Logipix Airport Brochure 2022 v2

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The new decade brought many changes in aviation’s Airports operate just like complex ecosystems. In order to help rebuild airports in this new era, Logipix
routines and processes. The forced shutdown Even if one part changes, it affects the whole. To created LAARS. The system is an intelligent video
caused the most difficult times for airports in history avoid costly delays, in addition to protecting people monitoring solution specifically developed for the
and the restart wasn’t an easy takeoff either. Now and assets, it has been never more important to airside. It can greatly enhance security and improve
the industry faces pressing new requirements to maintain a smooth operation across the airport – efficiencies across all ground operation functions.
preserve health and safety, which directly impact including the airside. Airports need to get ready for The system helps improve operational capabilities
efficiency. smart operations and prepare to maintain efficient and capacities, which includes optimizing ground
control under difficult circumstances, even with less operation efficiency, improving safety parameters and
employees. enhancing vision for overall observation.

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LAARS fuses various technologies. The solution is a high- the attention of operators to handle ground processes
end video monitoring system with AI-based computer more efficiently. It augments the high-resolution video
vision and augmented reality functions and it also streams with informative graphical and textual elements,
integrates existing airport information sources. which help faster and better understand the view. The
It monitors the entire airside with enormous resolution. solution also helps prevent incidents by predicting
LAARS automatically detects, classifies and tracks both certain proximity situations and automatically detecting
cooperative and non-cooperative objects and guides various operational irregularities and FOD.

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• improve overall airside efficiency by monitoring Intelligence and Computer Vision Technologies into • create airside statistics on area occupancy based on • facilitate incident investigation and get irrefutable
and automatically analyzing object movements and airside monitoring automatically collected data visual evidence in already occurred cases
ground processes
• increase safety of passengers, employees and • make billing procedures fast, easy and accurate by • shorten turnaround times and create useful
• enhance airside visibility for ground controllers, assets at the airside automatically calculating the time that airplanes statistics on ground handling efficiency
airfield controllers, security operators and for any spend on the airport
• enforce airside traffic rules without extra burden on
airside operation department
operators • increase situational awareness to reduce the
• optimize ground process management and explore number of incidents on the airside
• realize access control for different types of objects
operational bottlenecks by bringing Artificial
at designated airside zones, using image sensors • significantly reduce the risk of incidents caused by
and Video Content Analysis FOD, using automatic detection methods

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• Supporting strategical decisions • Undoubted visual evidence of all recorded • No need for frequent maintenance using human • Designed for long long-term
The system supports both short-term and long- situations resources Our engineers developed leading-edge technologies
term strategical decisions by providing information Using the high-resolution footage, any situation can Logipix hardware are capable of self-maintenance, that ensure the system avoids both physical and
on aircraft movements and turnaround processes. be investigated to details. Hundreds of megapixels thanks to their built-in self-cleaning and deicing technological obsolescence for a long time.
and fine details provide an undoubted evidence on systems.
• Optimizing area occupancy • Maximized system uptime
Utilizing the VCA, various airside statistics and • Adaptable system structure Logipix provides uninterrupted system availability
calculations can be created on area occupancy, • Significantly less cameras are needed We always consider the specific structure and as all their components are developed to operate
which helps realize explicit business benefits. Logipix is a cost effective system. As only a few characteristics of airports to best adapt the system with high MTBF.
cameras are needed to cover an entire airport, for the current project. Moreover, LAARS has a
• Avoiding financial loss by preventing accidents
installation and maintenance costs can be kept flexible hardware structure that can be easily
LAARS provides computer vision technologies
strikingly low. rearranged in case of future airside developments.
to prevent various incidents, which helps avoid
significant financial loss.

