Power Electronics Question Model 1

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Mode Question paper for Industrial Electronics 2019

Q1. For a power diode the reverse recovery time is 3.9 microsecond and the rate of diode current decay
is 50 ampere Per microsecond .For softness factor of 0.3 calculate the peak inverse current and storage
Q2. Give the comparison between BJT,MOSFET and IGBT?
Q3. Draw the two transistor model of a thyristor and derive an expression for the anode current in
terms of the common base current gain Alpha 1 and alpha 2 of the transistor.?
Q4. Explain the V-I characteristics of SCR by clearly indicating different state on
characteristic.Also explain the different mode of operation?
Q5. Define the following terms number (i) latching current (ii)holding current number (ii) I square T
Q6. What is the need for protection of thyristor. Explain with the help of neat diagram how thyristor
are protected against High di/dt and high dv/dt.
Q7. What is power electronics ?State the application of power electronics?
Q8. Compare general purpose fast recovery and schottky diode?
Q9.Explain with the help of neat diagram the diode reverse recovery characteristics.Also establish the
expression for reverse Maximum current in terms of storage charge and rate of change of current
Q10. Explain with the help of neat diagram the working of basic construction for Insulated Gate bipolar
transistor IGBT.
Q11. Explain with the help of neat diagram the working of basic structure of power transistor.
Q12. Explain with the help of neat diagram the working of basic structure of power diode.
Q13. Explain with the help of neat diagram the v-i characteristic of power transistor.
Q14.Explain the following term for power transistor (i)Quasi saturation region (ii)Primary breakdown
(iii)secondary breakdown
Q15. Explain in short how the ordinary devices difference from power devices in terms of layer
diagram and other important parameters for the following devices (i) Power Diode (ii)Transistor
Q16.Draw the doping versus width profile for the following devices (i) Power Diode (ii)Transistor.
Q17.Draw the diode equivalent circuit for thyristor?
Q18.Explain Drift region of power devices and state its significance?
Q19.Explain the following switching characteristic during turn on for thyristor (i)Delay time (ii)Rise
time(ii) Spread time
Q.20.Explain the different turn on methods for thyristor:(i) Forward voltage triggering (ii)Gate
triggering (iii)dV/dt triggering (iv)light triggering (V)temperature triggering
Q21.Explain with the help of neat diagram the switching characteristic of thyristor during turn on?
Q22.What is snubbers circuit and state it's significance.
Q23.Explain with the help necessary diagram the operation for the following protection for thyristors :
(a)di/dt protection (b) dv/dt protection.
Q24.Define String efficiency for thyristor and state it's significance .
Q25.Explain with the help of neat diagram the needs of static equalization circuit for thyristor.
Q26.Explain with the neat diagram the transient condition of thyristor for the following:
(a)Turn-off characteristics(b)Turn-On characteristics.
Q27.Establish the mathematical expression for resistance use for static equalization of the network for
Q28.Explain with the help of neat diagram the thyristor turn off characteristics.
Q29.Explain with the neat diagram the static and dynamic equalization circuit for series connected
Q30.Established the mathematical expression of voltage across each one of slow thyristor connected in
series string in terms of voltage and charge.
Q31.Explain with help of neat diagram for the need of current equalization of thyristor in parallel string
operation .
Q32.Explain with help of neat diagram for the need of voltage equalization of thyristor in series string
operation .
Q33.Explain the different method for current equalization of the thyristor string in parallel operation.
Q34.SCR with rating 1000 volt and 200 ampere are available to be use in a string to handle 6 kilovolt
and and 1 kilo ampere. calculate the number of SCR in series and and parallel unit required in case
derating factor is 0.1 and 0.2

Q35.A SCR string is made of a number of SCR in series and parallel unit. the the string has voltage
and and current rating of of 11 kilovolt n and 4 kilo ampere respectively .the the voltage and current
rating of of available SCR are1800 volt and 1000 A respectively .for string efficiency of of 90%,
calculate the number of of series and and parallel connected SCR.

