English Practice

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Professional skills:
Case study:


1 Underline the odd word in each group. Explain your choice. Use a dictionary to
help you.
1 parliament I courts of justice I prime minister's residence I city hall I square
2 science museum I big wheel I concert hall I art gallery I wax model museum
3 palace I mansion I theatre I country house I castle
4 pillar I fa~ade I dome I bridge I roof
5 wooden I stone I Baroque I iron I glass
6 Roman I Medieval I Renaissance I the sixties I Post-modern


2 Work in pairs. Read some historical facts about London. Then cover the facts. How
many do you remember?

Did you know ... ?

1 The Roman city of Londinium had a busy port 4 The Great Fire of 1666 started in a bakery and
and soon developed into a capital city. burnt for three days. Most buildings didn't
2 The first stone bridge over the River Thames was survive, except for The Tower of London and
built in 1209 and lasted 600 years. Westminster Abbey.
3 In the Middle Ages, sanitary conditions weren't 5 One million people lived in London at the start of
good and many Londoners died of the plague in the 19th century. it was one of the largest
1349. cities in the world at the time.
Regular verbs Irregular verbs
1 Add -ed or -d to regular verbs. Many common verbs have an irregular form- see
London's first stone. bridge lasted 600 years. page 117 for a list.
Many Londoners died of the plague in 1349. Henry VIII had six wives.
2 Use didn't + infinitive for negative forms. The Great Fire burnt for three days.
Most buildings didn~t survive the Great Fire of Past of be
London. Use was/ were, or wasn't/weren't for the negative.
Use did + subject + infinitive for question forms. lt was the largest city in Europe.
Did you know that the smell from the Thames was Sanitary conditions weren't good.
very bad? See Grammar reference, pages 113 and 114.
Past passive
Use was/were+ the past participle
The building was designed by Wren.
The first bridge was built in 1209.

3 Study the Grammar box. Underline the verbs in the past simple tense in the
historical facts in Exercise 2.

4 Complete the article with the correct past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Historic London
Hampton Court in Richmond, London The British Museum first 6_ _ _ (open)
1_ _ _ (be/not) originally a royal in 1753 and is the oldest public museum
palace. lt 2_ _ _ (be) Cardinal Wolsey's in the world. The museum covers 4 km
country house but Wolsey then 3 _ __ and has Greek, Roman and Egyptian
(give) it to King Henry VIII in 1528. Later collections. Famous figures like Karl
Hampton Court was 4_ _ _ (rebuild) Marx and Mahatma Gandhi once
7_ _ _ (read) in the Reading Room. In
by the architect, Christopher Wren, so
its architectural style is a mix of Tudor 1845, a visitor 8_ _ _ (break) one of
and English Baroque. Hampton Court is the exhibits, the Portland vase, into 200
famous for the maze in its gardens and pieces. The vase 9_ _ _ (be) over 2,000
the indoor royal tennis court. People say years old but the museum 10_ _ _ (put)
tennis 5_ _ _ (invent) by Henry VIII. it together again.

Vocabulary Speaking

7 When was the last time you went on a tour?

SAYING YEARS What was the tour guide like? What were the
Before 2000, say the year in two figures, e.g.
good and bad things about the tour? Compare
1349 (thirteen forty-nine), 1906 (nineteen oh six) your ideas with a partner.
Say 2000-2009 as one number, e.g. 2004 (two
thousand and four) . 8 Work in pairs. Turn to File 13 on page 1 04.
After 2010, you can say the year in two figures
or as one number, e.g . 2012 (two thousand and
twelve or twenty twelve).
Choose three important landmark buildings in
5 IUtiM Read the text about saying years. your capital city and answer the questions.
Then listen and write down the years and dates 1 When were they built?
you hear. 2 Who were the architects?
e.g. 1 1666 3 What are the architectural styles and main
6 Write down THREE important dates in your
country's history. Present your ideas to the class.

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