NCM 104 Notes Prelims
NCM 104 Notes Prelims
NCM 104 Notes Prelims
Nursing Care:
Unruptured Tubal Ruptured
Vital Signs
▪ missed period ▪ sudden sharp
Administer IVF
▪ abdominal pain severe pain
Monitor vaginal bleeding
within 3-5 ▪ shoulder pain
Monitor I&O
weeks (indicative of
Prepare for Culdocentesis
▪ scant, dark intraperitoneal
brown vaginal bleeding that
bleeding extends to Culdocentesis - is a procedure in which peritoneal fluid
▪ vague diaphragm and is obtained from the cul de sac of a female patient. It
discomfort Phrenic nerve) involves the introduction of a spinal needle through the
▪ + Cullen’s sign –
vaginal wall into the peritoneal space of the pouch of
bluish tinged
Result: to determine if clotting or nonclotting
a. Use aseptic technique when providing care C/S with blood transfusion based on blood loss
b. Evaluate temperature every 4 hours unless
2. Abruptio Placenta
c. Evaluate white blood cell and different count. > Premature separation of the placenta from the
d. Teach perenial care and handwashing implantation site. It usually occurs after the 20th week
technique of pregnancy
e. Assess odor of all vaginal bleeding or lochia > Bleeding into the deciduas basalis (the layer between
the placenta and myometrium) compresses and
4. DECREASING ANXIETY compromises the function of adjacent placenta
a. Explain all treatment and procedure and
Other Names:
answer all related question.
> Premature Separation of Placenta
b. Encourage verbalization of feelings by patient > Accidental Hemorrhage
and family > Ablatio Placenta
c. Provide information of cesarean delivery and > Placental Abruption
prepare patient emotionally.
d. Discuss the long term hospitalization or
e. prolonged bd rest.
a. Prevent convulsion
b. Reduce edema
✓ LOW PLATELETS –cells found in the blood that 8. Delivery – if HELLP syndrome worsen and
are needed to help the blood to clot in order to endanger the well being of the mother or
control bleeding. fetus, then an early delivery may be necessary.
COAGULATION (DIC) -may lead to severe
bleeding or hemorrhage