ABE 54 Lab Exercise 2 RLC Circuit Analysis

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AE 54 – AB Electrification and Control System Laboratory Report

Laboratory Report
Name: Amoy, Earl Jerome Date Submitted: September 6, 2022
Apalisok, Mary Ladyrose
Dela Pena, Rodrigo
Year & Section: BSABE Date Due: September 6, 2022

Laboratory Exercise 2

RLC Circuit Analysis

I. Introduction

The resistor-capacitor-and-inductor circuit is an RLC circuit, which can be linked in series

or parallel. Thus, it forms a current harmonic oscillator and will resonate similarly to an LC
circuit. As every voltage or current may be characterized by a second-order differential
equation for the circuit's analysis, it could also be referred to as a second-order circuit. RLC
circuits are utilized to tune the frequencies of AM/FM radios; it can function as both a bandpass
and bandstop filter. The peak resonant frequency is diminished by the presence of a resistor.
Consequently, when linked to a sinusoidal alternating voltage, the three fundamental passive
components of resistance, inductance, and capacitance have somewhat unique phase
relationships. However, by connecting these inert components in series with a voltage source, a
series RLC circuit can be created. The analysis of a series RLC circuit is identical to that of dual
series RL and RC circuits, with the exception that the magnitudes of both XL and XC must be
considered when determining the overall circuit reactance. Due to the presence of two energy
storage elements, inductance L and capacitance C, series RLC circuits are classified as second-
order circuits. In a series RLC circuit, the capacitor, inductor, and resistor are combined and
connected in series. The RLC series circuit can be used as a bandpass filter. The three
components in this circuit are in series with the voltage source. The parallel RLC is the inverse
of the series RLC. The applied voltage remains the same in each component, but the supplied
current is divided. The total current from the supply is not equal to the sum of the current flows
in each component, but the vector sum is equal.

In many applications requiring low and high frequency signals, RLC circuits are
fundamental. Series RLC circuits and other RLC networks serve as excellent models for
characterizing the behavior of parasites, impedance matching networks, PDN impedance, and
several real circuits. In terms of parasitic circuit elements, series RLC circuits are also
frequently used to represent the electrical behavior of a physical layout. In contrast to other
circuits used in digital and analog systems, series RLC circuits are significant beyond the PCB
layout. These circuits and larger circuit networks using RLC components find a home in
modeling parasites in a variety of circumstances, the most prominent being the simulation of
real capacitors and power delivery networks (PDN). Because the resonant behavior of these
circuits is so significant in a wide variety of applications, we will examine how this behavior
develops in real PCB designs and how it relates to the fundamental features of RLC circuits.

II. Objectives

In this activity, the learners will:

1. Create/Draw RLC series, parallel, and series-parallel circuits.
2. Analyze and Solve the RLC circuits designed.

Instructor: Ruin Yvyx A. Arcallana Page 1

III. Materials and Methods

• Personal Computers/Laptop
AE 54 – AB Electrification and Control System Laboratory Report
Laboratory Report
• Calculators
• Laboratory Worksheet
• Pen/pencil


Series Circuit

1. Determine and draw a RLC series circuit with at least 1 Resistor ( R ) , Inductance (L) and
Capacitor ( C ).
2. Solve the RLC.

Parallel Circuit

1. Determine and draw a RLC parallel circuit with at least 1 Resistor ( R ) , Inductance (L) and
Capacitor ( C ).
2. Solve the RLC.

Series-Parallel Circuit
1. Determine and draw a RLC parallel circuit with at least 1 Resistor ( R ) , Inductance (L) and
Capacitor ( C ).
2. Solve the RLC

IV. Results and/or Discussion

Figure 1. RLC Series Circuit

Figure 1 shows an RLC Series circuit with one (1) Resistor (R) with a value of seventy (70) ohms,
one (1) Inductance (L) with a value of one hundred forty (140) millihenries and one (1) Capacitor (C) with a
value of sixty (60) micro farads.


Solve for capacitive reactance:

Instructor: Ruin Yvyx A. Arcallana 1 Page 2
x C=
2 πfc
AE 54 – AB Electrification and Control System Laboratory Report
Laboratory Report
x C=
2 π ( 85 Hz)(60 x 10−6 )
x C =31.20 ω

Solving for inductive reactance:

x L =2 πfL
x L =2 π (85 Hz)(140 mH )
x L =74.77 Ω

Solving for impedance:

z=√ R +( x L −xC )
2 2

z=√ 702 +(74.77−31.20)2

z=82.45 ω

Calculating rms:
I rms =
35 v
I rms =
82.45 ω
I rms =0.4245 A

Solving for the total (r, c, l, voltage)

