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Job Hunting Dilemma: Employment Challenges of BS

Tourism Graduate Batches 2020 – 2022

A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the

Undergraduate Studies Department
Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

Borbon, Camille R.
Briones, Jian Mikaela C.
Fernandez, Kyle Crysthel A.
Peralta, Andrew Christian B.
Salvador, Rose Angeline B.

October 2022

Table of Content

I. Chapter I………………………………………………………………3-15

1.1. Introduction………………………………………………………3-4

1.2. Background of the Study………………………………………...4-6

1.3. Problem Statement………………………………………………6-7

1.4. Theoretical Framework…………………………………………7-8

1.5. Conceptual Framework………………………………………....9-10

1.6. Research Objectives……………………………………………10-11

1.7. Significance of the Study………………………………………11

1.8. Scope and Limitations………………………………………….12

1.9. Definition of Terms…………………………………………….12-15

II. Chapter II……………………………………………………………16-32

2.1. Local Literature…………………………………………………16-21

2.1.1. The Coronavirus Pandemic………………………….16-18

2.1.2. Education during Pandemic………………………….18-20

2.1.3. Employment Challenges Encountered by the Tourism

Graduates during Pandemic………………………….20-21

2.2.Foreign Literature………………………………………………..22-32

2.2.1. The Coronavirus Pandemic………………………….22-25

2.2.2. Education during Pandemic………………………….25-29

2.2.3. Employment Challenges Encountered by the Tourism

Graduates during Pandemic………………………….29-32

III. Chapter III…………………………………………………………...33-40

3.1. Research Design………………………………………………...33

3.2. Sampling Design………………………………………………..33


3.3.Data Collection Method………………………………………...34

3.4.Development of Research Instrument…………………………..34-39

3.5. Statistical Treatment of Data…………………………………..39-40

IV. References……………………………………………………………41-49



This chapter introduces a brief information about the study. It contains the rationale,

the general objective, the figures and variables, and the setting where the research will

be conducted.

1.1. Introduction

The Coronavirus outbreak has been the first reason why pandemic happened and

gave a big impact globally. In a two-year mark of experiencing pandemic in the

Philippines, there has been closing of schools and challenges to jobholders. The

stimulation of the pandemic has led to a nationwide lockdown and started job closures

and bankruptcies. Reyes et., al. (2021) stated that in 2020 there has been a depletion of

8.8% in working hours and 114 million individuals became jobless. In addition to that,

in education, it also resulted in school closure, in which, the lockdowns have broadened

the imbalance within education and employment.

Online classes have become a primitive method of learning in 2020 in which a

massive number of online graduates has been produced since the pandemic happened.

Francescucci and Rohani (2018), implied that the literature suggests that physical

engagement influences the students' performance outcome. In addition to the above

stated information, A student's involvement improves when there is cooperation and

connection throughout the process of learning and besides, it builds up satisfaction,

collaboration, and commitment. However, according to Alam et., al. (2022) the

challenges concerns have added up since the online-produced graduates lack ability and

further training in which it becomes the reason for students for being inadequate to

attain employment directly after finishing the degree.


The researchers aim to know the employment challenges in seeking jobs of

graduates of batches 2020, 2021 and 2022. Tourism’s main product is service which is

more on selling experience. However, because of the pandemic, skills and

competencies of the students were restricted because of the sudden shift to online

learning. This study will give emphasis on the employment challenges of BS Tourism

Management graduates.

1.2. Background of the Study

There is this pandemic that hit the whole world 3 years ago and it has a lot of effect

on the lives of people all over the world and no one is prepared for it. The pandemic

which is COVID-19 is a human-to-human virus transmission that is confirmed by the

Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), which is why schools are

one of the most affected. According to the Commission of Higher Education (2020),

the Philippines is in a critical situation during that time. As a result, immediately

suspended face-to-face classes nationwide to lessen the transmission of the virus, and

flexible learning is the only way they can continue studying. It is a new learning

modality during pandemic that connects the student to their teachers or professors

through the internet meeting.

Schools and universities were one of the infrastructures that were shut down when

the pandemic first started. Both leaving the house and attending school are prohibited

for students. Students are required to attend virtual classes rather than physical ones. In

the Philippines, online classes are a preferred method of flexible learning at the moment

in view of the epidemic. Mobile learning is the way to go to keep on studying.

According to De Guzman (2021), after 20 months of lockdown and preventive

measures of pandemic, which resulted into one of the world’s longest lockdowns, the


two-month trial program of face-to-face classes in over 100 public schools only

permitted 5,000 students. The Philippines must be one of a very small number of

nations that continue to rely so heavily on distant education. The absence of on-site

instruction has led to a significant experiment in life.

Online classes have a great disadvantage especially for those who are graduating

and fresh graduate students. Being a graduating student is the most crucial part of a

student because it would be the last year for them to get ready to face the reality of the

outside world. Most students are struggling in their online classes, which could leave

them lacking in knowledge. The main reason why fresh graduates are having a hard

time getting jobs is that they lack communication skills that become a problem to the

interviewer that results in rejection of the applicants. That is why fresh graduates need

to enhance their communication skills for them to be able to have the heart of many

interviewers. On the other hand, the problem of online classes is that the online

environment does not have enough body language. Compared to face-to-face classes,

instructors had a hard time because of lack of advantage in using body language and

facial expression which helps in connecting and communicating with their students.

