OSCE Checklist Cervical Screening Smear
OSCE Checklist Cervical Screening Smear
OSCE Checklist Cervical Screening Smear
1 Gather equipment
8 Ask the patient if they have any pain before continuing with the clinical procedure
9 Ask the patient to remove their underwear for the procedure and provide them with privacy
whilst they get undressed
Vulval inspection
10 Don gloves and position the patient in the modified lithotomy position
13 Use your left hand (index finger and thumb) to separate the labia
15 Once inserted, rotate the speculum back 90° (so that the handle is facing upwards)
16 Open the speculum blades until an optimal view of the cervix is achieved
25 Gently remove the speculum, inspecting the walls of the vagina as you do so
26 Re-cover the patient and explain the examination is complete
32 Suggest further assessments and investigations (e.g. urinalysis, vaginal swabs, ultrasound,
complete abdominal examination, HPV testing)