Cimb Report Mimi

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As conclusion, CIMB Bank is a strong and stable bank in ASIA and having good rating
too. Besides that, CIMB Bank is the second largest financial service in Malaysia. CIMB Bank
has a stable performance within this few year. The success of the CIMB & SBB merger
integration and overall consumer business transformation that gives rise to the bank optimism
about 2008 as they are seeing encouraging momentum in asset and deposit growth and
anticipating lower credit losses in the consumer business. Although global capital markets
remain volatile, the bank remained positive about activity levels in domestic and regional
capital and global Sukuk markets. The Group also pleased with the progress in enlarging our
international platform which offers significant growth potential, for the longer term.

CIMB group is a company that involve in the business of banking service. The group
is a regional universal bank that focuses on ASEAN as it cores market. Through recent year,
they have strengthened their business in all the ASEAN regions. With their various banking
service such as the Islamic banking and the investment service that they have provided has
made them a very popular choice among the people not only in Malaysia but also the foreign
people to perform their banking service.

As for now, the group have already had their own branch in almost of the ASEAN
countries. The group now has to make several strategies to expand their market share in
another region such as the European and also the South American. This region is considered
to have many opportunities that can allow them to further expand their business. By doing this,
not only they can compete with other big company in the banking service but also will be well
known throughout the world.

The history and evolution of social responsibility approach has led to the existence of
different CSR definitions. By analysing CSR definition from CIMB Bank shows that the CSR
concept are rooted in those bank activities. These demonstrate that banking institution
committed in achieving economically, socially and environmental sustainability. Banking
institution must reach a consensus on what CSR issues that they want to evaluate and then
what they want to communicate to the public. Communicating can give a dynamic change
depend on the views of stakeholders. The company must think beyond social actions and
must be able to examine other aspects of social responsibility. After analysing the range of
CSR concepts presented from CIMB Bank, this paper conclude that CSR as “the state of
consciousness which the company making promises to do the right thing at the right time, in
the right place and with the right means to get the correct results within a framework of
sustainable development and with respect to balance the society, environment and

1. Expand their banking service

CIMB group is a universal bank headquarters in Kuala Lumpur and now operating in
high growth economies in ASEAN. Meaning now all of their banking service is primary focus
at the ASEAN countries. As now, the company has penetrated almost all the countries in
ASEAN. It is important for the company to expand their banking service outside their own
territory turf. They should try to further their service into other region such as the European
and South American region to increase their company revenue. The European and South
American can be considered as one of the big emerging market in the banking service, so
CIMB group has to take this opportunity to expand their business in that region.

2. Enhanced their corporate alliance

It is very important for a company to have a great alliance with another company to
strengthen their company. Besides that, by having a partnership the CIMB group geographical
reach and its product or service can be improved and this can be complemented by their
partnership. As now the group partnership includes the Principal Financial Group, Bank of
Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Standard Bank and Daewoo Securities. In 2012, the company has
joined force with new partner that is the Rohatyn Group. Touch ‘n Go, and also John Keels
Stock Brokers. All of this partnership is very important to realizing the company to expand their
business further.

3. Effective risk management

As a big entity company, it is only natural a company such as the CIMB group itself to
face a risk in their line of business. A robust and effective risk management system is critical
for a company to achieve continues profitability and to sustain their growth in the international
market and increased their market share. For a company that focuses in the banking service
and involve with a lot of money, there are many risks that can affect them such as credit risk,
liquidity risk, and operational risk and also in the interest rate risk. The company has to make
sure that they have an effective strategy in avoiding those risks.
4. Product and market development

CIMB Group can grow by leveraging their product and service knowledge to reach new
customers. With core business only focusing on ASEAN countries, CIMB Group can make
collaboration in order to growth international. For identified potential market as opportunities,
CIMB Group need to do research to validate that the market that want to enter is attractive or
not, is CIMB Group can adapted with that new markets and how CIMB Group maintain the
current competitive advantage in this new market.
There are several ways for CIMB Group to grow their business. Firstly, increase
present customers’ rate of use by increasing the size of purchase, maximizing the rate of
product obsolescence and offering incentives for increased use. Secondly, attracting the
competitors’ customers. CIMB can lure customers away from the competitors by establishing
differentiation of product and service and increasing advertising efforts. Thirdly, CIMB Group
can attract the non-customers to using their product or service that they offer. This process
can be done by offering trial uses of products, adjusting the price up or down and promoting
other uses to attract these customers. Lastly is developing new products. In this case, CIMB
Group can establish new service or partnership to make new product and service to leverage
the band recognition.
Suggestion CSR Program.

I. Socially and environmentally conscious donations

Charitable giving is also a way to network and build alliances with other organisations. By
donating to a charity of your choice, your business stands to gain invaluable connections and
future opportunities for collaboration. Other charitable avenues to consider include charitable
trusts, gift annuities and pooled-income funds. Donations must be made to a government-
approved charitable organisation or directly to the government in order to qualify for tax
deductions. A program dedicated to providing donations and wheelchairs to qualified
individuals and non-profit organisations (NPOs) who are in need of mobility support to improve
the quality of life of physically disabled Malaysians.

II. Hosting workshops on digital literacy.

A relatively burgeoning trend in the realm of business operations, Digital Social Responsibility
(DSR) is a form of CSR with an emphasis on the efficient entrepreneurial use of digital
resources for positive change. More accurately, our Finance Minister defines DSR as “the
commitment by businesses to contribute to digital economic development while improving the
digital skills of the future workforce with initiatives such as technology scholarships, training
and upskilling for digital skills for communities in need”. As a 21st century business, what
better way to give back than to tap into the digital resources available at the tips of our fingers?
A simple way of doing so would be hosting workshops with the aim of providing the public with
digital skills needed in the workforce. An event designed to teach students from low income
(B40) communities’ basic digital skills. The purpose is to give students the opportunity to learn
about careers in technology, connect with Microsoft employees, and participate in hands-on
technology workshops; to ensure children of all abilities have access to digital skills.

III. Providing academic/research scholarships to disadvantaged students.

A corporate scholarship program might just be the answer to business’s CSR needs. Take a
page from Google’s books by offering merit or need-based scholarships to university students;
not only will company be doing a good deed, but it also stands to nurture and empower a new
generation of talent through educational opportunities. A suggestion would be to take this a
step further by supplementing scholarship program with a mentor support system for scholars,
so as to provide them with career guidance and better prepare them for their entry into the
workforce. Another CSR initiative worth considering is funding research projects or making
socially conscious investments. A financial aid that covers undergraduate students’ tuition
fees, living allowances, insurance and other related fees; offers additional professional
development and mentor support to empower the region's young talent and make a difference
for those around them while exposing them to CIMB’s operations and culture.

IV. Collaborating with relevant NGOs to spearhead a particular initiative.

Another viable approach to CSR is through collaborations with other NGOs. This involves the
exchanging of resources, information and expertise between two or more organisations to
jointly achieve an agreed-upon outcome, such as providing homes for the less fortunate. Start-
ups and smaller businesses can benefit especially from a strategic alliance as the combination
of manpower and capital would definitely yield a greater impact than that from the work of a
single organisation. All in all, businesses ought to embrace partnerships with other
organisations as some of the most innovative solutions are dreamed up from collaborating
minds. It is an open-source initiative that brings leading technology and consumer-focused
businesses together to develop a commercial-scale ocean-bound plastics and nylon supply
chain. The purpose is to promote sustainable production and educate businesses on
responsible sourcing and consumption.

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