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• Increased safety by providing vision far beyond • Real-time Decision Making Support traffic violations and this way it can ensure health
human eye capabilities LAARS is an RTDMS system that always highlights and safety of air crews, employees and passengers.
Logipix provide full coverage of the airside. 200, 300 the most relevant information on screen.
• Automatic LND and TOF registration
and 320 MP panoramic video streams create a solid
• Less FODs in the AOA area LAARS automatically registers landings and take-
visual base for controllers to ensure operational
The system automatically detects FOD and manages offs and also the time that airplanes spend on the
safety of aircraft, ground vehicles and also ensure
the entire securing and removal procedure. airside.
the security of employees and passengers.
• Increased situational awareness • Secured perimeter area
• Increased operational efficiency
LAARS helps prevent incidents and unauthorized The system provides advanced, VCA based
The solution makes it possible to manage ground
access into restricted areas. perimeter monitoring, and it is also able to integrate
processes at a higher, Video Content Analysis (VCA)
third-party PIDS and use its alerts as triggers for
assisted level and therefore increase safety and • Customizable traffic enforcement
automatic zoom functions.
overall operational efficiency at the airside. LAARS has the potential to decrease the number of

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WHAT DIFFERS US FROM OTHERS Reality supplemented visualization and also camera. It significantly reduces installation and
advanced Turnaround Management. maintenance costs and it also provides better
spatial transparency in the displayed camera
• Our system can be used by multiple airport
• Logipix developed a complex system focusing on • LAARS is a Real-time Decision Making Support images.
departments simultaneously.
the tasks that should be processed at the airside. system. It helps operators and controllers better • We developed a special technology to handle large
• Logipix is able to integrate existent Airport Systems,
understand situations on the airside and faster visual data and utilize the full resolution during
• Our system provides Video Content Analysis like Airport Operational Database, Radar Systems,
react to them. monitoring.
specially developed to track and register object Range Finders and positioning systems like ADS-B,
movements, and prevent incidents that may occur • Operators and controllers get various coherent MLAT and A-SMGCS. Using specially developed • Our intelligent Video Content Analysis runs on
at the airside. visual and text information on aircraft, vehicles and sensor fusion technology, it merges the data of full resolution JPEG2000 image streams. Logipix
ground processes watching a single user interface. Logipix visual and external sensors. VCA functions are developed for detecting and
• The software of the system have been developed
specifically for the airside application area. • Our end-to-end solution provides Artificial analyzing airside specific situations.
• LAARS is able to cover even the largest airside
Intelligence assisted video monitoring, Augmented in high-resolution with only a few multi-sensor • LAARS provides long storage periods, thanks to its
intelligent storage management technology.


3D model of visual coverage

Logipix starts each project with a customized 3D
plan, which helps optimize camera arrangement,
the necessary resolution and coverage at the air-
side, according to customer needs.

System extension
Logipix solution is designed to be flexible for future developments. Both the covered areas and also system
functionality can be extended easily on demand.

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Video Wall

Client Workstations

Airside Control 1 Gbit
0.5 Gbit / Camera
4 - 6.4 Gbit / Panorama camera
1 Gbit / Client 0.5 Gbit / Camera

Ground Handling Management Support Storage

1 Gbit / Client
Network 10 Gbit / LNVR
LNVR up to 160 TB

Optional clients up to 160 TB

1 Gbit Storage
1 Gbit up to 160 TB

Security / Fire / ACDM

Virtual Virtual 10 Gbit GPS AIS
Disaster management / DAM / etc. PTZ PTZ Server Positioning
Interface Interface
NAS ADS-B MLAT A-SMGCS Airport information
VMS Server
Additional sources


2MP H.264 PTZ
Server Room

LAARS provides video monitoring with extreme high-resolution to observe everyday operations at the airside.
These images can effectively supplement normal observation. Logipix image sensors, the panorama cameras
provide vision at a much higher performance, than the human eye is capable of. These sensors constantly take
images of the entire airside area with enormous resolution and the embedded intelligence continuously ana-
lyzes the view.

The entire airside can be covered using only a few panorama cameras. These cameras are interconnected and
provide a comprehensive coverage. Within the covered area objects are tracked uninterruptedly, even when
they move across multiple camera images.

