Pride and Prejudice Reflection Paper

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Pride and Prejudice came to life on the big screen in 2005. The movie was based on Jane
Austin’s novel of the same name. The novel, being considered one of the most beloved books
and one of the most popular in English literature, had high expectations. Director, Joe Wright,
took on the task. Fortunately, he did not disappoint. The movie is effective at communicating
the plot, setting, and characters to audience. First of all, this romantic period drama starts with
the arrival of Mr. Bingley (Simon Woods) and Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen), two rich
gentlemen. Mrs. Bennet desperately wants one of her five daughters to marry Mr. Bingley. Her
wishes seem to be becoming true when Jane (Rosamund Pike) and Mr. Bingley fall in love.
However, her other daughter, Elizabeth (Keira Knightley) and Mr. Darcy hate each other. Other
men, such as Mr. Wickham (Rupert Friend) and Mr. Collins (Tom Hollander) cause drama for
our heroine Elizabeth. The main plot line follows the interactions between Elizabeth and Mr.
Darcy. The question is can Elizabeth overcome her prejudice and can Mr. Darcy overcome his
pride, so that they may end up with their happily ever after? Secondly, the setting plays a major
role in this movie. The setting helps the reader understand the reason why things were the way
they were. The movie takes place in England during the Georgian Era. Thus the costumes and
hair had to match that time period. The movie rightfully modernized the language a little from
the original book. This allows the audience to better understand what was being said. The set
time of the story tells the audience the importance of class and marriage. Class was the main
conflict between the characters. The majority of the setting is centered in what was considered
a lower class town.
“Pride and Prejudice” (2005) is a film adaption of the novel of the same name written by Jane
Austen in 1813. The story is about love and marriage of minor aristocracy in England in the
Early 19th century. The main characters are Elizabeth Bennet, a 20 years old girl came from a
Middle-class family and Fitzwilliam Darcy who belongs to a landlord class. Pride and prejudice
are the foremost distinguished themes within the film as a result of they affect categorical the
personalities of the characters. Through many ways of showing the author’s ideas, the audience
will understand two themes within the title which are pride and prejudice. To begin with the
“Pride”, in the movie, this theme has shown from both main characters Elizabeth and Darcy.
Firstly, “pride” was demonstrated by the character Darcy, who is a person Come from the North
of England. Darcy always proud of his origin and he is preoccupied with the middle class of
society. For instance, when Elizabeth want to invite him to dance, Darcy Refuse and
immediately said: “No if I can”. Besides, because of his “pride” about himself, Darcy Believed
that when he invites Elizabeth to dance she will agree; however, her response is Unexpected by
declining Darcy’s proposal. Secondly, Elizabeth also has her own “pride”. She aware her
intelligence, knowledge, and observation so she based on these things to judge other People.
Therefore, she had some bad impressive with Mr. Darcy. In addition, she believes in her
Thought about marriage which also another thing she proud of.
The second theme that was emphasized is about “Prejudice”. “Prejudice” is an issue that Darcy
has to face when he loves Elizabeth. Because of his pride from the aristocracy, he has scorned
people from the middle class and always thinks that they just want to reach the rich to find
benefit for themselves which include Lizzie’s family. This prevented Darcy from opening his
heart and confide his love for Elizabeth. Fortunately, in the end, he decided to bravely face to
leave his pried as well as break his own prejudices about class in society and married Elizabeth.
The prejudice is not only come from Darcy but also represented by the character Elizabeth.
Moreover, Darcy and Elizabeth have different backgrounds, one is from aristocrat and the other
is from the middle class so they obviously have their own thoughts and opinions about the
other class even when they do not know much about each other. Elizabeth said that aristocrats
are not friendly and arrogant. She also believes that Darcy is a divisive figure for Jane and
Bingley because of the issue of social class. Until Darcy wrote a letter to explain the
misunderstanding, she understood Darcy’s personality and her prejudice was gradually
The story Pride and Prejudice pictured a miniature British society at the beginning of the 19 th
century, a period when the upper, middle, and lower classes were most visible. Not only that,
the story also shows the roles of women and men in England and the stereotypes about them
at that time. A man must be elegant and masculine, and he must have a job, a significant salary,
and a large home. Women, on the other hand, must strive to be decent, exemplary, and
flawless wives to their husbands, putting politics and careers aside. These prejudices imposed
an invisible limitation on how to observe and judge a person, and the British people of the time
were constrained by those frameworks and stereotypes as well. Furthermore, differences in
socioeconomic background and rank played a critical role in the prejudices that existed in
society at the time. For example, Darcy was first interested in getting to know Elizabeth, but his
pride in class and possessions, as well as prejudices about Elizabeth’s family’s low rank, kept
him away, while Elizabeth also has high self-esteem and is prejudiced towards Darcy’s
bourgeois demeanor. Last but not least, although women were not expected to do anything at
the time, they seem unable to sympathize with one another. Instead, they despise each other
because of their different social statuses and positions, even keeping in mind the social
standards and prejudices that women must have.
Elizabeth is intelligent and sometimes superior to most people. Jane is sensitive and smart but
not as sharp as Elizabeth and she tries to see the good in everyone. I think the main character
Elizabeth is smarter than the Darcy’s because she can out argue them, but I think she likes
arguing with Mr. Darcy because they think differently and I think Mr. Darcy feels the same. Mr.
Darcy to me seems very smitten by Elizabeth and I think she feels the same about him even
though most people find him unpleasant, even Mrs. Bennet. Elizabeth doesn’t take marriage
lightly and I do not think she will compromise by marrying someone other than Mr. Darcy.

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