Moreover, with the tourism industry as one of the sectors that had the biggest

impact during the pandemic where it also lost its place as one of the significant

contributors to the economy. Job opportunities for the fresh graduates, who graduated

during the pandemic, became lesser, and travel and tourism companies have completely

shut down (Peek, 2021). The flights are also being banned, and even local transportation

can only operate to a minimal level (Sharma et al., 2022). It became hard for the

companies to balance their profit to their employees’ salary, which eventually led to

mass lay-offs.


The researchers sought to explore the challenges of getting employed by the fresh

graduates of BS tourism for batches 2020, 2021 and 2022. This research study will be

able to identify the challenges that the fresh graduates of BS Tourism Management are

facing in getting their specific jobs and what are the skills and requirements needed to

be able to qualify for a job in the tourism industry.

1.3. Problem Statement

This research will further understand and determine the challenges of fresh

graduates for finding a job in the year 2020 to 2022 when Coronavirus Outbreak, which

has a big impact in the tourism industry.

The problem to be addressed in this paper is about the difficulties of finding a job

of BS Tourism Management graduates of batch 2020 to 2022. Due to the Coronavirus

outbreak, many industries have been laying off employees, especially in the tourism

industry. The tourism industry is in the customer service field where one's skills and

experience are an essential and contributing factor in delivering excellent service to

customers which is one of the goals of the industry. Lack of practical skills is also a

problem here because the graduates during that year are not properly learned, especially

the communication skills due to the learning modality which is the online class.

Therefore, companies are rarely accepting employees but actually they lessen the

workers, and the employees couldn’t meet the standards of the companies.

Another problem that needs to be addressed is the lack of job opportunities in the

tourism industry, as most of the tourism-related companies temporarily closed down,

but some were also completely shut down. During this dilemma, Gould and Kassa

(2020) stated that during the pandemic, young workers or the fresh graduates are the

highest number of underemployments in which these workers occupy the ⅓ of the labor


market. Most of these young workers also came from the hard-hit industries which the

tourism industry is one of these.

Therefore, if these problems concerning the future professionals and employees of

the tourism industry may lose its competitive advantages, specifically its big

contribution to the local economies, it may lead into slow recovery during the phase of


1.4. Theoretical Framework

This theory framework is based on the study of Mokibelo and Seru (2020) in

which it discusses the certain factors that significantly affect the unemployment among

young people. First is economic factors which include the lack of job opportunities or

the limited creation of jobs. This depends on the area and the industries that a place has.

Demographic factors are the different cultural and social differences amongst

individuals. This can be the lack of work experience of individuals since each individual

has different career training and practice. Educational factors focus on the different

educational qualifications which are the skills that a fresh graduate and an employee

should possess to achieve work success. Attitudinal factors are the perspective or the

attitude one has in terms of job employment or finding a job.


This theory model framework is from a study of Hosain, Mustafi, Parvin (2021)

whereas the overall graduate employability are the skills and capabilities that

companies mostly look for in new workers as well as their employees. These variables

are a mix of individual or personal and employment performance. Personal skills are

the abilities and traits of an individual for their career development namely the

academic performance, personality and technical skills. Employment performance is

influenced by social traits and skills such as the communication skills, leadership and

motivational skills, teamwork and problem-solving skills. The overall graduate

employability skills will be the ground to know which causes the difficulties that fresh

online-graduates face in seeking for a job.


1.5. Conceptual Framework

This concept framework of this research will help the researchers identify what

difficulties do BSTM graduates of 2020-2022 experience when finding a job.

Employment challenges would be divided into four namely the 1) technical or practical

skills, 2) critical thinking or problem-solving skills, 3) communication skills, and 4)

limited job opportunities.

Technical skills is the digital illiteracy as well as lack of practicum of BSTM

graduates which is an ineffective learning process that results in lack of customer

service skills. It focuses on one’s expertise or capacity to effectively and efficiently

understand and perform tasks and job activities.

Critical thinking skills or problem-solving skills is one’s ability to think, handle,

and solve situations and come up with solutions on their own.

Communication skills are the interpersonal skills which would focus on the lack

of clear and direct communication with others because of limited social engagement or

interaction between people.


The pandemic has an adverse effect on the supply and demand of the economies

which translates to an economic crisis that resulted in the closure of businesses

especially in the tourism industry. These business closures have greatly affected those

graduates of BSTM who are seeking a job since the businesses and the industry itself

is still recovering from the impact brought by the pandemic.

These will be the focus and basis for the survey questionnaire to be answered

by the respondents as it will determine what challenges are the most experienced by

BSTM graduates as well as determine the abilities and overall performance of a BSTM

graduate in being fully prepared and ready in the career world.

1.6. Research Objectives

The following are the goals and objectives of the researchers needed to achieve in

the end of this study:

● To identify the factors contributing to the dilemma of the BS Tourism Graduates

of Batch 2020 to 2022.

● To assess the employment challenges faced during the job hunting in the

tourism industry.

● To determine the demographic profile of BS Tourism Graduates Batch 2020 to


a. Age

b. Gender

c. Track

d. Batch

e. Current Employer

f. Civil Status


● To generate recommendations according to the results that will be gathered from

the respondents.

1.7. Significance of the Study

This research is made with the aim to produce information, understanding, and

consideration with regards to employment challenges of fresh graduates. Through this

research, this will benefit the following:

Tourism Graduates. The main respondent of this study wherein this paper

could benefit them through further knowledge, specifically to those who are still

struggling to enter the tourism industry in the present.

Employers. The results gained in this study will be the guide of the employers

in the tourism industry as a basis for considerations on fresh graduates.

