Tomato Sauce Manufacturing Unt Small Category

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Business Plan for Tomato Sauce Manufacturing unit

1. Village Panchayat: AA Village

2. Block: BB Block
3. District: DD District
4. Applicant: Mr.AAA
5. Activity: Tomato Sauce manufacturing unit
6. Classification: MSME - Manufacturing
7.Sector classification (TNRTP) Small
8. Purpose of Note:
To recommend for sanction of the following limits: Term Loan/Working
Capital Demand Loan/Composite Loan (Rs. In Lakhs)
9. Nature of Facility Term loan – Composite loan
10. Purpose For new Tomato sauce manufacturing
11. Limit required Rs.28.80 Lakhs
12. Margin 10% of the project cost of Rs32 lakhs i.e
Rs. 3.20 Lakhs

Introduction: (Details of Promoter name, age, qualification and

experience, activity to be financed, existing or new unit, any existing
facilities with Banks etc. The present request for loan and purpose.)

Mr.AAA, aged 40 years is from AA village, BB Block, DD District. The

applicant propose to establish a tomato sauce manufacturing unit in the
village. He had earlier been associated with the similar activity for 5 years
and has adequate experience in the line of activity. The applicant presently
is not enjoying any facility with any Bank. The present request is for term
loan – composite loan of Rs 28.80 Lakhs under TNRTP Matching Grant
Programme for establishing a new Tomato sauce manufacturing unit as well
as working capital for smooth conduct of day to day operations.

About the product:

The tomato based value added product such as puree, paste sauce and
ketchup has become an integral part in the daily consumption pattern both
in rural and urban India. Due to the increasing standards of living in the
cities as well as the rapid urbanization of the rural areas, consumption of
tomato based products is expected to go up steadily.

Ketchup is a sweet and tangy sauce now typically made from tomatoes,
sugar and vinegar, with assorted seasonings and spices. The specific spices
and flavours vary, but commonly include onions, allspice, coriander, cloves,
cumin, garlic, mustard and sometimes include celery, cinnamon, or ginger.

Tomato ketchup is most often used as a condiment to dishes that are

usually served hot and may be fried or greasy: Cutlets, samosas, french
fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken tenders, hot sandwiches, meat pies,
cooked eggs and grilled or fried meat. Ketchup is sometimes used as the
basis for, or as one ingredient in, other sauces and dressings, and the
flavour may be replicated as an additive flavouring for snacks such as
potato chips.

The ketchup and sauce market alone, in India, is pegged at Rs.1,000

crores and growing at around 20% year-on-year. Therefore, there is a big
market for the processed tomato products. The major institutional
customers for Ketchup and tomato paste are restaurants. At present, the
market of ketchup/puree, especially in the urban areas, is dominated by
brands likes MAGGI and KISSAN. However, the existing market can still
accommodate micro or small scale units on their own or under other’s

I. Profile of the Entrepreneur

Name Mr. AA
Spouse Name
Age 40 Years
Education Graduate
Aadhaar Card No 86XXXX111111
Phone No 9111111111
Mobile No -
Email ID -
Number of years of experience in 5 Years in the line of activity
Trainings attended (no. and hours) 3 days EDP training through
Spouse’s occupation -
If Special category SC / ST / Differently abled /
Widow / Separated woman –
General category.
II. Enterprise Profile

Name of the Enterprise BBB Enterprises

Legal form of Enterprise Proprietor
Registration No 2222222222
Registration Date 01.02.2021
Registered with whom
GST No (if available) 33333333
Udhayam Registration(if available) Yet to be done.

III. Bank Linkage Details

Whether the enterprise has separate Yes – Current account

bank account
If any bank credit availed No
Name of the bank and branch details ABC, DD Branch
Nature of the bank facility Not applicable
Limit sanctioned Not applicable
Balance outstanding as on date Rs.3.20 Lakhs

IV. Enterprise Nature

Type of Manufacturing
Product to be
produced: Tomato Sauce i.e. Ketchup
1. Retail Sales
2. Direct to consumers for Hotels, restaurants etc in
Service to be bulk.
offered: 3. Wholesale Supply

 The unit is located in a central place in the village,

well connected to the road and easy approach to the
Demand  The rising number of health-conscious consumers of
ready to foods and fast foods is giving a boost to
ketchup industry. Today markets are flooded with a
large variety of tomato ketchup sachets and in PET
bottles. With changing lifestyles and increase in
disposable incomes, the demand for tomato-based
products is ever increasing. Besides consumption in
the households, it is served in hotels, restaurants,
clubs, airlines, railways, etc.

