Converting Conventional Lathe Into Semi-Automatic Lathe Machine

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Converting Conventional Lathe Into Semi-Automatic Lathe Machine

Book · September 2019

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1 author:

Adham Kamal
Alexandria University


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We give a special thanks to Dr. Essam Ezzat Al-Bakl, Dean of Industry Service
Complex, Dr. Ahmed Shoier Manager of Technical and Vocational Institute. We
want also to thank the supervisors of the project, Eng. Mohamed Hassan
Kamoun, The Head of Education Department in Technical and Vocational
Institute, Eng. Amr Khamis, The Head of Research and Development Department
for their excellent contribution with us during the project period and we would like
to thank the Industry Service Complex staff in Arab Academy for Science,
Technology and Maritime Transport (Elsayed Hassan, Salah Edres, Ahmed
Khamis, Mohamed Hassan, Mohamed, Mohamed Salah, Ahmed Sad, Ahmed
Abdel-Salam, Belal Elsayed, Mohamed Safwat) for their excellent contribution and
at last but not least we want to thank our respective families for being patient with
us during the project work and motivating us through this work because they were
after Allah, our hopes and motivations and they are the reason of our success in our
educational period.

We certify that this project, which now has been submitted for accredited
assessment on the programme of study course leading to the award of Higher
National Diploma “HND” of in (Electrical and Electronic & Mechanical
Engineering) and this project is entirely our own work, that we have exercised
reasonable care to ensure that the work is original, and does not breach any law of
copyright, and has not been taken from the work of others save and to the extent
that such work has been cited and acknowledged within the text of our work.

Adham Nader Kamal

Emad Mohamed Awad

Sabry Girgis Feragalle

Assem Ibrahem Hassan

Sherif Fathy Mohamed


Eng. Mohamed Hassan Kamoun

Eng. Amr Khamis

Date: July 2018

In competitive business world, reducing operational cost and increasing
productivity become paramount and so the development of modern technologies in
computer software, hardware, and firmware as well as the integration of these
technologies in the industrial lines has provide better and more efficient
productions can be machined. In this project, an attempt has been made to equip
the conventional lathe machine with Semi-Automatic lathe machine in order to get
more accurate dimensions and precise shape of high end products and this has been
done by exploiting all the studying subjects we have learned related to
“Electrical/Electronic and Mechanical and Software/Programming fields”. The
retrofitting process of the conventional lathe machines into semi-automatic control
lathe machine, demands two key elements, namely, mechanical and electronics
parts. In the mechanical parts, a design is made by Soildworks software to send the
G-Code to the Artcam software with the help of Mach3 software to feed the
stepper motors to the lead screw. On the other hand, in the electronics parts, an
electrical box that have electronic circuits designed by Altium Designer software in
order to test the circuits on the motors and that containing the motor driver circuit
that designed in order to control the motor movement and GRBL software board to
control the direction and speed of the steeper motor. The assessment and
evaluation will be done after testing and start the turning operation and that
succeeded in reaching our main target of the project.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................................... 1

DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................................... 2

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................. 3

List of tables ............................................................................................................................................. 7

List of figures ........................................................................................................................................... 8

Chapter 1. Introduction and Theoretical Framework .................................................................... 11

1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 11

1.2 The Benefits of Semi-Automatic CNC Lathe Machine ................................................................ 11

1.3 The Research Aims .......................................................................................................................... 12

1.4 The Research SMART Objectives.................................................................................................. 12

1.4.1 PCB Board Selection. ................................................................................................................ 12

1.4.2 Software Design. ........................................................................................................................ 12

1.4.3 Motors Specifications ................................................................................................................ 13

1.4.4 Power Consumption Vs. Cost Effective. .................................................................................. 13

1.4.5 PCB Board Analysis .................................................................................................................. 13

1.4.6 Electrical Parts .......................................................................................................................... 14

1.4.7 Mechanical Design and Factor of Safety ................................................................................. 14

1.4.8 Mechanical Parts Implementation ........................................................................................... 14

1.4.9 Background Knowledge Implementation. ............................................................................... 15

1.4.10 Software selection .................................................................................................................... 15

1.5 Literature review ............................................................................................................................. 15

1.5.1 Automatic Mini CNC Machine for PCB Drawing Technology ............................................. 15

1.5.2 Investigation on Automation of Lathe Machine ..................................................................... 16

1.5.3 Advance Automation of Conventional Lathe Machine .......................................................... 17

1.5.4 CNCTurning .............................................................................................................................. 17

1.5.5 The Importance of CNC Manufacturing Education to The Economy ................................. 18

1.5.6 3 Axis CNC Machine Controllers ............................................................................................ 18

1.5.7 Prototype CNC Machine Design .............................................................................................. 19

1.5.8 A Low-Cost Build-your-own three axis CNC ......................................................................... 19

1.5.9 Designing of Portable CNC Machine ....................................................................................... 20

1.5.10 Manual Lathe to CNC Conversions ...................................................................................... 20

1.5.11 Condition-Based Mainteneance of CNC................................................................................ 21

1.6 Research Methodology .................................................................................................................... 21

1.6.1 Electronic Design ....................................................................................................................... 21

1.6.2 Mechanical Design ..................................................................................................................... 26

1.6.5 Software ......................................................................................................................................... 28

Chapter 2. Safety and Risk Assessment ............................................................................................ 32

Chapter 3. Project implementation ................................................................................................... 34

3.1 Implementation ................................................................................................................................ 34

3.2 Electronic Design and Implementation ...................................................................................... 34

3.2.1 Electrical/Electronic Design Steps ........................................................................................... 35

3.2.3 Electrical Implementation Steps .............................................................................................. 38

3.2.4 Selection Criteria of X and Y Axis Motors.............................................................................. 43

3.2.5 Selection Criteria of X and Y Axis Motors Drivers ................................................................ 45

3.2.6 Selection Criteria of Spindle Motor Driver ............................................................................. 47

3.3) Mechanical Design and Implementation ...................................................................................... 51

3.3.1 Mechanical Design Steps........................................................................................................... 51

3.3.2 Mechanical Implementation Steps ........................................................................................... 53

3.4) Software and control ...................................................................................................................... 56

Chapter 4. Project Evaluation and Final Result .............................................................................. 58

4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 58

4.2 First Evaluation Stage ..................................................................................................................... 58

4.3 Second Evaluation Stage ................................................................................................................. 62

4.4 Final Evaluation Stage .................................................................................................................... 66

4.5 MACH3 Manual To Control The Lathe Machine Automatically ............................................... 68

4.7 Conclusion and Future Work ......................................................................................................... 84

4.7.1 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 84

4.7.2 Future Work.................................................................................................................................. 88

4.8 References......................................................................................................................................... 89

4.7 Appendices ....................................................................................................................................... 95

4.7.1 Appendix A: Y Axis Stepper Motor Specifications Model 86HZ118-85 .................................. 95

4.7.2 Appendix B: X Axis Stepper Motor Specifications Model 57HZ56630.................................... 96

4.7.3 Appendix C: X Axis Motor Driver Specifications and Features Model TB6600 ...................... 97

4.7.4 Appendix D: Y Axis Motor Driver Specifications Model DM860 ............................................ 98

4.7.5 Appendix E: Spindle Motor Driver ABB Type Model ASC355 ............................................... 99

List of tables

Table 1.1 Comparison between Altium Designer and Proetus Design Suite ..........22
Table 1.2: Advantages and disadvantages of Auto CAD program..........................26
Table 1.3 Soildworks advantages and disadvantages ..............................................27
Table 1.4 Comparison between GRBLGRU and Universal G-Code Sender ..........28
Table 1.5 The project budget list .............................................................................29

Table 2.1 Risk Assessment of Mechanical parts .....................................................32

Table 2.2 Risk Assessment of Electrical parts .........................................................33
Table 2.3 Risk Assessment of Chemicals ................................................................33

Table 3.1 Specifications ...........................................................................................34

Table 3.2 Specifications of MACH3 Interface Breakout Board CNC 5 axis) ........38
Table 3.3 Specifications ...........................................................................................39
Table 3.4 Comparison between different types of motors) .....................................43
Table 3.5 X/Y axis steeper motors technical specifications) ...................................44
Table 3.6 Comparison between the Parameters of Two Model of Y axis Motor
Driver .......................................................................................................................45
Table 3.7 The Parameters Of X Axis Motor Driver ................................................46

Table 4.1 The Total Power Consumption Of The Electrical Parts ..........................60
Table 4.2 Specifications of MACH3 Interface Breakout Board .............................62
Table 4.3 The measurement of the applying samples ..............................................85
Table 4.4 The measurement of the applying samples ..............................................86