Higher Educational Institution. The data gathered from the respondents in

this study will serve as an evaluation from the online learning set up and the internships

of college students based on the guidelines that these institutions made during the


Future Researchers. The collected data in this research will add up to the area

of study that other researchers can make use of as a reference material to establish more



1.8. Scope and Limitations

This research study will be conducted in Far Eastern University-Manila, with a

span of 3 months. The researchers will gather the respondents who graduated in the

year 2020, 2021 and 2022 with a degree of BS Tourism Management.

The data gathering of respondents will be done online, through Google Form

links, with a total of 100 respondents. This study is a quantitative study in which

numeric data and percentage of the respondents’ answers will be the basis of the

researchers in the interpretation and analysis of data, as well as its results and


1.9. Definition of Terms

The researchers defined the following terms as conceptual:

Anxiety - somewhat persistent feeling of concern and unease that can accompany a

number of mental diseases. It is frequently accompanied by obsessive behavior or panic

episodes (, n.d.).

Attitudinal Factors - The principles, views, beliefs, and values that affect a person's

propensity to act in an environmentally meaningful way as well as their actual conduct

(, n.d.).

Bankruptcy - is typically imposed by a court order that is frequently requested by the

debtor (, n.d.).

Body Language - is the method that the body uses to communicate (,


Career Skills - it compiled one's professional knowledge, abilities, and experience.

They determine how effective someone is in making choices, impacting results,

bringing about change, and performing well (, n.d.).


Career Development - refers to how companies structure people' career advancement;

typically organizations attach it to performance appraisal (, n.d.).

Critical Thinking - is the evaluation and deliberation of claims, opinions, and

problems using logical concepts, strict criteria for information, and critical reasoning

(, n.d.).

Communication Skills - the qualities individuals engage when offering and receiving

various types of information (, n.d.).

Competitive Advantages - are the quality that enables an organization to outperform

its rivals (, n.d.).

Closure of Businesses - the process of forcing a company or organization to cease

operations permanently (, n.d.).

Demographic data - information about the population and individual characteristics of

a given place or group of people, particularly in terms of age, wealth, and spending

patterns (, n.d.).

Demographic Factor - are used to describe a specific individual or a population's

features (, n.d.).

Economic Factor - which include education, employment status, and income, can have

an impact on and influence a person's financial situation (, n.d.).

Educational Factors - are essential for education in understanding and building

knowledge (, n.d.).

Employability Skills - transferable talents that are helpful in almost every employment.

They entail the acquisition of skills, information, or attitudes that increase your

attractiveness to employers (, n.d.).

Employers - are individuals or businesses that hire employees (, n.d.).


Employment - is a just, equitable, and sustainable work with a clear duty, obligation,

job description, person specification, and contract terms and agreements, as well as a

salary and a right to annual leave (, n.d.).

Employment Performance - is determined by how successfully employees carry out

their obligations and responsibilities (, n.d.).

Illiteracy - a term, phrase, or grammatical construction regarded to be indicative of

illiteracy (, n.d.).

Job Closure - this indicates that you are not capable of continuing on with this

particular job (, n.d.).

Job Hunting - is the process of trying to get a job interview with a potential employer.

Typically, a job seeker or job hunter starts by looking for open positions or employment

possibilities (, n.d.).

Job Opportunities -a specific job that could serve as a springboard for bigger goals

(, n.d.).

Knowledge Skills - credentials and character traits that a person requires in order to

successfully carry out the responsibilities of a certain job (, n.d.).

Laying Off - terminating a worker either temporarily or permanently due to a lack of

work (, n.d.).

Leadership Skills - the qualities and skills people show to manage operations, direct

initiatives, and motivate their teams toward achieving goals (, n.d.).

Mobile Learning - refers to instruction or training delivered through movable

computing tools, such as smartphones or tablets (, n.d.).

Motivational Skills - actions or tactics that persuade a stakeholder to exhibit a desirable

behavior or attitude (, n.d.).


Online Graduates - an individual who has just graduated is referred to as an online

graduate. This person possesses very few or no skill sets (, n.d.).

Practical Skills - methods and techniques for self-help and life-saving situations that

someone may learn, impart to others, and use every day to get ready and safeguard both

health and that of others (, n.d.).

Practicum - is intended to provide students with guided practical experience in a

subject they have previously studied in theory (, n.d.).

Personal Skills - person's aptitudes that are seen as either their strengths or limitations

(, n.d.).

Problem-Solving Skills - include the capacity to recognize issues, generate and

evaluate solutions, and apply the most effective ones.

Social Skills - abilities that let people connect and communicate with one another and

develop, communicate, and alter social norms and relations in spoken and unspoken

ways (, n.d.).

Qualifications - a trait or achievement that qualifies a person for a specific position or

task (, n.d.).

Social Traits - one's attitudes or views toward other individuals (, n.d.).

Teamwork - act of cooperating with a group of individuals to accomplish a task

(, n.d.).

Underemployment - is defined as a worker's employment condition that, in

comparison to a standard, falls short in some significant ways (, n.d.).



This chapter includes review of related literature that contains information and data

related to the study.

2.1. Local Literature

2.1.1. The Coronavirus Pandemic

The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic started in Wuhan City,

Province of Hubei in China, in December 2019 the outbreak of the Virus severely

affected human health. The virus spread in a short period and crossed all over the world.

The people exposed to the virus will experience Fever, loss of taste and smell, and any

respiratory illness and recovery without treatment. Most people infected by the disease

have a weak immune system and underlying medical conditions just as Diabetic,

Cardiovascular disease, or cancer are the most easily affected by the virus. Anyone can

get the COVID-19 disease; they can die anytime and at any age.