Logipix Panorama Cameras deliver 200-320 MP video streams at up to 20 fps, which forms a revolutionary
quality improvement in video monitoring. It means users can watch a continuous live stream and they can
zoom in on any area of interest any time and get fine details even at far distances. In areas without artificial
lighting, Logipix thermal image sensors deliver useful visual information.


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Monitoring with Logipix LAARS provides efficient monitoring under all occur- Recording Online archive
Panorama Cameras ring lighting conditions at the airport. Users can easily The system continuously records the images and In the LAARS software operators can search the ar-
Even a single Logipix Panorama Camera is able to mon- track airplane and ground vehicle movements through- stores them in a fail-safe file system, distributed chive during real-time monitoring if necessary. The
itor a vast area. Watching large panoramic images, us- out the airside even in bad weather conditions and among many HDDs. In case of any negligence or acci- archive search is not time based, instead operators
ers have better spatial orientation within the observed also at night. dent the situation can be investigated by watching the search for objects and their registered movements
area, as the space is not split by individual images on a In areas that are not lit by artificial light, the Logipix footage in full resolution. As the video stream consists and statuses to load the footage of interest.
confusing monitor profile. Dual Vision Panorama Camera and the thermal pan- only intra-frame coded JPEG2000 images, any frame
The act of monitoring with high-resolution panoramic orama can be used, which has a thermal panorama ex- can serve as irrefutable visual evidence in critical situ-
images in itself accelerates the process of getting rele- tension with 6 MP resolution. The visible light and ther- ations.
vant visual information. It is much faster to zoom in on mal sensor cluster observe the very same area, but
the panoramic images than picking binoculars up and they utilize different electromagnetic radiations to pro-
scanning the airside. vide informative visual data in all circumstances.


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LAARS provides fast archive search, based on the
in-memory airside history database. The function al-
To provide an even more targeted example, opera-
tors can check all registered airplanes that moved on
lows to search for specific incidents, designated area a selected taxiway within the time frame of interest.
movements and also for particular objects. In order They get the exact number in no time, and they can Beyond recording and displaying video streams with enormous resolution, Logipix increases the efficiency of moni-
to search effectively within this huge amount of in- get the visual confirmation on demand. toring by providing numerous intelligent functions based on Video Content Analysis (VCA).
formation, multi-level filtering is available. High-resolution videos are available for each list These functions can effectively aid operations at the airside, as they are able to automatically detect and even predict
For instance, operators can filter for a specific viola- items, even from multiple camera angles. Selecting a several incidents, furthermore they help optimize airside processes.
tion type committed by a certain object class within a list item, the program displays thumbnail images
desired time period. They can also list certain object from all relevant cameras, therefore operators can Automatically generated warnings and alerts guide the attention of operators and controllers. Real-time Decision
statuses concerning for specific areas, which contrib- download those videos that best fit their needs. Making Support (RTDMS) intelligently optimizes the front end visualization of all signals generated in the system.
utes to create useful analyses.
Based on operator intentions, it filters the large number of situations and highlights only the relevant ones.
This way operators and controllers can always focus on the most important situations occurring at the airside. This
function results in better situational awareness during airside operations and it also helps prevent incidents.

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Landing and take-off Object tracking
The solution detects the moment of landings and take- In case Logipix receives transponder data, the system Logipix VCA algorithms are developed to accurately information on their position. The solution provides
offs with great precision. The module automatically automatically calculates the exact time that airplanes detect, track and classify objects under various real-time GPS coordinates for both cooperative and
detects and registers the very moment when aircraft spend at the airport. This function significantly visibility conditions. Both cooperative and non- non-cooperative objects. Additionally the system is
wheels touch or leave the runway. It also saves evidence simplifies billing procedures. cooperative objects can be classified and tracked. The able to receive position information of cooperative
images with time codes in the image header. It compiles VCA differentiates five basic type of objects (aircraft, objects from integrated airport systems, like ADS-B
detailed reports, which can be later reviewed fast and heavy and light vehicle, human, FOD). Filtering is and MLAT. Utilizing this feature the system is able to
easy. available for these objects on the monitoring interface. provide more accurate geopositioning.
Beyond tracking objects on the airside, Logipix gives


