ENG403A 404A S1 8.1 ResearchPaperFinalDraft AhmedIshraq Amin

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Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice depicts prejudice in rural England during the nineteenth century.

Elizabeth, the second of the Bennet family's daughters, is characterized as the main protagonist, fighting

against the societal conventions generated by prejudice inside societies. While her sisters and friends

were looking for a good, well-established man to marry, Elizabeth concentrated on herself and battled

for her life and dignity. She did not allow prejudice to diminish her esteem and value in society. Almost

every female had emphasized wealth when it came to finding a partner, but Elizabeth had chosen love

and respect. While Elizabeth was battling societal pressures to position herself as a rebel, she met a man

who would transform her outlook on the wealthy. Darcy, the novel's central character, is an educated and

rich man who has romantic feelings for Elizabeth. As they battle social standards and overcome personal

misunderstandings, their relationship is built on love and respect. In the narrative, societal hierarchies

fostered prejudice among communities, causing significant suffering in Elizabeth's life.

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Elizabeth depicted herself as a strong, independent lady who thought highly of herself from the

beginning of the story. She never allowed her pride to fall to the ground, and she never let herself feel

inferior in front of others. She had modeled herself after her father, Mr Bennet, who was likewise a

thoughtful, intelligent man. Despite the fact that she knew Darcy was wealthy, single, and gorgeous, she

kept her guard up. She attempted to be courteous and strike up a conversation with Darcy, but his

arrogant tone made her reconsider. She made it a point from then on to present herself as a strong lady,

no matter how superior the person in front of her was. However, her pride and prejudice cause her to

confront several obstacles throughout her life, particularly in her interactions and relationship with


Darcy and Elizabeth shared many similarities. Darcy's money and background made him the center of

attention everywhere, which was the source of his pride. Despite the fact that his character developed

during the novel, his introduction in the novel depicted him as an arrogant, self-obsessed man. This

aspect of his personality made him unappealing to many others, including Elizabeth. His humble and

caring features, on the other hand, earned him a favorite of many in the novel as well as the audience.

Darcy's arrogant and judgmental personality was adequately explained in the end by several

circumstances that revealed his actual true self.

Even though Ms. Bennet was not the novel's main character, she performed an important role in setting

the scene and illuminating the theme of prejudice. Ms. Bennet was exactly like any other mother of the

day. She, like every other mother, desired to find her daughters a wealthy spouse with whom they could

enjoy a luxury lifestyle. However, this trait of hers made her unappealing to many people and harmed

the image of her family in the eyes of others.

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Since bias exists in society, Elizabeth was harmed as a character with low self-esteem and respect from

the start. She was not a fan of her mother's point of view of continually looking for a wealthy guy to

marry off, since it created a terrible impression in the eyes of others. When Elizabeth and Darcy were

met at a ball at the start of the novel, her mother made a bad impression on Darcy and Bingley, for

which Elizabeth had to pay the price. "She is tolerable; but not lovely enough to entice me; and I am in

no humor at the moment to give significance to young women who are slighted by other men," Mr

Darcy said to Mr Bingley during the ball. You should go back to your girlfriend and enjoy her smiles,

because you're wasting your time with me." (Austin). Her mother's actions were self-explanatory of her

intentions. However, as previously said, Elizabeth did not share her mother's viewpoint. But, like every

other girl at the ball, Mr. Darcy believed she was looking for fortune and power above her actual

emotions. Mr. Darcy's beliefs were influenced by Elizabeth's social and financial background, since it

was often assumed that females would only desire riches and comfort in their wedded lives. When

Darcy says to Elizabeth, 'not handsome enough to tempt me,' it is apparent that he is looking down at

her, implying he has no regard or respect for her.

Even though Darcy has shown prejudice towards Elizabeth throughout the novel, Elizabeth has also

shown prejudice towards Darcy. Whereas Darcy appraised Elizabeth's character based on her financial

level as well as the conduct of her family, Elizabeth condemned him based on his vast money and his

disdain of the lower class, as seen in the first ball. Despite her initial thoughts of Darcy, she was

compelled to reconsider after Darcy explained in a letter why he had broken off her sister and Bingly's

wedding. "How despicably I have acted!" Elizabeth reacted by saying, "...Till this moment, I never knew

myself." (Austin). While Elizabeth was anxious about people condemning or mistreating her, she

recognized she was no different. Her pride drove her to pass judgment and neglect on Mr. Darcy since

she assumed he was doing the same to her, but she is no different. Elizabeth assumed Darcy would be

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recognized for judging individuals primarily on their financial well-being rather than their personality or

type of person. When she learned she had been proven wrong about Darcy, she realized her mistakes in

presenting prejudice towards Darcy and blamed herself for all the misunderstandings.