 Quality will be emphasized at each step right from

the beginning to the marketing of the Product.

 Company will also explore the possibility of

marketing their product to retails shops like Big
Bazar, Reliance Trends, and Malls etc. It will also try
to partner with local and other hotels and
restaurants with good offers to attract demand of its
product. It is assumed that due to high quality, cost
effectiveness and aesthetic packaging, sale of
products may not face much problems.

The capacity of the unit is production of 150 tons

per annum at 100% capacity with one shift of 8
Current hours and 300 days per annum. Initial production in
Supply the I year is assumed at 60% of the installed
capacity. This is the only unit in the Village to cover
the nearby urban areas, Hotels and restaurants.
Hence the products can be marketed without much
problem. No issues are envisaged in the production
and supply.


Location / Infrastructure:
1. Location The unit is located in a central place in
Brief on Location – Whether well the village, well connected to markets
connected to market by road etc., through the Main Highway, AH45 Main
road and is easily approachable to the
consumers as well as suppliers of raw
2. Land The business is proposed to be run in
Extent of Land, sq.ft. own premises. The required land space
Panchayat approval, of around 10000 sq.ft is available.
own/leased Panchayat approval for the proposed
activity is to be obtained.
3. Building There is a shed which was earlier
rented as a godown. This shed is to be
utilized for housing the machines
Approved plan from local body, proposed to be purchased. The minor
sq,ft, whether sufficient for modifications/repairs will be done by
the proposed activity the applicant at his own cost..
Approval/License from Village
Panchayat is to be obtained. The cost
of land and building is not included in
the Project cost.
4. Power The required power for running the unit
Whether required power will be around 100 units per day and
connection is available 2500 units per month at Rs.6/- per
unit. The required three phase
connection is to be obtained.
5. Water Around 1000 liters of water is required
Whether adequate water is every day. Adequate water resource is
available. available at the site to be drawn
through bore well.
6. Approval The applicant has applied for GST
Pollution control Registration, FSSAI and Pollution
Board/GST/FSSAI approvals Control Board approvals. Follow up is
or any other approval is being made by the applicant.
required. Present Status
The applicant is yet to register under
UDYAM. The same is under process.

7. Materials Needed Raw-materials

Quantity / Cost / Availability / The major raw material is Tomato.
Delivery Time to be discussed. Tomatoes will be sourced directly from
the Farm. Appropriate agreement will
be entered into by the applicant with
a. Raw materials :
the farmers directly for continuous
b. Equipment : supply of Tomatoes at reasonable price
c. Technology : prevailing while sourcing the tomatoes.
Other ingredients such as Sugar,
spices, vinegar, onions, preservatives
are available in the local market and
can be procured as and when it is

The promoter requires a set of
machines for different processes
involved such as washing, blanching,
pulping, mixing, heating, pasteurizing
etc. The required machineries are
detailed in Annexure A. The
machineries are to be procured
indigenously from a supplier from

The applicant has necessary
experience in the line of activity.
Further he underwent training in
RUDSET, Madurai. The required
technological support will be provided
by the supplier itself.
8.Cost of capital assets: (Rs in lakhs)
Details of 1.Machineries & other
equipment/machinery with Fixed Assets 23.00
cost of individual item required (As per Annexure A)
along with quotations.
2. Working capital
(As per annexure B) 9.00

Total Project cost 32.00

9. Cost of working capital for one

operating cycle The working capital requirement is
d. raw-materials, arrived at Rs.9.00 lakhs as per
e. Semi-finished goods, Annexure B.
f. finished goods,
g. receivables outstanding
h.Total working capital

