NCCu International Studies 17 - 18 - Curriculum - Guide

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College of International Affairs
International Master’s Program in International Studies

2017/18 Curriculum Guide

International Master’s Program in International Studies (IMPIS) Introduction
1. College Introduction
According to NCCU long-term (1982-1991) development project, there are 7 educational objectives,
among which one is to integrate the researches on international affairs, and educate professionals in the field
of international affairs in our country in order to adapt to the need of liberalization, break through the limit of
external environment and upgrade country’s status. In order to achieve this objective, NCCU submitted official
requirements to Ministry of Eduction for approval of establishing the College of International Affairs.

College of International Affairs consist of 1 department (Department of Diplomacy), 2 institutes

(Institute of East Asian Studies & Institute of Russian Studies), 2 executive master programs (Master Program
in National Security and Mainland China Studies & Stratigy and International Affairs Master’s Program) and
3 programs (International Master’s Program in International Studies & Master and Doctoral program in Japan
Studies). With aspiration of establishing more institutes of regianl studies in the future, it will be more
prominent that several institutes get integrated into one department. The College will comply with the long-
term development project and the requirement for national development toward the following goals:

1. To establish institutes of Middle Eastern, North American, European, African, South Asian, and
Latin American studies or master programs in stages.

2. To promote international academic exchange activities and join the international academic
communities, especially formal cooperation agreements e.g. double degree with leading foreign

3. To recruit internationally renowned scholars to serve as visiting professors and publish journals and
books of high quility.

College of International Affairs Curriculum Framework

Cross Strait Public

International and Public Affairs Area Studies
Master’s Program in Stratigy

Institute of Russian Studies

Department of Diplomacy

Master’s program in Japan

Program in International
and International Affairs

Mainland China Studies

Institute of East Asian

National Security and

International Master’s

Master’s Program in



2. IMPIS Introduction
International Master’s Program in International Studies (IMPIS) at National Chengchi University
(NCCU), established in August 2012, aims to bring a broad interdisciplinary focus to the understanding and
study of contemporary international relations. It provides an intensive learning and application of knowledge
of economy, business, politics, diplomacy, and international organizations in a world of globalization, with a
strong focus on international development and strategic management.

Each year IMPIS receives 7 local students and 20 master degree students come not only from Taiwan but also
from all over the world. IMPIS is collaborating with various teaching and research units of NCCU to guarantee
the quality of teaching and learning and the quantity of the courses to be offered. Those who plan to enter
international affairs related professions or to continue doctoral studies in the related fields, as well as mid-
career professionals, are encouraged to apply.

3. IMPIS Curriculum Map



Electives (18 credits)

International Cooperation and Development International Strategic Management
Theories of International Relations
 Human Rights, Humanitarian and State  Cross Cultural Communication &
Sovereignty Negotiation
 International Environment & Health  Strategic Communication & Cultural
International Political Economy
 Population, Migration & Development Diplomacy
 Poverty, Inequality & Development  Topics on International Security
 Science, Technology & Energy  Conflict Management
Qualitative Research Methods
 Topic in International Cooperation – Issues of  Crisis Management
Agriculture, Economics & Trade.  Ethnic Conflicts &Terrorism
 Topic in International Cooperation -  Seminar in International Risk Analysis and
Quantitative Research Methods International NGOs & Development Management
(3)  Gender, Development & Globalization  Russian Foreign Policy
 Democratization & Good Governance  International Relations of Northeast Asia
 Debates on Globalization  International Relations of Southeast Asia
 Seminar on International Organizations  International Relations and Political
 Post-Communist Democratization Philosophy
 China and Economic Integration in Asia

Thesis Proposal Master’s

2 Degree Thesis Defense
4. Graduation Requirements

IMPIS requires completion of a minimum of 30 credits and a MA thesis (project) for graduation. Students
can normally complete all their courses in 2-4 years to fulfill all the program requirements.