Despite Darcy and Elizabeth's animosity for one another throughout the novel, they ultimately

understood each other, prompting them to express their genuine emotions and love for each other. “You

must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. -Mr. Darcy”(Austin). This phrase

expresses Elizabeth's genuine feelings for Darcy as she learns more about him during the narrative. Even

though Darcy showed himself as an arrogant and insensitive character, we were able to see the inside of

Darcy later in the novel. He was always courteous and considerate to others, but it was all in the

shadows. Darcy had piqued Elizabeth's interest from the start; but, due to Darcy's actions, Elizabeth

developed a dislike for him. "An unhappy alternative is before you, Elizabeth," Darcy eventually

mustered the strength to confess his feelings to Elizabeth. You must be a stranger to one of your parents

as of now. If you marry Mr. Collins, your mother will never see you again, and I will never see you

again." (Austin). This is when Elizabeth became more self-assured and aware of her genuine feelings.

Elizabeth, on the other hand, was in denial about her feelings because of her perspective on Darcy. Later

in the novel, especially when Elizabeth discovered that Darcy was in charge of her sister's homecoming,

she began to like him as a character. Elizabeth was able to learn more about Darcy as the narrative

progressed, and she finally fell in love with him.

Aside from Elizabeth and Darcy, the novel had a slew of other characters who displayed apparent signs

of prejudice. The story of George Wicham and Elizabeth is a good illustration of prejudice. When

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Elizabeth first meet Wicham, his time in the army led her to believe he is a gentleman with rigid rules of

ethics and morality. Because she disliked wealthy guys, she felt Wicham, a middle-class man, would be

ideal for her. Wicham persuaded Elizabeth and portrayed himself as an innocent gentleman, whereas

Darcy was the rich-arrogant guy who would treat others unfairly. Wicham's charming personality and

sweet words quickly captured Elizabeth's attention and, eventually, her heart. Because he was in the

army, which is renowned for being very rigorous and constantly sticking to their principles and morals,

Elizabeth assumed Wicham to be the same, and we can see a clear case of prejudice here. However, as

the narrative progresses, it is revealed that the Wicham is the polar opposite of what Elizabeth had in

mind. Wicham eloped with one of Elizabeth's younger sisters, allowing everyone, especially Elizabeth,

to see the other side of him. This incident also prompted the appropriate development of Darcy and

Elizabeth's bond.

As previously said, Darcy was considered to be a giving, caring, and helpful man right up until the end.

Especially after being known as a considerate and compassionate individual, and especially after the

incident with Wicham. While everyone was concerned because Wicham had eloped with Elizabeth's

sister, Darcy managed the matter without anyone's awareness. Wicham's plan was to elope and hold

Elizabeth's sister captive until he obtained payment from their family. Darcy, on the other hand, was well

aware of what was going on and opted to tackle the problem on his own. Darcy did so much for

Elizabeth and her family, but he never expressed it. This also expands on Darcy's character and his

feelings for Elizabeth.

Prejudice may lead to disputes and misunderstandings, as Jane Austen's novel 'Pride and Prejudice'

demonstrates. Despite portraying herself as a strong character, Elizabeth let her guard down at the end

when she discovered Darcy's character. Prejudice is one of the novel's main themes, and the title might

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expound on it. Even though different societies have varied ideals and views about judging others, it is

something that everyone does. It is our tendency to pass judgment on others. The judgment might be

formed by a variety of variables ranging from a person's appearance to their past or the community in

which they live. In the novel, Elizabeth had lived in a society where people were comfortable but not too

so, which led Darcy to assume that she was just like everyone else there, searching for a wealthy spouse

to settle down with. When Elizabeth met Darcy and learned about his fortune, she assumed he was

merely a wealthy, arrogant man who treated people cruelly.

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"Pride And Prejudice,". The Library Of Congress, 2022,

https://www.loc.gov/resource/gdcmassbookdig.prideprejudice00aust_5/?st=gallery. Accessed 14 Nov


"Pride And Prejudice | Summary, Characters, Author, Book, Movie, Quotes, & Facts". Encyclopedia

Britannica, 2022, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Pride-and-Prejudice. Accessed 27 Nov 2022.

"Pride And Prejudice: Elizabeth Bennet | Sparknotes". Sparknotes, 2022,

https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/pride/character/elizabeth-bennet/. Accessed 1 Dec 2023.

"How 'Pride And Prejudice' Satirizes Love, Marriage, And Social Climbers". Thoughtco, 2022,

https://www.thoughtco.com/pride-and-prejudice-themes-literary-devices-4177651. Accessed 5 Dec


LitCharts, Prejudice theme analysis, LitCharts. Available at:

https://www.litcharts.com/lit/pride-and-prejudice/themes/prejudice. Accessed 7 Dec 2022.

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