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RESEARCH ARTICLE Impacts of Urbanization on Watershed Water Balances
Across the Conterminous United States
Key Points:
• Future watershed hydrologic
Cheng Li1,2 , Ge Sun3 , Peter V. Caldwell4, Erika Cohen3, Yuan Fang5, Yindan Zhang6 ,
impacts of urbanization vary Ludovic Oudin7 , Georgina M. Sanchez8,9 , and Ross K. Meentemeyer8,9
dramatically across the United
States Guangdong Key Laboratory of Integrated Agro‐environmental Pollution Control and Management, Guangdong Institute
• Hydrologic responses to of Eco‐Environmental Science and Technology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China, 2National‐Regional
urbanization were influenced by Joint Engineering Research Center for Soil Pollution Control and Remediation in South China, Guangzhou, 510650,
local climate, previous land covers,
and change in land imperviousness
China, 3Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center, USDA Forest Service, Research Triangle Park, NC,
• Strategies to minimize impacts of USA, 4Center for Integrated Forest Science, USDA Forest Service, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, 5College of
urbanization must consider local Computing, Georgia Technology Institute, Atlanta, GA, USA, 6College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou
climatic and land cover conditions University, Lanzhou, China, 7Sorbonne Université, UPMC Univ Paris 06, Paris, France, 8Center for Geospatial Analytics,
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA, 9Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, North
Supporting Information: Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
• Supporting Information S1
Abstract Urbanization impacts ecosystem functions and services by fundamentally altering the balances
Correspondence to: between precipitation, water yield (Q), and evapotranspiration (ET) in watersheds. Accurate quantification
G. Sun, of future hydrologic impacts is essential for national urban planning and watershed management
[email protected]
decision making. We hypothesize that “hydrologic impacts of urbanization are not created equal” as a result
of the large spatial variability in climate and land use/land cover change (LULCC). A monthly water balance
Citation: model was validated and applied to quantify the hydrologic responses of 81,900 12‐digit Hydrologic Unit
Li, C., Sun, G., Caldwell, P. V., Cohen,
Code (HUC) watersheds to historical and projected LULC in 2000, 2010, 2050, and 2100 in the conterminous
E., Fang, Y., Zhang, Y., et al. (2020).
Impacts of urbanization on watershed United States (CONUS). Stepwise regression and Geographically Weighted Regression models were used to
water balances across the conterminous identify key factors controlling the spatially varied hydrologic impacts across CONUS. Although the
United States. Water Resources
simulated impact of future urbanization on mean change in water yield (ΔQ) was small at the national level,
Research, 56, e2019WR026574. https://
doi.org/10.1029/2019WR026574 significant changes (ΔQ > 50 mm/year) were found in 1,046 and 3,747 watersheds by 2050 and 2100,
respectively. Hydrologic responses varied spatially and were more pronounced in the eastern United States.
Received 18 OCT 2019 Overall, the impacts of urbanization on water yield were influenced by local climate, previous LULC
Accepted 12 MAY 2020
characteristics, and the magnitude of changes in land use and impervious surfaces. The continued increase
Accepted article online 21 MAY 2020
in impervious surface, especially in previously urbanized watersheds, and background precipitation
contributed most to future ΔQ through both increase in direct runoff and reduction in ET. Effective
national‐scale integrated watershed management strategies must consider local climatic and LULC
conditions to minimize negative hydrologic impacts of urbanization.
1. Introduction
The Earth has entered the Anthropocene era that is dominated by the impacts of humans (Sun et al., 2017).
Today, we are living in an increasingly urbanized world with about one‐half of the world population found
in urban areas, and the urban population is projected to rise to 66% by 2050 (United Nations, 2014).
Meanwhile, urban land uses increased by over 34% from 1980 to 2000 and is projected to double by 2030
globally, mostly in developing counties (Alig et al., 2004; Seto et al., 2012).
Rapid urbanization poses serious stresses to watershed ecosystem structure, function, and services such as
water quality degradation (Grimm, Faeth, et al., 2008; Sun & Lockaby, 2012; Sun & Caldwell, 2015), loca-
lized climate impacts such as Urban Heat Island (UHI) and Urban Dry Island phenomena (Hao et al., 2018),
and increased water demand in cities (Hao, Sun, Liu, & Qian, 2015; Sanchez et al., 2018). Watershed hydrol-
ogy plays a critical role in regulating water quality, aquatic ecosystems, wildlife habitats, and human health
(Sun et al., 2017; Sun & Lockaby, 2012). Forest hydrologists have long been interested in the hydrological
consequences of converting forests to urban uses and forest management to provide water for urban popula-
tions in the eastern United States since the 1960s (Douglass, 1983; Lull & Sopper, 1969). There are renewed
interest in quantifying hydrological impacts of urbanization and climate change and variability within the
©2020. American Geophysical Union.