The first COVID-19-positive patient was from Wuhan, China on December 8,

2021, and spread easily to the cities and nearby places and internationally that is why it

was declared a global pandemic because it spreads throughout the whole globe. The

Philippines was infected by the virus on January 21, 2020, and the first patient is also

from Wuhan China a 38-year-old female and a Chinese national, she experiences a mild

cough but was still asymptomatic and was admitted to the country’s government

hospital which is San Lazaro Hospital (SLH) and that is when the COVID-19 Started

in the Philippines (Department of Health, 2020).


As a result, it is useful since students can get in touch with their instructors and

classmates whenever they want to. The adaptability of this system allows students to

study whenever they want and professors to teach from the comfort of their own homes

without having to worry about getting dressed or finding a way to get to

school. Additionally, because students don't have to leave their homes and run the risk

of contracting a virus, it is the safest approach to learning. Finally, students can spend

more time and connect with their families more frequently. However, the struggle to

obtain school supplies, mobile devices, a stable internet connection, cash to pay bills,

and other necessities is too much for parents who are genuinely suffering to give. This

is particularly valid for low-income families and children.

However, Metro Manila’s Enhance Community Quarantine (ECQ) was lifted

on June 1 and placed under General Community Quarantine (GCQ) that is the time

when some activities and transportation are back in operation, however, some places

are still not required to change quarantine policy. Only the teachers are back to school,

and they conduct their online classes in the classrooms. Modular learning is also still

implemented. However, it is much easier for the teachers because either the students or

their parents will now be the one to pick-up the modules, rather than the teachers

delivering it personally to every home of the students.

After a long battle against COVID-19, most of the places in the country are

placed under Modified Community Quarantine (MGCQ) it is the phase where

businesses and activities are finally open but still have protocols to follow the other

thing is the school still not available for face-to-face classes until the school year 2022.


Last February 2022, big universities have already started to open their school

for a limited face-to-face class, including Far Eastern University, in which they offered

physical classes to 3rd year to 5th year. Not until the mid-year term, wherein FEU is one

of the universities that implemented a full face-to-face class, starting from July 4, 2022

(FEU, 2022). This was a big adjustment for the students who transitioned from online

class to physical class, specifically for the tourism students, who have a class that

requires presence and enhancing practical skills. It made a big impact for them as

practical classes play a critical role in their future service jobs.

2.1.2. Education during Pandemic

With the several industries closing and shutting down due to the effects of the

pandemic, universities and schools are no exemption. Last March 12, 2020, former

President Duterte announced Metro Manila to be under lockdown from March 12 until

April 14, 2020, as a way of fighting Covid-19 (CNN Philippines, 2020). In relation to

this proclamation is the announcement of the Department of Education (DepEd) and

Commission in Higher Education (CHED) about the suspension of classes wherein

classes in all levels and school activities are therefore suspended until April 14, 2020.

They informed and advised their students, faculty, and staff to immediately depart to

their hometowns, specifically those who live outside the Luzon region, because of the

strict implementation of the enhanced community quarantine which might lead them to

be stranded (Commission on Higher Education, 2020).

Despite the inevitable situation in which everyone is locked in their respective

homes, and imposing strict guidelines and implementations, the university and schools


are still needed to operate, and students are needed to be educated. This is why the

Philippine Department of Education (DepEd) has put online and technologically

supported remote learning options into place to maintain learning continuity. Teachers

are regarded as important employees in the Philippines because, despite the nation's

ongoing rise in COVID-19 cases, they were compelled to continue attending schools

and universities to plan the modules for online learning (Oscena, 2021).

As a result, many universities and colleges have also introduced flexible

learning methods as part of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). The

dramatic changes made to the educational system both during and after the epidemic

are provided by these strategies. Numerous educational institutions offer a wide range

of solutions and materials to encourage teaching and learning in a more engaging setting

According to Petrie (2020), teachers are using online educational platforms such as

Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, and Canvas to create educational and training

courses, and skill enhancement initiatives. Word, PDF, Excel, audio, and video files are

just a few of the many types of content that can regularly be sent.

Teachers also provide communication tools to maintain classroom organization

and ease of use. These also make it feasible to monitor the progress of students' learning

through the use of tests and the evaluation of submitted tasks using a rubric. Online

learning, in contrast to traditional classroom environments, has provided educators and

students the possibility to teach and learn in novel and engaging ways. Because of this

approach, not only children but also teachers and professionals have been safeguarded

from COVID-19 infection (DepEd, 2020). During the first phase of lockdown, teachers

are only required to conduct online classes from their respective homes. As for those


who are modular, teachers print the modules individually for the students who live in

the remote areas and delivers it personally to their homes.

Due to the hard situation for both the teachers and students, a concerningly high

proportion of Filipino students are currently unable to attend online classes and must

therefore give up their education. However, in order to feed their family and cover the

cost of their children's education, parents are still required to work hard to acquire a job

and a reliable source of income. 4 million students were reportedly unable to enroll for

the previous school year, according to Senator Sonny Angara. This number will keep

rising unless the educational system is reformed or the government acts to give funds

for children's mobile learning.

2.1.3. Employment Challenges Encountered by the Tourism Graduates during


The years 2020-2022 were the peak years of which the pandemic escalated,

thus, affecting 220 countries around the world. Tourism industry being a widely diverse

industry is greatly impacted by it. Although, the Philippines is faced with employment

challenges even before the pandemic as there were already limited job opportunities

offered in the country. The still ongoing crisis has posed much greater challenges in the

business world making it harder for aspiring tourism professionals to secure and get a

job in the industry.

