Particularities of The Maritime Higher Education S

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Particularities of the Maritime Higher Education System as Part of the

Maritime Transport Engineering Studies
Constantza Maritime University
Mircea cel Batrin street 104, Constantza 900663
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The higher education in the maritime field is a particular domain of the engineering education. The main
characteristics are given by the existence of an international standard imposed by the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) that is compulsory for all maritime universities combined with the national engineering curricula,
that is also compulsory in accordance with the national standards. More than that, the maritime students must undertake
a 6 to 12 month obligatory practical training on board ships. Starting from 2009, Constantza Maritime University has
developed a project financed with European funds that aims for an increase in the quality of training and the practical
skills of the students that will be working in the maritime industry, by organizing and undergoing on board training
stages at higher standards. It is expected that once this objective is achieved, there will be a 40% increase in the
chances of employment in the shipping companies for the Romanian students. A coherent, modern application of such
a program with fully integrated on board training sessions, would ensure a better chance of employment for our
students in the European fleet. If the "equality of chances" principle is considered, the increase of theoretical
knowledge by acquiring specific practical skills for those students that undergo MARCON, for graduates of female
gender an increase of up to 60% in their employment chances is expected as maritime officers on board maritime ships.
The main purpose of our paper is to share with the academic community the findings related with the integration of this
kind of practical training in the general engineering curricula.

Key words: maritime education, deck cadet, engineer cadet, maritime transport, MET, on board training, MARCON

1 Introduction STCW standards. Both in Nautical Sciences and Marine

Today, Constanta Maritime University is the principal Engineering the STCW Operational Level is obtained at
academic training institution in Romania. This position the completion of the Bachelor cycle.
was acquired through a continuous effort to offer to the The development of the maritime transportation and
future deck and engine officers the best training and its connected activities imposed the necessity of having
knowledge in the interest field. In this respect, changes more trained people involved in this operation, able to
were made, starting with revaluation of curricula, act in very various situations based on a considerable
brought it more closely to the present requirements of volume of knowledge.
the STCW Convention (Standard of Training, To achieve these standards, the training process,
Certification and Watchkeeping Convention) and especially for operation, must be highly professional and
shipping industry, succeeded by the improvements of in concordance with the international requirements in the
teaching methods, usage of the high technology and field. This professional training involves the use of the
newest simulators in this process, and, finally, but not latest developed techniques, as simulators, and dedicated
the last, improvement and increase the level of the computerized programs [11]. These new techniques and
trainers and teachers accordingly with the latest working procedures with a view to a better skills
technological development in this area of training. development represented, at beginning, a challenge for
Education at Constantza Maritime University (CMU) the traditional maritime academic training field, some of
aims two careers: one at sea as a merchant marine them still being a challenge due their continuous
officer, to become a long distance Captain or a Chief improvement and updates.
Engineer; the other is an on-shore career in a nautical Once the shipping industry grew up the work force
economic or nautical technical environment. The courses market requested more professionals and specialized
delivered at CMU meet stringent international and persons, the training system, at all levels, but special at
quality standard requirements set by the International academic level, had to accept the challenge of necessary
Maritime Organization through IMO frame courses. technology in order to respond and provide required
Certificates from CMU are fully compliant with IMO personnel [2]. There is a worldwide shortage of more

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than 35,000 merchant marine officers. According to the This was not an easy process, the beginning and first
latest forecasts and market prospects during the coming stages were complicated, partially due to the reduced
years this shortage will continue to increase. knowledge on the new technologies and the better
During the last decades, the seafaring profession in approach way to perform the best training in order to
most western European countries has gone through a reach the proposed results. These difficulties were not
major change. It was registered an increase in the finished once the familiarization started, they continued
standard of living and diminishing salary differentials after this stage because the technological changes
between jobs at sea and ashore in these countries. The appeared soon with new products and also new
required supply of ship officers can be guaranteed by procedures.
Eastern Europe and Asia. Romania is an important As we will see in the following pages, our main
supplier of officers, because the quality of the Romanian problem is to simultaneously comply simultaneously
Maritime Education & Training (MET) system is with two curricula standards:
worldwide recognized. Our graduates are trained for 1. the curricula standard imposed by the
International companies, since a national fleet does not Romanian Ministry of Education for the
exist any more. engineering diploma;
The attractiveness of a marine career in Romania is 2. the curricula standard imposed by the
very high since their allowance is above internal International Maritime Organization (IMO)
standards. Romanian seafarers serve the International for deck officers and maritime engineers
needs, but during their vacation they come back at their certificate.
families and spend their incomes. These advantages are
seen in the total number of students in 2009, enrolled in

