, minimizing the risk of pneumothorax and
Trendelenburg position to distend the vein and minimize eventually providing for a smooth catheter course. The
the risk of air embolism. In this figure, the patient’s head is head of the patient is to the left, and the black line
to the left. represents the approximate location of the clavicle.

Figure 24.4. Needle exchange.

The needle is then exchanged over a wire for a coaxial
dilator. The dilator is flushed and closed with a flow switch
(inset) while the port pocket and tunnel are created. The
head of the patient is toward the lower left corner of the
figure, and the black line represents the approximate
location of the clavicle.
Mediport placement 317

a b

Figure 24.5. Site selection.

Choosing the site of the port pocket is important because it must be both comfortable for the patient and easily accessible.
An incision in the subclavicular anterior chest over the ribs is made to fit the port. (a) A pocket is created to fit the port
using blunt and sharp dissection. (b) In thin patients, the pocket may be to the fascia, whereas in patients with more
subcutaneous tissue, the pocket can be made approximately 5 mm deep so that the port may be easily palpable and
accessible in the future. Electrocautery is used occasionally for hemostasis. The head of the patient is toward the lower left
corner of the figure, and the black line in (a) represents the approximate location of the clavicle.

Figure 24.6. Pocket size.

The pocket is flushed with sterile saline and checked to
ensure that the selected port fits into the pocket without
being directly under the incision. The port is then removed
from the pocket and flushed.
318 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 24.7. Catheter tunneling.

(a) The catheter is tunneled from the pocket to the venipuncture site using a metal or plastic tunneler, and the tip of the
catheter is cut. (b) The back end of the catheter is clamped to prevent air embolism after intravenous placement of the
front end.

a b

Figure 24.8a, b. Dilator exchange.

At the venipuncture site, the coaxial dilator is exchanged over a stiff wire for an appropriately sized peel-away sheath with
the patient in the Trendelenburg position. The dilator and wire are removed, and the catheter is advanced through the
sheath until the tip is in the right atrium. This is the ideal position, but the position of the catheter may change by 1–2 cm,
depending on patient body habitus. This may be accounted for in the next step.

Figure 24.9. Length adjustment.

The back end of the catheter is cut to the desired length
and then affixed and locked to the port stem.
Mediport placement 319

Figure 24.10. Initial flush. Figure 24.11. Placement into pocket.

The port is accessed and flushed with sterile saline to check The port is placed into the pocket and any slack is pulled
function and to look for any leak at the attachment site. from the catheter, providing a gentle course from the port
to the right atrium; this is documented fluoroscopically.

a b

Figure 24.12. Incision closure.

(a) The port pocket is closed with interrupted absorbable sutures that serve to limit port mobility and hematoma formation.
(b) The skin is closed with a running subcuticular monofilament or Dermabond. The venipuncture site is closed with an
inverted absorbable stitch, with care not to nick the catheter or Dermabond.
320 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 24.13. Final flush. Figure 24.14. Dressing application.

At the end of the procedure, the port is accessed with a Steri-Strips and a sterile dressing are applied. A frontal
non-coring needle and flushed with heparinized saline. If chest radiograph is obtained. The patient is given a port
the port is to be used the same day, the access may be left maintenance booklet and instructed to keep the wound dry
in place; otherwise, the needle is removed. for 3 days (1 day for Dermabond) and to call her doctor for
pain, erythema, or fever. Each time the port is accessed, the
site must be prepped with Betadine (povidone-iodine) or an
equivalent. The patient’s head is toward the lower left
corner of the figure, and the black line represents the
approximate location of the clavicle.
25 Brachytherapy
Sang E Sim and Kaled M Alektiar

Radiation therapy has a place in the treatment of

almost all gynecologic malignancies, although a more
Intravaginal brachytherapy
limited role in ovarian and fallopian tube carcinomas.
The use of IVRT is generally limited to the treatment
Varied modalities are employed in the complete
of the vaginal mucosa when the depth of treatment
management of an individual patient over time.
required is <5 mm beyond the vaginal surface. Tumors
While external-beam therapy alone is used for certain
that extend to a greater depth should be treated
patients, often, radiation treatment of gynecologic
with alternative methods such as an interstitial
malignancies requires high doses to be delivered for
implant. This technique is most commonly used in
tumor control. Frequently, these doses surpass the
the postoperative treatment of the vaginal cuff
safe limits for surrounding normal tissues and so
for endometrial cancer; however, it may be applicable
cannot be delivered using conventional external-beam
to other gynecologic malignancies. IVRT can be
techniques. Therefore, brachytherapy has been rou-
delivered using either low-dose- or high-dose-rate
tinely utilized to treat gynecologic malignancies with
high radiation doses without exceeding critical normal
tissue limits. The most common brachytherapy tech-
niques used to treat cervical, vaginal, endometrial, and
recurrent tumors will be discussed in this chapter.

In the adjuvant treatment of endometrial cancer

after initial surgery, intravaginal brachytherapy
(intravaginal radiation therapy [IVRT]) is used to
deliver a prescribed dose to the vaginal mucosa. This
has been shown to reduce the likelihood of vaginal
recurrences. In the management of cervical cancer,
intracavitary, as well as interstitial implants, are
frequently employed. Tandem and ovoids or tandem
and ring are used in patients with relatively normal
vaginal architectures; interstitial implants are reserved
for patients with particularly exophytic tumors or
vaginal fibrosis/stenosis. Interstitial implants are also
used to treat patients with large vaginal tumors from
both primary vaginal cancer and, more commonly,
recurrent endometrial or cervical cancer after primary Figure 25.1. Intravaginal cylinders.
surgical therapy. These intravaginal cylinders are used for high-dose-rate
brachytherapy. Shown are cylinders of 3.5, 3.0, 2.6, 2.3,
For recurrent tumors of a number of primary sites, and 2.0 cm diameters. The patient is placed in the dorsal
surgical resection is often chosen as the treatment lithotomy position on the procedure table. Following
of choice. This may encompass an exenterative examination, the length of the vagina is measured. The
procedure, described elsewhere, or local radical resec- intravaginal cylinder is placed into the vagina and
tion of an isolated recurrence. In either situation, advanced to the apex. Typically, the largest-diameter
intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) is currently cylinder that will reasonably fit in the vaginal canal should
being used to reduce the likelihood of recurrence be utilized. Using a smaller cylinder instead of a larger
from residual microscopic disease. Applicators are cylinder will result in a higher relative dose to the vaginal
flexible in order to conform to pelvic anatomy and are surface than to the prescription point, which is 0.5 cm from
discussed in detail below. the surface.
322 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 25.2a, b. Intravaginal cylinder positioning.

The intravaginal cylinder is secured in position by connecting it to a bracket that is fixed to the table, which prevents it
from moving once satisfactorily placed. Care should be taken to verify that the cylinder is advanced properly to the vaginal
apex without deviating to either side of midline. In addition, the cylinder should not be secured in a position that pushes
the vaginal mucosa downwards towards the rectum or upwards towards the bladder.

a b

Figure 25.3. Set-up.

(a) The procedure table, with leg holders for placement of the patient in the dorsal lithotomy position. The bracket, which
is fixed to the procedure table, secures the intravaginal cylinder in the correct location for the duration of the treatment.
The cylinder is then connected to the high-dose-rate (HDR) unit with a flexible catheter. Shown at the far right is an HDR
afterloading unit. (b) The C-arm of the fluoroscope is used for obtaining radiographic images to verify correct positioning of
the cylinder prior to treatment.
Brachytherapy 323

Figure 25.4. High-dose-rate (HDR) unit.

The HDR afterloading unit delivers its radiation utilizing a
single, high-activity iridium-192 (Ir-192) source. While only
one channel is needed for intravaginal radiation therapy,
up to 24 channels can be attached to the unit for other
purposes, including tandem and ovoid/ring and interstitial

Figure 25.5. Treatment.

The patient is positioned in the dorsal lithotomy position
with her legs supported and immobilized with leg holders.
After pelvic examination, the vaginal cylinder is inserted
and secured in the correct position, as previously
324 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 25.6. Fluoroscopy.

Anterior/posterior (AP) and lateral images are taken prior to the first treatment to confirm the satisfactory position of the
cylinder in reference to the bony anatomy. (a) The AP view shows the cylinder correctly positioned in the midline without
deviating to either side. (b) The lateral view confirms that the cylinder does not deviate posteriorly towards the rectum or
anteriorly towards the bladder. Treatment is delivered over an approximately 10-minute period using the high-activity
Ir-192 source. Following completion of treatment, the cylinder is removed and the patient is discharged. The treatment is
usually repeated every 1–2 weeks for a total of three fractions. The total dose delivered is approximately 2100 cGy to a
depth of 5 mm below the surface of the vaginal mucosa when used alone and 1500 cGy to a depth of 5 mm below the
surface of the vaginal mucosa when used in combination with external-beam radiation therapy.

