Arts N Crafts

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ADMISSION NO: EDU-1-3303-3/2010




Q.1. (i) define arts
Art is a visual means of conveying a message in which the artist conveys emotions,
moods, experiences, and/ or ideas.
At times it is not functional but portraying aesthetic value or beauty. Art is also a visual
communication through elements of colour, lines, shapes and texture instead of words.
Art in itself is developmental. Its contribution can be seen in social, cognitive and
emotional development.

(ii)Explain the relationship between art and science.

Both art and science require technical skills. Both artists and scientists try to create order
out of the seemingly random and diverse experiences of the world. Both art and science
try to understand and appreciate the world and convey their experiences to others.

(iii) Describe the different types of drawings.

The different types of drawings are:
(a) still life drawing
still life is a composition made up of objects which are without life. They cannot move
from one place to another unless they are moved by a person. Examples of such objects
are: stones, boxes, pots, bottles, baskets, dresses, desks, books, and so on. For example, a
person can draw a heap of books piled up together.

(b) Drawings from nature

Drawings from nature are drawings that reflect nature/ environment and what is in it.
For example, drawings of wild animals, trees, people, rivers, mountains, lakes, forest, and
so on.

(c) Figure drawing

Figure drawing involves drawings of human forms. Human beings who look the same
can be drawn, though no two human beings are alike even if they are twins. They can be
drawn performing different activities. For example, delivering a speech or performing
physical or recreational activities.
(d) Drawing from imagination and memory
Drawing from imagination and memory requires the person/ artist to draw what he or she
cant see or have never seen, but one has heard how it looks like and then imagines/
figures it out and puts it on paper. For example, people only read about Jesus from the
Bible. In some churches like the Catholics, we find the drawing symbolizing Jesus. The
artist only imagines how Jesus looks like and puts the drawing on paper. A child may
have heard the description of a dog, he/ she imagines how the dog looks like and draws it.
As a person draws, one need not to be too conscious or cautious about drawing
perfect pictures. For example, children can draw something one cannot understand but
when they are asked about the drawing they will explain it, and the person can therefore
see sense in what the children have drawn. The person watching the child as he or she
draws has to imagine what the child wanted to express as he or she draws.
Pictures which are from imagination are mainly based on:
 A place where the person drawing has visited. a child from urban area might have
visited rural area and happened to see a cat. After some time, the child asked to
draw will imagine how the cat looked like and draw it.
 Events that take place in the community .For example a crusade .A group of
people can be drawn praying while kneeling down and raising their hands up.
 Stories told .the person remember the story narrated and come up with a drawing
through imagination or memory
Q2 Using relevant examples describe the following:
(a) Primary colours
Primary colours are coluors that cannot be got by mixing any other
colour .primary colour are red, yellow and blue. A primary colour and a
primary colour can be mixed to bring a different result,for example red
and yellow.
(b) Secondary colours
Secondary colour are the colours got by mixing two primary
colours .These colours are , green , orange and purple .For example Green
is a mixture of yellow and blue , orange is mixture of red and yellow ,
purple is a mixture of blue and red. Black and white cannot be obtained
by mixing any two colours they are neutral colours .If the black and white
are mixed the results is grey .
(c) Hue
Hue is the name of the colour .For example red, blue, yellow and so on.
(d) Value
Value is the difference between the amount of lightness or darkness of a
colour in a painting or on a surface. That is the type of shade .the value of
colour .Can be changed by either adding white or black (neutral colour) to
the initial colour. Changing the value of colour through adding black or
white means the artist has introduced tones into his or her work .that is,
darkness or lightness of colour .
(e) Intensity
Intensity refers to how pure and bright a colour is. Adding colour to make
a colour brighter or darker interferes with the intensity of the colour .
(f) Texture
Texture refers to smoothness or roughness to touch .Depending on the
texture, the surface it will be applied on will have the same effect.

3. list five objectives of teaching art and craft to young children

The following are objectives of teaching art and craft to young children:
(a) To awaken creative talents in children .Art and craft allows young
children to express themselves at a time when they are largely non-
verbal .A child communicates through scribbling .This means that a child
can draw something a person cannot understand .When asked what he or
she has drawn , he or she will explain even if he has only scribbled .To the
child, what has been scribbled has a meaning .Teachers should therefore
encourage self expression from statement in paints and lines to when a
child is older .
(b) To help children acquire skills that will assist co-ordination of their small
motor development which is eye-hand coordination .For example draw in
dots to from number (5). A child can be asked to join the dots to form a
number (Number five ) or join dots to form an animal in preparation for
writing readiness.
(c) To encourage children to develop positive attitudes and appreciation of
good work by others and themselves .Appreciation by others to helpS the
child to build self –confidence , promote the self esteem , independence
and positive relaxation and enjoyment .children’s work should therefore
never be criticized in their presence as criticism affects their
confidence .The Teacher or any care taker should draw attention to the
children work and speak positively about the drawing .This will encourage
the children to keep one expressing themselves through drawing and also
it will help in acquisition of skills , that will assist in motor
development .The more they draw the more they gain experience.
(d) To help young children to develop imagination through artwork related to
stories and songs .For example children can be shown a drawing of a
giraffe eating grass and then there is a hyena trying to grasp the giraffe’s
neck or head and it becomes longer .The child can imagine it is the hyena
that caused the giraffe to have a long neck.
(e) To help children develop observation skills. The child can be shown an
object or animal .For example , a cat , he or she looks or observes it , and
when asked to draw the same cat , he or she will draw it as per the
observations made .Children are able to express themselves through
activities like painting ,and drawing or modeling
(f) To help children express themselves through activities like painting and
drawing or modeling .Even of the child cannot express through Self-
verbally .It can be non-verbal through scribbing .The child can express
emotions .Moods and experiences .Art has a powerful influence on the
cognitive, emotional and physical development of young children.
(g) To help children develop experience in handling different types of
materials and to relate them to their daily life .For example use of clay and
plasticene to model different objects such as a cup, car plate a person, a
ball, a table, bottle tops and use them as plates to serve from and use
maize cobs to serve as toy babies.

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