There are 2 parts to the curriculum:

1. Core courses: 12 credits.
2. Elective courses:18 credits (9 credits at most from off-IMPIS courses outside the IMPIS)

Thesis Regulation:
1. Application for oral exam (thesis proposal) can be submitted since the beginning of the second
2. Thesis proposal exam and thesis exam should not be in the same semester.
3. The committee consists of at least three members, including one advisor, and at least one outside
reader should be affiliated with another institute.

5. Curriculum

Core courses(Recommend to complete these courses in the first year.)

First year First year

First semester Second semester
Course Course Name Time Credit Study time Course Course Name Time Credit Study time
Number outside of Number outside of
class class

862006001 Qualitative Research Thu 3 5hrs 862005001 Quantitative TBC 3 5hrs

Methods Research Methods

862001001 International Relations Thu 3 5hrs 062003001 International Political Tue 3 5hrs
Theory Economy
14-17 9-12
Elective courses

First semester Second semester

Course Course Name Time Credit Study Course Course Name Time Credit Study time
Number time Number outside of
outside of class
862950001 Seminar in International Wed 3 4-5hrs 862940001 Topic in Wed 3
Development Issues of International
18-21 18-21
Agriculture, Economics Cooperation
and Trade International NGOs
& Development

862934001 International Relations Tue 3 4-5hrs 862939001 Strategic TBC 3
and Political Communication &
Philosophy Cultural Diplomacy

4-5hrs 4-5hrs
862935001 Post-Communist Wed 3 862930001 Russian Foreign Thu 3
Democratization Policy
15-18 15-18

4-5hrs 4-5hrs
862926001 Human Rights, Tue 3 862931001 Democratization and Wed 3
Humanitarian and State Good Governance
9-12 14-17

4-5hrs 4-5hrs
862944001 Seminar on Ethnic Wed 3 862935001 Seminar on Thu 3
Conflict and Terrorism Interational Security
14-17 18-21

Note:Course list could be revised or changed without advanced notice. Go to system for course schedule for the latest course schedule.

6. Curriculum

862006001 Qualitative Research 3 credits IMPIS first-year 3hrs

[Course To give a basic understanding of how to start and process a thesis, enhance the ability of
Objectives] issues analyzing and thiese writing.

[Course 1. Introduction
Content] 2. Review and Discussion about Thesis
3. Review of the Literature
4. Writing Strategies and Ethical Consideration
5. Topic Choosing
6. Research Questions and Hypotheses
The Use of Theory
7. Research Design: Qualitative Methods
8. Mid-term Essay—Literature Review
9. Research Design: Qualitative Methods
10. Report your Results
11. Conclusions
12. Presentation
13. Final Essay—Research Proposal

862001001 International Relations 3 credits IMPIS first-year 3hrs

[Course To gain a basic understanding of major theoretical approaches in interantional relations. To
Objectives] be familiar with key figures in the issue of international relations.
[Course 1. Idealism, classical realism & Behavioralism
Content] 2. The international anarchy and structural realism
3. Offensive/defensive realism, power transition, and hierarchy
4. Liberalism in international relations
5. Case Studies on the Rational Choice Approach
6. Constructing international relations
7. The English School
8. Feminism and post-positivism
9. Case Studies on the Post-Positivist Approach
10. Team base presentation

862005001 Quantitative Research 3 credits IMPIS first-year 3hrs

[Course To educate quantitative research methods and enhance analysis of issue and statistics of
Objectives] research result.
[Course 1. Sampling and measurement
Content] 2. Descriptive statistics
3. Probability distributions
4. Statistical inference: Estimation
5. Statistical inference: Significance tests
6. Comparison of two groups
7. Analyzing association between categorical variables
8. Linear regression and correlation
9. Introduction to multivariate relationships and Multiple regression and correlation
10. Student Presentation

862003001 Seminar on International 3 credits IMPIS first-year 3hrs

Political Economy
[Course To understand the theory of international political economy and enquire into the issue of
Objectives] international development and area integration.
[Course 1. Introduction and Modern Historical Background
Content] 2. Foundations
3. Sources of Soft Power in relation to Strategic Communications and Cultural Diplomacy
4. Competing in a World of Soft Power
5. How to Wield Soft Power
6. Soft Power, Public Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
7. Cultural Diplomacy and National Security
8. Cultural Diplomacy and Terrorism
9. Integration
10. Problems of Cultural Diplomacy
11. Evaluating Cultural Diplomacy
12. Evaluating and Ranking Cultural Diplomacy Programs
13. Some Country Examples: Turkey and Venezuela
14. US guest speaker
15. Project Presentations