Tuition Paid
2 Role and application of the STCW
Academic level paid by the tuition Convention in the seafarer training
government Despite its broad global acceptance, it was realized in the
Bachelor of Science - full late eighties that the Convention did not achieve its
486 2388
time purpose. Instead, the Convention gradually lost
Bachelor of Science - part credibility as its widened acceptance. The main cause of
- 2531
time this situation was the general lack of precision in its
Master studies 203 363 standards, the interpretation that was left to the
Doctoral studies 19 14
satisfaction of the Administration. This resulted in a
Total 708 5296
widely varying interpretation of its standards.
TOTAL number of students 6004
Table 1 - Number of students in academic year 2009 - 2010
Since the development of the Convention in the
seventies, many changes had taken place in the structure
Continuously monitored by competent bodies, both of the world merchant fleet and in the management and
national and international, the university is permanently manning of ships.
improving and revising standards, to meet the exigencies During the 1995 revision process, no changes were
imposed by: proposed to the articles of the Convention so as to allow
• European Maritime Safety Agency the amendments to be adopted and enter into force by
• Ministry of Education means of the tacit acceptance procedure. This procedure
• Romanian Institute for Education and European can only be applied to the amendments made to the
Quality annex of the Convention.
• National Council for Long Life Education Staying in the same subject area, at this moment, the
• Romanian Naval Authority training of the future maritime officers at Constanta
• National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Maritime University is made under the recommendations
Education of the International Maritime Organization, according
• Romanian Agency for Quality Assessment in with the STCW Convention and IMO Model Courses for
Higher Education operational and managerial levels.
• National Council of in Higher Education The STCW Convention provides the requirements
In all cases, where it was necessary to change the necessary for a trained person involved in the operations
traditional way of teaching and practice to the new one, on sea and the IMO Model Courses explain how can be
the first step was represented by the mentality changes of satisfied these requirements and what areas have to be
the trainers involved and, in the same time, by the update covered during the training process at the higher
of the theoretical base, including the technique aspects. educational level for an operational or managerial

ISSN: 1792-426X 169 ISBN: 978-960-474-202-8


officer. process must have a high level of knowledge and

The responsibility of the maritime universities is to understanding of the system and its requirements under
respect in their curricula the indications given by these present in force regulations.
documents and to do the training accordingly [12]. According with these major objectives, Constanta
Taking into consideration the revision of the STCW Maritime University developed its study programs under
Convention and Code was made long after its requirements of the Convention and applied the curricula
appearance, moment when basic concepts were recommended by the Convention through the IMO
considered outdated by the actual requests onboard the Model Courses for each of the principal specializations,
ships, the reappraisal of the IMO Model Course in order Navigation and Marine Engine.
to cover present lacks especially for the use of the Not only the programs and curricula were developed
modem technologies in maritime activities is necessary. and updated according with these requirements, also the
There is an option to study electronic navigation study cycles were structured in the operational and
separately, but much more usefully would be to combine managerial levels.
with other navigational procedures, such as coastal and In order to achieve these objectives, Constanta
celestial navigation, in complex applications. Maritime University started a process of training the
Also, requirements about the use of computerized trainers, to improve and to update their knowledge and
techniques and specialized software for applications in teaching skills to the present conditions and evolutions,
the coastal and celestial navigation are necessary to be based on:
introduced in the mentioned courses model [9]. - Development of the lecturers competencies
This conclusion comes from the actual situation on through promotion of knowledge and technologies in
board ships, where the higher techniques are already the academic maritime field;
present. The maritime university has the role to provide - Creation of a development, update and on-line
to the world fleet officers that are more trained and management framework for initial and continuous
capable to work with latest equipment. It is formative of the human resources;
unreasonable, in a century of high techniques, to teach - Execution of studies and analyses in order to
about procedures in a field as navigation [15], but not to define formative programs and an optimum correlation
mention about the latest technology found onboard, of these ones with the maritime industry necessities;
made just to be used for a more safely navigation - Increase of access and participation of the
activity. lecturers to formative programs in order to obtain a
In order to improve competences and skills of the double qualification;
future officers, it is important to make changes on the - Control of the process and teaching activities
present training requirements and bring them to the through initial and continue formative programs in
actual development of the maritime field and so, to scope of improvement of TIC using level.
consider the missing is covered [3]. All these are based on the premise than continuous
Inside of this concept of uniform and updated learning is the main condition for reorganization and
training, Constanta Maritime University developed its development of the educational and formative systems,
profile and vision as maritime officers formative, for assurance of decisive competencies during life and to
combining STCW 95 Convention requirements with the realize the coherency among persons involved in the
latest technological development in order to provide to maritime academic system.
the international shipping market better trained people, Also, it is necessary to involve maritime lecturers in
capable to apply STCW objectives and also to use the the international maritime transport framework, to put
modem technology for a more safety sea. them in a direct contact with the end users of their work,
The improvement of the training process is the companies from the maritime industries and to know
compulsory in the present due to the new position of the exactly their needs [1]. The international maritime
Maritime Education and Training institutions, as companies are the necessary source of information
providers of services for maritime industry and regarding worldwide requests for employment of the
correspondent activities. In this respect, these institutions maritime personnel.
have to pay attention to the following underlying factors: Collaboration with partners from maritime field, as
• programs and courses must meet industry standards project objective, is found on communication and
and regular requirements; information changes in order to identify and implement
• programs and courses must be relevant and meet of adequate modalities to increase the number of work
clients and industry needs; places and to optimize them [13].
• training level of graduates must be accordingly with According to the revised STCW Convention, the
STCW and national authorities requirements; simulators must be used more effective in the training
• teachers and trainers involved in the training process of the future seamen and officers. The high