V R=I rms ( R)
V R=(0.4245 A)( 70 ω)
V R=29.72 V

V L=I rms (x L )
V L=(0.4245 A )(74.77 ω)
V L=31.74 V

V c =I rms ( xC )
V c =(0.4245 A )(31.2ω)
V c =31.24 V

V T =√ V R +(V L −V C )
2 2

V T =√ 29.722+(31.74−13.24)2
V T =35 V

Calculating power:
P= ( 0.4245 A )2(70 ω)
P=12.61 W

P= (V )( I ) cos θ
cos θ=
70 ω
cos θ=
82.45 ω
cos θ=0.85
P= (35 V ) ( 0.4245 A ) (0.85)

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Solving resonant frequency:

AE 54 – AB Electrification and Control System Laboratory Report
Laboratory Report
f R=
2 π √ LC
f R=
2 π √(140 x 10−3 )(60 x 10−6)
f R =55 Hz

Figure 2. RLC Parallel Circuit

Figure 2 shows an RLC Series circuit with one (1) Resistor (R) with a value of sixty-five (65) ohms, one
(1) Inductance (L) with a value of one hundred five (105) millihenries and one (1) Capacitor (C) with a
value of forty-five (45) micro farads.


Solve for capacitive reactance:

x C=
2 πfc

x C= −6
2 π (80 Hz)(45 x 10 )
x C =44.21ω

Solving for inductive reactance:

x L =2 πfL
x L =2 π (80 Hz)(105 x 10 )
x L =52.77 ω

Solving for impedance:


1 1 1
+( − )
R 2
xL xC

√ 1

1 2
52.77 44.21

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AE 54 – AB Electrification and Control System Laboratory Report
Laboratory Report

Current flow:
I s=
20 v
I s=
63.23 ω
I s=0.3163 A

V s 20 v
I R= = =0.3077 A
R 65 ω
V 20 v
I L= s = =0.38 A
x L 52.77 ω
Vs 20 v
I C= = =0.4524 A
x C 44.21 ω

I s= √ I 2+(I L −I C )2
I s= √ 0.3077 2+(0.38−0.4524)2
I s=0.3162 A

Solving resonant frequency:

f R=
2 π √ LC
f R=
2 π √ (105 x 10−3 )(45 x 10−6 )
f R =73.22 Hz

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AE 54 – AB Electrification and Control System Laboratory Report
Laboratory Report

Figure 2. RLC Parallel Circuit

Figure 3 shows an RLC Series circuit with one (1) Resistor (R) with a value of ninety (90) ohms, one (1)
Inductance (L) with a value of sixty-five (65) millihenries and one (1) Capacitor (C) with a value of thirty-
five (35) micro farads.


Solve for capacitive reactance:

x C=
2 πfc

x C= −6
2 π (120 Hz)(35 x 10 )
x C =37.89 ω
Solving for inductive reactance:
x L =2 πfL
x L =2 π (120 Hz)( 65 x 10 )
x L =49 ω
Solving for impedance:
Z1 =√ R 2+(x L −x C )2= √90 2+ 49−37.89 2=90.68 ω
1 1
Z2 = = =79.24 ω

√ √
2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
+( − ) +( − )
x L xC 90
49 37.89
Ztotal =Z 1 +Z 2=90.68 ω+79.24 ω=169.92 ω

V. Conclusion

The RLC circuit, as its name suggests, consists of the passive components Resistor (R),
Inductor (L), and Capacitor (C) (C). If we study and comprehend the behavior of these passive
components separately, we may design filters, oscillators, etc. by combining them.
Consequently, RLC circuits play a crucial role in network design and synthesis. From the
discussion above, it can be concluded that inductive reactance is directly proportional to
frequency and capacitive reactance is inversely proportional to frequency, i.e. at low frequency
XL is low and XC is high, but there must be a frequency at which the value of inductive
reactance equals capacitive reactance. The overall performance of a circuit is highly dependent
on its frequency and the behavior of its frequency-dependent components. By evaluating any
particular RLC circuit and knowing the input frequency and either the input total voltage or
current, it is feasible to determine the general output characteristics.

Instructor: Ruin Yvyx A. Arcallana Page 6

AE 54 – AB Electrification and Control System Laboratory Report
Laboratory Report

VI. Citation

Electrical4U. (2021, April 16). RLC Circuit Analysis (Series And Parallel) – Clearly Explained
| Electrical4U. https://www.electrical4u.com/rlc-circuit/

What is RLC Series Circuit? - Phasor Diagram & Impedance Triangle - Circuit Globe. (2015,
October 8). Circuit Globe. https://circuitglobe.com/what-is-rlc-series-circuit.html

Series RLC Circuit: Analysis and Example Problems. (n.d.). Www.tutorialspoint.com.


Equations & Formulas For RLC Circuits (Series & Parallel). (2020, November 3).
ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY. https://www.electricaltechnology.org/2020/11/rlc-circuits-

solving RLC circuits. (n.d.). All about Circuits. Retrieved September 5, 2022, from

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Laboratory Report

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