862950001 Seminar in International 3 IMPIS first-year, 3hrs

Development - Issues of credits second-year
Agriculture, Economics and
[Course To understand the management of international cooperation development, theory
Objectives] development and case discussion.
[Course Part I Major Themes
Content] 1. Overview of International Development Cooperation
2. Motives and Interests
3. Aid Strategies
4. Official Development Assistance (ODA)
5. Aid Effectiveness
6. Official Bilateral Assistance
7. Multilateral Aid
8. The Role of NGOs in Development Cooperation

Part II Aid instruments

1. Managing Development Projects and Programs
2. Financial Assistance
3. Technical Cooperation and Grant
4. Emergency Relief and Humanitarian Assistance
5. Governance and Development
6. Free trade Agreement and Economic Cooperation
7. Global Food Security
8. Climate Change: Global Impact of Greenhouse Effect
9. Conflict and Peace
10. Aid for Trade and Development
11. Outcome Analysis of UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
12. Impact of Population Growth , Economic Development and Technology Development
on Global Environment in the Future

862935001 Post-Communist 3 IMPIS first-year, 3hrs

Democratization credits second-year
[Course To enquire into the related theories and modern issues of post-communist democratization.
[Course 1. The Global Wave of Democratization
Content] 2. Theories of Democratization
3. Varieties of Post-Communist Regimes
4. Measuring Democracy and Democratization
5. Constitutional Engineering and Democratization
6. Political Parties and Democratization
7. Elections and Democratization
8. Civil Society and Democratization
9. The Media and Democratization
10. Transitional Justice and Democratization
11. State Governance and Democratization
12. Economic Development and Democratization
13. Political Elite and Democratization
14. Civil-Military Relations and Democratization
15. Political Culture, Religion and Democratization
16. The International Context and Democratization

862934001 International Relations and 3 IMPIS first-year, 3hrs

Political Philosophy credits second-year
[Course To enquire into the development and change of western political philosophy.
[Course 1. Sun-tze and Lord Shang: The Art of War and The Book of Lord Shang
Content] 2. Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War
3. Plato and Aristotle:The Republic, The Laws and The Politics
4. Augustine and Aquinas, The City of God, Summa Theologica
5. Machiavelli, The Prince, The Discourses
6. Vitoria and Erasmus, De Indis De Jure Belli, Dulce Bellum Inexpertis
7. Hugo Grotius and Samuel Pufendorf, The Law of War and Peace, On the Duties of Man
and Citizen
8. Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
9. John Locke, Second Treatise
10. J.J. Rousseau, The State of War, Second Discourse on the Origins of Inequality
11. Edmund Burke,Reflections on the Revolution in France
12. Immanuel Kant , Perpetual Peace, Essay on Theory and Practice
13. G.W.F. Hegel:The Philosophy of Right
14. V.I. Lenin, Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism
15. Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars
16. John Rawls, The Law of Peoples

862926001 Human Rights, 3 IMPIS first-year, 3hrs

Humanitarian Aid and credits second-year
[Course To focus on the issues of international human rights, humanitarian aid and nations.
[Course 1. Human Rights and the State
Content] 2. Post-WWII International Human Rights Regimes
3. Issues of Human Rights in International Relations I: Sovereignty and Human Rights
4. Issues of Human Rights in International Relations II: Culture, Tradition, and Human
5. Issues of Human Rights in International Relations III: Regional Human Rights
6. Issues of Human Rights in International Relations IV: Human Rights Effects of Non-
State Actors
7. Issues of Human Rights in International Relations V: Domestic Factors of Human
Rights Foreign Policy and Human Rights Compliance
8. Issues of Human Rights in International Relations VI: Development, Trade, and Human
9. International Humanitarian Order and the State
10. International Humanitarian Organizations in Perspectives I
11. Humanitarian Assistance in Conflicts & Wars
12. Humanitarianism and International Security: Humanitarian Intervention I
13. Humanitarianism and International Security: Humanitarian Intervention II
14. Redefining International Humanitarianism I: Human Security
Redefining International Humanitarianism II: Responsibility to Protect

