What Is Smog

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What is Smog? prices for material goods and our consumption levels also vastly increased with that.

prices for material goods and our consumption levels also vastly increased with that. Therefore,
people can now afford plenty of material things. Since all these goods have to be produced in
Smog is a serious problem in most big urban areas. The emissions from vehicles and industries, industrial processes, this also implies the emission of harmful gases into our atmosphere. Thus,
as well as the combustion of wood and coal together with the buildup of certain weather our consumption behavior plays a big role in the formation of smog.
conditions, are the main causal agents of smog. The terminology refers to a mixture of liquid
and solid fog and smoke particles. It is usually seen as yellowish or blackish fog, which remains 4. Excessive Waste Production
suspended in the atmosphere or forms a ceiling in the air.
Our excessive consumption is the root cause of the generation of huge amounts of waste. In
Main Causes of Smog order to get rid of this waste, a significant fraction of it is burned, which leads to the emission of
harmful gases into our atmosphere and transforms into the formation of smog.
Smog-forming pollutants from numerous sources such as factories, consumer products or
vehicles are the typical causative factors of smog. In most urban areas, more than 50% of smog 5. Fireworks
is formed as a consequence of vehicular emissions. Mostly, the occurrences of smog are
associated with the relationship between weather patterns and heavy motor vehicle traffic, Although the occasions for the use of fireworks are rather rare, still a single night of fireworks
industrial and other consumer product emissions. can lead to enormous air and particle pollution leading to significant smog. This is particularly
true in Diwali or New Year’s Eve when a large amount of fireworks are used, and big cities get
1. Using Coal as a Fuel covered with a dense layer of smog.

The use of coal as fuel in heating or power-producing plants discharges high concentrations of 6. Burning of Agricultural Material
sulfur oxides in the atmosphere. The effects are worsened by high levels of suspended
particulate matter in the air and dampness. Burning coal also generates significant amounts of In some countries, the burning of the agriculture field can also contribute to the smog problem.
smoke, which leads to smoggy environments. For instance, coal induced smog has been widely For instance, to get rid of old crops and waste material generated from farming practices,
experienced in London up to the middle ages of the 20th century. In China, Harbin, coal-induced farmers often burn it since it is a convenient way to do so. The combustion of agricultural
smog contributed to the closure of roads, schools, and airports in the autumn of 2013. materials containing ammonia, pesticides and fertilizers usually implies the emission of gases
into our atmosphere, which turns into smog in later stages.
2. Vehicular and Industrial Emissions
7. Construction Activities
Emissions from the transportation sector resulting from fossil fuel combustion in cars, trucks,
buses, motorbikes, and boats are the chief contributors of smog formation. Most of the smog Smog can also occur due to construction activities. A large amount of dirt and dust particles
formed in large cities is a result of traffic emissions. The industrial processes employ a large enter the air, especially in areas with a high construction density. This, in turn, can lead to the
amount of fossil fuels and resources that need to be extracted for the production of materials formation of smog and related adverse effects.
and goods. Therefore, industries equally cause harmful gaseous emissions and fumes released
8. Natural Causes
into the atmosphere, which leads to the formation of smog. The primary precursors are oxides
of nitrogen, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, fumes, sulfur oxides and Smog can as well occur due to natural causes like a volcanic eruption and some specific plant
hydrocarbons. These substances react with moisture, heat, sunlight, and ammonia, among life effects. Volcanic eruption discharges high concentrations of sulfur dioxide and particulate
other compounds to form the toxic vapors, particulates, and ground-level ozone that make up matter in the air, the two primary constituents for smog formation. Radiocarbon amounts of
smog. some specific plant life are believed to cause smog in some locations. For instance, the Los
Angeles creosote bush is linked to smog occurrences in the area.
3. Overpopulation & Excessive Consumption

The world population has been significantly growing over the past decades. This also implies a
huge increase in consumption and also in emissions. We can’t solely blame industries for the
smog problem; it is our overpopulation and consumption behavior that is responsible for
excessive smog in our atmosphere. Industries only try to meet our demands. Since the
industrial revolution, the production with the help of machines significantly dropped the unit

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