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ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 Texas Tech University Statics Norville Chapter 4: Moments 4.1 | Moment of a Force About a Point 4.2 | Moment of a Force about a Point in Three Dimensions 4.3 | Moment of a Force about a Line (or Axis) 4.4 | Moment of a Couple 4.5 | Moving a Force on a Rigid Body 4.6. | Distributed Loadings Part 1 1 | Download Chapter 4 PDF 4 | Equations WebCOM™ 2.0 is a trademark of Great River Learning. All rights reserved. © 2002-2016. ip. grtep.comvindex cfmisttesfadmirvPagelprinipagelD "401928, 1185ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 Texas Tech University Statics Norville 4.1 Moment of a Force About a Point The moment of a force is a measure of the force's tendency to cause a body to rotate about the point. Mathematically, we express the moment of force F about point O, i, as: M,=7*F in which # denotes the force and denotes a position vector with its tail on the point about which we are taking moments and its tip on any point along the line of action of the force. In the equation above, we see that we compute the moment of a force about a point using the cross product. This is a vector multiplication method which we discuss in detail later. Moments are vector quantities. Their direction is perpendicular to the plane containing the force # and the position vector 7. In the case where we are discussing co-planar force and position vectors, moment vectors are perpendicular to the plane. Figure 4-1 shows force /*, position vector 7, and the moment vector M,. Figure 4-1 depicts ‘7, in blue with its line of action directed perpendicular to the plane. Typically when the forces and position vectors lie in the xy-plane, we do not represent moment vectors graphically with straight arrows. Instead, we use curved arrows, like the one that Figure 4-1 shows in black. We note in passing that we have talked about the moment about point O. We stress that a force can have a moment about any point in space that does not lie on the force's line of action. ip. grtep.comvindex cfmisttesfadmirvPagelprinipagelD "401928,arvz016 ‘tu gep comfndex
2 =|2 2. Olvem= ( 240 100 Wom} = (200-s801 mie ~ (280k)w 240 100 0 2 buen (45-27) Fe (2407 + 100) i k 4-2 4-2 O|N-m= ( 240 100 jm tao + 480)N- mJk = (ss0k)w m 240 100 0 4.1.4 More on the Moment of a Force about a Point H, Figure 4-8. The Moment of Force F about point 0, if, | Rule: Whhan datarminina the mamant af a farce chant a naint nlace the TAM af the hip grep comvindexcfmisttesfadmivPagelprinipagel0/"40%228 +085ararot6 position vector, the TIP of the position vector, 7, on any convenient point on the line of action of the force. A convenient point is one for which we know the coordinates. mind cfn/staticsadminPagalpriipagetD 1201828 MAG LUARE QUU UL puny, pious Le sana un se wectetauany Uae on the point about which you are taking the moment and Helpful Hint for Two Dimensions: When determining the moment of a force about a point in two dimensions, you might find it helpful to sketch the rectangular components of and /*. You can use these in either the scalar approach or the determinant approach to evaluate the moment. Given: Force F acting in the xy plane. Find: The moment of force # about point B in Figure Ex 4-4a. We also wish to determine the shortest distance from point B to the line of action of force ?’. & 200: ipa EI sms “B(L50.150)@ é x Figure Ex 4-4a. Simple Example 4-4 The force F as a Cartesian vector: (2.25-0)7+ (1.95-3)7 F = (20016) (1751-97. Wj) (225-0)? (175-3 We have two possible convenient points on the line of action of force F. So, to make a point, we will calculate the moment about point C twice, once with each position vector. hapa grtep.comvindex fmisttesfadminvPagelprinipagelD "401828 +85ararot6 ‘tugrep.comindex
Simple Example 4-5: Given: The force shown acts at point A. Find: (a) The moment of the force about point O and the shortest distance from 0 to the line of action of the force and (b) the moment of the force about point P and the shortest distance from P to the line of action of the force. z F-(107 +107 5k) Figure Ex 4-5a. Simple Example 4-5 Solution: ars > (343k \m pt grtep comvndeximistatesfacmin’PagelorinypagelD/1401928 +65tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 ararot6 M, = \1S? + 30? + 307kN = 45.0 kN - m F = f10? + 10? + 5?kN = 15.0kN 4SkNm TSN be gp= {0- CDI + 3-H + — 29k }m = (F4 6+ Bm i oj k 1 6 1 Jan - m= (207 ~ 157 + 70k) -10 10 5 M, = \[20? + 15? + 707KN = 74.3 kN» m F = 10? + 10? + 5°kN = 15.0kN __ T43KkN-m TSR = 496m Moments are vectors! They have magnitudes and directions pt grtep comvindex.imisttesfacminyPagelprinypagelD/1401928 +565ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 4.2.1 Varignon’s Theorem Varignon's Theorem is simply a statement of the distributive law. If several forces act at a point A, Figure 4-9, the resultant of the moments of the several forces about point 0 equals the moment of the resultant force, R = Given: In Figure Ex 4-6a, forces P and @ act at point 0. Find: The resultant moment ¥ iif, of the forces about point 0. Report the magnitude and direction of the moment. Figure Ex 4-6a. Simple Example 4-6 hapa grtep.comvindex fmisttesfadminvPagelprinipagelD "401828 +065ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 ij k 2-3. 5 |kip ft 300 4 ij &k Lito =74* (P+ 8) = 2-3 S|kip-fe 3-12 4 TMo= (48.03 + 7.00) - 15.0% )kip “ft Magnitude: YM, = 1/48? + 7? + 15?kip « ft = SO.Rkip ft Direction: WebCOM™ 2.0 is a trademark of Great River Learning. All rights reserved. © 2002-2016. Loading (MathJax]/jax/output/HTML-CSS/fonts/Tex/fontdata.js ip. grtep.comvindex cfmisttesfadmirvPagelprinipagelD "401928, 788ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 Texas Tech University Statics Norville 43 Moment of a Force about a Line (or Axis) In this section we continue discussing the tendency of a force to cause rotation. In this discussion, though, we are concerned with the moment of a force about a line (or axis) which is a measure of the tendency of a force to cause a rigid body to rotate about that line (or axis). 4.3.1 Moment of a Force about a Line (or Axis) Consider a force F with convenient point B on its line of action and line a-a with convenient point A. Recall that by “convenient point" we mean a point for which we know the coordinates. ‘We would like to find the moment of force F about line a-a. The moment of # about line a-a measures the force's tendency to cause rotation of a rigid body about line a-a, Figure 4-10 shows line a-a, points A and B, position vector 7 = Fg, , force F, and a unit vector along line a-a, tga Figure 4-10. The Quantities Required to Compute the Moment of Force /* about Line a-a, M,,. The mathematical definition of the moment of a force about an axis is: This expression goes by the names of “mixed triple product” or “mixed scalar product.” Whatever we call it, the expression produces a scalar value. To determine the moment of a force about an axis we use the following procedure: ip. grtep.comvindex cfmisttesfadmirvPagelprinipagelD "401928, +65arvz016 ‘tu gep comfndex
| Figure Ex 4-10a. Simple Example 4-10 Solution: The location of the point about which we sum moments does not change the moment of the couple. Therefore, if we sum moments about either point A or point C, we eliminate the force acting through that point from the summation. This concept is very important to reduce future computations. Let's sum moments about point A for convenience. This eliminates the 100 /h force that points down and to the left from the moment summation. Mex 27M, c= 7 [1s#(10005)cos60”] ' [(4c1000sins0?] = 196 t+ 1b? Notice the brackets. We placed those in the summation to emphasize the fact that we assign signs to the terms in the brackets based upon the sense of rotation rather than on any signs we might associate with individual quantities. We determine the shortest distance between the lines of action of the forces, the distance measured perpendicular to the lines of action, by computing the quotient of the magnitude of the moment of the couple divided by the magnitude of the force: Me 196ft-Ib hap. grtep.comvindex fmisttes/admirvPagelprinipagelD/1401828,arvz016 tugrepcomvindex
| 1502 Figure Ex 4-12a. Simple Example 4-12, Case 1 hapa grtep.comvindex fmisttesfadminvPagelprinipagelD "401828 3165ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 ol |<. 48 —_+ Figure Ex 4-12b. Simple Example 4-12, Case 2 Solution: The couples in Case 1 and Case 2 are Equivalent. Jearer ~ (He) aed ay (is) =7y (4f9(1501b) = BAF F = 2001b We should now see that when we compute the moment of a couple we must compute its magnitude and direction because it is a vector. To compute the magnitude, we multiply the magnitude of the forces by the perpendicular distance between their lines of action. We use the right hand rule to determine the direction and sense of the moment of the couple. 