862938001 Topics in International 3 IMPIS first-year, 3hrs

Security credits second-year
[Course To elaborate and analyze the topics in international security.
[Course 1. Understanding war: concepts and security dilemma
Content] 2. Domestic politics and interstate war: the democratic peace
3. Norms, culture, and force
4. Gender and security
5. Economic security
6. Globalization, development, and security
7. Peace studies
8. Ethnic/civil conflicts
9. Terrorism
10. Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
11. Child soldiering
12. Humanitarian intervention
13. Energy security
14. Health and security
15. Cyber-security

862944001 Seminar on Ethnic Conflict 3 IMPIS first-year, 3hrs

and Terrorism credits second-year
[Course This course explores theoretical and conceptual understandings of ethnic conflict and
Objectives] terrorism, and is part of International Security as a subfield in International Relations.
[Course 1: Course overview and introduction
Content] 2: Ethnic conflict, terrorism, and the study of international security
3: The origins of nationalism (I): Modernization theory and social construction
4: The origins of nationalism (II): Primordialism
5: Ethnic conflict: By nature or by nurture?
6: Case studies (I)
7: Ethnic conflict resolution (I): Domestic institutional design and power sharing
8: Ethnic conflict resolution (II): Partition and the role of third party
9: The definition and typology of terrorism
10: The origins of terrorism
11: Religions and terrorism: Siblings in the making?
12: Terrorist attack: Means and logic
13: Dealing with terrorism (I)
14: Dealing with terrorism (II)

862940001 Topic in International 3 IMPIS first-year, 3hrs

Cooperation-International credits second-year
NGOs and Development
[Course To instruct the students to recognize the concept of management of International
Objectives] Development Cooperation and related agriculture, economy, and trade issues.
[Course Part I Major themes
Content] 1. Overview of International Development Cooperation
2. Motives and Interests
3. Aid Strategies
4. Official Development Assistance (ODA)
5. Aid Effectiveness
6. Official Bilateral Assistance
7. Multilateral Aid
8. The Role of NGOs in Development Cooperation
Part II Aid instruments
1. Managing Development Projects and Programs
2. Financial Assistance
3. Technical Cooperation and Grant
4. Emergency Relief and Humanitarian Assistance
5. Governance and Development
6. Free trade Agreement and Economic Cooperation
7. Global Food Security
8. Climate Change: Global Impact of Greenhouse Effect
9. Conflict and Peace
10. Aid for Trade and Development
11. Outcome Analysis of UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
12. Impact of Population Growth , Economic Development and Technology Development
on Global Environment in the Future

862939001 Strategic Communication 3 IMPIS first-year, 3hrs

and Cultural Diplomacy credits second-year
[Course To enquire into theories and pratices of diplomacy.
[Course 1. Sources of Soft Power in relation to Strategic Communications and Cultural Diplomacy
Content] 2. Competing in a World of Soft Power
3. How to Wield Soft Power
4. Soft Power, Public Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
5. Cultural Diplomacy and National Security
6. Cultural Diplomacy and Terrorism
7. Integration
8. Problems of Cultural Diplomacy
9. Evaluating Cultural Diplomacy
10. Evaluating and Ranking Cultural Diplomacy Programs
11. Some Country Examples: Turkey and Venezuela
12. US guest speaker
13. Project Presentations

862930001 Russian Foreign Policy 3 IMPIS first-year, 3hrs

credits second-year
[Course To introduce contending perspectives of Russian foreign policy.
[Course 1. Soviet Foreign Policy and Legacy
Content] 2. The Sources and Making of Russian Foreign Policy
3. The Return of Great Power Politics
4. The Social Construction of Russia’s Resurgence
 Week 6: Neoliberal Institutionalism and Russian Foreign Policy
 Week 7: Russian Concepts of National Security
 Week 8: Domestic Factors in Russian Foreign Policy
 Week 9: Global Challenges and Russian Foreign Policy
 Week 10: Russia and the CIS
 Week 11: Russia and Eastern Europe
 Week 12: Russia and the EU
 Week 13: Russia and The United States
 Week 14: Russia and China
 Week 15: Russia and Northeast Asia
 Week 16: Russia and South Asia and The ASEAN
 Week 17: Russia and Latin America, The Middle East and Africa
 Week 18: Final Paper Due