List of figures
Figure 1.1 Schematic Circuit using Altium Designer 2017 .....................................23
Figure 1.2 Printed Circuit Board Circuit Using Altium Designer 2017 ..................24
Figure 1.3 Schematic Circuit using Proteus Design Suite 8 ....................................25
Figure 1.4 Printed Circuit board using Proteus Design Suite 8 ...............................25
Figure 1.5 Gantt chart Source: Researcher .............................................................31

Figure 3.1 Design the schematic using “Altium Designer” .....................................35

Figure 3.2 Printed Circuit Board 2D layout for Arduino UNO Shield....................35
Figure 3.3 Printed Circuit Board 2D layout for Arduino UNO Shield....................36
Figure 3.4 The printing steps of the PCB for Arduino UNO...................................36
Figure 3.5 The final form of PCB of the Arduino UNO .........................................37
Figure 3.6 MACH3 Interface Breakout Board CNC ...............................................37
Figure 3.7 Sorting the electronic component ...........................................................40
Figure 3.8 Fans .........................................................................................................40
Figure 3.9 Emergency stop ......................................................................................41
Figure 3.10 AC power connector with fuse compartment .......................................41
Figure 3.11 Electronic component ...........................................................................42
Figure 3.12 Electronic equipement ..........................................................................42
Figure 3.13 Electrical equipment .............................................................................48
Figure 3.14 Connecting the drivers to the connectors .............................................48
Figure 3.15 Circuit Diagram of Mach3 circuit ........................................................49
Figure 3.16 Install the spindle Motor driver ............................................................50
Figure 3.17 The wire connection of the motor driver ..............................................50
Figure 3.18 Speed Control driver design .................................................................51
Figure 3.19 Steeper motors stress analysis ..............................................................52
Figure 3.20 Coupling design ....................................................................................52
Figure 3.21 Personal protective equipment .............................................................53
Figure 3.22 Vernier caliper ......................................................................................53
Figure 3.23 The equipment that used in the project implementation ......................54
Figure 3.24 Stepper motors installation ...................................................................54
Figure 3.25 Safety Signs ..........................................................................................55
Figure 3.26 Safety Signs ..........................................................................................55
Figure 3.27 GRBLGRU software ............................................................................56
Figure 3.28 Universal G-Code Sender .....................................................................57
Figure 3.29 X-Loader...............................................................................................57

Figure 4.1 The final form of PCB of the Arduino UNO shield with its headers.....58
Figure 4.2 Installing X Axis and Y Axis Motors on the machine ...........................59
Figure 4.3 Control box .............................................................................................61
Figure 4.4 Installing the wires .................................................................................61
Figure 4.5 MACH3 Interface Breakout Board ........................................................62
Figure 4.6 Gear box and 3-phase induction motor ..................................................63
Figure 4.7 AC motor driver .....................................................................................63
Figure 4.8 AC motor control circuit ........................................................................64
Figure 4.9 Making a door for the speed control by Artelon ....................................64
Figure 4.10 Installing the new coupling with the steeper motor .............................65
Figure 4.11 Safe guard .............................................................................................65
Figure 4.12 Installing MACH3 board ......................................................................66
Figure 4.13 MACH3 Board .....................................................................................66
Figure 4.14 MACH3 Software .................................................................................67
Figure 4.15 Final shape of the machine ...................................................................67
Figure 4.16 Installing Mach3 program ....................................................................68
Figure 4.17 Location of software on PC ..................................................................68
Figure 4.18 Welcome screen....................................................................................69
Figure 4.19 License agreement ................................................................................69
Figure 4.20 Location of installation files of mach3 .................................................70
Figure 4.21 Selecting packages................................................................................70
Figure 4.22 Creating Turn Profile ............................................................................71
Figure 4.23 Giving name to turn profile ..................................................................71
Figure 4.24 Parallel port driver installation .............................................................72
Figure 4.25 Error message if parallel cable is not plugged .....................................72
Figure 4.26 Installation successful ...........................................................................73
Figure 4 27 Mach3 icons..........................................................................................73
Figure 4.28 Selecting Mach3Turn icon ...................................................................74
Figure 4.29 Mach3 Interface ....................................................................................74
Figure 4.30 Auto icon interface ...............................................................................75
Figure 4.31 Confirmation message of ending session .............................................75
Figure 4.32 Manual icon ..........................................................................................76
Figure 4.33 Manual Interface ...................................................................................76
Figure 4.34 Loading G-Code file .............................................................................77
Figure 4.35 Port & pin configuration .......................................................................77
Figure 4.36 Step pin & direction pin configuration .................................................78
Figure 4.37 Turning samples ...................................................................................78

Figure 4.38 lathe machine samples ..........................................................................79
Figure 4.39 Sample configuration............................................................................79
Figure 4.40 Starting and stopping cycle, Editing G-Code .......................................80
Figure 4.41 Speed Control .......................................................................................80
Figure 4.42 Speed Control .......................................................................................81
Figure 4.43 Mach3 from windows 10 ......................................................................81
Figure 4.44 Mach3turn.............................................................................................82
Figure 4.45 Selecting Auto Icon ..............................................................................82
Figure 4.46 Mach3 software ....................................................................................83
Figure 4.47 Cycle Start ............................................................................................83
Figure 4.48 Appling the design in Mach3 software ................................................84
Figure 4.49 The work piece .....................................................................................86
Figure 4.50 Y-axis motor specifications ..................................................................95
Figure 4.51 X-axis motor specifications ..................................................................96
Figure 4.52 X-axis driver specifications and features .............................................97
Figure 4.53 Y axis motor driver specifications........................................................98
Figure 4.54 Spindle motor driver specifications ......................................................99

Chapter 1. Introduction and theoretical framework

1.1 Introduction
CNC lathe machine and their prevalence are increasing because of the simplicity of
setting projects and their simplified functionality. The CNC operator should know
precisely what they are doing and should be experienced in the machine procedure.
Most lathe machine conversions will let both manual and CNC usefulness in the
machine so the client can pick which attribute to use at any given time. Most
conversions will yield a scaled down or little CNC machine that is usable at the
home or work shop level, yet still delivers a more prominent yield than manual
machines.(Reed, B). (2018, 4, 20).
Therefore, our research topic speaks about the conversion of lathe machines into
semi-automatic control lathe machine, demands two key elements, namely,
mechanical and electronics parts.
1.2 The benefits of Semi-Automatic CNC lathe machine
The conventional manual machines are very time consuming, has the manufacturer
to think and implement new methods to automate machines, by developing devices
with digital control system after World War II. These machines use digital control
perforated tape or punch cards to control the movement. In 1960, computers were
added to the machines that gave flexibility in process control and less time
consuming and cost effective with high productivity and accuracy, naming these
machines later using computer numerical control or CNC. Machines can be
controlled using a digital computer or accurately to replicate a series of operations
over and over again, and can produce the most complex pieces of the most skilled
professionals. (Lathe, 2018, 6, 27).

1.3 The research aims
The aims of the research are to convert the conventional lathe machine into Semi-
Automatic CNC lathe machine. Thus eventually will improve the flexibility and
the accuracy of a traditional lathe machine by using 3 stepper motors with drivers
using GRBL coding and Arduino UNO kit. Also it will reduce the costs and time
by converting the available old lathe machine into more efficient machine in order
to help the small workshops owners in developing and rearranging their workshops
with minimized cost and maximized possible flexibility to return to the traditional
1.4 The research SMART objectives
1.4.1 Selecting the PCB board the Electrical/Electronic PCB boards that will be
controlled by the computer within the Arduino UNO shield which will protect the
pins layout of Arduino. The dimensions of this design would be suitable so that
the dimensions are as follows (83.693 mm) width and (94.107mm) length, this
design idea with its structure is somewhat similar to the CNC work concept so
there will be a similarity between this design and CNC design, until this design is
achievable and implemented, it must uses the suitable software in the design so
that we can modify it immediately before execution if there is an error. Therefore,
software programs dedicated to design are very important before implementation,
since we are linked to a specific timetable, the design must be completed and
implemented from July 2017 to June 2018 as detailed in the following Gantt chart.
1.4.2 Software design engineering model to change the traditional lathe machine
into Semi-Automatic CNC machine using computer hardware and software. The
possibility of errors with high protection system for not causing damage on the
machine could be 10% in wires of USB connection. Achieving this goal will be by
start to test the PCB boards after the design by using “Proteus Design Suite”.

