Sro 966 (I) 2022
Sro 966 (I) 2022
Sro 966 (I) 2022
S.R.O. 966(l)/2022.- ln exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 18 of the
Customs Act, 1969 (lV of 1969) and in supersession of its Notification No. S.R.O. 840(lll2121, dated the
30th June, 2021, the Federal Government is pleased to levy regulatory duty on import of goods specified
in column (3) of the Table below, falling under the PCT Code of the First Schedule to the said Act
specified in column (2) of the said Table, at the rates specifled in column (4) thereof, namely: -
s. No Rate of
pcr code Description Regulatory
outy (%)
(1) (21 (3) (4)
3 0106.1900 Other 5
7 03 01 Live fish 10
18 04.05 Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk; 20
dairy spread.
33 0706.9000 Other 10
40 0802. 11 00 ln shell 20
41 0802.1200 Shelled 20
40 0802.9900 Other 45
48 0804.1010 F resh 10
53 0805.9000 Other 15
OZ 0812.1000 Cherries 30
63 0813.3000 Apples 45
64 0813.4010 Tamarind 35
65 0813.4020 Cherries
68 0813.4060 Lichis 45
b9 0813.4070 Raisins 45
70 0813.4090 Other 45
71 0813.5000 Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of this chapter 35
74 1004.9000 Other 10
75 1005.9000 Maize 30
78 1 102.9000 Semolina )q
70 1104.1200 Of oats
102 2006 0000 Vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit peel and other parts 20
of plants, preserved by sugar (drained, glac6 or
116 2105 0000 lce cream and other edible ice, whether or not 20
contain ing cocoa
121 2309.1 000 Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale 50
211 5407 .2000 - Woven fabrics obtajned from strip and the like 2
331 7225.4000 Other, not further worked than hot- rolled. not in 5
332 7225.5000 Other, not further worked than cold- rolled 17.5
(cold- reduced)
340 I ZZO 9200 Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold- 17.5
348 73.03 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron 12.5
350 7 3.05 Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, 17.5
riveted or similarly closed), having circular
cross sections, the external diameter of which
exceeds 406.4 mm, of iron or steel.
351 73.06 Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles (for 12.5
example, open seam or welded, riveted or
similarly closed), of iron or steel.
Jb5 7321 .8100 For gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels 15
390 8311.3000 Coated rods and cored wire, of base metal, for 15
soldering, brazing or welding by flame
391 83'11.9000 Other 30
474 851 7. 1 390 Other having C&F Value up to US$ 30 per set Rs.300/set
8517 1419
475 8517.1390 Other (having C&F Value above US$ 30 per set Rs.3,00o/set
8517.1419 but not exceeding US$ 100 per set
476 8517. 1390 Other (having C&F Value above US$ 100 per Rs.7,50o/set
8517.1419 set but not exceeding US$ 200 per set)
477 8517.1390 Other (having C&F Value above US$ 200 per Rs.1 1 ,00o/set
8517.1419 set but not exceeding US$ 350 per set)
478 8517.1390 Other (having C&F Value above US$ 350 per Rs. 15,000/set
8517.1419 set but not exceeding US$ 500 per set)
479 851 7. 1 390 Other (having C&F Value above US$ 500 per Rs.22,000/set
8517.1419 set)
481 8517 .7100 Aerials and aerial reflectors of all kinds; parts 5
suitable for use therewith
518 8703 2329 Old and used cars and Jeeps 1801 cc to 70
520 8703.2490 Old and used cars and jeeps above 3000 cc 70
527 8703 3225 Old and used All terrain vehicles (CBU) 70
529 8703.3229 Old and used cars and jeeps above 2000 cc 70
554 Omitted
9503.0090 Other 25
(a import under S.R.O. 678 (l)/2004 dated the 7th August, 2OO4;
(b import under Chapter 99 of First Schedute of the Customs Act, 1969 (lV of 1969);
(c import under Fifth Schedule to the Customs Act, 1969 (lV of 1969), excluding serial no 22
of Table to Part l, serial numbers 4, 6,11, 12,13, 14, 99,100, 1OZ and i46 oi the Tabte to
Part-lll serial number 7 of Table-l of Part V(A), serial numbers 3 and 7 of Table-A, serial
numbers 2, 3, 116, 117, 172 lo i76, 178 to 1BS of Table-B of part-Vlt of the said
Schedule, subject to fulfilment of conditions latd therein;
(d) import under sub chapters 3 and 7 of chapter Xll and chapter XV of Customs Rules,
import under Small and Medium Enterprises and Export Oriented Units Rules, 2OOg,
0 import under Temporary lmportation Scheme vide S.R.O.492(l)/2009, dated the 13rh
(s) import of special steel round bars and rods of non-alloy steel exceeding djameter 75 mm
(PCT code 7214.9990) by the seamless pipes manufacturers registered under the Sales
Tax Act, 1990,
(h) import of Grain and non-grain oriented electrical steel sheets (pCT codes l2ZS.1jOO,
7225.1900, 7226.1100 and 72261900) under Sr. Nos. 6, 7 and 8 of S. R.O.565(ty2OO6
dated 51h June, 2006;
(i) import of S ver cans and Lollipop Sticks (PCT code 3926.9099);
(k) import of Rubber Apron & Cots (PCT code 4016.9990);
(t) import of vehicles (CBU) by new entrants, as enumerated vide Sr.1, Table-lll of SRO
656(1y2006, in terms of Auto Development Policy;
(m) import under PCT codes 1202.4200 and 1517.9000, by registered manufacturers of food
and confectionary industry; and
(n) impo( of input materials used for manufacturing of auto parts by local vendors under
Notification S. R.O.655(l)/2006, dated the 5th June, 2006.
3. Rate of Regulatory Duty on import of CKD/SKD kits, of home appliances, mentioned in the
Table, and of which kits are not specified separately therein, shall be five per cent.
4. Regulatory duty on import of pine nut (chitgoza) fafling under pcr code 0802.9100,0802.9200,
0802.9900 and marble (crude or roughly trimmed) falling under PCT code 2515.1100 shall be exempted
and regulatory duty on import of ground nuts in shell falling under PCT code 1202.4100 shall be reduced
ftom 20yo to 10%, if imported from the lslamic Republic of Afghanistan.
5 For the purpose of levy of regulatory duty under this Notification, the value of vehicles (PCT
Code 87 03) having bullet proofing and other security features shall be the same as determined under
Notification No. S.R.O.No 1121(l)12007, dated the 17th November,2007.
6. This Notification shall take effect from the 1"'day of July,20?2 and if not rescinded earlier, shall
remain in force till the 30rh June, 2023.
IC NO 6(2y2021-CBl ,.
(Suraiya Ahhed Butt)
Additional Secretary