Tandem intracavitary with radioactive sources to deliver the dose to the

tumor volume. Cesium-137 (Cs-137) sources are
brachytherapy typically utilized for treatment using an LDR tech-
nique. Usually, one source is placed into each ovoid,
Tandem-based brachytherapy is typically used in the and an additional three to four sources are placed into
treatment of cervical and endometrial cancers. These the tandem. The standard dwell time ranges from
can be used as sole therapy with small lesions in situ- 36 to 72 hours, throughout which time the patient is
ations where treatment of draining pelvic lymph hospitalized and remains at bedrest.
nodes is unnecessary (e.g. Stage IA1 cervical tumors).
However, more commonly this mode of treatment is
used in conjunction with external-beam therapy. Its
most common usage is in the definitive treatment of High-dose-rate (HDR)
cervical cancer.
Alternatively, an HDR technique may be utilized,
Low-dose-rate (LDR) which is our preferred approach. The common appli-
cators described above have been adapted for HDR
brachytherapy therapy, and newer applicators have been developed,
including a tandem and ring applicator in which, in
Classically, there are two common types of tandem lieu of ovoids, a ring-shaped applicator is placed
and ovoids: the Fletcher–Suit and the Henschke along the outer aspects of the ectocervix along the
applicator. Differences exist between the two; how- vaginal fornix with the same dose delivery goals in
ever, the basic uses and principles of placement and mind. Treatment is delivered using an HDR after-
delivery are the same. The tandem is placed through loader, which administers its dose using an Ir-192
the cervical os into the endometrial canal of an intact radioactive source. As its name implies, a high dose
uterus. The ovoids are placed snugly into the lateral of radiation is administered in minutes. Treatments
fornices. Both the tandem and the ovoids are loaded are delivered on an outpatient basis without requiring
Brachytherapy 325

hospitalization or radiation precautions. Typically, typically placed at the time of first fraction and
four to seven treatments are delivered at one or two sutured in place for use with subsequent fractions.
fractions per week, either during external radiation or This obviates the need for subsequent cervical dilata-
following. In view of the multiple fractions and the tions in order to place the tandem, allowing ease in
outpatient nature, an indwelling cervical sleeve is multiple outpatient placements.

Figure 25.7. Tandems.

Different curvature tandems are available for insertion. The
curvature is selected to accommodate the natural flexure of
the uterus, as well as to displace the uterus away from
either the rectum or the bladder to limit dose to either Figure 25.8. Ovoids and caps.
structure, if necessary. The ovoids are placed into the right and left vaginal
fornices. The largest-diameter ovoids are utilized in order to
minimize the dose to the adjacent vaginal surfaces while
also contributing dose to point A (see Fig. 25.18).
326 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 25.9. Tandem and ring.

An alternative to using ovoids is using a ring applicator in
conjunction with the central tandem.

a b

Figure 25.10. Dilators and sound.

(a) The cervix is normally grasped with a single-tooth tenaculum; dilators are sequentially used to dilate the cervical os to
accommodate the tandem applicator (or cervical sleeve used in HDR applications). (b) The sound is gently passed through
the cervical os and into the endometrial cavity in order to measure the length of the uterus. This assessment of uterine
length is essential so that proper placement of the tandem can be accomplished. If the tandem is placed in too deeply,
uterine perforation can occur; if it is too shallow, the dose distribution will be affected. With an HDR technique, a cervical
sleeve with the appropriate length measured with the sound is then inserted and sutured into place.
Brachytherapy 327

Figure 25.11. Tandem and flange.

The central tandem is inserted through the cervical os. The
external os can be identified on radiographs by various
means. One option, a flange, seen in white, is placed on
the tandem and secured at a distance from the tip that is
equal to the length of the uterine cavity (as measured with
the sound). Therefore, once the tandem is fully inserted
through the cervical os and into the uterine canal, the
flange should sit flush against the external os. A metal ring
is present on one side of the flange (inset) and should lie
directly against the os, which allows visualization on
radiographs. Alternatively, use of a ring applicator placed
against the ectocervix may delineate the position of the
external os. Two inert seeds are inserted into the cervix,
one on the anterior right or left side and an additional one
on the contralateral side along the posterior aspect (not
shown). These seeds serve as another marker delineating
the position of the cervical os.

Figure 25.12. Tandem and ovoids in situ.

The tandem is inserted through the cervical os; the flange is
seen flush against the external os. The tandem lies
centrally. On either side of the tandem are ovoids that lie
in the right and left vaginal fornices. The ovoids are spread
apart symmetrically from the tandem, typically 4 cm.

1 – Right ovoid
2 – Flange
3 – Tandem
328 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 25.14. Henschke applicator in situ.

Anterior and posterior packing has been placed in position.
A rectal catheter, seen here, or another rectal marker, is
used to facilitate dosimetry. These are removed at the time
of afterloading.

Figure 25.13. Fluoroscopy. 2
The vaginal canal is then packed anteriorly and posteriorly.
This secures the tandem and ovoids in place, while 3
displacing the bladder and rectum away from the apparatus
to decrease dose to these structures. Alternatively, with an 4
HDR insertion, a rectal retractor, which is placed posterior 5
to the tandem, may be utilized to limit dose. Fluoroscopy
may be utilized to ensure proper positioning. If 6
repositioning is needed, it can be accomplished while the
patient is still under anesthesia. The anterior and posterior
packing soaked with Betadine (povidone-iodine), above
and below the intracavitary device, has been preliminarily
packed into position.

1 – Tandem
2 – Rectal marker
3 – Marker seeds
4 – Flange
5 – Right ovoid
6 – Urinary catheter balloon

Figure 25.15. Anterior/posterior (AP) localization film.

With two-dimensional treatment planning, once the patient
has recovered from the procedure, localization films are
taken to plan the radiation treatments. The tandem should
be in the midline along the vertical axis of the patient and
ideally not rotated. The tandem should also be equidistant
to each ovoid. The two marker seeds in the cervical os
should sit just above the flange or ring, which marks the
external os. The Foley balloon, vaginal packing, and rectal
marker are also visualized.
Brachytherapy 329

Figure 25.16. Lateral localization film.

The ovoids should overlap each other and bisect the
tandem. The Foley balloon should be visualized in addition
to a rectal marker, both being used to define various points
for dose measurements.


1 – Rectal marker
2 – Tandem
3 – Ovoids

Figure 25.17. Three-dimensional treatment

A newer technique of treatment planning involves
acquisition of axial computed tomography (CT)
images with implant in place. Treatment volume
and target points as well as critical normal tissues
1 are delineated in three dimensions. With a
high-dose-rate technique, dwell times along
tandem and ovoids/ring are optimized to ensure
2 adequate tumoricidal doses to treatment volume
3 and sparing of normal tissue.

1 – Bladder
2 – Ring
3 – Tandem
4 – Rectum
330 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

a b

Figure 25.18. Isodose curves.

(a) The anterior/posterior view of the isodose line for prescription dose in this patient is noted in green; the isodose is
typically described as ‘pear-shaped’. (b) The lateral view of the isodose line for prescription dose in the same patient is
again noted in green. Point A is most often the point of prescription. Two common definitions exist for point A. The classic
definition is 2 cm above and 2 cm lateral to a point defined superiorly by the top of the ovoids, and horizontally, at the
midpoint of the tandem.1 A second definition states that point A lies 2 cm above and lateral to the external os marked by
the flange.2 Both definitions define point A in reference to the tandem such that if the flange is tilted, point A moves with its
orientation. Point B (see Figure 25.15) is defined classically as the location of the obturator nodes, defined as 2 cm above
and 5 cm lateral to the points as defined for point A. However, point B is defined in reference to the patient’s axis and,
therefore, is independent of the tandem orientation.

a b

Figure 25.19. High-dose-rate tandem-based brachytherapy.

Three-dimensional computed tomography (CT)-based treatment planning enables the high-dose-rate unit to cover target
volumes with better optimization techniques. Shown here are (a) anterior and (b) lateral views of isodose distributions using
a tandem and ring along the plane of the applicator.
Brachytherapy 331

Interstitial brachytherapy depth would be too great to allow effective coverage

using an intravaginal cylinder, and the geometry
would preclude adequate treatment with a tandem
If the vaginal fornices are replaced by tumor or
and ovoids. Interstitial implants are commonly
fibrosed, an interstitial implant may be more
performed in cases of vaginal cancers and recurrent
appropriate than tandem and ovoids. If significant
vaginal tumors of the endometrium and cervix.
vaginal extension is apparent, the tandem may still
be utilized in conjunction with a vaginal cylinder; Several types of interstitial brachytherapy templates
alternatively, for vaginal disease that is deeply are utilized in the treatment of these tumors. The
penetrant, an interstitial implant may be used. most classic are the Syed–Neblett and the MUPITT
templates. While the overall design is different, the
An interstitial implant may be used in cases of gross treatment principles are the same. The Syed–Neblett
disease involving the vagina, where the treatment template will be described in this section.

Figure 25.21. Template with tandem.

The obturator has a central opening to accommodate a
tandem, which may be utilized with an intact uterus. The
placement of a tandem is described above.

Figure 25.20. Syed–Neblett template and obturator.

The Syed–Neblett template lies against the perineum, and a
central obturator is inserted into the vagina. After
placement of a Foley catheter, its balloon filled with 7 ml
of a 30% Renografin solution, the obturator is inserted into
the vaginal canal. The template is then attached to the
obturator and placed against the perineum.

a b

Figure 25.22. Placement of needles.