All Rights Reserved. forest hydrology community (DeWalle, 2003; DeWalle et al., 2000; Martin et al., 2017). The impacts of
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Water Resources Research 10.1029/2019WR026574
urbanization on watershed water yield (Caldwell et al., 2012; Hao, Sun, Liu, Wan, et al., 2015), and specific
hydrological processes such as stormflow, peakflow, and baseflow (Price, 2011) have been increasingly stu-
died worldwide (Oudin et al., 2018; Sunde et al., 2018). However, our knowledge of the hydrological effects of
urbanization at the watershed level is still limited and fragmented (Oudin et al., 2018), preventing us from
developing national policies and science‐based guidelines for mitigating the effects of urbanization on water
resources. For example, state and federal regulatory agencies such as the U.S. EPA (2003) have long been
using a “generic approximation” to describe how urban imperviousness affects stormflow, evapotranspira-
tion (ET), and infiltration and guide stream restoration effort across the nation (Livingston &
McCarron, 1992). However, lacking quantitative national data, such a simplified illustration of the water
balance and its hydrological response to urbanization developed for a specific area (i.e., Florida)
(Livingston & McCarron, 1992) may not be appropriate although it has been widely cited as a standard con-
ceptual model in the literature (Arnold & Gibbons, 1996; Paul & Meyer, 2001).
Indeed, urbanization impacts on watershed hydrology and the underlying mechanisms are highly variable
and complex (Caldwell et al., 2012; Martin et al., 2017). The majority of existing studies suggests that urbani-
zation increases impervious surfaces, reduces soil infiltration (Price, 2011), and thus causes an increase in
high flows and total flow (Kumar et al., 2018; Kundu et al., 2017b; Oudin et al., 2018). In addition, other
hydrological processes such as vegetation ET also plays a significant role (Hao, Sun, Liu, Wan, et al., 2015).
The magnitude and forms of disturbances in land use/land cover (LULC) are a major factor affecting annual
water yield (Awotwi et al., 2015; Martin et al., 2017; Zipper et al., 2018). For example, converting grasslands to
urban lands, or wetlands to cropland, or croplands to orchards reduced water yield (Awotwi et al., 2015;
Bieger et al., 2015). In contrast, the loss of paddy fields caused a rather large rise in streamflow and ground-
water level in a humid rapidly urbanizing watershed in southern China (Hao, Sun, Liu, Wan, et al., 2015).
Surprisingly, some studies did not find any significant impacts of urbanization on water yield (Konrad
et al., 2002; Kumar et al., 2018; Rose & Peters, 2001; Rouge & Cai, 2014). The observed variability of hydro-
logic response to urbanization has been attributed to the differences in the magnitude of urbanization
(e.g., imperviousness; Weng, 2001), local climate (e.g., rainfall and temperature) (Ahmed et al., 2017),
LULC characteristics (Kundu et al., 2017b), and temporal scale examined (Weng, 2001). However, to our
knowledge, there has not been a comprehensive effort to evaluate the relative effects of these factors on
hydrologic response to urbanization at a large scale. Therefore, there is a critical need to comprehensively
quantify the potential impacts of future urbanization on water balances across a diverse climate, LULC,
and urbanization features. Such information is extremely important for urban planning and land manage-
ment at a broad scale (Grimm, Foster, et al., 2008) to allocate limited watershed ecosystem restoration
resources effectively.
Our current scientific understanding of the hydrologic impacts of urbanization is mostly based on small
scale theoretical modeling using traditional engineering principles (Livingston & McCarron, 1992) that often
ignores the role of vegetation (Wang et al., 2008). Empirical monitoring or retrospective studies (Oudin
et al., 2018) are challenged by the effects of concomitant climatic change and variability (Martin et al., 2017;
Todd et al., 2007) that are often coupled with the urbanization processes (Kumar et al., 2018; Pumo
et al., 2017; Putro et al., 2016; Zipper et al., 2018). The traditional “Paired Watershed” approach for detecting
the hydrologic effects of a single factor of land cover change such as forest harvesting is generally not applic-
able to urbanization research (e.g., Baltimore Urban Long Term Ecological Research; Bhaskar &
Welty, 2012), although quasi‐paired watershed studies have been attempted (Boggs & Sun, 2011).
Budyko‐based empirical (Teuling et al., 2019; Wang & Hejazi, 2011; Zhou et al., 2015) and process‐based
mathematical models (Hao, Sun, Liu, & Qian, 2015; Li et al., 2016; Pumo et al., 2017; Zipper et al., 2018) have
been used to project the hydrologic effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances including urbaniza-
tion and climate change and variability for individual watersheds.
The motivation of this study was to assess the combined effects of urbanization‐associated land use/land
cover change (LULCC) and the underlying spatially varied climate on water balances by employing a
well‐tested ecohydrological model at the 12‐digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) watershed scale across the
conterminous United States (CONUS). The CONUS includes approximately 88,000 HUC12 watersheds
and covers a large gradient of urbanization intensities and climates. A consistent set of climatic and biophy-
sical data offers a unique opportunity to examine the watershed hydrologic sensitivity to urbanization under
a complex climatic and disturbance gradient at the national scale.