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Geofencing Situational awareness
The Logipix Geofencing function allows to virtually For instance these rules can specify the speed limit With the help of computer vision technologies Logipix is Collision prediction function helps prevent collisions
map existing airside zones on camera images. These for various object types within the zones and also able to enhance situational awareness at the airside. among moving objects by applying Motion Behavior
configured zones facilitate orientation and accelerate define access rules. LAARS uses these configured VCA-based features help prevent incidents by tracking Analysis and Motion Path Estimation. The system ana-
object search for operators. They can easily find rules for automatic detection functions. real-time position of objects, predicting their future sta- lyzes the motion dynamics of the moving objects and
objects during live monitoring or archive search, as tus and alerting users in time. calculates their motion vectors. In case the motion vec-
the objects always carry their current zone IDs. Virtual fence Proximity alert function uses dynamic proximity areas tor of an object is pointing to another one, the system
Operators can also filter for zones to list all their Operators and controllers can designate temporary around objects. The size of these areas vary based on
predicts a possible collision area and alert the control-
current objects. zones and they can define various rules to these areas. object type, speed and airside zone. In case the proxim-
ler instantly who can react in time and warn the pilots
Geofencing function also allows to virtually assign They can simply draw around a static object or a de- ity areas of objects are overlapping, the system immedi-
or drivers. If the objects seem to miss collision the
various object and/or time-based airside rules to the sired area and apply relevant rules. The activated rules ately alerts the user. This function mostly protects park-
warning or alert signal ceases immediately.
designated zones. take effect on this area and trigger different warnings ing aircraft and vehicles from dangerously moving
or alerts. objects.

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Automatic traffic enforcement
Logipix VCA provides several traffic violation detection case a vehicle is violating a traffic rule, the system bolts, screws, etc), LAARS is able to detect and classify from (human, aircraft, dolly, etc.). It also provides
at the airside for both cooperative and non- generates a warning immediately and signs it on the animals on the airside. The size of the detectable information on exact FOD geoposition.
cooperative vehicles. Different rules can be specified monitoring interface. The function does not just FOD only depends on the applied resolution, which To handle the situation, operators first virtually fence
for different type of vehicles in different areas. The detect traffic violations, but also registers them and is always customizable. the FOD area. They send inspectors to collect the
system effectively detect overspeed, line, traffic light save an evidence image. The function does not just recognize FODs, but it FOD and when it has done, they acknowledge the
and parking violations within the monitored areas. In also supports the entire FOD management operation process. All actions are recorded automatically which
and helps investigate FOD formation. The function can be later reviewed if necessary.
registers the source object which the FOD comes

FOD detection
Foreign Object Debris can cause serious damage to It is very difficult to explore the entire airside area by
airplanes and severely injure personnel, therefore it general FOD inspection and FOD walks. To help
is essential to clean all AOA areas from them. Despite collect FOD, LAARS provides an automatic FOD
preventive FOD awareness, FODs constantly form on detection function. Beside inorganic FODs (stones,
the runways, taxiways and on the apron. plastic foils, tools, aircraft parts, dolly wheels or

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RTDMS – FRONT END VISUALIZATION handling operators perform their work in the previous statuses, which are recorded in an in-memory
Turnaround Management form. database. Operators can load previous object statuses
The real-time monitoring form displays the most in no time and watch archive on the fly if needed.
LAARS was developed with the intention to facilitate general monitoring and make airside ground processes more versatile functions but it still delivers clarity and LAARS generates informational labels with collected
efficient. LAARS transforms complex monitoring tasks into intuitive operations on a single platform. It provides usability. Its modular design ensures flexible interface data and associates these with the detected objects.
faster decision making as it fuses multiple high-resolution video streams together with helpful object information customization even on multiple screens. All interface Clicking on the desired label, the related object is
generated by Video Content Analysis and integrated airport data feeds. This way operators and controllers get extra modules are interconnected with each other, all highlighted in the panoramic video. Operators can
visual and text information on the user interface, which helps guide their focus on the most important situations. information are displayed in a synchronized fashion. select an object on the displayed image and in the
The interface contains a large overview video stream object list as well. This way they get information on
with informative AR visualization. Separate zoom airplanes quickly and they can easily track all their
windows provide detailed close-ups of the area of movements throughout the airside. Also non-
interest. An interactive map provides additional cooperative objects get labels but with moderate
information on object positions. A detailed object list information. The zoom window can be locked to
contains all detected objects with all their current and automatically track any selected object.