(a) The Syed–Neblett template consists of circumferential positions for placement of needles to implant into the paravaginal
space. The placement of needles into these positions is tailored to the particular volume of tumor to be treated. (b) The
Syed–Neblett template is visualized in position. A central obturator with a central tandem is in place. Needles are placed
circumferentially around this obturator to treat the paravaginal region. Needle placement is customized for each patient to
treat the particular tumor volume.
332 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 25.23. Intraoperative fluoroscopy.

Fluoroscopy may be performed in the operating room to
verify satisfactory placement of the interstitial needles. The
needles should cover the tumor volume; they should be
relatively parallel in relation to each other and should not
deviate towards the rectum or vagina. Shown here is the
anterior/posterior fluoroscopy film obtained at the time of
needle insertion.

a b



3 4

4 5

1 – Urinary catheter balloon

2 – Tandem
1 – Urinary catheter balloon
3 – Interstitial needles
2 – Tandem
4 – Marker
3 – Rectal marker
4 – Interstitial needles
5 – Marker
6 – Template

Figure 25.24. Localization films.

(a) Anterior/posterior and (b) lateral localization films are obtained for treatment planning. Dose is prescribed to the
minimum peripheral dose line of the treatment volume. Dose to the bladder in relation to the urinary catheter balloon, as
well as dose to various points along the rectum delineated by a marker wire, are calculated. A metal marker is placed at
the vaginal introitus for visualization on a radiograph. Also seen are the central tandem, interstitial needles with dummy
iridium wires inserted, and the template.
Brachytherapy 333

Figure 25.25. Three-dimensional treatment planning.

Like the tandem-based brachytherapy techniques, an
interstitial implant may be adapted for use with a
high-dose-rate afterloader. Computed tomography
(CT)-based treatment planning provides better definition
1 of tumor volume and will allow precise calculation of
dose to critical normal tissues. High-dose-rate
techniques allow for three-dimensional optimization of
dwell times within each catheter to maximize coverage
of target volumes.

1 – Bladder with Foley catheter in place

2 – Interstitial implant with central obturator
3 – Rectum

Intraoperative radiation therapy electron beams. Care must be taken when administer-
ing radiation using this method. The treatment field
must be well exposed, with the adjacent structures
IORT is utilized for a variety of different sites and
moved out of the path of the electron beam. This may
malignancies. Typically, IORT is used to deliver
not be possible with tumors that are deep seated in
focal high doses of radiation to patients who have
the pelvis or retroperitoneum, for example. In addi-
previously received treatment or to supplement the
tion, the electron cone should be set up so that the
dose beyond that which would be safely permissible
head of the treatment machine is perpendicular to
using external-beam therapy alone. The use of IORT
the surface of the tumor bed. When an electron deliv-
allows delivery of high doses of radiation to an
ers radiation over a sloped or irregular surface, the
operative tumor bed while sparing the adjacent
dose delivery would be inhomogeneous with varying
normal tissues. The purpose of IORT is to improve
treatment depths. In addition, larger fields may require
the local control following a surgical resection. In
that it be split and treated with two separate abutting
gynecologic malignancies, it is typically used in the
electron fields, which must be matched carefully.
recurrent setting. Overall, IORT has had acceptable
tolerance with favorable local control rates in patients A second method of administering IORT is with
with recurrent disease following complete surgical a high-dose-rate brachytherapy unit. A Harrison–
resection. There are two methods for delivering Anderson–Mick (HAM) applicator, composed of flex-
IORT. ible silastic material with catheters running parallel
through it and spaced 1 cm apart, is used to deliver
The first method provides treatment delivery using treatment. The distance from each catheter to the
electrons produced by a linear accelerator. This treat- treating surface is 0.5 cm. The number of catheters
ment is undertaken either with a dedicated linear and the length along each catheter that is employed to
accelerator in the operating room or by transferring treat a field can be tailored to the size and dimensions
the patient from the operating room to a radiation of the tumor bed. The advantage of this form of IORT
treatment room. The electron beam is focused on the over that of electrons is seen when treating deep-
tumor bed, and the field shape and size is adjusted to seated tumors in the pelvis or in regions where the
encompass the treatment field. The critical normal normal tissues cannot be moved easily away from the
structures are moved away from the field and the path of an electron beam. With the use of a HAM
patient is subsequently treated. This technique allows applicator, small lead blocks can be placed directly
delivery of radiation to a prescribed superficial depth, against critical adjacent structures to block them from
which can be varied by utilizing different energies of the intraoperative treatment.
334 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

Figure 25.26. Harrison–Anderson–Mick (HAM) applicator.

The HAM applicator is manufactured with a varied number
of catheters. Shown here is the 12-channel HAM
applicator. Each catheter, colored in green, lies within the
silastic material, and they are equally spaced 1 cm apart.
As demonstrated, the applicator is flexible and, therefore,
can conform to the slope/contour of the operative bed. The
silastic applicator can also be cut lengthwise to tailor the
width to the required number of channels.

a b

Figure 25.27. HAM applicator positioning.

The HAM applicator is placed directly over the tumor bed. The number of catheters used depends on the treatment area.
(a) A nine-channel HAM applicator placed along a pelvic sidewall for treatment. The applicator should lie flat and directly
on top of the treatment volume. (b) Positioning for treatment of the anterior surface of the sacrum is demonstrated with a
10-channel applicator.

Figure 25.28. Shielding.

The HAM applicator is seen in position along the pelvic
sidewall. Lap pads are placed to secure it in position. Lead
blocks are also used to shield the adjacent normal
Brachytherapy 335

Figure 25.30. Multiple sites.

This system may be used to treat more than one site
concurrently. As shown, more than one HAM applicator
may be placed and secured in position at a given time.
However, the treatments are given sequentially as there is
only one source. Treatment times may vary depending on
the activity of the source and size of the treatment field.
Typical doses of IORT vary depending on the clinical
situation; however, they should not exceed 20 Gy in order
to avoid excess toxicity to the surrounding previously
irradiated tissues.
Figure 25.29. High-dose-rate (HDR) unit.
The applicator is then connected to an HDR unit. Shown is
the Gamma-med 12i remote afterloading HDR unit. Sterile
catheters are handed off the operative field to a radiation
oncology technician, who connects them to the HDR unit.
These catheters are then attached to the HAM applicator
with a series of interlocking spring-loaded metal

1. Tod M, Meredith W. A dosage system for use in the 2. Tod M, Meredith W. Treatment of cancer of the cervix
treatment of cancer of the uterine cervix. Br J Radiol uteri – a revised ‘Manchester method’. Br J Radiol
1938;11:809–24. 1953;26:252–7.
26 Cystourethroscopy and
ureteral catheterization
Siobhan M Kehoe and Nadeem R Abu-Rustum

Cystourethroscopy is often used in gynecologic filled with approximately 200–250 ml of fluid to avoid
oncology for staging to assess the extent of disease overdistention. Patients who have received prior
progression into the bladder. In most gynecologic radiation may have less elasticity of their bladder;
malignancies, bladder involvement will upstage the therefore, less fluid should be used to distend the
disease and will often change the treatment plan. At bladder.
the same time, cystoscopy can be used intraopera-
tively for ureteral catheter or stent placement to aid in The bladder is inspected in a uniform fashion. A
identifying the pelvic ureter in advanced dissection. non-distended bladder wall has ruggae, whereas the
Cystoscopy can also be used to evaluate for bladder distended bladder is smooth and has a grid pattern
or ureteral injury that may occur during a difficult due to the detrusor muscle fibers. We recommend to
dissection, allowing for early identification of injury start with identifying the trigone, which is directly
and immediate repair. above the urethra. The ureteral orifices, which are
small slit-like openings, are located on the inter-
The patient is placed in the dorsal lithotomy ureteric ridge at the lateral corners of the trigone. They
position, and preparation and draping is performed can be visualized by gently rotating the cystoscope.
in the same fashion as for gynecologic procedures. The flow from the ureteral orifices can be visualized
A rigid cystourethroscope is made up of a sheath, easier by using indigo carmine: 5 ml of indigo
a bridge, and a telescope. The lubricated curved carmine is injected intravenously and, as this dye is
sheath is placed over the cystoscope. It is introduced excreted into the urine, flow from the ureteral orifice
into the urethra and passed through into the bladder can be confirmed. Lack of flow from one ureteral
under direct visualization while inspecting the orifice after several minutes may suggest ureteral
urethra. A light source attaches to the scope to allow obstruction. Flow will still be present if there is
for visibility. The telescope that is placed into the partial obstruction, but comparing the ureteral jets
sheath has an ocular lens that magnifies the image. between the two orifices may help determine if there
The common viewing angles of the telescope are 0°, is ureteral compromise on one side.
30°, and 70°. For gynecologic applications, a 30°
rigid cystoscope is most often used for diagnostic After identifying both ureteral orifices, the rest of the
procedures. bladder can be inspected. Cystoscopy is often per-
formed to detect direct invasion of malignant disease
With a 30° scope, the urethra, which is approximately into the bladder. With the rotation of the scope, the
4 cm in women, can be inspected as the cystoscope is lateral walls can be inspected. The dome of the blad-
being passed into the bladder. The size range of the der is then visualized. The dome may be identified by
cystoscope for gynecologic procedures is from 17 to the air bubbles within the bladder. The scope is then
24F. Initially, the telescope can be removed, and urine rotated 90° to visualize completely the anterior wall.
drained and collected from the sheath and sent for The normal urothelium of the bladder is yellow and
cytology. It is often better to drain the bladder, as submucosal blood vessels are visible. The bladder
concentrated urine can hinder the view. The sheath walls are inspected for gross lesions or for areas of
has inflow and outflow ports. Irrigation fluid is irregularity in the wall. Invasive malignant tumors
also attached to the cystoscope and used to fill and appear usually sessile or nodular. Invasive cancers
distend the bladder. The fluid can be normal saline or can also cause ulceration of the mucosa. Superficial
a non-conductive fluid such as glycine when electro- primary bladder tumors are more exophytic. A biopsy
cautery is being used. The bladder should only be of the irregular lesion should be performed. With a
338 Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology

non-conducting solution, cautery can be used to trachelectomy, and radical parametrectomy. Ureteral
obtain hemostasis at the biopsy site, if needed. stent placement prior to a laparoscopic or vaginal
radical hysterectomy can facilitate the dissection of
Cystoscopy is also used for intraoperative catheter or the ureter and may decrease the rate of ureteral injury.
stent placement before certain procedures. These pro- The cystoscopic bridge has ports to allow for the
cedures include laparoscopic radical hysterectomy, introduction of a catheter or forceps.

a b

Figure 26.1. Cystoscopes.