(The value of raw-materials,

semi-finished goods, finished
goods, receivables outstanding to
be arrived)

25% of projected annual sales The assessment has been done as per
turnover if necessary. holding levels detailed in annexure B.
(The projected annual sales
should be reasonable and
10.Skills Requirements: skilled The promoter is experienced in the line
labour available / Not available of activity for five years and has the
required skills to run the unit. The unit
If not available: whether people requires 7 persons i.e. One Manager,
can be trained? If so, training Two skilled workers, two semi skilled
period and training facility? workers, one helper and one salesman.
Manager, two skilled workers are
permanent staffs only. Others are
causal staffs
11.Production Process:
a.Production Plan/cycle
(operating cycle may be one-  Fully ripe, red tomatoes are
day / week / month or one washed, sorted and trimmed.
year as per the activity  After cutting and chopping, the
tomatoes are subjected to
blanching at 70 to 90 degrees C,
for three to five minutes to
 Juice is extracted either
mechanically or through sieving.
 Straining of Tomato pulp/Juice.
 Cooking pulp with one-third
quantity of sugar.
 Putting spice bag in pulp and
pressing occasionally.
 Cooking to one-third of original
volume of pulp/juice
 Removal of spice bag (after
squeezing in pulp)
 Addition of remaining sugar and
 Cooking
 Judging of end-point
(Tomato solids by hand refract
meter volume by measuring
stick, (ie) one-third of its original
 Addition of vinegar / acetic acid
and preservative
 Filling hot into bottles at about 88
degrees Centigrade.
 Crown Corking
 Pasteurization (at 85 to 90 deg.
Centigrade for 30 minutes)
 Cooling
 Storage at ambient
temperature(in cool and dry

The operating cycle is assumed at 58

days for the unit as detailed in
Annexure B.


Marketing strategy : The tomato based value added products

a. Direct to customers : such as puree, paste sauce and ketchup
b. Bulk to Institutions : are extensively used in daily
consumption pattern both in rural and
c. Through Retailers /
urban India. Due to increasing standards
Wholesalers: of living in the cities and the rapid
d. Through Online: urbanization taking place in the rural
areas, consumption of tomato based
products is expected to go up steadily.

The major institutional customers of

tomato Ketchup are restaurants. Tie up
arrangements are to be made with local
restaurants and hotels. Further to
explore the possibility of appointing
distributors in select districts for
distribution under a “Brand name”. Apart
from these, focus will be on supply to
retailers as well as supply in the whole
sale market at a discount.

c. Pricing & Discounts :The price for one Kg of Tomato sauce

will be Rs.110/-. Bulk supply and
immediate cash payment will be
encouraged with a discount in price.
d. Market promotion  To target the restaurants and
strategies: hotels for bulk supply at a
competitive price.
 Further to explore the possibility
of selling under a “brand name”
through distributors after
obtaining ‘Quality Certificate’ from
 Different methods/attractive
packing materials will be used for
packing the Ketchup to attract
different types of customers.
 Will also explore the possibility to
have tie-up arrangements with
popular Brands such as “Maggie”
and “Kissan” for franchise in
certain areas.

e. Physical and digital While the payments are also accepted by

connectivity: way of cash, digital payments will be
encouraged with appropriate equipment
installed and cost will be borne by the
f. Risks and risk mitigation Market risk – The unit is the only unit
planned: working in the village and nearby areas.
Further the quality will be maintained at
each stage of processing and hence the
product will be a competitive product to
brands like “Kissan” and “Maggi” offered
at a lower price.


To be entered as per the required

Category of the enterprise proposed: Orange (code 2007) – Medium
polluting. The enterprise to obtain Consent to operate from
Environment Environment Greening Support needed
Issue Guidelines or Measures
identified mitigation identified
measures (for green, Implement Implement
Integrated orange and the the
(Please tick) red mitigation greening
categories) measures measures
 Electricity To ensure NA NA
Exploitation  Water adequate
of local measures
resources for Proper
(water and disposal of
energy) waste water

 Dust/air To ensure NA NA
Waste pollutants adequate
generation measures
and disposal for Proper
disposal of
dust and
waste fixing
fans etc.

