What Is Working Drawing
What Is Working Drawing
What Is Working Drawing
Fine Art definition - drawing that develops an idea towards a final work of art.
What involves working drawing?
Brainstorming ideas
Detail Drawing
The detail drawing conveys as much information as possible about a single component.
It will be clearly labeled with a part number and name.
It may include several views of the object--top, front and side--and a projection view.
These drawings are annotated with information, including overall and detail dimensions,
tolerances, materials, and treatments.
Assembly drawing
Assembly drawings show how pieces of a construction fit together.
exploded view - with pieces drawn separately but in correct relative positions
general assembly drawing - where everything is drawn in its right place
detailed assembly drawing - which is a drawing of working assembly with measurements.
Exploded view
good for viewing how pieces fit together.
Usually no dimension or piece of information
Each component has 6 sides and each can be shown as a view on a drawing.
Typically there are 3 views (front, Top, and right side)
Alphabets of line
Visible line – thick
Hidden line – thin broken line
Center line – thin
Extension and dimension line – thin
Projection line – thin
Cutting plane line – showing direction of viewing plane.
Break line – thick for short breaks, thin
Phantom line – thin
Section line – thin
Sectional Drawing
are multi-view technical drawings that contain special views of a part or parts, which reveal
interior features.
fractions of decimal.