Flexible cystoscopes can be used, particularly when procedures such as biopsy or fulguration are being performed.
However, when cystoscopy is being performed for diagnosis or ureteral catheter placement, a rigid scope is adequate (a).
The double loading channel for ureteral catheters facilitates loading both catheters at the same time (b).

Figure 26.2. Whistle-tip and open-ended catheters.

A 5F whistle-tip (gray) or open-ended (yellow) catheter is
used to catheterize the ureters.
Figure 26.3. Ureteral orifice.
The catheter is directed into the ureteral orifice, which is
a small slit-like opening.
Cystourethroscopy and ureteral catheterization 339

Figure 26.4. Ureteral orifice.

Once placed into the opening, the catheter can be
advanced up the ureter usually to the 20-cm mark at the
ureteral orifice. Markings on the catheter usually represent
1 cm of length, with each 5 cm marked by a thicker band;
therefore, for a 20-cm insertion, the catheter will be
advanced to four bands. The catheter should be placed
slowly to decrease ureteral irritation and bleeding and
postoperative hematuria. If an indwelling ureteral stent is
used, a 20-cm stent is used in women ≤62 inches and a
30-cm stent in women ≥72 inches. The following formula
can be used as a guide for determining stent length: height
(inches) minus 42. Stents are measured in even number
length; therefore, an odd number result should be rounded
up to the closest even number.

a b

Figure 26.5. Technique of tunneling the ureteral catheter into the same opening of the Foley catheter.
The ends of the ureteral catheters extend out through the urethra. A transurethral Foley catheter is inserted into the bladder,
with the ureteral catheters lying adjacent to the Foley catheter. The ends of the ureteral catheters can be tunneled into the
end of the Foley catheter tube to allow for only one drainage bag. A 14G angiocath vascular access device can be inserted
into the Foley tube from inside to out. The needle is removed, leaving the catheter through the tube, which is then used to
guide the ureteral catheter into the urine drainage bag. A separate 14G angiocath vascular access device should be used for
the right and left ureteral catheter. The ureteral catheters are removed at the end of the operative case while leaving the
Foley catheter in place. At the end of the procedure, the irrigating fluid should be removed from the bladder through the
cystoscope. The cystoscope is then removed slowly, with care not to damage the urethra.
Appendix: staging systems

FIGO staging classification: vulva IA1 Stromal invasion no greater than 3 mm in depth
and 7 mm or less in horizontal spread
IA2 Stromal invasion more than 3 mm and not more
0 Carcinoma in situ; preinvasive carcinoma
than 5 mm in depth, with a horizontal spread of
I Tumor confined to vulva or vulva and perineum;
7 mm or less
2 cm or less in greatest dimension; nodes are
IB Clinically visible lesion confined to the cervix
or microscopic lesion greater than IA2
IA Stromal invasion no greater than 1 mm
IB1 Clinically visible lesion 4 cm or less in greatest
IB Stromal invasion greater than 1 mm
II Tumor confined to vulva or vulva and perineum;
IB2 Clinically visible lesion more than 4 cm in great-
more than 2 cm in greatest dimension; nodes are
est dimension
II Tumor invades beyond cervix but not to pelvic
III Tumor of any size with adjacent spread to the
wall or to lower third of the vagina
lower urethra, vagina, or the anus and/or with
IIA Without parametrial invasion
unilateral regional lymph node metastasis
IIB With parametrial invasion
IVA Tumor invades upper urethra, bladder mucosa,
III Tumor extends to pelvic wall and/or involves
rectal mucosa, or pelvic bone and/or bilateral
the lower third of the vagina and/or causes
regional node metastases
hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning kidney
IVB Distant metastasis
IIIA Tumor involves lower third of vagina; no exten-
sion to pelvic wall
IIIB Tumor extends to pelvic wall and/or causes
FIGO staging classification: vagina hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning kidney
IV Carcinoma has extended beyond the true pelvis
or has clinically involved the mucosa of the
0 Carcinoma in situ; intraepithelial carcinoma
bladder or rectum
I Tumor confined to vaginal wall
IVA Tumor invades mucosa of bladder or rectum
II Tumor involves subvaginal tissues but does not
and/or extends to adjacent organs
extend to pelvic wall
IVB Distant metastasis
III Tumor extends to pelvic wall
IVA Tumor invades mucosa of bladder or rectum
and/or extends beyond the true pelvis
IVB Distant metastasis FIGO staging classification:
corpus uteri
FIGO staging classification: I Tumor confined to corpus uteri
IA Tumor limited to endometrium
cervix uteri IB Tumor invades up to or less than one half of the
0 Carcinoma in situ; intraepithelial carcinoma IC Tumor invades more than one half of the
I Carcinoma confined to the cervix (extension to myometrium
corpus should be disregarded) II Tumor invades cervix but does not extend
IA Invasive carcinoma diagnosed only by micros- beyond uterus
copy (all macroscopically visible lesions—even IIA Endocervical glandular involvement only
with superficial invasion—are Stage IB) IIB Cervical stromal invasion
342 Appendix

III Local and/or regional spread IB Tumor limited to both ovaries; capsule intact,
IIIA Tumor involves serosa and/or adnexa (direct no tumor on ovarian surface; no malignant cells
extension or metastasis) and/or cancer cells in in ascites or peritoneal washings
ascites or peritoneal washings IC Tumor limited to one or both ovaries with any
IIIB Vaginal involvement (direct extension or of the following: capsule ruptured, tumor on
metastasis) ovarian surface; malignant cells in ascites or
IIIC Metastasis to pelvic and/or paraaortic lymph peritoneal washings
nodes II Tumor involves one or both ovaries with pelvic
IVA Tumor invades bladder mucosa and/or bowel extension
mucosa IIA Extension and/or implants on uterus and/or
IVB Distant metastasis (including intraabdominal tube(s)
and/or inguinal lymph nodes) IIB Extension to other pelvic tissues
IIC Pelvic extension with any of the following:
capsule ruptured, tumor on ovarian surface;
FIGO staging classification: malignant cells in ascites or peritoneal
fallopian tube III Tumor involves one or both ovaries with
peritoneal metastasis outside the pelvis and/
0 Carcinoma in situ or retroperitoneal or inguinal lymph node
I Tumor confined to fallopian tube(s) metastasis
IA Tumor limited to one tube, without penetrating IIIA Microscopic peritoneal metastasis beyond
the serosal surface pelvis
IB Tumor limited to both tubes, without penetrating IIIB Macroscopic peritoneal metastasis beyond pelvis
the serosal surface 2 cm or less in greatest dimension
IC Tumor limited to one or both tube(s) with exten- IIIC Peritoneal metastasis beyond pelvis more than
sion onto or through the tubal serosa, or with 2 cm in greatest dimension and/or positive
malignant cells in ascites or peritoneal washings retroperitoneal or inguinal lymph nodes
II Tumor involves one or both fallopian tube(s) IV Distant metastasis (excludes peritoneal metasta-
with pelvic extension sis) including liver parenchyma or malignant
IIA Extension and/or metastases to uterus and/or pleural effusion, which must be cytologically
ovaries positive
IIB Extension to other pelvic structures
IIC Pelvic extension with malignant cells in ascites
or peritoneal washings
III Tumor involves one or both fallopian tube(s)
with peritoneal implants outside the pelvis and/
FIGO staging classification:
or positive retroperitoneal or inguinal nodes gestational trophoblastic disease
IIIA Microscopic peritoneal metastasis outside the
pelvis I Disease confined to uterus
IIIB Macroscopic peritoneal metastasis outside the II Disease outside of uterus but is limited to the
pelvis 2 cm or less in greatest dimension genital structures—vagina, ovary, broad ligament,
IIIC Peritoneal metastasis more than 2 cm in greatest and fallopian tube—by metastasis or direct
dimension and/or positive retroperitoneal or extension
inguinal lymph nodes III Disease extends to the lungs with or without
IV Distant metastasis (excludes peritoneal metasta- known genital tract involvement
sis) including liver parenchyma or malignant IV All other metastatic sites
pleural effusion, which must be cytologically
Substages assigned for each stage as follows:
A. No risk factors present
FIGO staging classification: ovary B. One risk factor
C. Both risk factors
I Growth limited to the ovaries
IA Tumor limited to one ovary; capsule intact, no Risk factors used to assign substages:
tumor on ovarian surface; no malignant cells in 1. Pretherapy serum hCG >100,000 mIU/ml
ascites or peritoneal washings 2. Duration of disease >6 months
Appendix 343