For these SCR, maximum off state blocking current is 12 milliampere. determine the value of
static equalization resistance for the string .derive the formula use.If maximum difference in there
reverse recovery charge is 25 microcoulomb ,compute the the value of of dynamic equalising
capacitance of this string.Derive the formula used for the computation of ths capacitance.

Q36.A number of SCR each with rating of 2 kilo volt and 50 ampere are to be used in series and
parallel combination in a circuit to handle 11 kilo volt and 400 A.For derating factor of 0.15 calculate
the number of SCR in series and parallel unit
The maximum difference India reverse recovery charge is 20 microcoulomb.Calculate the value
of dynamic equalization capacitance and the voltage across each of the slow thyristor in case one
series SCR is fast.

Q37.A a 230 volt 1 kilo watt electric heater is fed using two SCR in antiparallel from 230 volt 50 herz
source.Find the the load power for firing angle delay of 70 degree.Derive the expression used for the
Q38.Single phase Halfwave AC voltage controller using one SCR in antiparallel with diode feed 1
kilowatt 230 volt heater.find the load power for a firing angle delay of (i)zero degree (ii)180 degree
(iii)70 degree.
Q39.A single phase 220 volt ,1 kilowatt electric room heater is connected across 220 volt supply
through a 2 SCR in anti parallel.For a delay angle of 90 degree ,calculate the Power dissipated by the
heater element.
Q40.A heater element is connected through a 2 SCR in anti parallel from a single phase
source.Determine the firing angle when the power is(i) 50% and (ii) 70 % of the maximum power.
Q41.For the circuit diagram shown below find:
(i)sketch the waveform for two cycle of supply voltage ,supply current ,load voltage and load current
for a firing angle of about 45 degree for the two thyristor
(ii)For 230 volt 50 Hertz as the supply voltage find the power consumed by load in case Alpha is equal
to 60 degree and Resistance equal to 10 ohms Derive the expression used for the power
(iii)In case diode D1 get open circuit,draw the load current waveform and calculate the power delivered
to load.

Q42.Explain with the help of neat diagram the operation of of step down(one-third) Bridge type
cycloconverter.Draw the various relevant waveforms for at least four cycle of input supply voltage.
Q43.Explain with the help of neat diagram the opesration of of step down(one-third) mid-point type
cycloconverter.Draw the various relevant waveform for at least four cycle of input supply voltage.
Q44.Explain with the help of neat diagram the operation of of step-up (three times)Bridge type
cycloconverter.Draw the various relevant waveforms for at least four cycle of six supply voltage.
Q45.Explain with the help of neat diagram the operation of of step-up(six times) mid-point type
cycloconverter.Draw the various relevant waveforms for at least four cycle of input supply voltage.
Q46.In a single phase control rectifier a resistive load of 10 ohm is connected through a half wave SCR
circuit to 220 volt ,50 hertz .Calculate the power delivered to load for a firing angle of 60 degree and
the value of input power factor.
Q46.Establish the mathematical expression for (i)RMS load current(ii)RMS load voltage(iii)Average
load current (iv)Average load voltage for single phase half wave controlled rectifier with resistive
inductive load.Draw the various relevant waveforms diagram.
Q47.An resistive inductive load is energized from a a single phase 230 volt 50 hertz source through a
single thyristor having equal to 10 ohms and L equal to 0.08H .If thyristor is triggered in every positive
half cycle at Alpha equal to 75 degree,find current expression as a function of time.Derive the
expression used above.
Q48.Explain with help of of neat diagram the operation of type A chopper
Q49.Explain with help of of neat diagram the operation of type B chopper
Q50.Explain with help of of neat diagram the operation of type C chopper
Q51.Explain with help of of neat diagram the operation of type D chopper
Q52.Explain with help of of neat diagram the operation of type E chopper
Q53.Explain with the help of neat diagram the operation of of buck or forward converter.Establish the
mathematical expression for output voltage.
Q54.Explain with the help of neat diagram the operation of of boost converter.Establish the
mathematical expression for output voltage.
Q55.Explain with the help of neat diagram the operation of of cuk converter.Establish the mathematical
expression for output voltage.
Q56.Explain with the help of neat diagram the operation of of Buck-Boost converter.Establish the
mathematical expression for output voltage.
Q57.An resistive inductive load is connected to a 250 volt, for hundred herzs step down Chopper the
average load current is 100 ampere and the load resistance is 0.5 ohms.Find the minimum value of the
inductor to limit the maximum ripple of the inductor current to 15%.
Q58.Find out the expression for the ripple current in terms of switching frequency ,input voltage and
duty cycle for forward converter.
Q59.Find out the expression for the ripple current in terms of switching frequency ,input voltage and
duty cycle for Buck-Boost converter.
Q60.Find out the expression for the ripple current in terms of switching frequency ,input voltage and
duty cycle for Boost converter.
Q61.Established of mathematical expression of voltage across switch for cuk converter.
Q62.Explain with the help of neat diagram the flyback converter and establish the mathematical
expression for output voltage.
Q63.Explain with the help of neat diagram the feed forward converter and establish the mathematical
expression for output voltage.
Q64.Explain with the help of neat diagram the push-pull converter and establish the mathematical
expression for output voltage.
Q65.Explain with the help of neat diagram the half-bridge converter and establish the mathematical
expression for output voltage.
Q66.Explain with the help of neat diagram the full-bridge converter and establish the mathematical
expression for output voltage.
Q67.Explain with the help of neat diagram and various waveforms the operation of a single phase half
bridge inverter.
Q68.Explain with the help of neat diagram and various waveforms the operation of a single phase full
bridge inverter.
Q69.Write down the comparison of the half bridge and full bridge inverter.
Q70.Find out the various performance parameter of a square wave inverter diagram given below:
(i)Harmonic factor for n th harmonic(ii) lowest order (iii)harmonic distortion factor (iv)total harmonic

