Lesson Plan - Tessellation-Realon, J.R.

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I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, student will be able to;
1. Define tessellations and recognize shapes that can tessellate or not.
2. Tessellate the plane using triangles, squares and other shapes that can tessellate.
3. Show actively participation in class and value the things around us.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Tessellation
B. Reference: Tessellation. (2018). Retrieved from Mathisfun:
C. Materials: Printed Materials, Online Games, Cutouts Shapes and PowerPoint
D. Values: Creativity and Participation

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
I. Preliminary Activity

Let’s bow our head and all feel the present of the Angel of guard, My guardian
Lord and let us Pray. dear ….
In the name of the Father…… Amen.

Good morning class. Good morning Teacher Ma’am,

Good morning Classmates

Class I will check your attendance first.

Please say “present” as I call your name.
Arboleda, Angelique Present Ma’am
Ventura, Arvin Present Ma’am
That’s great, no one is
absent for today.
Ok let’s start.

A. Review

Class, anyone who can summarize what we tackle

last meeting? Yes, Arvin? Ma’am, our lesson yesterday
was symmetry.
Symmetry-Shapes or object have
symmetry when you can draw
line that will divide them into
two equal parts.
Again what was our lesson last meeting Cristine? Ma’am, our lesson yesterday
was all about symmetry
That’s great! Now let me check your skill on
identifying symmetry. Answer this activity.

Identify if it is Symmetry or Not

1. 4. 1. SYMMETRY
2. NOT
2. 5. 3. SYMMETRY
5. NOT

All your answers are correct. Good job class!

B. Motivation
I can see that you are now ready for our next lesson
but before that, we will play a game called what’s is
in the box? Are you ready? Yes, Mam

Good job class! All your answers are correct.

Let’s do a Good Job Clap.

Do you know how to do that clap?

It’s ok, I will show you how to do it first then you
will follow ok? (The teacher will show how to do
“Good Job’ ’clap)

Now class it’s your turn. (Do a Good Job Clap)

What have you notice in our game? Mam they have shapes and

Okay very good class!

II. Lesson Proper

1. Presenting the Lesson

A. Discussion

Did you have a tiles in your home? How they look Yes,
What did you notice in this pictures? It has a patterns, shapes and no
Very good! That are an example of a tessellation

- Repeated pattern or arrangement of shapes
that can fill any space with no gaps or
overlapping edges.
- Units shape is a shape that is repeated over
and over again to form a pattern

Shape that can be tessellate

 Square
 Triangle (Try to tessellate shapes)
 Rectangle
 Hexagon

Can we tessellate these shapes?

 Pentagon
 Circle
 Octagon
Try to Tessellate Shapes with this link:

But there’s more! There are 2 kinds of tessellation

the first one is what we called a regular tessellation.
Did you know what is this? Let’s find out

Regular Tessellation
- is a pattern made by repeating a regular

There are only 3 regular tessellations:

What shape it is?

Triangle, Square, Hexagon
RULE #1: The tessellation must tile a floor (that
goes on forever) with no overlapping or gaps.
RULE #2: The tiles must be regular polygons - and
all the same.
RULE #3: Each vertex must look the same.

Look at this pictures. Identify what it is.

- What shape did you see?

Did you know what it is?

That’s is what we called Vertex.

A vertex is just a "corner point"

- How many triangles meet the vertex? (Children counts) 6 Triangles

- How many sides does it have? Each triangle has three sides

6 Triangles meet at this vertex,

and a triangle has 3 sides.

So this is called a "" tessellation.

What do you call to this tessellation? A tessellation of triangles

Very Good Class!

How about this figure.

- What shapes meet the vertex? Square

Let’s count the shapes and its sides.
Four Square meet at this vertex,
- How may polygons do you count? and a hexagon has 4 sides.
- How many sides does it have?

So this is called a "" tessellation.

What do you call to this tessellation? A tessellation of square

Next Figure.

- What shapes meet the vertex? Hexagon

Let’s count the shapes and its sides.

- How may polygons do you count? 3 hexagons

- How many sides does it have? 6 sides

So this is called a “6.6.6” tessellation

What do you call to this tessellation? A tessellation of hexagon

Look around and find some repeated pattern in your

room or house. What did you see? Window, floor tiles, ceiling
What do you think is kind of tessellation is that? Regular Tessellation

Another kind of tessellation is a Semi-Regular


Semi-Regular Tessellations
- made of two or more regular polygons. The
pattern at each vertex must be the same!

There are only 8 semi-regular tessellations:

 To name a tessellation, go around a vertex

and write down how many sides each
polygon has, in order ... like "3.12.12".

 Always start at the polygon with the least

number of sides, so "3.12.12", not "12.3.12"

For the tessellations above, is the pattern the same at

each vertex? Yes

B. Application

Performing Activity
 Colored Paper
 Scissors
 Glue/paste
 Cut out shapes

Direction: Create your own tessellation either

regular or semi-regular tessellation. Use different (Students will do the activity)
kind of polygons and make sure there is not gap
between the shapes. Present it in the class.

I will give you 5 minutes to do your work. You may

start good luck children.

Examples: (Presentation)

Good Job Class, all your works is amazing you are

all creative let’s do the Good Job Clap!

Define Tessellation?
Ma’am a tessellation is created
when a shape or set of shape is
repeated over and over again
covering a plane without any
gaps or overlaps.

What are the 2 kinds of tessellation? Regular and Semi-Regular

Tessellation Ma’am.
Good job Class!
Remember: Tessellation is simply repeating pattern.
You have to make sure that the shapes fit together
leaving no spaces/gaps. I want to remind you that
you can rotate the figures that can tessellate to
make tessellation pattern. Symmetry is one of the
important part of tessellation. Also remember that
when you make a tessellation pattern it must
maintain a format and in general, it should be
pleasing to the eye.

Did you understand? Yes, Mam

Okay, good to know class.
Before we end up this discussion let’s have an

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Tell whether the given design shows
tessellation. Write Tessellate and Not Tessellate


1. Not Tessellate
2. Tessellate
3. Not Tessellate
2. 4. Tessellate
5. Tessellate



V. Assignment

Direction: Choose the figure which can tessellate.

Make a cut-out of that figure using a colored paper
and make a design showing tessellation.

Class, do you have any question? So

that’s all for today.

Thank you for participation. I hope you learn Goodbye Ma’am and Goodbye
something today. See you next meeting! Goodbye. Classmates.

Prepared by:
Johanna R. Realon

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