The possibilities of making this goal is by design the ”PCB” control of CNC
lathe machine to control the machine by using GRBL software.
1.4.3 Motors specifications the electrical parts in CNC lathe machine such as
steeper motors, motors driver to control the machine in 2 axes easily and smoothly
without any errors, the movement of the 2 axes motors should have ±5% accuracy
to provide high efficiency of the production, the operation and the torque of the
motor would be suitable for the movement of 2 axes of the machine it is
approximately in range 9 to 45, to select the motor of the 2 axes we should
know the holding torque that needed to move the 2 axes smoothly and after that
select the motors according to the holding torque and select suitable stepper motor
drivers to control the motors accurately, using the knowledge that the researcher
get in his study in industry service complex in mechanical and electrical principles
subjects to select the motors and drivers, taking into consideration that the design
must be completed and implemented from July 2017 to June 2018 as detailed in
the following Gantt chart.
1.4.4 Power consumption versus Cost effective the electrical parts for not
consuming much power to prevent low operating cost in the project, the selection
of the electrical parts of the machine will consume less than 1200 watt, the
selection of the motors will be according to the needed power to control the 2 axes
of the machine, to select the motors it will use the knowledge that the researcher
get in his study in industry service complex in electrical power to choose the
motors to control the machine and use ram electronics and makers electronic to
choose between the available motors in the market.
1.4.5 Analyzing the PCB board and analyze the PCB board for CNC lathe
machine that will be inside the electrical box that will contain the electronic parts
like 2 drivers of steeper motors and Arduino UNO shield. It will be measured by

produce an accurate PCB products that obtain the control to the machine with high
The design will be achievable by designing the Electrical/Electronic circuits and
controls of the project with their PCB board by using “Altium Designer” Software.
And to be realistic this is the contribution of the knowledge that we gained from
“Technical vocational institute”, ”TVI” that helps and makes me design the PCB
boards like “Engineering Design”, ”Microprocessor”, ”Mechatronics System”,
”Health and Safety”, “Employability Skills”.
1.4.6 Electrical parts the electrical parts such as power supply , motors driver and
microcontroller in a suitable place to make it easy to control, design the suitable
box to contain the electrical parts; it will be 50 cm Length * 40 cm weight * 18 cm
depth or less, to design the control box to contain the electrical parts; the
researcher should measure the volume of the electrical parts and arrange it to be
suitable for the control box of the machine, use the knowledge that the researcher
had gained in industry service complex in measurement and engineering design
subject to design the control box.
1.4.7 Mechanical design and factor of safety the mechanical part such as two
stepper motors fixing or supporting, taking into consideration making a high factor
of safety in in the support of the motors to be safer something more making it
according to the stress analyses by using the solid works program, the all of this
point contribute the knowledge and information that the researcher gain from
"TVI" such as "Engineering design", "Mechanical principle, "Engineering
science", "Health and safety", hydraulic and pneumatic systems to design and
implement any mechanical part in the project.
1.4.8 Implement the mechanical parts and implement the mechanical parts like
speed control box and two stepper motors fixing and supporting by using the solid
works software and implement the motors fixing and installation the motors in the
machine to make the machine controlled in (2) direction (X, Y) axes by this
1.4.9 Implementation of background knowledge will establish the mechanical
design and implementation all the mechanical parts of the project such as two
stepper motors fixing and making a factor of safety to be more safe and design the
speed control box for making a fall control about the speed of the motors "CNC
lath machine" are contributing the information that the researcher gain from
"TVI" like 3 "Engineering Design", "mechanical principle", "Engineering since
","Health and Safety", "Employability Skills", "Fluid mechanics" "hydraulic and
pneumatic "to design and implementation the mechanical part in the project
(CNC lathe Machine ) by using soled works & AutoCAD programs so it can
modify it before the execution because it might face several errors.
1.4.10 Software selection the lathe machine that will be controlled by using
GRBLGRU software within the Arduino UNO shield. The version of GRBLGRU
is 1.1 which contains more features than the previous version 1.0 like faster and it
is much easier than the old version. This software idea with its structure is
somewhat similar to the other CNC software concept so there will be a similarity
between this software and other CNC software. Until this design is achievable and
implemented, it’ll use the suitable software to control the machine so that we can
modify it before execution if there is an error. Therefore, software programs
dedicated to design are very important before implementation.

1.5 Literature review

1.5.1 Automatic mini CNC machine for PCB drawing and drilling Technology
CNC Swiss Screw Machine Parts | CNC Turned Parts. (2018).

[Online] Available at:

[Accessed 22 May 2018].
The research paper explains the idea behind the designing of PCB is based on low
cost CNC system the lower cost is achieved by incorporating features of PC with
ATMEGA 328 single-chip microcontroller controller in an Arduino and the usage
of the operation of the system by G code language in which people tell
computerized machine tools ‘How to make something’. The How is defined by
instructions on where to move & how fast to move. (Technology, I. R. (2016).

With the expanded activity in the manufacturing industry comes to an expansion in

job opportunities. Employers are anticipated to add more than 56,000 jobs for
skilled CNC Machining technicians for the future and influencing a prime time to
explore this exciting career path. So with the growth of the numbers of the
employment globally, we consider taking advantage from this point and try to
improve it more in Egypt because of the lack of the job opportunities and skills of
the technicians.

1.5.2 Investigation on Automation of Lathe Machine, paper International

Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
[Online] Available at:
&type=pdf [Accessed 22 May 2018].

The research paper explains that the products can be produced by the modern
technology, which uses computer software, hardware and firmware in industries. It
is needed to use CNC lathe machine to get more accurate dimensions and irregular
shape. Along these CNC machines are becoming more important in modernized
industrialization and the developed design is successfully implemented in the
proposed work for the development of the lathe and use of proper process planning
for the development of the different components of the lathe attachment. Also

CNC machine is based on the mechatronic controls and the computer interface
CAMSOFT. (Engineering, I. J. (2014).

There’re many conventional lathe machines in our country. To assemble a new

modern developed country, it is required to convert these conventional lathe
machines into semi-automatic control lathe machine by retrofitting. Developing
and changing into semi-automatic control lathe machine, there are three required
portions, namely, mechanical and electronics.

1.5.3 Advance Automation of Conventional Lathe Machine

[Online] Available at:
[Accessed 22 May 2018].

Mr. Prakash N. Parmar, Prof. Vikas R. Gondalia, Prof. Niraj C. Mehta explains in
their paper the benefits of conversion the conventional lathe machines into semi-
automatic control lathe machine. (CNCLATHE 2014).

Since one of our aims is the benefits of converting conventional lathe machine into
semi-automatic control to increase the productivity in Egypt, we started looking for
everything related to CNC lathe machine.


Srivastava, M. (2018)

[Online]. Available at:

[Accessed 22 May 2018].
Since one of our main problem is the unemployment and the lack of productivity in
CNC industry in Egypt, we started looking for everything related to CNC lathe
machine and we had a an important articles for the authors “Mayank Srivastava” in
his research paper. ((CNCTURNING. (2013).

1.5.5 The importance of CNC manufacturing education to the economy
Maes, B. (2018).

[Online], Available at:

importance-of-cnc-manufacturing-education-to-the-economy/[Accessed 22
May 2018].

Bert Maes explains in his paper that manufacturing work numbers drop in a lot of
countries. The low-skilled jobs are going off shore. However, the occupations that
need to be elevated levels of skills appear still to be here, as production in Europe
focuses on high value, technologically advanced products, giving good quality jobs
to increase the employment. ((Maes, B. (2009).

So, The Challenge of modern machining industries is mainly focused on achieving

high quality, in term of part/component accuracy, surface finish, high production
rate and increase the product life with lesser environmental impact. So, it is
necessary control the process parameter in any manufacturing process because the
country faces many challenges and needs to improve its products for the future.

1.5.6 3 Axis CNC machine controllers

Abdul Rahman, M. (2013). [Ebook] University Malaysia Pahang, p.24.
[Online] Available at: [Accessed
7 Jun. 2018].
Mohd Azri Bin Abdul Rahman explain in his paper how to make 3 Axis CNC
controller and he mentioned that the project need to 3 stepper motors to move the
machine in the directions X, Y, Z and connect them to the output of Darlington IC
and starts to control the by using parallel port (Abdul Rahman, 2013).
From my point of view in the project which is convert manual lathe to Semi-
Automatic lathe the type of motors in the project will be stepper motors because it

is more accurate and cheap than the other types such as DC motors and DC servo

1.5.7 Prototype CNC machine design

Rocha, P., Emília Tostes, M. and Diogne de Silva (2010). [ebook] research
gate, p.2. [Online]Available at:
ne_design [Accessed 10 May. 2018].
Paulo Augusto Sherring da Rocha Junior, Rogério Diogne de Silva e Souza, Maria
Emília Tostes discussed in their paper the technology of CNC and develop a small
prototype of CNC machine based on a modular system with the capability of
communication through USB and also explain the development of electronics
components to run the CNC machine correctly (Rocha, EmíliaTostes and Diogne
de Silva 2010). This project explains the important parts to start design CNC
machine such as motors, screw and drivers and it starts to explain the specification
of each parts like in the steeper motors; the torque of the motors will be suitable.
1.5.8 A low-cost build-your-own three axis CNC mill prototype
Pandian, S. and Pandian, S. (2014). [ebook] irdindia, p.irdindia.
[Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 May
Sundar Pandian and S. Raj Pandian discus in their paper how to build three axis
CNC machine with low cost and explains the component of the three axis CNC
such as stepper motors, drivers and Arduino open source microcontroller, and open
source motor control software and they explains the connection between them
(Pandian and Pandian, 2014). From my point of view in the project should use the
same component in the previous project because we need to move the machine in 2
axis X, Y and to do that we need steeper motors and drivers the researcher use the
information in this paper to know how to connect the electrical components
correctly with the microcontroller and drivers to make the machine work.
1.5.9 Designing of Portable CNC Machine
Er. Manpreet Singh, D. S. (2018). machining of different materials with CNC.
International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology.
Nikita R. Saharkar et al. (2016) explain the mechanical design or CAD Model in
Sledworks and done the FEA analysis in hyperactive mesh tool providing the
appropriate constrains, loads, and moment values. According to the author, he got
the stress value around 14 Map, which is less than the acceptable stress value of
M.S., concluding the design is safe. Author also generate the G & M codes by
simulating the CAD file in solid works software (Maharashtra, 2018)
there are a lot of mechanical design software's it can be used to make a mechanical
design in the CNC lathe machine like CATIA and AutoCAD to make a perfect
simulation to the part for making a stress analyses to any part perfectly

1.5.10 Manual Lathe to CNC Conversions

Engineering – Manual lathe to CNC Conversions. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jun. 2018].