Worker and  Safety Safety NA NA

Community measures / masks,
safety gadgets gloves,
chappals to
be provided.

Whether the activity proposed is in the negative list: No


1. Cost of the project and Means of the project:

a. Cost of the Project: (Rs in lakhs)
i. Fixed capital Machineries – 23.00
Cost of all the equipment’s
/machinery/construction(excluding land
ii.Working capital Working capital 9.00
iii.Pre-operative expenses* Nil
Total cost of the project (i + ii + iii) 32.00
Pre-operative expenses such as salaries to
permanent staff before commencement of
operations, Interest during holiday period etc to
be met by te borrower from his own source.

b. Means of the project:

i. Loan from financial Institution / Bank 28.80
(95% or 90%):
ii. Margin money -Borrower’s contribution 3.20
(5% or 10%):

Total means of the project ( i + ii ) 32.00

c. Matching grant from the project** 9.60

Whether the entrepreneur has the sufficient Yes. The applicant has
means to bring in the margin money and has deposit to the extent of
enough buffer to manage any cost escalations Rs.3.20 lakhs in the

**Matching Grant is @30% of the total cost of the project (excluding pre-
operative expenses, land cost, lease). As Matching Grant will be kept in a
“Subsidy Reserve Fund” account of the bank as a back-ended grant, it is
not shown under the Means of the project. The matching grant to be
adjusted as below:

(Rs in Lakhs)
Loan initially disbursed by the Bank - 28.80
Less 30% matching grant - 9.60

Balance principal amount to be repaid by

Borrower - 19.20

Upon completion of minimum period of 18 months and upon repayment of

principal amount of Rs.19.20 lakhs and the interest portion, the matching
grant of Rs.9.60 lakhs can be adjusted to the loan account of the borrower
and the loan account can be closed.
IX. Repayment capacity

1. Calculation of DSCR. (Profitability based on Projections in Annex D)

 Loan amount of Rs.28,80,000 repayable in 60 months @ 12% after
Holiday period of 6 months.
 Monthly instalment - principal amount is Rs.53333/-
Last instalment - Rs.53345/-
 Though the repayment is fixed for 60 months, upon prompt repayment
the loan is closed on the 43rd month itself with matching grant amount
of Rs.960000/- which is eligible for the project.
 50% of net profit and depreciation is taken for DSCR Calculation
in the I Year since only six months operation in I Year
 Interest calculation details available in Annexure F.

Particulars (6 M) YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5
Net profit
after tax 917240 2200520 2655959 3108995 3059948
Depreciation 115000 230000 230000 230000 230000
Interest 115200 195200 118401 41601 0
Grant 960000
Cash surplus
A 1147440 2625720 3004360 3380596 4249948
Repayment 0 639996 639996 640008 960000
Interest 115200 195200 118401 41601 0

B 115200 835196 758397 681609 960000

DSCR A/B 9.96 3.14 3.96 4.96 4.43

Average DSCR 5.29

The average DSCR is 5.29 which is above the minimum DSCR of 1.5:
1 as required by MGP guidelines. The repayment capacity is
2. Current Ratio

Current assets / Current liabilities

(To assess whether the enterprise has sufficient liquidity for the payments
that are due within 12 months. Current ratio should be more than

Particulars Year I Year II Year III Year IV

Raw material stock 42000 49000 56000 63000

Other ingrediants 8400 9800 11200 12600

Work in progress 88590 216583 245583 274733

Packing material 12600 31500 36000 40500

Finished goods’ stock 107345 265349 296202 327175

Receivables 643500 750750 858000 965250

Total current assets (A) 902435 1322982 1502985 1683258

Trade creditors 0 0 0 0
TL Instalments repayable in 0 639996 639996 640008
one Year
Total Current Liabilities(B) 0 639996 639996 639996
Current RatioA/B N/A 2.06 2.35 2.63

*TL instalments in year I is taken as ‘0’ since 6 months holiday

period to commence from Oct 2021 to March 2022.