ISSN: 1792-426X 170 ISBN: 978-960-474-202-8


technology has to be used in order to increase the level condition and schedule for students and the level of
of training and to reach higher standards of knowledge theoretical knowledge necessary to be acquired by
and skills. students before to proceed to the onboard practice.
The use of simulators and technology, especially In time, the number of shipping companies interested
electronic devices, in the training process offers the to take cadets increased and the number of the trained
possibility to create models close to the reality. As a students increased also. During the year of 2008, through
direct effect, the students are more implicated in the this protocol, a number of 555 students covered their
events and also more receptive to the training objectives. onboard practice on ship owned or under management of
In the first stage, we have to familiarize the students collaborative shipping companies.
with all of these equipments and make them understand
their function and role in the navigation, with
implications in the safety of the maritime activities.
Today, many ships are armed with the latest 3 Academic programs in CMU
technologies for navigation, as GPS devices, Anti- Objectives and professional competencies for the three
Collision Radar and Electronic Charts Display, professional degrees (Bachelor, Master and Ph.D) were
Automatic Identification System devices. considered and curricula devised according to new
During school training, future operators receive data concepts facing new realities, thus ensuring the students'
about technical details, configuration, operational and academics' mobility. Distribution of fundamental
procedures, models of data analysis and correct profile, specialty and complementary subjects was also
decisions. During the applications made based on the revised.
simulators, the students have the possibility to develop To be promoted to managerial positions, B.Sc.
their skills using these devices; they can work with them graduates have to further education in master programs
interconnected, analyze all data or compare data received and even Ph.D. The university is supported by 22
from two different devices or from other sources. Thus, crewing agencies within an Erasmus Program for
they will learn to use information in the navigation European students to receive best training conditions on
activities and at the end to realize a safe and correct board international seagoing ships employing
travel for their virtual ship. multicultural crews. Our undergraduates enrolled in the
In order to achieve the STCW Convention Erasmus mobility program benefit of best on board
requirements for onboard training, until 2004, Constanta training conditions and also are granted consistent
Maritime University students' practice has been scholarships.
developed onboard of scholarship "Neptun", but due to a By rigorous analysis, the university was able to
lot of engine and hull problems, this activity has been identify gaps in its educational offer. By adding training
suspended. courses for employees of maritime industry and
After this practice, the solution found by Constanta expertise for companies working in the field, CMU
Maritime University was to send its students in respond to the market demands in about 96%.
international voyages with different shipping companies, Maritime Education and Training (MET) evolves
local or international, for this action being contacted the
local crewing agencies or owners offices. This was the
first step of the current situation, when over half of
Constanta Maritime University students covers their
requested onboard training on ships of different owners,
most of them, international shipping companies with a
great rename on the world shipping market, as NYK
Ship Management, Japan, Peter Dohle from Germany,
Maersk, Denmark, CMA-CGM from France and many
others, in totally, 22 shipping companies being part of
the partnership.
Taking into account the present regulations regarding
onboard training period as cadet, 12 months for deck
cadet and 6 months for engine cadets, our University Figure 1 – Time frame carrier evolution for Romanian
maritime officers
took the decision to help and facilitate students' onboard
practice. In this way, in the present agreements and
protocols are signed between shipping companies, their along with the fast development of maritime industry,
local representatives and University, where are stipulated since technological developments go hand in hand with
the requested training objectives, onboard live and work efficient training.