This research paper explains the software that can be used to control CNC lathe
machine using G-Code Interpreter – CAD/CAM, Parallel/Serial ports that sends
the signals out to drive the steeper motors and the machine as well and control it
from both directions and speed.

This research paper gives an explanation of software that can control CNC lathe
machine and it’s close to our software in our project and it is useful research that
gives an explanation of CAD/CAM software that can convert a “dxf, svg” file from
soildworks into the software. ((Engineering – Manual lathe to CNC Conversions (5
Jun. 2018)).
TURNING MACHINE. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 22 May
Since one of our main problem is the unemployment and the lack of productivity in
CNC industry in Egypt, we started looking for everything related to CNC lathe
machine and we had a an important articles for the authors “Mayank Srivastava” in
his research paper. ((CNCTURNING. (2013).

This research paper is almost related to GRBLGRU software and XLoader and
Universal G-Code Sender in the project and it was beneficial to us to know the
platform that used to control CNC lathe machine.

1.6 Research Methodology

1.6.1 Electronic Design
1) Altium Designer, Version 16.0.1
2) Proteus Design Suite, Version 8.5 professional

Electrical/Electronic designs is to design schematics and printed circuit boards that

means that we used a CAD program for our project and we have chosen a suitable
designing boards for the control of the project. There is a whole abundance of PCB
designing tools and they all have a lot in common since they have the same
purpose, but then again enough differences that force us to consider couple of
them. In my list of the best PCB designing tools is definitely “Altium Designer”
but also we believe that “Proteus design suite” and both are licensed that used in
designing the PCB which is a breakthrough product for electronic engineers,
offering a new approach to development and debugging of embedded systems.
Microcontroller and mixed-mode SPICE simulation with schematic capture and
PCB layout and the following is a partial list of their benefits and why choosing
“Altium Designer” particularly in our project.

The following table 1.1 explains a brief comparison between Altium Designer and
Proetus Design Suite which shows the advantages of both Altium Designer and
Proteus Design Suite and their disadvantages and the selection of the suitable one
in the project with examples and some schematics and Printed Circuit board design
to show some features of the 2 software.

Table 1.1 (Comparison between Altium Designer and Proetus Design Suite)
Altium Designer Proteus Design Suite
Advantages Advantages
Excellent component management Schematic capture
3D model of your board PCB Design
Import wizard to import from Orcad Simulation
Mentor and other software into Altium 3D visualization
Automated multi-channel layout and
Disadvantages Disadvantages
Expensive User interface could have been made
Takes too much storage because of the better
libraries Plugs and errors in simulation
No simulation Simulation
Source: Researcher

The following figure 1.1 below shows an example schematic circuit using Altium
Designer with 2 switches and 2 relays and 2 diodes and Vcc source and header for
motor and ULN to control the motor from both directions.

Figure 1.1 (Schematic Circuit using Altium Designer 2017)

Source: Researcher

Proteus Desgin suite is a good software because it has a simulation although

Altium Designer hasn’t but the point is Altium Designer has a huge electronic
libraries and produces a good product quality and Altium is the most popular PCB
design package among those with a company’s budget behind them and because of
that it’s also the package that many new freelance engineers are most familiar and
that’s helps our project and the design of PCB boards with a good quality and good

The following figure 1.2 below shows a sample Printed Circuit Board Circuit
Using Altium Designer 2017 to control bidirectional DC Motor.

Figure 1.2 (Printed Circuit Board Circuit Using Altium Designer 2017)
Source: Researcher

When it comes to the prices “Altium Designer” is the most expensive software
among the others because it costs “$7,245 USD” and Proteus costs “$6,592.00”
and Proteus Design Suite - have a simulation and can test any electronic circuits
which it can be better than “Altium Designer” because there’s no simulation in
Altium Designer but the fact is when it comes to “Proteus Design Suite” have bugs
and sometimes the connection of circuits is well designed but when the simulation
starts it has unknown problems but this software helps us to test the circuit before
printing and using it in our project.

The following figure 1.3 below shows a Schematic Circuit using Proteus Design
Suite 8 with 2 switches and 2 resistance and ULN and 2 relays with 2 diodes and
Direct Current motor.

Figure 1.3 (Schematic Circuit using Proteus Design Suite 8)

Source: Researcher

Altium and Proteus, this software is important but Altium has its advantages in
PCB board, in fact Proteus Design Suite has also PCB board and 3d Visualization
as Altium.

The following figure 1.4 below shows a Printed Circuit board using Proteus Design
Suite 8. That used to control bidirectional dc motor.

Figure 1.4 (Printed Circuit board using Proteus Design Suite 8)

Source: Researcher

1.6.2 Mechanical Design
1) Auto Cad

As in mechanical design there will be use a lot of mechanical design software like
solidworks, AutoCAD, CATIA and Pro engineer…etc. and to make a mechanical
design for a stepper motors fixing and the speed control box, this is an important
point at the side of mechanical design in the project "CNC lathe Machine" The
researcher used two important mechanical design programs for designing the two
stepper motors fixing and the box of speed control and making a stress analyses to
this designs to be more suitable in the CNC lathe machine the researcher using two
programs are the solid works and AutoCAD.

Auto CAD (2014) is a drawing and designing software by using the computer that
supports the molding of 2D and 3D models and the system requirement about the
AutoCAD in figure 1.3 And the AutoCAD has an advantages and des advantages
followed in the table 1.2
Table 1.2: Advantages and disadvantages of Auto CAD program
Advantages Disadvantages
Easy to use Expensive
Drawing and design 2D and 3D molds Need high-requirements computer
Suitable for a mechanical design or
Architectural Design

Source: Researcher

2) Soildworks

Solid works is software and soled molding computer-aided design (CAD) and
computer-aided engineering (CAE) computer program because it can make a 2D
and 3D design also it can make a stress analyses it is a computer aided engineering
(CAE) then it should use to make the important job system requirement about the
solid works program from (2011-2014) version in figure 1.4 And the solid works
has an advantages and des advantages followed in the table 1.3

Table 1.3 (Soildworks advantages and disadvantages)

Advantages Disadvantages
Easy to use Expensive
Drawing and design 2D and 3D molding Need computer with high requirements
It supporting the simulation technology
It makes a stress analysis by selecting the
suitable material
Choose the suitable material

Source: (SOLIDWORKS, 2018)

All the these software has an advantages and disadvantages but solid works
program has an advantages which is more than the disadvantages because the
important point in this program is supporting the simulation option that can make
the designer has a lot of information about the design Second, point this software
support the stress analyses option in it that make the designer knew the weakness
point in the design, something more in it can choose the suitable material to de the
design like wood, metal etc. Something more this program has a huge mechanical
library like a gears and screw and more and more standard mechanical part and
Stuff like that and that is a good point to the designer.