Q71.Explain with the help of neat circuit diagram and various waveform the operation of single pulse
width modulation inverter .
Q72.Explain with the help of neat circuit diagram and various waveform the operation of multiple or
uniform pulse width modulation inverter.
Q73.Explain with the help of neat circuit diagram and various waveform the operation sine pulse
width modulation inverter.
Q74.A a single phase half bridge inverter feeds a resistive load R equal to 10 ohms .If the source
voltage is 240 volt determine :
(a)The RMS value of fundamental component of output voltage
(b)the output voltage Express in Fourier Series
(c)the peak off-state voltage across each semiconductor switches
(d)the lowest order harmonic and the corresponding harmonic factor
(e)The RMS and average value of current through semiconductor switches
(f)the output power
Q75.Write in short the need of UPS?
Q76.Explain with the help of neat diagram the operation for of offline preferred UPS
Q77.Explain with the help of neat diagram the operation for of online preferred UPS
Q78.Explain with the help of of neat block diagram the operation of SMPS
Q79.What is softness factor in power devices and state is significance?
Q80.A single phase half wave AC voltage controller using one AC in antiparallel with a diode feed 1
kilowatt 230 volt heater find the load power for a firing angle delay of(i) zero degree (ii)180 degree
(iii)70 degree.
Q81.A 230 volt,1 kilowatt electric heater is feed through a two SCR in antiparallel from 230 volt 50
Hertz source.Find the load power for a firing angle delay of 70 degree and determine the expression
used for the voltage.
Q82.Explain with the help of neat diagram and necessary mathematical expression for the 120 degree
conduction with star connected resistive load for 3 phase DC -AC converter.
Q83.Explain with the help of neat diagram and necessary mathematical expression for the 120 degree
conduction with star connected resistive- inductive load for 3 phase DC -AC converter.
Q84.Explain with the help of neat diagram and necessary mathematical expression for the 180 degree
conduction with star connected resistive load for 3 phase DC -AC converter.
Q85.Explain with the help of neat diagram and necessary mathematical expression for the 180 degree
conduction with star connected resistive -inductive load for 3 phase DC -AC converter.

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