Current ratio is above 1.25 in all the years. Hence the liquidity is
3. Debt/Equity ratio (DER)

The debt equity ratio is to find out the leverage of the owners capital.
DER: Total liabilities / Total equity (Projected Balance sheet as per
annexure E)

Particulars I Year II Year III Year IV Year

Term Loan 28.80 16.00 9.60 0
Current Liabilities 0 6.40 6.40 6.40
Total Debt(A) 28.80 22.40 16.00 6.40
Capital 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20
Retained profit 18.34 40.34 66.89 97.98
Grant 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60
Total Equity(B) 31.14 53.14 79.69 110.78
Debt Equity 0.92 0.42 0.20 0.06

The Debt to equity ratio is comfortable and reducing every year due
to retention of profits. It is below the bench mark level of 3:1in all
the years.

X. Recommendation:

As the proposal is viable and complies with the guidelines in respect of

Matching Grant Programme, we may recommend to the concerned Bank.

Machinery & Equipments:

S.No Descriptions Power Area Qty Amount

required required (Rs.) in
(Sq.ft) lakhs
1. Tomatoes Washer 210V 16 1 1.80
Capacity : 100 kg /hr
2. Blancher 1 KW 10 1 1.80
Capacity : 15 kg /hr
3. Fruit Pulper 2 HP 25 1 2.40
Capacity : 100 kg /hr
4. Pasteuriser with Boiler 2 KW 25 1 6.00
Capacity : 500 lt /hr
5. Mixing Tank 2 HP 25 1 1.00
Capacity : 500 lt /hr
6. Vacuum Pan/ Stem Kettle 5 HP 25 1 5.00
Capacity : 500 lt /hr
7. Ketchup Packing Machine 1 HP 10 1 2.00
Capacity : 500 lt /hr
Total 20.00

Other Fixed Assets (Rs. In lakhs)

Power Fittings(Transformer) 2.00
Furniture and Fixtures, Plastic trays and Electrical fittings. 1.00
Total 3.00

Total Machineries and Equipments required – Rs.23 Lakhs

Annexure - B

Working Capital Assessment

Working Capital Requirement (In Rupees)

Year I Year II Year III

(60% - (70% - (80% -
Current Assets Holding Period (90 MT) 105MT) 120 MT)

7 days (of
Raw material
Raw material
cost) 42000 49000 56000
Other 7 days (of cost
ingrediants of ingredients) 8400 9800 11200
Work in 7 days of Cost
progress of Production 88590 216583 245583
7 days (of cost
of Packing
Materials) 12600 31500 36000
Finished goods’ 7 days (of cost
stock of sale) 106998 264145 295616
30 days (of
sales value) 643500 750750 858000
Total current
assets 902088 1321777 1502399
Trade creditors 0 0 0 0
Working capital
requirement 902088 1321777 1502399
Rounded off 900000 1300000 1500000

The operating cycle is assumed at 58 days(excluding holding level

of packing materials). The working capital requirement for the I
year is Rs 9 Lakhs.
Annexure C


1. Installed Capacity(100%) is 150 Tons of Tomato Ketchup based on

the following:
o Per day shift of 8 hours.
o 25 days per month and 300 days per annum.
o To start with, in the I Year, the capacity utilisation will be 60%
i.e. 90 Tons. In the II year 70% - 105 Tons, III Year 80% - 120
Tons and IV year onwards it is 90% - 135 Tons

2. The selling price is conservatively fixed at Rs.110/- per kg of Tomato

ketchup, when compared to the market price of around Rs.140/- per
Kg. The price of Rs.110/- can still be reduced by Rs.10/- further in
case if necessary to compete with prevailing brands such as “Kissan”,
“Maggi” and the project will still be viable.
3. The output ratio i.e. the Ketchup is fixed at 65% of the input i.e.
Tomatoes which is the main raw material based on which the sales
volume and value is arrived at.
4. The basic raw material Raw material is tomato and the price of
tomatoes are always fluctuating. The average price is assumed at
Rs.20/- per Kg.
5. The cost of other ingredients is arrived at 20% of the cost of raw
material i.e. tomato based on the following formulation table:

For 25 Kgs of Tomato Juice, the following ingredients are required to

obtain the end product i.e. Ketchup. The table indicates the quantity
and cost of other ingredients.