1.6.5 Software
Grbl is a no-compromise, high performance, low cost alternative to parallel-port-
based motion control for CNC lathe and milling machines and Grbl runs on
Arduino with a 328p processor (Uno) so the controller is written in highly
optimized C utilizing every clever feature of the AVR-chips to achieve precise
timing and asynchronous operation. (GitHub. Accessed 5 Jun. 2018)

When it comes to Universal G-Code Sender, is a full featured G-Code platform

used for interfacing with advanced CNC controllers like GRBL and TinyG.
Universal G-code Sender is a self-contained Java application which includes all
external dependencies. (Winder, W. UGS.5 Jun. 2018)

Table 1.4 (Comparison between GRBLGRU and Universal G-Code Sender)

Advantages Advantages
Easy to control Executable All-In-One JAR file
Free, Open source 3D G-Code Visualizer with color coded
Significant Interface Improvements line segments and real time tool position
Automated multi-channel layout and feedback
routing Duration estimates
Over 3000 lines of unit test code
Disadvantages Disadvantages
Have errors sometimes User interface need improvement
If there is an error you should close the Plugs and errors in importing the DXF
software and reopen it again files
Source: Researcher

1.7 Time and budget

1.7.1 Budget

The following table 1.5 below shows the budget list that used in the project with
the total amount of the mechanical and electronic parts which in terms of
availability of funds and in terms of trying to reduce the cost, the project costs in
general 10000 EGP.
Table 1.5 (The project budget list)
Attribute Name Number of pieces Price Total Price
Copper Board 2 60 120
Acid 1 15 15
Stickers 2 5 10
Header 6 30 180
CNC Shield 1 150 150
Rosetta 20 15 300
Wire (5 m) 20 17.5 350
Connector 4pin 3 40 120
Fan 2 30 60
Limit Switch 4 5 20
Electronic Parts

Terminal block 1 15 15
Stepper motor 1 380 380
Paper A4 15 15 225
Power cable 1 15 15
Spacer 10 30 300
Heat shrink 6m 10 24 240
Connector 6pin 2 12 24
Socket Arduino 1 3 3
Power socket 1 5 5
Switch on/off 1 35 35
CNC shield 1 150 150
AC driver 1 5000 5000
Tools 45 45
Transportation 430 430
Total 6588
percentage of 65.88 %
electrical parts

Table 1.5 (Continue)

Attribute Name Number of Price Total Price

pieces (EGP) (EGP)

Spray paint 2 15 30
Lock for the box 1 10 10
Mechanical parts

Door hinges 2 12 24
Bolt 20 2 40
Nut 20 2 40
Washer 40 1 40
Flat steel sheet Dimension 200 200
Total 384
The percentage
of mechanical 3.84 %
Source: Researcher

1.7.2 Time

The following figure 1.5 shows the Gantt chart of the project since we are attached
to a schedule from July 2017 to June 2018.

Figure 1.5 (Gantt chart)

Source: Researcher

Chapter 2. Safety and Risk Assessment
In the following table 2.1 below shows the risk assessment of mechanical parts in the project.

Table 2.1 Risk Assessment of Mechanical parts

Who might be harmed Safety precautions



Hazards List

and how? and control measures

The researcher, during The researcher

working on the control should follow the

Medium 2

Medium 4
Serious 2
box he use drill and that health and safety
may entangle with the instructions from the
unsuitable closes and supervisor in the
cause injury to him work place

The researcher
should follow the
The researcher, during
health and safety
working on mechanical
Medium 2

Medium 4
instruction from the
Serious 2

parts he use circular

Cutting supervisor in the
saw and it may touch
work place and
his body parts and
should use the safe
cause cut to himself
guard of the circular

The researcher
The researcher, his should follow the
body may friction with health and safety
Medium 2

Medium 4
Serious 2

the moving part in the

friction/abrasion instruction from the
equipment he use such supervisor in the
as drill and cause injury work place and use
to himself the safe guard in the
equipment if it found

Source: Researcher

In the following table 2.2 below shows the risk assessment of electrical parts in the project.

Table 2.2 Risk Assessment of Electrical parts

Who might be harmed Safety precautions



Hazards List

and how? and control measures

The researcher
The researcher during should follow the
the implementation of health and safety
the project he use

Medium 2

Medium 4
Serious 2
instruction from the
portable tools and portable tools and supervisor in the
equipment equipment such as drill work place and make
and power supply it sure the equipment
may cause shock to him wires is isolated
Source: Researcher
In the following table 2.3 below shows the risk assessment of chemical risks in the project.

Table 2.3 Risk Assessment of Chemicals


Who might be harmed Safety precautions




Hazards List

and how? and control measures

The researcher
The researcher while should use the fans or
Medium 2

Medium 4
Serious 2

using soldering iron he is

Dust/fume/gas the air conditioner in
expose to fumes and it the work place and
may cause diseases should wear all PPE
especially mask
The researcher while The researcher
applying the printed should ware all
Serious 2

circuit board PCB he use necessary PPE

Low 1

Low 2

iron chloride and it may especially gloves
touch his skin and cause
skin diseases

Source: Researcher

Chapter 3. Project implementation
3.1 Implementation

In order to make the implementation of the project, we consider our aim of the
research project which is to convert the manual lathe machine into semi-automatic
CNC lathe machine to improve the flexibility and the accuracy of a traditional
lathe machine by using 2 stepper motors with drivers using GRBL software and
Altium Designer to design the Electronic PCB boards which is Arduino UNO
shield that will be controlled by the computer.

3.2 Electronic Design and implementation

The following table 3.1 below shows the actual specifications for Arduino UNO
shield according to British standards.

Table 3.1 (Specifications)

Material Availability Function
Iron Chloride Easy to maintain Internal/External Minimum
Pad Size (2.5 mm)

Interface Environment Ergonomics
Easy to install Vibration Using sound level meter
Safety Timing Training
British standards Duration ( 4 days ) Skilled operator

Source: Researcher

3.2.1 Steps for Electrical/Electronic design

The following figure 3.1 shows the schematic circuit of Arduino UNO shield using
9 headers.

Figure 3.1 (Design the schematic using “Altium Designer”)

Source: By the researcher

The following figure 3.2 shows the PCB designing steps on the software.

Figure 3.2 (Printed Circuit Board 2D layout for Arduino UNO Shield)
Source: By the researcher

The following figure 3.3 shows the PCB “Printed circuit board” 2D layout of
Arduino UNO shield with its dimensions.

Figure 3.3 (Printed Circuit Board 2D layout for Arduino UNO Shield)
Source: By the researcher

The following figure 3.4 shows the printing steps of the PCB for Arduino UNO
shield before start cutting the copper.

Figure 3.4 (The printing steps of the PCB for Arduino UNO)
Source: By the researcher

The following figure 3.5 shows the final form of PCB of the Arduino UNO shield
with its headers.

Figure 3.5 (The final form of PCB of the Arduino UNO)

Source: By the researcher

The following figure 3.6 shows the MACH3 Interface Breakout Board CNC
that we used instead of using Arduino UNO kit with its shield because it is not
compatible with GRBL software and it can’t control the 2 directions and speed of
the 2 steeper motors.

Figure 3.6 (MACH3 Interface Breakout Board CNC)

Source: Aliexpress Group Accessed 9 Jun. 2018

The following table 3.2 shows the specifications of the new board which will be
used to control the 2 directions and speed of steeper motor instead of using
Arduino UNO kit with its shield because it wasn’t compatible with GRBL and
Universal G-Code Sender software.

Table 3.2 (Specifications of MACH3 Interface Breakout Board CNC 5 axis)

Input Power Stepper Motor Driver type Total Weight Dimensions
USB port to Max 52-phase
directly get Microstep Pulse and Approx. 75g 90 mm Length
power from PC controllers and Direction signal 70 mm Width
and 12-24V MACH3 control 20 mm Height
power software

Source: Board, C, Accessed 9 Jun. 2018

The following figure 3.13 shows Mach3 board that we used as an alternative
because it is specially designed for the CNC stepper motor driver controller, such
as M542, M542H, MA860H, 2M542, 2M982, DM542(A), DM860(A) etc. single
axis stepper driver controller series. With this this board can be directly controlled
by the PC via the MACH3, EMC2, KCAM4.

3.2.3 Steps for Electrical implementation

The following table below 3.3 shows the technical specifications of the electronic
equipment that used in the project.

Table 3.3 (Specifications)

Components Output Input/output Safety Power

Current Voltage Consumption
Power supply 15 A 220V AC Fuse 360 Watt
24V DC
Voltage step- 2A 3-40V Potentiometer 100W will
down 1.3-35V waste 1 to 3

Indication LED 20 mA 220VAC N/A 4.4 Watt

Fan 0.14 A 24VDC N/A 3.36 Watt

Limit switch 15 A 250VAC N/A N/A

Emergency stop 3A 240VAC N/A N/A


AC Power 3A 220VAC Fuse N/A

Connector With

Source: Researcher

Figure 3.7 shows sorting the electronic component inside the control box.

Figure 3.7 (Sorting the electronic component)

Source: Researcher

Figure 3.8 shows making holes inside the control box for installing the fans.

Figure 3.8 (Fans)

Source: Researcher

Figure 3.9 shows installing emergency stop inside the control box.

Figure 3.9 (Emergency stop)

Source: Researcher

Figure 3.10 shows installing the AC Power Connector with Fuse Compartment
inside the control box to protect the electronic equipment.

Figure 3.10(AC power connector with fuse compartment)

Source: Researcher

Figure 3.11 shows installing the circuit board of LCD and Mach3 and Step-Down

Figure 3.11 (Electronic component)

Source: Researcher
Figure 3.12 shows the usage electronic equipment (Jaws – Cater – Screwdriver –
Cutter wire – Drill).