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Water Resources Research 10.1029/2019WR026574
We hypothesized that “hydrologic impacts of urbanization are not created equal.” Specifically, our hypoth-
eses were as follows: (1) water yield increases due to both increases in impervious surface area and loss of
vegetation and ET (Hypothesis 1–H1) and (2) the magnitude of water yield change varies according to local
climate characteristics, the types of previous land cover (e.g., grassland, shrubland, or barren with low bio-
mass and forest with high biomass or wetland with high water availability), and the magnitude of LULC and
impervious surface change (Hypothesis 2–H2). These hypotheses were used to guide our modeling analysis
to understand key controls of hydrologic responses to urbanization at a national scale.
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Water Resources Research 10.1029/2019WR026574
Table 1
A Summary of Databases Used for WaSSI Model Parameterization, Validation, and Key Model Simulation Outputs
Data and purposes Temporal and spatial resolution Data sources
Future land use and land cover 2000, 2010, 2050, 2100; 90 × 90 m Additional impervious EPA; ICLUS version 2.1; (U.S. EPA, 2017); future LULC
(LULC), impervious surface as surface data of 2006 for model validation. projected by the fifth scenario among the five global
model input socioeconomic scenarios (SSP5)
Land cover and land use data as model 2006; 30 × 30 m National Land Cover Database (NLCD) https://www.
validation mrlc.gov/national-land-cover-database-nlcd-2016
Historical climate 1961–2010; 4 × 4 km PRISM (http://www.prism.oregonstate.ed)
(monthly precipitation, temperature) as
model input
Leaf Area Index (LAI) as model input 2000–2012; 1 × 1 km Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MODIS) (Zhao et al., 2005)
Eleven soil parameters For SAC‐SMA soil model; 1 × 1 km STATSGO (https://water.usgs.gov/GIS/metadata/
Streamflow for model validation 1990–2009; monthly data from 717 USGS (https://waterdata.usgs.gov)
gauged watersheds
WaSSI model outputs: water balances Monthly, annual WaSSI model (https://web.wassiweb.fs.usda.gov/)
including evapotranspiration and
water yield
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Water Resources Research 10.1029/2019WR026574
the coastline with missing land use data or were entirely covered with water were excluded in this analysis.
As a result, a total of 81,900 watersheds were used for final analysis.
This study was designed to examine future impact of land use change alone and did not intend to address the
impacts of future climate change on watershed hydrology and ecosystem dynamics; thus, we assumed a sta-
tic climate of the time period of 1961–2010 for all scenario analysis. Similarly, this study assumed that LAI
values for each land use would not change over time from 2000 to 2100. The year 2000 was considered as the
baseline year. Recent year (2010), and future years 2050 and 2100 had different land use and impervious sur-
face patterns from the baseline. The future impacts of urbanization on water yield were evaluated by both
absolute change (millimeter of change in water yield) and relative change (percentage change relative to
the baseline). Essentially, this study tested the sensitivity of water yield and ET responses to projected change
in urban land and impervious surface area in recent (2010), middle term (2050), and long term (2100) future
urbanization conditions.
Future LULC projections suggested that, among the 81,900 HUC12 watersheds, 30%–50% of watersheds
were projected to have no changes in urban area for the three future study periods, 2010, 2050, and 2100.
So, we focused our analysis on watersheds projected to increase in urban areas over time: 48,368 watersheds
for year 2010, 51,640 watersheds for year 2050, and 54,705 watersheds for year 2100.
2.5. Attribution Analyses on the Key Factors Controlling Water Yield Responses to Urbanization
Based on previous studies (Ahmed et al., 2017; Kumar et al., 2018; Oudin et al., 2018; Weng, 2001), three
groups of influential factors that control the water yield response were identified for in‐depth attribution
analysis. These factors included: (1) historical climatic variables including temperature (TEMP) and precipi-
tation (P), (2) LULC characteristics at the baseline (year 2000) expressed as percentage of forest (For00),
shrubland (Shru00), grassland (Gras00), cropland (Crop00), water (Wat00), wetland (Wet00), and urban
(Urb00) covers, (3) change in LULC expressed as the absolute or relative change of a certain land cove type
during 2000–2010, 2000–2050, and 2000–2100 periods. All the previous land cover characteristics and LULC
changes were denoted by the first three or four letters of the land cover type with the source year or time per-
iod attached. For example, forest fraction in 2000 and its changes from 2000 to 2050 were denoted by For00
and For0050, respectively, and (4) change in impervious surface fraction during 2000–2010, 2000–2050, and
2000–2100, expressed by IMP0010, IMP0050, and IMP00100, respectively. All variables were standardized
with a zero mean and standardized deviation of 1.0 for attribution analysis.
To test Hypothesis 1 (H1; i.e., the increase in water yield is caused by an increase in impervious surface, and
loss of vegetation and ET), we used Standardized Stepwise regression to explore the relationships between
absolute change in water yield (ΔQ) and absolute change in impervious surface, and the role of ET. Prior
to stepwise regression analysis, independent variables with significant multilinearity (i.e., Variance
Inflation Factor [VIF] >5 or tolerance <0.02) were removed. Because the independent variables were stan-
dardized, the stepwise regression coefficients were directly compared for determining the relative influences
among the independent variables.