World Health Organization prognostic index score for GTD


Prognostic factor 0 1 2 4

Age (years) ≤39 >39 – –

Antecedent pregnancy Hydatidiform Abortion Term –
Interval from index pregnancy (months) <4 4–6 7–12 >12
Pretreatment hCG (mIU/ml) <10 3
10 –10
3 4
10 –10
4 5
Largest tumor, including uterine tumor – 3–5 cm >5 cm –
Sites of metastasis – Spleen, kidney Gastrointestinal Brain
tract, liver
Number of metastases identified – 1–4 5–8 >8
Prior chemotherapy – – Single drug Two or more

Note: The identification of an individual patient’s stage and risk score will be expressed by allotting a Roman numeral to the stage and
an Arabic numeral to the risk score, separated by a colon. Total score is interpreted as follows: low risk, 0–4; intermediate risk, 5–7;
high risk, ≥8.
ABC see argon-beam coagulator bowel securing 261
abdominal distention 62, 297 adhesions see adhesions clitoris, base of 46
abdominal inspection anastomosis 72–3, 82–3, 138 colon
laparoscopic procedures 156, 240–1, 272 carcinomatosis 61 mobilization 75
open surgical procedures 2–4, 59–62 distention 59 opening 72, 78, 113
abdominal sacral resection 141, 142 nodules, second-look laparoscopy 241 transection 75, 98
accessory obturator vein (anastomotic obstruction see intestinal obstruction see also sigmoid colon; transverse colon
pelvic vein) 18, 168, 191 resection 57, 60, 61, 67–86 colorectal anastomosis 72–3, 138
adductor longus muscle 50 see also large intestine; small intestine colostomy, end 74–9, 138
adhesions brachytherapy 321–35 completion 79
advanced ovarian cancer 61 high-dose-rate (HDR) 323, 324–5, 330, fashioning 76–8
second-look laparoscopy 237, 241–2 335 site positioning 62, 74, 76
sigmoid, laparoscopic lysis 162, 184 interstitial 321, 331, 331–3 sizing 77
anastomotic pelvic vein 18, 168, 191 intravaginal (IVRT) 321, 321–4 Colpo-Pneumo Occluder 272, 274
anterior exenteration 93 low-dose-rate (LDR) 324 colpotomy
anterior longitudinal ligament 122 tandem intracavitary 321, 324–5, 325–30 laparoscopic staging 177
anterior rectus fascia 76 broad ligament radical abdominal trachelectomy 131–2
anterior spinous ligament 88, 121 laparoscopic staging 163, 172, 173, 179 robotically assisted laparoscopic
antibiotic prophylaxis, robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery 284–5
panniculectomy 126, 127 surgery 279, 281 common femoral vein 51
aorta 117, 118 Brunschwig, Alexander 93 common iliac artery 117
extraperitoneal lymph node extraperitoneal lymph node
dissection 252, 255 Camper’s fascia 50 dissection 252, 253, 255
retroperitoneal lymph node carcinomatosis 61, 240 radical abdominal hysterectomy 37
dissection 120, 121, 122 carcinosarcoma, endometrial 1 retroperitoneal lymph node
robotically assisted lymph node cardinal ligaments 10, 179 dissection 120
dissection 275, 276, 277 carotid artery 311 staging procedures 19, 157, 162
see also paraaortic lymph node cecum, continent urinary diversion 110–11 common iliac lymph nodes 96, 118
dissection central venous access, long-term 315, common iliac node dissection
appendectomy 1, 28–32 315–20 extraperitoneal laparoscopic 253
appendiceal artery 29 central venous catheter placement 309, laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 188
appendix 28 310–14 surgical staging 18, 19
continent urinary conduit 109, 111–15 cerclage, cervical 133, 231–2 common iliac vein
tunneling 112 cervical cancer extraperitoneal lymph node
argon-beam coagulator (ABC) 181 brachytherapy 321, 324, 331 dissection 253
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 184, chemoradiation 33, 181 laparoscopic staging 161
186, 192, 193, 198 extended pelvic resection 137 surgical staging 19, 23
laparoscopic staging 160, 162, 163, 164, extraperitoneal lymph node computed tomography (CT) 249, 329, 333
166, 167 dissection 249–55 cribriform fascia 51
ascending colon, continent urinary laparoscopic radical hysterectomy C-Trak laparoscopic sentinel lymph node
diversion 109, 113–14 181–208 probe 291
ascites 62–3 pelvic exenteration 93–4, 94 cul-de-sac see pouch of Douglas
abdominal distention 62, 297 radical abdominal hysterectomy 33–43 cystoscopes 337, 338
drainage at laparotomy 63 radical abdominal trachelectomy 129–35 cystourethroscopy (cystoscopy) 337–8, 338
paracentesis 295, 295–300 radiotherapy 33, 34, 181, 249 laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 183–4
PEG tube placement 303 robotically assisted laparoscopic ureteral catheterization 338, 338–9
Avitene 91 surgery 272, 273 cytoreduction
azygos vein 252 sentinel lymph node mapping 130, intrathoracic 262
289–90, 289–92 surgical see surgical cytoreduction
Balfour retractor 4 staging 153, 341
biopsies vaginal radical hysterectomy 209–20 Dargent, Daniel 129, 153, 209, 221
second-look procedures 237, 240–3 vaginal radical trachelectomy 221–35 Dargent operation see vaginal radical
staging procedures 27, 171 cervicovaginal artery, vaginal radical trachelectomy
video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 264 trachelectomy 229 daVinci S Surgical System 271, 273
bladder cervix deep circumflex iliac vein
cystoscopic inspection 337–8 dilators 326 pelvic exenteration 96
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 185, injection, vaginal hysterectomy 175 radical hysterectomy 37, 38, 189
186 posttrachelectomy 235 staging procedures 18, 165
laparoscopic staging 174–5 vaginal radical trachelectomy 224, 230 descending colon, reflection 21
pelvic exenteration 100 chemoradiation, cervical carcinoma 33, diaphragm
radical abdominal hysterectomy 33, 39 181 biopsy, second-look laparoscopy 243
robotically assisted laparoscopic chemotherapy ovarian tumor implants 62, 64
surgery 282 intraperitoneal 237, 238, 243–8 stripping 64–6
surgical staging 8 surgical cytoreduction and 57 dilators, cervical 326
vaginal radical hysterectomy 214–15, chest radiographs dorsal pancreatic artery 267
216 central venous catheters 309, 314 ‘doughnuts’ 73
vaginal radical trachelectomy 225–7 chest tube drainage 262, 262 drains, surgical
blue dye lymph node mapping malignant pleural effusions 257–8 laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 182
cervical cancer 290, 290 chest tube 257–62 panniculectomy 126, 127
vulvar cancer 54, 55 management 262, 262 radical abdominal hysterectomy 34
Bookwalter retractor 4, 125 placement 258–60 duodenum, mobilization 120, 276
346 Index

