First Aid
First Aid
First Aid
- First aid is the prompt treatment of people who become ill or injured.
For example, in an accident, first aid is used to assist an injured person until
they can receive medical treatment. When it comes to more serious injuries,
first aid is critical in keeping a casualty from causing and in stabilizing their
- The importance of first aid is that It can save money because if you know
how to properly treat a wound or minor burn, you won't accidentally make it
worse, get an infection, and need to go to the doctor. It reduces recovery time,
knowing first aid can significantly reduce your fear of medical emergencies,
identify yourself as a first aider or have an identification that you are capable
care for the most serious injury first, and handle the victim with the greatest
care. Do not think the worst or don’t let your thoughts consume you
negatively, don’t further harm the victim, do not let the victim see his/her
injury, do not leave the victim, do not make unrealistic promises, and do not
vigilant, gentle when touching the victim's different parts of the body, cheerful
comfort and relieve the patient's pain, whether physical, emotional, or mental,
Snake and spider bites, Burns, Blisters, Seizure, Choking, and lastly, when