Figure 3.12 (Electronic equipement)

Source: Researcher

3.2.4 Selection criteria of the X and Y axis motors

There are important criteria the researcher puts when it comes to select the X and
Y axis motor which are the torque of the motors, the accuracy of the motors, the
power consumption of each motor and finally the cost of each motor, after the
researcher put the selection criteria of the X and Y axis motor there are alternatives
that do the same function and can use them in the project which are DC motor, DC
servo motor and stepper motor but each has advantages and disadvantages and that
shows below in table 3.4 and table 3.5 and table 3.6.

Table 3.4 (Comparison between different types of motors)

Attribute DC Motor Servo Motor Steeper Motor
Is a class of rotary A servomotor is a A stepper motor is a
electrical machines that rotary actuator or unique type of DC
Definition converts direct current linear actuator that motor that rotates in
electrical energy into allows for precise fixed steps of a certain
mechanical energy control of angular or number of degrees.
linear velocity.
Cheap High output power Cheap
Easy to control relative to motor size High torque at startup
Advantages High starting Torque and power and low speeds
Can run in both Encoder determines Low maintenance
directions High speed

Expensive Use more current than

Disadvantages High maintenance. Complex D.C. motors
Expensive Poor cooling Not easy to operate at
high speeds
Source: Researcher

To know the best selection of the X and Y axis motor the researcher makes a
decision making to know which motor will be used in the project and that shows in
the below table 3.5 and chart which shows a chart of the comparasion
specifications of the X/Y axis steeper motors.

Table 3.5 (X/Y axis steeper motors technical specifications)

Specifications X Axis (Stepper motor Y Axis (Stepper motor
NEMA 34) NEMA 23)
Step Angle 1.8° 1.8°
Current /phase 4.24 A 3A
Resistance /phase 0.75 Ω 0.8Ω
Inductance /phase 3.4 mH 1.2 mH
Holding Torque 45 9
Leads 8 wires 4 wires
Motor Wight 2.3 Kg 0.70 Kg
Length 80 mm 54 mm
Source: Researcher

Alternative Comparasion
Accuracy Torque Power consumption Cost Total

DC motor Servo motor Stepper

Source: Researcher

The researcher have chosen the stepper motor over the DC motor and DC servo
motor because it has low cost compare to the other motors and it has high starting
torque and that is important to be able to move the carriage of the machine and
because the environment of the project is hard and it has high temperature.

3.2.5 Selection criteria of the X and Y axis motors drivers

To control the X and Y axis stepper motor and because it needs a dedicated control
circuit the researcher gets a motor driver to each one of the two motor to be able to
control them, the criteria to choose the motor driver is the output current and it
must be suitable for the X and Y motors and it shows in the specifications of the X
and Y axis motors in appendix 1 for the X axis motor and appendix 2 for the Y
axis motor, the supply voltage it need to start working and finally the working
temperature the motor drivers can work in because the environment of the project
it has high temperature, after the researcher put the selection criteria, there are
alternatives models of the X and Y axis motor driver that do the same function and
can use them in the project which are TB6600 stepper motor driver and TB6560
stepper motor driver and that for control the Y axis motor but each one has
different parameters and that shows in table 2.3.

Table 3.6 (Comparison between the Parameters of Two Model of Y axis

Motor Driver)
Attribute TB6600 TB6560 Unit
Working voltage 9 to 40 10 to 35 V
Output current 0.5 to 4 0.6 to 3 A A
Power consumption 160 105 W
Cost 250 200 LE
Working temperature -10~45℃ N/A ℃
Source: Researcher

The researcher have chosen the motor driver model TB6600 because it has more
feature than the TB6560 model which it has output current 0.5 to 4 A and that is
more suitable to the motor that uses in the project to move the Y axis, it has
suitable working temperature and it also has heat sink that for cooling the driver
down when it gets high temperature though the cost of the chosen driver it is
higher the other but it has more feature then the other or in anther words it has cost
The model motor driver of X axis is DM860 and the researcher choose it because it
more suitable for the X axis motor and it can control the motor with high efficient
such as in table 3.7 shows the working temperature is suitable for the environment
of the project because it has high temperature and the output current suitable for
the current of X axis motor.

Table 3.7 (The Parameters Of X Axis Motor Driver)

Attribute DM860 Unit

Working voltage 24 to 80 V

Output current 1 to 7.2 A

Power consumption (max) 576 W

Cost 1000 LE

Working temperature -20 ℃ -65 ℃

Source: Researcher
The specification of the stepper motor driver DM860 that uses to move the X axis
in appendix 3 and the specification of the stepper motor driver TB6600 that use to
move the Y axis in appendix 4.

3.2.6 Selection criteria of spindle motor driver
To be able to convert the manual lathe into semi-automatic lathe machine the
researcher consider that the control is the most important part of the machine
which is spindle motor by the AC motor driver and the selection criteria to choose
this driver are the output current of the motor driver should be suitable to the
spindle motor and the output voltage of the motor driver should be suitable to the
spindle motor and the safety of the motor driver if it has over current production or
not, before the researcher choose the spindle motor driver it should consider the
specifications of the spindle motor which are the model number which is
VMA534PDB233 , the RPM of the spindle motor which is 425 rev/min, the
voltage in condition star connection which is 380/440 V, the current in star
connection which is 1.2 A, the voltage in condition Delta connection which is
220/250 V, the current in Delta connection which is 2.1 A, finally after the
researcher put the selection criteria of the motor driver and know the specifications
of the spindle motor, the researcher choose the best motor driver in the marker
which is APP type and the model number is ACS355. The reasons the researcher
choose this type because it has many features which are the output current is 3.2
which is suitable of the spindle motor in the project, it has easy control interface
which shows in figure 3.27 and it is easy to control the speed of the spindle motor
from it, it has over current protection which is the circuit diagram of the spindle
motor driver that will shows in appendix 5.
While also the AC Driver Motor is used in many other applications ranging from
small appliances to large compressors. About 25% of the world's electrical energy
is consumed by electric motors in industrial applications, which can be more
efficient when using VFDs in centrifugal load service.

The implementer should use the electrical equipment to help him in the project
implementation, the researcher used the following tools in the electrical
implementation which it shows in figure 3.13and they are heat gun, screw driver
which is used for install and uninstall the electrical equipment in the project.

Figure 3.13 (Electrical equipment)

Source: Researcher
Connecting the stepper motor drivers to the connector and put marks A, B, C, and
D on each wire to be easy to track the wire if it happen any problem which it
shows in figure 3.14.

Figure 3.14 (Connecting the drivers to the connectors)

Source: Researcher

Connecting the stepper motor driver to Mach 3 circuit by using the connecting
diagram which it shows in figure 3.15.

Figure 3.15(Circuit Diagram of Mach3 circuit)

Source: (mach 3 manual , 2018)

After the researcher finished the connection in the control box he starts to install
the spindle motor driver in the special box to be protected from any damage that
could happen to in which it shows in figure 3.16.

Figure 3.16 (Install the spindle Motor driver)

Source: Researcher
Connecting the spindle motor driver to 3 phase wire to connect it to the voltage
supply and connect it to the spindle motor which it shows in figure 3.17.

Figure 3.17 (The wire connection of the motor driver)

Source: Researcher
3.3) Mechanical Design and implementation
3.3.1 Steps for mechanical design
The main components in the prototype project it is the installation of the two
stepper motors in the (X, Y) axes it is an important point in the project to make a
control in two directions easily second point it is make a mechanical design for the
speed control box, because it will dispense about the gear box in the manual lathe
machine to make it semi CNC lathe machine and making a control in the speed of
the main motor by using the speed control that shows in the following figure 3.18.

Figure 3.18(Speed Control driver design)

Source: Researcher

The speed control box use to make housing to the speed control to make a control
in the speed of the motor and dispense about the gearbox of the manual lathe
machine and make it semi CNC lathe machine.
These designs below in figure 3.19 are for the 2 steeper motors instillation, makes
these designs by using solid works program and making a stress analyses to make
sure of the weight of the motors.

In addition, choosing the suitable material, these supports used for making an
installation for the stepper motors in two directions (X, Y) axis.

Figure 3.19 (Steeper motors stress analysis)

Source: Researcher
The following figure 3.20 below shows a design of the coupling for the instillation
of the stepper motors (70mm*25mm) diminution to make a connecting between
the stepper motors and the body of the machine or the scow of the machine
specially. Something more it is used to transferring the torque of the motors to
making a control of the carriage and in two directions (X, Y).

Figure 3.20 (Coupling design)

Source: Researcher

3.3. 2 Steps for mechanical implementation
To implement all of these components that designed by using solid works software
and before starting to impellent the mechanical parts in the work shop it we
consider the personal protective equipment related to safety because the safety is
first of all and that shown in the below figure 3.21.