endocervix, length of residual 232 radical vaginal trachelectomy 34, 129, iliacus muscle, resection 139
endometrial carcinoma 221–35 immunizations 267
brachytherapy 321, 324, 331 FIGO staging systems 341–2 implantable venous access ports,
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 181 Fletcher–Suit applicator 324 placement 315, 315–20
laparoscopic staging 153 fluid administration, during incisions
panniculectomy for morbid obesity 123 paracentesis 295, 300 hand-assisted laparoscopic
pelvic exenteration 94 fluoroscopy, during brachytherapy 322, splenectomy 268
radical abdominal hysterectomy 33 324, 328, 332 inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy 50
robotically assisted laparoscopic free tissue transfer 145 panniculectomy 124
surgery 275 frozen section, trachelectomy pelvic exenteration 101
sentinel lymph node mapping 292, specimen 234 radical abdominal hysterectomy 33
292–3 retroperitoneal lymph node
staging classification 341–2 gamma probe 53, 291 dissection 119
surgical cytoreduction for recurrent 58 gastrocolic ligament second-look laparoscopy 239
surgical staging 1, 2–32 ovarian cancer involving 60 stoma site 76
endometrium splenectomy 88 surgical cytoreduction 58, 62–3, 74
assessing, uterine specimen 13 transection 25, 170 surgical staging 2
curettage 133 gastroepiploic artery 26, 267, 269 vaginal hysterectomy 176
endoscope, robotic 273 gastrointestinal anastomosis (GIA) vaginal radical hysterectomy 213
endoscopy, gastrostomy tube stapler 75 vaginal radical trachelectomy 223
placement 304 gastrosplenic ligament 89 video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 263
EndoStitch device 202–6 gastrostomy (PEG) tube placement 303–8, vulvectomy 45, 48
endotracheal tube, double lumen 263 303–8 Indiana pouch 93, 109
end-to-end anastomosis (EEA) stapler 73 gauze sponge, laparoscopic indigo carmine 337
enteromesenterotomy 80 procedures 157, 195 inferior epigastric artery 149, 154, 189
enterotomy 106 genitofemoral nerve inferior gluteal vessels 142
epinephrine 124, 213, 223 laparoscopic procedures 187, 253, 287 inferior mesenteric artery (IMA)
exenteration, pelvic see pelvic exenteration laparotomy procedures 15, 37 extraperitoneal lymph node
extended pelvic resection 137–43 Gerota’s fascia 66 dissection 252
abdominal sacral resection 141, 142 gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) laparoscopic staging 160, 161, 162
iliacus muscle and femoral nerve 139 staging classification 342 retroperitoneal lymph node
superior pubic rami resection 139–41, WHO prognostic index score 343 dissection 117, 119, 120, 121–2
139–41 gluteus maximus muscle 142 robotically assisted laparoscopic
external iliac artery gracilis myocutaneous flap 145 surgery 277
extraperitoneal lymph node indications 102, 145 surgical cytoreduction 67
dissection 253 technique 146, 146–7 surgical staging 20, 21, 23
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 185, great saphenous vein 51, 52 inferior vena cava (IVC)
187 GTD see gestational trophoblastic disease anatomy 117
laparoscopic staging 164, 165, 167, 168 duplicated 18, 37
pelvic exenteration 96, 98 hand-assisted laparoscopic extraperitoneal lymph node
robotically assisted laparoscopic splenectomy 267–70, 268–9 dissection 254, 255
surgery 279, 287, 288 Harrison–Anderson–Mick (HAM) laparoscopic staging 158–9
vaginal radical hysterectomy 210 applicator 333, 334–5 retroperitoneal lymph node
external iliac lymph node dissection Hartmann pouch 77 dissection 120
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 187–9 hemoclips 40, 181 robotically assisted laparoscopic
laparoscopic staging 164–6 Henschke applicator 324, 328 surgery 277
radical abdominal hysterectomy 37 hepatectomy, partial 58 surgical cytoreduction 66
surgical staging 14–15 hepatorenal recess 66 surgical staging 20
external iliac lymph nodes 118 high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy 323, vascular pitfalls 20
sentinel 291–2 324–5, 330, 335 infundibulopelvic (IP) ligament
external iliac vein hypogastric lymph nodes, sentinel 291–2 extended pelvic resection 137–8
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 185 hypogastric vessels 97, 194 laparoscopic radical hysterectomy
laparoscopic staging 165–6, 167, 168 hysterectomy 192, 193
pelvic exenteration 96, 98 classification 34 laparoscopic staging 163, 172–3
external oblique aponeurosis 50 class II (modified radical) 33, 34, 41 radical abdominal trachelectomy 131
external pudendal artery 51 class III (radical) 33, 34, 41 robotically assisted laparoscopic
extraperitoneal lymph node laparoscopic see laparoscopic surgery 279, 280–1
dissection 249–55 hysterectomy surgical staging 5, 6, 7
marking lower limits 255 laparoscopic radical see laparoscopic inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy 45,
marsupialization of peritoneum 255 radical hysterectomy 50–2
paraaortic nodes 252–5 modified posterior exenteration 67–73 inguinofemoral lymph nodes, sentinel
psoas muscle 251 panniculectomy to facilitate 123, 125 biopsy 53–6
trocar/port placement 249–51 radical abdominal see radical abdominal interaortocaval lymph node dissection
hysterectomy 88, 121
falciform ligament 119 robotically assisted 272, 278–85 extraperitoneal approach 254
fallopian tube surgical staging 5–13 laparoscopic 160
cancer, staging classification 342 intercaval lymph nodes 118
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 193 ileal conduit 93, 94, 105–8 internal iliac artery
laparoscopic staging 163, 172, 173 ileocecal valve, continent urinary extraperitoneal lymph node
robotically assisted laparoscopic diversion 109 dissection 253
surgery 279, 285 ileostomy 79–86 robotically assisted laparoscopic
‘fellow’s vein’ 20, 120, 159 checking stoma patency 86 surgery 280
femoral artery 51, 52 completed 85 vaginal radical hysterectomy 210
femoral nerve 51, 139 creation 84–5 internal iliac node sampling 18
femoral triangle 52 ileum internal iliac vein, laparoscopic radical
femoral vein 51, 52 continent urinary diversion 109, 114 hysterectomy 186
fertility-sparing surgery defunctionalized segment 105 internal iliac vessels
radical abdominal trachelectomy 129–35 opening 106 extended pelvic resection 138
Index 347

pelvic exenteration 96, 97 see also rectum; sigmoid colon; laparoscopic staging 167–8
radical abdominal hysterectomy 39 transverse colon radical abdominal hysterectomy 38
internal jugular (IJ) vein lateral aortic lymph nodes 117, 118 robotically assisted laparoscopic 288
central venous catheter placement 309, extraperitoneal approach 253 surgical staging 16–17
310–14 lateral caval lymph nodes 159, 254 obturator lymph nodes, sentinel 291–2
Mediport placement 315–20 laterally extended endopelvic resection obturator nerve
internal pudendal vessels 46 (LEER) 137–8 laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 185,
intestinal obstruction LAVRH see laparoscopically assisted 190, 191
end colostomy 74, 79 vaginal radical hysterectomy laparoscopic staging 167, 168
gastrostomy tube placement 303 left colic artery 67, 98 laparotomy procedures 16, 38
recurrent ovarian cancer 58, 59, 61 lesser sac 268 robotically assisted laparoscopic
intestine see bowel lidocaine 259 surgery 288
intraoperative radiation therapy lienorenal ligament 268 vaginal radical hysterectomy 210
(IORT) 321, 333 LigaSure device 26, 102 obturator space 16, 17, 166–8, 190
intraperitoneal (IP) catheter placement 237, linear accelerator 333 obturator vein 167
238, 243–8 liver, mobilization 64, 66 omental ‘cake’ 59, 60
intravaginal brachytherapy (IVRT) 321, local anesthesia omental pedicle flap 108, 138
321–4 chest tube placement 259 omentectomy 24–7
intravenous fluids, during paracentesis 295, paracentesis 298 gastrocolic 59
300 PEG tube placement 305 infracolic 24–6
ischiorectal fossa 138 low anterior resection 67–73 laparoscopic 153–4, 169–71
isodose curves 330 low-dose-rate (LDR) brachytherapy 324 omentum
isosulfan blue lower uterine segment, measuring 132 infracolic 24
adverse effects 290 lumbar arteries 117, 118, 121 ovarian cancer involving 59–60
cervical cancer 290, 290 lumbar veins 117, 118, 120 oophorectomy see salpingo-oophorectomy
vulvar cancer 54, 55 Lymphazurin see isosulfan blue osteotome 140
lymph node disease ovarian arteries 117
KOH Colpotomizer System 272, 274, 278 radical abdominal trachelectomy 130 extraperitoneal lymph node
recurrent 86–8 dissection 253, 254
laparoscopically assisted vaginal radical lymph node dissection retroperitoneal lymph node
hysterectomy (LAVRH) 209–20 extraperitoneal 249–55 dissection 120, 121
anatomical relationships 211 laparoscopic staging 153, 154, 157–68 ovarian cancer
dissection of right ureter 216–17 radical abdominal hysterectomy 34, 37–8 abdominal survey 59–62
laparoscopic preparation 210 recurrent ovarian cancer 86–8 chest tube placement 257, 258–62
parametrium 218–19 retroperitoneal 117–22 hand-assisted laparoscopic
pelvic spaces 210, 214–15 second-look laparoscopy 237–8 splenectomy 267–70, 268–9
specimen 220 surgical staging 1, 13–23 intraperitoneal catheter placement 237,
specimen removal and closure 219–20 vulvar cancer 45, 50–2 238, 243–8
vaginal portion 211–14 see also paraaortic lymph node laparoscopic staging 153
laparoscopic extraperitoneal lymph node dissection; pelvic lymphadenectomy malignant pleural effusions 257, 257–8,
dissection 249–55 lymphoceles 255 262
laparoscopic hysterectomy lymphoscintigraphy mucinous tumors 1
robotically assisted 272, 278–85 cervical cancer 289, 289 palliation of persistent/recurrent 58
surgical staging 171–80 vulvar cancer 53–6 paracentesis 295, 295–300
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 34, pelvic mass 2
181–208 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 221 second-look laparoscopy 237–8,
cystoscopy 183–4 marsupialization, peritoneal 255 239–43
opening the spaces 184–6 medial circumflex femoral artery 146 staging classification 342
parametrial dissection 197–9 medial umbilical ligament 185, 280 surgical cytoreduction 57–8, 59–91
pelvic lymphadenectomy 187–92 Mediport placement 315, 315–20 surgical staging 1, 2–32
robotically assisted 272, 283–4 Mega needle driver 273 video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
specimen 207 mesentery (VATS) 262, 263–4
specimen removal 199–201 appendiceal 28 ovarian veins
uterine artery and adnexa 192–5 colonic 75 anatomy 117, 118
uterosacral ligament 195–7 small bowel 80, 81 extraperitoneal lymph node
vaginal cuff closure 202–6 mesh, delayed absorbable 108 dissection 255
laparoscopic splenectomy, hand- mesorectal excision 99 laparoscopic staging 159
assisted 267–70, 268–9 methylene blue 290, 290 lymph nodes 118
laparoscopic staging 153–80 Miami pouch 93, 109 retroperitoneal lymph node
entering abdomen, survey and middle sacral artery 117 dissection 121
washings 154–6 mucinous ovarian tumors, surgical staging 20, 22, 23
laparoscopic portion of appendectomy 1, 28–32 ovaries
hysterectomy 171–5 mucous fistula 77, 79 laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 182,
paraaortic lymphadenectomy 153, 154, myocutaneous flap reconstruction 102, 192–3, 206
157–62 145–51 laparoscopic staging 173
pelvic lymph node dissection 163–8 surgical removal see salpingo-
robotically assisted 275 needle drivers 273 oophorectomy
vaginal portion of hysterectomy neovagina construction see vaginal transposition out of pelvis 34,
175–80 reconstruction 182, 206
cytoreduction see surgical cytoreduction obesity, morbid 123, 182 Paget’s disease of vulva 48
second look 237 obstetric outcome, vaginal radical palliative surgery 58, 93
surgical staging see surgical staging trachelectomy 221, 222, 222 pancreas, retroperitoneal lymph node
large intestine obturator artery 167, 210 dissection 120
carcinomatosis 61 obturator internus muscle 95, 138, 167, pancreatectomy, distal 90, 91
obstruction 74 168, 191 panniculectomy 123–7
resection 67–79 obturator lymph node dissection infraumbilical 124
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 190–1 supraumbilical 124
348 Index

