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SUBJECT: English
FORM: 5th (B, C)
DATE: _______________
TOPIC: __________________
TEACHER: Petrov Marina
TIME: 45 minutes

 Communicative and Pragmatic Competence- Producing oral messages and interactions (Spoken Interaction);
 Communicative Competence- Receiving written messages (Reading);
 Communicative Competence-Receiving oral messages (Listening);
 Communicative and Pragmatic Competence- Producing written messages and interactions (Writing).

 2.3. Holding a conversation on the topic, expressing agreement, disagreement (spoken interaction);
 2.5. Creating and delivering a formal speech based on sound reasoning (spoken interaction);
 3.1. Reading a text to identify its content (reading);
 3.3. Decoding unknown vocabulary in context (reading);
 3.5. Reading a text to distinguish its type; translating sentences of average difficulty (reading);
 1.2. Selecting and correlating information from several different parts of a text to meet different tasks (listening);
 4.3. Supporting a point of view with relevant arguments while exchanging written messages on the topic (written interaction);
 1.1. Participating in a familiar communicative situation (culture).

 1. Knowledge- students will be able to decode unknown vocabulary in context, will learn about the different types of conversationalists and will
learn about the five components contributing to effective communication;
 2. Skills- students will be able to hold a conversation on the topic, expressing agreement and disagreement and will create and deliver a formal
speech that will contain arguments based on sound reasoning;
 3. Attitudes- students will form positive attitudes towards productive communication.
Stage of the lesson Teacher’s speech Pupils’ speech Strategies/ Evaluation Time