Figure 3.21 (Personal protective equipment)

Source:, 2018
The following figure 3.22 below shows the Vernier caliper which is one of the
most commonly used measuring instruments in the industry, so we used it in our
project to induct and measure a lot of parts in the project.

Figure 3.22 (Vernier caliper)

Source: (Gupta, Gupta and profile, 2018)

The following figure 3.23 below shows the equipment’s that used during the
mechanical implementation step which are Screwdrivers, Drill, and Circular Saw.

Figure 3.23 (The equipment that used in the project implementation)

Source: Researcher

After installing the coupling, we install the stepper motors in the machine one
work in (X) axis and another one work in the (Y) axis that will be working with
high efficiency and saving time and money that shows in the below figure 3.43.

Figure 3.24 (Stepper motors installation)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 3.25 below shows the safety signs that we putted on the
machine to worn the operator from any spare parts or dangerous equipment.

Figure 3.25 (Safety Signs)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 3.26 shows the safety signs on the machine to worn the
operator from the rubbish or any spare parts.

Figure 3.26 (Safety Signs)

Source: Researcher

3.4) Software and control

Since the aim of the research project is to convert the manual lathe into Semi-
Automatic CNC lathe machine to improve the flexibility and the accuracy of a
traditional lathe machine by using 3 stepper motors with drivers using GRBLGRU
with Universal G-Code sender and X-Loader in order to control 3 stepper motors
(axis x, y and z), we selected the free source GRBLGRU software to control the
machine by Arduino UNO and control the 2 directions of steeper motors with their

The following figure 3.27 shows GRBLGRU software that used to control the
control box with its Arduino UNO to control the 2 steeper motors.

Figure 3.27(GRBLGRU software)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 3.28 below shows Universal G-Code sender software that
used to with GRBL software because it is compatible and cross platform with G-
Code sender and it used for interfacing with advanced CNC controllers and control
the machine by sending a design which is (dxf file) from Soildworks design.

Figure 3.28 (Universal G-Code Sender)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 3.29 below shows the X-Loader software that used with
GRBL and Universal G-Code sender to upload a compiled Arduino UNO sketch
(HEX file) without using the Arduino integrated development environment.

Figure 3.29 (X-Loader)

Source: Researcher

Chapter 4. Project Evaluation and final result
4.1 Introduction

After finishing the implementation of the Electronic design/implementation,

Mechanical design/implementation and the software and control. There’re 3
evaluation stages the researcher will discuss below to explain what happen in the
beginning of the project then the alternatives then the final shape and design of the
electronic board and the machine with its final evaluation.
4.2 First evaluation stage
During the testing step, there’re problems we faced while testing the machine and
Arduino UNO as mentioned in the following figure 4.1:
1) Problems related to the Arduino driver on the operating system after a period of
operation of the machine after the experiment on more than one device.
2) Problems with the design and search for a program to extract the .nc file from
dxf file.
3) Find a program that ready to experiment and extract the best results and solve
the problem of the driver and the samples and the possibility to open and extract
the .nc files and modify them easily.

Figure 4.1 (The final form of PCB of the Arduino UNO shield with its
Source: By the researcher

In the project planning the researcher put the aim and smart objectives to be
archived after finish the implementation of the project one of these objectives is
select the electrical parts to control the machine in two direction which are X axis
and Y axis direction by using two suitable motors with suitable torque to be able to
move the machine easily without any problem that could happen during the work
of the machine and suitable drivers to be able to control the two motors and this
objectives had been achieved correctly and the selected motor able to control the
machine in the two direction easily, the researcher had selected two stepper motor
one of them has torque 45 to move the machine in X axis direction and the
other has torque 9 to move the machine in Y axis direction and suitable
drivers to control each stepper motor correctly in figure 3.1 shows the two motor
installed on the machine to control it in the X and Y axis direction. But the selected
X axis motor has a problem which is during working time of the machine the
motor gets high temperature and that problem should be solve to make the machine
work correctly without any fails in the electrical parts as it shows in the following
figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2 (Installing X Axis and Y Axis Motors on the machine)

Source: Researcher

The 2nd objective the researcher put was to select electrical parts such as motor,
driver and controller with low power consumption to prevent low operation cost of
the lathe machine and not be higher than 1200 watt after the researcher had
selected the all the electrical part this objective has applied successfully because
power consumption of all the electrical parts is from minimum 900 watt to
maximum 1000 watt and that shows in table 4.1.

Table 4.1 (The Total Power Consumption Of The Electrical Parts)

Components Output current Input/output voltage Power consumption

Power supply 15 A 220 V AC / 24 V DC 360 watt

Voltage step-down 2A 3 – 40 V / 1.3 – 35 V 100 watt

X axis Stepper 2.4 to 7.2 A 20 – 80 V DC 300 watt

motor driver model

Y axis Stepper 0.5 to 4 A 9 – 40 V DC 160 watt

motor driver model

Indication LED 0.02 A 220 V AC 4.4 watt

Fan 0.14 A 24 V DC 3.36 watt

Total 927.76 watt

Source: Researcher

The 3rd objective the researcher put was install the electrical parts of the lathe
machine without making any obstacles that could happen to the movement of the
machine in X axis or Y axis or the spindle motor and this objective has applied
successfully by install the electrical parts in a special box to avoid any damages
that could happen to the electrical parts as it shows in figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3 (Control box)

Source: Researcher

Install the wire of the motor that install on the machine in special cases as it shows
in figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4 (Installing the wires)

Source: Researcher

4.3 Second evaluation stage

The following figure 4.5 shows the MACH3 Interface Breakout Board that we
used instead of using Arduino UNO kit with its shield because it is not compatible
with GRBL software and it can’t control the 2 directions and speed of the 2 steeper

Figure 4.5 (MACH3 Interface Breakout Board)

Source: Aliexpress Group Accessed 9 Jun. 2018

The following table 4.2 shows the specifications of the new board which will be
used to control the 2 directions and speed of steeper motors instead of using
Arduino UNO kit with its shield because it wasn’t compatible with GRBL and
Universal G-Code Sender software.

Table 4.2 (Specifications of MACH3 Interface Breakout Board)

Input Power Stepper Motor Driver type Total Weight Dimensions
USB port to Max 52-phase
directly get Microstep Pulse and Approx. 75g 90 mm Length
power from PC controllers and Direction signal 70 mm Width
and 12-24V MACH3 control 20 mm Height
power software

Source: Board, C, Accessed 9 Jun. 2018

After the researcher had achieved the objectives in the project planning but there is
one objective the researcher didn’t put into consideration and it is important to
convert the manual lathe into semi-automatic lathe machine and that is control the
speed of spindle motor automatically by using spindle motor driver without using
any gears or bully and belt like the normal way that used before to change the
speed of the spindle motor as it shows in figure 4.6.

Figure 4.6 (Gear box and 3-phase induction motor)

Source: Researcher

The researcher choose AC motor driver ABB type with easy control panel
interface which is shows in figure 3.7 and it is combatable with the spindle motor
driver because the current of the spindle motor is 2.1 A and the current that the
driver can control it is 3.4 A.

Figure 4.7 (AC motor driver)

Source: Researcher
The most important feature of this driver it has break down circuit as it shows in
figure 4.8 which use to protect the spindle motor and the driver from over current
that could happen during work time of the lathe machine.

Figure 4.8 (AC motor control circuit)

Source: Researcher

The researcher changed the wood door of the box to be clearer; the following
figure 4.9 shows the change process of the speed control wood door it by Artelon
by using the CNC rotter machine.

Figure 4.9 (Making a door for the speed control by Artelon)

Source: Researcher

The coupling in the project prototype are used to transferring the motion of the
stepper motors into the machine it is the important point that we are used it but we
change it to the perfect one to be more suitable and more compatible with the
stepper motors that shows in the below figure 4.10.

Figure 4.10 (Installing the new coupling with the steeper motor)
Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.11 shows the new safe guard to protect the machine and the
worker from rubbish because it is an important point in the machine to be safer for
the users.

Figure 4.11 (Safe guard)

Source: Researcher

4.4 Final evaluation stage

The following figure 4.12 shows the installation process of “MACH3 board” that
will be installed inside the control box.

Figure 4.12 (Installing MACH3 board)

Source: Researcher

After doing the modifications for the machine and installing all the Electrical and
Mechanical components, Mach3 interface breakout board is the suitable board that
used instead of Arduino UNO, and it controlled the speed and directions of the 2
steeper motors and we made testing for the motors in “Mach3” software and the
machine worked with the new board in the following figure 4.13 below.


Figure 4.13 (MACH3 Board)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.14 shows the alternative software that the researcher used
instead of GRBLGRU as it mentioned above and the alternative is “MACH3
software” that is compatible with any CNC in general and specially “Milling” and
“Lathe/Turning” machines.