ISSN: 1792-426X 171 ISBN: 978-960-474-202-8


Both theoretical education and practical training are system.

demanded for professionals in order to meet After defining the futures of the graduates, course
requirements on practical abilities and to enhance the topics have been developed in terms of "knowledge".
capability of fast responding to the various needs of the This is the task of the professors in charge of the course
maritime industry. It is known that developed countries and in case of courses with a great number of application
introduce advanced technology and modem ships, hours the maritime instructors are also implicated in the
whereas developing countries produce the seafarers [5]. planning process [10]. For the best identification of the
Maritime lecturers are facing two challenges: students’ professional training needs as future maritime
• to develop a teaching syllabus able to meet officers, the academic staff involved in this activity must
expectations of the rapidly changing maritime industry have a maritime background, usually as former maritime
in terms of both maritime business managers and deck officers. For teachers without a maritime background but
officers; necessary involved in the professional maritime training
• to handle with the number of hours allocated. of the students (i.e. Maritime English teachers), some
Steps followed for creating a maritime course familiarization with the maritime transport particularities
is crucial [6]. For this purpose, CMU is organizing
training courses, as the ones that are running in 2010 as
part of the “MARCON” project. This project is financed
by the EU and has as main objective to train the trainers
that are teaching maritime related disciplines, mainly the
young teachers and/or the teachers without a maritime

Figure 2 – Drawing up a maritime course curricula 3.2 Hour allocation

Each topic allocated a number of hours according
curricula are depicted in figure 2: with the objectives of the two tracks in terms of
"knowledge" and "skills". It is needed to take into
3.1 Defining the needs of graduates account related disciplines and gained background.
Features of graduates are expressed by terms like Lecturers of different disciplines have to cooperate in
knowledge, skills and attitudes. order to create non over dimensioned teaching syllabus.
These were defined by qualified representatives of The number of hours of training for the disciplines
teaching staff, representatives of the shipping and directly related with the maritime profile is also defined
logistics industry, former graduates. The back bone of at international level ant the Naval Authority is
each maritime course lies on the competencies that must monitoring the correct number of ours for each course.
be gained by the student and mentioned as requirements One of our main problems is related to the numbers of
in the STCW 95 Convention. We have to bear in mind hours allotted for each year of study. In this specific time
that at graduation the students receive the B.Sc. diploma frame we have to include the general purpose
in transport or marine engineering. This engineering engineering courses required by the Romanian Technical
diploma is endorsed by the Romanian Ministry of Education system and the maritime professional courses
Education and in accordance with the “Bologna” required by the STCW Convention. Our teaching
Convention the diploma is recognized in all EU curricula and courses syllabus are verified and certified
countries. at the same time by the Higher Education Quality
In order to be certified as maritime officers they will Standards Commission of the Ministry of Education and
undertake another exam organized by the Romanian by the Romanian Naval Authority.
Naval Authority. In order to accede to this exam, Because in Romania we have only two maritime
students must accomplish the compulsory on board higher education universities, there are not many experts
training stage (12 month for deck cadets and 6 month for for the maritime education and training system working
engineering cadets). outside these universities. Consequently, each time we
Consequently, we can say that the specific maritime have to deal with an inspection of the Higher Education
competencies are mainly evaluated and certified by the Quality Standards Commission we have to spend a lot of
Romanian Naval Authority, an institution that is not time explaining the particularities and specific
under the jurisdiction of the Romanian Ministry of requirements of the maritime education system, that are
Education. The maritime officer certificate issued by the not common for the rest of the engineering
Romanian Naval Authority is worldwide recognized, due specialization.
to the STCW Convention provisions and the The number of hour allotted for the practical training
acknowledged quality standard of the Romanian MET is also a very big problem for our curricula. For deck