User Interface
The front end interface is responsible to display and Operators use different forms for real-time monitoring,
structure the information generated by all LAARS searching in video history, investigating violations and
functions. reviewing registered landings and take-offs. Ground

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LAARS was developed with the intention to facilitate helpful object information generated by Video The Logipix VCA detects perimeter intrusions. Existing the alarmed area. The system is able to precisely track
general monitoring and make airside ground Content Analysis and integrated airport data feeds. PIDS can be integrated in the system. The generated the motion of the detected intruder, thus operators can
processes more efficient. LAARS transforms complex This way operators and controllers get extra visual alarm signals trigger the Logipix Visible light and Thermal easily follow the situation and react quickly. The system
monitoring tasks into intuitive operations on a single and text information on the user interface, which Panorama and also the PTZ to automatically zoom in on effectively avoids false alarms.
platform. It provides faster decision making as it fuses helps guide their focus on the most important
multiple high-resolution video streams together with situations.


*detailed information can be found of this LAARS feature in the Turnaround Management brochure

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Logipix Video Content Analysis Sensor Fusion Technology Logipix Panoramic Technology
Logipix provides the most reliable VCA possible, as the moving object from the learnt environment. Our built- Logipix developed specific raw data level and GPS level Logipix panoramic technology makes it possible to
algorithms run on full resolution, uncompressed im- in neural network ensures that the system does not sensor fusion technologies. Raw data analysis works geometrically stitch images of Logipix visible light and
age streams. This approach ensures accurate detec- loose the relevant non-moving objects. The VCA also with uncompressed data, therefore it provides the high- thermal sensors. The images are taken in a synchro-
tion and tracking even at far distances. The VCA relies applies Object Feature Extraction, Motion Behavior est level of accuracy. It was developed for Logipix sen- nized fashion which precludes the possibility of dupli-
on several advanced methods. One of them is the Mul- Analysis and Motion Path Estimation algorithms in or- sors, but the system is able to fuse the data of external cated or hidden objects at the stitching borders. White
tidimensional Gaussian Background Model that always der to realize an intelligent, self-learning virtual envi- sensors as well. Complex data analysis means, the algo- balance and tone correction algorithms smoothen
adapts to the background and differentiates every ronment. rithms fuse the data of different sensors, which results the color gradient between the images.
in more accurate object detection and geopositioning.

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Logipix PTZ cameras in the system Logipix Intelligent Storage Management Monitoring in Full Resolution
High-end PTZ cameras efficiently complement the Technology Displaying 320-200 MP panoramic images during live in full resolution on the NVR, but always transmits
system. A special function allows the PTZ cameras to The system continuously records the videos. Thanks to monitoring or archive playback is not an easy task. and displays only relevant pixels. When a panoramic
be assigned with the Logipix Panoramas by registering the Logipix Ageing Technology, storage period of video This amount of data can impose excessive burdens overview is on screen, its horizontal resolution is
common spatial points that are visible to both cameras. streams can be greatly prolonged. The system intelli- on the network infrastructure and also on client equal to the screen resolution. When an operator
This function allows operators to control the PTZ gently drops frames from the video stream according to computers. zooms in, the system sends the cropped image in
cameras by selecting the area of interest in the a configured period. As the JPEG2000 stream consists Logipix developed a special technology to overcome higher resolution. As the zoom value increases, so
panoramic image. only intra-frame images, the footage will be still avail- this issue. The system stores the panoramic images does the transmitted image resolution.
able after video stream ageing, but with reduced fps.



