ENR506: Robotics: Session 11: Position & Rotation Representation

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Ahmedabad University

Exercise 1 (Solve in class)

Suppose that the tip of a single link travels a distance d between two points.
• A linear axis would travel the distance d
ENR506: Robotics • While a rotational link would travel through an arc length 𝒍𝜽 as shown.

Session 11: Position &

Rotation Representation
- Dr. Keyur Dineshchandra Joshi
1. Using the law of cosines, calculate the distance formula, which is less
than 𝑙𝜃.
2. With 10-bit accuracy, and the length = 1 meter, and 𝜽 = 90 degrees,
what is the resolution of the a) linear link?, and b) rotational link?

Exercise 2 (Solve in class) Exercise 3 (Solve in class)

Refer the single-link revolute arm shown above.

Refer the single-link revolute arm shown above. The length of the link is 50 cm and the arm travels 180 degrees.
If the length of the link is 50 cm and Assuming that the 8-bit encoder is located on the motor shaft that is connected to
the arm travels 180 degrees, the link through a 50:1 gear reduction. (Assume perfect gears)
What is the control resolution obtained with an 8/10/12-bit encoder? What is the controller resolution obtained for a) linear, & b) rotational link?
What is the implication of the results? Compare the two and write advantage/disadvantage of either links.

Exercise 4 (Solve in class) Exercise 4 Solution (b)

Refer Previous class notes.
Refer the two-link revolute arm shown on right.
The length of both links = 1 m.
(a) Find the coordinates of the tool when first
angle is Pi/6 and the second angle is Pi/2.
(b) Find the angles if tool is at (0.5, 0.5) location.
(c) If the joint velocities are constant as 1 and 2
for first and second angle respectively,
What is the velocity of the tool?
(d) Find the Jacobian for this.

Keyur D. Joshi 1
Ahmedabad University

Class (or Homework) Work Position Representation

Link of a manipulator = Rigid body

(e) Write a computer program to plot the To represent position (& orientation), we need to establish various coordinate frames
joint angles as a function of time given the
tool locations and velocities as a function of
time in Cartesian coordinates.
(f) Suppose we desire that the tool follow a
straight line between the points (0, 2) and
(2, 0) at constant speed s. Plot the time
history of joint angles.

Position Representation Position Representation

A point corresponds to a specific

location in space, while a vector
specifies a direction and magnitude

P is not a point equivalent to the vector v1, the displacement from

the origin to the point P is given by the vector v1.

v1 and v2, are geometric entities (free vectors) that are

invariant with respect to the choice of the coordinate frames

Position Representation Position Representation

To perform algebraic manipulations using coordinates, it is essential that all
The representations by coordinates of v1 coordinate vectors be defined with respect to the same coordinate frame
and v2 vectors directly depends on the
choice of reference coordinate frame

Superscript = reference frame

O01 specifies the coordinates of the point O1 relative to frame 0

O10 specifies the coordinates of the point O0 relative to frame 1.

Frame representation: {}

Keyur D. Joshi 2
Ahmedabad University

Rotation Representation (in 2D) Rotation Representation

----------Rotation about Z0 axis ---------- ----------Rotation about Z0 axis ----------

Rotation Representation Rotation Representation

----------Rotation about Z0 axis ---------- ----------Rotation about Z0 axis ----------

Rotation Representation Rotation Representation

----------Rotation about Z0 axis ----------

Keyur D. Joshi 3
Ahmedabad University

Right Hand Coordinate Frame/s Rotation Representation (in 2D)

Rotation Representation (in 2D) Rotation Representation (in 2D)

Exercise 1

Thank You !
Find Rotation matrix if a 2D frame {1} is rotated by
(a) 36 degrees, and
(b) −54 degrees.


Keyur D. Joshi 4

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