paraaortic lymph node dissection 117, laparoscopic radical vaginal radical trachelectomy 227, 231
120–2 hysterectomy 187–92 preaortic lymph nodes 117, 118, 254
extraperitoneal (laparoscopic) 249–55 laparoscopic staging 163–8 precaval lymph nodes 118, 159, 254
laparoscopic staging 153, 157–62 radical abdominal hysterectomy 34, 37 pregnancy, after vaginal radical
radical abdominal trachelectomy 130 radical abdominal trachelectomy 130 trachelectomy 221, 222, 222
recurrent ovarian cancer 87–8 robotically assisted laparoscopic 287–8 presacral lymph nodes 118
robotically assisted laparoscopic 276–8 surgical staging 13–18 presacral space
surgical staging 1, 19–23 pelvic mass pelvic exenteration 99, 100
paraaortic lymph nodes pelvic exenteration 95 surgical cytoreduction 67, 68
anatomy 117, 118 surgical cytoreduction 61, 74 psoas muscle
inspection/sampling 33, 96 surgical staging 2, 4–5 extraperitoneal lymph node
recurrent disease 86–7 pelvic sidewall dissection 251, 253
paracaval lymph nodes 20, 118 extended pelvic resection 137, 138 laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 187
paracentesis 295–301 pelvic exenteration 94, 95, 96 robotically assisted laparoscopic
equipment/kits 296 surgical staging 5 surgery 277
indications 295, 295 vaginal radical hysterectomy 210 staging procedures 18, 168
technique 297–300 pelvic spaces pubic bone, resection 139–41, 139–41
paracolpos laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 184–6
radical abdominal trachelectomy 131 pelvic exenteration 96 radiation therapy 321
vaginal radical hysterectomy 218 radical abdominal hysterectomy 33, cervical carcinoma 33, 34, 181, 249
vaginal radical trachelectomy 227 35–6 extraperitoneal lymph node dissection
parametrium robotically assisted laparoscopic and 249
hysterectomy classification and 33, 34 surgery 280 intraoperative (IORT) 321, 333, 334–5
laparoscopic radical vaginal radical hysterectomy 210, pelvic exenteration and 94
hysterectomy 197–9, 207 214–15 see also brachytherapy
radical abdominal hysterectomy 33, 35, vaginal radical trachelectomy 224–6 radical abdominal hysterectomy 33–43
41, 42 pelvic vein, anastomotic 18, 168, 191 advanced ovarian cancer 61
radical abdominal trachelectomy 131, pelvis, laparoscopic inspection 155 alternatives to 34, 129, 209
132 Penn pouch, modified 93, 94, 109–15 anatomic relationships 211
robotically assisted laparoscopic percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy bladder mobilization 33, 39
surgery 284 (PEG) tube placement 303–8, 303–8 developing pelvic spaces 33, 35–6
sentinel lymph node mapping 292 perineum division of vagina 41
vaginal radical hysterectomy 210, pelvic exenteration 101–3 incisions 33
218–20 reconstruction see pelvic floor lymph node dissection 34, 37–8
vaginal radical trachelectomy 228, 229 reconstruction pelvis after specimen removal 42
pararectal space peritoneal carcinomatosis 240 rectovaginal space 40
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 186 peritoneal washings specimen 42
pelvic exenteration 96, 97 second-look procedures 237, 240 unroofing ureter 33, 36, 40
radical abdominal hysterectomy 35, 36 staging procedures 3, 156 uterine artery 33, 36, 39–40, 42
radical abdominal trachelectomy 131 peritonectomy, diaphragm 64 uterosacral ligaments 33, 41
robotically assisted laparoscopic peritoneum radical abdominal trachelectomy 129–35
surgery 280 laparoscopic entry 157 extent of surgery 130
vaginal radical hysterectomy 210, 218 marsupialization 255 sentinel lymph node mapping 291–2
vaginal radical trachelectomy 228 nodules, second-look laparoscopy 240 technique 131–4
paravesical space pelvic 6, 13 radical laparoscopic hysterectomy see
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 185 rectovaginal 40 laparoscopic radical hysterectomy
pelvic exenteration 96, 97 surgical entry 63 radical vaginal hysterectomy see vaginal
radical abdominal hysterectomy 35–6 vesicouterine see vesicouterine radical hysterectomy
radical abdominal trachelectomy 131 peritoneum radical vaginal trachelectomy see vaginal
robotically assisted laparoscopic pleural effusions, malignant 257 radical trachelectomy
surgery 279, 280 chest radiographs 257–8 radiographs
vaginal radical hysterectomy 210, 215 chest tube drainage 257, 258–62 brachytherapy 328–9, 332
vaginal radical trachelectomy 225, 228 video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery see also chest radiographs; fluoroscopy
PEG see percutaneous endoscopic (VATS) 262, 263–4 reconstructive procedures see pelvic floor
gastrostomy pleurodesis 262, 264 reconstruction; vaginal reconstruction
pelvic exenteration 93–115, 137 pleuroscopy see video-assisted rectal sizers 72
anterior 93 thoracoscopic surgery rectosigmoid resection
continent urinary diversion 93, pneumothorax 262, 309 pelvic exenteration 98–9
109–15 positioning, patient surgical cytoreduction 67–73
indications 93, 94 brachytherapy 323 rectouterine pouch see pouch of Douglas
infralevator 93 central venous catheter placement 310 rectovaginal septum, laparoscopic radical
lateral approach 95 hand-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy 196
non-continent urinary diversion 93, splenectomy 268 rectovaginal space, radical abdominal
105–8 inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy 50 hysterectomy 40, 41
pelvic defect 103 radical vaginal hysterectomy 212 rectum
pelvic phase 96–100 retroperitoneal lymph node distal stump 77
perineal phase 101–3 dissection 119 extended pelvic resection 138
posterior 67–73, 93 robotically assisted laparoscopic low anterior resection 67–73
reconstruction after 93, 102, 145–51 surgery 272, 275 rectus abdominis flap 102, 145, 148–51
specimen 104 surgical cytoreduction 58 rectus abdominis muscle, stoma
supralevator 93, 99 video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery 263 creation 76, 108
total 93 posterior exenteration 93 renal arteries
see also extended pelvic resection modified 67–73 accessory 20
pelvic floor reconstruction 102, 145–51 posterior femoral cutaneous nerve 95 anatomy 117, 119
extended pelvic resection 138 pouch of Douglas (cul-de-sac) extraperitoneal lymph node
gracilis flap 146, 146–7 laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 195 dissection 252
vertical rectus abdominis flap 148–51 vaginal hysterectomy 177 retroperitoneal lymph node
pelvic lymphadenectomy vaginal radical hysterectomy 218 dissection 121, 122
Index 349

