Las 1 Series and Parallel Circuit

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Lourdes School of Mandaluyong

High School Department

Learning Activity Sheet # 1

Series & Parallel Circuits

I.  Series Circuits (Simulation Only)

Use the CCK (Circuit Construction Kit) simulation to build the circuits below with a battery at
about 12 volts and light bulbs (represented by the ~ symbol). Turn on the voltmeter and
ammeter to measure voltage of the battery and current into it. Complete the data table as shown
and record the apparent brightness of the bulb.

# of bulbs Battery voltage (v) Current into Brightness of

battery (A) bulbs


a. Summarize the relationships you observed and explain what you think is happening.
b. How does changing the battery voltage affect your results?

c. Practice using the voltmeter and realistic ammeter in several circuits.  Describe how
using a voltmeter is different from using an ammeter.
II. Parallel Circuits (Simulation Only)
Redo Part I but use figures 4-6 for the circuits. 

# of Battery voltage (v) Current into battery Brightness of bulbs

bulbs (A)


Part III. Problem Solving

Directions: Solve the following problems. Show your complete solution and round-off the final
answer to the nearest hundredths.

A. Three resistors of 3 kilo-Ohms, 5 kilo-Ohms and 4 kilo-Ohms are connected in

series across a 12 V battery.
a. What is the equivalent resistance?
b. What is the current through the resistors?
c. What is the voltage drop across each resistor?

B. A 12 Ohms resistor and a 12 Ohms resistor are connected in parallel and placed
across the terminals of a 15 V battery.
a. What is the equivalent resistance of the parallel circuit?
b. What is the current through the entire circuit?
c. What is the current through each branch of the parallel circuit?
C. Two 60-Ohms resistors are connected in parallel. This parallel arrangement is
connected in series with a 30-Ohms resistor. The combination is then placed
across a 120-V battery.
a. What is the equivalent resistance of the parallel portion of the circuit?
b. What is the current in the circuit?
c. What is the voltage drop across the parallel portion of the circuit?
d. What is the current in each branch of the parallel portion of the circuit?

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