As per the Philippines Statistics Authority, the unemployment rate in the

Philippines as of July 2022 has decreased to 5.2 percent from 7.2 percent in July 2021.

The aftermath of the economic crisis is the main cause of the decline in the


unemployment rate in the country because most of the businesses in the tourism

industry have shut down due to the diminishing spending and availing of people of

tourism products and services.

Those jobs in the agriculture and service industry were considered the most

greatly affected by the employment losses. Most tourism establishments have fired

employees, filed a bankruptcy, and stopped hiring industry workers (Benaraba, et al.,

2021). Dismissing workers is one of the first actions that a business would do when

they are in a decline stage because there is no income and when there is no income,

there is not enough money to pay for the workers.

The thought of being able to work and converse with different people every day

may be hard for tourism people to take in because of many matters at stake which is

why many businesses have also closed. Many are afraid of the further risk that the

pandemic would bring not just to the situation of their business but also their people.

Some chose to leave their work while some do not have other choice but to really leave

their current work in the industry because of the vast closures of establishments. This

shows that the Philippines is still struggling to recover from the adverse effects caused

by the crisis.

According to the research of Bernabe, et al. (2021), the pandemic has caused

such changes and adjustments in the teaching styles, expectations and perceptions in

the industry, and required skills in the tourism field. It is also a given fact that the

graduates do not have ample practice of what the real-life work in their field is because

of no practical assessments in online learning. Internships and apprenticeships were

restricted due to the distance and limited learning that the DepEd and CHED



2.2. Foreign Literature

2.2.1. The Coronavirus Pandemic

The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic started in Wuhan City,

Province of Hubei in China, in December 2019 the outbreak of the virus severely

affected human health. The virus spread in a short period and crossed all over the world.

The people exposed to the virus will experience Fever, loss of taste and smell, and any

respiratory illness and recovery without treatment. Most people infected by the disease

have a weak immune system and underlying medical conditions just as diabetic,

cardiovascular disease, or cancer are the most easily affected by the virus. Anyone can

get the COVID-19 disease; they can die anytime and at any age.

The only way to decrease the cases from time to time is the mandatory home

quarantine to protect ourselves from the virus. One meter apart is the range of social

distancing for the people and proper wearing of face masks because the virus can spread

from the infected person’s small liquid particles just like when they are sneezing,

speaking, and coughing,

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the World Health Organization (WHO) and

European Countries have worked together to make a vaccine for the whole world. Many

vaccines are made with different brands such as Pfizer, Sinovac, and AstraZeneca

(WHO, 2022). However, although they made a vaccine for the people, the vaccine is

still not the only way to stop the virus outbreak. These vaccines are still in the

experimental stage, and there is no hundred percent assurance that these vaccines could

really protect people from obtaining the virus.


As of October 6, 2020, around 36 million people had contracted the disease, and

over a million had passed away (Magtoto, 2020). The mortality rate comprises all

deaths related to COVID-19, whether they are caused directly by the illness or

indirectly by the pandemic’s effects on social structures and healthcare. Deaths that are

indirectly related to COVID-19 are caused by other medical complications for which

people were unable to receive preventive treatment due to the pandemic’s load on health

service facilities. Lockdown and homebound restrictions have been put in place to

reduce the curve and stop the disease's transmission (Sintema, 2020).

In the majority of the countries, people of all ages were advised to refrain from

direct personal interaction and take part in collective and social events, family get-

togethers, and public events. Nation governments swiftly mandated self-isolation with

few exceptions, especially for people leaving more badly affected areas, the elderly,

and people with pre-existing medical issues. While it has always been believed that

self-isolation is a social duty, a number of countries have recently enacted new laws

that prohibit outdoor activity and demand the wearing of face masks, and they have the

authority to fine or imprison anyone who disobeys them (Department of the Interior

and Local Government, 2020). The use of face masks might be most successful at

halting the spread of the virus when adherence is high amongst bigger groups, claim

Howard et al. (2020). The lower transmissibility could significantly diminish COVID-

19's number of deaths and potential economic effects. This was a huge adjustment for

everyone, as the first phase of the lockdown were the hardest part of this pandemic, as

everyone quickly shifted to a whole new lifestyle, needing to abandon some of the

activities that used to do before.


Humans are primarily social creatures, so engaging with others and forging

various sorts of bonds with them comes naturally to us. Both a truth and a subjective

reality that has an impact on people have been classified as social isolation. Lack of

interpersonal interaction, a genuine lack of social relationships, and societal

estrangement are some aspects of social isolation (Hamming O., 2019). It is

understandable how extensive mandatory movement limitations and isolation inside the

home result in physically isolated individuals who are severely limited in their ability

to engage directly with others outside the home. Social isolation and legislation limiting

travel have profoundly altered traditional educational methods to limit the spread of the


The closing of educational establishments was implemented due to COVID-19's

global spread. Online education has expanded quickly in response to the pandemic

issue, distance learning, and the internet's rapid expansion and usage. A routine shift

that calls for international cooperation, such as the exchange of published materials, is

different from the urgent shift to e-learning and faculty improvement. It puts into

practice the capacity of institutions to handle a situation that demands the engagement

of trying to eliminate physical interaction to enable efficient online learning. The

creation of online learning environments was hastened in response to this shutdown to

ensure that education would not be interrupted. Many institutions are now looking for

the best methods for involving students, offering the course online material, and

conducting assessments. COVID-19 poses a threat to humanity, yet it has prompted

institutions to adopt digital learning. Suresh (2018) asserts that the pandemic had an

effect on institutions in a number of study areas; gatherings, global mobility, and

learning output. According to statistics, the closing of schools, establishments, and

other learning facilities has an impact on 94% of students globally (UNESCO, 2020).


