Heat Flow and Solar Radiation
Heat Flow and Solar Radiation
Heat Flow and Solar Radiation
Region Comments
range (approx.)
Long-wave >10 m Includes traditional AM radio region.
Short-wave 10 cm - 10 m Used for TV, FM, and other communication purposes.
Microwave 1 mm - 10 cm Present limit of radio technology for most purposes.
Far infrared 30 mm - 1 mm 3 K radiation fills universe.
Thermal 3 mm - 30 mm Thermal emission of earth and planets.
Near infrared 700 nm - 3mm Solar and stellar emission.
Visible 400 nm -700nm Peak of solar radiation. Visible to human eye,
Light standard photographic film and CCD video detectors.
Ultraviolet 200 nm -400nm Divided at 300 nm by atmospheric (ozone) cutoff.
Appreciable solar flux causes sunburn.
Vacuum UV 10 nm - 200 nm Very strong absorption in matter, hence very difficult to
(EUV) observe.
X-rays 120 eV-100keV Produced by electron beams in X-ray tubes, and by
inner atomic transitions.
g-rays 100 keV Produced by nuclear and other high energy
processes. Can penetrate up to meters in water.
Heat energy is measured in Joules or Kgm2/s2.
Item Description Unit
Velocity a movement of unit length in unit time m/s
Acceleration a unit change in velocity in unit time m/s2
Force That which can cause a unit Kgm/s2 Or
acceleration of a body having a unit Newton
Work Unit work carried out if a unit force is Kgm2/s2 Or
Flow of heat through a wall,
The heat removed by a cooling plant,
The radiant heat flow-from a electric radiator.
The flow of electricity through a light bulb,
Sound energy emitted by a loud speaker.
1 ton of refrigeration
= Cooling power of 1 ton of ice melting in 24 hours.
= (2000 x 144) / 24 Btu/h
= 12000 Btu/h
= 12000 x 0.293 W
= 3516 W
= 3.56 Kw
(1 pound of ice requires 144 Btu of heat to melt it into water of same
temperature; 1 ton = 2000 pounds)
Density of Heat Flow Rate ( Watt/sqm)
Summer solstice (21 Jun) marks Winter solstice (22 Dec) marks
the beginning of summer in the the beginning of winter in the
Northern Hemisphere. Longest Northern Hemisphere. Shortest
daylight. daylight.
Factors affecting Solar Radiation – Latitude
Twice a year, line from the earth to the sun lies on the equatorial plane . The
declination angle becomes zero.
Autumnal Equinox on 23
September marking the start of
the fall/ Autumn.
Factors affecting Solar Radiation – Latitude
At this point an observer on the equator would observe that the sun was
directly overhead at noontime.
Solar Radiation
Solar Radiation
Radiation at the earth’s surface
Solar Radiation Quality
The spectrum of solar radiation extends from 290 to 2300nm.
Ultra-violet radiation, 290 to 380 nm, producing photo-
chemical effects, bleaching, sun burn, etc.
Visible light, 380(violet) to 700nm (red)
Short infra red radiation 700 to 2300nm.
Solar Radiation Quality
The spectrum of solar radiation extends from 290 to 2300nm.
Solar radiation
Solar Radiation at the earth’s surface
The amount of radiation received on the earth’s
surface is affected by :
2.Atmospheric depletion
3. Duration of sunshine
Solar Radiation at the earth’s surface
The amount of radiation received on the earth’s surface is
affected by :
Summer solstice (21 Jun) marks Winter solstice (22 Dec) marks
the beginning of summer in the the beginning of winter in the
Northern Hemisphere. Longest Northern Hemisphere. Shortest
daylight. daylight.
Solar Radiation
Areas Summer Winter Vernal Autumnal
solstice Solstice Equinox Equinox
21 June 22 Dec 22 Mar 23 Sep
Tropic of Longest Day Shortest Day Day & Night Day & Night
Cancer Equal Equal
Tropic of Shortest Day Longest Day Day & Night Day & Night
Capricorn Equal Equal
Equator Day & Night Day & Night Day & Night Day & Night
Equal Equal Equal Equal
North Pole 24 hour Day 24 hour Night Day & Night Day & Night
Equal Equal
South Pole 24 hour Night 24 hour Day Day & Night Day & Night
Equal Equal
Solar Radiation
3. Duration of sunshine : Sunshine duration is the length of time that the
ground surface is irradiated by direct solar radiation.
