Bhavin Thakkar SIP Report (SS)

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‘’A Report on My Experience with SHOPPERS STOP’’

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Bhavin Thakkar Dr. Daniel Penkar

I Bhavin Thakkar student of MBA batch (2021-2023) declare that the project entitled “My
Experience at Shoppers Stop” is my own work conducted under the supervision of Dr. Sagar
Pawar as a partial fulfillment of Summer Internship Program for the course of MBA.

I further declare that to the best of my knowledge the project does not contain any part of
any work which has been submitted for any other project either in this institute or in any
other without proper citation

Signature of the student Signature of faculty mentor


The Internship opportunity I had with Shoppers Stop was a great chance for
learning and professional development. I am grateful to meet wonderful people
through this internship who have guided me on every step and had helped me in
the completion of this internship report.

First of all I would like express my gratitude to Dr. Daniel Penkar, Director Sinhgad
Institute Of Management, Pune for providing all the facilities in the college that
helped me in the completion of this report.

I would like to thank my industry mentor Mr. Abhay Kshirsagar ( Unit Head) for
guiding me and supporting me on every step which I had taken during this
internship. Without his valuable guidance and support the project would not have
been a success.

I would like to thank my faculty guide Prof. Rajit Panickar for his valuable
thoughts, encouragement, constant guidance and support that had helped me to
complete this project successfully.

I would also like to thank Mrs. Vandana Mandal (Unit HR) and other managers
and team as well as fellow interns for their constant support and guidance
throughout this project.
I am delighted to get internship with Shoppers Stop – the first department store
launched in 1991. The first store was opened in Andheri, Mumbai on 27th Oct 1991.

Shoppers Stop also has many other firsts, like first loyalty programme launched in 1994
under the title ‘First Citizen’, first ‘no questions asked’ return policy and many such new
practices in Retail business in India.

Having got my Internship at Shoppers Stop, I got to know many things about Shoppers

It is the First Department store launched as long ago as 1991, – it is over 30 years old
and well established. Having launched the first customer loyalty program, it surely has a
voluminous number of loyal customers built up over the years.

There are 86 stores across 40 cities in India, with clothing, accessories, handbags, shoes,
jewellery, fragrances, cosmetics, health and beauty products, home furnishing, and
decor products – a wide range of products. Shoppers Stop also has stores at Airports –
Mumbai & Bengaluru Airports.

The Mission Statement and the Service Vision Statement of Shoppers Stop are equally

Mission Statement – Nothing But the Best

We will provide the "BEST" value in terms of products and services and adopt "best"
processes for stakeholders, without compromise, thereby matching global standards of

Service Vision Statement – It’s Magical, It’s Comfortable, It’s My Store.

To be an inspirational and trusted brand, transforming customer’s lives through fashion

and delightful shopping experience every time.

The workplace learning for the next 3 months at Shoppers Stop through my Internship
is expected to be awesome.

The showroom is located at Pune, covers a floor space of about 20 thousand sq. ft. with
over 150 number of people employed in different functions dealing with customer care,
service, marketing and sales, finance, HR and so on. (Here we could write some info on
the workplace)
I have an inclination towards sales & marketing. Therefore, I opted for marketing
specialisation. I always wanted to learn how to get customers, how to retain customers
and how expand the customers across markets across locations. Shoppers Stop is a real
time study on all this and much more.

The Unit Head, my immediate boss at Shoppers Stop is Mr. Abhay Kshirsagar, a
marketing veteran by all standards. I am lucky to have such a person as my Reporting
Manager. He guided me and made me comfortable from day one.
Customer Relationship is very important especially when it comes to retail. Understand
the customer need, understand the customer perception and take every opportunity to
interact with customers to get as much insight into their perceptions which will prove
to be a great guiding factor. I learnt this in theory and here I am getting to work in the
real time work place and getting to meet real time people.

Shoppers Stop also has online options. One can shop online for the latest apparel,
beauty, home decor products and more at attractive prices from Shoppers Stop. An e-
store with delivery across major cities in India was launched in 2008, with a
smartphone app in 2016. At Shoppers Stop, the policy is – When it is Shoppers Stop -
Shop Anytime & Anywhere: Whether you shop online or in store or any of the leading
third party marketplaces you get the same experience in terms of merchandise, price &

Now Retail business needs a lot of understanding of inventory – product placement,

product positioning, keeping a close watch on the stocks to manage the required
balance between inward and outward stock. One gets to see the fast moving items – this
is actually witnessing the fashion trend happening right in front of you.

On trying to find out more about Shoppers Stop, I found that Shoppers Stop adopts both
ATL and BTL marketing strategies to promote its brand in the consumer market. Above
the Line, or ATL Marketing, refers to generally untargeted, massive campaigns to raise
brand awareness and reach more people; Below the Line, or BTL Marketing, refers to
the much smaller and highly targeted campaigns, aimed at individuals - a definitive
audience with easy to track returns on investment.

Shoppers Stop has also implemented Interactive as well as Guerrilla marketing to

increase brand awareness. Shoppers Stop has launched several advertisement
campaigns and promotional policies with help of electronic, digital, print and social
media platforms.

Wow! There’s lots and lots of marketing learning plus sales and marketing experience to
be had at Shoppers Stop. I am highly excited to get to learn so many things and I am
putting my best foot forward towards this internship.

I am grateful to Director Dr. Daniel Penkar Sir, Dean Dr. Sagar Pawar Sir, Faculty Guide
Prof. Rajit Panickar, SIP Guide Mr. Altamash Garade Sir , placement team, and all
concerned for providing me this opportunity.


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