862931001 Democratization and Good 3 IMPIS first-year, 3hrs

Governance credits second-year
[Course To addresses the tasks and problems associated with encouraging democratic reforms for
Objectives] the purposes of institutionalizing practices which are linked with good governance.
[Course 1. Connections and Problems of Democracy and Good Governance
Content] 2. Good Governance and Democracy: Definitions and Prerequisites
3. Types of Democracy and Connections with Governance
4. Methods of Democracy Promotion
5. Problems of Democracy Promotion
6. Debates Over Democratic Transitions
7. Good Governance: Debates & Critiques
8. Good Governance and Development
9. Good Governance and Human Rights
10. Paper presentations

7. Curriculum Checklist and Study Plan Form

National Chengchi University

College of International Affairs
International Master's Program in International Studies
(Graduation Credits : 30)


Student number:___________________

Core Courses (12 credits) Elective Courses (18 credits at least)

Course Name Credits Grades Course Name Credits Grades

International 3 □ 1.____________________ ____ ____ □

Relactions Theory
□ 2.____________________ ____ ____ □

□ 3.____________________ ____ ____ □

International Political
3 □ 4.____________________ ____ ____ □
5.____________________ ____ ____ □

Research Methods 3

Qualitative Research

Elective courses outside the IMPIS

(9 credits at most)

Course Name Credits Grades

1.____________________ ____ ____ □

2.____________________ ____ ____ □

3.____________________ ____ ____ □

4.____________________ ____ ____ □

Study Plan Form of College of International Affairs,
National Chengchi University
Graduate Studies
First Grade
First Semester Second Semester
Course Name Course Time Core Credits Course Name Course Time Core Credits
/Elective /Elective
courses courses
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □

Study Plan Form of College of International Affairs,
National Chengchi University

Second Grade
First Semester Second Semester
Course Name Course Time Core Credits Course Name Course Time Core Credits
/Elective /Elective
courses courses
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □
C □E □ C □E □

C □E □ C □E □

8. Faculty
The IMPIS faclty consist of 21 full-time professors in related areas from College of International Affairs,
adjunct professors and visiting professors, among which 90% have foreign doctor’s degree. Many professors
from College of International Affairs and NCCU are often appointed public officials in the government, or
exeutives and consultants in private sectors. The College of International Affairs has been in close cooperation
with the Colleges of Social Sciences, Law, Communication, Commerce, and Foreign Language & Literatures,
which ensure the adequancy of the faculty . The IMPIS will coordination with other units on campus and make
its faculty resource diverse as well as competent for interdisciplinary subjects.