4.4.3 Resultant Couple Moment If two or more couples act on a rigid body the sum of the individual couple moments comprise the resultant couple moment that acts on the rigid body, ip. grtep.comvindex cfmisttesfadmirvPagelprinipagelD "401928,ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 Simple Example 4-13: Given: Figure Ex 4-13a shows a plate to which we have applied three couples. Find: The resultant couple moment that acts on the plate Lege 500% Figure Ex 4-13a. Simple Example 4-13 Solution: We will designate the counterclockwise direction as being positive for our moment summations. We should observe that we are using iM, to denote the "moment of the couple". We could use the same term to denote the moments about point C. Also, we will use Mp, to denote the resultant couple moment. 2g = Site Mp = [(1f)(50016)] + [(3/(40016)] — [(4/2)(60016)] = TO0ft + Ib = 00ft 1b? What could be simpler than that? If we learn and understand the concept of the couple, we will find that our understanding will often simplify our equilibrium analyses of rigid bodies. ip. grtep.comvindex cfmisttesfadmirvPagelprinipagelD "401928,ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 4.4.4 A Word on Types of Vectors We will close this section by discussing different types of vectors. We will encounter some further discussion of this topic shortly. We present this brief discussion to provide us with a framework for some of our future discussions. To begin with we will classify vectors into one of three types: fixed, sliding, or free. we define the types as follows: 1, Fixed Vectors - Fixed vectors are tied to a point. Examples of fixed vectors include: (1) The velocity of a particle, (2) the acceleration of a particle, (3) the momentum of a particle, and (4) a force acting on a particle. The last example is the one most germane to us in Statics. 2. Sliding Vectors - We may move sliding vectors along their lines of action without changing their effects on rigid bodies. We will discuss this under the topic of the principle of transmissibility. We use the term “sliding” as a synonym for “transmissible.” A force that acts on a rigid body is transmissible along its line of action. We will represent forces that act on rigid bodies as sliding vectors. 3. Free Vectors - We may move free vectors anywhere on a rigid body without changing their effect on that rigid body so long as we maintain their magnitude, direction , and sense. For ‘example, we can apply a moment to any point on a rigid body to produce the same effect. ‘A moment vector is a free vector. WebCOM™ 2.0 is a trademark of Great River Learning. All rights reserved. © 2002-2016, Loading [MathJaxi/jax/output/HTML-CSS/jax js ip. grtep.comvindex cfmisttesfadmirvPagelprinipagelD "401928,ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 Texas Tech University Statics Norville 4.5 Moving a Force on a Rigid Body ~ In this lecture we discuss the effects of moving a force on a rigid body. This will amplify some of the concepts that we discussed at the close of the last lecture. We will make extensive use of couples in determining the effects of moving a force off of its line of action. 4.5.1 Moving a Force on a Rigid Body (1) Moving a Force along Its Line of Action Figure 4-12 shows a rigid body with force acting at point A. We wish to move force from point A to point B which lies on the line of action of the force. To accomplish this we will apply F and —F to point B, as indicated in Figure 4-13. Figure 4-12. Rigid Body with Force /* Acting At Point 4 ip. grep comvindex cfmisttesfadminvPagelprinipagelD 1401828ararot6 cimstatesladmivPaglprintpagelDi1401928 Soe eee Figure 4-13. Rigid Body with Force /* Acting At Point 4 and Forces /*and ‘Acting at Point & To clean this up, we observe that force Facting at A and force - Facting at B cancel each other out. We are left with force Facting at B as shown in Figure 4-14, Figure 4-14, Rigid Body with Force /* Acting at Point B. We conclude that we can transmit a force anywhere along its line of action on a rigid body without changing its effect on the rigid body. This defines the principle of “transmissibility.” (2) Moving a Force in Some Direction Other Than along its Line of Action. Figure 4-15 shows a rigid body with force # acting at point A. We wish to move force F to point B which clearly does not lie on the line of action of force F. Figure 4-15. Rigid Body with Force Acting At Point 4 We will again add force #* and subtract force —F' at point B as shown in Figure 4-16. ip. grtep.comvindex cfmisttesfadmirvPagelprinipagelD "401928,ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 ‘Added at Point B Figure 4-16. Rigid Body with Force /* Acting At Point 4 and Forces /and In this case, force # and force -F have parallel