It also affected the school closures and resulted in students experiencing an extended

period of social isolation. It is estimated that 94% of students worldwide are affected

due to the closure of schools, institutions, and other learning facilities (UNESCO,

2020). More than 28 million Filipino students at all educational stages are obligated to

abide by the Philippine government's quarantine regulations by remaining at home

(UNESCO, 2020).

As a result, all aspects of our lives have undergone significant changes. The

majority of universities claimed that adopting online learning was required of them and

that they faced numerous difficulties in terms of having access to technology and having

teachers who could teach online. Mulla et al. (2020) define the transition to e-learning

as the entire process of transformation, including the actual conversion of each course

in an institution, staff preparation, and professional program completion and migration

to the new online environment. Even under normal circumstances, switching from in-

person instruction to online instruction is reportedly time-consuming and alters the

function and duties of the faculty. As a result, Almaiah et al. (2020) argue that readiness

should be considered as a key component in assessing implementation success. al. To

ensure that online learning is properly implemented, it is also necessary to ensure that

instructors are prepared. Since several new SOPs have been implemented, reopening

schools once a limitation has been raised is difficult. As a result, academic institutions

adopted online learning as an alternative to the traditional pedagogical technique during

the COVID-19 epidemic (Dhawan, 2020).

2.2.2 Education during Pandemic

Everything started in December 2019 in the country Wuhan, China, where there

has been a virus that has spread all over the world and the pandemic happened. The said


pandemic has concerned all sectors of life, which includes education. When the

condition of every part of the world has worsened, the worldwide lockdown ended up

in a lockdown of educational institutions. The closure of schools and universities has

turned out to have only limited options. (Khalil, et., al. 2020)

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, students and educators in the

Philippines have been compelled to make significant modifications to the educational

system to abide by the new educational setup and strict implementation laws of the

World Health Organization. Due to continuous growth of cases of the virus during

2020, lockdowns are extended. This only means that schools and universities are also

expected not to conduct classes on site which can also contribute to the spread of the

virus. However, students have the right to education and the end of this pandemic is

uncertain, so the country cannot wait for the pandemic to end just to continue to educate

the students. Thus, an alternative was given which is conducting a distance learning

which includes online class and modular (UNICEF, 2020).

According to Petrie (2020), teachers are using online educational platforms such

as Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, and Canvas to create educational and training

courses, and skill enhancement initiatives. Word, PDF, Excel, audio, and video files are

just a few of the many types of content that can regularly be sent. However, there are

students who are in the remote areas that cannot acquire any signal or there is no

sufficient financial to sustain online learning, which led to having a modular mode of

learning, in which the lessons and modules are printed and brought to the students.

Though, online class is considered as the most used mode of learning during the

pandemic. A new environment and adjustment were done by the students, which

brought both positive and negative impact.


School closures due to pandemic has produced certain issues in concern with

the access of education. The Corona Virus has led to a large number of children and

young adults being unable to attend school. (UNESCO, 2020) During the time when all

of the countries are at their own points where they are experiencing their COVID-19

infection rates, the school closures have been affected globally in 186 countries where

a total of 1.2 billion students have experienced it because of the pandemic. Due to the

sudden change with the online learning set up where students are away from the

classroom, adoption of online classes has been continued as an alternative for the

students during lockdowns (World Economic Forum, 2020). While encountering

lockdowns, students tend to have more screen time than usual. With this, it may seem

strange since after a long day of virtual meetings students feel that they can hardly keep

their eyes open, this condition is digital fatigue. It is also known as a situation of

mentally draining due to the immoderate and simultaneous use of numerous digital

tools, particularly apps and screens (Lixar, 2021).

According to National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine (2018)

Even if online learning set-up gives out capability for more convenience,

communication, and reflective educational awareness, various challenges are being

recognized as potential components in prohibiting learning. Distance learning

environments produce students with an opportunity to interconnect, be in touch with

the people, have the option to adjust when it comes to using technologies in every

individual interest, and linked presentations through different modes of medium. Online

class is done with the use of the internet and gadgets, but there are students who are in

the remote areas that cannot acquire any signal or there is no sufficient financial to

sustain online learning, which led to having a modular mode of learning, in which the

lessons and modules are printed and brought to the students. Though, online class is


considered as the most used mode of learning during the pandemic. A new environment

and adjustment were done by the students, which brought both positive and negative

impact. According to the study conducted by Baber (2020), online class perceives

students' interaction and engagement just for the sake of learning. Students are able to

education and lifestyle, but only limited within home.

However, the advantage of online learning remains uncertain to individuals who

have different access, previous experiences, and choice when it comes to online set-up.

Students seeking graduate degrees could have had significantly different past online

learning experience because of lacking technical groundwork, insufficiency of

affordability, or shortage of digital literacies. (Gargano & Throop, 2017). When a

student is not an easy learner and lacks social interaction in which this study surrounds

tourism graduates, whose practical skills are critically needed.

When it comes to the internships and some other modes of work-based learning,

they are progressively viewed as a required and crucial experience for college students.

Also, it assists students in broadening transferable skills, establishing academic

knowledge to actual situations, building up professional networks, and making the

students be easier in associating, and access to their profession (Hora et., Al. 2021)

While dealing with the online classes, for students who are graduating and need an

internship, virtual training has become an alternative in which a job experience

arrangement can be done at home. With the use of Skype, Microsoft Teams, Emails,

Zoom, Google Meet and Webinars, students can communicate with their employers

using these. The face-to-face internships of some individuals are no longer an option

for them since the online internship has become a great replacement due to the

coronavirus pandemic. (Lane, 2022)


As explained by Feldman (2021) The virtual internship can help out trainees or

students to attain work experience with their preferred employers regardless of their

location, possible disabilities that will place limits and barriers on their mobility and

further obligations.

