Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I: Force system & Basics of Friction 30
1. Fundamental of mechanics, Force & Force systems, Newton’s laws of motion. Principle of transmissibility of
forces. Free body diagram & its application.
2. Concurrent-coplanar force systems, Laws of parallelogram, triangle and polygon, Resultant and Equilibrant of
force, Equilibrium equations, Lami’s theorem and its application.
3. Non concurrent-coplanar force system, moment & couple, Varignon’s theorem and its applications.
4. Concept of limiting friction, Coulumb’s laws of dry friction. Simple block friction on any inclination, Simple
ladder friction.
2. Introduction to Shear Force & Bending Moment Diagrams (SFD & BMD) on point loaded simply supported
3. Definition & Classification of plane truss, assumption in the truss analysis.
3. Introduction to area moment of inertia, Parallel axis theorem, Perpendicular axis theorem, radius of gyration.
4. Determination of area moment of inertia of different geometrical shapes such as rectangle, triangle, circle and
part of circle about an axis using direct integration method.
1. Concept of D’alembert principle and its various applications on motion of belt-pulley& blocks.
Course Learning Outcomes:On successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
Pedagogy for Course Delivery: The course pedagogy will include lectures, e-contents, e-tutorials, numerical practice and experimental investigations.
Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE
Weightage (%) 5 15 10 10 60
Lab/ Practical/ Studio Assessment:
Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term Examination
Components A PR LR V PR V
Weightage (%) 5 15 10 10 30 30
[Type text]
Mapping Continuous Evaluation components/PSDA with CLOs
Bloom’s Level > Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Evaluation
Course Learning CLO1(State CLO2 CLO3 CLO4 CLO5 CLO6 (Estimate CLO7 (Evaluate
Outcomes various (Describe the (Demonstrate (Analyze (Formulate quantitative dynamic
principles of conditions of knowledge of actions, centroids of value of relative behavior of
reactions, any distribution of
forces and its equilibriums basic bodies.)
internal combination area about any
applications) under influence determinate forces in any or individual reference point
of different structures used connecting or bodies. or axis.
forces in individual ) )
) constructions rigid bodies.
) )
Class Test
Text books:
S.S. Bhavikatti, Engineering Mechanics, New Age International Ltd ISBN-13: 978-8122433739
Sadhu Singh, Engineering Mechanics, Umesh Publication ISBN-13 978-81-7409-260-1
D.S Kumar , Engineering Mechanics, S.K. kataria and son ISBN: 978-93-5014-292-9
Engineering Mechanics Lab Manual
Reference books:
[Type text]
H. Shames & G. K. M. Rao, Engineering Mechanics, Pearson Education, 2006 ISBN 13: 9788177581232
Timoshenko, Engineering Mechanics, McGraw Hill, ISBN: 9780070616806
[Type text]