To test Hypothesis #2 (H2; i.e., spatially varied hydrologic responses to urbanization), ordinary Least
Squared Regression (OLS), and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) were conducted (Li et al., 2017).
OLS, as a global linear regression model, assumes spatial stationarity relationships between dependent and
independent variables. In contrast, GWR, considered a local regression model, assumes spatially nonstation-
ary relationship across variables and fits a regression model with a focus on neighboring observations
around a watershed in this study. We used an adaptive bandwidth by golden section search and Gaussian
function weighting methods to improve the goodness of fit of the GWR model with the minimum corrected
Akaike Information Criterion (AICc). To evaluate the GWR against the OLS method, we used the same inde-
pendent variables selected by the standardized stepwise regression model discussed above (Table S1 in the
supporting information). The GWR analysis was conducted using the software of GWR 4.0 (National
University of Ireland, Ireland and Ritsumeikan University, Japan). We used the F test, a built‐in geographi-
cal variability test in GWR 4.0 software, to determine whether there is a spatial variable relationship between
variables and ΔQ.
The global Moran's I index was adopted to test the spatial autocorrelation of the residuals for both the GWR
and the OLS models using GeoDa0.9.5‐I (Beta; The Regents of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois,
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Water Resources Research 10.1029/2019WR026574
USA). Theoretical and algorithm descriptions of GWR method are found in Li et al. (2017). Because the large
sample size (54,705 watersheds) exceeded the maximum computing capacity of the GWR software, this
study only focused on data analysis at the HUC8 watershed scale that included 2,100 watersheds. The
GWR analysis was conducted to demonstrate the advantages of GWR method over OLS in understanding
the spatial variability of controlling factors explaining the hydrologic effects of urbanization across the
3. Results
3.1. Model Validation
WaSSI model validation results were analyzed for each of the 717 watersheds for a 20‐year time period
(1990–2009) at both monthly and annual scale. These watersheds covered a large gradient of climatic regime
with annual average precipitation ranging from 226 to 3,019 mm, estimated annual PET from 332 to
1,321 mm, and measured annual streamflow (Q) varying from none to 2,500 mm. The modeled annual Q
values significantly correlated with those from USGS measurements at both annual (adjusted R2 = 0.88,
p < 0.05, Figure 1a) and monthly (adjusted R2 = 0.74, p < 0.05, Figure 1b) scales. Overall, the modeled
annual Q values (Mean ± SD 472 ± 283 mm) were 5% higher than measurements (448 ± 342 mm) across
the 717 watersheds for the 20‐year study period (1990–2009).
Model performance as quantified by selected evaluation criteria varied greatly across space (Figures 2a–2d).
For example, about 422 or 59% of the 717 watersheds had an adjusted R2 value higher than 0.8 and 5% or 35
watersheds had adjusted R2 less than 0.4 at the annual scale (Figure 2a). The watersheds with low R2 (<0.5)
were located in Middle West regions and Texas where measured Q ranged 1–658 mm (mean = 200 mm) and
modeled Q ranging 17–988 mm (mean = 261 mm). The NSE varied from negative values mostly in the
Middle West regions (about 203 watersheds or 28%) to greater than 0.5 (377 watersheds or 53%) found in
other regions (Figure 2c). Overall, 426 watersheds or 59% of the watersheds had NSE > 0.4 at the annual
scale while 529 watersheds or 74% of the watersheds had NSE > 0.4 at the monthly scale.
Both NSE and R2 varied greatly in space, and they did not correlate significantly. However, in general, water-
sheds that had low NSE values (<0.2) had wider range of R2 (0.1–0.9) than watersheds having high NSE. For
example, watershed that had high NSE (>0.5) had a high R2 with a narrow range (0.5–0.9). Similarly, RSME
(mean = 116 mm) varied greatly corresponding to the spatial pattern of NSE and adjusted R2, ranging from
15 to 603 mm at the annual scale. The spatial patterns of monthly‐scale adjusted R2, NSE, and RSME were
similar to those found at the annual scale (Figures 2b and 2d).
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Water Resources Research 10.1029/2019WR026574
Figure 1. Scatter plot to show correlations between water yield (Q) simulated by the WaSSI model (QWaSSI) and measured (QUSGS) at 717 USGS gaging stations
(109 nonreference and 608 reference watersheds) from 1990 to 2009: (a) annual scale (sample size, n = 14,340) and (b) monthly scale (n = 172,080). Locations of
the watersheds presented in the insert map.
for 2010, 2050, and 2100 periods (Figures 4b–4d and S6). The mean ΔQ was estimated as 2.8 ± 5.7 mm,
6.2 ± 12.6 mm, and 11.7 ± 22.9 mm for 2010, 2050 and 2100 periods, respectively. For a few watersheds,
ΔQ was as high as 254 mm or a 10 folds in relative change from 2000 to 2100 (Figure 4d). Similar to the
spatial distribution of urbanization, ΔQ is most obvious in the eastern United States (Figures 4b–4d).