renal veins adhesiolysis, laparoscopic abdominal exploration/specimen

anatomy 117, 118, 119 procedures 162, 184 removal 2–5
anomalies 87 low anterior resection 67–73 appendectomy 1, 28–32
extraperitoneal lymph node ovarian cancer involving 60 hysterectomy and salpingo-
dissection 252, 254, 255 transection, pelvic exenteration 98–9 oophorectomy 5–13
retroperitoneal lymph node urinary conduit 106 laparoscopic see laparoscopic staging
dissection 120, 121, 122 small intestine omentectomy and biopsies 24–7
surgical cytoreduction 66 anastomosis 82–3 paraaortic lymph node dissection 1,
surgical staging 20, 22 carcinomatosis 61 19–23
retroaortic lymph nodes 117, 118 decompression 82 pelvic lymph node dissection 1, 13–18
retroperitoneal entry obstruction 79 SutureCut needle driver 273
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 184 opening 82 Syed–Neblett template 331
laparoscopic staging 163 ovarian cancer involving 79, 241 sympathetic fibers, postganglionic 252, 253
radical abdominal hysterectomy 35 resection 79–86
retroperitoneal lymph node transection 80 taenia coli 110
dissection 120 see also duodenum; ileum thoracoscopic surgery, video-assisted
robotically assisted laparoscopic sounds, uterine 326 (VATS) 262, 263–4
surgery 279 space of Retzius 100 thoracostomy, tube see chest tube
surgical cytoreduction 58, 64 spleen 267 trachelectomy
surgical staging 19 splenectomy radical abdominal 129–35
retroperitoneal lymph node hand-assisted laparoscopic 267–70, radical vaginal see vaginal radical
dissection 117–22 268–9 trachelectomy
retroperitoneum, anatomy 117, 118–19 immunizations 267 transverse colon
Retzius, space of 100 surgical cytoreduction 88–91 laparoscopic omentectomy 169
robotically assisted laparoscopic splenic artery 89, 267, 269 ovarian cancer involving 60
surgery 271–88 splenic flexure 268 surgical omentectomy 24–5, 27
hysterectomy 278–85 splenic tumor 88–9 urinary conduit 106
paraaortic lymphadenectomy 276–8 splenic vein 90, 267, 269 Trendelenburg position
patient positioning/trocar placement 272, staging central venous catheter placement 310
275 laparoscopic see laparoscopic staging Mediport placement 315
pelvic lymphadenectomy 287–8 surgical see surgical staging robotically assisted laparoscopic
specimen delivery 285 systems 341–3 surgery 275
system/instruments 271–2, 273–4 staplers trocar placement
uterine manipulation 272, 274 colorectal anastomosis 72–3 extraperitoneal lymph node
vaginal cuff closure 286–7 end colostomy 75 dissection 249–51
‘rosebud,’ stoma 79, 85, 108 internal iliac vessel transection 97 hand-assisted laparoscopic
round ligament laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 181, splenectomy 268
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 193 193, 194 laparoscopic staging 154–5
laparoscopic staging 163, 168, 172, 174 mesorectal excision 99 open laparoscopy 239
radical abdominal hysterectomy 35, 36 rectosigmoid resection 67, 70 robotically assisted laparoscopic
robotically assisted laparoscopic small bowel resection 80, 82–3 surgery 272, 275
surgery 279 vaginal transection 41 trophoblastic disease, gestational see
surgical staging 5–6 sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) 309, gestational trophoblastic disease
310, 311 tube thoracostomy see chest tube
sacral resection, abdominal 141, 142 stoma
sacral veins 99 checking patency 79, 86 ultrasound guidance, paracentesis 297
salpingo-oophorectomy end colostomy 76–9 umbilical artery, obliterated 36, 210,
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 182, ileostomy 84–6 279, 280
192 non-continent urinary diversion 108 ureteral orifices 337, 338–9
laparoscopic staging 171–80 positioning 62, 74, 76, 108 ureteral stents/catheters 338
radical abdominal hysterectomy 34, 35, sizing 77 laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 183–4
42 suturing 78, 85 pelvic exenteration 105, 106, 108
surgical staging 5–13 subaortic lymph node dissection 23, 161 placement 338, 338–9
vaginal radical hysterectomy 219 extraperitoneal approach 253 radical abdominal trachelectomy 135
Samson’s artery 5, 174 subclavian vein, central venous catheter uretero-ileal anastomosis 107, 114
Santorini’s plexus 100, 102 placement 309, 310 ureters
saphenous vein 51, 52 superficial external pudendal artery 51 continent urinary diversion 109, 114
sartorius muscle 50, 51, 52 superior hemorrhoidal artery 67 extended pelvic resection 137–8
Schauta operation see laparoscopically superior mesenteric vein 267 extraperitoneal lymph node
assisted vaginal radical hysterectomy; superior pubic rami, resection 139–41, dissection 253, 255
vaginal radical hysterectomy 139–41 laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 186,
sciatic nerve 95 superior rectal artery 98 196–9
second-look laparoscopy 237–48 superior vesical artery 39, 40, 194, 210 laparoscopic staging 158, 160, 171, 173
abdominal entry 238, 239 suprasternal notch 311 pelvic exenteration 96, 97, 98, 100
intraperitoneal catheter placement 238, surgical cytoreduction 57–92 radical abdominal hysterectomy 33,
243–8 abdominal survey 59–62 36, 40
survey and biopsies 237–8, 239–43 definition of optimal 57 radical abdominal trachelectomy 131
second-look laparotomy 237 diaphragmatic stripping 64–6 radical vaginal hysterectomy 211
sedation, conscious 315 end colostomy 74–9 retroperitoneal lymph node
Seldinger technique 309, 312–14 entering abdomen 62–3 dissection 120
sentinel lymph node (SLN) low anterior resection/modified robotically assisted laparoscopic
mapping 289–93 posterior exenteration 67–73 surgery 276, 280, 284
cervical cancer 130, 289–90, 289–92 recurrent disease 58 surgical staging 6, 14, 19, 23
uterine cancer 292, 292–3 recurrent nodal disease 86–8 urinary conduits 93, 105
vulvar cancer 45, 53–6 small bowel resection/ileostomy vaginal radical hysterectomy 215–17,
serous endometrial cancer 1 79–86 219
short gastric vessels 89, 267, 269 splenectomy 88–91 vaginal radical trachelectomy 225–6,
sigmoid colon surgical staging 1–32, 153 228
350 Index

urethra vaccinations 267 VATS see video-assisted thoracoscopic

endoscopic inspection 337 vagina surgery
extended pelvic resection 138 extended pelvic resection 138 venipuncture, internal jugular 311–12
pelvic exenteration 100 laparoscopic radical hysterectomy venous thrombosis prophylaxis 58
urinary catheterization 199–201 vertical rectus abdominis flap
pelvic exenteration 100 radical abdominal hysterectomy 41 (VRAM) 102, 145, 148–51
radical abdominal hysterectomy 34 radical abdominal trachelectomy 131–2, vesicouterine peritoneum
vaginal radical hysterectomy 215 134 laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 186
urinary diversion 93, 94, 138 surgical staging 11 laparoscopic staging 174, 177
continent 93, 109–15 vaginal cancer radical abdominal hysterectomy 39
non-continent 93, 105–8 brachytherapy 321, 331 surgical staging 8
urogenital diaphragm, deep fascia 46 radical abdominal hysterectomy 33 vesicouterine space 177, 214–15
uterine arteries staging classification 341 vesicovaginal space, vaginal radical
anomalous origins 39 vaginal cuff trachelectomy 224–5, 226
laparoscopic radical laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 201, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
hysterectomy 192–5, 198 202–6 (VATS) 262, 263–4
laparoscopic staging 179 laparoscopic staging 179–80 vulvar cancer
radical abdominal hysterectomy 33, 36, radical abdominal hysterectomy 42 inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy 45,
39–40, 42 radical vaginal hysterectomy 212, 213 50–2
radical abdominal trachelectomy 131 robotically assisted laparoscopic pelvic exenteration 94
robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery 286–7 radical vulvectomy 45, 45–7
surgery 280, 281, 283 surgical staging 12 sentinel lymph node mapping 45, 53–6
surgical staging 9 vaginal radical trachelectomy 223–4 skinning vulvectomy 48–9
vaginal radical hysterectomy 210, 217 vaginal cylinder, radical abdominal staging classification 341
vaginal radical trachelectomy 228, 229 trachelectomy 131 surgery 45–56
uterine isthmus, vaginal radical vaginal hysterectomy, laparoscopic 175–80 vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) 48
trachelectomy 229–30 vaginal radical hysterectomy (Schauta) 34, vulvectomy
uterine manipulators, robotic 272, 273 209–20 radical 45, 45–7
utero-ovarian ligaments 132, 192, 193 anatomic relationships 211 skinning 48–9
uterosacral ligaments see also laparoscopically assisted vaginal specimens 47, 49
laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 195–7 radical hysterectomy
laparoscopic staging 178 vaginal radical trachelectomy (VRT) 34, Wertheim clamp 41, 132
radical abdominal hysterectomy 33, 41 129, 221–35 Wertheim hysterectomy see radical
radical abdominal trachelectomy 131 anterior phase 224–7 abdominal hysterectomy
robotically assisted laparoscopic excision of specimen 229–30 windows of Deaver 111
surgery 281 healed 235 World Health Organization prognostic
vaginal radical hysterectomy 218 indications 221 index score for GTD 343
vaginal radical trachelectomy 228 lateral phase 228–9 wound closure
uterus macroscopic lesions 234 continent urinary diversion 115
cancer of corpus see endometrial outcomes 222, 222 inguinofemoral sentinel node biopsy 56
carcinoma posterior phase 227–8 intraperitoneal (IP) catheter 247
laparoscopic staging 179 preparatory phase 223–4 panniculectomy 126
lower segment, measuring 132 reconstruction phase 231–3 pelvic exenteration 102, 103
radical abdominal hysterectomy 42 vaginal reconstruction 93, 145–51 radical vulvectomy 47
radical abdominal trachelectomy 131, gracilis flap 146, 146–7 skinning vulvectomy 49
133–4 rectus abdominis flap 145, 148–51 vaginal radical hysterectomy 220
sounds 326 vascular anomalies 18, 37, 87 vaginal radical trachelectomy 232–3
surgical staging 12, 13 vascular perforators, panniculectomy 124
traction, vaginal procedures 214, 224 vasopressin 175 Zeppelin clamps 41

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