lines of action. They form a couple. The couple produces a couple moment if; = 7 F. Figure 4-17 shows the couple moment i/,. replacing force F that had acted at point A and force ~F that we had placed at B. The force F acting at point B and the couple moment if, comprise the equivalent force-couple system acting at B. Figure 4-17. Rigid Body with Force j* Acting at Point B and the Couple Moment iif So when we move a force in a direction that is not along the force's line of action, we produce a couple moment i/;. The force at point B and the couple moment if; have the same effect on the rigid body as did force F in its original location at point A. 4.5.2 Reduction of Several Forces and Couples Figure 4-18 on the left shows several forces and couples acting on a rigid body. We wish to upg comindex.tmistas/ndminPagerinpageO/ 140128 sesez016 ‘up comfndex
| Figure Ex 4-15a. Rigid Rectangular Plate with Four Forces Acting upon it Solution: The simplest means to accomplish this consists of picking a point, any point, and evaluating the resultant couple associated with putting the resultant force at this. iapit.grtep.comvindexcfmisttes/admirvPagelprinipagelD/"401228ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimistatesladmivPaglprintpagelDi1201928 point. Then we will move the force perpendicular to its line of action until we eliminate the resultant couple, as we did in part (c) of the previous example. We compute the resultant force as: Pp- LF F, [G00 — 400): + (200 + S007 }e Fp [C100 + 700)7 Jb Fp
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° S We evaluate the resultant couple as: Mp,> IMg Mg, ~ 0+ (37 * 3007 + 23 x 2007 +47 x 500) ya tb Mg, = (1.5k)f- kips = 1.5ft- kips Figure Ex 4-15b depicts the equivalent force-couple system at point 0. To eliminate the couple we move the force perpendicular to its line of action a distance Mc 1.5 ft-kips = Te _ Sit Ket _ 4 12/1 from point 0 as shown in Figure Ex 4-15c. Fa 7071b J ’ 01 1 Simkipd) z| 819° y © eo Figure Ex 4-15b. Force-Couple System at 0 Equivalent to Four Given Forces ip. grtep.comvindex fmisttesfadmirvPagelprinipagelD 1401828ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 o \_ are : jure Ex 4-15c. Single Resultant Force that has the Same Effect on the Rigid Rectangular Plate as do the Given Forces That wasn't that bad was it? The bad news is that the force can act at infinity of points to cause the same effect on the plate as the given loads. It can act anywhere along its line of action on the plate! Simple Example 4-16 Given: Figure Ex 4-16a shows a rectangular plate in the xy plane with four forces in the z-direction acting upon it. Therefore the forces act perpendicular to plane of plate and their lines of action are parallel Find: The single resultant force that acts on the plate and the location at which it acts 80 that it has the same effect on the plate as the forces given 300% 500% 40015 sa 5R eo TR LO “Sg x Figure Ex 4-16a. Rigid Rectangular Plate with Four Forces Acting Perpendicular to it pita grip comindex fmistastodminPapebriripageO 401828ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 Solution: We begin by finding the resultant force. IF (300 Ib + 400 1b + 500 1b + 600 1b)k (1800 /b)k Let's hypothesize that the resultant force acts at point Q with coordinates (xo,y79). The moment of the resultant force about point 0 in Figure Ex 4-16b must be the same as the resultant moment of the given forces about point O in Figure Ex 4-16a. Figure Ex 4-16b. Rigid Rectangular Plate with Resultant Force Acting at Point Q The position vector for point Q is: To determine the coordinates of point Q we will equate the moments of the given forces about point 0 to the moment of the resultant force about point 0. Eilo= [7 x 400k + (s+77) x 600K + Tj x 500K fi «Ib - FV. stone nat ip. grtep.comvindex cfmisttesfadminPagelprinipagelD/"401828ararot6 cimstatesladmivPaglprintpagelDi1401928 ~ Kol Yo! J > Uowiosn [77007 - so00j + Ib = (1800 Ib)y gf - (1800 1b)x gf To solve we begin by equating coefficients of i on both sides of the equation above: (1800 fb). = 7700ft «Ib T7o0/ tb 2o~ “e007 = 4.288 We then equate coefficients of j on both sides of the equation to obtain (1800 /5)xg = ~ S000ft Ib S000 ft Ib *o~ “T800% = 2.78ft This is a lot like finding the center of mass for a collection of point masses. A Last Comment on Reduction of Force Systems In general, except for the special cases of parallel force systems or concurrent force systems, we can reduce a three dimensional force system to a single resultant force and a couple parallel