However, the relative change in water yield was most pronounced in western United States where baseline
water yield was low (Figure S6). Water yield increased by more than 50% in some watersheds in western
regions such as New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California (Figure S6).
Overall, watershed water yield increased with the increase in impervious surface (Figures 5, S7, S8, and S9),
but not as obvious with urban area fraction (Figure S10). The increase in impervious area explained 80%–
85% of the variance of water yield rise. In addition, climate apparently greatly influenced hydrologic
responses (Figures 5, S7, S8, and S9). Wetter watersheds (wetness index P/PET≥1) generally had a higher
ΔQ response to the increase in imperviopus area and urban area. Drier watersheds (P/PET<1) displayed a
more varied response of urban expansion to water yield (Figures 5, S7, and S8). In some extreme cases,
Figure 2. The WaSSI model performance is evaluated using water yield measurements across 717 USGS gauged watersheds for 1990–2009. Spatial distributions of
model validation statistics: (a) and (b) adjusted coefficients of determination (R ) at annual and monthly scales, respectively, (c) and (d) Nash‐Sutcliffe model
efficiency (NSE) at annual and monthly scales, respectively.
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Water Resources Research 10.1029/2019WR026574
Figure 3. The number of watersheds and relative change in urban area fraction (a, b) and impervious surface area fraction (c, d). The squares in box charts
(b, d) represent the mean value of the relative change, while the solid lines represent the median. The lower and upper whiskers represent the 5th and 95th
percentiles of the relative change, respectively.
Figure 4. Spatial distribution of water yield in 2000 (a) and the absolute change in water yield during 2000–2010 (b), 2000–2050 (c), and 2000–2100 (d) for
urbanized watersheds at an HUC12 scale. Blank watershed areas represent no change in urban area. A few watersheds have a small decrease in water yield
due to an increase in leaf areas index as a result of LULCC.
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Water Resources Research 10.1029/2019WR026574
4. Discussion
4.1. WaSSI Model Accuracy for Regional Applications
In contrast to previous empirical studies on the effects of urbanization on streamflow in the United States
(Boggs & Sun, 2011; Oudin et al., 2018; Wang & Hejazi, 2011), the present process‐based study represents
the first wall‐to‐wall assessment on the potential hydrologic responses to future urbanization across
CONUS. Such a large scale study offers insights to a spectrum of hydrological responses to urbanization
and identifies model strength and weakness under various conditions.
Extensive model validation with streamflow measurements at 717 gaging stations that included both refer-
ences and nonreferenced watershed offered a few insights on large scale hydrologic modeling. First, spatial
patterns of the accuracy of the uncalibrated WaSSI model was comparable to other calibrated, physically
based models that require more climate and parameter data such as the Variable Infiltration Capacity
(VIC) model (Yang et al., 2019). WaSSI model tended to overestimate water yield in the Midwest dry regions
in general, but performed better in the wet southeastern United States (precipitation > 1,200 mm;
Q > 500 mm) than in dry regions (Q < 500 mm) as judged by R2 and NSE (Figure 2). Similar to McCabe
and Wolock (2011), model bias, when expressed as a percentage of the mean‐monthly runoff, can be very
large in arid regions where runoff magnitudes are low. The WaSSI modeling results were consistent with
findings in VIC for the United States (Yang et al., 2019) and globally (Lin et al., 2019). The relatively poor
performance in arid and semiarid Middle West regions by VIC was attributed to both model structural
and forcing deficiencies (Yang et al., 2019). Model calibration by adjusting soil parameters (e.g., thickness
of soils) affecting infiltration and baseflow slightly improved model performance (Yang et al., 2019).
Similarly, McCabe and Wolock (2011) applied a monthly USGS water balance model across 735 USGS
gauges over the conterminous United States, with a similar distribution of correlation coefficient between
predicted and measured Q (i.e., median 0.78, 25th percentile 0.61, and 75th percentile 0.87) to that of this
study (median 0.83, 25th percentile 0.72, and 75th percentile 0.88 for the referenced watersheds), and a
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Water Resources Research 10.1029/2019WR026574
Figure 8. Two examples illustrate the differential hydrologic responses to urbanization in two watersheds with contrasting climate and land use and land covers:
(a) forested, cool and wet climate in Pennsylvania in the eastern United States and (b) urban, warm and dry climate in California in the western United States. The
annual water balances are simulated with the WaSSI hydrological model.
similar spatial pattern of model performance at the annual scale. Other popular models applied to the United
States also tended to overestimate runoff in the Great Plains and parts of the Southwest. Performance of
SWAT‐HUMUS (Arnold et al., 1999), the USGS model (Hay & McCabe, 2002), and the “abcd” model
(Martinez & Gupta, 2010) exhibited similar regional patterns. Poor model performance in the west has been
primarily attributed to the coarse model spatial resolution relative to precipitation distribution and in the
mid‐west to inadequate representation of irrigation (Arnold et al., 1999) and a lack of simulation of ground-
water exchange processes (Nijssen et al., 1997). In the Northeast, Southeast, eastern Midwest, and Northwest
where the WaSSI model performed well, these models also performed well. The monthly NSE reported for
the USGS and “abcd” models were generally higher than those for the WaSSI model in the regions where all
the models perform well. But that is to be expected due to the extensive calibration process used to parame-
terize these models, and the precipitation bias correction applied to the weather input data in the case of the
USGS water balance model. The performance of the WaSSI model appears to be equal to or slightly better
than the “abcd” model performance during the independent evaluation period.