Particulars Quantity Price per Kg in Cost (Rs)

required Rs.
Sugar 1 Kg 30/- 30.00
Salt 50 gms Rs.3/- 0.15
Garlic 30 gms Rs.100/- 3.00
Cinnamon 13 gms Rs.650/- 8.45
Cardamon 5 gms Rs.300/- 1.50
Mace 1 gm Rs.2000/- 2.00
Glacial Acetic 50 ml Rs.300/- for 500 30.00
Acid ml
Onion 320 gms Rs.25/- 8.00
Clove 13 gms Rs.1500/- 19.50
Black Pepper 5 gms Rs.650/- 3.25
Cummin 5 gms Rs.600/- 3.00
Red Chilli 10 gms Rs.300/- 3.00
Total Cost 111.85

 The cost of ingredients, i.e. Rs111.85 which is to be added to 25 Kgs

of Tomato Juice to obtain final product.
 50 kgs of Tomatos are required for extraction of 25 kgs of juice.
 Cost of 50 Kgs of tomato at Rs.20 per Kg will be Rs.1000/-
 The percentage of other ingredients to R.M. cost will be around 11%
approximately. However we have assumed at 20% in view of the
fluctuating raw material cost.
6. Packing material cost is assumed at 30% of the raw material cost
taking into account the cost of glass bottles which is the most safe
and healthy packing wherein the shelf life is longer. However the
glass is the costliest among the packing materials.
7. The required power for running the unit for the proposed machines will be
around 100 units per day and 2500 units per month, at 100% capacity, at
Rs.6/- per unit.
8. The Salary and wages for Year I are estimated as below. The cost is
estimated to increase by 5% in the subsequent years.

Manpower Requirement
Particulars No. & Wage Total Monthly
Salary (Rs.)
i.Manager (can be 1 @ Rs. 20000 20000
the owner )
ii. Skilled worker 2 @ Rs. 10000 20000
iii. Semi skilled 2 @ Rs. 7500 15000
iv. Helper 1 @ Rs. 5000 5000
v. Sales man 1 @ Rs. 7500 7500
Total 7 persons Rs. 67500/-
per month

9. Repairs and Maintenance is estimated at Rs.50000/- in the I year and

to increase by 10% in subsequent years.
10. Other Miscellaneous expenses including insurance is estimated
at 2% of sales
11. Depreciation on Machinery is estimated at 10% every year
under Straight line method.
12. Interest is assumed at 12% p.a.
13. Tax is arrived at 20% on net profit.
Profitability Projections for Ketchup unit

Particulars Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr3 Yr 4 Yr 5

(Amount in Rupees)
A. Sales
Capacity(150 Tons) 150 150 150 150 150
Capacity Utilisation 60% 70% 80% 90% 90%
Utilisation(Tons) 90 105 120 135 135
Sales of Tomato
Ketchup @
Rs.110/Kg at 65%
Output ratio 6435000 7507500 8580000 9652500 9652500
B.Cost of Production
Raw Materials(Avg
Price at Rs.20/KG) 1800000 2100000 2400000 2700000 2700000
Other ingredients(At
40% of RM Cost) 360000 420000 480000 540000 540000
Packing Materials(at
30% - Bottle) 540000 630000 720000 810000 810000
Power & Utilities
(Rs.15000/- P.M at
100% capacity 108000 126000 144000 162000 162000
Wages &
Salary(67500 for 7
persons) 810000 850500 935550 1029105 1132016
Repair & Maintenance 50000 55000 60500 60500 60500
Other expenses
including insurance
@2% of Sales 128700 150150 171600 193050 193050
Cost of Production(B) 3796700 4331650 4911650 5494655 5597566
Gross Profit(A-B) 2638300 3175850 3668350 4157845 4054935