Figure 4.14(MACH3 Software)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.15 shows the final shape of the Semi-Automatic Lathe
machine after doing all the modifications from the Electrical/Electronic and
Mechanical and software/control sides.

Figure 4.15 (Final shape of the machine)

Source: Researcher

4.5 MACH3 manual to control the lathe machine automatically

The following figure 4.16 shows how to download the software.

Figure 4.16 (Installing Mach3 program)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.17 shows how to find software after downloading it
(location of software)

Figure 4.17 (Location of software on PC)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.18 shows the first screen of software (welcome screen)

Figure 4.18 (Welcome screen)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.19 shows license agreement.

Figure 4.19 (License agreement)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.20 shows location of installation files of mach3.

Figure 4.20 (Location of installation files of mach3)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.21 shows selecting packages

Figure 4.21 (Selecting packages)

Source: Researcher
The following figure 4.22 shows how to create turn profile

Figure 4.22 (Creating Turn Profile)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.23 shows how to give a name to turn profile.

Figure 4.23 (Giving name to turn profile)

Source: Researcher
The following figure 4.24 shows how to install parallel port driver.

Figure 4.24 (Parallel port driver installation)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.25 shows message error if parallel cable is not plugged.

Figure 4.25 (Error message if parallel cable is not plugged)

Source: Researcher
The following figure 4.26 shows window of installation successful

Figure 4.26 (Installation successful)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.27 shows mach3 icons

Figure 4 27 (Mach3 icons)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.28 shows selecting icon to open program

Figure 4.28 (Selecting Mach3Turn icon)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.29 shows Mach3 interface

Figure 4.29 (Mach3 Interface)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.30 shows Auto icon interface

Figure 4.30 (Auto icon interface)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.31 shows confirmation message of ending session

Figure 4.31 (Confirmation message of ending session)

Source: Researcher
The following figure 4.32 shows window Manual icon

Figure 4.32 (Manual icon)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.33 shows Manual Interface

Figure 4.33 (Manual Interface)

Source: Researcher
The following figure 4.34 shows how to load G-code file

Figure 4.34 (Loading G-Code file)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.35 shows how to configure ports & pins

Figure 4.35 (Port & pin configuration)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.36 shows Step pin & direction pin configuration

Figure 4.36 (Step pin & direction pin configuration)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.37 shows lathe turning wizards (Turn samples)

Figure 4.37 (Turning samples)

Source: Researcher
The following figure 4.38 shows some samples of lathe machine

Figure 4.38 (lathe machine samples)

Source: Researcher

The following figure 4.39 shows sample configuration

Figure 4.39 (Sample configuration)

Source: Researcher
The following figure 4.40 shows how to start cycle and edit G-Code or stop cycle

Figure 4.40 (Starting and stopping cycle, Editing G-Code)

Source: Researcher

4.6 Controlling the speed control with the chuck

1) Install the work piece in the chuck of lathe machine

2) Plug in the three phases wire to the three phases source
3) Press on start button in the Ac motor driver to start the spindle motor of the lathe

Figure 4.41 (Speed Control)

Source: Researcher

4) Change the speed of spindle motor up and down to be suitable with the work
piece by using the arrows shown in the below picture:

Figure 4.42 (Speed Control)

Source: Researcher
5) Open Mach3 as shown in the below figure 4.43

Figure 4.43 (Mach3 from windows 10)

Source: Researcher

6) Select Mach3Turn from menu as shown in the below figure 4.44

Figure 4.44 (Mach3turn)

Source: Researcher

7) Select Auto button as shown in the below figure 4.45

Figure 4.45 (Selecting Auto Icon)

Source: Researcher
8) Upload the G-Code of the design as shown in the below picture
9) Press reset button
10) After uploading the G-Code begin to adjust the x and z coordinates by using
the x part zero button and z part zero button in the software, which means (x part
zero is the center of work piece and z part zero is the start of work piece) as shown
in the below figure 4.46

Figure 4.46 (Mach3 software)

Source: Researcher

11) Press cycle start button to start the operation

Figure 4.47 (Cycle Start)

Source: Researcher
4.7 Conclusion and future work

4.7.1 Conclusion

After the researcher finished the electrical and mechanical implementation and had
chosen the suitable software to control the machine. This is the final test of the
machine to know if it meets the aim and objective of the project such as
repeatability and accuracy of the work piece or not in the below figure 4.48 that
shows the design of the work piece that the machine did while working.

Figure 4.48 (Appling the design in Mach3 software)

Source: Researcher

After applying the 2 samples of the design that shown in figure 4.49, the result and
the measurement of the 2 samples compare to the design on the Mach3 software
shown in the below table 4.3.

Table 4.3 (The measurement of the applying samples)

Criteria Original design Frist sample Second sample
(mm) (mm) (mm)
D1 36 35.5 35.6
L1 20 20 19.7
D2 30 29.5 29.6
L2 30 30 29.7
L3 15 15 14.7
Error percentage 1.38 % 1.11 %
Source: Researcher

From the table 4.3 the difference between the measurement of the 2-samples and
the design on Mach3 software, each sample has varied amount of error percentage
in the measurement of the diameter and length of the work piece and that happened
because of different reasons such as the mechanical parts of the lathe machine is
not work efficiently or the setup of the zero X and zero Z of the work piece is
different and that could effect on the measurement of the work piece.

After the researcher had tested the repeatability and the accuracy of the work piece
that operate by semi-automatic lathe machine, in figure 4.49 blow that shows the
next design on Mach3 software to apply it by the semi-automatic lathe machine
and apply it too by manual lathe machine to know the difference between the
measurement of the 2 work pieces and decide which machine will apply the design

Figure 4.49 (The work piece)
Source: Researcher

After the manual lathe and semi-automatic lathe machine had finished the two
samples, the result and the measurement of the 2 samples compare to the design on
the Mach3 software shown in table 4.4.

Table 4.4(The measurement of the applying samples)

Criteria Original design Manual lathe Deviation Semi-Automatic lathe Deviation
(mm) (mm) (%) (mm) (%)
D1 35 34.8 -0.57 34.9 -0.28
D2 30 29.9 -0.33 29.9 -0.33
D3 17 16.81 -1.11 16.9 -0.58
L1 4.5 4.4 -2.22 4.3 -2.22
L2 33 32.6 -1.21 32.63 -1.12
L3 30 29.8 -0.66 29.82 -0.6
L4 14 13.9 -0.71 13.54 -3.35
Time consumption 60 45
Error percentage 1.1 1.3
Source: Researcher

From table 4.4, the measurement of the two work pieces shows there are difference
between the manual and semi-automatic lathe machine and shows the manual lathe
machine is better from the semi-automatic lathe machine and that happened
because of different reasons such as the mechanical parts of the lathe machine is
not work efficiently or the setup of the zero X and zero Z of the work piece is
different and that could effect of the measurement of the work piece as it shows in
table 4.3 but the time consumption of the semi-automatic lathe machine is lower
than the time consumption of the manual lathe machine and that means if the
researcher solve the 2 reasons above the semi-automatic lathe machine will be
more efficient and better than the manual lathe.

The evaluation of the project considered successful since the objectives are met
and the expenses are not too high. The stepper motors used are of top quality and
they performed very well and accurately. As for the Mach3 board worked very
stable and good micro stepping features with such a high current driving capability
for the steeper motors while in this project there are aims and objectives that
should be achieved after finishing the project implementation and that objectives
has been achieved successfully although there were some problem during the
electrical implementation but the researcher found out the best solution on these
problems to make the project work correctly and efficiently without any fails.

4.7.2 Future work

1) Fully Automatic CNC

2) Use more powerful header and cutting materials to accept any type of heavy
duty tasks.
3) Introduce safety circuit with using advanced microcontroller and sensors such
as Infrared and various approximate sensors.
4) MACH3 with USB and driver
5) Using temperature 2 sensor to sense the temperature of 2 steeper motors
6) Replace the stepper motors with DC servo motors to move the machine in both
direction X axis direction and Y axis direction because it has encoder and it
will make the machine very accurate in the motor step

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4.7 Appendices
4.7.1 Appendix A: Y axis stepper motor specifications model 86HZ118-85

Figure 4.50 (Y-axis motor specifications)

Source: Shenzhen Electronics 2018

4.7.2 Appendix B: X axis stepper motor specifications model 57HZ56630

Figure 4.51 (X-axis motor specifications)

Source: Shenzhen Electronics 2018

4.7.3 Appendix C: X axis motor driver specifications and features model TB6600

Figure 4.52 (X-axis driver specifications and features)

Source: Shenzhen Electronics 2018

4.7.4 Appendix D: Y axis motor driver specifications model DM860

Figure 4.53 (Y axis motor driver specifications)

Source: American motiontech, 2018

4.7.5 Appendix E: Spindle motor driver ABB type model ASC355

Figure 4.54 (Spindle motor driver specifications)

Source: ABB driver manual, 2018


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