The comparisons above among model performances suggested that human activities such as groundwater
withdrawal for crop irrigation and methods of streamflow measurements at the USGS gaging stations
might explain most of the modeling errors. In addition, water yield from uplands could be lost to ground-
water through river bed recharge in ephemeral streams (McCabe & Wolock, 2011). This process was not
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Figure 9. Spatial distributions of local R (a) and local coefficients (b–f) for the relationship between the change in water yield and controlling factors during
2000–2050 at the HUC8 scale as determined by the geographically weighted regression (GWR) model. Coefficient greater than 0, smaller than 0, and not
significant represents positive, negative, and insignificant correlations. Blank areas represent no change in urban area. P and Urb00 represent precipitation and
magnitude of urban land for the baseline in year 2000. IMP0050, Urb0050, and For0050 represent the change in impervious surface area, urban area, and forest
from 2000 to 2050, respectively.
considered in WaSSI and is not typically considered in large‐scale hydrologic models in general. One
generalized hydrological model may not fit all watersheds, even for undisturbed watersheds (i.e.,
“losing streams”). The WaSSI models were developed using generalized algorithms for ET, soil water
routing, and simple treatments of groundwater and subsurface flow at a monthly scale. Similar to VIC
and other models mentioned above, such a model structure appeared to work well for humid regions,
but further model improvements and soil parameter calibrations are warranted for better describing
watershed water balances in the Middle West region (Yang et al., 2019). Fortunately, model
deficiencies are not likely to severely affect modeling results of the present study because most of the
projected urbanization (Figures S1–S4) and its effects were found in the humid regions (Figure 4).
4.2. The Dominant Role of Impervious Surface, Previous LULC, and Background Climate in
Influencing Hydrologic Response to Urbanization
While ΔQ was small at the CONUS scale, it was as high as 250 mm/year for some watersheds that had pre-
viously experienced urbanization (Figures 4 and S6). Indeed, hydrologic effects of urbanization were rather
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Water Resources Research 10.1029/2019WR026574
local and were extremely variable across the CONUS in terms of both
absolute and relative changes. Several factors emerged to best explain
the variability of hydrologic effects of urbanization in the United States.
1. Impervious surface. As expected, water yield responded direct and
positively to the increases in impervious surfaces area (Figure 5) and
negatively to the reduction of ET over time. The increase in water yield
is a direct result of increased partitioning of precipitation to overland
flow and a reduction in ET. Both effects were associated with an
increase in impervious land and removal of vegetated surfaces. These
findings are consistent with previous empirical (e.g., Oudin et al., 2018;
Shooshtari et al., 2017) and modeling studies (Anand et al., 2018;
Kundu et al., 2017a, 2017b; Marhaento et al., 2017). It is generally
believed that urbanization increases in imperviousness, decreases in
green areas, decreases soil infiltration capacity (Price, 2011), reduces
Figure 10. Local regression coefficients for the relationship between the ET (Boggs & Sun, 2011; Hao, Sun, Liu, Wan, et al., 2015), and thus ele-
change in water yield and the controlling factors during 2000–2050 at the
vates stormflow volume (Gwenzi & Nyamadzawo, 2014; Kundu
HUC8 watershed scale as determined by the geographically weighted
regression model. The square in the box plot represents the mean value of et al., 2017b). Our study suggests that the increase in impervious sur-
the coefficients, while solid line represents the median. The lower and faces and associated hydrologic change will be most pronounced in
upper whisker represents the 5th percentile and 95th percentile of the urban watersheds under future urban sprawl. In other words, existing
coefficients, respectively. P, Urb00, Wat00, Shru00, represent precipitation,
urban watersheds will become more urbanized in the future and the
and magnitude of urban land, waterbody, and shrublands for the baseline
in year 2000. IMP0050, Urb0050, Crop0050, For0050, and Wet0050 hydrologic change is expected to be most obvious in these watersheds
represent the change in impervious surface area, urban area, crop land, as impervious surface fraction rates continue to rise.
forest land, and wetland from 2000 to 2050, respectively. 2. Local climate. Background climate, precipitation in particular, was
identified to significantly influence the watershed hydrologic response
to urbanization. While the absolute change in water yield in response to urbanization (i.e., increase in
impervious surface) was found to be more pronounced in eastern United States (Figures 4 and 5) where
humid climate, large forest coverage, and high runoff ratio (i.e., Q/P) dominate the landscapes (Petersen
et al., 2012), the relative change in water yield was more obvious in western United States. These results
were consistent with global experimental studies on the effects of forest vegetation removal on stream-
flow and ET (Evaristo & McDonnell, 2019; Zhou et al., 2015). Regions with higher precipitation had
higher change in direct runoff in response to the increase in impervious surfaces than drier regions.
