SEN Research Module Saraniya Vignesh

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Research Module – Special Education

“It takes someone special to teach someone special” - SEN Programs should be considered
as a need for “All the Teachers”. Make a fundamental study on the different aspects that
will support the above-mentioned quote. Your research paper should contain the following

 The Drive which will motivate the Teachers to acquire the knowledge to deal with the
Special Children.
 The Concept of Inclusive Education.
 The Demand of Special Educators worldwide has increased (may refer to past statistical
 The different ways which a teacher should adopt so he/she can stand apart from all in
terms of dealing with “All” kinds of students irrespective of their special needs.

Teachers and special educators are the most influential figures in any child’s life. Even when the school
year is over, and even after decades have passed, the most influential teachers will be still be
remembered with fondness and admiration. They devote their life and ultimately it becomes their
identity. There are many aspects that interests one to become a teacher or a special educator.
Regardless of the salary and the summer vacations unlike other occupations, they are driven by the
passion and love towards the children and their lives. They like to improve the quality of education, to
give back to the community and to change the lives of students. Teachers influence more than the
classrooms. They end up being mentors, motivators and best friends of the students. There are certain
characteristics that make special education teachers special, such as:

 Organization: a core skill which highly impact and deliver positive results in handling special
education students and in inclusive classrooms.
 Calming nature: this quality stands out especially when you are not distracted by the pressure
and intensity which creates stress and chaos within the teacher herself. Intuitive behavior: as
special education students might have communication issues; teacher must have high intuitive
skills to understand the issue and guide them accordingly.
 Adaptability: Teachers never know when there will be a meltdown or outburst in aa classroom.
Modeling adaptability is important because children with special needs often need to learn how
to adapt to their surroundings based on their disability.
 Sense of humor: All the students love a person who lights up the classroom and cheerful.
Teacher must know the appropriate time to laugh and guide the students to laugh at the right
 Calming the students: regardless of the incident takes place in the classroom, special education
teacher must have the control of the classroom.
 Creativity: Each and every student are unique in a classroom. Therefore, a teacher must be
able to have a variety of learning techniques, resources and activities which suit the subject,
time and mood of the students in a day.
 Love for children: Last but not the least, the utmost important quality needed for a any
teacher is the love! This gives immense trust and joy to the teacher and the students which
almost reduces most of the problems a student might encounter in a classroom if they feel safer
and loved in the classroom environment.

The concept of inclusive education refers to different and diverse students learning side by side in the
same classroom. Inclusive education values diversity and unique contributions each student brings to
their classroom. School staffs are given adequate training, support and flexibility and resources to

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nurture, encourage the needs of all the students. This process avoids discrimination in any aspect such
as disability, minority community and other marginalized groups. This inclusive education demands all
the teachers to be well prepared, trained and learn adequate knowledge on the subject area. Not only
teachers, but an inclusive curriculum and parental involvement are as important as the teachers.

Research shows that in everyday teaching practices already marginalize groups of students, but teachers
can take steps to the create the balance. It is important to educate the parents to assert their child
right to education in an inclusive setting. While practicing inclusive education teachers can address the
inequalities and try their best to avoid them inside the classroom level. Some actions are as below:

 Define and emphasize on minimum behavior standards and enforce them in the classroom.
 Encourage active learning
 Applying proven strategies in inclusive education like progressive time delay, most to least or
least to most prompting.
 Being intentional with lesson planning
 Have consistent expectations with students based on their induvial abilities but with an open
 Provide multiple and variety of opportunities to reflect.
 Use students interests as teaching tools and make room for them if accommodatable.
 Boost student engagement and participation in all activities.
 Rethink the grading strategy or process.
 Nurture relationships by creating opportunities to listen to all the students in the classroom.
 Being mindful about the language and vocabulary used in the classroom and the specific need of
every child in the classroom.
 Develop a scaffolding approach to learning, which is giving support so that all pupils can access
the same learning. If you set totally different tasks for some children because they failed or
unable to attempt what you have planned for the rest of the class, you are excluding them.

The shown image represents a shortage of special educators in Nevada as of November, 2018. It is just
an example of the demand on special educators.

There many reasons for the rising demand for the special educators such as retirement and people
leaving the profession for various personal reasons, growth in population overall and also the rise in

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special need students across the globe, relevant subject area teachers are in the market than the
demand for subjects such as Math, English as it is being the widely used language for education across
the world. Also lack of fully recognized and well qualified teachers is still existing. Regardless of the rise
in demand for special educators, certain challenges were addressed by them as lack of support from
schools or governments, insufficient pay schemes and unavailability or lack of resources for successful
conduct of the classroom and many to name.


 “Inclusive Education.” UNICEF,

 “The Power of Letting Children Learn Together.” Open Society Foundations,
 “Lecturer Support Material.” Papua New Guinea – Australia Development Cooperation Program.

Saraniya Vignesh – ACT/SETT/3501/2020/278

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