2.2.3. Employment Challenges Encountered by the Tourism Graduates during


Students have already anticipated the chances of having limited job hirings,

unsafe security in career, and even slim chances of getting a position in the tourism

companies (Shah et al., 2021). The supply and demand aspect of the economy has been

greatly affected which resulted in the slow-down of economic activities of the people

which eventually led to the closure of most businesses and establishments in the

Philippines. Many people have also lost their jobs and as well as the fresh graduates

who are struggling to seek a job in the market.

The youth, specifically the fresh graduates are the ones who are vulnerable in

the workforce as they are directly affected by this economic crisis (Khan, 2020).

Distance learning is different from having actual learning since students do not get to

receive practical experience. Students who have studied and graduated online have not

fully received quality learning. Thus, they are most likely to have limited understanding

and mastery in their workplace. Receiving poor quality education can lead to inadequate

skills and capabilities of future workers (Fajaryati et al., 2020).

One of the goals of educational institutions is to be able to produce graduates

who are work-ready and would be instrumental in the growth of a nation. Hence,

educational institutions should produce graduates who are smart, talented, and assertive


that would make them successful in their field (Refugia, 2021). Schools and universities

are considered as the last stage of students before entering the career world. It is

important that their students have gained professional skills to be qualified in the job

that they are aiming for.

Skills is the expertise of one with regards to performing a task. It is considered

as the attributes that one has that would make them be proficient in doing their work.

Employability or occupational skills are the kind of work that should be executed during

the whole work term. These are the skills and abilities that an employee should possess

in the job in order to excel and achieve work success. These will also be the standards

of every business and company in looking for their workers.

Most companies focus on the hard skills in job qualifications and when

recruiting workers in the past, now even soft skills can be used in the market (Subedi,

n.d.). These two are considered very essential requirements in entering jobs because it

can be an asset of every company as it gives equal growth and success. Soft skills are

the traits and skills that are widely relevant in most areas such as the personal qualities,

behaviors, and attitudes. Hard skills on the other hand, are less applicable to different

areas such as one’s focused knowledge and abilities.

The tourism industry, considering that it is a wide and diverse industry, has a

lot of jobs to offer. Thus, quality workers are really needed since tourism is in the

customer service field. Quality workers are those who are knowledgeable, skillful, and

equipped to be in the position. However, the youth which includes the fresh graduates

are facing difficulty in acquiring jobs despite having several job offerings in the

industry now since they are unqualified and unskilled for the job (Mokibelo & Seru,



Good service is not about not encountering mistakes but rather how great a task

is being delivered and managed (Gottwick, n.d.). Technical, communication, and

critical thinking skills are only some of the important employability skills that are in

demand and have a huge influence in the tourism industry. Technical skills are the core

skills that are acquired through extensive training and learning. Examples of these in

the field of tourism are marketing, cooking, bartending, managing reservations, and

assisting passengers. Hence, without proper practice and application of these skills can

cause hardships and drawbacks in one’s work performance which is one of the problems

that students have since they do not get to undergo practicum or have first-hand

experience in online classes.

Communication skills is one’s ability to converse with others. It is essential for

people who work in the tourism industry to have communication skills as they are

mostly in the frontline of businesses. They get to communicate with people from

different nationalities and works of life every day. Communication skills can be

enhanced and practiced through everyday face-to-face interaction with people which is

limited to students since their social engagements are restricted and controlled.

Although students get to communicate with their professors and other students

virtually, it still does not give students that confidence that they acquire when they get

to talk with people personally.

Critical thinking is one’s personal problem-solving skill that is very important

in any person’s undertaking. It contributes to the understanding of one with regards to

different matters. As for the tourism people, being able to think critically is very

beneficial since there is no certainty as to how things in the work would happen every

day. Therefore, being able to think and come up with ideas and solutions fast would


help tourism workers to be efficient and effective in their workplace. Being a worker is

different from being a student since workers have more tasks and responsibilities.

Students have critical thinking skills but not all students can apply this skill when faced

with a different environment.

Fajaryati et al., (2020) stated in their research that honing these employability

skills to the students is not only an obligation but a necessity for schools and

universities. It should be embedded in every education system as it should give students

a thorough and lasting learning that mirrors the real and accurate problems in a new and

interdisciplinary way. Such environmental and ecological factors can influence the

young individuals’ perspective of work (Mahmud et al., 2020). Thus, different career

programs should be administered to the students to further develop and prepare them

for their lives (Nightingale et al., 2020). Their views with regards to their job have a

huge impact on their future career plans and through this career programs offered by

universities, students would be able to choose the right career path and opportunities to

take that is suitable to their core skills. Having these programs will also ease the stress

and worry of students with their future career in the tourism industry.



In this chapter, the researchers will present the methods to be used in the data

gathering, along with its research question, and how the data will be interpreted after

data gathering processes.

3.1. Research Design

This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method which aims to gather

quantifiable data from a population sample for statistical analysis. The goal of the

descriptive design is to identify and describe the traits of the respondents and their

perspectives in light of the research being done by the researchers. The objective of this

study is to determine the employment difficulties that job seekers in the tourism

industry encounter. Therefore, the researchers will gather this information in order to

develop a conclusion that could help students in improving their job-hunting skills or

perhaps may even help other research studies for the future's use.