The response of watershed ET to vegetation conversion from forests with higher biomass and deeper
roots to grass with lower biomass and shallower roots is not linear to wetness. ET for watersheds with
the dryness index (P/PET) being close to unity is most sensitive to land cover change (Zhang et al., 2004).
3. LULC prior to urbanization. Previous LULC turned out to be an important factor explaining the variabil-
ity of hydrologic response to urbanization. For example, watersheds dominated by forests or wetlands
were most sensitive to change in impervious surface among all LULC (Figure 7). Because forest water-
sheds are located in wet region and forests and wetlands have higher ET, any change to impervious areas
(ET reduced to zero) will have higher change in water yield. However, the magnitude of water yield
change in a watershed depends on the total change impervious surface. As indicated by Figure S10, urban
watersheds generally have higher or more change of impervious surface than forest watersheds as a
result of urban sprawls, that is, urban watersheds are becoming more urbanized. Consequently, urban
watersheds had the greatest response among all types of watersheds (Figure 6). Previous studies also
found that the changes in water yield in urban dominated watersheds seemed to be more sensitive to a
greater level of urban expansion than the nonurban dominated watershed (Kumar et al., 2018; Putro
et al., 2016; Rouge & Cai, 2014).
Different watersheds have various processes in partitioning precipitation into ET, streamflow, and soil water
storage depending on vegetation covers. Forested watersheds with high leaf area, deep roots, and high soil
permeability generally have higher ET rates (G. Sun, Domec, et al., 2016) and thus lower water yield than
highly urbanized watersheds (Boggs & Sun, 2011; Ekness & Randhir, 2015). Similarly, wetland watersheds
have little soil water stress and thus ET are close PET (Sun, Alstad, et al., 2011), and when forests or wetlands
are converted to “dry” impervious surfaces or lawns, ET is dramatically reduced (Hao, Sun, Liu, &
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Water Resources Research 10.1029/2019WR026574
Qian, 2015). In fact, this study assumes that ET is reduced to zero when all lands in a watershed are con-
verted to impervious surfaces. Thus, change in ET or ΔQ is the highest in watersheds previously having high-
est ET such as wetlands or forests.
In summary, although the dominant factors controlling hydrologic responses varied across the CONUS and
through time, the continued increase in impervious surface especially in previously urbanized areas, and
background precipitation patterns contributed most to future ΔQ. Water yields in watersheds that are domi-
nated by forests, wetlands, and urban lands are most responsive to further increase in impervious surfaces,
or vulnerable to urban sprawls.
4.3. Implications to Watershed Management
Our study found that increasing impervious surface areas resulted in elevated water yield through increased
direct runoff and reduced water loss by ET. This finding is not new, but the spatial variabilities of hydrologic
responses across CONUS quantified by this study provide insights about mechanisms of how future urbani-
zation affects watershed hydrology.
The previous conceptual illustration by Livingston and McCarron (1992) has been widely cited in the litera-
ture (Arnold & Gibbons, 1996; Paul & Meyer, 2001) and used by U.S. EPA (2003) as a guide for stormwater
management. However, the reported ET/P ratio of 40% for natural watersheds in those literture was much
lower than what we found in the present study as demostrated in Figure 8 and previous studies (Boggs &
Sun, 2011; G. Sun, Domec, et al., 2016; Sun, Caldwell, et al., 2011). Simairly, a USGS study on national level
ET (Sanford & Selnick, 2012) indicated that ET/P is much higher than 40% in majority of lower 48 states of
the United States. Thus, we argue that the “generic approximation” model developed by Livingston and
McCarron (1992) might have sustantially underestimated watershed ET rates and the impacts of vegetation
removal on stromwater runoff (ΔQ). Our study suggests that the role of vegetation in regulating water cycle
(i.e., ET and water yield) in urban watersheds might have been underestimated previously.
Our findings have important implications to watershed management that aims at hydrologic impacts of
urbanization. First, maintaining ET, the “biological drainage,” is important in controlling urban stormflow
(Hao, Sun, Liu, Wan, et al., 2015). Vegetated lands such as forested patches help to reduce frequent flooding
risk (Palmer & Montagna, 2015) as well as urban non‐point source water pollution (Li et al., 2016; Sun &
Lockaby, 2012) due to the high ET rates as well as great water and nutrient cycling capacity of forests.