No. Classification Job title Name Academic Speciality Curriculum Remark


1 Full-time Professor, LEE, MING Ph.D., International Western Employed

Department Government Relations, Cross- Diplomatic by

of and Foreign Strait Relations, Historiy, Department

Diplomacy Affairs, International Ethics, of

& Dean, University of Conflict and Morality and Diplomacy

College of Virginia Crisis International

International Management, Relations,

Affairs Western- International

Diplomacy Relations

History Theory (I),




Situation of


2 Full-time Chairman & LIOU, TO-HAI Ph.D., East International English for Employed

Professor, Asian Relations, Diplomacy by

Department Studies, Comparison of (I), Department

of University of Foreign Policy, International of

Diplomacy Arizona Northeast Asian Relations of Diplomacy

International Northeast

Relations, Asia,

Cnanda & Canadian

Australia Foreign

Foreign Policy, Policy,

Japan & Korea Comparative

Foreign Policy Foreign


Seminar in



History of


3 Full-time Professor, TENG, CHUNG- Ph.D., International Seminar on Employed

Department CHIAN Political Relations, International by

of Science, International Organizations Department

Diplomacy Northwester Political , International of

n University Economy, Latin Relations, Diplomacy

America Studies, International

Foreign Policy, Political

International Economy

Negotiations ,



4 Full-time Associate LORENZO, Ph.D., Political American Employed

Professor, DAVID JOSEPH Political Science- Policy Government by

College of Science, Arguments, and Politics, College of

International Yale American Strategic Internationa

Affairs University Politics, Communicati l Affairs

Diplomacy on & Cultural



on and Good



Relations and



5 Full-time Associate HUANG, KWEI- Ph.D., Conflict Foreign Employed

Professor, BO Government Management and Policy by

Department and Politics, Negotiation, Decision and Department

of University of Public Analysis, of

Diplomacy Maryland Diplomacy, US Topics in Diplomacy

Foreign Policy International

and Decision, Organization

Southeast Asian


6 Full-time Associate LU, YEH- Ph.D., International English for Employed

Professor, CHUNG Political Relations Diplomacy by

Department Science, The Theory, Sino- (I), Foreign Department

of George American Policy of

Diplomacy Washington Relations, US Decision and Diplomacy

University Foreign Policy, Analysis,

Nationalism and American

Ethnic Conflict, Foreign

Asia-Pacific Policy,

regional Theory of

integration, International

Chinese Foreign Relations,

Policy Seminar on


Conflict and


7 Full-time Associate LIN YUNG- Ph.D., Political Science, Politics and Employed

Professor, FANG Faculty of Comparative Society in by

Graduate Politics, Politics, Russian Central Asia Graduate

Institute of University of Studies and the Institute of

Russian Oxford, Caucasus, Russian

Studies United Study of Studies

Kingdom Russian

Politics, Post-





Policy, State-


Relations in


8 Full-time Director & WEI, BAI-KU Ph.D., Russian Study of Employed

Associate Department Economy, Russia's by

Professor, of Political Energy Policy of Regions, Graduate

Graduate Economic the Russian Study of Institute of

Institute of Faculty of Federation Russian Russian

Russian Economics, Economy Studies

Studies Moscow




9 Full-time Associate CHANG, WEN- Ph.D., International Quantitative Employed

Professor, YANG Politics and Political Research by

Department Policy, Economy, Methods, Department

of Claremont International Selected of

Diplomacy Graduate Relations Topics in Diplomacy

University Theory, International

Quantitative Political

Research Economy


10 Full-time Assistant SU, CHO-HSIN Ph.D., Regional Topics on Employed

Professor, Department integration, European by

Department of Political European Union, Union’s Department

of Science, International Politics and of

Diplomacy Université Relations Theory Econimy, Diplomacy

Paris 2 Russia and

Panthéon- the EU

Assas Foreign


11 Full-time Assistant HSUEH, CHIEN- Ph.D., Qualitative and Seminar on Employed

Professor, WU Political Quantitative International by

Graduate Science, Research Political Graduate

Institute of University of Designs, Economy Institute of

Asian South International Asian

Studies Carolina Political Studies





12 Part-time Guest VOCKE, Ph.D, Public Strategic Employed

Professor, WILLIAM Government Diplomacy, Communicati by

College of & American on & Cultural College of

International International Foreign Policy, Diplomacy Internationa

Affaris Studies, International l Affairs

University of Politics,

South Comparative

Carolina- Foreign Policy,

Columbia Business Ethics

13 Part-time Associate LEE, PAI-PO Ph.D., Consultative Topic in Employed

Professor, College of Group on International by

College of Agriculture, International Cooperation - College of

International Chinese Agricultural International Internationa

Affairs Culture Research, NGOs l Affairs

University Biology, &Developme

Floriculture nt, Seminar in

Flower International

Gardening Development

Design - Issues of



and Trade

14 Part-time Assistant KO, HUI-MIN Ph.D., International Seminar on Employed

Professor, Political Political and Interational by

College of Science, Economic Security, College of

International University of Security, Poverty, Internationa

Affairs Glasgow East Asian Inequality & l Affairs

Regional Studies Development


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