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Monitoring AI-powered Video Content Analysis Turnaround Management Integration

• 320-200 MP panoramic video stream • Registering Landings and Take-offs • Overview of all aircraft stands • Positioning systems: ADS-B, MLAT, A-SMGCS
with 20 fps / cam • Radar systems and rangefinders
• VCA-based object tracking • Automatic and manual registration of ground
• 6 MP thermal monitoring / cam services • Airport information sources
• Detection
• Real-time monitoring in full resolution • Interactive ground service timeline and list
• Classification
• PTZ control on panoramic images • Turnaround History
• Merging motion information with images
• Interactive map • Summarized turnaround data
• Object frames, Path history,
• Interactive object list Heading

• In-memory object database • Object labeling

Perimeter security
• Video History • Geofencing

• Virtual fence • PIDS triggered intrusion detection

• Situational awareness • VCA-based intrusion detection

• Proximity alert • Highest detection accuracy possible

• Collision prediction • Automatic zoom in on alarmed area

• Automatic traffic enforcement • ePTZ (automatic zoom on panoramic

• Overspeed
• Automatic PTZ zoom
• Line violation

• Traffic light

• Automatic FOD detection

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Logipix 300 MP Panorama Camera

Logipix 6 MP PTZ Camera

Logipix 320 MP
Visible & Thermal Panorama Camera

Logipix 200 MP Panorama Camera

Logipix Network Video Recorder 4th gen

Logipix 320 MP Panorama Camera LAARS and Server components

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• The Logipix visible-light and thermal cameras • Based on advanced Video Content Analysis the • Logipix makes it possible to cover the monitored • The solution integrates Airport Systems like Airport
provide high-resolution panoramic images that solution detects, tracks and classifies both area with virtual layers both temporary and Operational Database, Radar Systems, Range
ensures users an enhanced vision throughout cooperative and non-cooperative objects at the permanent and assign specific rules to them. Finders, ADS-B, MLAT and A-SMGCS and fuse these
the airside. airside. data with the VCA data flow.
• Logipix automatically detects traffic related
• The solution uses the scalable JPEG2000 image • A special software function provides informative, violations, proximity situations, predicts possible • Logipix system is able to ensure redundancy for all
compression, which is the only standard that moving labels that tied to both cooperative and collisions and detects FOD throughout the types of hardware elements.
allows for real-time monitoring with hundreds of non-cooperative objects. This way among others, movement area and the apron.
• Our system ensures to monitor the status and
megapixels in a bandwidth effective manner. aircraft types, registration numbers and flight
• Using Real-time Decision Making Support, manage the progress of ground handling services
numbers can be displayed along with the detected
• Logipix Video Content Analysis is embedded in operators can effectively filter numerous objects, during turnarounds, record and summarize all data
the cameras and Network Video Recorders. It incidents and situations and highlights only the and prepare them for post-analysis. This module of
works with full resolution JPEG2000 images. most relevant ones on screen. the system can also be aided by Video Content
Analysis, further expanding system automatism.

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Logipix engineers developed the best-in-class and supplement the scene for operators with processes and turnarounds, and plays a key role in LAARS is a trusted system that has been chosen
airside video monitoring solution that comprises informational augmented reality elements. preventing incidents and also in investigation. As a already by some of the largest airports around the
high-end visual sensors, intelligent data processing The solution facilitates airside operations and result, it enhances airport efficiency, reduces the globe, preparing their airsides for the difficulties of
units and a complete software package. It aids prepares airports to conveniently face pressing new number of costly delays, and even shortens the our new challenging era.
airside services by Computer Vision Technologies directives. It ensures smooth and secure ground system’s payback period.

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Logipix Technical Development Ltd. is a privately held company established in
1996 in Budapest, Hungary. Since then, Logipix has grown into the international
company that it is today – one of the most innovative, end-to-end video surveillance
solution developers and manufacturers. Today the main profile of the company is
to provide specially designed, high-end video surveillance solutions considering
the various characteristics of different application areas.


H-1158 Budapest, Késmárk u. 11-13. [email protected] +36 20 480 5933 +36 1 410 0556


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