to the force. In mechanics, we call the system consisting of a force and a parallel moment a "wrench." Figure 4-19 shows a wrench. jure 4-19. A Wrench WebCOM™ 2.0 is a trademark of Great River Learning. All rights reserved. © 2002-2016. ip. grtep.comvindex cfmisttesfadmirvPagelprinipagelD "401928,ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 Processing math: 100% ip. grtep.comvindex cfmisttesfadmirvPagelprinipagelD "401928, 65ararot6 tugrtp com/index cimstatesladmivPagtprintpagelD11401928 Texas Tech University Statics Norville 4.6 Distributed Loadings Part 1 Until this point we have modeled forces a concentrated forces. A concentrated force is a very useful concept that those of us who deal with equilibrium problems will use throughout our engineering careers. In reality, a concentrated force is nothing more than an idealization. Instead, forces are spread over lengths or areas. In this discussion, we will introduce the concept of a distributed loading. We will use the information from our previous discussion to reduce distributed loadings to equivalent concentrated resultant force acting at a specified locations. 4.6.1 An Initial Word on Distributed Loadings We can think of a distributed loading as an infinite collection of infinitesimal loads. We will generalize what we have learned above to find a single resultant force and the location of its line of action on a rigid body so that the single resultant force has the same effect on the rigid body as does the distributed loading If we consider a “line load” acting normal to a beam or bar as shown below in which w(x) has force Units Of Trtength action by integration as indicated in Figure 4-20. We will begin our next discussion with this ‘then we find the equivalent concentrated load and the location of its line of topic. A= fiulx}ee : fa(ajac Erae(x)ae foe olin Figure 4-20. Reduction of a Line Loadina to a Sinale Fauivalent Force ip. grtep.comvindex fmisttes/admivPagelprinipagelD/"401828 4865ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagtprintpagelD11401928 4.6.2 Distributed Loadings on Straight Rigid Beams Figure 4-21(a) on the left of the equal sign depicts schematically a distributed loading on a rigid beam. The distributed loading has a line above the rigid beam and arrows indicating the direction and sense of the loading. The distance between the line at the top of the distributed loading and the straight line that represents the rigid beam axis is proportional to the magnitude of the distributed loading. Sometime, sketches of distributed loadings do not use arrows to denote the sense and direction of the load. Usually, in these cases, the loading acts from the line at the top of the distributed loading towards the axis of the rigid beam. We note that some distributed loadings can act upwards on a horizontal rigid beam, for example. Our preferred method will be to use arrows to show the direction and sense of the loading. We will measure distance from the left end of the rigid beam using the parameter x which has units of length (ft, m, or multiples thereof). We will use w(x) to denote the magnitude of the loading. In the general case, w(x) will vary with the parameter x. For a line loading, as in Figure 4-21(a) on the left of the equal sign, the loading has dimensions of force per unit length. We will discuss dimensionality in a bit more detail at a later point. =f (hee COUNT - no © a, = w(2)de F w(x) {la (@) Figure 4-21. Reduction of a Line Loading to a Single Equivalent Force Our object in this discussion consists of using the information from our last lecture to find a single concentrated force, F', and the location, z, where it must act so that it has the same effect on the rigid beam as does the distributed loading. Figure 4-21 (a) on the right of the equal sign indicates the concentrated force and its location. hapa grtep.comvindexcfmisttesfadmirvPagelprinipagelD 1401228 49165ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPaglprintpagelDi1401928 lo Tina tne magnituge or tne equivalent concentrate loaaing we begin py considering a small portion of the loading at a distance x from the left end of the rigid beam. Figure 4-21(a) to the left of the equality indicates this small portion of the loading in green. Figure 4-21(b) enlarges the drawing of the portion and gives dimensions associated with it. The height of this small portion of the loading is w(x) and the width is dx. Since dx is smaller than any number that you can imagine (itis infinitesimal), it is reasonable to model the small portion of the loading as a