Depreciation @10%
on 23 Lakhs 230000 230000 230000 230000 230000
Interest 115200 195200 118401 41601 0
Tax @ 20% on profit 458620 550130 663990 777249 764987
Sub Total 803820 975330 1012391 1048850 994987
Cost of sales 4600520 5306980 5924041 6543505 6592552
Net Profit after tax 1834480 2200520 2655959 3108995 3059948
Cash Surplus 2064480 2430520 2885959 3338995 3289948
Annuexure E
Projected Balance Sheet for Ketchup Unit
Particulars Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Promoters Capital
Promoter Capital 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20
Profit from P & L A/c 18.34 40.34 66.89 97.98
MGP Grant 9.60
Sub Total 21.54 43.54 70.09 110.78
Secured Loan
Term Loan 28.80 16.00 9.60 0.00
Sub Total 28.80 16.00 9.60 0.00
Unsecured Loan
Current Liabilities
Trade Creditors 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TL Inst due in 1 Year 0.00 6.40 6.40 6.40
Sub Total 0.00 6.40 6.40 6.40
Total Liabilities 50.34 65.94 86.09 117.18
Gross Fixed Assets Block* 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00
Sub Total (a) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00

Cumulative Depreciation 2.30 4.60 6.90 9.20
Sub Total (b) 2.30 4.60 6.90 9.20
Net Fixed Assets Block 20.70 18.40 16.10 13.80
Current Assets
Raw Materials & Packing
Materials 0.63 0.90 1.03 2.82
WIP 0.89 2.16 2.46 2.75
Finished Goods 1.07 2.65 2.96 3.27
Debtors 6.43 7.51 8.58 9.61
Sub Total 9.02 13.22 15.03 18.45
Other Current Assets
Deposits & Investments 15.00 30.00 50.00 70.00
Cash at Bank 5.62 4.32 4.96 14.93
Sub Total 20.62 34.32 54.96 84.93
Total Assets 50.34 65.94 86.09 117.18
Annexure F
Interest Calculation

Loan amount Rs.28,80,000/-

Grant – Rs.9,60,000/-
Repayment Period – 60 Months including holiday period of 6 months
Interest rate – 12% on the Net loan amount i.e.(loan amount – Grant)

Interest al
Per repaym
Date Particulars Debit Credit Balance Interest* annun ent P.A.

01.09.2021 To loan 2880000 2880000

1 repayment 0 2880000 19200.00
2 0 2880000 19200.00
3 0 2880000 19200.00
4 0 2880000 19200.00
5 0 2880000 19200.00
6 0 2880000 19200.00 115200 0
7 53333 2826667 19200.00
8 53333 2773334 18666.67
9 53333 2720001 18133.34
10 53333 2666668 17600.01
11 53333 2613335 17066.68
12 53333 2560002 16533.35
13 53333 2506669 16000.02
14 53333 2453336 15466.69
15 53333 2400003 14933.36
16 53333 2346670 14400.03
17 53333 2293337 13866.70
18 53333 2240004 13333.37 195200 639996
19 53333 2186671 12800.04
20 53333 2133338 12266.71
21 53333 2080005 11733.38
22 53333 2026672 11200.05
23 53333 1973339 10666.72
24 53333 1920006 10133.39
25 53333 1866673 9600.06
26 53333 1813340 9066.73
27 53333 1760007 8533.40
28 53333 1706674 8000.07
29 53333 1653341 7466.74
30 53333 1600008 6933.41 118401 639996
31 53333 1546675 6400.08
32 53333 1493342 5866.75
33 53333 1440009 5333.42
34 53333 1386676 4800.09
35 53333 1333343 4266.76
36 53333 1280010 3733.43
37 53333 1226677 3200.10
38 53333 1173344 2666.77
39 53333 1120011 2133.44
40 53333 1066678 1600.11
41 53333 1013345 1066.78
42 53345 960000 533.45 41601 640008
43 @30% 960000 0 0.00
44 0 0 960000
45 0 0
2880000 2880000 470402.10 470402 2880000

*Interest calculated on reducing balance outstanding.

*Interest assumed to be serviced every month on the due date.

Prepared by
S.Gopal Ratnam
Consultant – BPF

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