Reasons For Living Activity

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Reasons For Living Activity:

(Adapted from Linehan, 1983: Reasons for Living Scale)

This is a good activity to do with your individual therapy or with another person who cares about you.
Put a check mark by any of the following reasons to live that you do or can believe in:

_____ I have a responsibility and commitment to my family and/or other people important to me

_____ I believe I can learn to adjust or cope with my problems

_____ I believe I have or can learn control over my life and what I do with it

_____ I have a desire to live

_____I believe that only a Supreme Creator has the right to end a life

_____ People depend on me and need me

_____ In the end, I want to live and enjoy my life

_____ I have future plans or goals that I look forward to carrying out

_____ No matter how badly I feel, I know that it won’t last forever

_____ There are some people/pets I love and/or care about so much that I could not leave them

_____ I want to experience all that life has to offer, and there are many experiences I haven’t had yet
that I want to have.

_____ I care enough about myself to want to live

_____ Life can be too beautiful and precious to end it

_____ I believe I can find other solutions to my problems

_____ I am curious about what will happen in the future

_____ My religious/spiritual beliefs forbid ending my life

_____ In the end, I have a love for life

_____ I believe that everything has a way of working out for the best

_____ I still have many things left to do

Laura Burlingame-Lee, Ph.D., © 2016


_____ I have the courage to face life

_____ Everyone experiences pain and suffering in life, and it’s important to understanding joy and life

_____ I am stronger than I think I am

_____ I have hope that things will continue to improve and the future will be happier

_____ I have an inner drive to survive

_____ I believe I have or can find a purpose in life and a reason to live

_____ I believe I do or can learn to feel good about myself and my life

_____ I can find meaning in my experiences and use them to create a better life for myself

_____ There are areas in my life where I feel needed

_____ I matter

_____ When I’m not feeling bad, I have pride in my life and in my accomplishments

_____ My contributions to others’ lives are important

Other Reasons for Living:

Keep this list with you, and make as many copies of it as you need. When you need it, pull it out and
remind yourself that there are reasons to keep going, and that you are valuable, needed, and wanted.

Laura Burlingame-Lee, Ph.D., © 2016

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