At the Equator, the daytime period is 12 hours, regardless of season.
At the Tropics, the daytime duration varies from 6 -18 hours
At the Poles, the daytime duration varies from 0 – 24 hours
Solar Radiation Measurement
Solar Radiation is measured in W/m2 or J/m2 s. Total radiation
received over a day is expressed in MJ/m2day.
For India, the average daily total value for global solar radiation
ranges from
3.4 – 6.2 Kwh/m2 or 12.24 - 22.32 MJ/m2
Measurement of Solar Radiation
Solar Radiation Measurement
Global Solar Radiant Exposure (Global Solar Irradiation):
Solar Horizontal Radiation Measurement
Solar Horizontal Radiation Measurement
Solar Horizontal Radiation Measurement
Solar Vertical Radiation Measurement
Solar Vertical Radiation Measurement
Vertical surface
Solar Vertical Radiation Measurement
Vertical surface
Solar Radiation Measurement on Vertical surface
Solar radiation in W/sqm on
vertical surface (S/SE/SW wall)
Date Time Solar
15 May 10 AM 50
12 PM 100
3 PM 0
21 Mar 10 AM 300
12 PM 400
3 PM 250
22 Dec 10 AM 500
12 PM 600
3 PM 450
Solar Radiation Measurement on Horizontal Surface
Solar radiation in W/sqm on
horizontal surface ( Roof )
Date Time Solar
15 May 10 AM 780
12 PM 900
3 PM 750
21 Mar 10 AM 700
12 PM 780
3 PM 520
22 Dec 10 AM 400
12 PM 500
3 PM 250
List of symbols used in Solar Radiation Measurement
Item Symbol Description
m The relative path length of the solar beam through the
Air mass
atmosphere considering the vertical path length as unity.
w Depth of the liquid water which would result if all the water
Depth of
vapour in a vertical column of atmosphere, extending from the
earth’s surface to the top of atmosphere, were condensed and
collected at the bottom
Intensity of I0n Intensity of extra-terrestrial solar radiation on a surface normal
extra- to the solar beam = 1367 W/m2
solar I0h Intensity of extra-terrestrial solar radiation on a horizontal
radiation surface
IDn Intensity of direct solar radiation on a surface normal to the solar
Intensity of
direct solar IDh Intensity of direct solar radiation on a horizontal surface
radiation IDv Intensity of direct solar radiation on a vertical surface
Idh / I0h Tdh Transmission factor for diffuse solar radiation (ratio of
ground and extra-terrestrial solar radiation)
Idh / I0n Transmission factor for diffuse solar radiation with respect
Th to extra-terrestrial solar radiation normal to the solar beam
Al Solar Altitude
i Angle of incidence
HSA Angle between solar azimuth and a normal to the surface
Condition Value
Atmospheric 760 mm
Direct Radiation under clear sky conditions
For 30 mm precipitable water,
400 dust particles per cm3
air mass =2 ,
TD = 0.5,
IDn = TD x I0n
= 0.5 x 1367 W/m2
= 683 W/m2
Direct Radiation under clear sky conditions
For 30 mm perceptible water,
300 dust particles per cm3
air mass m = cosec (Al) =
cosec (30) = 2,
TD = 0.51,
IDn = TD x I0n
= 0.5 x 1353 W/m2
= 690 W/m2
Direct Radiation under clear sky conditions
Calculation of Surface Intensity on any surface
β δ
Direct Radiation under clear sky conditions
Example Calculation of Surface Intensity For Vertical surface
β is the angle of incidence.
δ the angle between solar azimuth and wall normal
ϒ is the altitude
Cos (β) = [{Sin (ϒ) x Cos (θ)} + {Cos (ϒ) x Sin (θ) x Cos (δ)}]
IDs = IDn [{Sin (ϒ) x Cos (θ)} + {Cos (ϒ) x Sin (θ) x Cos (δ)}]
Tdh Transmission factor for diffuse solar radiation (ratio of ground and
extra-terrestrial solar radiation on horizontal surface) = Idh / I0h
when the sun is shining on the eastern wall, the out door
air temperature is lower than the indoor air temperature.
when the sun is shining on the western wall, the out door
air temperature is much higher than the indoor air