EVOCATION The teacher starts the lesson by The pupils greet the teacher and Frontal The ability to 2 min
capturing pupils’ attention and asks answer the questions: “Good morning Direct method speak and read
several introductory questions: teacher! We are excellent! The Whole class work
“Good morning, dear pupils! How are weather is wonderful! We enjoy it a
you today? What day is it today? lot/the weather is nice, we enjoy it HW checking
What date is it today? What is the very much. We had a lot of fun and Ice breaking Understanding
weather like today? Do you enjoy it? rest in our weekend/evening/we did activities of teacher’s
How did you spend your our homework and played outside. simple questions
weekend/evening? Are you ready for Yes, we are ready for the lesson. There Textbooks and speech 3 min
the lesson? Are there any questions are no questions concerning our
concerning your homework? Are homework/there are some questions; Exercise books
there any volunteers? Let’s check it please, explain! Good
and see!” The pupils read their homework; they Vocabularies preparation with
The teacher checks the homework, listen, read, repeat, and get answers to the HW
answers pupils’ questions and the questions they have. Board
clarifies all the misunderstandings.
REALIZATION The teacher passes to the next stage The pupils listen attentively to the Frontal Attention to 5 min
OF MEANING of the lesson realization of teacher’s message; they discover the teacher’s
meaning; after that the teacher objectives of the lesson and express Direct method speech, simple
announces the new topic and the their opinions and points of view
message and
objectives of the lesson; the teacher related to the the development of the
says: “Open your copybooks, put lesson; after that the pupils learn the Inductive instructions
down the date and the theme of the new vocabulary by means of the approach
lesson; how do you think? What are inductive method: they guess Comprehension
we going to learn today? Are there themselves the translation and deduce Vocabulary of new 5 min
any ideas or assumptions? The the meaning of the new words with the teaching and vocabulary
teacher explains the new vocabulary help of the teacher who plays the role learning
by the inductive method: synonyms of an indirect assistant who just
Flash cards Application of
and antonyms, associations and controls the cognition process and
pantomime, pictures and flash cards; gives support if pupils find difficulties Pictures what was learnt
the teacher repeats the new words in in defining the unknown terms, in Repetition Manifestation of
chorus, then in groups per 3-5 pupils, reading or in speaking in English; the Whole class good listening 5 min
in pairs, and individually; after that next activity the pupils perform is activity and speaking
the teacher asks the pupils to make up repetition: they repeat the new words Group work skills
sentences using the new vocabulary as said and they also make up Pair work
and offers them many other activities sentences of their own in order to give Blackboard Understanding
connected to vocabulary teaching and proof of good comprehension of the Textbooks of various tasks
learning: unscramble the words, fill unknown vocabulary; the pupils put in Dictionaries and instructions
in the spaces, match the words with practice the knowledge they have just
their definitions/pictures, and others. acquired and do various practical
the next activity the teacher does is exercises. Pens and pencils
the explanation of a new grammatical The pupils listen attentively to the Attention to 5 min
topic (if there is any according to the teacher’s speech; they notice the Grammatical teacher’s speech
long-term planning); the teacher differences between 2 similar topic guided
announces the topic and explains it grammatical topics and following the discovery The ability to
following the inductive approach that inductive approach which is work following
is the teacher gives the possibility to considered to be a modern and a more
Task-based the inductive
the pupils to deduce the rules and to effective one they deduce the rules of
notice the differences with similar usage themselves and name specific learning approach of
topics themselves using various features and peculiarities of it; after teaching
audio-visual aids, graphs, posters, that, in order to consolidate and to Practical
charts, power point presentations, and check comprehension of the application of
so on ; the teacher puts in practice the grammatical topic the pupils put in theoretical 5 min
rules the pupils have just deduced and practice theoretical knowledge of the knowledge Argumentation
offers them extra worksheets, topic by means of various exercises as
of one’s point of
multiple choice exercises, mentioned above; they work in groups
unscrambling the words and and in pairs, individually, they debate Pair and group view and
sentences related to the grammatical and make up lists of advantages and work opinion
topic, crossword puzzles, word disadvantages, they formulate list of
snakes, cut-outs, games, quizzes, arguments and express their thoughts Whole class
completion and/or substitution and ideas not only in oral but in activity
exercises, and many others. written form as well. The ability to
Inductive role play and
The teacher uses brainstorming and
role playing as well; it stimulates As far as pupils enjoy brainstorming approach brainstorm
pupils’ attention and helps them activities for their effectiveness and
consolidate any topic; the teacher freedom of expression they participate Brainstorming
gives pupils the possibility to express
actively in them; at the same time they activities
their thoughts and points of view in do role-playing, they take the role of
English as much as possible. teacher and exchange roles among
Role playing
them; they come in front of the
classroom and interact with their
REFLECTION The teacher passes to the next stage The pupils listen attentively to the Reading Comprehension
of the lesson reflection; the teacher’s speech; they get various comprehension of foreign 5 min
teacher offers pupils reading texts/short stories according to their text/story
comprehension tasks; he/she level and grade; they do silent and Silent and loud
distributes to the pupils sheets of loud reading in order to check
paper with various texts or short pronunciation and cognition; after
stories related directly to the topic of reading the pupils do various
the lesson both the cultural and the following-up activities like: deduce Reading exercises Understanding
grammatical one; the teacher does the topic and the main idea of the of pre-and after 5 min
silent and loud reading, chain reading text/story, substitution, completion, Group and pair reading
and reading according to characters choose the right variant, say True or work activities
of the text/story; the teacher offers False, match the words with their Text/Short story
pupils various tasks connected to the definitions, answer the questions on
text and ask questions on it. the text and formulate questions of
After that the teacher announces the your own.
homework and puts it down on the 5 min
table on a poster giving additional
explanations; last but not least the
teacher puts marks to the most active
pupils and comments their
achievements. The lesson is over.

NOTES: Following the modern and up-to-date methods of teaching and learning the teacher works basing on the inductive approach, using a set of various tasks and practical
exercises that help in consolidating the material; importantly, the teacher always notices the cultural differences between Moldovan and English societies if the topic of the lesson
touches upon any of them (religion, society, literature, art, music, and others); the teacher makes sure that each pupil participates actively and is involved in all of the activities; each
pupil ought to answer at least 3-5 times during the lesson; on a regular basis, the teacher modifies the rhythm, the atmosphere, and the development of the lesson according to the
level of pupils’ awareness and English language master; he/she can modify the tasks, the instructions and even the tone of the voice in order to make sure that interaction is
successfully achieved.

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