ISSN: 1792-426X 172 ISBN: 978-960-474-202-8


maritime students (cadets) there are no less than 12 - management level refer to monitor, control and
month of compulsory on board training. For engineer maintain something related knowledge ensure
cadets, there are 6 month compulsory period for the on operation, law/convention, maintenance, system,
board training. In order to accumulate 6 month (180 theory etc [14].
days) of training on board ships, you need an average STCW'95 assures a minimum standard of
period of at least 8-9 month, because you can not stay on competences. Taking into account the maritime industry
board of a ship more than 3 to 4 month [7]. present requirements imposed by the modern technology
During the four years of study, only 6 month for the implemented on board ships, maritime officers need
practical training can be covered by the academic theoretical knowledge and strong experience at a higher
curricula. This means that all students have to finish standard that STCW 95. That is why our academic
their on board training period after they graduate, before programs are covering much more topics and in deep
enrolling for the Officer of Watch Certification Exam presentations that the STCW 95 level.
[4]. We have also to underline that after a five year
debate, in June 2010, the General Assembly of
3.3 Implementation of teaching syllabus International Maritime Organization (IMO) will ratify
Created teaching syllabus is evaluated by the Head of the new version of the STCW Convention. There will be
Department and the Dean. They are interested in a lot of updates and upgrades of the provisions of the
concepts like knowledge (definitions, laws, principles STCW convention, dictated by the last 10 years
etc.), practice (to be used with basic equipments, to be evolution of maritime transport.
able to use tables and charts, to collect and analyze data In C.M.U. the knowledge layers are related with the
in laboratory) and professional skills (acquiring basic academic programs as seen below:
skills related with thermal machines). Also, Head of
Department and the Dean check if the instructor supplies Knowledge layers Academic programs
course notes and references. Teaching syllabus should To find a new principle Doctoral studies
also contain information on examination and calculation (Management level)
To apply the principle
of grade. In order to meet the course requirements the Master studies
instructor has to mention in the teaching syllabus (Management level)
To understand the principle
number of independent learning hours. Undergraduate studies
All this information is contained in the "Guide of To know the principle (Operational level)
Student", so that students are aware regarding course Table 2 – Knowledge layers relation with academic programs
Students have to attend a well defined set of courses Teachers that are dealing with the training with our
in order to complete their education process: lectures or maritime students have to undertake from the beginning
practical training (using computers, laboratory of their teaching carrier a set of courses for their own
equipments, simulators). Because the curriculum has to training. Most of the courses are delivered as part of a
meet both standards for engineering and maritime project (MARCON) financed by the European Union
training, 90% of the courses included in the curricula are and cosponsored by the Romanian Ministry of Education
compulsory. and our university. Here we have the list of these
More than that, there are a set of another eight courses:
professional courses (called IMO courses) that are - Bridge Team Management
included in the not-compulsory category. The paradox is - Marine Resources Management
that for the students that want to embraces the sea-going - Train the Trainer
profession these courses are obligatory and have to be - Examination and Evaluation techniques
taken after the normal hour classes [8]. Without passing for seafarers
these courses, the students can not enrolled for the - Nautical Institute Maritime Education
maritime officer’s certification exam organized by the Training Scheme:
Romanian Naval Authority. - Advanced concepts for design and
Evaluation process refers to: delivery of E-learning courses"
- students (accomplished by written, oral or - New methods and technologies for
practical examination); research activities
- lecturer (students give feedback by filling in an - Developments in the MET system and
assessment worksheet referring to clarity and knowledge management
precision of the explanation, voice, contact with - Maritime English at World Maritime
students, time management etc;· these assessments University
contribute to the lecturer's yearly evaluation); - Diploma in Ship Management la Lloyd’s

ISSN: 1792-426X 173 ISBN: 978-960-474-202-8


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- Instructor for Liquid Cargo Handling lecturers according to STCW and training
Simulator system requirements, 10th General Assembly
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Universities - St. Petersburg, Russia,
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