3.2. Sampling Design

The sampling technique to be used in this study will be probability sampling,

specifically, the cluster quota sampling. The cluster was picked out according to the

degree graduated in, which is BS Tourism Management, and the year they graduated

in, year 2020 to 2022 respectively. Therefore, the sample population from which the

respondents are taken is only limited to the BS Tourism Management graduates of

batches 2020-2022 enrolled in Far Eastern University, Manila. A total of one hundred

(100) respondents are needed for the researchers to meet the quota number of sampling

that will represent the whole population of BSTM graduates in Far Eastern University.


3.3. Data Collection Method

The research will be done through the utilization of survey questionnaires. The

questionnaires that the researchers will be using contain a cover letter indicating the

title and purpose of the research, this will be shown to the respondents in order to ask

permission and cooperation for the success of the study. In addition, the questionnaires

will be done through online platform, Google Forms. It is easier to conduct and collect

data from the respondents through online for the convenience of both researchers and

the respondents.

3.4. Development of Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers will use survey questionnaires for data gathering.

The questionnaire is composed of 3 parts, in which Part I is the demographics of the

respondents and the terms and conditions. This part will assure and confirm the

credibility of the respondents. The FEU student number of the respondents will be

required to fill-up in this part. For Part II, are the main questions and statements, divided

according to the factors presented in the conceptual framework of Chapter I, which are

the technical skills, critical thinking skills, communication skills, work availability, and

with an addition of their current employment. Lastly, Part III would be the


The 4-point likert scales questionnaires are composed of 4 choices which are:

Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (DA), and Strongly Disagree (SDA).

The following are the research questions crafted by the researchers for the

respondents to answer:


Terms and Conditions:

Dear Respondent;

Greetings of Fortitude, Excellence and Uprightness!

We, the 3rd year BS Tourism Management students from Far Eastern University, are

currently conducting our research study entitled, “Job Hunting Dilemma: Employment

Challenges of BS Tourism Graduate Batches 2020 – 2022,” as a course requirement for

Research Writing Tourism 1.

In connection to this, we are humbly requesting a few minutes of your time to

respond in this only survey questionnaire. Rest assured that the information gathered

will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will only be used for academic purposes


Thank you very much!

Sincerely yours,


o I agree to the terms and conditions stated above.

Part I: Demographics

1. Name (optional):

2. FEU Student Number:

3. Program Taken:

o BS Tourism Management Major in Travel and Tours

o BS Tourism Management Major in Events Management

4. Year Graduated:


o 2020

o 2021

o 2022

5. Current Employment Status:

o Unemployed

o Part-time

o Full-time

o Others (Please Specify): _________________

Part II: Factors of Job-Hunting Dilemma

Instructions: Please answer the questions based on your degree of agreement.

4 – Strongly Agree (SA), 3 – Agree (A), 2 – Disagree (DA), 1 – Strongly Disagree


1. Work Availability

(4) (3) (2) (1)
I was able to apply for the job that I

wanted after I graduated.

I am very much aware of the several

employment opportunities offered

in my industry.

There were a lot of job hirings in the

tourism industry when I graduated

despite being in a pandemic.

I managed to apply for a job

efficiently regardless of the new


employment processes because of

the pandemic.

2. Technical/Practical Skills

(4) (3) (2) (1)
I am confident enough to work in the

hospitality industry that requires

practical skills.

I am prepared enough to collaborate

with co-workers.

My experience in taking online class

helped me improve my computer

and technology-related skills.

I can be able to perform tasks in a

specialized technical area.

3. Critical Thinking Skills

(4) (3) (2) (1)
I am ready to help and solve a

problem that occurs at any time.

I am ready to present new ideas or

techniques to my peers or co-



I am confident that I'm capable of

the industry based on my critical

thinking skills.

I am ready to handle unexpected

situations e.g. complaints, criticisms


4. Communication Skills

(4) (3) (2) (1)

My ability to communicate in the

tourism industry is affected by my

anxiety and nervousness.

I am comfortable and confident in

expressing my thoughts and ideas

with others.

I have strong listening skills and can

apply others' suggestions.

I can communicate and speak

smoothly even if during tough



5. Current Employment

(4) (3) (2) (1)

The knowledge I gained during the

online class was enough for me to

perform well at my current job.

The distance learning had a huge

impact on my performance in my

current job.

I am satisfied that I graduated

through online class.

The internship experience I had

during the pandemic was useful in

my current job.

Part III:

1. Recommendations/suggestions for the researchers for future studies.


3.5. Statistical Treatment of Data

For the researchers to be able to analyze and interpret the data gathered that will

be conducted in chapter 4, the mean formula will be used to statistically analyze the

data. Therefore, each scale presented in the questionnaire has a corresponding

numerical values and verbal interpretations, whereas: 4 – Strongly Agree; 3 – Agree; 2

– Disagree; and 1 – Strongly Disagree.


Numerical Values Verbal Interpretation

3.50 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.50 – 3.49 Agree

1.50 – 2.49 Disagree

1.0 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree

With the corresponding codes and interpretation presented above, the

researchers will use the following weighted mean formula to calculate its interpretation,

in accordance with the results of the data gathered.

𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 =

𝛴 = 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑤 = 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒
𝑥 = data in the sample


𝑤1 𝑥1 + 𝑤2 𝑥2 + 𝑤3 𝑥3 + 𝑤4 𝑥4
𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 =
𝑤1 + 𝑤2 + 𝑤3 + 𝑤4

𝑤𝑖 = 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒

𝑥2 = 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡



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