Land use planners that aim at reducing storm runoff in urbanized watersheds should direct resources to
urban green infrastructure and low impact development practices to maximize both ET and infiltration rates
(Ekness & Randhir, 2015). Second, the hydrologic impacts of urbanization are highly variable in space as a
result of climatic differences in the United States. To offset the negative hydrologic impacts of urban inten-
sification across the humid southeastern United States, one of the most vulnerable regions identified by this
study, watershed managers may consider practices that increase vegetation coverage, and create, restore,
and protect existing wetlands (Sun & Lockaby, 2012). In contrast, planting trees or other greening efforts
in dry and water‐stressed regions (Gwenzi & Nyamadzawo, 2014) should take caution because city greening
might bear high cost including irrigation and may aggravate water scarcity downstream and in groundwater
(Lang et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2009). Thus, local and national planning and resource management agencies
must consider local watershed and background climate conditions. In addition, the trade‐off between runoff
reduction and costs borne by landowners for building green infrastructure (Ekness & Randhir, 2015) or food
security in populated areas (Bieger et al., 2015) should be considered.
4.4. Uncertainty and Future Studies
This study integrated projected trends of LULCC, historical climate, vegetation and soil characteristics, and
key watershed hydrological processes under a modeling framework. Using a set of consistent databases and
a single validated model offered spatial comparisons of the likely range of magnitude of water yield response
to urbanization at a middle (2050) and a long‐term (2100) time horizons across the CONUS. The GWR model
provides insights on the factors affecting hydrologic responses to future projected urbanization in difference
regions in the United States. In spite of the advantages of this comprehensive approach, uncertainties exist in
model structure and input data, and future studies are needed.
The hydrology of urbanizing watersheds with mixed LULC is complex, and many processes coexist simulta-
neously. For example, the WaSSI model assumes that the runoff from impervious surfaces goes directly to a
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Water Resources Research 10.1029/2019WR026574
stream without having the opportunity to infiltrate the soil downslope of an area of impervious surface or to
be retained in some sort of storm water control structure (e.g., detention ponds). This assumption might
result in underestimates of ET by 1–5% (Lull & Sopper, 1969), and thus somewhat overestimate water yield,
especially across dry regions of the CONUS. LAI is a major biophysical variable that control ecosystem ET
(Sun, Alstad, et al., 2011). However, LAI products for urban lands are rare. This study estimated LAI values
for urban core areas using MODIS LAI means of grid cells surrounding urban areas. This approximation
might cause an overestimate of LAI for urban lands, thus overestimate ET, resulting in an underestimate
of associated impacts on water yield. For future projections of LAI, because the MODIS LAI data set was
independent and had a different spatial resolution from the ICLUS data, LAI of urban land could end up
higher than previous land cover for nearly 3,000 watersheds. The direct effect was that future areas might
have a higher ET and lower water yield during future periods. However, such scenarios (i.e., increase in
ET under urbanization) could occur in certain urban areas where trees are planted or a significant amount
of irrigation is used to maintain vegetation covers. In addition to vegetation and impervious surfaces, soil
properties such as infiltration capacity, porosity, and hydraulic conductivity affect infiltration rates and tim-
ing of subsurface flows (Price, 2011). Change in soil properties was not considered in WaSSI, and this model
deficiency might have caused underestimation of hydrologic response to urbanization, especially at the
monthly scale.
To separate the effects of urbanization from climate change and variability, this study assumed that a static
climate represented by a reference period of 1961–2010 would hold for future year 2050 and year 2100.
However, climate change impacts, including increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration, air temperature,
and a higher frequency in extreme events, are expected in the 21st century (Wuebbles et al., 2017). These
changes will no doubt affect watershed water balances (Martin et al., 2017; Vose et al., 2016) and water
use and demand by humans (Sanchez et al., 2018). Thus, the hydrologic effects of urbanization are not likely
to occur in isolation but act together with climate change. The effects of climate and urbanization can be
additive or offsetting (Kundu et al., 2017a; Putro et al., 2016; Todd et al., 2007). Under multiple future stres-
sors such as land use change, water demand, and climate change, projecting local water resources can be
extremely complex and challenging (Sun et al., 2008). We recognize that climate is a major driver of hydro-
logic response to urbanization; therefore, climate change is essential for future comprehensive realistic
assessments of urbanization impacts on water quantity and quality, and other emerging issues such as
UHI and Urban Dry Island (Hao et al., 2018; Luo & Lau, 2019) and ecosystem productivity (Li et al., 2020).
5. Conclusions
We conducted the first of its kind urbanization impact study on watershed water balances at a national scale.
We found that spatially varied hydrologic changes were closely associated to urban intensification patterns,
LULC, and background climate. The hydrologic response was most pronounced in the southeastern United
States, a region with generally higher precipitation amount and variances, forest coverage, and wetlands
than in western United States. The increase in water yield was mainly due to the increase in impervious sur-
faces and decrease in ET associated with vegetation losses.
Our study confirms the hypothesis that “hydrologic impacts of urbanization are not created equal” across
both time and space. Our study suggests that cost‐effective environmental management measures and stra-
tegies must be designed to fit local watershed conditions. To reduce environmental impacts from urbaniza-
tion, maintaining ecosystem ET capacity or “biological drainage” in urbanizing watersheds through
conserving forests and wetlands or developing other “green infrastructure” is important in addition to other
methods of minimizing impervious surfaces. Our study results support the idea of “Keeping forest lands as
forests” in an urbanizing world to maintain watershed functions and many benefits that they provide to
human‐dominated urban ecosystems.
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