Meilisa Damaiyanti - 048876421 - Tugas 3 Bahasa Inggris Niaga

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Nama : Meilisa Damaiyanti

Nim : 048876421
Tugas 3
Bahasa Inggris Niaga


The rise of online marketplaces in Indonesia, such as Tokopedia and Shopee, has led to the
creation of monopsony-like conditions that significantly impact small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs). These platforms have concentrated buyer power, allowing them to dictate
terms and conditions to SMEs, which often lack the bargaining power to negotiate better
deals. This concentration of power can lead to reduced pricing flexibility for SMEs, as they
are forced to accept lower prices for their products and services. For instance, a study by the
Indonesian Chamber of Commerce found that SMEs on Tokopedia and Shopee often receive
lower prices for their products compared to traditional marketplaces, resulting in reduced
profit margins.
The impact of monopsony-like conditions on SMEs extends beyond pricing. The
concentration of buyer power also affects the competitiveness of SMEs, as they struggle to
differentiate themselves from other sellers on the platform. This can lead to a homogenization
of products and services, making it difficult for SMEs to stand out and attract customers.
Furthermore, the lack of bargaining power can also hinder the growth prospects of SMEs, as
they are unable to negotiate better deals or secure long-term contracts with the platforms. For
example, a survey by the Indonesian Small and Medium Enterprises Association found that
many SMEs on Tokopedia and Shopee struggle to secure stable and predictable revenue
streams, making it challenging for them to invest in their businesses and expand their
To mitigate the negative impacts of monopsony-like conditions on SMEs, it is essential for
policymakers and regulators to take steps to promote fair competition and level the playing
field. This can be achieved by implementing policies that promote transparency and fairness
in the dealings between online marketplaces and SMEs. For instance, the government can
establish regulations that require online marketplaces to disclose their pricing algorithms and
terms of service to SMEs. Additionally, policymakers can also provide support to SMEs, such
as training and capacity-building programs, to help them navigate the online marketplace and
negotiate better deals. By taking these steps, policymakers can help promote a more level
playing field and ensure that SMEs can thrive in the digital economy

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