OSCE Checklist Male Catheterisation

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OSCE Checklist | Male Catheterisation

Gather equipment
1 Clean the top of a procedure trolley using an appropriate disinfectant wipe

2 Collect the equipment required for the procedure and place it within reach on the clean
3 Check the expiry date on the catheter, sterile water, normal saline and lidocaine gel

4 Ensure a clinical waste bin is placed nearby

5 Wash your hands using alcohol gel. If your hands are visibly soiled, wash them with soap and
6 Don PPE if appropriate

7 Introduce yourself to the patient including your name and role

8 Confirm the patient's name and date of birth

9 Briefly explain what the procedure will involve using patient-friendly language

10 Explain the need for a chaperone

11 Gain consent to proceed with catheterisation

12 Check if the patient has any allergies

13 Ask the patient if they have any pain before continuing with the clinical procedure

14 Explain to the patient that they’ll need to remove their underwear and lie on the clinical
examination couch, covering themselves with the sheet provided

Equipment preparation
15 Setup the sterile field by first removing the outer packaging from the catheter pack and then
opening the catheter pack from the corners without touching the inner surface of the field.
Make sure to keep the catheter packaging as you’ll need to transfer the sticky label
containing the details of the catheter into the patient’s notes
16 Using aseptic non-touch technique (ANTT) empty the catheter, lidocaine gel syringe, sterile
water syringe and sterile gloves onto the field
17 Pour the 0.9% sodium chloride solution over the cotton balls which should already be
located within the gallipot of the catheter pack

Positioning the patient

18 With the patient lying supine, ensure the bed is at an appropriate height for you to
comfortably carry out the procedure

19 Wash your hands again and don a pair of sterile gloves

20 Ask your chaperone to remove the sheet covering the patient’s genitals to allow you to
maintain sterility

21 Place a sterile absorbent pad underneath the patient’s genital region, ensuring you maintain

Cleaning the penis

22 Hold the penis with your non-dominant hand using some sterile gauze and ensure the
patient’s foreskin is retracted (if present)
23 With your dominant hand pick up a cotton ball and use a single stroke moving away from
the urethral meatus to clean an area of the glans. Dispose of the first cotton ball into the
clinical waste bin and continue to repeat this process with a new cotton ball each time until
all areas of the glans have been cleaned.
24 Discard your used gloves, wash your hands again and don a new pair of sterile gloves

25 Place the sterile drape over the patient’s penis, positioned such that the penis remains visible
through the central aperture of the drape. Some drapes come with a hole already present
for this purpose, whereas others will require you to create one.
26 Place the sterile urine collection bowl below the penis but on top of the sterile drape

Inserting the anaesthetic

27 Hold the penis vertically with your non-dominant hand using a piece of sterile gauze

28 Warn the patient that the anaesthetic gel might initially sting, but then should quickly cause
things to become numb
29 With your dominant hand place the nozzle of the syringe of anaesthetic gel into the urethral
30 Empty the entire 10mls of anaesthetic gel into the urethra at a slow but steady pace

31 Continue to hold to the penis in the vertical position to ensure the gel remains within the
urethra and allow 3 to 5 minutes for the lidocaine gel to reach its maximum effect

Inserting the catheter

32 Pick up the catheter which should be on your sterile field in its wrapper

33 Remove the tear-away portion of the wrapper near the catheter tip, making sure not to touch
the catheter
34 Hold the penis again using sterile gauze with your non-dominant ‘dirty hand’

35 Warn the patient you are about to insert the catheter

36 Insert the exposed catheter tip into the urethral meatus using your dominant ‘clean hand’

37 Advance the catheter slowly whilst gradually removing more of the wrapper to expose more
of the catheter
38 You should continue to advance the catheter until it is fully inserted into the penis

39 Once the catheter is fully inserted, inflate the catheter balloon with the 10ml syringe of
sterile water to secure it within the bladder
40 Once the balloon is fully inflated, remove the syringe and gently withdraw the catheter until
resistance is noted, confirming the catheter is held securely within the bladder
41 Attach the catheter bag tubing to the end of the catheter securely

42 Position the catheter bag below the level of the patient to facilitate effective drainage of
43 Replace the patient’s retracted foreskin (if present) as failure to do so can result in the
development of paraphimosis
44 Clean away any urine spillage or excess lubricating gel and cover the patient with the sheet

45 Dispose of your equipment into a clinical waste bin

46 Provide the patient with privacy to get dressed

To complete the procedure…

47 Explain to the patient that the procedure is now complete and that they should seek review
if the catheter becomes painful or they feel unwell
48 Dispose of PPE appropriately and wash your hands

49 Ask the nursing staff to monitor the patient’s urine output and to contact you if they have
any concerns
50 Document the details of the procedure in the patient’s notes and affx the sticky label from
the catheter packaging beside your notes

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