rectangle. The area of the rectangle [base: dx; height: w(x) is w()de. This area has dimensions of force. We use F, to denote the magnitude of the equivalent concentrated load. We wall denote magnitude of the small portion of loading, the area of the rectangle, as: Ro wOndd To find the total equivalent concentrated acting on the rigid beam, we simply add up all of the small components of load. Thus: Fr = Sowodx In which L denotes the length of the rigid beam. If we think about this for a moment, we have added up all the small areas along the rigid beam and what we have ended up with is the area under the loading diagram. Stated simply, the magnitude of the resultant concentrated force equivalent to a distributed loading is the area under the loading diagram. Next, we want to find the location at which the resultant concentrated force must act so that it produces the same effect on the rigid beam as does the original distributed loading. To accomplish that, we observe that the magnitude of the moment of our infinitesimal loading dF y= w(x)dx about the left end of the rigid beam is the loading times its moment arm, or xdF p= xw(ddx. This expression clearly has units of length time force. Again we just add them up. We will let the term 3 (read "x-bar” and not a vector) denote the location at which the resultant concentrated force acts. Then the moment of the resultant force about the left end of the rigid beam is -2#’, and the moment of the distributed loading about the left end of the rigid beam is —[/xw(x)dv. The negative signs arise from our convention that counterclockwise moments are positive. Equating these two expressions gives: = Sinead The neaative sians cancel out. We describe the exoression Z/"» as the first moment of the ipa grtep.comvindexcfmisttes/admirvPagelprinipagelD/1401228ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 loading diagram about the left end of the rigid beam. Moments come up all the time in mathematics. For example, the mean of a probability distribution, for example, is the first moment of the probability distribution about the origin of coordinates. We will see this expression again because ¥ denotes the x coordinate of the centroid of the loading diagram. To conclude this discussion of location of the resultant concentrated force, to have the same effect on the rigid beam as does the distributed loading, the resultant concentrated force must act at the location defined by: ie, Show oxyde Fe Theooar To summarize, we find that the magnitude of the resultant concentrated force that is equivalent toa distributed loading must equal the area under the loading diagram. Furthermore, its line of action must pass through the centroid of the loading diagram. We should all be familiar with centroids from previous work in mathematics and physics, if not, a table exists at the back of your textbook. The real question is: "Who needs a table when we can integrate?” So, let us follow this discussion with a plethora of simple examples. Given: The triangular loading shown in Figure Ex 4-17a acts on the grey rigid beam, Find: The magnitude of the equivalent concentrated resultant force and the location at which it acts to produce the same effect on the rigid beam as does the original triangular loading given. U7 w(x) =a Figure Ex 4-17a. Rigid Beam with Triangular Loading 720% hapa grtep.comvindex fmisttesfadminvPagelprinipagelD "401828 51165ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPaglprintpagelDi1201928 Figure Ex 4-17b. Rigid beam with a Concentrated Resultant Force Equivalent to the Triangular Loading Given Solution 1 Integration The loading diagram increases linearly with x beginning from 0 at the left end of the rigid beam and ending with a maximum value of 2402 at the right end of the rigid beam. We compute the slope of the loading diagram as the change in its value divided by the distance over which that change occurs: » ao’ “Of With the slope, we can represent the height of the loading diagram w(x) at a distance x from the left end of the rigid beam as: ws) = (»: } Then the magnitude of the equivalent concentrated resultant force becomes the area under the loading diagram: ‘6 Fr w (ej [207] = 7201 We observe that this is equal to 0.5(base)(height) = 0.5(6f2) (5 ) The magnitude of the first moment of the loading about the left end of the rigid beam is: hapa grtep.comvindex fmisttesfadminvPagelprinipagelD "401828aver016 st.gtep.comindexcn/staesicinPapapindpagetD 1201928 on sr, ~ {40% \2ae = [22] = afy= Mt of a I = 2880 1b fi We use this expression to determine the location at which the equivalent concentrated resultant force acts as: iy 288067 TROT = 4.00ft Solution 2: Direct Computation The area under the loading diagram is: 1 bY) Fp = 3(6f)( 240; | = 2015 The centroid of a triangle is located 2/3 of the way from its vertex towards its base: 2 56M =4fi Whichever solution path you chose, what could be simpler than that? Simple Example 4-18: Given: Figure Ex 4-18a shows a rigid beam with a uniformly ributed loading over the portion indicated. Find: The equivalent concentrated resultant force and the location at which it acts so that it has the same effect on the rigid beam as does the uniformly distributed loading. Please note that a uniformly distributed loading has a constant magnitude Ww 250 ™ — hip. grtep.comvindex cfmisttes/adminvPagelprinipagel0 1401228ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimistatesladmivPaglprintpagelDI1401928 pean an- Figure Ex 4-18a. Rigid Beam with Uniform Loading over a Central Portion F,=354 230mm Figure Ex 4-18b. Rigid Beam with a Concentrated Resultant Force Equivalent to Uniformly Distributed Loading Given Solution 1 Integration The magnitude of the equivalent concentrated resultant force is: m (sy m Fa=Nao0m (08 Ja = [250x]}2g0m = 35 KN Note that the integral over the entire length goes to zero in sections where no loading acts on the beam. The magnitude of the first moment of the equivalent concentrated resultant force about point A is: Av 230m BF y= Maou (0S eax = [1252 Joos0m = 5.6kN =m Finally, this leads us to the distance from A at which the equivalent concentrated resultant force must act as: iF S6kN-m Fe asex = 0160m = 160mm Solution 2: Direct Computation epi griep.comindex cfmistaesiodminPaperirpageO 4018288/2016 ‘
I The distance from the left end of the rigid beam to the point at which it acts is: = 18701b + fi Fy 1870p F730 = 233 Solution 2: Direct Computation The area under the loading diagram is: 1 » bY) Fy = 3(4M( 1005 + 3005 ) = soo The location of the centroid of a trapezoid is not immediately obvious. But we do not need to know it. We can divide the trapezoid into two triangles. We can then find the magnitude of the first moment of the loading about the left end of the rigid beam as: ify = LiFe BFR ; [ism (i005 Jr +4207 JF] = 1870 ft Ib Fy 18701b-t “won = 2334 What could be simpler than that? Simple Example 4-20: Given: Figure Ex 4-20a shows a rigid beam with piecewise varying linear loading, Find: The concentrated resultant force and location where it acts so that it has the same effect on the rigid beam as does the given loading. WwW hapa grtep.comvindex fmisttesfadminvPagelprinipagelD "401828 8sararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPaglprintpagelDi1401928 m — oe Figure Ex 4-20a. Rigid Beam with Piecewise Linear Loadings Figure Ex 4-20b. Rigid Beam with Loading Divided into Parts Fy=205N Figure Ex 4-20c. Rigid Beam with Concentrated Resultant Force Equivalent to Loading Given in Figure Ex 4-20b Solution: We can either integrate as we did in precious examples or we can used the method we called direct computation. Let's try direct computation first. Begin by dividing the loading into parts. Te sketch below shows one possible division along with the equivalent concentrated resultant forces and the locations at which they act to in represent each part. Part 1: Upper left triangle with 3—~ height. Part 2: Rectangle on Aw left with 4— height. Part 3: Triangle on right epi griep.comiodex cfmistaestodminPaperirpageO 401828ararot6 tugrtep.comindex cimstatesladmivPagelprintpagelDi1401928 ‘The magnitude of the equivalent concentrated resultant force is the sum of the equivalent concentrated resultant forces that represent each part. Fao ZFr, Pa Fp, + Pa, + Pp, 7 4SKN + 12KN 410.5 = 27KN We find the location at which the equivalent concentrated resultant force acts by computing the magnitudes of moments about the left end of the beam: iF, ~ LiFe, EF g = (2m)(4.5kN) + (1.Sm)(12. KN) +(4m)(10.5 KN) = 69kN > m # Fa 69kN-m DN = 2.56m We will use this approach wherein we divide loadings (or areas) into parts quite often. If we wish to use integration methods to determine the equivalent concentrated resultant force we would proceed as follows: We find the magnitude of the equivalent concentrated resultant force as: av k v am Fr wf + (:S} feos (3) [ar +05], + [i i The magnitude of the moment of the given loading about the left end of the bar is: Pras fa Beowas hip. grep comvindex fmisttes/adminvPagelprinipagelD/"401928 59165ararot6 ‘grep comindx
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